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Common Traits and Behavior of Elementary Pupils in the House

of Montessori: A Perception

Michille Agsao
Marivic Argenio
Arian Basierto
Claudele Guanzon
Julio Mendez
Joan Lovino
Rica Marielle Quitorio
Greg Soriano

Research Adviser

An Action Research
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for
Research Education of the K-12 Curriculum
Colegio de San Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila, Inc.
Catarman, Northern Samar

March, 2023


I. Introduction and Rationale 1

II. Literature Review 2
III. Letter of Conducting Action Research 3
IV. Research Question 4
V. Scope and Limitation 5
VI. Methods 6
Research Methodology 7
Sampling and Population 8
Data Analysis 9
Ethical Values 10
VII. Resolution 11
I. Introduction and Rationale:
Perception is one of the important psychological
aspect’s because by perception we know about the kinds of
phenomenon which exists in our environment students have
different perceptions on an object. It can be positive or
negative ways.
Education system is rapidly changing in
House of Montessori where much of the attention currently
given to improving student’s academic achievement addresses
and interventions or services for students. However, even
after addressing theses issues, barriers still remain for
some students. Approaches aimed and improving school and
classroom environment, including reducing the negative
effects or distracting behaviors, can enhance the changes of
the students.
Behavioral become apparent when the student
displays or repetitive and impact persistent pattern of
behavior that results in the significant disruption in other
students. Such as disturbances may cause significant
impairments in academic, social and occupational
Among the characteristics of behavioral among
students in elementary grades are:

 A display of bulling, threating or intimidating

 Being physically abusive to others
 Deliberate destruction of other’s belongings and
II. Literature Review

1. Definition of Perception
Perception is automatically related to certain
nature of human being, which his or her psychological
features. Perception is a process which starts from the
sense of organ. That is process related to acceptance of
information by human brain that is said that during the
process a person continually interact with his or her
environment. While Mulyana stated that perception is
internal process enable us to choose, organize, and
interpret the stimuli from environment, those process can
influence our manner.
Moreover, perception is the impression of a
person to a particular object which is influenced by
internal factors, such as behavior under the control of
personal and external factors, such as behavior
influenced by circumstances outside.
From the explanation above it can be concluded
that perception is a process which starts from the vision
to form a response that occurs in person which is come
from external and internal factors through its senses.

2. Factors Affecting Perception

Everyone has different tendency is seeing the
same thing. The difference can be affected by man
factors, including the internal and external factors.
a. Internal Factors
Internal factors is a factor which comes from an
individual. This factor depends on personal psychological
such as thoughts, feelings, willingness, needs, sex,
motivations, attentions, etc. Every human being has
different characteristics and temperament which are also
shaped by individuals’ family and individuals’

b. External Factors
This is a factor which comes from outside of
individual such as stimulus, environment culture,
believe. Our life relates with environment, both physical
and social environment.
3. Process of Perception
Perception is the process where message or
information enters to human brain Through perception,
human being continually connects with the environment.
It’s done through five senses stated the following steps
show the process of perception:

a. Stimulus
Perception arises because of the response to the
stimulus. The first step of perception is sensation. All
of the sensations enter through humans’ senses. Sensation
will influence the stimulus.

b. Registration
The stimulus will be transferred by nerve to brain.
Then it will be processed by brain. In this process,
human being recognizes the stimulus.

c. Interpretation
Stimulus entering into the brain will be interpreted
construed, and given meaning through a complicated
Relation in this study is the perception given by the
students as a result of stimuli that first given by the
teacher in the form of questions.
For the teacher, knowing and implementing basic
principles of perception is very important. There are many
basic principles that should be known by English teachers in
order to know students’ characteristics so the communication
between teachers and students will be effective, those are:
a. Perception is relative not absolute
It means that perception of someone or group is
different from others. The perception sometimes will be
different even though they talk the same thing.
The teacher can predict students’ perception better
in the next lesson by knowing this previous lesson being

b. Perception is Selective
It means that perception that is given by someone
or group come based on their attention. It depends on
their brain or motivation about the object. In this
case, the teacher should choose what parts need to be
pressure to get more attention from the students.

c. Perception has arrangement

It means that perception of someone is an

arrangement about an object. It is influenced by their
brain, motivation, experience, and etc. For example,
someone maybe will have negative perception toward
English lesson because of their bad experience before
related to English itself. In other words, the
arrangement of the object can give influence toward the
perception about the object.

d. Perception influenced by hope and readiness

Hope and readiness of a person will determine which

messages will be selected for admission, laid out, and
how the message will be interpreted.

e. Perception of someone or groups can be different

although in the same situation.

For the teacher, this principle means that the

perception could be more or less the same with the
perception shared by other classes with the same
subject matter being taught (Slameto,2010: 102–105).

5. Students’ Perception
Students are the main and the most important
resource in the teaching and learning process. Students
can learn from teachers, while teachers cannot teach
without students (Danim,2010: 1). All of the learning
process always begins with perception.
Student’s perception is the process of preferential
treatment of students toward information they get from
an object, in this study is teachers’ classroom
questions. Through observations with their senses,
students can interpret the observed object.
It is important to understand students’ perceptions
of how they perceive teachers’ questions and answer
questions in class. Those perceptions affect students’
willingness to participate actively in question and
answer sessions (Cole, 1994: 184).

B. Classroom Interaction
Interaction has a similar meaning in the classroom.
It can be defined as a two- way process between the
participants in the learning process (Dagarin, 2004;5)
The main purpose of learning a language is to use in
communication whether in spoken or written forms.
Classroom interaction is the main key to reach that
purpose.in the era of communicative language teaching,
interaction is important for language teacher. Through,
students can increase their language store and use all
they possess of the language (Brown, 2001: 165).
1. Participants

Teacher and learners are two major roles in the

classroom. The communication and interaction happen
among them in the teaching and learning process. These
are the participants in classroom interaction,
depending on who communicate with whom:

a. Teacher – leaners

The first type of interaction (teacher-

learners) is established when teacher talks to the
whole class at the same time. Teacher as the leader and
decides about the type and the process activity.

b. Teacher – learner / a group of learners

The second type of interaction (teacher – learner/a

group of learners) is establishes when the teacher
refers to the whole class, but expect only one student
or a group of students to answer. It is often used to
evaluate the individual of students. This form can also
be used for an informal conversation between teacher
and learner.
c. Learner – learner

This third type of interaction (learner – learner) is

called as ‘’pair work’’. Students have to finish
assignment in pairs.

d. Learners – learners
The last type of an interaction (learners-
learners) is particularly useful for encouraging
interaction among students. They work collaboratively
in group discussion.

2. Teachers’ Role

In additional classroom, teachers had the

dominant talk. It means that they are the main role in
filling students’ empty head with the knowledge.
Students only learn from the teacher who became an all-
knowing leader (Dagarin, 2004:7). This situation has
already changed. Nowadays, teachers got man roles
depending on different classroom situations.

Teachers can help students to develop their

interaction skills in a foreign language. There are
some ways of teachers help such as: using body
language, giving appropriate topic, and asking
questions (Dagarin, 2004:10).

In the teaching – learning process, teachers

spend a lot of time talking, lecturing, asking
questions, giving instructions, and so on.
Colegio de San Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila, Inc.
Catarman, Northern Samar

April 03, 2023

CSLRM, House of Montessori
Catarman, Northern Samar


We are conducting a study titled, “Common Traits

and Behavior of Elementary Pupils in the House of
Montessori: A Perception” at the Colegio de San Lorenzo
Ruiz de Manila, Inc.
In connection to this, we would like to ask
permission to conduct our study to the pupils from
Grade 1 to 6 Elementary Grades of your school.
We are hoping for your kind consideration and
positive response regarding this matter. Thank you and
God Bless.

Respectfully yours,
(Sgd.) Michille Agsao
(Sgd.) Marivic Argenio
(Sgd.) Arian Basierto
(Sgd.) Claudele Guanzon
(Sgd.) Julio Mendez
(Sgd.) Joan Lovino
(Sgd.) Rica Marielle
(Sgd.) Krizzia Salavarria
(Sgd.) Greg Soriano



Research Adviser



Name (Optional): ____________________________ AGE:


I. Profile of the Respondents

( ) PHP 5,000 and below
( ) PHP 5,000 – PHP 10,000
( ) PHP 10,000 – PHP 20,000
( ) PHP 20,000 and above
II. Perception of Common Traits and Behavior
Directions: The following questionnaire is designed to
help you identify some of your personal common traits
and behavior in relation to your perception. To get the
best value from the questionnaire, be as honest as you
can, assess your behavior as it is, not as how you
would like it to be, and think of examples in your
workplace to help you decide on the most appropriate
Rating Scale:
STATEMENTS 5 4 3 2 1

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