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COP Court of Protection For office use only

9 Print form
Application notice Date received

Date issued

Case no.

Full name of person to whom the application relates

(this is the person who lacks, or is alleged, to lack capacity)


Please read first

• This form can be used in a variety of • Please continue on a separate sheet of paper
circumstances and must be used for applications if you need more space to answer a question.
within proceedings. For further guidance on Write the case number, your name, the name of
when this form is to be used please see the the person to whom the application relates, and
Court of Protection Rules 2007 and the Practice number of the question you are answering on
Directions accompanying the Rules or contact each separate sheet.
Customer Services at the number below.
• For assistance in completing this form please see
• If you wish to apply to start proceedings please guidance notes and website:
complete the COP1 application form. www.gov.uk/court-of-protection
• If you wish to apply to be joined as a party to • Court of Protection staff cannot give legal
the proceedings please complete the COP10 advice. If you need legal advice please contact
application notice for applications to be joined as a solicitor.
a party.
• You may have to pay a fee when you make an
application. Refer to the leaflet COP44 Court of
Protection – Fees for details.
• You may need to pay for any costs you incur
during the proceedings. If the court considers
that you have acted unreasonably you can
be ordered to pay the costs incurred by other

© Crown Copyright 2015

Section 1 - Your details

1.1 Your details Mr. Mrs. Miss Ms. Other

First name

Middle name(s)

Last name

1.2 Address

Telephone no. Daytime



E-mail address

1.3 Is a solicitor representing you? Yes No

If Yes, please give the solicitor’s details.



Telephone no. Fax no.

DX no.

E-mail address

1.4 Which address should official documentation be sent to?

Your address

Solicitor’s address

Other address (please provide details)

1.5 What is your role in the proceedings?

Applicant (the person who filed the COP1 application form)

Person to whom the application relates

Other party to the proceedings

Other (please give details)

Section 2 - Your application

2.1 What order or direction are you seeking from the court?

2.2 Please set out the grounds on which you are seeking the order or direction?

2.3 Any evidence in support of your application must be filed with this Evidence
application notice. If you are attaching any written evidence please use attached
the COP24 witness statement form.

If the court requires that evidence be given by affidavit then you need to
use the COP25 affidavit form.

2.4 Please provide the details of any person who you reasonably believe has an interest which means they
ought to be heard by the court in relation to this application notice and who is not already a party to the

Full name including title Full address including Connection to the person to
postcode whom the proceedings relate

Section 3 – Statement of truth

The statement of truth is to be signed by you, your solicitor or your litigation friend.

*(I believe) (The applicant believes) that the facts stated in this application notice are true.


*Applicant(’s litigation friend)(’s solicitor)



of firm

Position or
office held * Please delete the options in
brackets that do not apply.

Now read note 1 about what you need to do next. Reset form

4 Print form Reset form

Guidance notes

Note 1 Note 2

What you need to do next What happens next?

The court requires two copies (i.e. the original plus The court will notify you when your application notice
one copy) of each form and document you file. has been issued. The court will return a sealed copy
of the application notice. You may need to serve
Please return the original completed form and
copies on:
copies to the Court of Protection, along with any fee.
For details on where to send your application check • every other party to the proceedings;
the website: www.gov.uk/court-of-protection
• anyone who is named as a respondent in the
application notice; and
• any other person as the court may direct.

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