Alfa Laval Packinox+ Product Leaflet en

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Alfa Laval Packinox


Alfa Laval Packinox+ is a compact solution for maximum heat
transfer in positions with high flow rates, temperatures, and

Asymmetric flow channels make Packinox+ ideal for all duties

with two-phase flows, e.g. gas-to-liquid. The unique plate
design of Packinox+, combined with a counter-current flow,
results in high heat-transfer efficiency and low pressure drop.

• Carbon capture • Energy storage
• Renewable power • Thermal power
• Petrochemicals • Crude oil refining
• Gas processing

Packinox’s design is tried-and-tested, with more than

500 units in operation in plants across the world. Superior
performance, high reliability, and short payback time have
made Packinox the industry standard for energy-intensive
applications, such as catalytic reforming and aromatics

Like all Alfa Laval Packinox heat exchangers, a Packinox+
offers many benefits over a shell-and-tube solution:

Maximized energy efficiency Reduced CO2 emission

• Ideal for asymmetric flows, thanks to FlexFlow technology • Compact size, for optimized use of raw materials
• Fully customized design for optimal performance • Reduced fossil fuel consumption thanks to outstanding
• Outstanding heat recovery – minimal HAT (hot approach heat recovery
temperature) and thermal efficiency >95% How it works
• Low pressure drop Packinox+ is available in two different design configurations:
plate-and-shell and plate-and-frame.
• Guaranteed performance

Both configurations are packed with state-of-the-art

Improved profitability heat transfer technology, perfect for demanding process
• Low CAPEX and short payback time: compact size and applications.
high capacity make it possible to replace multiple shell-
and-tube or plate heat exchangers with a single unit Thanks to its robust, compact design, Packinox+ can cater to
• Low OPEX: robust design and reliable operation, periodic applications of all sizes, without compromising productivity.
long-term performance reviews from Alfa Laval
• High return-on-investment
Packinox+ plate-and-shell
The core of an Alfa Laval Packinox+ plate-and-shell heat Robust design
exchanger is a fully welded bundle of heat transfer plates. Alfa Laval Packinox+ plate-
The counter-current flow of the hot and cold media, in com- and-shell heat exchangers are
bination with the high turbulence, maximizes heat transfer designed and built for maximum
between the streams. operating reliability. The chevron
pattern on the heat trans-
The plate bundle resides inside a pressure vessel filled with fer plates is produced using
cold-stream gas under high pressure. This means the plate underwater explosion forming,
bundle is only exposed to the differential pressure between a technique developed by Alfa
the hot and cold streams, minimizing the mechanical stress Laval to maximize the mechani-
on the plate welds. cal strength of the plates. Laser
welding ensures high weld
Maximum performance with asymmetric flows quality and strength.
The flow geometries of the different fluid streams in an
Alfa Laval Packinox+ heat exchanger can be individually opti- We operate under a rigorous
mized to ensure both superior heat transfer and an optimized quality management system,
pressure drop when handling highly asymmetric flows. and thorough inspections are
performed at each step of the production process.
FlexFlow is also useful when a very low pressure drop is
required for one or more of the fluid streams. Accessible for service
The plate pack is accessible for service through a manhole
Packinox Performa at the top of the unit and through one of the bellows from the
Packinox Performa gives you a detailed view of the operation bottom. All welds can be repaired, channels can be plugged,
and condition of your Packinox heat exchanger by providing and bundles can be replaced, if necessary.
a real-time view of the operation, and weekly reports with
condition analyses and performance forecasts. This makes Installation
it easy to optimize maintenance, ensure reliable uptime, and
maximize energy efficiency. Alfa Laval Packinox+ heat exchangers are installed in an
upright position (the pressure vessel is fitted with a skirt or
brackets) with a minimal footprint.
Design configuration
Customized design Dimension
Each Packinox+ heat exchanger is designed and built to the
exact conditions under which it will operate. Performance is Current size range
optimized by selecting the correct plate pattern, gap dis- • Shell diameter: 1.5 m to 6 m (3 to 18 ft.)
tance, plate dimensions, number of plates, ΔT, and pres- • Shell total length: 10 m to 20 m
sure drop. The result is outstanding performance and cost (30 to 65 ft.)
effectiveness. • Total weight: 30 to 400 metric tons
(60,000 lb. to
Low pressure drop with HyperCut 600,000 lb.) Equivalent S&T surface area: 1,000 to
A low operating pressure is key for high yields in many pro- 35,000 m² (10,000 to 375,000 sq. ft.) in a single shell.
cesses. Packinox+ heat exchangers combine excellent heat
recovery with low pressure drop, usually within the range 0.3
to 1.5 bar (total flange-to-flange, both sides).

Thanks to Alfa Laval’s unique HyperCut plates, the pressure

drop over the distribution area of the plates is very low. This
means more of the available pressure drop can be utilized
in the heat transfer area of the plate, resulting in higher heat

For more information For more information

about our service offering, about Performa, visit
visit our website: >> our website: >>
Technical data Pressure
Our reference list includes exchangers with design pressures
Construction materials: ranging from 3 bar to 140 bar.
Bundle Differential pressure between feed and effluent is the bun-
Stainless steel (SS 321, SS 316, SS 304, etc.). dle’s only mechanical limitation. As a conservative measure,
Qualified construction materials include: all types of austenitic we currently limit this value to 55 bar (depending on the
stainless steel, including highly corrosion resistant Alloy 6 Mo configuration and operating temperature).

Vessel Codes and Standards

Qualified construction materials include: 1.25 Cr 0.5 Mo, Alfa Laval Packinox’s quality and environmental management
2.25 Cr 1.0 Mo, stainless steel, carbon steel or other systems are certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
qualities, as per customer requirements. We comply with all international standards for pressure vessel
manufacturing, for example ASME U, U2, R, NB, as well as all
Bellows local standards and regulations (PED 2014/68/EU, ATEX, EN
Inconel, Incoloy or other, subject to demand. 13445, CODAP, AD 2000-MERKBLATT, High Pressure Gas
Control Law, TR CU 010/2011 and TR CU 032/2013, Korea
Pressure and temperature operating limits Gas Safety, etc.)
The typical design temperature is up to 550°C (1,000°F).
Design temperatures as high as 650°C (1,200°F) have been
achieved. Note: internal bellows compensate for thermal
differential expansion.
Packinox+ plate-and-frame

The core of an Alfa Laval Packinox+ plate-and-frame heat The chevron pattern on the
exchanger is a fully-welded bundle of heat transfer plates. heat transfer plates is produced
The hot and cold streams flow in alternate channels in the using underwater explosion
plate bundle, in opposite directions. The counter-current flow forming, a technique developed
maximizes heat transfer and makes it possible to operate by Alfa Laval, to maximize the
with crossing temperatures in a single unit. mechanical strength of the
The corrugation of the plates causes high turbulence in the
media, increasing heat transfer and minimizing fouling. We operate under a rigorous
quality management system,
Maximum performance with asymmetric flows and thorough inspections are
The flow geometries of the different fluid streams in an Alfa performed at each step of the
Laval Packinox+ heat exchanger can be individually optimized production process.
to ensure both superior heat transfer and an optimized pres-
sure drop when handling highly asymmetric flows. FlexFlow Accessible for service
also creates new opportunities when a very low-pressure All welds in the plate pack are
drop is required for one or more of the fluid streams. accessible for service and can
be repaired.
The overlapping welds on two of the sides of the plate bundle
form solid walls. The other two walls are reinforced with side Installation
panels, held together by a large number of tie rods. This
design allows an Alfa Laval Packinox+ plate-and-frame heat Alfa Laval Packinox+ plate-and-frame heat exchangers are
exchanger to be operated at pressures up to 70 bar. installed in an upright position within minimal footprint.

A Packinox+ plate-and-frame heat exchanger can be Dimension

configured to operate with more than two flows, meaning Current size range
several media can be heated or cooled simultaneously. Each • Height: 10 m to 20 m (30 to 65 ft.)
flow can have an individual number of channels and the
• Weight: 30 to 400 metric tons (60,000 lb. to 600,000 lb.)
channel gap can be adjusted for different media.
• Equivalent S&T surface area: 1,000 to 35,000 m²
(10,000 to 375,000 sq. ft.) in a single unit.
Design configuration
Customized design
Each Packinox+ heat exchanger is designed and built to the
Technical data
exact conditions under which it will operate. Performance is Plate materials
optimized by selecting the correct plate pattern, gap dis- Stainless steel (SS 321, SS 316, SS 304, etc.).
tance, plate dimensions, number of plates, ΔT, and pres- Thickness 0.8to 1.5 mm.
sure drop. The result is outstanding performance and cost
effectiveness. Pressure and temperature
operating limits
Low pressure drop with HyperCut
Packinox+ plate-and-frame heat exchangers combine excel- Temperature
lent heat recovery with low pressure drop, usually within the Up to 400°C (752°F).
range of 0.3 to 1.5 bar (total flange-to-flange, both sides).
Thanks to Alfa Laval’s unique HyperCut plates, the pressure Total and differential pressure up to 70 bar.
drop over the distribution area of the plates is very low. This
means more of the available pressure drop can be utilized in Codes and Standards
the heat transfer area of the plate with higher heat transfer as Our quality and environmental management systems are
a result. certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

Robust design
Alfa Laval Packinox+ plate-and-frame heat exchangers are
designed and built for maximum operating reliability. For more information
about our service offering,
visit our website: >>
Key features
HyperCut ALOnline
Unique plate design that increases Digital services for maximum uptime
reliability and reduces pressure drop and performance
The design of our patented HyperCut plates We offer a range of digital services
increases the mechanical robustness and for our Packinox+ heat exchangers,
operating reliability of your Packinox+ heat including process optimization, condition
exchanger, reduces the pressure drop over monitoring and predictive maintenance
the distribution areas, and improves operabil- through our Packinox Performa soft-
ity. This makes it possible to maximize heat ware, as well as remote guidance and
recovery, minimize size and CAPEX, support from our experts via video link.
and reduce the overall pressure drop.

Explosion Forming ALOnsite

High-strength plates with long, Qualified support at your facility
reliable lifetime With Alfa Laval as your partner, you have
The pattern on a Packinox+ heat transfer the full backing of our global service
plate is formed by the shockwave from an network, including 24/7 remote technical
underwater explosion. This one-step op- support. We can be at your plant within
eration minimizes residual stresses in the 1-2 days if you need onsite assistance.
plates, making them mechanically strong-
er. The end result is very high operating
reliability and longevity.

Spray Bar
Optimized mixing For more information about
IInternal mixing of the liquid feed and recycle Packinox+ plate-and-frame key
gas is unique for Packinox heat exchangers. features, visit our website: >>
Our patented Spray Bar technology ensures
perfect mixing, resulting in better heat transfer,
less mechanical stress and more reliable op-
eration compared to mixing in the inlet pipe.

NB: Only for Packinox+ plate-and-shell


This document and its contents are subject to copyrights and other intellectual property rights owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB. No part of this document may be copied, re-produced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, or for any purpose, without Alfa Laval Corporate AB’s prior express written permission. Information and services provided in this document are made as
a benefit and service to the user, and no representations or warranties are made about the accuracy or suitability of this information and these services for any purpose. All rights are reserved.

100008414-1-EN 2210 © Alfa Laval Corporate AB

How to contact Alfa Laval

Up-to-date Alfa Laval contact details for all countries are always available on
our website at

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