A Study On Effective Communication For Effective Delivery of Programme in Construction Industry

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A Study on Effective Communication for Effective Delivery of Programme in

Construction Industry

‫دراسة حول االتصال الفعال إلنجاز برامج المشاريع االنشائية‬


Muneer Mohammad Ismail Shahatit

Student ID 2014103159

Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree

of MSc Project Management

Faculty of Project Management

Dissertation Supervisor

Professor Mohammed Dulaimi

Student ID 2014103159


Nowadays, a programme management approach is widely used in the

construction industry. The programme management approach is usually involves
interdependencies between projects. Therefore, there should be effective
communication between the programme management team to be able to effectively
manage project interdependencies and, thus, effectively deliver the programme .

This research investigates major factors that impact effective communication in

a construction programme, as well as to what extent effective communication impacts
effective programme delivery. The study introduction clarifies the importance and
background of the subject, and identifies the research objective. A comprehensive
literature review chapter led to the development of a conceptual model. This conceptual
model presents a relationship between major factors that impact effective
communication in a construction programme and major factors that impacts effective
delivery of a construction programme.

Two large construction programmes were selected to present the case studies in
this research. A qualitative research method, including an interview questionnaire, was
used to collect data from two programme managers and six different project managers.
Accordingly, collected data was analyzed via the conceptual model. The discussion was
made, and comprehensive comparison was conducted between each factor of the two
case studies.

The study concludes that there is a positive relationship between effective

communication in a construction programme and effective delivery of a construction
programme. The study also concluded that information symmetry between different
teams and the programme management team, interpersonal communication skills for
the programme and project managers, and team commitment to effective
communication are the fundamental factors required in order to ensure effective
communication in a construction programme.

‫‪Student ID 2014103159‬‬


‫في الوقت الحاضر‪ ،‬يتم استخدام نهج إدارة البرامج على نطاق واسع في قطاع االنشاءات و التشيد‪.‬‬
‫نهج إدارة البرامج عادة ما ينبني على الترابط بين المشاريع‪ .‬لذلك‪ ،‬يجب أن يكون التواصل فعال بين جميع‬
‫اعضاء فريق إدارة البرنامج ليصبح الفريق قادرا على إدارة وتنفبذ المشاريع المترابطة بشكل فعال‪ ،‬وعليه يتم‬
‫تنفيذ البرنامج الكامل بشل فعال‪.‬‬

‫يدرس هذا البحث العوامل الرئيسية التي تؤثر على التواصل الفعال في برامج االنشاءات والتشيد‪،‬وإلى‬
‫أي مدى يؤثر االتصال الفعال بين اعضاء فريق العمل على انجاز البرنامج بشكل فعال‪ .‬توضح مقدمة الدراسة‬
‫أهمية وخلفية هذا الموضوع‪ ،‬كما وتحدد الهدف من هذا البحث‪ .‬باالضافة لذلك تم بناء نموذج مفاهيمي من خالل‬
‫دراسة شاملة للمراجع الخاصة بموضوع البحث‪ .‬يعرض هذا النموذج المفاهيمي وجود عالقة بين العوامل الرئيسية‬
‫التي تؤثر على التواصل الفعال في البرامج الخاصة بقطاع االنشاءات والتشيد والعوامل الرئيسية التي تؤثر على‬
‫انجاز البرامج الخاصة بنفس القطاع بشكل فعال‪.‬‬

‫وقد تم اختيار برنامجين من كبرى برامج قطاع االنشاءات والتشيد في دولة االمارات العربية المتحدة‪،‬‬
‫وتم عمل دراسة واقعية على هذه البرامج وتطبيق مفاهيم النموذج المفاهيمي عليها‪ .‬تم استخدام طريقة البحث‬
‫النوعي في هذه الدراسة‪ ،‬تم تصميم استبيان يشتمل على جميع العوامل المطروحة في النموذج المفاهيمي المعد‬
‫سابقا ‪ ،‬وتم تعبئة هذا االستبيان من خالل مقابلة شخصية اجرية مع مديري البرامج وستة من مديري المشاريع‬
‫المختلفة‪ .‬وبناء على ذلك‪ ،‬تم تحليل البيانات التي تم جمعها استنادا على النموذج المفاهيمي‪ .‬ومن ثم تم اجراء‬
‫مقارنة شاملة لكل عامل من العوامل في كال البرنامجيين‪.‬‬

‫اظهرت نتائج البحث أن هناك عالقة إيجابية بين التواصل الفعال في برنامج االنشاءات والتشيد وبين‬
‫انهاء البرنامج بشكل فعال‪ .‬وخلصت الدراسة أيضا إلى أن تماثل المعلومات بين جميع الفرق العاملة في‬
‫البرنامج‪ ،‬ومهارات التواصل مع اآلخرين لمديري البرامج والمشاريع‪ ،‬والتزام فريق العمل بالتواصل الفعال‬
‫هي العوامل األساسية المطلوبة لضمان التواصل الفعال بين جميع الفرق العاملة في برنامج االنشاءات والتشيد‪.‬‬

Student ID 2014103159


Project : as a temporary task in which resources are structured to attempt to a

scope of work of specified particular specification, within time, cost and quality
constraints, in order to deliver valuable product.

Interdependency : Is the relationship between the preceding tasks and the

succeeding tasks of a project or the relationship between different projects in a

Programme : “a group of related projects managed in a coordinated way”

Programme Management: programme management is an organized structure

that adjusts and assigns resources, and plans, construct and deals with various related
construction projects to accomplish specific objectives that cannot be achieved if
projects are managed independently.

Programme management team: client team, consultant team and contractors

management team.

programme involved parties: programme management team , internal

stakeholders( other departments within the client organization) and external
stakeholders such as government authorities.

Student ID 2014103159


Abstract .................................................................................................................... ii
Definitions ................................................................................................................ iv
Contents .....................................................................................................................v
1 Introduction....................................................................................................... 1
Overview ........................................................................................ 1
Background .................................................................................... 3
Statement of the Problem ................................................................ 4
Aim of the Dissertation.................................................................... 5
Research objective .......................................................................... 5
1.6 Research questions .......................................................................... 5

2 Literature Review .............................................................................................. 6

Introduction ................................................................................... 6
Programme Management ................................................................ 6

2.2.1 Why programme management is necessary ...................................... 7

2.2.2 Programme success ....................................................................... 7

Project interdependencies in Construction Programme .................... 8

Communication in construction industry ....................................... 10

2.4.1 Communication problems in construction industry...........................12

Communication and Interdependencies ......................................... 12

Communication in the Context of a Construction Programme ........ 15
Communication Strategies for Successful Construction Programmes17
Conclusion .................................................................................... 20
Hypotheses ................................................................................... 21
Conceptual Model ......................................................................... 22
Conceptual Model Description ...................................................... 22

3 Methodology .................................................................................................... 25
Introduction ................................................................................. 25
Conceptual Framework................................................................. 25
Population Sample ........................................................................ 26
Analysis tool ................................................................................. 27
Data Collection ............................................................................. 27
Limitations ................................................................................... 31

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Summary...................................................................................... 31

4 Case Studies..................................................................................................... 32
Introduction ................................................................................. 32
Case Study One ............................................................................ 32

4.2.1 Programme Brief .........................................................................32

4.2.2 The programme consists of the following :......................................32
4.2.3 Projects interdependencies ............................................................33
4.2.4 Analysis .....................................................................................34
4.2.5 Conclusion..................................................................................39

Case Study Two ............................................................................ 40

4.3.1 Programme Brief .........................................................................40

4.3.2 Projects interdependencies ............................................................40
4.3.3 Analysis .....................................................................................41
4.3.4 Conclusion..................................................................................47

5 Discussion and Conclusion................................................................................ 48

Discussion..................................................................................... 48
Conclusion .................................................................................... 51

6 References ....................................................................................................... 53
7 Appendices ...................................................................................................... 63
Sample of Questionnaire answers .................................................. 63

Student ID 2014103159

1 Introduction


The construction industry is essential for the economic development of any nation. The
construction industry relies upon the capabilities of various people, from unskilled and skilled
labourers, professional management and executives. The speed of economic progression of any
country can be measured by the development of concrete infrastructure such as roads,
buildings, bridges and power stations. Therefore, it becomes critical for construction
companies to use various approaches in construction development to be able to achieve
organizations intended strategy.

The dynamic and fragmented nature of the construction industry involves multiple
components, which makes construction programme development cycles more complex.
Human interaction and multi-cultural teams also contribute to making the construction process
more complicated. Chris (2009) emphasizes that the construction industry contains an
extensive variety of projects, each with interdependencies, interconnected tasks, sub-tasks and
work packages, which add more complexity to the execution process.

Construction can be seen as a process of placing together all the resources in an

organized and timely manner by using related assets to finish a structure according to design
particulars and quality criteria. Building construction is the procedure of adding structure to
actual property, for example, housing, clinic centers or sporting stadiums. Civil construction
includes all infrastructure activities, such as roads, utilities, airports, golf courses, landscaping
or harbours. Dubois and Gadde (2002) state that appropriate construction management requires
understanding complex elements of the construction industry, which deals with ambiguities
and interdependencies.

The construction industry is frequently censured for poor performance and ineffective
delivery of anticipated objectives. In many cases this is related to complex and specialized
programmes environments. These programmes are dynamic, iterative and include many
variations all through their planning and execution. In this atmosphere, monitoring and
controlling the critical factors that could have an impact on programme performance is crucial.

The construction industry depends on coordination and interactions between diverse

stakeholders and teams along the entire programme implementation lifecycle. Furthermore, the

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development process of a construction programme includes many parties, different procedures,

different phases and diverse stages of works, as well as significant contribution from both
public and private parties, with an important objective being to take the programme to a
successful end.

Within most construction programmes, teams vary and are sometimes geographically
isolated. Therefore, communication is critical in the construction industry. Emmerson (1962),
Latham (1994), and Detr (1998) all state that frequently issues in construction are introduced
as communication problems. Because of construction industry particular attributes, the industry
builds a multi-dimensional communication environment. Gerald (2000) states that
communication issues are the most prominent challenge in construction industry, on the
grounds that project managers usually spend more than 75% of their time communicating.

Badiru (2008) explains that communication management is the learning field that
utilizes the procedures needed to guarantee timely and suitable gathering, circulation, storage,
recovery and definitive character of programme information. The procedure of construction,
contingent upon the complexity of the completed structure needs a significant level of
coordination between all parties, from experts to skilled design personnel, until the programme
is finished. Usually persons involved in the construction programme lifecycle are, from the
client side, programme manager, project managers, project control managers, and more, and
from the consultant side, design engineers, inspectors, supervisors, QS, planning engineers,
and more. There will also be a contractor team, subcontractors and suppliers’ teams. Therefore,
effective communication and proper coordination between these different parties in
construction programme development is crucial.

Programme management is utilized extensively as a method of managing project

interdependencies in order to achieve strategic goals. The methodology is utilized to execute
strategy, to create and sustain new capabilities, to handle complex data frameworks and
numerous different business alterations. Gray (1997), and Lycett, Rassau, and Dansonet (2004)
define programme management as an amalgamated methodology that can reorganize the
successful delivery of projects to achieve desired goals. For instance, the Project Management
Institute's 1996 Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge PMBOK (2008) defines
a programme as: “a group of related projects managed in a coordinated way”.

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Since the mid-1940s, writing on communication in the construction industry has

essentially focused on the condition in the UK (Gorse & Emmitt, 2003). Numerous issues
concerning communication have been reported, with an emphasis on internal team
communication, suppliers and contractor communication, external communication between
project manager and stakeholders and others involved in construction project development
process. Dainty, Moore, and Murray (2006) state that one of the fundamental reasons behind
poor project performance is ineffective communication practices between different teams
within a construction project environment. The researchers added that the temporary and inter-
disciplinary nature of the project team develops many problems in construction projects during
the implementation phase.

Good quality communication in a construction programme is essential to ensure

efficiency and effectiveness of the programme development process. Literature mentions four
reasons why improving communication is important for the construction industry. First,
Thomas, Tucker and Kelly (1998), Franks (1998), and Somogyi (1999) state that enhancing
communication between project team, suppliers and contractors will reduce the probability of
project failure. Secondly, Lenard and Eckersley (1997) state that open communication between
different levels within the construction project team results in innovation and better technical
solutions during project implementation stage. Third, Emmitt and Gorse (2003), Brown (2001),
and Usmani and Winch (1993) state that enhancing the communication process between teams
and stakeholders at the early stage of the project positively impacts project performance and
quality of works. Finally, Barret (1995) and Salisbury (1998) explain that enhancing
communication during briefing can lead to better decision making. For instance, improvement
in communication during briefing stage can positively impact the speed of moving to resolution
and supply advance methods of examining the requirements at early stage.

Over the years, researches have determined that enhancing communication in

construction project development positively impacts project outcomes. In spite of the fact that
studies emphasize numerous characteristics of communication in the construction industry,
however, no writing was found on the relationship between effective communication and
effective delivery of a programme. Most literature focuses on the improvement of

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communication between internal teams and stakeholders, with no specific details on the
impacts on effective programme delivery.

Construction programmes are usually a compilation of multidisciplinary activities,

often large scale, and require input from different teams and specialists during the course of
implementation. These characteristics frequently introduce uncertainty into project life cycles
and therefore could the effective delivery of a programme.

Statement of the Problem

The problem is the ineffective delivery of construction programmes because of poor

communication between the programme management team. Nowadays, construction
developers and real estate companies reorganizing their projects in programme approach to be
able to achieve certain strategy's goals. These companies are facing challenges to deliver
effective programme due to ineffective sharing of information between interdependent
projects. Biggs (1997) and Tam (1999) found that various studies emphasized the significance
of efficient communication for project success which led to effective delivery of a programme.

The nowadays delay for completion and the additional cost incurred in construction
programmes are likely traced back to poor coordination created by inadequate, inapplicable,
incorrect, incompatible, and/or late information. And hence, effective communication between
interdependent project teams within the programme are mandatory to ensure programme
success. Thiry (2004) states that interdependencies within projects are the impacts that projects
may have on one another and to their shared contribution to the advantages of the organization.
Teller, Unger, Kock, and Gemünde (2012) argue that a programme intricacy measured as far
as project interdependencies is a matter of specific significance in the field of programme
management as it structures programme manageability and thusly influences entire programme

Student ID 2014103159

Aim of the Dissertation

There is a lack of research on effective communication and effective delivery of

construction programme. This dissertation aims to examine and assess effective
communication in several construction programmes ’in United Arab Emirates.

Research objective

In order to achieve the aim of this dissertation, the study will address in detail the
following objective statements:

1. Investigate the major factors that impact effective communication in a construction

2. Examine the impact of effective communication on the effective delivery of a construction

1.6 Research questions

Q1. What major factors impact effective communication in a construction programme?

Q2. What is the impact of effective communication on effective delivery of a

construction programme?

Student ID 2014103159

2 Literature Review


Construction programmes are usually large and multidisciplinary, and require

contributions from diverse parties. Uncertainty is continuously introduced in various stages of
programme planning and execution. Ferns (1991) and Milosevic (2007) have concluded that
uncertainty increases according to the programme size and the complexity of project
interdependencies. Today's construction industry exists in an atmosphere of extensive financial
and market instabilities (Young, 2008). Young emphasizes that regional economies are
progressively interdependent and new difficulties appear every day that lead to change market
situations. Rayner (2007) states that programme management should be broken down into
comprehensive elements in order for it to be recognized and acknowledged in the construction
industry. Therefore, this chapter reviews literature on effective communication for
management of project interdependencies in construction programmes. The chapter synthesis
and critically analyzes previous studies’ ideas and outcomes. In the end, the chapter identifies
research gaps that exist in the current literature.

Programme Management

Programme management is used to execute strategy, create and maintain new

capacities, and manage complex information (Partington, Pellegrinelli, & Young, 2005;
Ribbers & Schoo, 2002). Ferns (1991) described programme management as a way to organize
projects in order to maximize advantages. Further, Thiry and Deguire (2007) suggested that
programmes could include both projects and operational tasks and that the center rationale for
the formation of a programme was the acknowledgment of strategic advantages. Vereecke,
Pandelaere, Deschoolmeester, and Stevens (2003) noticed a lack of understanding of
programme management and proposed that this reflected a lack of professional experience
during programme implementation .

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Literature presents and defines programme in different ways. Perhaps most applicable
in the construction industry is the PMBOK definition: “a group of related projects managed in
a coordinated way” (2014) subsequently, PMMOK has looked to adjust, refine and improve
project management processes and procedures to adapt to the complex nature of

Milosevic, Martinelli, and Waddell (2007) argue that the term programme management
is inaccurately and inadequately described. For the purpose of this dissertation, programme
management is an organized structure that adjusts and assigns resources, and plans, construct
and deals with various related construction projects to accomplish specific objectives that
cannot be achieved if projects are managed independently. However, for project, Turner (2009)
and PMBOK (2008) defined project as a temporary task in which resources are structured to
attempt to a scope of work of specified particular specification, within time, cost and quality
constraints, in order to deliver valuable product.

2.2.1 Why programme management is necessary

Pellegrinelli (1997) emphasizes that programme management is valuable where

incorporating interdependent projects is essential to deliver viable achievement. The
development of project management and its restrictions brought birth to programme
management as a true method for aligning, organizing and dealing with a portfolio of projects
to provide advantages that would not have been conceivable had the projects been managed
alone (Maylor, Brady, Cooke-Davies, & Hodgson, 2006; Partington et al., 2005). Moreover,
Lycett, Rassau, and Danson (2004) demonstrated that, over time, problems have occurred
where numerous projects inside of organization face certain problems. These problems
adversely influence proficiency and viability and prompts disarray over the obligation of
multiple projects.

2.2.2 Programme success

Program management can only be effectively executed in any organization if there is

commitment from senior management and different project teams (Zayyana & Akintola, 2009;

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Williams, 2006; Black, 2000).Sambasivan (2007) added that the top management should
provide support and commitment and suitable policy. Programme management entails
planning and coordinating large and disparate projects. It involves recognizing and
understanding risks connected with composite interdependencies, keeping focus on the
complete business advantages, and coordinating huge and regularly scattered projects Further,
it requires establishing effective communication between (Williams and Parr, 2004).

Project interdependencies in Construction Programme

Many researchers and publicists have studied project interdependencies, especially in

construction programmes. The interdependencies between different construction projects result
in complexities for the management of project portfolio within organizations. Complexities
due to the inappropriate sharing of information among different project teams pose challenges,
such as difficulties forecasting the flow-on effects from changes that may happen to project
portfolio. In this regard, comprehending project interdependencies is especially important.

According to Marmel (2011), interdependencies are central to visualization of the

actual length of a project. Daley (2013), and Kenley and Seppanen (2006) define a project
interdependency as the relationship between the preceding tasks and the succeeding tasks of a
project or the relationship between different projects in a programme. In this case, a given
project may have more than one preceding tasks and more than multiple succeeding tasks.
Stevenson (2013) identified four types of project interdependencies. First, finish-to-start
interdependencies, in which predecessor tasks must finish before successor ones begin. For
instance, in a construction project, the digging of foundations must be complete before the
laying of concretes can be done. Second, start-to-start interdependencies, where predecessor
tasks must begin before the successor does the same. Third, finish-to-finish interdependencies,
whereby predecessor tasks must be completed before the successor tasks can be completed.
The final type of dependency is start-to-finish, where predecessor tasks must start before
successor tasks can be completed.

Marmel (2011) explains that interdependencies happen because all tasks within given
a project hardly can happen simultaneously and that there are instances in which some tasks
must commence or finish before others can begin or finalize. Marmel (2011) further explains
that the reasons project interdependencies may be underlined by factors such as the inability of

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resources to do more than one task at a time, inadequate or unavailability of equipment, or the
nature or essence of a project; for instance, it is not possible to begin construction without first
having a proper project plan or obtaining the prerequisite permit. Marmel’s (2011) argues that
it is not easy to determine the total amount of time that a project needs to be complete until
team members establish the interdependencies and durations of projects.

Leido (2013) and Heldman (2015) identified other types of interdependencies within a
construction program. These include mandatory, discretionary, external, and internal
interdependencies. According to the researchers, mandatory interdependencies are ones that
are required in a contractual agreement or exist due to the nature of the project and the
construction programme is going to be implemented. Project managers often determine
discretionary interdependencies, where project managers or team members schedule tasks
based on their own discretion (Leido, 2013; Heldman, 2015). According to Chin (2004),
external interdependencies involve programme projects that are dependent on external factors,
such as vendors of required construction materials. Chin (2004), further explains that external
interdependencies include factors on which projects depend and are out of project managers’
control. Internal interdependencies include factors over which project managers or team
members have complete control.

Maheswari, Varghese and Sridharan (2006) explain that dependency relationships

among different projects/activities within a construction programme are in three forms:
independent, dependent and interdependent. The researchers contend that if a programme
consists of independent tasks within the projects, there are fewer challenges or problems with
implementation. However, according to them, the concurrent performance of dependent or
interdependent tasks within a project requires that certain assumptions must be made. They
have further explained that such activities require presumed information in order to commence
and progress even if they are executed successively.

Based on the foregoing arguments by different researchers, it is clear that projects

within a programme can pose many challenges due to complexities in terms of
interdependencies. Hence, effective programme management in the construction industry
requires a high level of skill and effective collaboration among team members in different
projects and program managers. According to Yang, Wang and Jin (2014), achieving
construction program success requires that project managers must work with individual needs
of all stakeholders, the community, and teams participating in the execution of a programme.

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Kelly, Male and Graham (2014) emphasize that for efficient and effective management of
projects where there are interdependencies and where many team members and project
managers are working together, information symmetry is crucial. In such scenarios,
communication is important for managing interdependencies to ensure successful
implementation of construction programmes.

According to Mead and Gruneberg (2013), most projects are seldom conducted in
isolated contexts, without interdependencies. Project managers or relevant team members need
to plan, link and manage all project interdependencies across different phases of construction,
teams, relevant departments and available resources to ensure success (Mead & Gruneberg,
2013). In order to achieve this, Ramesh (2010) notes that communication is very crucial. It is
worth noting that many researchers have published on the significance of communication to
the management of project interdependencies, especially with the construction industry where
many construction programmes involving different teams and project managers are involved.
The presence or absence of proper communication can define the success of a construction

Communication in construction industry

Young found that communication was thought to be the most imperative expertise out
of 23 skills and knowledge subjects between high level manager of the construction industry;
for directors at a middle management level, it was the most significant expertise out of 18 skills
and knowledge subjects; and for other employees it was the second most significant expertise
out of 20 skills and knowledge subjects (as cited in Egbu, 1999).

The general significance of communication abilities for project and programme success
was further confirmed by Müller and Turner (2005). Yang, Huang, and Wu (2011)
demonstrated the significant impact of teamwork on project success, while highlighting that
group communication is a critical function of teamwork. They also demonstrated that things
like team commitment enhance effective communication. Moreover, Jarvenpaa and Leidner
(1999) stated that trust between colleagues enhanced communication across the team. Romahn
and Hartman (1999) also highlighted the significant impact of trust in communication.
Zaghloul and Hartman (2000), identified three types of trust that clarify why individuals place
their trust in another group in construction projects: competence trust, honesty trust and natural

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trust. Competence trust depends on opinions of others’ capability to accomplish the required
job. Honesty trust depends on views of others’ readiness to defend the interest of their partners.
Natural trust is established upon preconceptions, preferences or others’ individual spirit
towards counterparts.

A programme manager’s communication abilities frequently have superior impact on

programme success. For instance, their communication abilities might positively impact
projects performance and have a positive effect on projects culture, which then might increase
team members’ motivation and therefore the probability of programme success. Ankrah et al.
(2009) interviewed nine experienced professionals working in the UK construction industry
who all highlighted the significance of communication for project culture. Communication can
also impact leadership value, which can effect programme success. Toor and Ogunlana (2009),
through 78 questionnaires and 35 interviews with project managers, deputy project managers
and other senior supervisors on a mega construction project in Thailand, showed that poor
communication was the second most significant of 13 adverse individual characteristics. This
confirms Odusami’s study (2002), which observed communication to be the second most
crucial skill out of 13 aptitudes for successful project leadership in construction.

Higgin and Jessop’s research (1965) for the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is
maybe the most specific study concerning communication in the building process. Their initial
analysis brought about a further report being issued by Tavistock Publications:
“Interdependence and Uncertainty: A Study of the Building Process, 1966”. Though both
studies are older, they contributed numerous important ideas to this dissertation.
Communication problems appeared to be at many levels inside of the building projects featured
in Higgin and Jessop’s research. The main communication problems addressed by Higgin and
Jessop (1965) were: a) design team internal communication; b) contract understanding and
related contractual communication; and c) communication during construction within
construction project team. The communication problems indicated above have been widely
explored in several studies.

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2.4.1 Communication problems in construction industry

There are significant problems in the construction industry related to communication

(Higgin and Jessop, 2001).Many of those clients know little about the technical and specialized
services available to determine their exact requirements and to fulfill these requirements.
Oberlender (2000) states that communication problems contain misdirecting and exchanging
of uncertain information, for example, design drawings, report, contracts, and work
instructions. In the event that communication is enhanced at the early stage of execuation, the
design principles are recognized and clients are more likely to be satisfied.

Usually when project start, the majority of contracting parties involved have just met
each other. It is difficult for them to create trust. Communication consequently plays a crucial
role in bringing individuals together to share information consistently. Muller and Turner
(2005) state that at the preliminary stage of a project, information concerning project goals,
customer requirements, limitations, specifications, priorities and more are essential to creating
a platform for improvement of common understanding and trust. Jarvenpaa and Leidner (1999)
state that communication can provide more than just data transfer; it also empowers different
project teams within the programme to articulate their worries and issues. Pietroforte (1997)
notes that when individuals are open to learning from others, their relationships can be
encouraged. Efficient communication can be seen as a sign of readiness and good faith inside
of a programme management team.

Communication and Interdependencies

Thomsett (2002) notes that efficiency and success of construction programmes depend
upon the quality of relationships between clients, contractors, professionals, and
subcontractors. Cohen (2011) and Ogunlana (2003) also contend that all different stages of
construction depend on the transfer of relevant information: as a project unfolds and design is
achieved, information in the forms of drawing, construction methods and specifications must
be communicated from one department or expert to another.

Bankvall, Bygballe, Dubois and Jahre (2010) argue that construction programmes are
highly intricate because of interdependencies between different projects, activities and parts,
all of which need to be effectively and efficiently coordinated. Since different people and

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experts working together in a team undertake these activities, effective communication

becomes key to success in a construction programme. Indeed, project dependency results in
information dependency, whereby individuals working on different projects, components or
tasks rely on information that is passed to them from others. For instance, where there is a
finish-to-start dependency, the communication of information to the team whose start of work
depends on the completion of a task or project by another team becomes vital for purposes of
efficiency and successful completion. Pekericli, Akinci and Karaesmen (2013) argue that
information is very crucial for seamless and cost-effective operations within the construction
industry. Further, Bankvall, Bygballe, Dubois and Jahre (2010) argue that effective
communication of project-related information and effective coordination of information
exchanges between team members working in different projects are very important for the
success of a construction program.

Pekericli, Akinci and Karaesmen (2013) argue that understanding information

interdependencies is important in terms of making appropriate, effective strategic choices and
decisions. Further, according to Pekericli, Akinci and Karaesmen (2013), as construction
projects get more intricate and the expectations of stakeholders get high, effective and efficient
information exchanges become more pronounced. The researchers argue that, in order to
achieve a construction programme success, there must be a formal approach to information
interdependencies. Such as Incorporating information becomes indispensable where there are
various intricate project interdependencies. An analysis of the literature reveals that where there
are project interdependencies, information interdependencies are inevitable.

Klee (2015) and Warhoe (2013) emphasize that construction is a complicated

composition of different interdependent processes that are planned and implemented at
different levels of details by numerous experts. They argue that a construction program
involves the use of various components that form different systems, which coalesce at
interfaces. According to Klee (2015) and Warhoe (2013), at the interfaces, some project
components interact with one another, some components do not go together, and others need a
lot of time or space, mainly because of the in situ nature of a construction programme. The
researchers conclude that, in all these interface relationships, ongoing interactions of
knowledge and information interchange or transfer between different teams. Accordingly, the
information interchange may be occasioned by the need to coordinate orders, legal references,
reports on the status of previous task performed, or the need to piece together some missing

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project information that is crucial for the performance of further tasks or projects within a
construction programme.

Killen, Krumbeck and Kjaer (2007) argue that the ability to understand, communicate
and manage different interdependencies within a programme is problematic to different
projects teams, professionals and managers. Accordingly, the authors suggest that between-
project communication is a significant part of the solution, which can be enhanced through
appropriate management strategies. The between-project communication becomes crucial
where there are high project interdependencies and where different stakeholders need to be
involved at every level of project and information interdependencies, which are vital when
dealing with factors that may hinder the successful achievement of various construction

Galvez, Ordieres and Capuz-Rizo (2015) posit that the sequence in which projects are
ordered are important to the development of a construction programme. The researchers
explain that the order in which the projects are undertaken is informed by the flow of
information among the team members handling them and that the dependency structure matrix
can be utilized in modeling the flow of information, based on various project
interdependencies. The dependency structure matrix is an extensively used tool due to the fact
that it enables the multifarious parts of a programme to be broken down, thereby simplifying
the programme by sectioning it into smaller projects or tasks, identifying the interdependencies
between them, and assigning the right resources to complete the whole programme successfully
and efficiently (Galvez, Ordieres, and Capuz-Rizo, 2015).

Further, according to Galvez, Ordieres and Capuz-Rizo (2015), overlapping sequential

project activities within a construction programme are common. Two-way information
interchange among dependent projects or tasks is necessary (Galvez, Ordieres and Capuz-Rizo,
2015). Where there are interdependencies within a programme, they are likely to overlap
sequentially, meaning that different projects need to be done or completed before the
immediate commencement of others. In such a scenario, there must be an interchange of
information between team members (Galvez, Ordieres and Capuz-Rizo, 2015). For instance,
where the performance of a specific project is dependent on the completion of another, the
predecessor team should communicate whether their project is complete or otherwise.
Likewise, the team on a successor project should communicate to the team on the predecessor
project as to their readiness to begin or otherwise (Galvez, Ordieres and Capuz-Rizo, 2015).

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Communication in the Context of a Construction Programme

Apart from the relationship between communication and project interdependencies,

researchers have also studied the link between effective communication and the success of
programmes, especially construction programmes. According to Ceric (2012) and Muller
(2007), information asymmetry is a scenario in which some parties are more informed than
others. Accordingly, information symmetry has been defined as a scenario in which
information has been distributed to all parties equally, so all involved parties are updated at the
same time. Ceric (2012) contends that good communication, which involves information
symmetry among all individuals and teams working on a project, is vital for success.

Communication during the implementation of a programme, is an essential

management skill that every project manager is required to possess. According to Cheung
(2014), Singh (2001), and Lester (2013), the process of management should drive both formal
and informal communication at various levels within a programme or organization. Both
formal and informal communication should include all activities and behaviors through which
relevant information and project ideas are transmitted between project managers and team

Accordingly, Maria-Sanchez (2005) and El-Reedy (2012) argue that poor

communication is one of the factors leading to project risks. Ramjugernath (2015) and Peh and
Low (2013) point out that communication in a construction programme is spread across
multiple fields, organizational levels, perspectives, and interpretations, making it complex.
Ceric (2012) posits that different teams working on a project need to cooperate, share, organize,
and integrate significantly large amounts of information in order to achieve project success.
Achieving information symmetry is crucial in terms of ensuring effective communication
throughout a project lifecycle, especially in situations where project and information
interdependencies are relatively high.

Muszynska (2015) explains that project communication management enables project

managers to ensure timely and appropriate generation, gathering, distribution, storing, retrieval
and disposition of project information. According to Muszynska (2015), Jiuguang (2015) and
Emmitt (2010), open and clear communication channels and approaches are needed among
project planners, executers and in all levels of an organization to ensure successful projects.

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Having effective communication plans, clear information distribution paths, project progress
reporting, and mechanisms of effective sharing of information among project management
teams and between project parties, clients and other significant stakeholders are important (Zou
and Sunindijo, 2015).

Aiyewalehinmi’s (2013) empirical study included a factor analysis of communication

in the construction industry. The study found that construction productivity was positively
correlated with the amount and quality of communication that flowed between individuals
involved in the design and implementation of a construction project. The implication of this
finding is that high levels of construction productivity are attributable to large amounts of high
quality communication between project team members. A lack of high quality, effective
communication can result in project failure. And Considering that a construction programme
may have many projects going on, the failure of one project may lead to the failure of the entire
programme. In many cases, such a failure is a function of poor communication management.
Cheung, Yiu and Lam’s (2013) study showed that ineffective communication was a reason for
the failure of many construction programmes and organizations.

According to Cheung, Yiu and Lam (2013), effective communication requires a

significant level of trust between and among project managers or personnel involved in the
implementation of different components of a project. The researchers concluded that, if those
who are involved in the implementation of a project trust each other, they will be more willing
to share vital project information among and between themselves. Trust plays a major role in
promoting effective communication within a programme. There is a beneficial relationship
between trust, communication and project performance. However, it is important to note that
there are still limited studies linking the three factors together. Further study is required to
determine whether effective communication can be achieved through trust and whether a
positive correlation between trust and effective communication will result in improved
programme performance.

While underscoring the importance of communication in a project, Heldman, Baca,

Jansen and Jansen (2007) argued that effective project managers spend more than a half of their
time in communication. The researchers proposed that, in order to achieve effectiveness,
communication should be planned at the commencement of a project. Further, Fwa (2005),
Loosemore (2003) and Smith (2007) explained that communication planning involves a range
of factors: specific people who need information and the time at which they need it; the type

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of information people require in order to undertake certain tasks and; the goal of making a
communication and how the information is supposed to reach the intended recipients.
Consideration of these factors will lead to effective communication. Even though the
suggestions have provided insight into how effective communication can be achieved, they
have not adequately examined through research, particularly in the context of a construction

A number of researchers have also focused on the diversity of project team members
when studying ways in which the effectiveness of communication can be enhanced. Gido and
Clements (2014), Winch (2012) and Zhou (2015) observe that diversity in a project team can
be functional, organizational, cultural, geographical, age, or education level. Effective
communication should take into account all these factors, lest there be a miscommunication,
which may ultimately have a negative impact on specific construction projects or an entire
construction programme. Effective communication that ensures project success should be
sensitive to the dynamics and diversities of team members working in a given construction
project or programme. Baker (2009) and Hielkema (2014) argue that project managers should
effectively communicate through organizing meetings to discuss emergent issues, and should
be always in contact with various principal stakeholders.

Communication Strategies for Successful Construction Programmes

Numerous studies have made it clear that some of the common causes of project failures
include changes in the scope of projects, poor or inaccurate estimations in project planning
phases, and poorly defined project goals and objectives. According to Dikbas and Scherer
(2004), all these issues arise mainly due to bad or ineffective communication strategies or a
lack of communication. As such, there are many studies concerning business or project
communication strategies aimed at achieving organizational or programme goals and
objectives. Kernbach, Eppler and Bresciani (2015) investigated the use of visualization in the
communication of business strategies. The study involved 76 managers who were presented
with visual metaphors, bullet list and temporal diagrams. Each subject was allowed to see only
one representation format. The results of the study showed that managers exposed to diagrams
representation of strategies paid more attention than those who were exposed to bullet lists.
Those exposed to diagrams representations better recalled and agreed with the new

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organizational strategies that those exposed to bullet points. Kernbach, Eppler and Bresciani
(2015) concluded that the use of graphical representations as part of communication strategies
is more effective in passing information to stakeholders than the use of bulleted texts are.

Construction programmes require many drawing and design activities to represent

information regarding different projects or different components of a project. The use of images
and graphic representation can be a vital part of an effective communication strategy in the
context of a construction program. However, this kind of a study has not been done with respect
to communication in the context of construction projects. Therefore, it implies that a further
study is still needed to contextualize the study to the construction industry, especially
construction programmes with complex project interdependencies.

Kiseilnicki (2011) studied the problems of organizing project teams in order to create
conducive environments that enhanced team synergy and communication. Kiseilnicki (2011)
came up with and sought to prove or disprove the hypothesis that, “the network communication
systems avail the most effective framework for the management of projects.” According to the
study outcomes, two issues hindered effective communication and led to challenges in project
implementation. The first issue was communication roadblocks caused by external factors,
such as delayed supply of necessary technologies, problems with project financing, incomplete
documentation, changes in legal and regulatory frameworks, unplanned absence by some of
the key project team members, and changes in the goals and objectives of an organization
implementing a project. The second issue was communication challenges resulting from
internal factors, such as inadequate communication, poor communication channels, lack of
knowledge and experience in undertaking a project, interpersonal conflicts between different
project teams or among project participants, and mistakes in project management strategies and

Even though Kiseilnicki’s study (2011) focused on information technology projects,

the outcomes provide insight into communication challenges that affect construction
programmes. A similar study could help to establish internal and external factors hindering
effective communication in the context of a construction programme, especially for individual
projects with high levels of interdependencies. Understanding specific communication
challenges would allow construction programme managers to diagnose communication
problems and, consequently, come up with strategies to ensure effective communication for
purposes of achieving different projects goals and objectives. Kiseilnicki concluded that

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network communication strategies can be very beneficial to a project. As well, the study found
that schedules and budgets can be communicated to project participants in the network system
better than they would in a hierarchical system, thereby enabling earlier interventions where

One of the ways to ensure effective communication among project team members is to
have project leaders with both interpersonal communication skills. Gushgar, Francis, and
Saklou (1997) describe leaders’ communication skills as the capability to interact efficiently
with others at all levels inside and outside the organization. The importance of interpersonal
communication skills for projects was underscored by Henderson (2008), who showed that
project managers’ interpersonal communication competencies were positively related to
project productivity. This argument implies that, for an effective communication to exist in the
first place in a programme, project leaders must have effective interpersonal skills. When a
project manager or leader lacks interpersonal communication skills, the successful
implementation of the project or an entire programme is likely to be unachievable. A project
manager with interpersonal communication is able to coordinate with other project leaders to
share information quickly.

Further, Culo and Skendrovic (2010) argue that project communication is the
responsibility of every project participant. Every project participant should be able to
understand the nature and progress stages of different projects they are working on and be able
to provide accurate reports. Culo and Skendrovic (2010) emphasize that the design of the
project communication strategy is the responsibility of the project manager, who will need to
be competent in terms of project communication and planning.

Rapid exchange of information among different team members facilitates the

achievement of project goals and objectives (Espinosa, Nan, and Carmel, 2015). According to
Espinosa, Nan and Carmel (2015), rapid exchange of information is primarily achieved through
conveyance. Further, they note that more exchange of information on project tasks results in
more familiarity with ongoing tasks; this results in high rates of successful project completion.
Effective communication can also be achieved through ensuring that information pertaining to
projects is shared as fast as possible; this is especially applicable where there are high levels of
project interdependencies within a programme (Espinosa, Nan and Carmel, 2015). Project
teams must come up with strategies of communication that ensure instant transfer of
information to relevant team members or project leaders. In this respect, Schwalbe (2015)

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argues that technology can be used to facilitate the process of creating and distributing project
information, when utilized effectively among project team members.

Schwalbe (2015) also argues that project leaders can organize project documents,
schedules, and stakeholder feedback and concerns in electronic project management systems.
Schwalbe (2015) explains that organizations can use cloud services and have backup plans, all
of which facilitates information interchange in a project. Schwalbe (2015), Bontempi (2003),
and Bee (2013) advise that organizations can adopt the use of appropriate software. Even
though not many studies have been done to determine the extent to which various construction
projects use software and technology to facilitate information interchange, especially where
there are high project and information interdependencies, it is evident that technology has some
benefits in terms of enhancing the effectiveness of communication for project successes.

Nicholas and Steyn (2008), Dykstra (2011), and Anumba and Wang (2012) have shown
the successful use of technology, especially software systems, to facilitate communication and
exchange of information among and between different teams. Important to note is the fact that
many construction programmes bring together different professionals temporarily. In this
regard, the use of appropriate standard technologies enhances quick exchange of information
and enables team members with different professional backgrounds to share information. Such
technologies can be used to facilitate effective communication in construction programmes.


This chapter reviews literature regarding communication in different programmes and

projects, especially construction programmes. Construction programmes have both project and
information interdependencies, which necessitates effective communication. Clearly, there is
a link between project and information interdependencies and the level of communication
required for successful implementation of different projects in a programme. High levels of
project and information interdependencies mean the nature of communication that is required
to ensure the success of projects is complex. The literature shows that construction programmes
are characterized by high levels of project interdependencies. Accordingly, they require a
complex approach to communication in order to make their coordination and implementation

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However, not many studies have been done with respect to the specific strategies that
can be used to enhance communication in the context of construction programmes. More
studies are needed to establish how the effectiveness of communication can be enhanced to
ensure the successful implementation of construction programmes, especially in situations
where there are high project interdependencies.


This dissertation proposes to investigate the following hypothesis.

Hypothesis 1: There is a positive relationship between information symmetry and

different project teams and programme management team and effective communication in

Hypothesis 2: There is a positive relationship project/programme manager

interpersonal communication skills and effective communication in programme.

Hypothesis 3: There is a positive relationship between high levels of trust across the
programme and effective communication in programme.

Hypothesis 4: There is a positive relationship between diverse nationalities in a

programme and effective communication in programme.

Hypothesis 5: There is a positive relationship between programme team commitment

to effective communication and effective communication in programme.

Hypothesis 6: There is a positive relationship between effective communication and

effective coordination across programme.

Hypothesis 7: There is a positive relationship between effective communication and

effective delivery of programme.

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Conceptual Model

Factors for Effective


Symmetry, between Effective Delivery of
different project teams and Programme
programme management
Interpersonal commu- Effective Management of
nication skills for Project Risks
and programme managers

Level of Trust Effective Successful Projects

Across programme Communication in Completion

Team Diversity of Efficient coordination,

Knowledge between different teams in

in programme programme

Team Commitment, to
effective communication
in programme

Figure 1: Conceptual Model

Conceptual Model Description

The literature review informed the development of the above conceptual model which
presents the major factors that impact effective communication in a construction programme
context. The model also illustrates the relationship between the two major variables which are
effective communication and effective delivery of programme. As noted in the previous
chapter, there is a positive relationship between effective communication and effective delivery
of a construction programmes that are complex due to the level of projects interdependencies.
Ceric (2012) emphasizes the importance of effective communication in project management

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and programme management. Further, he links good communication with information

symmetry among all individuals and teams working on a project or programme. As illustrated
on the left side of the model, there is a positive relationship between information symmetry
factor and effective communication variable.

Much of the literature also focused on project and programme managers’ interpersonal
communication skills. The importance of interpersonal communication skills in a project of
programme has been underscored by Henderson (2008), who argues that project managers’
communication competencies is positively related to project productivity. Increasing projects
productivity enhances programme performance and therefore increases the probability of
effective delivery of programme. As demonstrated on the left side of the model, there is a
positive relationship between project and programme managers interpersonal communication
skills as a factor and effective communication variable. The model also shows that there is
positive relationship between high level of trust factor and effective communication variable.
According to Cheung, Yiu and Lam (2013), effective communication requires a significant
level of trust between and among project managers or personnel who are involved in the
implementation of different components of a project or a programme. Thus trust has a positive
relationship with effective communication .

As presented on the left side of the model diversity of knowledge and education
backgrounds is positively impacts effective communication. Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995)
highlight that teams whose individuals had various knowledge and education backgrounds
appeared to have better performance, because diversity of knowledge smoothed exchange of
information and enhanced communication from various perspectives. The result of a study
conducted by Earley & Mosakowski, (2000), tend to prove this point of view. Effective
communication should account for diversity, which can have a positive impact on construction
projects and programme success. last on the left side the model illustrated positive relationship
between team commitment to effective communication and effective communication. In this
regard Kiseilnicki (2011) concludes that organizing programme management team in a way
that would create encouraging environments will encourage team commitment to communicate
effectively with each other’s.

The right side of the model illustrated positive relationship between effective
communication and effective risk management. In this regard, Maria-Sanchez (2005) and El-
Reedy (2012) highlight that effective communication between different projects teams in a

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programme decreases risks and increases the probability of effective delivery of programme.
Furthermore, Aiyewalehinmi (2013) did a factor analysis of communication in the construction
industry and found that construction productivity is positively correlated with the amount and
quality of communication that flows among individuals who are involved in the design and
implementation of a construction project.

The model also illustrated positive relationship between effective communication and
efficient coordination between different teams in programme. According to Zayyana and
Akintola (2009) state that effective communication is a vital part of a successful programme
management and effective communication allows proper coordination between different
project teams in a programme. They further state that the success of timely programme delivery
is due to the proper coordination and alignments between the interdependent projects within
the programme. Bankvall, Bygballe, Dubois and Jahre (2010) have advanced the view that
effective communication of project-related information and effective coordination of
information exchanges between team members working in different projects are very important
for the success of a construction programme.

The last relationship illustrated on the model was the positive relationship between
effective communication and project successful completion. In this regard, Espinosa, Nan and
Carmel (2015) state that rapid exchange of information among different team members
facilitates the achievement of project goals and objectives. In the literature, we clearly noticed
that there is a positive relationship between effective communication and effective delivery of
programme. The same has been concluded by Yiu and Lam (2013), whose study results showed
that ineffective communication was a reason for the failure of many construction organizations,
much less programmes.

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3 Methodology


This chapter describes the qualitative research methodology used for this research and
explains why this research methodology was selected. In addition, the chapter presents the
source of data, the way the data has been collected, and the method of analysis and limitations.

Conceptual Framework

Programme management is a very common practice in construction industry.

Organizations use a programme management approach to better utilize resources and to
achieve strategic goals. Project interdependencies in a construction programme involve
numerous parties and makes processes more complicated. Therefore, effective communication
management is very important for managing interdependencies and for programme success.
Hence, investigating effective communication for management of construction programmes is
very important.

The main purpose for this research was to investigate effective communication for
management of project interdependencies in construction programmes. Two case studies were
selected for this dissertation and data was collected from two different organizations. Each
programme studied had different scopes and environments, as well as different kinds of clients
and stakeholders.

A qualitative research method was used to facilitate research in the field, including data
collection, observations, and face-to-face interactions with people. Moreover, this
methodology allowed the researcher to concentrate on organizational procedures related in
particular to the case studies. The qualitative methodology allowed the researcher to have direct
interaction with programme teams and managers. It also allowed the researcher to be exposed
to more people within the programme and to access programme documents, which provided
historical data to support the study.

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Population Sample

Large construction programmes were selected as case studies for this research. The first
case study was of a master planning mix use programme developed by a private development
and real estate company in Dubai. The programme consisted of: six different projects for
construction of 2700 villas including civil, MEP works, internal and external finishes; another
two projects for construction and operation of infrastructure works including utilities such as
potable water, sewers, irrigation, electrical network, pump stations, and roads; six more
projects, including four projects for construction of twenty buildings, seven floors each and
two projects for construction of seven buildings, twenty-eight floors each; and last, two main
electrical substations. For the purpose of this research, three projects were selected to represent
the sample of this programme. The first project was a construction of 500 villas; the second
project was a construction of four buildings; and third project was the infrastructure works in
the same area.

The second case is a master planning mix use development including industrial projects
developed by a semi-government organization in Dubai. The programme consists of two
infrastructure projects including utilities such as potable water, sewers, irrigation, electrical
network, pump stations, and roads; seven projects for buildings over seven labour cities each
labour city consist twenty-six buildings, five stories each, and including all the civil works,
MEP works, external and internal finishes, testing and commissioning. There is also a project
for construction of three warehouses including all civil and MEP and finishes works. For the
purpose of this research, three projects were selected to represent a sample of this programme.
The first project was the construction of labour city number one; the second project was the
construction of three warehouses; and the third project was the infrastructure works in the same

Interviews were conducted with the programme managers of the case studies.
Approvals were provided from programme managers to allow the researcher to meet and
interview three project managers from programme management team. Accordingly, interviews
were conducted with three different project managers from each programme. Access to
historical data and reports were provide from the programme management team for both

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Analysis tool

A conceptual model was developed, informed by the literature review. Data collected
through interviews, records, historical information, reports and site observations were
examined against each factors in the conceptual model.

Data Collection

The sample of this study covers two different programmes from two different
organizations. Interview questions were developed regarding the factors and variables
indicated in the conceptual model to ensure sufficient data for research objectives.
Accordingly, interviews were conducted with two programme managers and six project
managers (three from each programme).

The data was collected through different tools and from programmes historical data.
The main tool was face-to-face interviews and site visits and observations by the researcher.
Company websites were investigated for more information regarding the programmes. Data
collection was split into two levels: first, programme managers, and second, project managers
in the programme; and therefore, two different questionnaires were developed as follows:

1. Programme manager questionnaire.

a. Within projects to which extent is timely information shared effectively? Do you find
sometimes some projects fallout? What do you do to ensure project teams receive the
necessary information?

This question investigated information symmetry, across the programme team.

b. What are the different communication practices that you use in your programme? To which
extent are these practices effective?
This question addressed the level of the programme manager’s communication skills.

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c. To which extent do you plan your programme based on information received from other
stakeholders in your organization or from stakeholders within the programme?
This question addressed the level of trust between programme manager and other
stakeholders in the organization, and between programme manager and stakeholders in the

d. To which extent do members of your team have different education backgrounds? To which
extent do they have different knowledge? To which extent does the diversity of knowledge
in your team impact your team communication effectiveness?
This question investigated the diversity of knowledge and education backgrounds in the
programme management team and the impact of this diversity on effective communication
between team members.

e. To which extent do you receive timely information from other stakeholders within the
organization? Do you normally specify a deadline to your team or stakeholders when you
request a report, information or approvals? Do you receive requested reports, information
or approvals by deadlines specified?
This question investigated commitment at two levels. First, commitment from other
stakeholders within the organization to share information on time. Second, commitment from
the programme management team to send to the programme manager on time reports or
information he requested.

f. To which extent are programme team members aware of the latest project design drawings?
To which extent are team members in different projects aware of other project schedules?
This question investigated the level of efficient communication used in the programme
between project managers and other project managers and team members in the programme.

g. Can you describe how effective risk management is in your programme? What is the
current situation of interdependent projects? Are there any delays? Are there any additional
costs to be paid to contractors? Did your team review variation orders? What is the

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percentage of variations in the entire programme? When handing over projects, are there
usually snags? How long in average takes your team to rectify problems’?
This question investigated programme risks, which will provide an indication of the
effective delivery of the programme. It also investigated the current situation of the programme
in terms of time, cost and quality. The variations and the number of variations per month will
give us an indication about the level of coordination between design team and implementation
team, and between different project teams in the programme. The snags and the period takes to
rectify them gives an indication about the quality; fewer snags and less time required to rectify
the problem will result in better quality and vice versa.

2. Project Manager questionnaire

a. How effectively is information needed from other projects communicated? To what extent
is information updated across the project team?

This question investigated the information symmetry, across the project team.

b. What are the different communication practices that you adopted in your project? To what
extent are these practices effective?

This question investigated the level of the project manager’s communication skills.

c. To which extent did you plan your project or subsequent activities in your project based on
information you received from other project managers or stakeholders in your programme?

This question investigated the level of trust between project manager and other project
managers or stakeholders in the programme.

d. To which extent does your team have different education backgrounds? To which extent
do they have different knowledge? To which extent does the diversity of knowledge on
your team impact your team communication effectiveness?

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This question investigated the diversity of knowledge and education background in the
project management team and the impact of this diversity on effective communication between
project team members.

e. To which extent do you receive timely information from other project managers whose
projects are interdependent with your project? Do you normally specify a deadline to your
team or stakeholders when you request a report or information from them? Do you receive
reports or information requested by the deadlines specified?

This question investigated the commitment on two levels. First, the commitment from other
project managers or other project teams in the programme to share information with the project
manager or his or her team on time. Second, the commitment of project team members to send
reports or information requested on time.

f. To which extent do you think your team members are aware of the latest design drawings?
To which extent are team members aware of design changes?

This question investigated the level of efficient communication between project manager
and project team members.

g. Can you describe how effective risk management is in your programme? What is the
current situation of the project? Are there any delays or additional costs to be paid to
contractors? Did the consultant send you a log of noncompliance reports? How many
noncompliance reports completed so far? Did your team review variation orders? What is
the percentage of variations in your project?

This question investigated project risks, and provides the current situation of the project in
terms of time, cost and quality. The variations and the number of variations per month indicate
the level of coordination between the design team and implementation team in the project. The
noncompliance reports and the period takes to complete them indicates quality. The fewer
noncompliance reports and less time taking to complete noncompliance reports leads to better
quality and vice versa.

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This research had several limitations. First, little literature was found on the subject of
project interdependencies. it was also difficult to find literature addressing effective
communication and project interdependencies together. Further, few studies addressed
programme management, especially related to construction. Another limitation was the that
time constraints which prevented the researcher from addressing more case studies. The
geographical limitation was also important, as this research only covered case studies in the
UAE. Therefore, further researches to cover more case studies on this subject is recommended.


The study utilizes a qualitative research method. The study starts by identifying the
definition of the programme and project interdependences. It is also investigates the major
factors impacts communication in construction industry. The literature review addressed the
importance and problems of communications in construction industry and the impact of the
effective communications on effective delivery of programme. The literature begins by
highlighting the theories of programme management and communication in construction
industry in general. And gradually, the study focuses on project interdependencies in a
programme and communications between different project teams. As a result of the literature
review a conceptual model was developed and utilized to analysis and examine the case studies.

The conceptual model illustrated the major factors impacts effective communications
in programme. The model also illustrated the relationship between the effective communication
and effective delivery of programme. There is a positive relationship between information
symmetry, programme/ project manager communication skills, trust between the team,
diversity of knowledge in the team, team commitment to communicate and effective
communication in programme. On the other hand, there is positive relationship between
effective communication and the effective delivery of programme. Two large construction
programmes were selected as case studies for this research. Research limitation was identified,
the major challenges were the little literature on the subject of project interdependencies and
programme management, especially related to construction.

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4 Case Studies


This chapter covers two large construction programmes presented as a case studies for
this research. The first section gives brief description about each programme. second section
identifies the projects in the programme and provides brief scope of works for each project.
third section clarifies the level of interdependencies between the projects. And the last section
provides comprehensive data analysis taking into consideration the factors illustrated earlier in
the conceptual model.

Case Study One

4.2.1 Programme Brief

The programme is a full development of 120 hectares of land. The programme consists
of 25 clusters of land, with a total of 2700 high quality row houses and villas, in two different
communities. It is located in a strategic position in Dubai, with easy access to arterial road
networks. Half of the villas faced park district. And the second half of the villas faced the Golf
Island, which is ac community provides an environment of luxury villas, most with either
frontage backing onto the golf course or water landscape. Community precincts contain
facilities arranged around local plazas, which house a variety of functions such as mosques,
clinics, schools, nurseries, gyms, post offices, restaurants and local grocery shops.

4.2.2 The programme consists of the following :

Six different projects for the construction of 2700 high quality row houses and villas,
with six different main contractors, and more than 20 subcontractors and suppliers for different
trades and disciplines, as well as two consultants. The client had his own management team,
created to cover all technical and management aspects such as design, planning, commercial,
and quality. The two consultants are responsible for reviewing engineering submittals,

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responding to contractors’ clarifications, checking work at site, coordinating works between

different contractors in the same area and overseeing different progress of works.

The whole land is divided two areas in terms of infrastructure works. There are two
different infrastructure projects awarded to two main contractors. The infrastructure main
contractors have more than four infrastructure subcontractors. One consultant supervises villas
and another two consultants supervises infrastructure projects. There are also two different
main contractors building two electrical substations; under these main contractors, there are
four subcontractors and one consultant supervises the substations.

In addition, there are six more projects, four projects for construction of twenty
buildings seven floors each and two projects for construction of seven buildings, twenty-eight
floors each. There are two supervision consultants, each one managing ten of the seven-floor
buildings. There are four different main contractors, each responsible for the construction of
five buildings. Under each of the main contractors there are more than three subcontractors.
There are also two main contractors responsible for construction of the twenty-eight floor
buildings, one responsible for construction of four buildings and the other responsible for
construction of three buildings.

4.2.3 Projects interdependencies

There are complex interdependencies in this programme due to the huge amount of
works. There are interdependencies with suppliers: individual supplier supply materials to
more than one project at a time for this programme. Moreover, there are interdependencies in
the arrangement and coordination between infrastructure works and villas and buildings, since
projects are being constructed at the same time in one area. For example, building foundations
cannot start until infrastructure deep services finished. The other major interdependencies are
between delivery and installation of electrical cables, and villas completion and readiness to
receive power and water.

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4.2.4 Analysis
The conceptual model shown in chapter two was used to analyze the data collected from
the interviewees. This section examined, the major factors that impact effective
communication, communication effectiveness in the programme and effective delivery of the

1. Major factors that impact effective communication

a. Information Symmetry

Different questions were addressed to the programme manager and project managers to
evaluate information symmetry across the programme management team. Information
symmetry, as defined in chapter two, occurs when all the team members are aware of the latest
updated information on time. The programme manager shared that there was no comprehensive
system to share information across the team. Instead, they depend on document controllers to
distribute information, and on weekly meetings to ensure that information reaches all project
managers. The programme manager added that he found sometimes some project managers did
not have the latest updated information. We noticed that there was no proper system to share
the information across the programme management team. And also no proper follow up to
ensure that information was distributed to all team members.

The three project managers were asked how effectively they received the information
they needed from other projects and whether or not this information had been updated across
the team. The three project managers’ answers varied: one said “I received the information”;
the other two said “no We didn’t received the information automatically, there is no
comprehensive or standard system. The project managers indicated that they usually make a
request for the information, whenever, they need data from other projects within the
programme. Two project managers said, “usually site team are more updated than office team”;
one project manager said, “when I received the information I used to distributed it immediately
to my team”. We found that due the absence of a comprehensive and standard system each
project manager used his own way to share information across the team. And there was no
proper follow up or checking system to ensure that data distributed to all relevant team
members on time . Therefore, We concluded that there is no information symmetry in the
programme management team.

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b. Interpersonal communication skills

Interviewees were asked what different communication practices they adopted in their
programme. Programme managers answered that they used very normal communication
methods, nothing different than normal and nothing specially customized for this programme.
Therefore, we found due to the fact that only normal and well known methods of
communication were used in the programme, the communication skills for the programme
manager can be rated normal. The three project managers had almost the same answer: they
used emails, memos, letters and meetings, which again are normal tools and methods used by
all people for communication. We found due to the fact that no different communication
practices were employed by any of the project managers. And none of the project managers
applies any different communication practices in their projects . Therefore, We concluded that
the programme and project managers didn’t have interpersonal communication skills.

c. Level of trust across programme

An indirect question was used to investigate trust. The researcher asked interviewees,
to which extent they planned their programme based on information received from other
stakeholders in the organization or from external stakeholders. The programme manager
answered, “I have to check myself any information before I depend on it in making any
planning for my programme”; the programme manager was very transparent; he added that
“trust in this organization is not more than 50%”. It is clear from the programme manager
answers that the level of trust between the programme involved parties is very low.

Nevertheless, the answers received from the three project managers support the
programme manager’s statement about trust. The three project managers also indicated that if
they received any information from other project managers or stakeholders, they always went
and check by themselves; not only that, but also make their own analysis and compare it with
information that they received and then make their plan accordingly. although project managers
were informed during the interview that this question was to measure the level of trust they still
insisted that they aren’t depends on the information received by any parties until they checked
it themselves. Therefore, We concluded that there was no trust across the programme involved

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d. Team diversity of knowledge

Programme manager’s answer indicates that there was diversity in education,

knowledge and experience in the programme management team. However, he stated that due
to similar knowledge, education and experience of the villas project managers he found
difficulties in communication. We noticed that the programme manager answer gives an
indication that across the entire programme management team there is diversity but in villas
projects there was no diversity in education, knowledge and experience. Therefore, We
concluded that there is a partial diversity of knowledge within the programme management

On the other hand, regarding project teams, two project managers said that their project
team almost has similar education background and does not have big difference in knowledge
and experience. They added that the majority are engineers and from consultant backgrounds.
However, the third project managers who is the buildings project manager said that the majority
of his team do have different education, experience and knowledge backgrounds. We found
different answers to this question from the three project managers, that was supporting the
above made conclusion that there is partial diversity of knowledge in this programme. As
identified earlier in the case study brief this was very large programme with large management
team. So partial diversity means that in some projects there was diversity of knowledge within
the team and in another projects there was no diversity of knowledge within the programme
management team.

e. Team commitment to effective communication

The programme manager answers can be divided into two levels: one is the
commitment from stakeholders and other stakeholders in the organization, where he clearly
said that their commitment to share information and fulfill specified deadlines is not more than
50%. And the other level is the programme management team, where the programme manager
gave 80% as a rate of commitment from the team to send the information or reports as per the
specified deadlines. We noticed that the rate of commitment from the stakeholders and other
stakeholders in the organization was very low. And since such a programme is highly
dependent on information from external stakeholders and other stakeholders within the

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organization, We concluded that across the programme involved parties there was a very low
rate of commitment to effective communication.

On the same subject, one project manager said “I only received the information when I
asked for it” and regarding on time or not “he added that 70% of the cases it is not on time”.
The other project manager said, “ I received regular reports but most of the time I did not find
it comprehensive and covered all the information I need, so I used to send a request for
information to other team members, he also added most of the cases I received the information
on time from my team and late from other team members or other project managers”. The third
project manager indicated that he received regular weekly reports and most of the cases were
on time. The above mentioned answers present different scenarios. Therefore, We noticed that
such situation indicated that there was no standard and no commitment from all parties
involved in the programme to share the information on the specified deadlines. Therefore, We
concluded that there is no full commitment to effective communication in this programme
between involved parties.

2. Communication effectiveness in the programme

It has been noticed from the programme manager answers that decision and information
regarding the design were changed very often by the management. Moreover, the programme
manager made a statement that “sometimes changes agreed by the senior management without
even me involved and I came to know about it later”. When such statement was made by the
programme manager then, it gives a clear indication that the communication approach deployed
in the organization was not effective.

On the other hand, the answers from two project managers indicated that not all of their
team were always aware about the latest shop drawings or design changes. The third project
manager indicated that his team was always aware about the latest shop drawings. The
researcher addressed this question just to examine how effective communication was in the
project between different team members and in the programme between all programme
involved parties. We noticed that the cases and the explanations provided by the project
managers and programme manager indicated that the communication methods used in the
programme were not an effective communication approach. Therefore, We concluded that the
communication between programme involved parties was not effective.

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3. Effective delivery of programme.

a. Effective Management of Risks.

The programme manager answers indicated that the management of risks in this
programme was not appropriate. We found that risks in this programme managed by only
maintaining a risk register and makes a regular updates. On the other hand, project managers
state that “risk management is not very effective in our projects”. Project managers clarified
that the reason behind the absence of effective risk management was dynamic design changes
happened from time to time by the management. They added that “in such environment it is
difficult to apply proper risk management”. Due to the above commentaries by project
managers, We concluded that there was no effective risk management applied in this

b. Successful Project Completion

The information provided by the programme manager indicated that there were delays
and variations in the projects, as well as quality issues. The programme manager rated quality
in general in the programme seven out of ten percent. On the other hand, project managers all
admitted that there were delays in the projects. For instance, in infrastructure the delay was
about one year due to the coordination with other projects in the programme. In villas and
buildings the delays were ten to six months. The three project managers answers indicated that
there were a number of variations still under process. They also indicated that the number of
quality noncompliance reports varies from project to project. For example, more than 35
noncompliance reports were sent by the consultant to the contractors for rectifications in the
building projects and another undefined number sent to villas contractors.

The above mentioned information provided a clear indication about the performance of
different projects in the programme. Moreover, the historical data shared with the researcher
shows severe delays in the projects. Therefore, we concluded that the time performance
indicator in the programme was very low, as well as the cost performance indictor was low due
to the fact that there were a number of undefined variations in all the projects. The quality
performance indictor could also be rated very low as per the information provided by project
managers on a number of quality noncompliance reports in their projects and as per the quality
rates provided by the programme manager.

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c. Efficient coordination between different teams in programme

The programme manager and the project managers indicated that they make weekly
progress meeting to ensure coordination between their projects were considered. The
researcher asked if there was a comprehensive master schedule that covered all the projects
and presents the level of coordination between the different projects and to which extent this
master schedule is reliable. The programme manager and the project managers answered that
“there is a master schedule updated regularly but some time not presents the facts due to the
dynamic decision from the management”. We found that there were numerous number of
master schedules, and the team was not aware about which one was the latest. Therefore, We
concluded that coordination between the programme involved parties was not effective.

4.2.5 Conclusion
The results of all effective communication factors showed ineffective implementation
of communication in this programme. The result of the effective communication variable
questions also gave negative indication, i.e. there was no effective communication across
involved parties in this programme. This conclusion confirmed the relationship proposed in the
conceptual model, which emphasized that when the effective communication factors such as,
information symmetry, level of trust, communication skills, diversity of knowledge, and
commitment to effective communication were considered, then, there are effective
communication across the programme involved parties.

Although these circumstances the programme was still under construction and few
projects were just recently completed. However, performance of the major factors that impact
effective delivery of programme were very low. The recently delivered projects in this
programme were completed after the planned completion date of more than six to twelve
months. There were also additional costs and an undefined number of variations were still
under process. Moreover, there were problems and the quality rates given by the programme
manager were very low. The data analysis showed that the delivery of the programme will have
late projects completion, additional cost to be paid by the client, and quality problems, as well
as there was absence of effective risk management. The reports and historical data shared with
the researcher showed that a majority of the projects in this programme were delayed, not only
the three projects discussed in this dissertation. Thus, the delivery of the programme will not
be effective. Both conclusions as such, confirmed the relationship between the major two

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variables effective communication in programme and effective delivery of programme as

indicated in the proposed conceptual model.

Case Study Two

4.3.1 Programme Brief

This case study represents an industrial development programme. The development is
in one of the emirates of UAE. The programme intended to deliver an industrial district. Upon
completion, it will spread across approximately 45 square kilometers of prime industrial land.

The programme consists of two projects for infrastructure, one project for a sewage
treatment plant, one project for a civil defense station, two projects for two electrical
substations, seven projects for seven labour cities, with each labour city including twenty-six
buildings, five stories each, and three projects for three warehouses. Each project was handled
by a different main contractor. There was one consultant responsible for supervision of
infrastructure works. Another supervision consultant responsible for the labour cities projects
and one more supervision consultant responsible for the warehouses projects.

The scope of works of the infrastructure projects was divided by areas. The first project
was road and infrastructure along spine road serve all the projects, labour accommodation area
and warehouses area including road works, sewers, drainage, firefighting, street lights, potable
water, and irrigation. The second project was road and infrastructure for sub roads along the
spine road and reaming areas for other development than labour accommodation and
warehouses, including, road works, sewerage, drainage, firefighting, street lights, potable
water, and irrigation. The programme was managed by a management team from the client
side, and a project management consultant and supervision consultants.

4.3.2 Projects interdependencies

The interdependencies in this programme were between the infrastructure works and
buildings and warehouse projects. Infrastructure deep services had to be finished prior to
starting construction on the buildings, as well as for buildings to be up and running,
infrastructure works had to be completed and all roads had to be ready for traffic use. Unlike

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the previous case study, there were interdependencies in the resources in this programme. There
was one contractor handling more than one project at the same time and there were specified
deadlines and completion milestones for each project. Thus, this contractor had to arrange to
organize the resources between two different projects and to coordinate with two different
project managers. The project managers of the different projects were also required to have
proper coordination and effective communication between them and their teams to ensure
effective sharing of resources for the benefit of the two projects’ targets and objectives.

4.3.3 Analysis
The conceptual model shown in chapter two was used to analyze the data collected from
the interviewees. This section examined, the major factors that impact effective
communication, communication effectiveness in the programme and effective delivery of the

1. Major factors that impact effective communication:

a) Information Symmetry

Different questions were addressed to the programme manager and project managers to
evaluate information symmetry across the two levels. The answers provided by the programme
manager indicated that there was a well-established system to share information across the
team. He added that they were depends on a pre-developed manual wherein, comprehensive
communication protocol, process and procedure, forms and formats were provided. the manual
was distributed to all of team members. The programme manager added that usually he does
something he call it brain mapping form to check that information was shared across all team
members and stakeholders. We noticed that there are well-defined methods and procedures to
share information with the team members and stakeholders. Therefore, based on the
programme manager answers and the above analysis, We concluded that there is information
symmetry in this programme across programme involved parties.

On the other hand, The three project managers were asked how effectively they
received the information they needed from the other project and whether this information was
updated across the team or not. The answers received from the three project managers were

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almost the same. They all said that they received regular reports including all the information
required and this reports were distributed immediately through the system as per the department
manual procedure to all team members. We noticed that due the available standard system all
project managers share on time information with their teams. So, all team members across the
programme received updates on the information at the same time. Therefore, We concluded
that there is information symmetry in this programme, across programme involved parties.

b) Interpersonal communication skills

Participants were asked what different communication practices they used in their
programme. The Programme manager answered that he used different practices such as brain
mapping, where he said, “ I make matrix to ensure that information received by relative team
members”. The department manual also considered different practices as it clarifies programme
communication process and procedures. In addition, the social activities they usually did with
the team to facilitate communication also considered different practices. We noticed that, there
were new practices used in this programme by the programme manager. Accordingly, We
concluded that the programme manager had interpersonal communication skills .

The same question was used to investigate the interpersonal communication skills of
project managers. The three project managers had almost the same answer, which presents that
they used emails, memos, letters and meetings, which are the normal tools or methods used by
all people for communication. However, the three project managers mentioned that the
different things that they normally did in this programme were that they made social activities
with all team members after working hours, and they also made regular celebrations with all
team members during working hours. Their argument was that this practice broke down
barriers between different projects team members and made individuals more willing to
communicate with each other during working time. Due to the fact that the project managers
applied social practices to enhance communication between team members in their projects
and that was common practice across the programme, therefore, We concluded that the project
managers in this programme had interpersonal communication skills.

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c) Level of trust across programme

An indirect question was used to investigate trust. The researcher asked the
interviewees to which extent they planned programme based on information received from
other stakeholders in the organization or from stakeholders. The programme manager answer
was “although trust was very high but I checked the information and I ensure that the
information received from reliable source before I make any planning”. It was very clear from
the programme manager answers that the level of trust across programme involved parties was
very high. We concluded that there was a high level of trust in this programme but nothing
was taken for granted.

The answers received from two project managers supported the programme manager
statement about the trust. They said that they normally made their plans based on information
and reports they regularly received from other project managers in the programme and even
from stakeholders. The third project manager’s answer indicted that there was trust but the
information received from other project managers or stakeholders still had to go through a cross
check process before being used for planning. Checking information is a good idea. Two
project managers indicated that they used the information received from other project managers
as is. Therefore, We concluded that there was a high level of trust across involved parties in
this programme.

d) Team diversity of knowledge

The programme manager stated that there was major diversity in education, knowledge
and experience in the programme management team. The fact that a majority of the team had
international backgrounds enhanced communication across the team. Therefore, We concluded
that there was diversity of knowledge at the programme management team.

The three project managers also indicated that there was a diversity of education,
knowledge and experience on their teams. The fact that the majority of project teams had
international previous experience and came from various international organizations. We
noticed that there was a diversity of education knowledge and experience in the projects teams
level. Therefore, We concluded that there was a diversity of education, knowledge and
experience across the programme management team.

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e) Team commitment to effective communication

The programme manager indicated that there were regular weekly and monthly reports
and whenever information was requested from any parties internally within the organization or
externally always there were specified deadlines and in most cases information or reports were
received on time. We noticed that the rate of commitment from the stakeholders and other
stakeholders in the organization seemed to be very high. Therefore, We concluded that across
the entire programme management team there was a commitment to effective communication.

Two project managers indicated that there was a commitment to sharing information
and maintaining effective communication from all programme team members and
stakeholders. However, the third project manager indicated that although reports and
information were regularly received, he rated 80% of cases were received on time. We noticed
that the two project managers and programme manager answers were aligned. Therefore, We
concluded that there was commitment to effective communication is this programme.

2. Communication effectiveness in the programme

The programme manager that, he was very confident that his team used latest design
revision and latest approved shop drawings. We noticed that the high level of accuracy in the
equality control procedure presented by the programme manager ensured team members were
fully aware about the latest approved design/shop drawings. Therefore, We concluded that the
communication approach in this programme was very effective.

At the project level, the answers from two project managers indicated that
communication was very effective, as all of their teams were always aware about the latest
design changes and latest shop drawings in the project. The third project manager answer
indicated to a certain extent that the communication was effective. He stated that “ the
communication procedure was 80% effective”. The information provided by the project
managers and programme manager indicated that the communication methods used in the
programme were effective.

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3. Effective delivery of programme.

a. Effective Management of Risks.

The programme manager indicated that there was appropriate and effective risk
management in the programme. He said that “The risk was covered through a risk register and
risk plan”. He added that the “risk plan was one of the crucial requirements that each project
manager has to create, implement and submit for approval, in a regular basis, it was very
effective way of managing the risks.” We concluded that since there was a comprehensive risk
management plan covers all the aspects of risks. Therefore, there is effective management of
risks at the programme management team level.

The three project managers answers were similar and indicated that there was no
appropriate risk management standard. We noticed that the project managers’ feedback was
not very positive, though one of the project managers mitigated risks in his project. Therefore,
We concluded that there was risk management in this programme but it was not very effective.

b. Successful Projects Completion

The programme manager indicated that there were acceptable delays in the projects.
The programme manager described them as a “few delays”. Moreover, in this programme the
researcher had a chance to see the programme history and previous reports, which showed that
the delay was very minimum in the range of 1-3 months only. We noticed that 1-3 months is
an acceptable range of delay in such a programme. Additional costs (10-15%) reported by the
programme manager indicated that there was considerable value of additional cost. The
researcher investigated the additional cost issue further, reviewing documents and previous
reports, and found that the main reason behind the large variation was management’s decision
to reschedule part of the project due to the financial crisis at the end of 2008. This decision
made the company pay more money to contractors afterwards when the company decided to
proceed with construction again. With regard to the quality of the works in the programme.
The researcher asked a question about the level of the quality in the competed projects in the
programme. The programme manager answer indicated that they have used worldwide
international consultants and contractors and therefore they assured the quality standard.

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Answers provided by the three project managers indicated that there were minor delays
in their projects, which they all described as ranging from 1-3 months. Their answers also
indicated that there were additional costs due to variations issued to contractors to add some
missing works. There were also additional costs due to omitting part of the works due to the
financial crisis at that time. Thus, reassigning the same work after two years this incurred
additional preliminary cost. The quality level was examined through the number of quality
noncompliance reports normally issued by consultant to contractors. The project managers
indicated that the number of the noncompliance reports were very limited, therefore, We
concluded that the quality in the programme was high.

The above analysis provided a clear indication about the performance of different
projects in the subject programme. We concluded that the time performance indicator in the
programme was high due to the fact that the delay was very minor, however, the cost
performance indictor was low due to the fact that there were a number of variations, and
variation percentages were high: around (10%-15%) for the entire programme. The evaluation
of the quality performance indictor was high due to the fact that the number of quality
noncompliance reports in the projects were very minimal. Therefore, We concluded that overall
programme performance was high and projects were successfully completed.

c. Efficient coordination between different teams in programme

With regard to coordination between team members, the programme manager and the
project managers focused on the social activities that they made sometimes during working
hours and even after working hours. Moreover, the progress meetings that they normally
conducted with all team members facilitated coordination between all involved parties in the
programme. There were monthly meeting where all project managers, programme manager
with all internal head of departments in the organization and the organization vice president
met together for more than two hours, discussed and resolved many issues regarding the
programme. The researcher asked if there was a comprehensive master schedule covering all
the projects and presenting the level of coordination between different projects, and to which
extent this master schedule was reliable. The programme manager and the project managers
answered that “there is a master schedule updated regularly and they used it to communicate
dates with all stakeholders, the same has been updated through a meeting with all project
managers and involved stakeholders in a weekly basis”. Therefore, We concluded that the

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approach to coordination was very helpful. They considered many dimensions such as social
networking, meetings with all stakeholders in regular basis, and meeting with the organization
vice president once a month. We noticed that all these practices together enhanced coordination
among the programme involved parties.

4.3.4 Conclusion

All factors that impacted effective communication specified in the conceptual model in
this programme showed positive outcomes. Moreover, the results of the effective
communication variable also gave positive indication. Hence, both results regarding evaluation
of effective communication in this programme were aligned. Therefore, these results confirmed
the positive relationship between the factors that impact effective communication and the level
of effective communication in the programme as proposed in the conceptual model.

All projects in this programme were completed and handed over. This situation allowed
the researcher to be exposed to more data, and increased the level of data accuracy and
enhanced the analysis. The performance of the major factors that impact effective delivery of
the programme were high, except the part related to effective management of risks, where the
results showed low performance. However, the quality and time performance in the projects as
well as coordination effectiveness were very positive. We noticed that additional costs paid in
this programme were justifiable. The fact that the programme was under full construction
during financial crisis, therefore, rescheduling part of the projects to be able to deliver other
parts in such a critical situation is a strategic approach to overcome the crisis and ensure
effective delivery of the programme. Therefore, additional costs incurred afterwards were value
added variations resulting in effective delivery of the entire programme later. Thus, positive
results around effective communication and effective delivery of the programme were in line
with each other. Both conclusions confirmed that there was a positive relationship between the
major two variables as indicated in the conceptual model.

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5 Discussion and Conclusion


Two large and different programmes were selected by the researcher as case studies in
order to investigate the level of communication effectiveness in each programme and to
examine the relationship between effective communication and effective delivery of the
programme. The conceptual model presented academics’ opinions on factors impacting
effective communication and clarified the relationship between effective communication and
effective delivery of programme.

In case study number one, data analysis was made to examine the impact of each factor
on the effective communication in the programme .We noticed that information was
distributed to the team members by emails or through the document controllers. The way of
distributing information and the programme manager and project managers responses clear
indicated that, in many cases, some team members have more updated information than others.
Sometimes, project managers did not have the latest information about their projects. On the
contrary, in case study number two, there was a very established system to share information
relative to all team members on the same time. In addition there was a manual clarified all
communication process and procedures in the programme. The responses from the programme
manager and project managers indicated that the programme involved parties were very
committed to sharing information.

The case study number one, team members were using very ordinary methods of
communications, such as emails, memos, meetings and letters. Although, programme manager
and his team recognized that there was communication problems in the programme, however,
they did not think to introduce new practices to enhance communication. They were used to
living with the situation and blaming their market driven organization and management who
kept changing things. On the other hand, the participants in case study number two introduced
different practices to improve communication and coordination. We noticed how this team
introduced several practices such as social activities, celebration parties between team
members, monthly meetings between team members and stakeholders and organization vice
president. Programme management team in case study number two were very effective to
introduce new ideas to enhance communication. However, programme management team in

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case study number one did not think about any ideas to enhance communication between their

In both case studies, we found that the diversity of team knowledge and experience
were almost the same. However, there were major differences in the level of trust between the
two case studies. The results provided earlier in this dissertation showed that for case study
number one, trust between team members was low and trust between the programme
management team and other stakeholders within the organization was very low. In case study
number two, we noticed how the team checked any information they received from other team
members or stakeholders prior to using this information for any planning in their project. When,
the researcher mentioned trust during the interviews, all project managers described it as very

Team commitment to effective communication in case study number one was not
effective. The programme manager and the project managers were usually received regular
reports, however, most of time they did not find all the information they need in the report.
Therefore, we concluded that the report was not comprehensive, and did not give enough
information to team members to allow them to schedule their interdependent activities with
others within the programme. Although the project managers specified deadlines when they
requested additional information, in 50% of cases deadlines were missed. The situation was
much different in case study number two, where the team depended on a regular weekly report
distributed to all team members, which covered all the information. Sometimes, the project
managers requested additional information from other team members within the programme
but that was done through a standard procedure and the team member was given a deadline to
respond. In most cases, the information was received by the team member who requested it on
time. Programme involved parties in case study number two were very committed to effective

The way communication happened in case study number one indicated that there was
no standards implemented in the programme to ensure effective communication among all
involved parties. In case study number one, design changes sometimes happened and agreed
by the senior management in the organization without informing the programme manager.
Overall, communication in case study number one was not effective. However, in case study
number two, there was a strong system in the programme, including a manual prepared by the
programme manager covering all communication protocols, communication process and

Student ID 2014103159

procedure and provides forms and formats for the communication in all levels within the
programme or outside the programme with external stakeholders. We found the manual simple
and well organized. Therefore, the communication in case study number two was very

Effective delivery of programme as presented in the conceptual model depends on three

factors: successful project completion, effective management of risks and efficient
coordination between different teams in a programme. In case study number one, there were
huge delays, undefined additional costs, and quality problems in the three projects investigated.
There was no effective management of risks, and no efficient coordination between different
teams in the programme. Senior management decisions in case study number one always
delayed to reach to programme manager. There was no proper quality management to ensure
teams coordinated interdependent activities. There was no proper master schedule for the entire
programme to ensure that planning was done and interdependencies between projects were
considered. There were no regular updates for the existing master schedule and it was not
distributed to all involved parties on a regular basis. Therefore, under all these circumstances
we concluded that programme delivery was not effective.

Performance of the programme in case study number two involved a minor delay of 1-
3 months, a huge amount of additional costs, and the projects were delivered in a high standard
quality. The risk management applied was not very effective; however, project managers gave
some examples where they managed to mitigate risks and reduce risk impacts in their projects.
There was very proper and efficient coordination, and a master schedule covered all elements
of the programme. The schedule was updated regularly in weekly meetings between
programme manager, project managers, internal stakeholders and representatives from external
stakeholders. The schedule updates were shared after this meeting with all involved parties to
ensure that they fulfilled their commitments and took action on time as per the schedule.
Therefore, we concluded that programme delivery in this case study was very effective.

Student ID 2014103159


The hypotheses that there is a positive relationship between effective communications

in programme and effective delivery of the programme were confirmed by the data. Therefore,
for effective delivery of a programme in the construction industry, organizations need to create
environments to make sure that there is effective communication deployed across programme
involved parties such as, programme management team, other departments in the organization
and external stakeholders.

Moreover, analysis of case studies drew a clear picture of fundamental factors required
to create an effective communication in programme. This conclusion was almost aligned with
the conclusion determined from the literature review. Case studies data analysis and conceptual
model illustrated the positive relationship between, information symmetry, interpersonal
communication skills for programme manager and project managers, and team commitment to
effective communication effective communication in construction programme. The data
analysis also shows that, trust and diversity of knowledge have limited impact on effective
communication in construction programme. However, the impact of trust and diversity of
knowledge requires more investigation via other case studies; further research in this subject is

Both the literature review and case studies confirmed the positive relationship between
successful completion of projects and efficient coordination between different teams in a
programme. Although the conceptual model presents a positive relationship between effective
risk management and effective programme delivery, analysis of the case studies did not present
effective risk management as a mandatory factor for effective programme delivery. Therefore,
the researcher recommends further research via other case studies to investigate the relationship
between effective risk management and effective programme delivery in the construction

To create effective communication in a programme, proper implementation and

consideration for information symmetry between different teams and the programme
management team, programme manager and project managers’ interpersonal communication
skills, and team commitment to effective communication are required. In addition, programme
managers must develop standard processes and procedures for communication between team
members on all levels, and to ensure the timely sharing of information, particularly between

Student ID 2014103159

interdependent project teams. The programme manager and the project managers have to adopt
different communication practices to encourage their teams to enhance communication and
maintain proper coordination. Practices such as social activities between team members and
event celebrations could add value to effective communication.

Student ID 2014103159

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7 Appendices

Sample of Questionnaire answers

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