PDF The Fiqh of Delivering A Khutbah Shorter
PDF The Fiqh of Delivering A Khutbah Shorter
PDF The Fiqh of Delivering A Khutbah Shorter
This document covers the importance of the jumu’ah, fiqh of jumu’ah and khutbahs, and the structure
of the khutbah. Examples are given of du’as and Quranic verses to use, and suggested khutbah formats.
To begin, two terms need clarifying: khateeb and imam. The khateeb is the one who delivers the
khutbah, whilst the imam is the one who leads the prayer. Usually, they are the same person, however
this does not need to be the case. This will be elaborated upon later.
Fiqh of jumu’ah
Below are six important issues related to jumu’ah which the khateeb needs to know about.
Time of jumu’ah prayer: The majority opinion is that jumu’ah prayer must be within the time range
of dhuhr prayer.
Location of jumu’ah: The scholars differ on whether you can use a multi-faith prayer room for
jumu’ah. The most common opinion is that it is disliked due to the presence of idols/statues (for this
same reason some say it is prohibited). However, The Muslim World League Fatwa Council has stated
that it is allowed as long as the khateeb/imam/congregation avoid facing idols/statues etc. Otherwise,
jumu’ah can be performed in any place, which meets both the requirements of purity and not facing any
statues or religious imagery, including parks, homes, and sports halls.
Attendees: The jumu’ah prayer is compulsory on all men unless they have a valid excuse, such as ill
health (this includes those who have serious health conditions during a pandemic) or they are
travelling away from the place they are resident in (there is difference of opinion about how far they
need to be away from their place of residence to be considered a traveller).
Women and children may also attend jumu’ah. Similarly they may attend Eid salah and other
congregational prayers, although it is not compulsory for them.
‘Believers! When the call to the prayer is on Friday, hurry towards remembering God…’
(Surah Al Jumu’ah, 62:9)
Jasser Auda’s commentary of the above Quranic verse is that men are not specified, therefore
‘believers’ refers to both women and men.
Also, in the seerah, it is related that women used to pray in rows behind the men in the mosque,
without a barrier in between (narrated by Al-Sha’bi).
‘We entered upon Fatimah bint Qays, and she said, “The call to prayer was performed, and
then I was among those going towards the Prophet’s mosque. I was in the front row of the
women, which was just behind the last row of the men, when I heard the Prophet (pbuh)
saying from the minbar: “The cousins of Al-Dary sailed the sea…”’
Moreover, it is also reported that the Prophet used to shorten the salah if he heard a baby crying.
Normally, babies would have been with their mothers at this time, therefore this shows that there were
women present at the congregational prayers. Moreover, if the imam makes a mistake in the salah
then it is narrated in hadith that men should say “Subhanallah” and women should clap.
The Fiqh of Delivering a Khutbah
It is also narrated that Atikah bint Zayd, whose husband was Umar Ibn Al Khattab, used to pray fajr
and isha in the mosque. When some people attending the mosque questioned her on why she did this
when she knew this made Umar unhappy (due to his jealousy) her response was:
‘“Then why does not he prohibit me from doing this?”. They answered, “What prevents him
is the statement of God’s Messenger (pbuh): Do not prevent women from going to God’s
(Bukhari, Al Muwatta’, Ahmad etc.)
The minimum number of people in the congregation: The scholars have different opinions on the
number of people required for jumu’ah prayer. There are fifteen different opinions mentioned by Ibn
Hajar in his book Fath al-Bari. These range from three (not including the imam) (Abu Hanifa), twelve
men (Malik) to forty men (Shafi’i and Ahmad). However, Ash-Shaukani (cited by Sabiq) wrote that
only two people are required for jumu’ah salah, as it a type of congregational prayer and the Prophet
said that two or more people make up a congregation.
Stepping over the seated believers: Although there are hadith which forbid individual members of the
congregation stepping over seated ones, the majority of the scholars say it is allowed for the
khateeb/imam to do if it is not possible to arrive at the minbar in any other way.
The sunnah prayers for the khateeb/imam: Imam Al-Nawawi stated that the khateeb should not
pray two raka’ah on entering the mosque/prayer hall, due to the necessity of giving the khutbah. It is
recommended that the imam prays two rak’ahs after jumu’ah in his own home and not the masjid
(mosque) as this was the sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh).
The purpose of the khutbah is to strengthen the iman of the congregation, by developing their
spirituality to become closer to God. Ibn al-Qayyim states that the purposes of the khutbah are to
praise God, declare His oneness and that Muhammad is His Messenger, to remind the congregation of
the Hereafter, to enjoin the good and forbid the evil, and to address current issues. For example, when
the Prophet saw indications of extreme poverty in some of his companions, he would encourage the
congregation to give charity.
• The khutbah should be completely in Arabic as it is a form of dhikr and is also part of the jumu’ah
prayer, which must be said in Arabic.
• The khutbah can be delivered in a language other than Arabic - this is Abu Hanifah’s opinion. This
is because the khutbah is a means of explaining the beliefs of Islam (and address contemporary
issues), so it needs to be in the language that the congregation understands. Therefore, the khutbah
can be said in English.
• The five rukn (pillars) of the khutbah should be in Arabic and the rest of the khutbah can be in
another language such as English. These rukn are:
The Fiqh of Delivering a Khutbah
Nb. The opinion that there are five rukns of the khutbah is followed by the Shafi’is and Hanbalis.
Hanifis and Malikis believe that there is only one rukn for the khutbah; that it is a form of dhikr and
that there should be an intention for it.
• The timing of the khutbah should be during the allowed time range for jumu’ah.
• The khutbah should be before the jumu’ah salah (prayer).
• There needs to be the required number of people present (for jumu’ah) to hear the khutbah.
• It should be performed in a sufficiently loud voice so that the congregation can hear it clearly
(though this does not mean one needs to shout, especially as we now tend to use microphones).
• The khateeb should be male.
Length of the khutbah: It is preferred to keep the khutbah short and concise and lengthen the prayer.
‘Lengthening the salah and shortening the khutbah is a sign of the understanding of one’s religion.
So, lengthen the salah and shorten the khutbah.’ (Muslim and Ahmad).
As-Sayyid Sabiq explained this hadith by saying that a good understanding of Islam is shown by
explaining it concisely.
Additional speech during the khutbah: The khateeb can mention something outside the topic of the
khutbah. For instance, asking for help with a problem with the microphone, or announcing that a car
is blocking the drive of a neighbour of the mosque.
Recommended surahs to be recited in the salah: The sunnah in the jumu’ah prayer is for the imam
to recite Surah Al Jumu’ah or Surah Al A’laa in the first rak’ah and Surah Al Ghaashiyah or Surah Al
Munaafiqoon (63) in the second rak’ah. However, the imam should consider the needs of the
congregation as they may have little time, having to go back to lectures or their workplace, and
therefore the imam can then recite shorter surahs.
The du’a of the khateeb on the minbar: The majority opinion of the scholars is that the khateeb
should not raise their hands whilst making du’a during the khutbah, as several of the companions of
the Prophet condemned this (though it is allowed in du’as asking for rain).
The khateeb and imam do not need to be the same person: In a mosque or another place of
jumu’ah there could be one person appointed as the khateeb (who is a good speaker) and another as
the imam (who has beautiful recitation and has memorised a lot of the Quran).
Therefore, the khateeb does not necessarily need to have memorised a lot of Quran. If there is
someone in the audience with better recitation than the khateeb and has memorised more of the Quran
then the khateeb can, then the khateeb can ask this other person to lead the salah, if they wish.
The Fiqh of Delivering a Khutbah
Also, the regular imam can ask a visiting khateeb to give the khutbah and then this khateeb can
become the imam for the salah, or the regular imam can lead the salah. If the visiting khateeb has an
illness or disability which prevents them from standing and leading the prayer, then another suitable
person can lead the prayer and the visiting khateeb can sit down to deliver the khutbah. However, if
the visiting khateeb or the regular khateeb is a scholar and there is no one more knowledgeable than
them in the congregation, and they have an illness or disability that prevents them from standing, then
they can still lead the prayer.
Another scenario is if the khateeb breaks their wudu during the khutbah. Being in a state of wudu is
not an agreed upon requirement for delivering the khutbah but it is a requirement for the prayer
(salah). In this case the khateeb could at the end of the khutbah go and make wudu and the
congregation could wait for him, however this could result in hardship for the congregation.
Therefore, it would be better if he asked someone else, who is suitable, to lead the salah whilst he
goes to make wudu. Similarly, wudu is not a requirement for making the adhan.
Nb. If a person other than the khateeb leads the salah (prayer), then they need to have been present
for the whole of the khutbah.
There are two ways of delivering a khutbah. Many people like to have a detailed format,
which is given below. There is also a simpler format which will be outlined afterwards.
After the first adhan has been given, the khateeb should ascend the minbar; turn to face the
congregation and say “Assalamu alaykum” and then sit down. Then the mu’addhin should
loudly say the second adhan. If there is no minbar, the khateeb may stand at the front facing the
Next the khateeb should stand up and recite one of the following Quranic verses:
‘O you who believe! Be mindful of God as is His due and make sure you devote yourselves to Him in
your dying moment.’ (Quran, Surah Al Imran, 3:102)
ث ِم ْنـه َماَّ َاح َد ٍة َو َخلَ َق ِم ْنـ َها َزْو َج َها َوب ِسو
َ ٍ ف
ْ َّ
ـ ن ن ِ يـٰٓأَيُّـها ٱلنَّاس ٱتَّـقوا ربَّكم ٱلَّ ِذى َخلَ َقكم
م َ َ َ
ام إِ َّن ٱ َّّللَ َكا َن َعلَْيك ْم َرقِيبۭا ِ
َ سآٰ َءلو َن بِه َوٱ ْْل َْر َح
ِ َّ
َ َسآٰ ۭء َوٱتَّـقوا ٱ َّّللَ ٱلذى ت
ِ ِِرج اۭاًل َكث
َ ريا َون
ۭ َ
Yā ayyuhan-nāsu attaqū rabbakumu-lladhī khalaqakum-min nnafsin wāḥidatin wa khalaqa minhā
zawjahā wa bath-tha minhumā rijālan kathīran wa nisā‘an wa-ttaqu Allah alladhī tasā‘alūna bihi wal-
arḥāma inna Allaha kāna a͑ laykum raqībā.
The Fiqh of Delivering a Khutbah
‘People, remember your Lord who created you from a single soul and from it created its mate and
from the pair of them spread countless men and women far and wide; be mindful of God, in whose
name you make requests of each other. Be careful not to break family connections: God is always
watching over you.’ (Quran, Surah An-Nisa, 4:1)
‘Believers, be mindful of God, speak in a straightforward manner for a good purpose, and He will put
your deeds right for you and forgive you your sins. Whoever obeys God and His Messenger will truly
achieve a great triumph.’ (Quran, Surah Al-Ahzab, 33:70-1)
Next say:
To proceed:
Indeed, the most truthful speech is the book of God, and the best guidance is that of Muhammad. The
worst actions are those that are newly invented, as every newly invented matter is an innovation, and
every innovation is a misguidance, and every misguidance leads to the hellfire.
Then say:
The Fiqh of Delivering a Khutbah
Inna-al ḥamda lillahi naḥmaduhu wa nasta ͑ īnuhu wa nastaghfiruhu, wa na ͑uthu billahi min shurūri
anfusinā wa min sayyi‘āti a ͑mālinā, man yahdihi Allahu falā muḍilla lahu, wa man yuḍlil falā hādiya
lahu. Wa ash-hadu an lā ilāha illa-Allah waḥdahu lā sharīka lahu, wa ash-hadu anna Muḥammadan
͑abduhu wa rasūluhu.
Indeed, God deserves all praise. We praise Him, ask for His help and ask for His forgiveness. We ask
for God’s protection from the evil of our ourselves and the evil of our actions. Whoever God has
guided then no one can misguide him and whoever God has lead astray then no one can guide him. I
bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship except God alone and I bear witness that
Muhammad is his slave and Messenger, may the peace and blessings of God be upon him, his family
and the righteous. Amin.
‘I say this and ask forgiveness from Allaah for myself and you, so ask for forgiveness, He is
indeed Most-Forgiving, Most-Merciful’
Aqūlu qawlī hadhā, wa astaghfiru Allaha lī wa lakum wa lisā’iri-lmuslimīn, fastaghfirūhu, innahu
huwa-alghafūrur raḥīm.
I ask God for forgiveness for myself and you, so ask for forgiveness, He is indeed the Most-Forgiving,
In the name of God, all praise be to Him, peace and blessings be upon the messenger of God.
Then say a du’a for the Muslims. For example, you could include a few of the following:
The Fiqh of Delivering a Khutbah
‘Our Lord! Give us good in this world good and in the Hereafter and save us from the torment of the
Fire!’ (Quran, Al Baqarah, 2:201).
َنت ال َْوهَّاب
َ كأ َ ب لَنَا ِمن لَّد
َ َّنك َر ْْحَ ۭة إِن ْ غ قـلوبَـنَا بَـ ْع َد إِ ْذ َه َديْـتَـنَا َو َه
ْ َربَّـنَا ًلَ ت ِز
Rabbanā lā tuzigh qulūbanā ba ͑da idh hadaytanā wa hab min-lladunka raḥmatan innaka anta-lwahhāb.
‘Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us. And Grant us Your Mercy: You are
the Ever Giving.’ (Quran, Surah Al Imran, 3:8)
‘Oh God, help us to remember You, and thank You, and worship You with excellent manners.’ (Abu
ِ ْ ربَّـنَا ظَلَمنَا أَنفسنَا وإِن ََّّل تَـ ْغ ِفر لَنَا وتَـر َْحْنَا لَنَكونَ َّن ِمن
َ اْلَاس ِر
ين َ َْ ْ ْ َ َ ْ َ
Rabbanā ḍḥalamnā anfusanā wa inna lam taghfir lanā wa tarḥamnā lanakūnanna min alkhāsirīn.
‘Our Lord! We have wronged our souls. If You do not forgive us, and have mercy on us, we shall be
lost.’ (Quran, Surah Al A’raf, 7:23)
‘Our Lord! We believe in what You have sent down, and we follow the Messenger so write us down
among those who bear witness.’ (Quran, Surah Al Imran, 3:53)
The Fiqh of Delivering a Khutbah
͑Ibād Allahi, inn Allaha ya’muru bil ͑adli wal iḥsāni wa ītā’I dhī alqurbā wa yanhā a͑ ni-lfaḥshā’I wa-
lmunkari wa-lbaghī, ya ͑ iḍḥukum la a͑ llakum tadhakkarūna. Udhkurū Allah al a͑ ḍḥīma yadhkurkum
wa-shkurūhu yazidkum wa-staghfirūhu yaghfir lakum wat-taqūhu yaj ͑al lakum min amrikum
makhrajan. Wa aqimi aṣ-ṣalāta.
‘O servants of God, “God commands justice, doing good, and 8enerosity towards relatives and He
forbids what is shameful, blameworthy and oppressive. He teaches you, so that you may take heed.”
(Quran, 16:90). Remember God who is the Most Great and He will remember you. Thank Him, He
will give you more. Seek His forgiveness and He will forgive you. And be mindful of Him and He will
provide for you a way out (from every difficulty). Stand for prayer.’
Descend the minbar, turn around so that your back is towards the congregation (to lead the
prayer) as the mu’addhin gives the iqamah.
Before starting the salah it is advisable to remind the congregation to straighten the rows and
fill any gaps between them. It is agreed upon that the members of the congregation should be
shoulder to shoulder. However, there is difference of opinion on whether the feet of the
members of the congregation should also touch (the Hanifis disagree with this).
Nb. Due to COVID, filling the gaps may not apply due to the necessity of social distancing.
The Fiqh of Delivering a Khutbah
The khutbah does not have to have such a detailed format. The following format can also be used.
After the first adhan has been given, the khateeb should ascend the minbar, face the
congregation and audience and say “Assalamu alaykum”, sit down, and allow the mu’addhin to
call the second adhan. If there is no minbar, you can just stand at the front facing the
• Then stand up and praise God – this can be said in one’s own words.
• Next deliver the second half of your speech.
• Then say a du’a for the Muslims – this can be said in one’s own words.
• Then remind the congregation to have taqwa (be mindful of God).
Descend the minbar, turning your back to the congregation to lead the prayer as the mu’addhin
gives the iqamah.
Remind the congregation to straighten the rows and fill any gaps between them.
Abdel Haleem, M. A. S. (2015) The Qur’an: A new translation, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Auda, J. (2017) Reclaiming The Mosque: The Role Of Women In Islam’s House of Worship, Swansea: Claritas
Daryabadi, A. M. (2004) Tasir ul Qur’an Vol 4. Lucknow, India: Academy of Research and Publications.
Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah (2003) Zad-ul Ma’ad fi Hadyi Khairi-l ‘Ibad Vol 3, Translated by J. Abualrub,
Orlando, Florida, USA: Islamic Learning Media Publications.
Maududi, S. A. A. (1986) Meaning of the Qur’an, Volumes XIII-XIV, Translated by M. Akbar, Lahore, Pakistan:
Islamic Publications (Pvt).
Sabiq, S. (1989) Fiqh us-Sunnah: Volume II Superogatory Prayer, Translated by J.M. Zarabozo, Indianapolis:
American Trust Publications.
Other sources:
One day training course material for youth to prepare them to be khateebs by the Muslim Youth Foundation.
This includes fiqh jumah/khutbah issues covered by Sheikh Salem al Shekhi (Didsbury Mosque). Also, the
format of a khutbah is covered in another section.
Consultation with Sheikh Ahmed Saif on fiqh of jumu’ah and alternative khutbah format.