Fall 2023 - EDU302 - 1

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Human Development and Learning (EDU-302)

Assignment 1 (Fall-2023)
Total Marks: 20
Lectures: 1-18 (Topics: 1-60)


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uploaded the correct file. The wrong file will also be marked zero.
 Plagiarism will never be tolerated. Plagiarism occurs when taking or copying someone
else work and or ideas and submitting this as your own. Also, do not use online
paraphrasing tools to avoid Plagiarism. Therefore, rephrase the taken material or
write it into your own words with references.
 Assignment will not be accepted via e-mail.
 The solution file should be in Word document format; use Times New Roman font style
with 12 point font size; keep the same font and spacing for the entire document.

Assignment Questions. (Total marks=20)

Enlist theories of human development? Describe the key concepts in the stages of Jean
Piaget's theory of cognitive development and relate it to the learning process of an
individual in contemporary education. (4+16)
Criteria Ratings Marks

Exemplary Acceptable Incomplete

13-20marks 6-12 marks 0-5 marks

Enlist theories of  Effectively  Effectively  An incomplete

human explain all parts explain but answers and
development? of question with details are not does not meet
Describe the key adequate enough all
concepts in the description.  Use headings requirements
stages of Jean  Use headings to but description of the
Piaget's theory of describe different does not meet question.
cognitive part of question. all  There is no
development and  With no requirements detail
relate it to the grammatical of the description of
learning process of errors. question. content.
an individual in  It meets all the  Grammatically  Grammatical
contemporary requirements of mistakes are mistakes are
education. the question. less. present.
 Content is  Content needs  Content is not
appropriate. improvement. appropriate.

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