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Clinical Psychology Review 34 (2014) 309–323

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Clinical Psychology Review

A meta-analytic review of psychodynamic therapies for anxiety disorders

John R. Keefe a, Kevin S. McCarthy a,b, Ulrike Dinger c,d, Sigal Zilcha-Mano d, Jacques P. Barber d,⁎
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Chestnut Hill College, USA
University of Heidelberg, Germany
Adelphi University, USA


• Anxiety disorders are mental-health burdens that are sometimes difficult to treat.
• Psychodynamic therapy is commonly used to treat anxiety.
• Psychodynamic therapies may not differ overall in efficacy from other treatments.
• For most disorders investigated, efficacy may continue over a year post-treatment.
• Research should identify who may uniquely benefit from psychodynamic therapy.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Recent randomized controlled trials (RCTs) suggest that psychodynamic therapy (PDT) may be useful in the
Received 3 September 2013 treatment of anxiety disorders. This paper presents the most comprehensive meta-analysis to date examining
Received in revised form 5 March 2014 the controlled effects of PDT for anxiety disorders. 14 RCTs totaling 1073 patients were included. PDT was
Accepted 14 March 2014
found to be significantly more effective than control conditions (g = 0.64). PDT did not differ significantly
Available online 24 March 2014
from alternative treatments at post-treatment (g = 0.02), follow-up (FU) up to a year (g = −0.11), and FU
past a year (g = −0.26). Medium-to-high levels of heterogeneity were detected, indicating significant differ-
Psychodynamic therapy ences between studies. Nevertheless, our findings remained unchanged when heterogeneity outliers were
Anxiety disorders removed (termination g = − 0.06/short FU g = − 0.01/long FU g = − 0.10). Power analyses indicated that
Meta-analysis large or medium effect size differences between PDT and other active treatments could be detected even with
Psychotherapy outcome high heterogeneity. Exploratory moderator analyses found few significant predictors of effect (e.g., relative risk
of dropout). No differences were found examining remission rates or relative risk of dropout. Overall, PDT was
shown to be as efficacious as other active treatments that have been studied for anxiety disorders.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
2. Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
2.1 Study selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
2.2 Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
2.2.1 Study quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
2.3 Analysis strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
2.3.1 Calculation of effect sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
2.3.2 Heterogeneity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
2.3.3 Sensitivity and publication bias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
2.3.4 Study-level moderators of effect size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
2.3.5 Secondary outcome calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314

⁎ Corresponding author at: Derner Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies, Adelphi University, Hy Weinberg Center, Room 301, 1 South Avenue, P.O. Box 701, Garden City, NY
11530-0701, USA. Tel.: +1 516 877 4807 (Office); fax: +1 516 877 4805.
E-mail address: (J.P. Barber).
0272-7358/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
310 J.R. Keefe et al. / Clinical Psychology Review 34 (2014) 309–323

3. Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
3.1 Study characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
3.2 Power analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
3.3 Uncontrolled effect sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
3.3.1 Anxiety outcome analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
3.3.2 Secondary outcome measure analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
3.3.3 Moderators of effect size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
3.4 Controlled effect sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
3.4.1 Anxiety outcome analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
3.4.2 Moderators of effect size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
3.5 Active treatment comparisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
3.5.1 Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
3.5.2 Short-term follow-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
3.5.3 Long-term follow-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
4. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
4.1 Limitations and future directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
5. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
Appendix A. Supplementary data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321

1. Introduction surrounding the occurrence of symptoms. Therapists help the patient

make connections between the experience of their current symptoms
Anxiety disorders are among the most prevalent psychiatric condi- and the prior interpersonal and intrapsychic events from which these
tions, with combined lifetime prevalence near 17% (Somers, Goldner, anxiety-producing defenses and dynamics may have originated, with
Waraich, & Hsu, 2006). Anxiety disorders have high rates of co- the aim of reaching emotional insight. This may be especially helpful
morbidity with other Axis I and II psychiatric disorders (Andrews, when the anxiety symptoms emerge in the therapeutic setting. Making
Slade, & Issakidis, 2002), and are associated with substantial physical such connections helps the patient to become more aware of and toler-
and mental health liabilities that are further aggravated by comorbidity ate their own affect and wishes (i.e., lowering experiential avoidance;
(Andrews, Henderson, & Hall, 2001; Bruce et al., 2005; Kroenke, Spitzer, Kashdan, Barrios, Forsyth, & Steger, 2006), less rigid in interpersonal
Williams, Monahan, & Löwe, 2007). perceptions and behaviors, and allows the patient to try new ways of
Several well-established treatments for anxiety disorders exist, getting their needs met without anxiety while using more adaptive psy-
including cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBT; Olatunji, Cisler, & chological defenses (Summers & Barber, 2009). Other PDT theories
Deacon, 2010) and psychopharmacological treatments (Hoffman & of anxiety emphasize object-relations theory and ambivalent feel-
Mathew, 2008; Koen & Stein, 2011). However, as current treatments ings about significant others, attachment, and self-psychology con-
have incomplete efficacy and tolerability, it is valuable to explore cepts of esteem-regulation.
other treatment options such as the widely used psychodynamic thera- Unlike CBTs, psychodynamic therapists do not usually give out
pies (PDTs) (Fonagy, Roth, & Higgitt, 2005; Goisman, Warshaw, & Keller, homework exercises to be performed outside of the therapeutic hour
1999). PDTs have been studied and found to be efficacious for other (e.g., in vivo self-exposure) nor do they provide adjunctive sessions
types of disorders (Abbass, Hancock, Henderson, & Kisley, 2006 for (e.g., additional hours of guided exposure). However, encouraging pa-
short-term PDTs; Driessen et al., 2010 for PDTs for depression; tients to try new behaviors, especially those relevant to their own
Leichsenring & Rabung, 2011b for long-term PDTs for complex condi- fears, has been within the aims of psychodynamic therapy since its
tions; for a review of different disorders including anxiety disorders, inception, and the feelings and conflicts evoked by exposure may be
see Barber, Muran, McCarthy, & Keefe, 2013) and have a rich theoretical useful material for psychodynamic work (Barber & Luborsky, 1991;
literature concerning the nature of anxiety symptoms and their resolu- Freud, 1926/1990; Summers & Barber, 2009; Wachtel, 1977). Neverthe-
tion (e.g., Busch, Milrod, Singer, & Aron, 2011 for panic; Slavin-Mulford less, it is unclear how often these recommendations are implemented in
& Hilsenroth, 2012 for a general review). However, PDT awaits a meta- PDT (see Leichsenring et al., 2007 for a prominent exception concerning
analytic validation of its efficacy for anxiety disorders. supportive–expressive therapy for social phobia, which includes a rec-
Broadly speaking, PDT is distinguished from CBT on the basis of ommendation for exposure framed psychodynamically). Even if PDT
different theoretical assumptions about the psychological processes does sometimes entail exposure, there is reason to suspect that it is
underlying anxiety disorders, which result in different approaches to often performed in a less directive and systematic manner as a conse-
treatment (e.g., Busch et al., 2011; Crits-Christoph, Wolf-Palacio, Ficher, quence of other therapeutic foci (e.g., intense exploration of emotionally
& Rudick, 1995; Leichsenring, Beutel, & Leibing, 2007; for a review see charged issues). By contrast, a recent survey study of CBT practitioners
Slavin-Mulford & Hilsenroth, 2012). In psychodynamic theory, anxiety treating anxiety disorders identified the directive nature of CBTs and
symptoms are often assumed to originate from relationship experiences issues with behavioral assignments (e.g., exposure) as substantial
in which certain feelings or wishes were experienced by the patient as barriers to treatment success for some patients with diagnoses of
painful, dangerous, or unacceptable (e.g., feelings of loss or abandon- GAD, panic, and social anxiety disorders (McAleavey, Castonguay, &
ment, a wish to express anger or assert oneself). The patient learns to Goldfried, 2014; Szkodny, Newman, & Goldfried, 2014; Wolf &
disavow these intense, negative feelings and desires, avoids their expe- Goldfried, 2014). Thus, the less directive PDTs could conceivably
riences, and develops anxiety symptoms (e.g., having a panic attack provide an efficacious treatment frame for these patients.
when triggered by sensations of loss or anger; Busch et al., 2011). Psy- At present, no PDT for any anxiety disorder qualifies as a well-
chodynamic therapists encourage the patient to discuss the contexts established “empirically supported therapy” (EST) as per American Psy-
in which their symptoms arise in order to understand the experiences chological Association (APA) Division 12 criteria (Chambless & Hollon,
J.R. Keefe et al. / Clinical Psychology Review 34 (2014) 309–323 311

1998). However, APA Division 12 has determined that panic focused moderation analyses to see if particular anxiety disorders differed signif-
psychodynamic psychotherapy (Busch et al., 2011) has “modest icantly from primary estimates of effect size (i.e., whether PDT tended to
research support” (Milrod, Leon, Busch, et al., 2007). A number of treat a given disorder substantially better or worse than it did for remain-
quasi-experimental and naturalistic studies further suggest that psy- ing anxiety disorders), based on the study samples available.
chodynamic therapy may successfully treat specific anxiety disorders
(see review in Slavin-Mulford & Hilsenroth, 2012). 2. Methods
A recent preliminary meta-analysis of the anxiety trials included in
the Gerber et al. (2011) qualitative review of RCTs of PDT found no sig- 2.1. Study selection
nificant outcome differences between PDTs and other active treatments
at termination or short-term follow-up and a large controlled effect size Pertinent studies were identified through searches of relevant data-
of PDT treatment (g = 0.775, K = 3; Barber, Muran, McCarthy, & Keefe, bases through January, 2013, including a comprehensive search of
2013). However, this meta-analysis did not include recently published PubMed/MEDLINE and PsycInfo. English language was not an explicit
large scale trials, did not include group therapies, did not explore qualification of the search, but no translated abstract appeared eligible
long-term follow-up, did not examine issues of power, and did not ana- for inclusion. The following terms were used as descriptors: (psychody-
lyze secondary outcomes (e.g., dropout, remission). Other previous namic OR dynamic OR dynamically OR psychoanalytic OR psychoanaly-
meta-analytic investigations have included psychodynamic treatment sis OR analytic OR insight OR interpretive) AND (therapy OR
of anxiety disorders or symptomatology as a secondary, yet incomplete psychotherapy OR treatment OR counseling) AND (anxiety OR panic
undertaking to their primary investigations. In a Cochrane Collaboration OR phobia OR phobic OR agoraphobia OR agoraphobic OR stress OR
meta-analysis, PDT was found to be superior to control conditions (e.g., trauma OR posttraumatic OR traumatic OR PTSD OR obsessive–compul-
wait-list, treatment-as-usual) on measures of anxiety at both termina- sive) AND (study OR trial). The references of existing relevant meta-
tion and follow-up (Abbass et al., 2006). However, this result was folded analyses, reviews, chapters, and articles were inspected to find further
across diagnoses (i.e. included change in anxiety in non-anxiety relevant studies: in particular, the quality-based review of the majority
patients), only included short-term therapies (i.e., treatments less of published psychodynamic RCTs by Gerber et al. (2011), the Cochrane
than 40 sessions), and did not investigate active treatment comparisons Collaboration meta-analysis of short-term psychodynamic psychother-
(e.g., CBT). Another meta-analysis of a small number of CBT studies apy by Abbass et al. (2006), and the qualitative review of PDT for anxi-
(K = 5) suggested that CBTs were superior to PDTs on measures of ety disorders by Slavin-Mulford and Hilsenroth (2012).
anxiety with a small-to-medium effect size advantage (Tolin, To be included in the meta-analysis, studies had to meet the follow-
2010). Yet, this meta-analysis had several limitations, including ing criteria (more detailed explanation for each criterion can be found in
(a) designating as a bona fide psychodynamic therapy what was in the Online Appendix Supplement):
fact a control treatment explicitly designated as a control (Shear,
Houck, Greeno, & Masters, 2001) and otherwise including predomi- 1. Published after 1970.
nantly older studies with nonspecific psychodynamic therapies that 2. Investigated one or more specific class of anxiety disorder (e.g., GAD,
arguably did not meet bona fide criteria as per Wampold et al., 1997 panic disorder). Studies investigating patients of mixed disorder
(used as minimal criterion for inclusion in analyses); (b) mixing togeth- groups (e.g., treatment for both depressive patients and anxious pa-
er pediatric and adult patient samples; and (c) not including studies tients with data undifferentiated between the two) were excluded,
conceivably relevant for meta-analysis (e.g., Leichsenring et al., 2009). unless data for the patients with a primary anxiety diagnosis were
A recent comprehensive re-analysis of Tolin's (2010) meta-analytic reported separately from other data or could be provided. When pos-
question by Baardseth et al. (2013) that used bona fide CBT trials of anx- sible, we contacted study authors for this information.
iety disorders identified by an Association for Behavioral and Cognitive 3. Treatment groups included an individual or group PDT (for further
Therapies survey argued that there was no significant difference in description of defining characteristics of PDTs see Blagys &
anxiety-specific or general effect between bona fide CBTs and other Hilsenroth, 2000; Summers & Barber, 2009). Both short-term and
bona fide therapies. Thus, there is still need for an updated, comprehen- long-term PDTs were eligible for inclusion. Theoretically integrative
sive meta-analysis examining the efficacy of PDT of anxiety disorders. or eclectic treatments adding PDT interventions to a different prima-
In the present study, we aimed to synthesize the current empirical ry theory/modality of treatment were not included. Some examples
literature on the PDT of anxiety disorders by conducting a meta- of such a treatment would be Gerson's brief eclectic therapy for the
analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Rich data and theory treatment of PTSD (Gerson & Carlier, 1994) or psychodynamic body
suggest that anxiety disorders share substantial environmental and therapy (Monsen, 1989). PDT could also not have been delivered as
genetic vulnerabilities that relate to a nontrivial degree of shared a combined therapy with psychopharmacology (e.g., Klein, Zitrin,
mechanisms of disorder development, in addition to disorder-specific Woerner, & Ross, 1983; Martini et al., 2011), though scattered con-
mechanisms (e.g., Hettema, Prescott, Myers, Neale, & Kendler, 2005; current psychopharmacological use by patients was acceptable.
McTeague & Lang, 2012; Tambs et al., 2009). In light of this evidence, 4. PDT took place in the context of a RCT, neither a naturalistic nor a
both cognitive-behavioral (Barlow et al., 2011; Boswell et al., 2013) quasi-experimental study. The RCT must have compared the PDT
and psychodynamic researchers (Johansson et al., 2013; Leichsenring against another, non-psychodynamic active treatment intended to
& Salzer, in press) have begun moving toward developing treatment produce a therapeutic effect over and above generic attention and
protocols that address transdiagnostic (e.g., for all anxiety disorders), support (e.g., CBT, relaxation training, psychopharmacology) or a
empirically-supported principles of change. Given the overlapping control condition that was intended to and would be expected to
conceptualizations between anxiety diagnoses and similarities between underperform any uniquely therapeutic treatment (e.g., a wait-list,
PDTs, we conducted our primary analyses on anxiety disorders as a a generic non-bona fide supportive counseling condition).
group. As it has been asserted that PDTs are unlikely to be efficacious 5. Patients were taken from an adult rather than a pediatric sample
for any anxiety disorders, the scope of our meta-analysis is revelatory (defined as age less than 18 years old).
insofar as it probes whether psychodynamic therapies—from generic
psychodynamic therapies to adherence-checked, manualized, disorder- 2.2. Coding
specific therapies—tend to produce effects comparable to other common-
ly tested active treatments for these disorders. Such a meta-analysis may To describe the meta-analytic sample and to provide descriptive data
aid clinicians to decide whether PDTs may be worthwhile treatments for for effect size moderator analyses (e.g., studies that treated GAD versus
anxiety patients. We then proceeded to conduct disorder-specific other studies), RCT reports were coded for PDT format (individual vs.
312 J.R. Keefe et al. / Clinical Psychology Review 34 (2014) 309–323

group), comparison group type (active vs. control), disorder(s) investi- restricted maximum likelihood approaches, particularly in the context
gated, number of therapy sessions, attrition rates for both therapies, aver- of moderate to high heterogeneity (Sidik & Jonkman, 2005b) and publi-
age age of patients, percentage of female patients, number of therapists, cation bias (Henmi & Copas, 2010). We additionally applied the Knapp
years of therapist experience, use of a standardized/validated method and Hartung (2003) adjustment to the standard errors of the estimated
for diagnosing target anxiety disorders, manualization of therapies (use coefficients to account for uncertainty in the estimated residual hetero-
of a specific manual for both psychodynamic and/or comparison treat- geneity (Sidik & Jonkman, 2005a), which produces confidence intervals
ments), presence of an adherence check for treatment integrity, whether and p-value estimates much closer to nominal significance under com-
the therapy described a disorder-specific theory of treatment, and the mon meta-analytic conditions. In a recent replication, combining the
manner in which patient attrition was accounted for in outcome analyses Sidik and Jonkman (2005b) and Knapp and Hartung (2003) methods
(e.g., completer; last observation carried forward; mixed model; multiple was shown to calculate more accurate estimates compared to
imputation). Study characteristic coding was undertaken by the primary DerSimonian-Laird estimation in both simulated and real meta-analytic
study author (JRK) and checked by study quality coders (see below). data (IntHout, Ioannidis, & Borm, 2014).
Three separate meta-analyses were conducted: (a) an estimation of
2.2.1. Study quality the uncontrolled effect size (i.e., pre-post within-groups effect size) of
Studies were also rated on the Randomized Controlled Trial Psycho- PDT; (b) an estimation of the controlled effect size (i.e. between-
therapy Quality Rating Scale (RCT-PQRS; Kocsis et al., 2010) by three of groups effect sizes against a control group) of PDT; and (c) an estimate
the authors (JRK, KSM, UD). This scale is used to assess the methodolog- of between-group effect sizes between PDT and alternative active treat-
ical quality of a comparative trial on 24 indices (e.g., use of an appropri- ments (e.g., CBT). We also meta-analyzed available data on PDT versus
ate sample size to answer the questions posed by the trial, presence of a active treatment comparisons from post-therapy follow-up, divided
full treatment description for all conditions) that are each rated on a 0–2 into “short-term” (b 1 year of post-termination follow-up) and “long-
scale. In addition, raters assess a separate item of overall quality rated on term” (≥1 year follow-up) periods. Between-groups effect sizes were
a scale of 1 (exceptionally poor) to 4 (average) to 7 (exceptionally based on termination or follow-up score comparisons between PDT
good). The full scale or “Total” score is the sum of the 24 indices and and the comparison group (i.e., either control or active treatments).
has a range of 0–48. Gerber et al. (2011) posed a full-scale cutoff score We used Cohen's (1992) interpretive framework for describing the
of 24 for a study of adequate quality, corresponding to an average magnitude of effect sizes, wherein values of 0.20, 0.50, and 0.80 are con-
score of 1 (scale of 0–2) on each individual item, though this was sidered respectively small, medium, and large effects. It should be noted
noted by the authors as provisional as it is unclear whether other cate- that these effect size conventions only apply to between-groups ESs, not
gorical divisions would be more appropriate. Nevertheless, we used this uncontrolled ESs (cf. Barber, Barrett, Gallop, Rynn, & Rickels, 2012) and
as a dichotomous cutoff to see if approximately-defined “higher” quality are in some sense arbitrary (see Durlak, 2009, for a discussion of this
studies differed systematically from “lower” quality studies in terms of point specifically and effect sizes generally). For the purposes of inter-
effect sizes. Scores were averaged across all three raters. Interrater reli- pretability: assuming a normal distribution, small, medium, and large
ability (calculated as ICC[2,3], Shrout & Fleiss, 1979) was excellent between group effect sizes correspond respectively to the experimental
(ρI N .90; Shrout, 1995) for both the Total score (ρI = .975) and the distribution mean being at the 58th, 69th, and 79th percentiles of the
Overall quality item score (ρI = .980). comparison distribution. For further information on the calculation of
effect sizes, see the Online Supplement Appendix.
2.3. Analysis strategy
2.3.2. Heterogeneity
2.3.1. Calculation of effect sizes Heterogeneity of ESs was examined using the Cochrane's Q statistic
To calculate effect sizes we used the author-identified primary anx- and the I2 index (Higgins & Thompson, 2002). Heterogeneity refers to
iety outcome measure for the anxiety disorder(s) treated in a particular substantial differences in effect sizes between studies indicating that
study. When primary outcome was not explicitly indicated, the judg- some studies may belong to a different effect size distribution, as effects
ment of meta-analysis authors (JRK, JPB) was used to select symptomat- differ more than would be expected based on within-study variances.
ic outcome measures for analysis based on the specific psychopathology Significant Q statistics indicate that the observed range of ES is signifi-
of the disorder in question (reported in Table 1). To address the con- cantly larger than what would otherwise be expected based on
struct of general anxiety, we chose to use the Hamilton Rating Scale within-study variances; the I2 index is a quantification of this heteroge-
for Anxiety (Hamilton, 1959) if there was no author-specified primary neity, with 25%, 50%, and 75% percent reflecting respectively low, medi-
anxiety outcome due to its ubiquity in the research literature. When um, and high heterogeneity. As the Cochrane's Q is known to be
scores were not reported, ESs were imputed or estimated from available underpowered even in cases of higher heterogeneity (Higgins &
data and reported statistical tests as per Lipsey and Wilson (2001). Au- Thompson, 2002), we report any I2 indices at or above medium hetero-
thors were also contacted for missing or incompletely reported data.1 geneity even in the case of an insignificant Q finding.
For two studies (Beutel et al., 2013; Knekt et al., 2008), only remission
rates were available and were used as the primary outcome measure. 2.3.3. Sensitivity and publication bias
Calculations of weighted mean effect sizes, as well as the heteroge- We performed sensitivity (i.e., “leave-one-out”) analyses running
neity and moderator analyses described below, were conducted using each main meta-analysis (uncontrolled effect size, controlled effect
the statistical package metafor version 1.9-1 (Viechtbauer, 2010) as im- size, active group comparisons) with each study removed once to deter-
plemented in the R statistical computing language version 3.0.1 (R Core mine whether a given finding of significant effect (or lack thereof) or
Team, 2012). As we expected significant heterogeneity of effect sizes heterogeneity was driven by a single study's inclusion.
due to between-study design differences (e.g., different anxiety disor- Publication bias was assessed by examination of publication bias
ders, different exemplars of psychodynamic therapy, different compar- funnel plots and Duval and Tweedie's (2000) trim-and-fill procedure.
ison treatments), we chose the random effects model for its robust Bias funnel plots plot a measure of study size (standard error) on the
estimation of effect size (Hedges & Vevea, 1998). The Sidik–Jonkman es- vertical axis as a function of study effect size on the horizontal axis.
timator of heterogeneity variance was used as it has shown reduced bias When asymmetry was evident in the funnel plot as per Egger's regres-
and more reliable estimates compared to DerSimonian–Laird or sion test for funnel plot asymmetry (Egger, Smith, Schneider, &
Minder, 1997), we planned to apply Duval and Tweedie's (2000) trim-
Crits-Christoph et al. (2005) provided unpublished data for their study of supportive– and-fill procedure to provide an adjusted ES estimate that corrects for
expressive dynamic therapy and a manualized supportive therapy for GAD. the number and assumed location of the missing studies. Resultant
Table 1
Characteristics of studies included in meta-analysis, part I.

Study Anxiety disorder(s) Psychodynamic therapy groups Comparison groups Follow-up Primary findings Total/overall Outcome measure Secondary outcomes
periods used quality score

Alstrom et al. (1984a) Agoraphobia Avg. 8.5 sessions 8.8 sessions PE + 5.6 during FU 9 Termination: DST = PE; 20/3 AIPS global rating None
DST + 0.7 during FU, UNMAN (n = 11 at T, 9 at FU); 9.1 sessions DST N AR & BTC
(n = 14 at T, 13 at FU) AR + 3.2 during FU (n = 17 at T Short-Term FU: DST N
and FU); BTC (n = 19 at T, 12 at PE, AR, & BTC
Alstrom et al. (1984b) Specific social phobias Avg. 9.4 sessions DST + 2.6 9.1 sessions PE + 1.7 during FU 9 Termination: DST b PE; 18.67/2.67 AIPS global rating None
during FU, UNMAN (n = 7 at T and FU); 9.4 sessions DST N AR & BTC
(n = 16 at T, 13 at FU) AR + 1.7 during FU (n = 9 at T, Short-Term FU: Maintained
6 at FU);
BTC (n = 10 at T, 8 at FU)
Beutel et al. (2013) Panic with and 24 sessions PFPP, MAN (n = 36) 24 sessions CBT with exposure 6 Termination: PFPP = CBT 35/5 PDSS remission Remission
without agoraphobia sessions (n = 18) Short-Term FU: Maintained
Bögels et al. (in press) Social anxiety Avg. 31.1 sessions BDT, UNMAN Avg. 19.8 sessions CBT (n = 27) 3, 12 Termination: DT = CBT 32.67/5 Author-Defined Social Remission
(n = 22) Short-Term FU: Maintained Anxiety Composite
Long-Term FU: Maintained Factor

J.R. Keefe et al. / Clinical Psychology Review 34 (2014) 309–323

Bressi et al. (2010) GAD (41.0%), panic 40 sessions of BDT, MAN (n = 20) ADT (n = 19) None Termination: BDT = ADT 37/5.67 Combined: Depression,
disorder (38.5%), social SCL-90-R Phobic Interpersonal
anxiety (20.5%) Anxiety + SCL-90-R Problems
Brom, Kleber, and Defares (1989) PTSD Avg. 18.8 sessions TBDT, MAN 15.0 sessions TD (n = 28); 14.4 3 Termination: TFDT = BHT, TD; 23/5 Combined: TSS + IES None
(n = 26) sessions BHT (n = 26); WLC TFDT N WLC
(n = 20) Short-Term FU: Maintained
Crits-Christoph et al. (2005) GAD 16 sessions SE therapy adapted to 16 sessions SP (n = 14) None SE = SP on scores, SE N SP on 32/5 HAM-A Remission
GAD, MAN (n = 14) remission
Durham et al. (1994)/ Durham GAD 8 or 16 sessions of an unspecified 8 sessions CT (n = 20 at T/Short 6, 12 Termination: DT b AMT, CT-8 & 29/5 HAM-A for Depression, Remission
et al. (1999) model (11.86 avg), UNMAN FU, 14 at Long FU); 16 session CT CT-16 Termination, STAI-T
(n = 29 at T/Short (n = 15 at T/Short FU, 13 at Long Short-Term FU: Maintained for FU
FU, 22 at Long FU) FU); 8 sessions AMT (n = 16 at T/ Long-Term FU: Maintained
Short FU, 12 at Long FU)
Knekt et al. (2004)/ Knekt et al. GAD (22.1%), Anxiety Avg. 18.5 sessions BDT, UNMAN 9.8 sessions SFT, UNMAN 5, 29 Termination: BDT = SFT 36/5 Diagnostic remission Remission
(2008) NOS (22.1%), OCD (8%), (n = 50) (n = 45) Short-Term FU: Maintained
panic disorder (18.9%), Long-Term FU: Maintained
social anxiety (37.9%),
phobia (8.4%)
Knijnik, Kapczinski, Social anxiety 12 sessions PGT, MAN (n = 15) 12 sessions CGT (n = 15) None PGT N CGT 24/3.67 LSAS None
Chachamovich, Margis, and
Eizirik (2004)
Leichsenring et al. (2009)/ Salzer, GAD Avg. 29.1 sessions SE for GAD, 28.8 sessions CBT (n = 29) 6, 12 Termination: SE = CBT for 38/6 HAM-A Depression,
Winkelbach, Leweke, Leibing, MAN (n = 28) primary outcome, but CBT N SE Interpersonal
and Leichsenring (2011) for some secondary outcomes Problems
Short-Term FU: Maintained
Long-Term FU: Maintained
Leichsenring et al. (2013) Social anxiety Avg. 25.7 sessions SE therapy 25.8 sessions CBT (n = 209), 6, 24a Termination: CT N SE N WLC 44.33/7 LSAS Depression,
adapted to social anxiety, MAN WLC (n = 79) Short-Term FU: SE = CT Interpersonal
(n = 207) Long-Term FU: Maintained Problems, Remission
Milrod, Leon, Busch, et al. (2007) Panic disorder with and 24 sessions PFPP, MAN (n = 26) 24 sessions AR (n = 23) None PFPP N AR 42/6 PDSS Depression, Remission
without agoraphobia
Pierloot and Vinck (1978) General anxiety Avg. 19.8 sessions FDT, UNMAN Avg. 19.9 sessions SD (n = 13) Mean of Termination: FDT b SD 8/2 Combined: PSS- None
(GAD-like) (n = 9) 3.95 months Short-Term FU: FDT = SD A + TMAS + STAI-T

Note. ADT = Antidepressant Therapy, AIPS = Alstrom Interview of Phobic Symptoms, AMT = Anxiety Management Training, AR = Applied Relaxation, BTC = Basal Therapy Control, BHT = Behavioral Hypnotherapy, BDT = Brief Dynamic Therapy,
CT = Cognitive Therapy, CBT = Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, CGT = Control Group Therapy, DST = Dynamic Supportive Therapy, FDT = Focal Dynamic Therapy, GAD = Generalized Anxiety Disorder, HAM-A = Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, IES =
Impact of Event Scale, LSAS = Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale, MAN = Manualized Therapy, PDSS = Panic Disorder Severity Scale, PE = Prolonged Exposure, PFPP = Panic Focused Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, PGT = Psychodynamic Group Therapy,
PSS-A = Psychiatric Status Schedule-Anxiety Subsection, PTSD = Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, SCL-90-R = Symptom Checklist-90-Revised, SD = Systematic Desensitization, SE = Supportive–Expressive Therapy, SFT = Solution-Focused Therapy,
SP = Manualized Supportive Psychotherapy, STAI-T = State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Trait), TBDT = Trauma-based Dynamic Therapy, TD = Trauma Desensitization, TSS = Trauma Symptoms Scale, TMAS = Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale, UNMAN =
Unmanualized Therapy, WLC = Wait-List Control.

Leichsenring et al. (2013) follow-up based on unpublished data.
314 J.R. Keefe et al. / Clinical Psychology Review 34 (2014) 309–323

funnel plots can be observed in the Online Supplement (Supplemental dichotomous response rates to treatment as defined by the study (ana-
Figs. 4–6). lyzed as odds ratios [OR]).2
To further probe for possible small-study effects related to publica- Second, relative risk (RR) of drop-out (i.e., the ratio of the proba-
tion bias (insofar as smaller studies with unfavorable results may not bilities of dropping out of the two treatments) was also explored to
be published depending on authorial bias; Kraemer, Gardner, Brooks, see if psychodynamic therapies differed significantly from other
& Yesavage, 1998), we ran an additional sensitivity check using the treatments in patient retention. OR and RR were calculated such
modified meta-analytic technique of Henmi and Copas (2010). This is that values above 1.00 represent greater chance of treatment
a hybrid method using a fixed effects estimate to give absolute greater response and treatment dropout for psychodynamic therapy, respec-
effect weighting to larger studies (that are more likely to be published tively. Last, depression (preferably using assessor-rated scales) and
regardless of result), while utilizing random effects meta-analysis in in- interpersonal problems (Inventory of Interpersonal Problems
corporating information about heterogeneity into the standard error of [Horowitz, Rosenberg, Baer, Ureño, & Villaseñor, 1988]) were also
the overall estimate. We defined a significant difference as an absolute analyzed at termination. These secondary outcomes (with the ex-
ES difference ≥ 0.20, or a shift from significant to nonsignificant confi- ception of dropout) should be considered exploratory, as different
dence intervals or vice-versa. types of secondary outcomes were inconsistently and possibly
nonrandomly collected between studies.
2.3.4. Study-level moderators of effect size
In meta-analysis, a moderator is a study characteristic (either cate-
gorical or continuous) that may conceivably predict the magnitude of 3. Results
an effect size. Categorical moderators can be thought of as splitting ef-
fect sizes into different distributions, analyzing whether studies with 3.1. Study characteristics
one feature cluster around a significantly different effect size estimate
than studies without that feature, while continuous moderators can be A combined search using PubMed/Medline and PsycInfo in Janu-
thought of as akin to a continuous regression predictor. Moderator anal- ary 2013 procured 7432 titles and abstracts. 7001 studies were elim-
yses allow for the probing of dispersion of effect sizes to develop hy- inated via title and abstract because of clear irrelevance to the
potheses disambiguating the heterogeneity already extant in the present research question, most of which appeared to be due to the
literature, which Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, and Rothstein (2009) generic nature of certain search terms (e.g., stress, dynamic, anxi-
view as a primary objective and advantage of meta-analysis. A given ety). The remaining 418 studies were eliminated from review of ab-
moderator finding does not necessarily reflect the presence or lack of stract and full-text article (see Fig. 1 for reasons for elimination). All
a “true” study-level effect, especially when used with smaller samples, remaining articles were target articles and follow-up papers on main
and must be evaluated critically. Exploratory analyses of moderators effects, summing to 14 RCTs meeting inclusion criteria. One RCT
of effect sizes between types of studies were performed in two ways: (Bögels, Wijts, Oort, & Sallaerts, in press) was originally found
through the citation of a conference presentation in a previous
(1) For categorical moderators (e.g., use of manualized vs. meta-analysis (Leichsenring, Rabung, & Leibing, 2004) but is now
unmanualized PDT), we performed subgroup analyses to test in press, and 2 were published during manuscript preparation
for significant differences between effect sizes in different cate- (Beutel et al., 2013; Leichsenring et al., 2013).
gories of studies. We used a mixed-effects model that pooled The 14 RCTs included in this analysis were from articles between
studies within subgroups with the random-effects model, but 1978 and 2014. The majority of studies (71.4%) were of adequate quality
tested for significant differences between subgroups with the or above as per Gerber et al. (2011) study quality norms (mean = 30.0,
fixed-effects model. If any subgroup had less than two studies, SD = 10.1). Social anxieties/phobias were the most frequently studied
it was not included in a given moderator analysis. disorder group (K = 5), followed by GAD (K = 4) and panic disorder
(2) For continuous moderators (e.g., Total study quality score), we (K = 2). One study treated patients with a primary PTSD diagnosis
performed random-effects metaregressions. Metaregression is a (Brom, Kleber, & Defares, 1989). The remaining two studies (Bressi,
weighted regression that gives studies with larger sample size Porcellana, Marinaccio, Nocito, & Magri, 2010; Knekt et al., 2008) used
more weight (Borenstein et al., 2009). Effect size (either uncon- a sample of anxiety patients with multiple types of anxiety disorders:
trolled or between-groups) was used as a dependent variable, Bressi et al. (2010) included patients with either GAD, panic disorder,
and the continuous moderator was used as the predictor. or social anxiety as a primary diagnosis, and Knekt et al. (2008) included
patients with GAD, OCD, panic disorder, social anxiety, specific phobias,
All moderator results can be interpreted as unstandardized beta co- and anxiety disorder-NOS. Five studies compared PDT to a control
efficients. Due to the relatively small sample size (K = 14 studies) for condition, whereas 13 studies compared PDT to an active treatment
our meta-analysis, significant moderator findings are considered ex- group. Ten studies of active treatment comparisons included a follow-
ploratory (Hedges & Pigott, 2004; Ioannidis, 2008) and should be up period, with 10 studies having at least short-term follow-up
interpreted in context of their contributing samples (Tables 2 & 3). (i.e., b 1 year after termination) and 5 studies having long-term
Based on several test estimates of power from Hedges and Pigott follow-up (i.e., ≥1 year after termination). Too few studies (K = 2) pro-
(2004), for the larger comparisons (uncontrolled ES, between-groups vided follow-up data for control treatment comparisons to analyze
at termination) we would expect approximately adequate power meta-analytically.
(around .80) to detect moderators of medium effect size. Furthermore, On average, a study compared PDT to 1.38 active treatment groups.
we performed permutation tests of robustness for any moderator find- The large majority of active treatment groups were CBTs (n = 13,
ings that were p b .20 or below in the original analyses (10,000 itera- 76.5%), including anxiety management training (n = 1), applied relax-
tions; Higgins & Thompson, 2004). For the sake of space, we note here ation training (n = 3), CBT (n = 2), CBT plus exposure sessions (n = 1),
that unless otherwise noted no permutation tests provided estimates cognitive therapy (n = 2), prolonged exposure (n = 2), and trauma-
of significance that were substantively different from our original esti- based/systematic desensitization (n = 2). Remaining active comparisons
mates (i.e., significance crossing over the p b .10 or p b .05 lines).
ORs were examined because considering ORs and numerical score outcomes in tan-
dem could tease out different patterns of change across the treatments—whether there
2.3.5. Secondary outcome calculations is a difference in how many patients meet a cut-off for symptomatic improvement versus
We also performed several separate secondary analyses using data their average score outcomes (which could be a mixture of any kind between high, mid-
other than continuous anxiety symptom scores. First, we examined dling, and low responders; see Crits-Christoph et al., 2005 for further discussion).
J.R. Keefe et al. / Clinical Psychology Review 34 (2014) 309–323 315

Fig. 1. Flow chart of the selection of studies of psychodynamic therapy (PDT) for the treatment of anxiety disorders.

included a behaviorally-aligned hypnotherapy treatment (n = 1), implementation (power ≈ 1.00). Small effect sizes had power of 0.83,
solution-focused therapy (n = 1), selective serotonin or norepineph- 0.75, and 0.69 respectively in cases of low, medium, and high
rine reuptake inhibitor (SSRI/SNRI) psychopharmacological treatment between-study heterogeneity. Typically, adequate power is defined as
(n = 1), and a manualized supportive therapy (n = 1). The majority 0.80 (Cohen, 1992).
of treatment comparisons were balanced for dose, with some excep- At short-term follow-up (entailing fewer studies), power was esti-
tions (see Table 1; e.g., Knekt et al., 2008). mated to be lower for small effect sizes (though not for medium or
Control comparisons included an attention placebo group therapy large), at 0.77, 0.69, and 0.62 for low, medium, and high heterogeneity.
control (n = 1), minimal treatment groups (n = 2; patients were Thus, we expected reasonable power to detect large, medium, and to a
assessed and given both psychoeducational literature and instructions lesser certainty small effects at termination, but did not expect to prop-
as to how to self-expose), and wait-lists (n = 2). Further information erly detect small effects at short-term follow-up.
on study characteristics can be found in Table 1 in this report, and the
Online Table Supplement (Supplemental Table 1).
3.3. Uncontrolled effect sizes
3.2. Power analysis
3.3.1. Anxiety outcome analyses
We performed a prospective power analysis using final study First, we calculated the within-group effect size for PDT using the
sample sizes to estimate power for detecting small (d = 0.20), medium pre-post scores at termination. Overall, a significant pre-post effect
(d = 0.50), and large effects (d = 0.80) in the primary random effects size was calculated for anxiety outcomes for patients in PDTs (g =
meta-analytic estimates comparing PDT to alternative active treatments 1.063 [0.791 to 1.334], p b 0.001, subject n = 455, study K = 13).3 A
(e.g., CBT). This was tested in conditions of low (25%), medium (50%), large amount of heterogeneity was found between study effect sizes
and high (75%) between-study heterogeneity. The method of Hedges (Q-test p = 0.003, I2 = 72.85), though with no finding of publication
and Pigott (2001) was employed in SAS version 9.2 (SAS Institute, bias as per Egger's regression test (t = 1.071, df = 11, p = 0.307) or
Cary, NC) using a macro developed by Cafri, Kromrey, and Brannick Henmi and Copas' bias check. Using a leave-one-out sensitivity analysis,
(2009). At termination, large and medium effect sizes were essentially
certain to be detected regardless of heterogeneity level as per Cafri's 3
See Online Supplemental Fig. 1 for the forest plot showing these results.
316 J.R. Keefe et al. / Clinical Psychology Review 34 (2014) 309–323

we found that no single study drove the finding of significant heteroge- be interpreted cautiously due the limited types of comparisons available
neity and that no single study skewed the effect size estimate in either in this particular analysis—almost exclusively treating social phobias
direction. Due to the observed heterogeneity, interpretation of the pre- and using different control conditions.
cise magnitude of the ES estimate should be cautious.
3.4.2. Moderators of effect size
3.3.2. Secondary outcome measure analyses We did not find any significant difference (p = 0.976) in controlled
Our analysis estimated that about a sixth of patients dropped out effect size between trials employing inactive controls (i.e., wait-list) and
of PDT (weighted average = 17.1% [9.61% to 25.4%], p b 0.001, sub- more active controls (e.g., control therapy group), though this may be
ject n = 512, study K = 14), though there was substantial heterogene- an issue of power considering the small number of comparisons. Dichot-
ity among dropout rates from different studies (Q-test p b .001; I2 = omous quality (p = 0.336) was not significantly related to effect sizes.
80.04; range = 0% to 59.1%; median = 12.5%). Removing Pierloot & Given the small number of studies available to analyze no further mod-
Vinck (1978) notably reduced the observed heterogeneity among drop- erator analyses were run.
outs, although the amount of heterogeneity was still significant (Q-test
p b 0.001, I2 = 56.12). Almost half of individuals experienced clinical re- 3.5. Active treatment comparisons
mission at termination (as defined per study) after receiving psychody-
namic treatment (weighted average = 44.7% [24.4% to 65.1%], p = Lastly, we estimated the effect sizes for PDT relative to active treat-
0.002, subject n = 389, study K = 7), but a very large amount of hetero- ments conditions at termination, short-term follow-up, and long-term
geneity was detected among study outcomes (Q-test p b .001, I2 = follow-up.
90.31). No single study drove the effect or the finding of heterogeneity.
3.5.1. Termination
First, we analyzed the effect of PDT compared to active conditions at
3.3.3. Moderators of effect size the time of therapy termination.
As there was substantial heterogeneity in the primary effect size es-
timate, we performed exploratory moderator analyses to find associa- Anxiety outcome analyses. PDT did not differ from other active treat-
tions between study characteristics and effect sizes (see Online ments (g = 0.024 [− 0.212 to 0.259], p = 0.831, subject n = 1043,
Supplemental Table 2). First, neither the Total RCT-PQRS quality score study K = 13; see Fig. 2). Medium amounts of heterogeneity were
(p = 0.106) nor the Overall/Item 25 score (p = 0.160) nor a dichoto- found (Q-test p = 0.005, I2 = 61.95), suggesting the existence of vari-
mous criterion of being above or below Gerber et al.'s (2011) cutoff ability between studies unexplained by within-study variance. Removal
for adequate study quality (total score ≥24; p = 0.212) were signifi- of the Milrod, Leon, Busch, et al. (2007) trial caused a detectable drop in
cantly related to the uncontrolled effect size. Using the permutation heterogeneity (Q-test p =0.111, I2 = 46.36, removing 25.2% of previous
test (see Methods), however, total RCT-PQRS quality scores predicted heterogeneity as per the I² index) suggesting the Milrod trial may be in-
higher uncontrolled effect sizes at the level of a statistical trend (β = troducing heterogeneity into the analysis with an atypically high effect
0.020, p = 0.087). size (g = 0.89) relative to other included studies. However, our primary
Neither treatment of social phobias defined broadly (p = 0.696), nor effect size finding was unaffected by any single study's removal, includ-
specifically social anxiety disorder (p = 0.935), nor GAD (p = 0.800), ing the Milrod trial (g = -0.056, p = 0.537 when removed). Egger's test
nor panic (p = 0.174) was significantly associated with uncontrolled ef- for publication bias was insignificant (t = 0.983, df = 10, p = 0.349), as
fect size. In addition, differences in remission rates between disorder was Henmi & Copas' sensitivity check for publication bias.
groups did not explain heterogeneity among trials. For example, the
social anxiety disorder studies sharply differed in percentage remission: Secondary outcome measure analyses. No significant differences for
the Bögels et al. (in press) trial reported a remission rate of about 59% for secondary outcomes were found between psychodynamic therapy
PDT (average between two measures of remission), while the larger- and other active treatments, including: depressive symptoms (g =
scale Leichsenring et al. (2013) trial found a remission rate of around −0.140 [−0.792 to 0.512], p = 0.584, subject n = 641, study K = 5),
26%. Furthermore, Crits-Christoph, Gibbons, Narducci, Schamberger, interpersonal problems (g = 0.028 [−1.135 to 1.192], p = 0.918, sub-
and Gallop (2005) reported that approximately 50% of GAD patients re- ject n = 512, study K = 3), rates of remission or response (log OR =
mitted under supportive–expressive PDT, compared to only 10% of GAD 0.133 [− 0.940 to 1.205], p = 0.772, subject n = 771, study K = 7),
patients under the more generic Durham et al. (1994) psychodynamic or drop-out (log RR = −0.010 [−0.255 to 0.235], p = 0.931, subject
treatment protocol. n = 1043, K = 13). However, there were significant and high levels of
One moderator was found to be significant. Using meta-regression, between-study heterogeneity for depression (Q-test p = 0.005, I2 =
we found that the greater the average experience of psychodynamic 81.93), interpersonal problems (Q-test p = 0.017, I2 = 76.57), and re-
therapists in the trial, the larger the observed effect of PDT (p = mission (Q-test p b .001, I2 = 82.18), though not for relative risk of
0.029, β = 0.058), though the addition of this term still left significant dropout (Q-test p = 0.862). When examining remission from anxiety
unexplained heterogeneity in the model (Q-test p = 0.023). There was disorder and depressive symptomatology, the removal of any single
also a trend for studies with more dropout in PDT to have a lower un- study did not change the significance of the results, nor heterogeneity
controlled effect size (p = 0.080, β = −0.016). findings. However, there were not enough studies examining interper-
sonal problems as an outcome (K = 3) to make this a coherent check.
3.4. Controlled effect sizes
Moderators of effect size. There was no significant relation between ef-
3.4.1. Anxiety outcome analyses fect size and either Total (p = 0.887) or Overall (p = 0.675) RCT-PQRS
At termination, PDT was found to be significantly superior to control quality score, or having a quality score above or below the 24-point ad-
conditions with a medium effect size (g = 0.643 [0.346 to 0.941], p = equate quality cutoff (p = 0.702). There was no association of com-
0.004, subject n = 421, study K = 5).4 No significant heterogeneity bined sample size and between-groups effect (p = 0.380), nor was
was found (Q-test p = 0.630), nor was there indication of publication there any association of between-groups disparity in sessions received
bias as per Henmi & Copas' publication bias check, nor sensitivity to (i.e., one therapy receiving a higher “dose” than the other) and effect
the removal of any one study. Precise magnitude of effect size should size (p = 0.459). Furthermore, we did not find any significant differ-
ences in outcome between studies primarily treating social phobias
See Online Supplemental Fig. 2 for the forest plot showing these results. and remaining studies (p = 0.802), nor between studies primarily
J.R. Keefe et al. / Clinical Psychology Review 34 (2014) 309–323 317

Fig. 2. Forest plot of between-group effect sizes of anxiety symptom outcomes of PDT as compared to active treatments at termination. Note. The squares represent the effect sizes for each
study, the size of the square the relative weighing of the study in the analysis, and the errors bars indicate a 95% confidence interval. Positive g represents advantage for PDT relative to
other active treatments.

treating social anxiety disorder specifically (p = 0.604), GAD5 (p = more RR for psychodynamic therapy predict worse effect sizes). There
0.166), or panic (p = 0.337) and remaining studies. was also a significant finding wherein studies in which psychodynamic
Three trials compared PDT to an active treatment that was not a CBT clinicians were on average more experienced had more favorable effect
(Bressi et al., 2010; Crits-Christoph et al., 2005; Knekt et al., 2008), while sizes for the PDTs (p = 0.037, β = 0.048). No remaining moderators ex-
all other studies used active treatments with predominantly cognitive- amined were significant (see Table 2).
behavioral features (e.g., CBT, CT, exposure therapy, applied relaxation,
behavioral hypnotherapy). However, we did not find any significant 3.5.2. Short-term follow-up
difference in between-groups effect sizes in trials comparing PDT to a We then examined the effect size of PDT compared to active condi-
CBT versus a non-CBT active treatment group (p = 0.521). tions at follow-up occurring less than a year from termination.
A subset of trials (K = 5) which investigated PDTs included a sec-
ondary exposure component within the therapeutic protocol in addi-
Anxiety outcome analyses. At short-term follow-up, no significant
tion to more typically-defined psychodynamic techniques (Alstrom,
outcome differences between PDT and active treatment groups
Norlund, Persson, Harding, & Ljungqvist, 1984a,b provided all patients
emerged (g = − 0.109 [− 0.447 to 0.229], p = 0.484, subject n =
with instructions as to how to self-expose and psychoeducation
918, study K = 10; see Fig. 3). The finding was not sensitive to the remov-
supporting its use; Crits-Christoph et al., 2005 and Leichsenring et al.,
al of any single study, and both Egger's test of publication bias (t = 0.527,
2009, 2013 use therapy manuals indicating exercises for patients to
df = 8, p = 0.612) and Henmi & Copas' publication bias sensitivity check
self-expose or confront threatening situations and then discuss within
were insignificant. We found significant, high levels of heterogeneity
a psychodynamic frame). However, presence of an exposure compo-
among study outcomes (Q-test p b .001, I2 = 74.33). Overall heterogene-
nent was not related to effect sizes (p = 0.866).
ity was significantly reduced (Q-test p = 0.099, I2 = 50.12, removing
Studies in which fewer patients dropped out of PDT had significantly
32.6% of previous heterogeneity) for removing Durham et al. (1994; neg-
better outcomes against comparison treatments compared to studies in
ative outlier) but not Alstrom et al. (1984a; positive outlier; Q-test p =
which more PDT patients dropped out (meta-regression p = 0.038, β =
0.007, I2 = 67.38), suggesting that Durham et al. (1994) may be especial-
− 0.018). Convergently, we also found a significant relation between
ly unrepresentative of the overall effect size distribution. Interestingly,
the log relative risk (RR) of dropout and PDT performance. As fewer psy-
removing Durham et al. (1994) also brought the estimate of weighted
chodynamic patients relative to comparison treatment patients
ES to nearly zero (g = −0.005, p = 0.963). Removing both trials sub-
dropped out of treatment, effect sizes increasingly favored PDTs
stantially reduced heterogeneity (Q-test p = 0.443, I2 = 25.19) while
(meta-regression p b 0.001, β = − 0.698). Both moderators also sub-
resulting in a similarly nonsignificant effect estimate (g = -0.092, p =
stantively explained residual heterogeneity in the model such that re-
maining heterogeneity did not meet significance; furthermore, when
entered into the same meta-regression, both RR (p b .001) and percent-
age dropout in the PDT group (p = 0.038) independently explained Secondary outcome measure analyses. A minority of trials published re-
variability in effect size in the same direction (i.e., more dropout and mission data for follow-up, which did not evidence significantly differ-
ent rates of remission between PDT and other active treatments (log
One counterargument to this moderator finding at termination might be that one of OR = −0.476 [−1.770 to 0.819], p = 0.365, subject n = 694, K = 5).
the GAD comparisons used a manualized supportive therapy (Crits-Christoph et al., A high level of heterogeneity emerged in this comparison (Q-test p =
2005) that may be a relatively weaker therapy for GAD compared to a CBT. There was in- 0.024, I2 = 81.94). This heterogeneity dissipated (Q-test p = 0.369,
dication that this may be a reasonable hypothesis—if comparing at termination just the I2 = 22.46, removing 72.6% of previous heterogeneity) when removing
three studies utilizing CBT as a comparator for GAD and excluding the Crits-Christoph trial,
PDT exhibits a small-to-medium effect size disadvantage at termination (β = −0.471,
from the analysis the negative outlier of Durham et al., 1994 (log OR =
p = 0.069; CBT as active comparison for GAD studies g = −0.35, p = 0.119; remaining − 2.56), resulting in another overall null finding (log OR = − 0.209
studies g = 0.12, p = 0.291). [−0.794 to 0.376], p = 0.338, K = 4).
318 J.R. Keefe et al. / Clinical Psychology Review 34 (2014) 309–323

Table 2
Moderator findings for active treatment comparisons (treatment termination).

Moderator Significance of moderator β of effect df or Subgroup sizes (Yes/No)

Year of publication p = .871 −0.002 df = 11

Average age (years) p = .230 −0.031 df = 11
Percent female p = .230 0.009 df = 11
Total sample size p = .380 −.001 df = 11
Number of psychodynamic sessions p = .690 −0.006 df = 11
Dose difference between therapies p = .459 0.023 per session advantage of PDT df = 11
Avg. # years psychodynamic therapy experience p = .037 0.048 df = 11
# of Psychodynamic therapists p = .344 −0.007 df = 9
Psychodynamic therapy manualization p = .770 −0.068 7/6
Psychodynamic therapy disorder-specific model p = .906 0.028 7/6
Psychodynamic therapy Luborsky's SE p = .341 −0.244 3/10
Psychodynamic therapy adherence check p = .984 −0.005 7/6
% Dropout in psychodynamic therapy p = .038 −0.018 df = 11
Log relative risk of dropout p = .000 −0.701 (RR favoring PDT increases ES) df = 11
Data analysis: intention to treat? p = .661 0.106 8/5
Reliable diagnosis p = .702 −0.100 9/4
Primary disorder: GAD p = .166 −0.343 4/9
Primary disorder: panic p = .337 0.307 2/11
Primary disorder: social phobias p = .802 0.062 4/9
Primary disorder: social anxiety disorder p = .604 −0.149 2/11
Exposure component in psychodynamic therapy p = .866 −0.040 5/8
Comparison treatment: CBTs p = .521 0.178 10/3
RCT-PQRS total quality score (items 1–24) p = .887 0.002 df = 11
RCT-PQRS overall quality score (item 25) p = .675 −0.037 df = 11
RCT-PQRS dichotomous ≥ 24 total quality score p = .702 −0.100 9/4

Moderators of effect size. Again, there was no significant relation be- after adjustment there was still significantly more heterogeneity
tween short-term follow-up effect size and Total RCT-PQRS quality among all studies included in the follow up than would be expected
score (p = 0.556), Overall/Item 25 score (p = 0.465), or being over or given within-study variances (after adjustment Q-test p = 0.018).
under “adequate” study quality (p = 0.167). There was no association However, using the moderation effect of studies involving GAD vs.
between either sample size (p = 0.771) or between-therapy dose non GAD explained less variability of effect among studies than simply
discrepancy (p = 0.782) and between-groups effect. eliminating the particular Durham GAD trial (32.6% of heterogeneity
PDT performed significantly worse with a medium effect size against eliminated for removal of Durham vs. 14.7% of heterogeneity for moder-
comparison treatments in the 3 studies treating GAD symptomatology ation). This may be because the Durham trial has a substantially more
versus other studies (p = 0.032, β = − .677; GAD studies: g = negative effect size (g = −1.11) even among the remaining GAD trials
−0.607 [−1.121 to −0.093], p = 0.026; non-GAD studies: g = 0.070 (g = −0.17 & −0.35). Keeping in mind that removing one of 3 trials at
[−0.245 to 0.384], p = 0.624). The difference in effect between GAD tri- follow-up reduces power, removing the Durham trial resulted in non-
als relative to remaining non-GAD trials explained a proportion of het- significant differences between PDT and other active treatments at
erogeneity in the follow-up analysis (I2 dropped to 63.37%), though short-term follow-up (p = 0.249, β = −0.337). These findings again

Fig. 3. Forest plot of between-group effect sizes of anxiety symptom outcomes of PDT as compared to active treatments at short-term follow-up (b1 year post-termination). Note. The
squares represent the effect sizes for each study, the size of the square the relative weighing of the study in the analysis, and the errors bars indicate a 95% confidence interval. Positive
g represents advantage for PDT relative to other active treatments.
J.R. Keefe et al. / Clinical Psychology Review 34 (2014) 309–323 319

Table 3
Moderator findings for active treatment comparisons (short-term follow-up).

Moderator Significance of moderator β of effect df or Subgroup sizes (yes/no)

Year of publication p = .700 −0.005 df = 8

Average age (years) p = .351 −0.033 df = 8
Percent female p = .308 0.010 df = 8
Total sample size p = .771 −.001 df = 8
Number of psychodynamic sessions p = .953 −0.001 df = 8
Dose difference between therapies p = .782 0.011 per session advantage of PDT df = 8
Avg. # years psychodynamic therapy experience p = .664 0.019 df = 8
# of Psychodynamic therapists p = .756 −0.004 df = 6
Psychodynamic therapy manualization p = .929 −0.029 4/6
Psychodynamic therapy disorder-specific model p = .851 0.070 5/5
Psychodynamic therapy Luborsky's SE p = .516 −0.246 2/8
Psychodynamic therapy adherence check p = .796 −0.085 4/6
% Dropout in psychodynamic therapy p = .441 −0.009 df = 8
Log relative risk of dropout p = .002 −1.474 df = 8
Data analysis: intention to treat? p = .943 0.023 5/5
Reliable diagnosis p = .167 −0.448 6/4
Primary disorder: GAD p = .032 −0.677 (from intercept 0.070) 3/7
Primary disorder: social phobias p = .365 0.294 4/6
Primary disorder: social anxiety disorder p = .962 0.018 2/8
Exposure component in psychodynamic therapy p = .768 0.098 4/6
RCT-PQRS total quality score (items 1–24) p = .556 −0.010 df = 8
RCT-PQRS overall quality score (item 25) p = .465 −0.086 df = 8
RCT-PQRS dichotomous ≥ 24 total quality score p = .167 −0.448 6/4

suggest that the Durham trial may be an outlier rather than merely pre- Moderators of effect size. At long-term follow-up all studies were “ade-
senting a representative effect of PDT for GAD. quate” or above quality as per Gerber et al. (2011) norms, and all but
Conversely, we found no significant differences in effect size one (Knekt et al., 2008) used a CBT active treatment comparison.
when comparing studies treating a social phobia versus remaining Three major categorical differences between the studies existed:
studies (p = 0.365), nor specifically social anxiety disorder (p = 0.962). two of the five studies were manualized with a variant of supportive–
Only trials employing CBT comparisons included follow-up—with the ex- expressive PDT, and two studies each dealt with social anxiety or GAD
ception of Knekt et al. (2008)—so investigating comparison treatment patients exclusively. No moderator was significant. Due to the small
modality as a moderating variable was not possible. number of studies no further moderators were examined.
In addition, there was again a significant relation between the log RR
of dropout and effect size such that lower relative dropout in the 4. Discussion
psychodynamic condition predicted more favorable effect sizes for
PDT (p = 0.003, β = − 1.462). The inclusion of this term explained Despite commonly held views (cf. Tolin, 2010), PDT did not differ in
the previously large amounts of residual heterogeneity in the effect effect from other active treatments in the treatment of anxiety disor-
size estimate. No other moderators were significant (see Table 3). ders. These results were consistent across primary and secondary out-
come measures and were maintained at follow-up up to and over a
year. We also found evidence of a medium-sized controlled effect size
3.5.3. Long-term follow-up
for PDT in comparison with control conditions. However, one needs to
Finally, we examined the effect size of PDT versus active treatment
keep in mind that the small number of comparisons used—primarily
conditions at follow-up at least one year after termination.
examining social phobias—and the different intensities of control condi-
tions (e.g., wait-list, minimum treatment control, “placebo” therapy)
Anxiety outcome analyses. Only 5 studies reported on follow-up data restrict our meta-analytic conclusion concerning control conditions.
tracking patients a year or more after therapy termination. The longest Both the weighted average dropout (17.1%) and the insignificant
follow-up available for each study was used (see Table 1), and no sig- difference in relative risk of dropout between psychodynamic and
nificant difference was found between PDT and other active treatments comparison active treatments suggest that PDT as conducted in RCTs
(g = −0.257 [−0.899 to 0.385], p = 0.329, subject n = 678, study K = is relatively well-tolerated at a rate comparable to CBTs (cf. Hofmann
5).6 The result was insensitive to a leave-one-out check and Henmi & & Smits, 2008). We further found that PDTs and other active treatments
Copas' publication bias sensitivity check. A large amount of heterogene- did not differ from each other in remission rates at termination or
ity was detected (Q-test p = 0.005, I2 = 83.70) that was entirely driven follow-up, though with substantial between-study differences in re-
by the inclusion of the Durham et al. (1994) trial (when removed, Q-test mission rates. Depression and interpersonal problem outcomes at
p = 0.359, I2 = 32.57; g = −0.101, p = 0.375). This again suggested termination were also insignificantly different between psychodynamic
that Durham et al. (1994) was a negative outlier at follow-up. and other active treatments, though again with high heterogeneity.
Most analyses undertaken exhibited at least a moderate level of
between-study effect size heterogeneity, indicating that while the over-
Secondary outcome measure analyses. Using the remission rates from all sample of PDTs may be close in effect size to other active treatments,
these studies produced a similar null finding (log OR = − 0.232 “true” differences may exist between subgroups of studies. However, a
[− 1.291 to 0.826], p = 0.536, subject n = 624, study K = 4) with significant proportion of observed heterogeneity appeared to be
medium-high heterogeneity (Q-test p = 0.212, but I2 = 63.03) again due to two studies with uniquely large effects (Durham et al., 1994;
entirely driven by the Durham trial (when removed I2 = 15.63, log Milrod, Leon, Busch, et al., 2007). We addressed the lack of homogeneity
OR = −0.107, p = 0.584). between studies by including the likely presence of significant hetero-
geneity in the a priori power analyses. The power analyses suggested
See Online Supplemental Fig. 3 for the forest plot showing these results. adequate power (≥80%) to detect medium and large effects (but not
320 J.R. Keefe et al. / Clinical Psychology Review 34 (2014) 309–323

small effects) even in the case of high heterogeneity. It is thus possible answers regarding the efficacy of PDT versus other active treatments
that a small (d ≤ .20), undetected effect size difference may “truly” for GAD, and future study using high fidelity, well-conceptualized treat-
exist, but it is unlikely that medium-to-large effects were missed. In- ments may be necessary (e.g., Leichsenring et al., 2013).
deed, for our between-groups comparisons the nonsignificant effect On the other hand, PDT studies treating social phobias, social anxiety
estimates were generally in the range of ±g ≤ 0.20 (in favor of disorder, or panic disorder did not show a significantly different effect
PDT at termination, and the reverse at follow-up), though were closer from the overall distribution of effect sizes, though the latter two com-
to 0 when heterogeneity-influencing outliers (Durham et al., 1994 at parisons had small study samples (2 each) that would prevent detecting
follow-ups, Milrod, Leon, Busch, et al., 2007 at termination) were smaller effect size differences. We also did not find evidence that
removed. PDT performed better or worse when compared against generally-
There were few significant moderators of effect size that helped ex- construed cognitive-behavioral treatments than against other modali-
plain between-study heterogeneity of effect, perhaps due to the study ties, though this does not preclude superiority or inferiority for more
sample size limiting power and the distribution of potential study char- specific subgroups (see Footnote 5).
acteristics (e.g., only three trials of Luborsky's supportive–expressive Finally, we did not find any indication that PDTs containing a sec-
therapy). Most reliably, both the dropout rate in PDT and relative risk ondary, but explicit exposure component were superior in effect size
of dropout compared to other active treatments negatively predicted compared to PDTs that did not have these elements. This may be be-
both uncontrolled and between-group effect sizes for PDT. One inter- cause exposure was usually self-guided and possibly too minimal to
pretation could be that this association is a form of “double dipping” have a noticeable effect as per the moderation power. A recent meta-
into effect sizes (i.e., if a patient is improving, they are more likely to analysis of additive and dismantling component psychotherapy trials
stay in therapy). Another interpretation is that outcomes were better suggested that adding a new technique was found to be significantly
when patients in a study were able to tolerate the psychodynamic treat- beneficial for primary symptomatic outcomes, but with only a small ef-
ment (e.g., found it credible) and thus received a proper “dose” of fect size (d = 0.14 at termination, d = 0.28 at follow-up) that would be
therapy. difficult to detect in our moderator analyses (Bell, Marcus, & Goodlad,
Therapist experience in PDT positively predicted uncontrolled effect 2013). Alternatively, it is entirely possible that elements of exposure
size and between-group effect at termination, though not at follow-up. or CBT are already present in most PDTs even without the explicit addi-
This finding should be interpreted cautiously as therapist experience tion of an exposure component (e.g., that repeated recounting of emo-
was reported in different ways in different studies: some as floors for tional events may entail exposure; cf. Lambert & Ogles, 2004).
inclusion, some the actual level of experience. More experienced thera- Moreover, it may also be true that CBTs do sometimes intervene on os-
pists may be better able to recognize and maintain competent therapeu- tensibly psychodynamic therapeutic concepts (e.g., interpersonal focus
tic focus on typical dynamics underlying specific anxiety disorders. in social anxiety disorder; see also Ablon & Jones, 1998; McCarthy &
However, past research on the role of therapist experience and training Barber, 2009; cf. Lambert & Ogles, 2004).
on therapy efficacy has been mixed (Beutler et al., 2004). Differences in
therapist experience may not be best conceptualized by years in the 4.1. Limitations and future directions
field but rather by specific time and training concerning particular psy-
chopathology and techniques (Beutler, 1999). This distinction could be A minority of studies included in the meta-analyses fell below “ade-
especially relevant to PDT, as Leichsenring et al. (2013) found in their quate” quality as per Gerber et al.'s (2011) provisional quality cutoff
social anxiety trial that substantially fewer psychodynamic therapists (e.g., Pierloot & Vinck, 1978). In lieu of heavy quality filtering, we decid-
compared to CBT therapists had ever used any manualized therapy, ed to quantitatively explore markers of quality in relation to effect size,
and that about a third of CBT therapists had used the specific trial man- as more extensive filtering may raise questions as to whether authors
ual compared to none of the psychodynamic therapists. Perhaps as a excluded studies in a biased manner. Our exploratory moderator analy-
consequence, in this trial PDT therapists' first study cases fared signifi- ses on general and specific aspects of study quality found no significant
cantly worse than subsequent cases, which were equivalent to CBT relationships between the RCT-PQRS quality scores of an RCT and un-
cases, possibly because PDT therapists were still adjusting their tech- controlled or between-groups effect size (though with one possible ex-
nique both to manualization generally and the trial PDT specifically ception of a positive relation between uncontrolled effect and total
(Leichsenring, 2011). quality score, see section 3.3.3), nor between a selection of particular
While across the different anxiety disorders PDT was as efficacious quality variables and effect size (e.g., adherence checks). Furthermore,
as other active treatments, PDT seemed to fare significantly worse the two largest effect outliers (in opposite directions) were both of
for GAD patients at follow-up (but not at termination, though see higher rather than lower quality (Durham et al., 1994; Milrod, Leon,
Footnote 5) compared to other active treatments. Given the relatively Busch, et al., 2007). This suggested that RCT quality as was measurable
poorer quality of the therapy in some of the GAD trials,7 it is possible did not strongly influence our results. This finding is concordant with
that the size of the GAD effect may be mis-estimated. The Durham results from the Gerber et al. (2011) quality-based review of published
et al. (1994) RCT of GAD flagged in our analyses as a negative outlier PDT trials, which across trials found no association between study qual-
contributing a third or more of all heterogeneity at short-term and ity and the outcome of PDT compared to other treatments. Overall, more
long-term follow-up (more than heterogeneity explained by using high-quality studies of PDT for anxiety disorders are still needed (e.g.,
GAD as a moderator), and even among GAD trials at follow-up had an Leichsenring et al., 2013).
unusually negative effect size. This suggests that at follow-up the Dur- Several studies were of higher quality, but consisted of small subject
ham trial is an outlier within the overall effect distribution, and thus samples (e.g., Crits-Christoph et al., 2005). Studying small samples leads
may not represent a standard effect of PDT. In addition, follow-up anal- to concerns about publication bias (Kraemer et al., 1998; cf. Bhar et al.,
yses can be problematic as they are often confounded when patients do 2010). Essentially, small studies with positive findings (as defined by
not follow protocol and seek out additional treatment post-termination the investigators) are more likely to be published than small studies
(e.g., Knekt et al., 2008 wherein the effect sizes at follow-up were biased with negative findings. In addition, smaller trials may be more likely
by the short-term therapy groups seeking additional treatment). Taken to show unusual or imprecisely estimated effects compared to larger tri-
together, the moderator analysis herein cannot provide definitive als. Unfortunately, most controlled studies of psychotherapy tend to be
relatively small. This is true for all types of psychotherapy, including
Pierloot & Vinck, 1978 being a failed trial for both the behavioral and psychodynamic
well-validated treatments such as CBTs (Leichsenring & Rabung,
groups and Durham et al., 1994 using a psychodynamic approach with no cited general or 2011a). Interestingly, there is recent simulation evidence suggesting
disorder-specific theory of treatment and using a long-term model for short-term therapy. that single very high-powered trials mis-estimate true effects under
J.R. Keefe et al. / Clinical Psychology Review 34 (2014) 309–323 321

conditions of true heterogeneity and/or publication bias, relative to a se- differences in clinical practice between even well-monitored trials
ries of more modestly powered studies meta-analyzed in tandem, (e.g., Webb et al., 2013 describe significant differences in cognitive ther-
which were more robust against heterogeneity and/or publication bias apy technique using the same manual between high-quality trials and
(IntHout, Ioannidis, & Borm, in press). Thus, well-conducted meta- even within sites of the same trial; see also Malik, Beutler, Alimohamed,
analyses including smaller studies provide valuable evidence to consid- Gallagher-Thompson, & Thompson, 2003). We observed such significant
er alongside single large trials, especially under conditions that may heterogeneity in this meta-analysis, which is typical for meta-analyses
harm the precision of larger studies (e.g., true effect heterogeneity as of psychotherapy RCTs (e.g., Cuijpers et al., 2013 for CBT of depression;
in clinical trials of psychotherapy). Budge et al., 2013 for treatments of personality disorders). Regardless,
We took several analytic precautions against publication bias in this adherence ratings have been shown to have an inconsistent relationship
meta-analysis. Our meta-analytic estimator (the Sidik–Jonkman estima- to change across types of therapies and disorders treated (Webb,
tor) has been shown to estimate more accurate effect sizes in the DeRubeis, & Barber, 2010), indicating more focused research into tech-
presence of publication bias compared to standard random effects nique use is necessary, and that ostensible differences in clinical effect
meta-analysis (e.g., Henmi & Copas, 2010; Sidik & Jonkman, 2005b). In between trials may not be well-indexed by general adherence to a par-
addition, we did not find evidence of publication bias with Egger's ticular manual. PDTs may share some common change mechanisms
regression test, with leave-one-out sensitivity checks (except for with CBTs (e.g., acquisition of compensatory skills; Gibbons et al.,
noted contributors to heterogeneity), with meta-regressing study size 2009), some particular to PDTs but not CBTs (e.g., insight or self under-
on effect size, nor by using the Henmi and Copas (2010) publication standing; Gibbons et al., 2009), and some that work to opposite effect in
bias sensitivity check. As several consulted reviews of PDTs have PDTs versus CBTs (e.g., deepening versus avoidance of affect; Ulvenes
scoured the published and unpublished literature for PDT trials in addi- et al., 2012). Future trials of PDT for anxiety disorders should examine
tion to our own search, we have some degree of confidence that most processes of change common among effective therapies and specific to
unpublished trials that could be found have likely been found, and PDTs (e.g., Pitman, Slavin-Mulford, & Hilsenroth, 2014), in terms of spe-
that we have minimized our risk of omitting published and eligible trials cific techniques applied by therapists rather than overall adherence, the
(Abbass et al., 2006; Gerber et al., 2011; Leichsenring & Rabung, 2011b; downstream mediators of technique use that promote change, and com-
Leichsenring et al., 2004; Slavin-Mulford & Hilsenroth, 2012). It is fur- plex interactions between techniques, therapeutic factors (e.g., the ther-
ther unlikely that any unidentified small study would change our pri- apeutic alliance), and patient variables.
mary estimate, given the null findings of our sensitivity analyses that
included removal of single small and large studies. 5. Conclusion
As our primary analyses assessed the effectiveness of PDT for anxiety
disorders as a class, findings cannot necessarily be fully extended to Overall, our meta-analysis suggests that PDTs as studied in RCTs are
individual disorders. Per our moderator analyses, PDT may be less effec- as effective at treating anxiety disorders as other active treatments, and
tive on average for GAD. On the other hand, in future trials PDT may be more effective than control groups. Medium-high heterogeneity of
likely to show only small effect size differences at most compared to effect sizes and our moderator analyses suggest that relevant “true”
other therapies when treating the general category of social phobias. differences may exist between studies (e.g., treating GAD, therapist
From two studies each, there is also evidence that PDT may effectively characteristics). However, removing heterogeneity outliers did not lead
treat social anxiety disorder and panic disorder. However, not all anxi- to changes in our conclusions. These findings set the stage to recommend
ety disorders were represented equally in the published literature conducting further high-quality, controlled trials of anxiety-specific for-
(e.g., only one PTSD trial) and no primary trial of simple phobia or mulations of psychodynamic therapy, especially for understudied areas
OCD met criteria for inclusion, the latter possibly because in the ex- (e.g., panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, PTSD). We endorse the
perience of many clinicians, primary OCD may not respond to PDT view that no treatment is going to work for all patients, and that therefore
(cf. Rice, 2004). More controlled trials investigating PDT for different future research should address and refine the subgroups of anxiety
anxiety disorders would help evaluate for which specific disorders patients for whom PDT may be particularly efficacious.
PDT is effective.
Moderator analyses were limited due to the lack of consistent Acknowledgments
reporting of patient demographics (e.g., Axis-II disorders, comorbidity)
and process data (e.g., relation of adherence to outcome) in conjunction Drs. Susan Bögels, Cinzia Bressi, Paul Crits-Christoph, and Falk
with the small study sample. This restricted our ability to further exam- Leichsenring are to be thanked for providing unpublished data from tri-
ine the classic question of differential treatment efficacy or “what works als they conducted that are included in this meta-analysis. Dr. Paul
for whom” (Paul, 1967). Preliminary data indicate that PDT may be par- Knekt is thanked for directing us to additional information concerning
ticularly beneficial for personality disordered panic patients (Milrod, the composition of his trial sample.
Leon, Barber, et al., 2007), and differences in the distribution of person-
ality functioning between patient samples may explain heterogeneity Appendix A. Supplementary data
between studies. There is some indication from primary trials of de-
pression and personality disorders that PDT may be comparably less Supplementary data to this article can be found online at http://dx.
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for patients with more obsessive–compulsive personality features,
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