water and this bothered Efyon because they were all he had.
His ropm was thin, low-ceilllnged, aid as the years
passed and the boy grew larger, he sensed that he was being
pressed closer and closer to the windows -- the homely bed
a.nd wooden chair shrinking in size upon the scs.tter rug
until they seemed toy furnishings, leaving only the window
to be of any importance •— the edges caulked with thick
bubbles of oalnt, containing the imperfections of glass
within the pane like a flat, white marble, reflecting slow
and magic-clear, other children's lives. Outside they played,
their aark, large-eyed Island faces slashing like unkept
promises across the grey and sand^ moss that was the soil,
across the scrub pine and the beach and the sea, whipped and
windy, running green to no land.
He watched them from behind his glass. Their
rage against him was irrational and unending. He had been
tried once in a childish court and found lacking, obtrusive,
dull. His teeth were small and rather pointed, his lips thin.
He was fesrful of the water and the salt hurt his eyes when he
swam. His presence seemed too large even for himself, though
he was slender and his features delicate. His hair was damp
and kinky and lay close to his skull as if it wanted to take
up as little apace as possible. It did not fly with long and
thick abandon like the other boys'. Efyon had no wildness or
disorder about his face at all. His eyes and mouth lay quiet
and vaguely waiting like rabbits in brush, not knowing which
men. ...
^ he collie much as he wanted to be
He wanted to oe
«.ht of eliminating the boy in some
handsome. He often thought
of hurling the bodj down a well or ^
Vague and awful manner,
_ between curtains and picture
into a deep and m^^ldy
in snow so deep that the spring would
puzzles, of burying him hia onat
^fvon would then put on his coat
bring forth only bones. ,,a+.K
» his aesh and dogs, and, armed with
hnd cap. appropriate
the wind.
The children listened, blowing out their cheeks
^ waiting impatiently for their turn
and nodding their heads, wa &
, i„PPd in the cart beside the driver,
to be scooped up and pla
4 4-u/Mii' fla sound,
to fi, aown the beach without sou , without a tic of a
ejL. They would grin soundlessly
shoe or the grind of a
the race began and the horses sxmng
and wriggle in delight as
* would seem as if flight was static,
into a motion so exact
^ hunching his shoulders in the wind
Efyon smiled,
4 4-^no• to be recognized only so that
like the other boys, wait g ^
_eg lept forward, Elizabeth would
he could obey. When the ^
n 4-ph her handful of cardboard adora-
click her teeth and clutch i t u u ♦
u and torn paper lace to her chest,
tlons, red hearts and rhymes
dates there too, Efyon knew.
There was a small box o u v,
with unknown centres ana he had
They were wrapped 1 . brought them home, carefully as
bought them in the store and
eggs in his cap, and he had sat in his room a long time,
marveling at the way the light sparkled off the wrappings,
his mind vacant but for the glitter and the hope, grown now
with the shimmering foil into a certainty, that the candy
would make all the difference...•••
.... and he could feel the sweets slide darkly
V • . ■ . -
my brain.“
Efyon stood smiling, biting his lip, his eyes
clutching Elizabeth, Collie, the trotter, the approving child
ren. They stood as though in tableau, artfully arranged,
it was hard and wet as clay. Only that to show that the
Instant had changed, that the stillness was not the same
as it had been before. Efyon moved then too, hurling him
self through the children towards the horse as though he had
been beckoned. He saw Elizabeth, holding the hearts, fall
away from sight and Collie fled from vision too, his grin
grey from the sea, broken rigid and dull. But the horse
did not come near his pockets at all. He reared backwards,
straining his head high against the martingale, his eyes
lost in white, his hooves frantically striking out at sur
prise, Ignorance, the pleading boy.
"No”, Efyon cried. ”0h no"......... his eyes too rol
ling with fright as the horse rose and fell like a great
wave and the cart bounced and lurched, its traces cutting
into the tight flanks.
"Please", he muttered, still trying to touch and
befriend the tossing head. "I didn't mean to scare you."
The driver had almost been thrown from his seat and now,
stumbling from the cart, he grasped the snaffle and flung
his free arm round the horse's neck. He spoke soothingly
to him, but his words to Efyon were soft and angry.
"Be gentle 'round a good horse boy. You should ^
know that. I thought all you children would know that."
The horse was steady now, though still quivering.
The mouth foamed white over the bit and the wind froze
three tiny droplets of blood on the smooth side.
"I only wanted to pat him", Efyon said. , .i,
"Toup", a child taunted, shoving his face inches
before Efyon's. "Toup..Stupid..... can't do anything right.
not ever knowing in the years ahead, this to make his soul
on frosted glass.
The winter was bitterly cold and the sky was white
and dense like a Welsh sky. He was hired by an advertising
agency to create images for hotels, public buildings, unknown
musicians and cocktail organists and each morning he rode
into the city on a yellow bus. When his efforts would appear
in newpapers or on the backs of menus, he would cut them out
and put them in a scrapbook. He would do this on his lunch
hour and his hands smelled of paste and the mayonnaise of his
was living many lives, all of them mute. The weather was
too cold and he discovered that there were roaches in his
apartment. Table tops and cupboards shivered into motion
the police action rattling far away across the grey sea, he
remained on the packed mud of a western army base, the back
Yet life was usually dull -- he slept well and the sun
early. The blanket lay tight on his bed and he sat and
polished his boots until there was no more room for gloss.
The days slipped over him like a lake. He was a medio
knew nothing of bandages, who would have to confess forever
more that he had never killed a man, had never Indeed even
carried a gun, but rather priest-like, walking with hands
huge and void, holding neither steel nor flag, he roamed
. foreign to the fighting-- roamed in a Jeep with pain-
killing tablets in his pocket, a colored helmet clapped on
his head.
•"S' Just as well", the soldiers said. "There's
really no war. Not even the books will say there*s been a
,car, so we might as well be here. Huh, EEfle..... "
The peace was easy and sometimes he would be called
away from the clatter of glasses and cue balls, and walking
away In his black boots into the plash of heat, he would treat
men for vertigo or dysentery— a dispenser of pills and
damp touches.V“ and here.... does it hurt here......"
Popularity ceases to have meaning after the escape
from adolescence. Men are accepted among themselves ----
there is no need for close alliances. Lack of soul is not
condemned but merely Ignored; the quiet deserts of no thought
are unobtrusive and unnoticed over bourbon and lazy talk of
women and good steaks. One can be undead with a certain
calm arrogance and Efyon was listened to, if not quoted,
accepted if not particularly remembered in the later years
of other kitchens, other bars......... in the accounts of nights
on the army post when the miller moths struck the screens
like white thumbs, of the boy whose neck one morning felt
hard and heavy and who died of meningitis, of the theft of
alcohol from the medical dispensary ---- "There were four of
us that night.... four or five and the medic had the key, and
it was easy as lying to get that stuffouta there. I can't
remember his name but we all got tighter than fleas and he
most of all...."
And that night too was warm and cheap dresses
clung electric to the backs of women's legs. The streets
of the hilly city lay flat before him, leading nowhere,
scotch-taped by a child on a piece of dusky paper. A
ing out into a dull yellow the color of a rheumy eye, ana
Efyon thought of the bathroom had had seen at the ena of the
hall, the door half-opened with the bare bulb hanging from
the celling and the bathtub lifted from the floor by cast-
and exciting because, for the first time she could ever
it had been waged upon was vague, the terms uncertain and
the future assured, only because it contained a past.
In a land of constant sun, one can only relive the
days of light over and over again. He bought light shirts
and a seersucker suit and walked along the beach, eating
bags Of french fries, followed by gulls. The young man was
going into real estate and wanted Efyon to help him.
hands float around when you show them the stove, the box
know. "
"A swinger", the young man said, and Efyon went to
off the tables of other servers, but they would become angry
the young busboys with their long bleached hair would shoul
der him aside. Then he would sit In an alcove, his tie loose
warm from the sun and the hair close to his ears grew blon
That was where he met the girl, Nancy. He stood
herself, and against the white of her collar, her neck was
“The one what“, Efyon whispered back in the same
the car .wreck. Don't you remember the pictures in the paper
those two cars all crunched up? They're the parents and
you the answer and you have to guess the question. Sampan.
Kow that's the answer. Sampan." The man was balding and
out! "
Then her eyes blinked and grew wide and she fumbled
and I'd like to have a few crackers. When I was her mother
and she was little and siclj:, I'd give her crackers to take
One stimmer when she was very young, a boy who had taken
She smelled taffy and clams and the salt on the boy • s
shoulders and closing her eyes, she was sure she would die.
She felt that this had been her first real kiss, though there
had been other kisses from other boys, shorter than she,
Early the next morning, she had returned, and alone with
on the woman's night table --- this more real than the
flowered raincoat before the Cape Ood Music Tent. Nano, had
«t on the bed, looking Into the wood that had witnessed It
«Ti a aeero-r flttd ovBT uHtil it was small
folding the napkin over ana ove
no raToPinc it in her Sunday pocketbook,
a calling card, and plao g
a -1/ath cross, had carried it with
slong with pennies and a o
, hod dissolved and her aunt, at last,
for years, until it had aisa
'^Ith It.
o-entle life, approached with mirrors
It had been a geni.x
^s/ioiitv and Nancy, assembler of incidents
and a disquieting fideli y n.
«aw Efyon approach and nibbled on her
she sought to adore, saw
"It'S too bad but you
*-u Efyon saia.
r. j-k »
”1 saw that", " ^
„f..t even think about It, because
»ustn.t get upset, .ou »us^^^
ll Would be Impossihl®
^ tbs bartenders, polishing the
»Hey kid",
nlckle ribbing with a » remember to put the
'>ehln4 the bar last nigh loe-box
the rain to polo matches where all the ponies have white
longer remember what had been or what had not been, who it
skipper one morning when the sea was green and the sky grey
boat slipped out of the deep sheltered cove, past the Jetty,
they had to fold towels beneath their bare legs and sit with
their chins on their hunched knees. The breeze was cool and
their knees and their knees and faces black with coal. I
her fingers across the white stain of his shin, "fou look.
quite able," ‘
"They decided to educate me and I read a great deal
She liked the feel of the words she spoke. She scattered
shifting his body and sweeping the slender Jointed arm of the
tiller over his head and to the left while the sails whist
led and luffed and the polished keel of the boat struck the
and cut away again, her boom steady and her sails taut. The
buoy bobbed redly in the ripples of the tack and Nancy gaily
"I have an awful time with names", she said,
hurling more Jam to the gull. "I Just have no knack for
them. 'Buty she said, her Infant heart sure of final discov
I know a great deal about people and my own mind, and I've
house which she shared with two girls and a bird who had
They found the bird one morning with his shiny green head
hanging limp and dismayed in the air. Nancy wept and Efyon
sat with her stiffly and stoically, looking over her shoul
dow, and thinking that at last had come the time when a
her hands grazing slowly across the table towards him, her
the hair in the comb, the thin lines sprawling down from
his eyes along the wings of his nose and thought that though
was in a time when all men who were competent at all received
and ribbons."
"Why now", she said, pursing her lips, blinking
Nibbling on an ice-cube, nodding and smiling to the
girl who brought them fresh drinks, happy now because she
had scrubbed the tired stale food smell of her own waitress
Job off her hands and had put on perfume end a soft, loose
shift, and her body felt hard and strong and desirable.
Proud now too as she settled back in her chair, feeling the
wind brushing the hair across her forehead. She was with a
solemn and gentle in the face of it. He took her not where
heart was full of love and longing and she thought of his
night and tomorrow until six. Take me some place and love
tered gradually out along the miles of shore until there were
of the main entrance was pebbly and not wide and the surf
wind and then died away, leaving In Its place the chuckles
of old men.
«I‘m telling you", the night clerk said, "that
the small train track that weaved under the mail slots and
rate signs, the silent black telephone that serviced the rooms.
who lingers late In the one evening of the year when few
"He's sure gonna like it. That whistle and that
light what sways back and forth 'cross the floor..... "
and Efyon then realized, without ever being unaware of it s
and trees with slippery leaves and cabin cruisers, that this
was Christmas Ere ana men were playing with the presents
could ever ring for him. Let Its mute promise stand for the
again. In the moment that he was handed the hey, the tissue
the time of cold and failure, of the girls who thought him
foolish and the boys who found him weak, of the beaches and
valleys that never sang for him — and the hatred and desire
came back,
stronger than still strong even when they were
the room and the soft closing of the door by the tall and
chocolate man was the sign by which they were all alone.
hesitant to demand any thing more from the hotel than the
gift of beds. He lay on the sheets, drinking and eating
the donuts, the powdered sugar drifting whitely onto his
chest and watched Nancy slowly undress before him. She stood
lay still beneath him, waiting for wonder, her face averted,
and drowse and feeling the sweat dry on his body, hearing
and dressed.
•come, my dear*, he said, shaking her shoulder.
feet. The smell of salt and heat filled the air like birds,
the sweat trickle down his side and turn the underarms of
his shirt dark. Behind them, the hotel rose yellow and
was putting clean sheets on the bed and removing the quarter
from the ashtray. On the walk back, Nancy put her hand on
sun tan oil on her knuckles. I like the smell, she said.
against him --- the gesture of the very knowing man or the
w 1 ti
sary for him to see her always. He spent the mornings alone
specked glass and saw his face ruddy and full, his quiet
In the afternoons, he often drank tall glasses of
felt that he could love and desert them all, and he was pre
the hand and no word, he saw her there in a- short blue dress,
milk. She tapped her foot and watched a boy with a small
from the webhed matting of the board. He flew slim into the
pool, the painted race lines on the bottom shaking and then
emerging full again as the water calmed and the boy sur-
properly, don't you think?" Beside him, all men were boys,
older versions of the child who had kissed her on that long
"I was hoping that I might see you here. I dres
happening. It's a pretty day and I love you and we've come
you seem to manage quite well when I'm not around, we don't
wasn't it?"
"Please", she said, chance becoming an avalanche
"I don't think it's going to work. It Just came
needed far more than a girl with small breasts and tremulous
eyes who had been loved and sent away and who made for Efyon
spoke the words. G-reat moments when he had closed his eyes
and thought yes, yes, I too and the girl is beautiful and
hanging like a balloon in the hot air, her face large and
hard with tears. Already, behind the eyes, he saw that she
would forget and endure, that the tears were a woman's tears,
and which can be shed for many men, many loves and moments.
The joy and release for only a moment and then forever after,
had escaped........
....and the music goes around and around, a juke
the flame which died and burnt his fingers and slowly, sbe
tic stick in the pale drink. Round and around the music j. > ^ ^
nis.t AS