Final Lab Manual 11-12-2019

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Smart Hybrid AC-DC
Microgrid Research

Indian Institute of Technology - The Electrical Engineering Department of the

Roorkee (IITR) is one among the Thomason College was established in the
foremost of institutes of national year 1897, and was one of the earliest such
importance in higher technological specializations in the world when the
education and fundamental & applied discipline itself was in its infancy. The
research. The Institute ranks amongst the Department has specialization in research
best technological institutions of the world areas such as: Distribution system planning
and has contributed to all sectors of and operation; Economic dispatch; Flexible
technological development. It has also been AC Transmission System (FACTS); Optimal
considered as a trend-setter in the area of system operation; Power system protection,
high quality education and research in the monitoring, control and simulation; Power
field of science, technology and engineering. quality; Relay coordination; Power system
automation; Artificial Intelligence (AI)
applications and Voltage stability of power

Prof. Dr. Narayana Prasad Padhy is a full time Senior Professor,

Dean of Academic Affairs, Institute Chair Professor, Former Profes-
sor in Charge Training and Placement at IIT Roorkee and NEEPCO
Chair Professor. He has been Nominated both as a Fellow of Indian
National Academy of India (FNAE) and a Fellow of The Institution of
Engineering and Technology, UK (FIET). With a firm belief in
“gaining knowledge is the first step to wisdom and sharing it is the
first step towards humanity”, and through constant arduous efforts,
he has successfully established IITR as a nodal point for research-
ers and professionals. It serves as a platform to exchange
knowledge, technical expertise, etc. on varied topics related to grid modernisation and challenges
and issues in microgrids. He has published over 180 International publications including 20 IEEE
Transactions with a citation record of 6650 with h-index of 39 (google scholar). He has played a piv-
otal role in developing India’s first smart microgrid, Smart Distribution Network Management System
(SDNMS) at IIT Roorkee campus as a part of the MoU signed between IITR and ABB. Additionally,
his role as the India technical advisor in the Mission Innovation challenge # 1, a joint venture of 22
nations, adequately mandates his noteworthy contribution to the nation’s vision of smart grid
The Smart hybrid AC-DC MIcrogrid validate the robustness of the lab research
REsearch laboratory (ADMIRE Lab) at IIT outcomes in actual power system networks of
Roorkee, affiliated to the Department of Electrical India and other countries, eventually converging to
Engineering IITR, is a brainchild of Dr. N P Padhy. field-level deployable solutions. Through the
It is a concept-proof of his vision and a direct student exchange programs, the scholars from
consequence for need of research efforts towards ADMIRE lab have also visited international
modernizing the grid after the July 2012 India research labs and attended reputed international
blackout. Ever since, the lab has garnered several conferences.
research challenges and attention through
The ADMIRE Lab has succeeded in fetching
academic and industrial research collaborations,
tie-ups with eminent institutions like
projects, etc.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
This has drawn leading faculties to the Cambridge, Washington State University (WSU)
ADMIRE lab for plausible research opportunities Pullman, University of Bath (UoB) UK, Technical
and collaborations between the finest of minds University of Denmark (DTU), Ricerca sul Sistema
across the globe and researchers at IITR. The Energetico (RSE) Italy, IIT Kanpur, IIT Madras and
cutting-edge research facilities at ADMIRE lab IIT Delhi & industrial partners—BSES Delhi, TATA
equip the curious minds with tools to practically Power, ABB, Panasonic

ADMIRE lab’s mission is to develop research-oriented

frameworks for design and analysis of DC, AC and AC-DC
Hybrid Microgrids with unprecedented levels of flexibility, scalability and

The thrust of R&D activities at ADMIRE lab threats. To deal with them, the team is also work-
is well-aligned with the rising tide of interest in re- ing on calculation of overall system inertia in the
search on microgrids in recent times. Fulfilling the presence of renewables and providing virtual iner-
demand-generation disparity has been much stud- tia through converters of microgrids.
ied and has drawn the research attention of the
Realising the potential of DFIG based wind
lab-inmates towards the formulation and test-bed
-farms, the fault Ride through improvement by uti-
validation of energy management schemes for
lizing through innovative and cost-effective meth-
stand-alone and grid-connected DC, AC and hy-
ods of interfacing (via DC-links) in standard test
brid microgrids. However, the design of these
systems has been solved and validated experi-
methods require validation of stability of control
mentally. This has also paved the way for yet
loops. As such, the design considerations and the
more exciting research avenues and philosophies.
interaction between multiple control loops of con-
verters and inverters is being dealt with stability When ‘green, clean and smart’ is the mot-
tools and rigorous mathematical background with to of the team, our contributions on the develop-
real-time proof of concept. ment of electric vehicles is a ‘mandate’. Intelli-
gent, robust and efficient algorithms for
Nonetheless, the higher penetration of re-
the battery management systems are
newable energy based DERs to the conventional
in the stage of realization for a
grid structure poses a number of issues and
cleaner and safer tomorrow.
Research Projects

High Energy The joint collaboration of the Indo-UK Institutions, was aimed
And Power to provide cutting-edge solutions for the countries while they
Density look forward for low carbon generation by mobilizing local DC
(HEAPD) solu- grids. This project made a platform to share the knowledge
tions to large and research of the professors and research scholars from In-
energy deficits dia and UK universities.

DC microgrid benchmark setup has been developed at IIT Roorkee for the investigation of DC grids

 Model local DC technologies for single services and assess its efficiencies.
 Implement local power balancing and system security of local DC grids for multiple
 Development of simulation platform for static and dynamic analyses
 Identify key drivers for large energy deficits in low carbon supply systems and devel-
op an ultrafast simulation platform for static and dynamic analyses.
 Identify key drivers for large energy deficits in low carbon supply systems.
 Analyze the cost of maintaining system security by the transmission system and mod-
ulate local DC grids to address the large energy deficits.

Partner Institutes
This project aims to develop and demonstrate the DSO functions
for optimal utilization and management of DER by interfacing with UI-ASSIST:
DER control and microgrid control system as well as analysis of US-India collAbo-
prototype feeders with high penetration of energy storage. The
rative for smart
project also aims at addressing communication needs; data
needs; security, including cyber-security; economy and resiliency
diStribution Sys-
issues; social issues; workforce requirements; policy recommen- tem wIth STorage
dations; and suitable DSO functions considering seamless inte-
gration of μEMS and DSM functions.


No. of racks=6
Maximum no. of User interface

Measured V & I from Power Amplifier O
Control Signal to Power Amplifier I
APS 225000 N PAS 5000

DC/DC PV Emulator DC/DC
3 kW PV Emulator
Converter 25 kW 5 kW DFIG Converter 25 kW 4 kW
2.2 kW
48/380/600 V DC bus

48/380/600 V DC bus

DC/DC PV Panel
Small hydro
Supercapacitor Converter 1 kWp
2 kW 15 kVA, 3-ph 15 kVA, 3-ph
DC/DC 75 V, 2.1 kW/kg

Diesel Generator
3 kVA DC/DC Lead acid
DC/AC Converter battery 9.8 kWh
Programmable Converter
Diesel Generator Converter DC/DC
Converter DC Loads 5 kW
5 kVA

16 V, 10.8 kW/kg

Li thium ion bank

Programmable DC/DC 5 kW Programmable
AC Loads 4.5 kW Converter AC Loads 1.8 kW
DC/DC Programmable
Converter DC Loads 1.8 kW

AC Microgrid DC Microgrid AC Microgrid DC Microgrid

Proposed Testbed Existing Testbed
Expansion Structure

Partner Institutes

Dr.Suresh C Srivastava (Lead-PI)

Dr. Noel Schulz (Lead PI)
Dr. Santanu K Mishra (Co PI) Dr. Anurag Srivastava (Co PI)
Research Projects

Demonstration of This project targets to standardize design, analysis and de-

MW scale Solar en- ployment techniques to integrate energy storage systems to
ergy Integration in transform the solar integrated weak distribution system to a
weak grid using reliable, robust grid for increased renewable penetration in
Distributed Energy
the near future.
Storage architec-
ture (D-SIDES)

 Transforming the passive low voltage distribution network into active and controllable smart
distribution grid by establishing communication between the substations and the control cen-
 Practical deployment of optimally configured storage systems at optimal distinct substations
to improve the voltage profile of the system and to maintain uninterruptible power supply in
the distribution system
 Enhancing ancillary services to the conventional grid by providing virtual inertia response
and fault ride through compatibility with the PV inverter

RTDS Power Amplifier


IITR Distribution network

Communication Signals

Power Signals


Partner Institutes
This project aims to reduce the dependency on the communica-
tion infrastructure and the information available from the third
parties and a machine learning-based data-driven approach is Indo-Danish collab-
designed to predict the system operation and configuration at
oration for data-
different operating points. Further to secure, efficient and opti-
driven control and
mal operation of the entire distribution grid through a new devel-
oped robust optimization technique. The designed framework
optimization for a
can sustain any change in the input parameters and make the highly Efficient Dis-
overall system adaptive against any disturbance. Therefore, an tribution Grid
uninterrupted supply to the loads in the most economical and (ID-EDGe)
efficient way can be assured with the aims of this project.

 Data Analysis and Model Based Scheduling of Distribution Grid
 Robust Scheduling of Demand and RES Generation
 Development of Model Free Loss Optimization
 PHIL Validation of System Response in Laboratory Prototype

Partner Institutes
Research Projects

This project directly addresses the problem of peak demand

reduction by aiming to eliminate peak demand in buildings,
where it is created. In most developing countries, the vast ma-
Zero peak jority of the building stock of the future is still to be built, so
Energy building there is a real opportunity to decouple economic growth from
Design for India building energy use whilst ensuring comfortable conditions.
(ZED-i) We aim to achieve this through laying the foundations for a
new science of zero peak energy building design for warm cli-

This project aims to create a methodology for eliminating peak energy demand and minimis-
ing mean energy demand from buildings whilst maximising comfort, under a changing Indi-
an climate. Our research objectives (RO) are-

 Produce the first comprehensive set of building simulation weather files for India that
include climate change and extreme events.
 Undertake detailed post-occupancy evaluation of a range of building types in different
climates to gain knowledge of current building practices and discover peak demand
driven failure modes.
 Create an India-centric Occupant Response Model (ORM) by discovering the human
factors that predict behaviour under peak (and non-peak) conditions.
 Generate zero-peak demand solutions for the buildings in RO2.
 Validate selected strategies from RO4 via field testing under real weather.
 Develop field-validated dynamical interaction models to enable peak demand elimina-
 Create a new proto-standard for zero peak energy design for India.

Partner Institutes

Dr Rajasekar Elangovan
Dr N.P.Padhy
The Mission Innovation: MI IC1-Smart Grids aims to accelerate
the development and demonstration of smart grids technologies in a
variety of grid applications, including demonstrating the robust, effi-
Mission Innovation-
cient, and reliable operation of regional grids and distribution grids
Smart Energy grids In-
as well as micro grids in diverse geographic conditions, to facilitate
novation Challenge-
the cost-effective uptake of renewable energy. Concerning the im-
Resource Unit for Sci-
portance of smart grids technology stimulate data and knowledge
entific & technical
sharing among the smart grids’ stakeholders and IC1 member coun-
tries, India established a dedicated Mission Innovation Resource
analysis management
Center (MIRC) at IIT Roorkee, India which is playing a key role in
and coordination
fostering the MI IC1 activities. second objective of this project.

As our population grows in a world of limited sources along with

increasing per capita energy consumption there is a great need
for demand-generation balancing without infringing the comforts
of the consumers. To streamline with the government initiative
Development Of Re-
of “electricity for all” by promoting more number of green energy
newable energy Inte-
sources, optimal, secure and reliable operation of new expand-
grated Smart grid la-
ed and reconfigured distribution grids is of prime importance.
boratory (DORIS)
So, one should emphasize on composite connection of electrici-
ty grid along with control, computing and communication inter-

 Upgrade the existing laboratory prototype with smart add-on technologies like communica-
tion infrastructure, smart metering and real time energy schedulers
 Realization of cyber-physical systems in the existing laboratory prototype and their interac-
tions to restore critical loads in natural disasters and grid disturbances
 To utilize the expertise of international researchers in upgrading existing laboratory prototype
with cutting edge technologies and dissemination of their research experience to the budding

Partner Institutes
Lab Facilities

The main objective of the development of the laboratory is to design and develop a real time
Smart AC-DC Microgrid with the ability to analyse and validate advanced control techniques in
real time scenarios in a laboratory-scale.

Renewable Sources

 5 kW Rooftop PV
 4 kW PV Emulators

DFIG Based Wind Emulator

 DC motor driven DFIG system rated

2.2 kW.
 Real time wind profile simulation.
 MPPT tracking
 The DC machine is controlled by a
chopper to emulate wind character-
 The rotor part of the slip ring induc-
tion machine is connected to grid
through a rotor-side and a grid-side
 The stator part of DFIG machine is
directly connected to the grid
through a relay contact.
 The entire system is controlled by a
WAVECT FPGA controller.

Hybrid Energy Storage System

 10 kWh Lead Acid batteries

 16V , 58F Super-capacitor
Diesel Generator: (3 kVA)

 A household diesel generator with a rat-

ed capacity of 3 kVA is integrated into
the hybrid AC-DC microgrid testbed to
validate effective power management
algorithms that aim to improve the relia-
bility of microgrid.
 The diesel generator integrated into the
microgrid is utilized for practical testing
of day-ahead load and source scheduling
in a microgrid.

Li-Ion Batteries: (20 kWh)

 NMC (Nickel Manganese-cobalt) composition of
18650 type batteries
 Total 8 Battery Packs of Nominal Voltage of 46.8
V and capacity of 56.7 Ah(~2.5kWh) each.
 In-Built BMS with Modbus RS 485 Communica-
 Data logging for 6 months.
 Over charge current, over discharge cur
rent, over and under voltage, internal fuse and
single cell failure protections.
 Can act as a Source or Sink for the application of
AC-DC Microgrid


 5.4 kW Programmable AC-DC loads

(Constant Z, I, P modes)
 LED Street lights
 Computer loads which work on AC
and 24V DC.
Lab Facilities

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger (Bharat DC Charger)

 The rating of EV charger is max. 15kW with a current

rating of max. 200A.
 The input voltage rating of the Charger is 415-440V
AC with a variable output range of 48V/60V/72V DC.
 It works on CC-CV (constant current – constant volt-
age) mode of charging.
 The EV charger is presently dedicated to charge the Li-
ion batteries.
 Battery charging replicates the smart EV charging -
visualizing a smart home with an EV connected to the
charger, the smart charger charges the EV when the
cost of energy is less.
 Harmonic testing: Analysis of the harmonics injected
into the AC bus through increased penetration of EV

Interfacing Converters

 Unidirectional DC-DC Boost Converter:

 Used to integrate PV with the DC bus
 Bidirectional DC-DC Converters
 Used to integrate Battery and Ultra capacitors with the DC bus.

Monitoring Equipment

DSO: (Digital Signal Oscilloscope)

 consists of 16 channels
 Functions of DSO
 capable of monitoring, analysing and data logging of
steady-state and transient results

Smart Meters:
 Precise measurement of various electrical ener-
gy and power quality parameters, which include
current, voltage, power, active energy, reactive
energy, power factor, frequency, harmonics, and
current / voltage unbalance
 Also provides off-limit alarms and history log
 Measurement Accuracy: ±0.5%
NI Instruments

 NI module comprises of PXIe-8840 which acts as

CPU and two cRIOs-9035 which offers master-slave
 The compact RIOs can also work independently
without the master PXIe.
 Each cRIO chassis has slots for 8 modules (modules
are Analog i/o’s or Digital i/o’s). Among 8 slots, 6 slots are accommodated in each cRIO which
can measure 6 AC and DC voltages, 6 AC currents, 32 digital i/os and 4 Analog outputs.
 It is used as a communication medium in a multi-microgrid system comprising of DC microgrid
and AC microgrid.
 Each cRIO can gather data from individual microgrid and communicate with master PXIe which
acts as tertiary level control in dispatching power commands to each microgrid to achieve sup-
ply-demand balance.

PHIL Simulation Interfacing Equipment

Power Amplifiers (15 kVA and 22.5 kVA)

 The two Power amplifiers of rating 15 kVA and 22.5

kVA act as an interface between the Hardware setup
and the Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS) that fa-
cilitate the Power-Hardware- in-Loop (PHIL) simula-
 Power Amplifiers are capable of operating in four
 22.5 kVA Power Amplifier is connected with Optical
fiber cable which prevents communication delay.
Lab Facilities Lab Facilities


 The Real-Time Digital Simulator (RTDS) consist-

ing of 6 racks where each rack is capable of sim-
ulating 72 single phase nodes.
 The RTDS has inbuilt GTAO, GTAI, GTDO, GTDI
ports which supports Hardware-In- Loop (HIL)
and Power-Hardware-In-Loop (PHIL) experi-
mentation with the external hardware.
 RTDS is used for real time simulation of large
scale power systems networks with unparallel

 OPAL RT (OP5700) is a HIL-FPGA based Real-Time
Simulator operating with Virtex7 FPGA platform.
 It is having 16 analog I/Os and 32 digital I/Os,
which supports HIL and PHIL experimentation with
the external hardware.
 This model can be extendable up to 4 core, 128 ana-
log I/Os and 256 digital I/Os.
 Additionally, it is having two simulation platforms that are eFPGAsim and RT_LAB.
 These are OPAL-RTs real-time simulation software combining performance and enhanced
user experience.
 Fully integrated with MATLAB/Simulink®, RT-LAB offers the most complex model based de-
sign for interaction with real-world environments.
 It provides the flexibility and scalability to achieve the most complex real-time simulation
applications in the power electronics, and power systems industries.
Software related works

In order to realize the concept of Smart Grid, Power System Analysis and Optimal operation of Power
Systems, the ADMIRE lab aims to develop software solutions and validation on the hardware setup
and/or real-time simulation platforms like OPAL-RT, RTDS.

To standardize the operations and functions of smart grids, the laboratory aims to develop a tertiary
control layer that takes care not only of the power flows but also overvoltage issues at the Point of
Common Coupling (PCC). Algorithms are being developed for the optimal allocation of energy storage
devices in a distribution network to fulfil the power system planning part of the lab while mitigating
the over-voltage issues. For the optimal and secure operation of power systems, the development of
new techniques to solve Optimal Power Flow (OPF) for Distribution networks and co-ordination
among various microgrids is going on. Also, the steady-state analysis of Power System includes ad-
dressing the Distribution system AC and AC-DC load flows. The set of software tools will involve algo-
rithms starting from the planning stage, i.e. optimal allocation of storage and DGs to the analysis stage
involving power flow, optimal power flow, economic load dispatch, coordination of microgrids in a net-
work, and demand response strategies.

Smart grids also possess Demand Side Management (DSM) capability to balance the customer demand
with supply simultaneously integrating renewable energy sources, storage devices, and electric vehi-
cles, etc. The techniques developed in this regard include DSM strategies impact on the optimal shifting
of AC devices in the presence of DC microgrid. Also, a distributed energy management algorithm is de-
veloped to optimize the real-time demand of the entire building against abruptly updated rooftop solar
generation and real-time price (RTP) of energy. Robust Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR) optimization
approach for the day ahead Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS) to reduce the effect of risk
of real-time exposure to energy prices and solar power generation uncertainties is proposed.
Further, the team aims to develop building automation based Demand Response (DR) pro-
grams to reduce the peak energy demand.
comprises of a
PV emulator of rating 2kW, stack of 6
lead acid batteries each with 12 V, 65
Ah rating and ultra-capacitors of rating
58 F,16 v are used in order to smooth
out the switching transients. To emulate
resistive loads, bulb loads are
connected across the dc bus which in
turn is regulated at 150 V. PV, batteries,
and ultra-capacitors are connected to
the dc bus via feasible converters.

A small scale grid interactive dc microgrid for
residential houses, telecommunication sys-
tems, and data centre is developed.

Objective is to reduce the peak power deficit

present in conventional grid system and to
provide a reliable power supply even in case
of grid failure or during a blackout. This is
being achieved by designing a comprehen-
sive power flow control strategy and explored


Unlike grid connected dc mi-
crogrid, there is no utility
available in autonomous dc
microgrids (ADCMGs) to bal-
ance power between genera-
tion and consumption
Reliability of autonomous dc
microgrids depend on battery
capacity and size due to sto-
chastic behaviour of renewa-
Interconnection with neigh-
bouring microgrids increases
virtual storing and discharging capacity when excess power and deficit scenario arises respectively in
any of the DCMG. Power control and management technique is developed based on bus signalling
method is developed to achieve effective coordination and energy management between microgrids
The hybrid AC-DC
microgrid constitutes MICROGRID
of renewable energy
sources such as PV
source of 2kW integrated in the DC bus and the
DFIG-wind system of 2.2kW interfaced to the AC
bus. The hybrid energy storage system comprising
of battery and ultracapacitor is integrated to the DC
bus. The AC and DC loads are connected to their
respective buses. The hybrid AC-DC microgrid is
operated at a DC bus voltage of 150V and 400 V
while the AC bus voltage is maintained at 65V and

Test Case-1
A Cost Effective Single Architecture to Operate DC
A unique way for interfacing DC microgrid Microgrid Interfaced DFIG Wind System During
(DCMG) to the Doubly Fed Induction Gen- Grid Connected, Fault and Isolated Conditions
erator (DFIG) wind system during grid con-
nected, fault and isolated working conditions thereby rendering the topology economical.

The control flow strategy proposed [2] here uses the grid side converter (GSC) of the DFIG system
to serve multiple purposes: The GSC is used to regulate the DCMG voltage during grid connected
mode and avoids the need of additional converter for the DCMG to connect it to the grid.

The GSC is allowed to function as a simple diode bridge rectifier thereby allowing the DFIG ma-
chine to feed DCMG during isolated conditions hence avoiding the need for replacing the converter
as shown in the figure below. The proposed work also improves the Fault Ride Through (FRT) per-
formance of the DFIG wind system without any additional investment. This is possible due to the
usage of already avail-
able ultra-capacitor in
the DCMG. Hence,
the DFIG wind system
does not need addi-
tional costs to be in-
curred to protect
its DC link
Test Case-2
A Novel Decentralized Coordinated
Voltage Control Scheme for Distri- IEEE 33 bus signals of the DCMG hardware setup are
bution System With DC Microgrid distribution sensed through the isolation voltage amplifier
system is (AD202JN), hall effect current sensors which
simulated in the are fed back to the RTDS through GTAI ports
RTDS platform. During PHIL experimentation for controlling of DCMG.
the hardware renewable DG (Distribution Objective: A novel decentralized
Generation) units or a microgrid (say DC coordinated voltage control (CVC) scheme for
microgrid w.r.t to test case 1) are integrated a distribution system consisting of dc
to the respective buses of the distribution microgrid (DCMG), doubly fed induction
system through power amplifier. An ideal generator-based wind system, on-load tap
transformation based PHIL method is used in changer (OLTC), and DSTATCOM. Note that
this work, where a scaled down real-time DC microgrid shown in the figure is a physical
voltage say at bus 5 (12.66 kv to 173.2 v) is setup while DFIG, D-STATCOM and OLTC
applied to power amplifier through giga trans- are simulated in RTDS platform.
receiver analog output (GTAO) cards of the
RTDS system, in return the scaled up real- The proposed scheme in [1] considers the
time current (scaling factor of 27.36) from the response time of various voltage regulating
power amplifier (fed by renewable DG) is devices and assigns a master/slave role
applied to bus 5 inside the RTDS network based on the operating conditions of the grid
through giga trans-receiver analog input and availability of the device. To optimally
(GTAI) cards. utilize the voltage regulating devices which do
not take part in the contingency situation such
The DCMG is connected to the power
as OLTC and DCMG converter, he proposed
amplifier through a three-phase (1:4, 3 KVA) CVC scheme introduces time delay in the
transformer and a three-phase SEMIKRON operation of the fast acting converters.
make inverter. Various current and voltage
 A case study system consisting of multiple hybrid AC-DC
microgrids of dissimilar power ratings are interconnected
Test Case-3
among them to form a network and interfaced to a utility
PHIL simulation of coordinated
as shown in the schematic diagram. One the hybrid power management among
microgrid is a hardware prototype interfaced to the hybrid AC-DC microgrids
simulated network of hybrid AC-DC microgrids through
PHIL simulation. The effect of load transients in AC and
DC bus in the prototype hybrid AC-DC microgrid on the network on microgrids and vice versa
is analysed.

 A decentralised control scheme to synthesise transient and steady state response from the
hybrid energy storage systems integrated in the DC bus towards and AC and DC load
transients is proposed.

 The decentralised control scheme ensures seamless transition among utility connected,
islanded and community connected mode of operation with no disturbance. :

Ultracapacitor PV

vuc iuc vb ib
_ ipv _
_ _ _


_ _
_ _

vdcu ILD vdcb


DC vdcm Power
Load ILC AC side Amplifier
vabc ~
iabc RTDS

AC viabc
Load Sync
vgabc detection (ILD) DC-DC converter DC-DC converter

PV emulator

DC load

Hybrid Hybrid
Microgrid Microgrid
AC load

Isolator ZL1 ZL2 ZL3

3 Phase, 400V Hybrid
Test Case-4
Power Hardware in Loop
based experimentation on
DFIG wind system integrated It involves performing PHIL experimentation of DFIG wind
to isolated DC microgrid
system connected to the isolated DC microgrid which was
simulated in the real time platform. The 2.2 kW rated DFIG
wind system is controlled through FPGA controller and is connected to the DC
microgrid operating in MW power level (simulated in RTDS).

The study system was subjected to series of switching both from the sources (such as PV,
wind) and DC loads (constant current and constant impedance) within and outside DC
microgrid. In spite of such switching dynamics and the problem of communication delays which
is inherent in the PHIL experimentation, the controller was robust enough to ensure the stable
operation of the system. The main highlight of this research work is to experiment the
integration of the DFIG wind system to the isolated DC microgrid at MW level with the PHIL
hardware setup. The analysis carried out paves the way for the next level of research in terms
of considering the AC loads in the system as well as to carryout contingency study to obtain
the complete knowledge on performance of the cost-effective topology available in the
literature. Refer figure 4 for test setup.
Test Case-5 This experimentation helps in understanding the
Power Hardware in severity of asymmetrical fault and the requirement
Loop Experimentation for Asymmetrical of cost effective technique to obtain FRT of DFIG-
Fault Ride Through analysis of Grid WTG in the course of such deadly scenarios.
Connected DFIG Wind Turbine
In order to test the behaviour of the DFIG wind system
at the most severe unbalance voltage, the Phase to phase asymmetrical fault is considered in the
analysis as the phase to-phase (PtP) faults results in a larger negative sequence component in the
voltage than the single-phase faults for the same depth. Further, a comparative study has been
carried out to realize the severity of the asymmetrical fault with respect to the symmetrical fault.

 To develop active control techniques to mitigate harmonic Test Case-6

intrusion due to modern electronic loads Impact analysis of DG integration
on bus voltages of distribution grid
 To study the interfacing issues pertaining to renewable
integration to the distribution grid.

 To study the maximum renewable energy penetration to the weak distribution grid
Research Strength

B. Krishna Chaitanya Nitin Upadhyay

Research interests include coordinated Research interests encompasses in-
power management of transient and vestigation on ancillary harmonic
steady state response in hybrid AC-DC support in microgrids. Online in-
microgrids through decentralized con- stantaneous harmonic extraction and
trol schemes. advanced control algorithms for har-
monic compensation support from
distributed generation unit.

M.V. Gururaj Arpit Kumar

Research interests include Voltage Research interest includes the eco-
control of the distribution system with nomic operation of microgrid and
AC-DC smart grid, Fault ride through distribution network. Currently
of DFIG wind system, power quality working on the optimal coordinated
and data driven based machine learn- operation of multiple microgrid con-
ing concepts. nected in active distribution network.

Subho Paul M. Srikanth Reddy

Research interest includes power sys- Research interests are modelling,
tem optimization, demand response state estimation and development of
analysis, home energy management, cell equalization techniques for Lithi-
power system analysis and storage um-ion batteries in Battery Manage-
application in smart grid. ment System (BMS) for Electrical
Vehicles as well as Microgrid appli-

Rashmi Prasad Abhimanyu Sharma

Research interests are quantification, Research interest includes Optimal
analysis, and assistance to system Power Flow (OPF) for Distribution
inertia. Online monitoring of the sys- Networks. Currently working on to
tem inertia constitutes gist of the develop computational framework to
work. solve OPF for distribution systems in
order to realize zero optimality gap.

Narendra Babu .Y Satabdy Jena

Research interests are resonance in- Research interests : Robust distribut-
vestigation in microgrids, instability ed hierarchical control and opera-
analysis of parallel connected invert- tion of AC, DC and hybrid mi-
ers and damping techniques to sup- crogrids, cyber attack detection and
press oscillations caused by inverter mitigation.

Maganti Suresh Tripti Gangwar

Research interest includes performance Research interests include perfor-
improvement and stability analysis of mance analysis of weak grid using
weak grid interfaced distributed gener- distributed energy storage. Currently
ation and microgrids during various working on the optimal allocation of
voltage disturbances. distributed energy storage systems in
a distribution system.
Subramanian G. Prasanta Kumar Mohanty
My research interests include peak Smart grid analysis, Electric Vehi-
energy management using data- cles, PHEV applications in Smart
driven building automation and de- Grid environment. Power system
velopment of demand response tech- analysis. Topic of research: "e-
niques for residential and non- mobility infrastructure integrated dis-
residential Indian building stock. tribution system analysis".

Apurti Jain G. Krishna Reddy

Research interest comprises of Research area includes voltage regu-
providing Ancillary Support Through lation in a renewable rich distribution
Distributed Energy Storage Systems network with the optimal placing of
in Weak Grid. Currently working on multiple DG, Currently working in
control of photovoltaic converters, parallel operation of DGs without or
dynamics and stability of weak grid with minimal communication.
through virtual inertia emulation.

Souvik Sengupta Vemalaiah Kasi

Research interest includes model- Currently working in the area of dis-
ling and analysis of Distributed En- tribution system optimization. Objec-
ergy Storage (DES) system to be tives are cost and loss minimization
integrated in the weak grid. Cur- in the distribution grid.
rently working on the area of opti-
mal control in microgrid.

Vinay Kumar Singh Garima Prashal

Research interests pertains to Pow- Research interests include data-
er Electronics Converter algorithms driven based forecasting of RES
for Distribution Networks, currently generation and load variation, mod-
working on seamless transition tech- elling of uncertainties in RES.

B Viswanath Anil Kumar Mathur

Research Interests include Economic The goal of my research is to devel-
Dispatch in a Smart Grid Environ- op breakthrough technologies that
ment, Artificial Intelligence Applica- radically improve the performance
tions in Power Systems. Currently of those power network systems by
working on Dynamic Economic overcoming the barrier between the
Emission Dispatch of Microgrid. mathematical theories and real sys-
Veeraiah Chatla
Research interests are ac-dc load Rampal
flows in distribution systems, power
system stability, smart grid, distribu- Project Technician
tion power generation, hybrid power

Rishabh Verma
Research interests include distribu-
tion network analysis, optimization,
and distributive energy resources
integration. Currently working on
optimal battery energy storage siz-
ing, location, and mixing for active
distribution network.
List of Journals

 S.Paul and Narayan Prasad Padhy,” Real time Bi-Level Energy Management of Smart Resi-
dential Apartment Building”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, doi:10.1109/
 M V Gururaj and Narayana Prasad Padhy, "A Cost Effective Single Architecture to Operate DC
Microgrid Interfaced DFIG Wind System During Grid Connected, Fault and Isolated Conditions," IEEE Transac-
tions on Industrial Informatics. doi: 10.1109/TII.2019.2926672 (Accepted).
 S. Paul and Narayana Prasad Padhy, "Resilient Scheduling Portfolio of Residential Devices and Plug -In
Electric Vehicle by Minimizing Conditional Value at Risk," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 15,
no. 3, pp. 1566-1578, March 2019. doi: 10.1109/TII.2018.2847742.
 K. Murari and Narayana Prasad Padhy, "A Network-Topology-Based Approach for the Load-Flow Solution of
AC–DC Distribution System with Distributed Generations," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 15,
no. 3, pp. 1508-1520, March 2019. doi: 10.1109/TII.2018.2852714.
 K. Murari, Narayana Prasad Padhy, A. K. Pradhan and F. Li, "Investigating the impact of protection system
reinforcement cost on the consumers associated with renewable integrated distribution network," IET Genera-
tion, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 1572-1588, 2019.
 Mohammed Mansoor O, Sishaj P Simon, Kevin Ark Kumar, Kinattingal Sundareswaran, P Srinivasa Rao
Nayak, Narayana Prasad Padhy “Impact and economic assessment on solar PV mirroring system – A feasibility
report”, Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier)(in press), 2019.
 P. Sanjeev, Narayana Prasad Padhy and P. Agarwal, "Peak Energy Management Using Renewable Inte-
grated DC Microgrid," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 4906-4917, Sept. 2018.
 P. Sanjeev, Narayana Prasad Padhy and P. Agarwal, "Autonomous Power Control and Management Be-
tween Standalone DC Microgrids," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 14, no. 7, pp. 2941-2950, July
 M. V. Gururaj and Narayan Prasad Padhy “A Novel Master/Slave Based Decentralized Coordinated Voltage
Control Scheme for Medium Voltage DC Microgrid”, IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 14, No. 5,
May 2018, pp. 1962-1973.
 M. V. Gururaj and N. P. Padhy, "An Improvised Coordinated Voltage Control Scheme for Better Utilization
of Regulating Devices During Various Operating Conditions of a Distribution System," in IEEE System jour-
nal, Accepted for publication
 Chen Zhao, Shufeng Dong, Chenghong Gu, Furong Li, Y. H. Song and Narayan Prasad Padhy “New Problem
Formulation for Optimal Demand Side Response in Hybrid AC/DC Systems”, IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid, Vol.
9, No. 4, July 2018, pp. 3154-3165.
 Yuankai Bian, Heather Wyman Pain, Furong Li, Rohit Bhakar, Sukumar Mishra and Narayan Prasad
Padhy “Demand Side Contributions for System Inertia in the GB Power System”, IEEE Transaction on Power Sys-
tems, Vol.33, No. 4, June 2018, pp. 3521-3530.
 Krishna Murari and Narayana Prasad Padhy “An Efficient Load Flow Algorithm for AC-DC Distribution Sys-
tems”, Electric Power Components and Systems (Taylor and Francis), Vol 46, No 8, pp. 919-937, 2018.
 CH Ram Jethmalani, Sishaj P Simon, K Sundareswaran, P Srinivasa Rao Nayak and Narayana Prasad
Padhy “Real Coded Genetic Algorithm Based Transmission System Loss Estimation in Dynamic Economic Dis-
patch Problem”, Alexandria Engineering Journal (Elsevier), Accepted for publication [In Press], Dec. 2018.
 Nibedita Bisoyi, Harish Gupta, Narayan Prasad Padhy, Govind Joseph Chakrapani, “Prediction of daily sedi-
ment discharge using a back propagation neural network training algorithm: A case study of the Narmada River,
India”, International Journal of Sediment Research, Volume 34, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 125-135, ISSN 1001-6279.
 Ram Jethmalani C. Hemparuva, Sishaj P. Simon, Sundareswaran Kinattingal, Narayana Prasad Padhy,
“Geographic information system and weather based dynamic line rating for generation scheduling”, Engineering
Science and Technology, an International Journal, Volume 21, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 564-573.
 M. Senthil Kumar, Sishaj P Simon, K. Sundareswaran, P. Nayak, and Narayan Prasad Padhy, “An Empirical
Fourier Transform based Power Transformer Differential Protection”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol.
32, No. 1, Feb. 2017, pp. 209-218.
 Anilkumar, T, T., Sishaj P Simon, P. Nayak, K. Sundareswaran and Narayan Prasad Padhy, “Pico-Hydel Hy-
brid Power Generation System with an Open Well Energy System”, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribu-
tion, Vol. 11, No. 3, Feb. 2017, pp. 740-749.
 Ram Jethmalini Hemparuva, Sishaj P Simon, K. Sundareswaran, P. Nayak and Narayan Prasad Padhy, “Auxiliary
Hybrid PSO-BPNN based Transmission System Loss Estimation in Generation Scheduling”, IEEE Transaction on Industri-
al Informatics, Vol. 13, No. 4, Aug. 2017, pp. 1692-1703.
 Anilkumar, T, T., Sishaj P Simon, and Narayan Prasad Padhy, “Residential Electricity Cost Minimization Model
Through Open Well-Pico Turbine Pumped Storage System”, Applied Energy (Elsevier), Vol. 195, June. 2017, pp. 23-35.
 Balakrishna Muruganantham, R. Gnandass and Narayan Prasad Padhy, “Challenges with Renewable Energy Sources
and Storage in Practical Distribution Systems”, International Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
(Elsevier), Vol. 73, Jan. 2017, pp. 125-134.
 BalakrishnaMuruganantham, R. Gnandass and Narayan Prasad Padhy, “Reactive Power Reallocation in the Distribu-
tion System with DSTATCOM”, International Journal of Energy Procedia (Elsevier), Vol. 117, Sept. 2017, pp. 485-492.
 Selvam, M. Muthamizh, R. Gnanadass and Narayan Prasad Padhy, “Fuzzy Based Clustering of Smart Meter Data Using
Real Power and THD Patterns”, International Journal of Energy Procedia (Elsevier), Vol. 117, Sept. 2017, pp. 401-408.
 Nandkishor Kinhekar, Narayana Prasad Padhy, F. Li and Hari Om Gupta, “Utility Oriented Demand Side Manage-
ment using Smart AC and Micro DC Grid Cooperative”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vo. 31, No. 2, March 2016,
pp. 1151-1160.
 M. Senthil Kumar, Sishaj P Simon, P. Nayak, K. Sundareswaran and Narayan Prasad Padhy, “A Chirplet Transform
based Power Transformer Differential Protection”, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Vol, 10, no. 10, pp.
2520 – 2530, July 2016.
 Selvam, M. Muthamizh, R. Gnanadass and Narayan Prasad Padhy, “Initiatives and Technical Challenges in Smart Dis-
tribution Grid”, International Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier), Vol. 58, May 2016, pp.
 Narayana Prasad Padhy, “Three Phase Generalized Distribution Load Flow Algorithm for AC-DC Microgrid”, Annals of
the Indian National Academy of Engineering,Vol. XII, April 2015, pp. 109-116.
 Furong Li, J. W. Marangon-Lima, Hugh Rudnick, Luana M. Marangon-Lima, Narayana Prasad Padhy, Gert Brune-
kreeft, Javier Reneses and Chongqing Kang, “Distribution Pricing: Are we ready for Smart Grid?”, IEEE Power and En-
ergy Magazine, Vol. 13., No. 4, July-Aug 2015, pp. 76-86.
 Vinod Kumar Yadav, Narayana Prasad Padhy and H. O. Gupta, “Holistic Approach Model for Realistic Goal Setting for
Efficiency Enhancement with Application to Indian Power Sector”, Energy Sources (Part B, Economics, Planning, and Pol-
icy; Taylor and Francis), Vol.10, No.2, pp. 120-131, April 2015.
 K. Chandrasekaran, Sishaj. P. Simon and Narayana Prasad Padhy, “SCUC Problem for Solar/Thermal Power System
Addressing Smart Grid Issues Using FF Algorithms”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems
(Elsevier), Vol. 62, 2014, pp. 450-460.
 Nandkishor Kinhekar, Narayana Prasad Padhy and Hari Om Gupta, “Multi-objective Demand Side Management So-
lutions for Utilities with Peak Demand Deficit”, International Journal of Electric Power and Energy System (Elsevier),
Vol.55, Feb. 2014, pp.612-619.
 N. Sivakumar, D. Das, Narayana Prasad Padhy, “Variable Speed Operation of Reversible Pump-Turbines at Kadam-
parai Pumped Storage Plant- A Case Study”, Journal of Energy Conversion and Management(Elsevier), Vol.78, Feb. 2014,
pp. 96-104.
 N. Sivakumar, D. Das, Narayana Prasad Padhy, “Economic Analysis of Indian Pumped Storage Schemes”, Journal of
Energy Conversion and Management(Elsevier), Vol.88, Sept. 2014, pp. 168-176.
 K. Chandrasekaran, Sishaj. P. Simon and Narayana Prasad Padhy, “Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Emission Reliable
Economic Multi-Objective Dispatch Problem”, IETE Journal of Research (Tailor and Francis), Vol. 60, No. 2, 2014, pp. 128
 Kanwardeep Singh, Vinod Kumar Yadav, Narayana Prasad Padhy and J. D. Sharma, “Congestion Management Con-
sidering Optimal Placement of Distributed Generator in Deregulated Power System Network”, Electric Power Compo-
nents and Systems (Taylor and Francis), Vol.42, No.1, 2014, pp. 13-22.
 Vinod Kumar Yadav, Narayana Prasad Padhy and H. O. Gupta, “The Evaluation of the Efficacy of Ongoing Re-
form Initiative of an Indian Electric Utility”, Energy Sources (Part B, Economics, Planning, and Policy; Taylor
and Francis), Vol.9, No.3, 2014, pp. 291-300.
List of Conferences

 B. Krishna Chaithanya and Narayana Prasad Padhy, "Decentralized Control for Coordi-
nated Power Management Among Multiple HESS in DC Microgrid",The IEEE International conference on
“Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE 2020)” , 2020.
 B. Krishna Chaithanya, M V Gururaj and Narayana Prasad Padhy, "Decentralized and Coordinated
Virtual Synchronous Generator control for Hybrid AC-DC Microgrids",The IEEE International conference on “Power
Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE 2020)”, 2020.
 Rashmi Prasad and Narayana Prasad Padhy, “Data Derived Identification Methodology for Online Estimation of
Parameters of Induction Machine”, -2019 - 20th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Applications to Power
Systems (ISAP)
 Rashmi Prasad and Narayana Prasad Padhy, “Active Power Control for DFIG Wind Turbine Based on Normal Distri-
bution of Forecasted Reserve Enabled Set Point Reference Selection”, - IEEE International conference on “Power Elec-
tronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE 2020).
 MV Gururaj, Rashmi Prasad and Narayana Prasad Padhy, “Power Hardware in Loop Experimentation for Asymmet-
rical Fault Ride Through analysis of Grid Connected DFIG Wind Turbine” - IEEE International conference on “Power
Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE 2020).
 Subho Paul, Archana Tamrakar and Narayana Prasad Padhy, "Demand Side Management Based Optimal Sched-
uling Portfolio of a Microgrid in Linear Programming Platform," 2018 20th National Power Systems Conference (NPSC),
Tiruchirappalli, India, 2018, pp. 1-6.
 Subho Paul, Sachin Choudhary and Narayana Prasad Padhy, "A Review on Residential Area Demand Response
Analysis in Smart Grid Era," 2018 IEEE 8th Power India International Conference (PIICON), Kurukshetra, India, 2018,
pp. 1-6.
 Subho Paul, Narendra Babu Y and Narayana Prasad Padhy, “Day Ahead Bi-Level Direct Load Control in Smart Resi-
dential Apartment Building: A Stackelberg Game Approach”, International Conference on Computing, Power and Com-
munication Technologies (GUCON 2019), Galgotia University, Noida, India (Presented).
 Subho Paul, Narayana Prasad Padhy, “A Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Approach for Synergetic Source-Storage-
Load Dispatch in a Residential Microgrid”, 20th International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power
Systems (ISAP 2019), IIT Delhi, India (Accepted).
 Subho Paul, Narayana Prasad Padhy, Santanu K Mishra and Anurag K Srivastava, “UUCA: Utility-User Cooperative
Algorithm for Flexible Load Scheduling in Distribution System”, 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS
2019), MNIT Jaipur, India (Accepted).
 Subho Paul, Abhimanyu Sharma and Narayana Prasad Padhy, “Optimal Operation of a Converter Governed AC/DC
Hybrid Distribution Network with DERs”, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewa-
ble Energy (PESGRE 2020), Cochin, Kerala, India (Accepted).
 Satabdy Jena and N P Padhy, ``A distributed cooperative droop control framework for unified operation of
shunt DC electric springs'', accepted IEEE NPEC 2019.(IAS SPONSORED).
 Satabdy Jena , N P Padhy, S C Srivastava, Noel N Schulz, ``A hybrid RC-droop control strategy for power sharing and
voltage restoration in islanded DC microgrids'',accepted to ICPS 2019.
 Satabdy Jena and N P Padhy,``Performance assessment of reverse droop control in multi -DER
DC microgrid'', accepted IEEE PESGRE,2020. (IAS SPONSORED),
 Satabdy Jena and Narayana Prasad Padhy, “A reverse droop based distributed control framework for DC distribution
system” 2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Atlanta, GA, 2019, pp. 1-5
 K Murari and Narayana Prasad Padhy, “Framework for Assessing the Economic Impacts of AC-DC Distribution Net-
work on the Consumers” 2018 IEEE 59th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of
Riga Technical University (RTUCON),Riga, Latvia,2018,pp. 1-5.
 G. M. Vishwanath and Narayana Prasad Padhy, "Power Hardware in Loop based experimentation on DFIG wind
system integrated to isolated DC microgrid," 2018 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and En-
ergy Systems (PEDES), Chennai, India, 2018, pp. 1-5.
 Subho Paul, Archana Tamrakar and Narayana Prasad Padhy,"Demand Side Management Based Optimal Sched-
uling Portfolio of a Microgrid in Linear Programming Platform", 20th National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2018 ,
14-16 December, 2018, NIT Trichy, India.
 M. V. Gururaj and Narayan Prasad Padhy, "PHIL experimentation on fault ride through behaviour of doubly fed
induction generator based wind system in the presence of fault current limiter," 2018 IEEMA Engineer Infinite Confer-
ence (e-TechNxT), New Delhi, 2018, pp. 1-6.
 M. V. Gururaj and Narayan Prasad Padhy, "Fault Ride Through Analysis of Grid Connected Doubly Fed Induction
Generator Based Wind System," 2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Portland, OR, 2018,
 K. C. Bandla and Narayan Prasad Padhy, "A Multilevel Dual Converter fed Open end Transformer Configuration
for Hybrid AC-DC Microgrid," 2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Portland, OR, 2018, pp. 1-5.
 S. Pannala, Narayan Prasad Padhy and P. Agarwal, "Peak Energy Management using Renewable Integrated DC
Microgrid," 2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Portland, OR, 2018, pp. 1-1.
 P. Sanjeev, Narayan Prasad Padhy and P. Agarwal, "A New Architecture for DC Microgrids using Supercapacitor,"
2018 9th IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG), Charlotte,
NC, 2018, pp. 1-5.
 P. Sanjeev, Narayan Prasad Padhy and P. Agarwal, "A novel configuration for PV-battery-DG integrated standalone
DC microgrid," 2018 International Conference on Power, Instrumentation, Control and Computing (PICC), Thrissur,
2018, pp. 1-6.
 B. Muruganantham, M. M. Selvam, R. Gnanadass and Narayan Prasad Padhy, "Energy loss reduction and load bal-
ancing through network reconfiguration in practical LV distribution feeder using GAMS," 2017 7th International Confer-
ence on Power Systems (ICPS), Pune, 2017, pp. 509-513.
 P. Sanjeev, Narayan Prasad Padhy and P. Agarwal, "Effective control and energy management of isolated DC mi-
crogrid," 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2017, pp. 1-5.
 S. Murugan, S. P. Simon, S. Kinattingal, S. R. N. Panugothu and Narayan Prasad Padhy, "An empirical fourier
transform based power transformer differential protection," 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Chica-
go, IL, 2017, pp. 1-1.
 B. Muruganantham, R. Gnanadass and Narayan Prasad Padhy, "Location and time domain analysis of DER in dis-
tribution load flow," 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2017, pp. 1-5.

 NandkishorKinhekar, Narayana Prasad Padhy, F. Li, and Hari Om Gupta, “Utility Oriented Demand Side Manage-
ment using Smart AC and Micro DC Grid Cooperative”, Proceedings of the IEEE PES General Meeting, July 2016, Boston,
 Vishal Verma and Narayana Prasad Padhy, “Hybrid AC-DC Distribution Load Flow Algorithm: A Case Study on Indian
Utility”, Proceedings of the IEEE PES General Meeting, July 2016, Boston, USA.
 Amit Kumar Roy, Gyan Ranjan Biswal and Narayana Prasad Padhy, “An Improvised Fuel Cell System for Stand-
Alone Mode Application”, Proceedings of the IEEE PES General Meeting, July 2016, Boston, USA.(Accepted)
 Narayana Prasad Padhy, “Clustering Based Reduced Distribution Network Model for Active Network Pricing”, PSACE
Economic Systems Panel on New Challenges of Pricing Active Distribution Network of the IEEE PES General Meeting,
July 2016, Boston, USA.
 P. Sanjeev, Narayan Prasad Padhy, and P. Aggarwal “A New Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for Low Voltage Storage
Devices”, Accepted for publication in the IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Sys-
tems(PEDES 2016) 14-17 Dec. Trivandrum, India.
 Pannala Sanjeev, Narayana Prasad Padhy and Pramod Agarwal, “DC Grid Initiative in India”, Accepted for publica-
tion in the Proceedings of the 9th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power and Energy Systems CPES 2015, Dec. 2015, New
Delhi, India.
 Gyan Ranjan Biswal, Rudra Prakash Maheswari and Narayana Prasad Padhy, “Role of Control and Instrumentation
in Efficient Design of CEP of Surface Condenser”, Accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the IEEE INDICON-2015 ,
17-20 Dec. 2015, New Delhi, India.
 Nandkishor Kinhekar, Narayana Prasad Padhy and Hari Om Gupta, “Particle Swarm Optimization Based Demand
Response for Residential Consumers”, Proceedings of the IEEE PES General Meeting, July 2015, Denver, Colorado, USA.
 AnuSingla, Kanwardeep Singh, Vinod Kumar Yadav and Narayana Prasad Padhy “Development of Distributed
Solar Photovoltaic Energy Market in India”, Proceedings of the IEEE PES General Meeting, July 2015, Denver,
Colorado, USA.
 Kailash Chand Sharma, Rohit Bhakar and Narayana Prasad Padhy, “Stochastic Cournot Model for
Wind Power Trading in Electricity Markets”, Proceedings of the IEEE PES General Meeting, July, 2014,
Washington, USA.
National & International
Research Collaborations
Lab Visited

The meritorious outcome of the research projects which are granted to the Institute has
fetched tie-ups with eminent institutions, Industries and utilities across the globe. This has
drawn leading faculties to the ‘ADMIRE Lab’ at IIT Roorkee for plausible Research opportunities
and collaborations between the finest of minds across the globe and researchers at IITR &
practically validate the robustness of the lab research outcomes in actual power system networks of
India and other countries, eventually converging to field-level deployable solutions.

UI-ASSIST: The UI-ASSIST project has led to the strong bondage of IIT Roorkee with Washington State
University (WSU), Pullman, USA and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Cambridge
where Dr. Noel N. Schulz, Eminent professor from WSU and Dr. Anuradha Annaswamy, director of the
Active-Adaptive Control Laboratory from MIT, Boston, USA had visited IIT Roorkee campus. During
their visit, they have witnessed various smart grid research demonstrations like Power hardware in
loop simulation of AC-DC Hybrid Microgrids, distribution system analysis, etc. They have shared their
views on the development of smart grid test bed and possible future expansions. Dr. N P Padhy also
had an opportunity to visit MIT and WSU and had brainstorming discussion with the faculties & stu-
dent members. Along side this an MOU between IIT Roorkee and WSU has been signed to carry for-
ward the collaboration established with WSU.

Dr. Noel Schulz’s Visit to IIT Roorkee Signing of MOU with WSU

Dr. S C Srivastava’s Visit to Bilateral collaboration visit –MIT, Boston and IIT Roorkee
IIT Roorkee
DSIDES: The project has led to the strong collaboration between IIT Roorkee and Ricerca sul Sistema En-
ergetico (RSE) Italy. The project inauguration at IIT Roorkee was joined by the Luciano Martini from the
RSE and he expressed great joy interacting with the research scholars of the smart grid laboratory. Fur-
ther, he showed his willingness to work for many research problems of common interest. The project has
played a key role in signing of MOU with ABB with an aim to transform the existing distribution grid of IIT
Roorkee to a smartgrid which aligns with the objective of D-SIDES.

Luciano Martini’s visit to IIT Roorkee MOU signing with ABB

MIRC: The Mission Innovation Resource Centre put up at the IIT Roorkee has eventually created a
nodal point for the smart grid research and because of which many researchers across the globe keep
interacting with the research scholars of the Institute. This laid foundation for national and international
tie-ups with eminent institutes and provides the opportunity to participate in the international work-
shops .

Dr. N P Padhy with Former ISRO chairman Dr. A S Kiran Kumar, Director IIT Roorkee, Dr. Ajit Kumar
Chaturvedi and Union Minister, Dr. Harsh vardhan

Through the student exchange

programs, the scholars at IITR
have also visited international
research labs and attended inter-
national conferences of repute,
viz IEEE PES GM, T&D, etc.
Dr. Narayana Prasad Padhy
Dean of Academic Affairs
Senior Professor and Institute Chair
Departm ent of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Roorkee, India - 247 667 ents/EE/pages/People+Faculty+nppeefee.html

: +91 9760749214


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