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Thermal Study of a Valve Regulated

Lead-Acid Batteries and Electronics

Chamber used in Stand-Alone Street
Lighting Applications
Jonas Skaalum, Trevor Jamieson, Dominic Groulx
Mechanical Engineering, Dalhousie University
Halifax, NS, Canada
Research Rationale
6 month research grant with PoleCo ltd.
They design and supply grid-independent street lighting
All of their power derived from renewable sources using
small wind turbines, solar panels, or a combination of the
Power stored in on-board rechargeable Valve Regulated
Lead Acid (VRLA) batteries.
VRLA batteries are particularly vulnerable to higher
operating temperature; when receiving a float charge at a
temperature 10°C above intended operating temperature,
the battery life will be cut in half1.

1. D. Berndt, Valve-regulated Lead-acid Batteries, Journal of Power Sources,

100, 29-46 (2001)
Research Objective
 Determine the thermal behaviour of VRLA
batteries under various charging and discharging
conditions and ambient temperature;

 Using COMSOL Multiphysics, determine the

amount of heat generated during battery
operation – validated with experiments;

 Model and validate the entire battery enclosure,

including the impact of the charge controller.
1 st Type of Experiments: Battery
 One VRLA battery enclosed in a
tight-fitting box made from half-inch
RSI-0.5 extruded polystyrene (XPS).
 The battery was charged with a
bench-top DC power supply set to
14.5 V and various charging
 The temperature of the battery
measured with fourteen adhesive T-
type thermocouples.
1 st Type of Experiments: Results

Charge experiment Discharge experiment

COMSOL Model: Battery
 Modeled as two blocks, one representing the
battery, the other representing the insulation.
 The battery domain is 287 mm tall, 342 mm
long, and 172 mm wide.
 The insulation block is subdivided into six panels
to make it easier to mesh.
 Geometry simplified, not including any of the
surface features of the battery such as
handholds and electrical terminals and internal
geometries of the cells.
Material Insulation Battery
Thermal Conductivity (W/m·K) 0.0254 34
Density (kg/m3) 21 2841
Heat Capacity (J/kg·K) 1500 862.3
COMSOL Physics: Battery
 Only heat transfer by conduction through solids is present
in this study;
 With a initial temperature and natural convection boundary
conditions on outside surface to ambient temperature of
22.2 °C;
 How to determine the amount of heat generation? The
entire battery volume is assigned as a heat source with heat
generation related to internal resistance through the
following function1:
POV = I ∙ DV

 POV is the heat generated (W), I is the current flowing

through the battery (A), DV is the over-voltage (V)
 Over-voltage is the difference between the open circuit
voltage of the battery before charging begins and the
measured voltage at the battery terminals during charging.
 I and DV are taken from the experiment.

6. H. Giess, Investigation of Thermal Phenomena in VRLA/AGM Stationary Lead/Acid Batteries with a Thermal
Video Imaging System, Journal of Power Sources, 67, 49-59 (1997)
COMSOL Mesh: Battery
 Mesh with swept tetragonals.
 Mesh convergence study: difference in
temperature between the finest and
coarsest meshes less than 0.004 °C.
 The Normal predefined mesh setting was
used with 3553 elements.
 At this mesh size, simulations ran in less
than 5 minutes.
COMSOL Results: Battery
2 nd Type of Experiments: Enclosure
 VRLA batteries in a PoleCo lighting installation
are held within an 18 inch square aluminum
 The air cavities within this chamber are large
enough that convective currents are expected
to have a noticeable effect on the temperature
of the batteries.
 40 mm gap between the batteries.
 65 mm gap between the enclosure walls and
the batteries on the four sides.
 150 mm of space above the two batteries.
 The charge controller has a 128 mm square
base and is 73 mm tall.
 Exterior of the enclosure was completely
wrapped in polystyrene insulation.
2 nd Type of Experiments: Results
COMSOL Model: Enclosure
 This model is defined by four domains;
 the aluminum box,
 the air inside the box,
 the two batteries,
 the charge controller.
 The box and the air use the standard
material properties from the COMSOL
 The batteries use the same material
properties as the ones in the model of the
insulated battery experiment.
 The charge controller modulates the
current and voltage characteristics of the
electrical energy from the solar panel; the
electronic circuitry generates fair amount
of heat. It is modeled as a mass with a
predefined temperature
COMSOL Physics: Enclosure
 The batteries are defined as uniform masses, with the exception of
the 50 mm air gap on the top surface.
 The heat generation is given by a function taken from
experimental data.
 The outside faces of the box are thermally insulated, representing
the polystyrene.
 An air domain is added, all air flow due to the natural convection
(laminar). A buoyancy force is included in the model as a
volumetric force given by:

FZ = -g∙(rho-rho_ref)
COMSOL Mesh: Enclosure
 Mesh with swept tetragonal elements.
 Several parametric surfaces were used to
divide up the geometry in order to facilitate
 The mesh has 5760 elements.
 Simulation completes in a time of 30 to 40
COMSOL Results: Enclosure
COMSOL Results: Enclosure
COMSOL Results: Enclosure
Conclusions – Future Work
 The lead-acid battery tested generated heat during charging at
a rate that followed the over-voltage published model;
 Well reproduced numerically;

 A validated model of heat transfer within the

batteries/electronics enclosure was produced showing the
effect of natural convection within it;
 Some limitations where identified:
 Limitation in the understanding of heat generated from the charge
 Possible effects of radiation heat transfer within the enclosure;

 Follow-up work using this model will look at the effect of

external heat sources, i.e., solar radiation, wind, cooling fans,

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