Address Department of Classics, Princeton University, 159 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ 08544 / 609-258-5572 Special Interests Roman History and Historiography, Epigraphy, Latin Literature
Education Ph.D. May 1993, in Ancient History, University of Pennsylvania. Dissertation: Imagines Maiorum: Ancestral Masks as Symbols of Ideology and Power. B.A., M.A., 1983, in Classics, University College, Oxford University (ancient history and literature). Teaching Experience 2007 - present: 2003 - 2007: 2000 - 2003: 1994 - 2000: 1984 - 1986: Spring 1984: Professor of Classics, Princeton University. Associate Professor of Classics, Princeton University. Associate Professor of Classics, Franklin and Marshall College. Assistant Professor of Classics, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA Latin teacher and Head of Department, Lincoln School, Providence RI. Instructor, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.
Administrative Experience From 7/1/2010 Master, Mathey College, Princeton University 2008 - 2011: Member, Committee on the Course of Study, Princeton University October 2008: Member, External Review Committee, Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome (administered by Duke University) 2005/06, 07-09: Departmental Representative (Undergraduate Director), Classics Department, Princeton University April 7, 2006: co-organizer with T. Corey Brennan (Rutgers University) of East and West, a symposium in honor of Glen W. Bowersock on the occasion of his retirement from the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton 2004-2006: Member, APA Program Committee 2003-2007: Member, Steering Committee of the Ancient Historians Colloquium of the Atlantic States 2000/01: Chair of the Women's Studies Program, Franklin and Marshall College Spring 1997: Co-Chair of the Women's Studies Program, Franklin and Marshall College Awards NEH Fellowship for Fall 2010 (declined). Corresponding Member, German Archaeological Institute (elected in 2008). Visiting Scholar, American Academy in Rome, July 2006. NEH Fellow and Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, 2001/2002. NEH Summer Stipend, June and July 1999: "Domitian and the Politics of Oblivion." Dean's Scholar in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania, 1992. Mellon Dissertation Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania, 1991-93. Annenberg Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania, 1987-1991. Open Scholarship, University College, Oxford University, 1981-83. Plumtree Major Exhibition, University College, Oxford University, 1980-81.
Publications Books Roman Republics, (Princeton, 2010). The Art of Forgetting: Disgrace and Oblivion in Roman Political Culture, (Chapel Hill, NC, 2006, paperback edition 2011). Ancestor Masks and Aristocratic Power in Roman Culture, (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1996, paperback edition 1999). Edited Volumes East and West: Papers in Ancient History Presented to Glen W. Bowersock co-edited with T. Corey Brennan (Rutgers) Loeb Classical Monograph 14 (published by the Department of the Classics, Harvard University, distributed by Harvard University Press) 2008. The Cambridge Companion to the Roman Republic, (Cambridge, 2004). Articles "The Imperial Republic," in A. Barchiesi and W. Scheidel (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Roman Studies (Oxford University Press, 2010), 519-32. "Alternatives to Written History in Republican Rome," in A. Feldherr (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Roman Historians (Cambridge University Press, 2009) 65-76. "Memory Sanctions and the Disgrace of Emperors in Official Documents and Laws," in R. Haensch (ed.) Selbstdarstellung und Kommunikation: die Verffentlichung staatlicher Urkunden auf Stein und Bronze in der rmischen Welt (Vestigia, 2009) 417-429. "Remembering and Forgetting Temple Destruction: the Destruction of the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus in 83 BC," in G. Gardner and K. L. Osterloh (eds.) Antiquity in Antiquity: Jewish and Christian Pasts in the Greco-Roman World, (Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism, Mohr-Siebeck Verlag 123, Tbingen, 2008) 74-92. "Les Svres et l'usage de la memoria: l'arcus du Forum Boarium Rome," in S. Benoist and A. DaguetGagey (eds.) Un discours en images de la condamnation de mmoire (Metz, Centre regional universitaire lorrain d'histoire, 2008) 97-115. "Rituale der Erinnerung: der Leichenzug," in K.-J. Hlkeskamp and E. Stein-Hlkeskamp (eds.), Genius Loci: Erinnerungsorte der Antike, Band II Rom (Munich: C. H. Beck, 2006) 321-337. "Introduction," in H. I. Flower (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Roman Republic (Cambridge, 2004) 1-11. "Spectacle and Political Culture in the Republic," in H. I. Flower (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Roman Republic (Cambridge, 2004) 322-43.
"Memories of Marcellus: History and Memory in Roman Republican Culture," in Formen rmischer Geschichtsschreibung von den Anfngen bis Livius: Gattungen Autoren - Kontexte, edited by U. Eigler, U. Gotter, N. Luraghi, U. Walter (Darmstadt 2003), 1-17. "Were Women ever 'Ancestors' in Republican Rome?" in Images of Ancestors, ed. J. Munk Hjte, Aarhus Studies in Mediterranean Antiquity 5, University of Aarhus Press, (Aarhus, Denmark, 2002), 157-82. "Roman Historical Drama and Nero on Stage," a commentary on P. Kragelund, "Historical Drama in Ancient Rome: Republican Flourishing and Imperial Decline?" Symbolae Osloenses 77 (2002), 68-72. "Rereading the Senatus Consultum de Bacchanalibus of 186 BC: Gender Roles in the Roman Middle Republic," in Oikistes: Essays in Honor of A. J. Graham, edited by Vanessa B. Gorman and Eric W. Robinson, (Leiden, 2002), 79-98. "A Tale of Two Monuments: Domitian, Trajan, and some Praetorians at Puteoli (AE 1973, 137)," American Journal of Archaeology 105.4 (2001), 625-48. "Fabula de Bacchanalibus: the Bacchanalian Cult of the Second Century BC and Roman Drama," in G. Manuwald (ed.), Identitt und Alteritt in der frhrmischen Tragdie (Identitten und Alteritten, vol. 3, Altertumswissenschaftliche Reihe vol. 1, Wrzburg, 2000), 23-35. "Damnatio Memoriae and Epigraphy," in E. R. Varner, (ed.) From Caligula to Constantine: Tyranny and Transformation in Roman Portraiture (Atlanta, 2000) 58-69, the catalogue of an exhibition at the Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory University, (Fall 2000), and at the Yale University Art Gallery (Spring 2001). "The Tradition of the Spolia Opima: Marcus Claudius Marcellus and Augustus," Classical Antiquity 19.1 (2000), 34-64. "Piso in Chicago: a Commentary on the APA /AIA joint seminar on the S. C. de Cn. Pisone Patre," American Journal of Philology 120.1 (1999), 99-115. "Rethinking 'Damnatio Memoriae': the case of Cn. Calpurnius Piso pater in AD 20," Classical Antiquity 17.2 (1998), 155-86. "The Significance of an Inscribed Breastplate Captured at Falerii Veteres in 241 BC," Journal of Roman Archaeology 11 (1998), 224-32 with figs. 1-3 in colour (after p. 160). "The Adventures in the Odyssey," a translation of Karl Reinhardt, "Die Abenteur der Odyssee" (Von Werken und Formen [Godesberg, 1948], pp. 52-162) in Reading the Odyssey: Selected Interpretive Essays, S. L. Schein ed., (Princeton, 1995), 63-132. "Fabulae Praetextae in Context: When Were Plays on Contemporary Subjects Performed in Republican Rome?" Classical Quarterly 45 (1995), 170-90. "Thucydides and the Pylos Debate (4.27-29)," Historia 41 (1992), 40-57. "Herodotus and Delphic Traditions about Croesus," in Georgica: Greek Studies presented to G. L. Cawkwell, M. A. Flower and M. Toher, (eds.) (Institute of Classical Studies, London, Bulletin Supp. 58, 1991), 57-77.
Book Reviews Book review: JRS 99 (2009) 240-1: M. Jaeger, Archimedes and the Roman Imagination (Ann Arbor, MI, 2008). Book review: JRA 20 (2007) 409-412: K.-J. Hlkeskamp, Rekonstruktionen einer Republik. Die politische Kultur des alten Rom und die Forschung der letzten Jahrzehnte, (Oldenbourg Verlag, Historische Zeitschrift Beiheft 38), 2004. Book Review: BMCR 2003.12.20: Egon Flaig, Ritualisierte Politik. Zeichen, Gesten und Herrschaft im Alten Rom. Historische Semantik Band 1 (Gttingen, 2003). Book Review: C. W. Hedrick Jr., History and Silence. Purge and Rehabilitation of Memory in Late Antiquity (Austin, TX, 2000), Classical Journal 97 no. 2 (December 2001-January 2002), 207-209. Book Review: W. Eck, A. Caballos, F. Fernndez, Das senatus consultum de Cn. Pisone patre (Munich, 1996) Bryn Mawr Classical Review 8.8 (1997), 705-12. Forthcoming "lite Self-Representation," in M. Peachin (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Social Relations in the Roman World (Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2010), 271-85. "Civil War and the Fragility of Political Culture in Republican Rome," In C. Damon, A. Rossi, and B. Breed (eds.), Citizens of Discord: Rome and its Civil Wars (Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2010), 73-86. "Ius imaginum" and "Laudatio funebris" entries in The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Ancient History, R. Bagnall, K. Brodersen, C. Champion, A. Erskine, S. Hbner (eds.), forthcoming. Book review: JRS 100 (2010): T. P. Wiseman, Remembering the Roman People: Essays on Late-Republican Politics and Literature (Oxford, 2009). Papers Oxford University, 2nd September 2010, "Beyond the Contio: Political Communication in Republican Rome," 30 minute invited paper as part of the conference Oratory and Politics in the Roman Republic. State University of New York, Buffalo, Humanities Institute, 14th April 2010, " Time and Memory: The Burial Practices of the Licinii in Rome," 45 minute invited paper. Georgetown University, Department of Classics, 23rd February 2010, "Who were the Lares? Roman Local Religion in Context," 45 minute invited paper. Columbia University, 12th February 2010, "The Dancing Lares and the Serpent in the Garden," 45 minute invited paper. University of Indiana, Bloomington, Department of Classics, 5th November 2009, "The Beginnings of Autobiographical Writing in Rome," 45 minute invited paper.
University of Washington, Seattle, 1st May 2009, "Q. Lutatius Catulus and the Development of Autobiographical Writing in Rome," 45 minute invited paper. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 6th March 2009, respondent and general commentator for a one day symposium entitled "Celebrations of Continuity and Change: Triumph and Spectacle in the Ancient World" to accompany the exhibition Grand Scale Monumental Prints in the Age of Drer and Titian at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Stanford University, 19th May 2008. Mellon workshop in the Department of Classics (Media, Memory, and the Ancient Past), "Memory and Disgrace: The Licinian Tomb on the Via Salaria in Rome", 45 minute invited paper. University of Pennsylvania, 29th November 2007, "Doors Open to the Forum: the Politics of Material Culture in the Second Century BC," 45 minute invited paper. Amherst College, 10th November 2007, "Rome's First Civil Wars and the End of the Republic," as part of the conference "See how I rip myself!" Rome and its Civil Wars. 30 minute invited paper. Brooklyn College, 11th October 2007, Arlene Fromchuk-Feili Memorial lecture in the Ethyle R. Wolfe Institute for the Humanities, "When (and why) did the Roman Republic End?" 45 minute invited paper. Centre de Recherche Universitaire Lorrain d'Histoire, Universit de Metz Paul Verlaine, 12th - 14th June 2007, "Les Svres et l'usage de la memoria," as part of the conference Un discours en images de la condamnation de mmoire (programme de recherche "Les victimes de la damnatio memoriae" UMR 8585). 35 minute invited paper. Yale University, Department of Classics, 30th March 2007, "Sulla and the Fall of the Roman Republic," 45 minute invited paper. Kommission fr Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen Archologischen Instituts, Munich, 1st-3rd July, Colloquium: Selbstdarstellung und Kommunikation: die Verffentlichung staatlicher Urkunden auf Stein und Bronze in der rmischen Welt, "Memory Sanctions and the Disgrace of Emperors in Official Documents and Laws," 30 minute invited paper. 17th Annual UNC-CH/Duke Graduate Colloquium in Classics Lies Deception and Misdirection: Manipulating Image and Text in the Ancient World, 25th March 2006, keynote speaker. Princeton University, Department of Religion, 22nd - 24th January 2006, "Remembering and Forgetting Temple Destruction: the Destruction of the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus in 83 BC," presented as part of the Colloquium Antiquity in Antiquity: Jewish and Christian Pasts in the Greco-Roman World. APA Annual Meeting, 6th January 2006, "Traitors in Context: the Epitaphs of the Licinii from the Via Salaria," a paper circulated and discussed as part of the APA seminar Epigraphic Texts and Archeological Contexts in Rome, Italy and the Western Provinces, organized by Jonathan Edmondson (York University, Toronto). Centre de Recherche Universitaire Lorrain d'Histoire, Universit de Metz Paul Verlaine, 29th October 2005, participation as discussant and chair of a session in Espace et mmoire: approches topographiques et mise en scne de l'espace urbain.
AIA lecture, Princeton University, 19th April 2005 The Praetorian Guard in Roman Art, (45 minute public lecture). Rutgers University, New Brunswick NJ, 11th March 2004, "Forbidden Faces," (50 minute public lecture). Davis Center Colloquium (Cities: Space Society and History), Princeton University, 11th December 2003, Respondent for Urbanization in Roman Italy, by Willem Jongman. New York University, 12th April 2003, respondent for Past and Present in Roman Historiography: a conference in honor of A. J. Woodman. 44. Deutscher Historikertag, Halle, Germany 11th September 2002, "Die Nemesis des Stereotyps: die gens Claudia," 40 minute paper for the panel Vertrauen in die Macht des Namens: Gentilcharisma und Familientradition in der Mittleren Republik with K.-J. Hlkeskamp (Kln), H. Beck (McGill), and U. Walter (Bielefeld). Cornell University, 19th April 2002, "Conspicuous by her Absence: Silence and the Memory of Livi(ll)a," (50 minute public lecture). APA Annual Meeting, 5th January 2002, "The Praetorian Guard in Roman Art," as part of the joint APA/AIA panel History and Representation in Rome (20 minute paper). Northwestern University, 8th December 2001, "Conspicuous by her Absence: Silence and the Memory of Livi(ll)a," as part of the conference Silence and the Politics of Memory in the Roman Empire. Columbia University, 15th November 2001, "Infamy or Oblivion: Sanctions against Memory in Roman Inscriptions," (50 minute public lecture). University of Trier, Germany, 7th July 2001, "Memories of Marcellus," 40 minute invited paper for the symposium Mchtige Erinnerung: die republikanische Annalistik als verschriftliche soziale Ordnung. Yale University, 27th April 2001, "Infamy or Oblivion: Sanctions against Memory in Roman Inscriptions," (50 minute public lecture). Princeton University, 26th April 2001, "Infamy or Oblivion: Sanctions against Memory in Roman Inscriptions," (50 minute public lecture). University of Pennsylvania, 27th March 2001, "Domitians Erased Inscription in the University Museum," talk for the graduate seminar Roman Historical Documents. Brown University, 5th March 2001, "Infamy or Oblivion: Sanctions against Memory in Roman Inscriptions," (50 minute public lecture). APA Annual Meeting, 4th January 2001, "The Senatus Consultum de Bacchanalibus: The Roles of Men and of Women," (15 minute paper). Loeb Lecture in Archaeology, Harvard University, 2nd November 2000, "A Tale of Two Monuments: Domitian, Trajan, and some Praetorians at Puteoli (AE 1973, 137)," (45 minute invited paper).
University of Freiburg, Germany, 18th November 1999, "Fabula de Bacchanalibus: die Bacchanalen des zweiten Jahrhunderts v. Chr. im Spiegel des rmischen Theaters," (20 minute paper invited for the symposium Tragdie der rmischen Republik). Institute of Classical Archaeology, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark, 28th August 1999, "Were Women ever 'Ancestors' in Republican Rome?" (45 minute paper invited for a conference on Images of Ancestors to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Institute of Classical Archaeology). APA Annual Meeting, 1998, 30th December 1998, "Domitian in Puteoli: the Politics of Erasure (AE 1973, 137)," (15 minute paper). Hollins University, Roanoke, VA, 12th November 1998, "Germanicus and Piso: New Evidence and New Interpretations," (45 minute paper at the Fall Classics Symposium). Bryn Mawr College, 24th September 1998, "The Roman Nobility of Office," talk for a graduate seminar on Roman constitutional history. Central Pennsylvania Consortium Women's Studies Conference, Franklin and Marshall College, 28th March 1998, "Gender Roles and the Suppression of the Bacchanalian Cult in 186 BC," (15 minute paper). St. Hilda's College, Oxford, England, 13th January 1998, "The Suppression of the Bacchanalian Conspiracy in Rome and in Italy," (20 minute paper). APA Annual Meeting, 1997, 28th December 1997, "Piso in Chicago: a Commentary on the APA seminar on the S. C. de Cn. Pisone patre," (30 minute comment on 3 papers). University of Pennsylvania, 15th October 1997, "The Senatus Consultum de Cn. Pisone patre," talk for graduate seminar on Roman inscriptions. 11th International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Rome, 19th September 1997, "An Inscribed Cuirass from Falerii Veteres - a Reconsideration," (10 page paper). University of Virginia, Charlottesville VA, public lecture, 27th January 1997, "The Parade of Heroes in Aeneid VI and Marcellus' Funeral," (50 minute paper). Bryn Mawr College, public lecture, 6th December 1996, "Rethinking Damnatio Memoriae," (45 minute paper). AAH Annual Meeting, Atlanta GA, 19th April 1996, "The S. C. de Cn. Pisone patre and the imago of Cn. Calpurnius Piso," (20 minute paper). University College, Oxford, Graduate Seminar, 22nd January 1994, "Imagines Maiorum: Ancestor Masks in Roman Culture," (45 minute paper). APA Annual Meeting, 1992, "Scipio Africanus in the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus," (15 minute paper).