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Habert Minzuni Mugazia
Department of Public Policy and Administration,
School of Law, Arts and Social Sciences,
Kenyatta University

Dr. John M. Kandiri

Department of Computing & Information Science (CIS)
School of Pure and Applied Sciences (SPASS)
Kenyatta University

The rise and influence of social media in society cannot be ignored. Facebook, YouTube, Instagram,
and LinkedIn among others have become the mainstream channels used for communication.
Corporate entities globally are increasingly adopting the use of social media platforms to reach out to
their target audiences and advance their agenda. However, information posted on social media by
organizations might be taken seriously or at face value by those that are targeted. This sought to
assess the effectiveness of social media in information dissemination in public institutions: A case
study of Kenyatta University. The specific objectives were: to explore students reliability, students
satisfaction and student social media engagement in information dissemination in Kenyatta
University. A mixed-method research approach was utilized. Persuasion theory, Social cognitive
theory and theory of Social presence guided the study. The study targeted 22,854 first and forth
undergraduate students in regular mode of study at Kenyatta University’s main campus. The sample
size was determined using the Slovin's formula. The sample size was 100 participants. A structured
questionnaire was used to collect data. Qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis.
Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of SPSS. In
determining relationship between variables the correlation and regression analysis was done. Tables
and charts were utilized in data presentation. The findings revealed that students’ reliability on social
media had an effect on the information dissemination in public institutions; students’ satisfaction with
social media had an effect on the information dissemination in public institutions and that students’
social media engagement had an effect on information dissemination. The study concluded that social
media provide a platform for communication that allows users to engage with one another regardless
of time or location. Public universities should plan and create engaging content that is relevant to
students' interests and needs. The content should be varied and visually appealing, utilizing images,
videos, infographics, and other multimedia formats.

Social Media, Information Dissemination, Public Institutions, Students Reliability, Students
Satisfaction, Social Media Engagement

In recent years, both public and commercial institutions have embraced and utilized social media.
According to Mergel (2014), 90% of local and government organizations relied on the use of at least
one social media tool for communication in the United States of America as of 2011. According to
Wu and Pinsonneault (2011), social media has been crucial in enabling transmission of information
via the internet. Both newly created user-generated content and previously published content may be
promoted on social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube (Jha, 2020). People

frequently share links to blog entries, news stories, pictures, audio from radio, and video clips from
televisions, and different websites, as well as pictures, audio, and footage clips they captured with
their mobile phones or other gadgets, printed material from manuals, brochures, and publications, and
even whole articles from printed media. Information about organizations including organizational
policies and procedures easily finds its way into social media platforms.

According to Erickson (2011), using social media for knowledge sharing and engaging with target
audiences has produced a number of positive outcomes. However, the use of social media to
communicate pertinent information seems not to have been fully embraced. Whereas organizations
use social media to create communities of interest and share information intended for them through
their official social media accounts, such platforms has not been always dependent upon as primary
sources of information by the consumers (Mergel, 2012). According to Erickson (2011), credibility
has been the primary area of ambiguity around the use of social media. People tend not to entirely
trust information shared on social media. Its authenticity is somewhat queried even when such
information is shared by a credible source. Miscommunication is also a major drawback of social
media. According to Mergel (2012), miscommunication in social media is usually not intended by the
communicator. However, through social media platforms, businesses have connected their business
brands with their customers.

It has been observed that most government corporations are hesitant to use social media resulting to
inadequate dissemination of information since most organizations are consistently using memos,
notices in notice board, emails and to an extent website. Most of the government corporations have
not accepted social media as means of official communication and with nature of corporation’s
communication which is mostly giving directives and notices. Through social media, corporations are
able to get feedback. Although communication in social media has been popular recently as people
have easier access since some gadgets have in-built social media apps that are installed during
manufacturing and smart phones have provided easier access to internet, organizations especially
those owned by government are still hesitant to use them as medium of communication (Aladwani &
Dwivedi, 2018). Social media provides a platform for two-way communication and interaction, given
the nature of this two-way and real-time communication. However, social media has brought a lot of
benefits in communication but has brought up new challenges to some of the policies guiding public
institutions on openness that guides organization working and management process (Macnamara &
Tai, 2020). Mkhululi, Sisanda and Makwambeni (2023), conducted a research on utilization of social
media for communication internally within South African Local Government .The study was done in
O.R Tambo district and in its findings discovered that employees use social media to get internal
communication but they use social media irregularly. The study recommended further studies on
study gaps that required to be researched on.

There is a notable gap in knowledge on use of social media by government corporates as they use
them to issue directives mostly and leave a very little room for feedback. This study therefore was
most appropriate to determine students’ reliability on social media information, satisfaction brought
through social media communication and engagement by students through social media. According to
Osatuyi (2013), effectiveness of information shared on social media sites remains an important aspect
to companies. Information shared on social media requires a great bit of clarity and it must prove to be
credible otherwise clients and potential clients was driven away. Organizations are only able to retain
their social media clients by maintaining high credibility standards of the information they share.

Information dissemination to clients or potential clients by an organization is one of the core aspects.
Organizations disseminate information which is tailored for their client consumption through different
channels of communication such as social media. There is noticeable change in use of social media in
Kenyatta University as channels of communication with students. However, research on the
effectiveness of social media as a tool of communication in public institutions in Kenya is scanty.
Thus, this study aimed to explore the effectiveness of social media in information dissemination in
public institutions. For Kenyatta University management, the study's findings were significant. The
results provides the management of the University with data on effective utilization of social media in
disseminating information to its students who are the University’s primary clients. The results also
help other Kenyan public colleges by providing guidance on how to effectively utilize social media to
inform learners. The findings of this study also benefits consultants in the many fields including those
who develop policies about use of social and information was used to come up with measures of
enhancing effectiveness of social media in communication. The study's findings also made public in
order to expand on what is already known about how successful social media is in disseminating

This sought to assess the effectiveness of social media in information dissemination in public
institutions: A case study of Kenyatta University. The following were the study’s particular objectives
were (1) To determine students reliability on social media channels in information dissemination in
Kenyatta University; (2) To evaluate students satisfaction with social media channels in information
dissemination in Kenyatta University; (3) To assess student social media engagement in information
dissemination in Kenyatta University.


Social Cognitive Theory

Theory of Cognitive claim that social systems are firmly entrenched in the human self-development,
adaptation, and changes. Social cognitive theory provides a guideline which is used in developing
conceptual framework that is used in analyzing mechanisms employed in symbolic communication
which has influence on human thought, effect and action they take. Communication systems operate

by promoting changes through information, motivation and guidance of community of participants
thereby affecting social networks and community settings (Bandura, 2009; Schunk & Dibenedetto,
2020). According to Bandura there are those Psychological process needed to acquire new behavior
they follow a certain sequence. One needs to take note of the behavior, encode it in mind and then
translate what is in mind into an applicable action and takes the following sequency: attention,
retention, reproduction and motivation (Debell, 2022). In addition Social Cognitive theory considered
that individual’s actions do not include all behaviours one learns by observing others and recognized
critical role of motivational incentives for adopting of specific behaviours. Individuals lead to
motivating or expected outcomes rather than unrewarding or punishing results (Debell, 2022).

Human beings as agents of experience, reproduce experiences through regulations of rewarding and
punishing. In communication, Debell (2022) applied the theory in Mass Communication. Bandura
noted that Social Cognitive theory impacted media-generated mass communication in three ways.
Media can paint ideas in minds of people either directly or through adapters. Media also has ability to
teach new forms of behaviours and motivates people to be in actions by changing people’s beliefs,
preferences, expectations and perceptions. People expressed to media they become transmitters on
new behaviours they have learn (Bandura, 2001; Debell, 2022).

Theory of Social Presence

Social presence theory developed in 1976 by short. Christine and Williams Torrent of the theory is
that the more Social presence an organization manages to obtain, they also had a large share of Social
influence that communication partners have on each other (Martin & Parker, 2014; Martin &
Bollinger, 2018; Martin et al., 2020). Social influence cannot be ignored as it influences the number
of audience reached. In support of the theory states that in good communication ambiguities are
resolved, this prevents disillusionment, disengagement and attrition as people have self-reflection and
corresponding support systems even in times of emergency (Martin & Parker, 2014; Martin &
Bollinger, 2018; Martin et al., 2020) (Mazalali, 2011), “richness” of media is measured by the
amount of resolutions, media can provide. If Kenyatta University successfully reduced ambiguous
regarding mission, vision and goals through Social media platform, it assisted Kenyatta University to
gain rich and strong communication network with recipient of information. Theories support Social
Media Profile and presence but effectiveness of communication in social media platform still relies on
effective communication theory; message transmission through certain and specified channel that
receive understand and gives feedback.

Persuasive Theory
Persuasive theory is an argumentative and social phenomenon. There are two categories of persuasive
communication, according to research: intellectual appeal and emotional appeal. While an emotional
appeal stirs the audience's emotions, a rational appeal includes empirical proof and rational

justifications that have even been tested (Young, 2017). In persuasive communication, the words used
are normally meant to shape, reinforce or responses adjustment of others. This type of communication
normally addresses people’s needs, values and desires. It is also used sometimes to change or
transform people’s behavior, believes and attitudes through the message being transmitted that allows
audience to make informed decisions (Sidhu, 2015; Young 2017). Source, Message, and Audience are
the three elements of persuasion, which aims to alter people's beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours
(World Bank, n.d.). The component of persuasion according to (Baumeisher & Bushman, 2014):

Table 1: Persuasive Theory

Source Message Audience
Credibility Reason/ Emotion Intelligence
Expertise Steady/ Tender Need for cognition
Trustworthiness One/Two Sides Public imagination
Likeability Message Age
Repetition Cultural difference
Overhead message

Persuasion plays a critical role in everyone’s life and it promotes cooperation as there are no winners
or losers since is a way of convincing others to do what you want without using force and some
scholars argue that people often make decision based on emotions rather than logic and later look for
ways to rationalize their decisions (Schafer, 2019).

The mixed-method research approach was utilized as design in the study to investigate and report on
the connection between social media and the distribution of information to Kenyatta University
students. Persuasion theory, Social cognitive theory and theory of Social presence guided the study.
The first and forth undergraduate students in regular mode of study at Kenyatta University’s main
campus, which totals 22,854 students, made up the research’s target group. The sample size was
decided using the Slovin's formula due to the big size of the population. The sample size was 100
participants. The data was acquired using a structured questionnaire. Qualitative data were analyzed
using content analysis. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics with
the aid of SPSS. In determining relationship between variables the correlation and regression analysis
was done. Tables and charts were utilized in data presentation.


Relationship between Study Variables

The research variables were tested for relationship using Pearson correlation analysis.

Table 2: Relationship between Study Variables

The results of the study showed a statistically significant positive link between the distribution of
knowledge and the dependability of the students (r=0.622, p<0.05). Edogor et al., (2015) discovered
that while Facebook was considered to be the most credible social media platform in Nigeria, some of
the sites' contents were confirmed to be unreliable by their Nigerian users. The relationship between
students’ satisfaction and information dissemination was analyzed and the outcomes of the survey
uncovered a statistically significant positive correlation between students' happiness and the spread of
knowledge (r=0.631; p<0.05). Nyambura (2013) demonstrated that timely social media feedback has
a positive effect on consumer satisfaction. The outcomes of the survey uncovered a statistically
significant positive correlation between students' utilization of social media and the spread of
knowledge (r=0.411; p<0.05). Jiang et al., (2022) noted that online audience engagement also
demonstrated a favorable link with organization-audience interaction and that Khamali and Thairu
(2018) indicated that social media tools enabled better interaction and communication amongst
students in Kenyan universities.

Linkage between the independent variables

To determine the cumulative linear linkage between the independent variables, multiple linear
regression analysis was used in the study (Students' engagement, satisfaction, and reliability on social
media) and the dependent variable (Information dissemination). The study's findings were tallied.

Table 3: Multiple Regression Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Square Estimate

1 .864a 0.746 0.801 0.0801

a. Predictors (Students’ reliability on social media, Students’ satisfaction with social media,
Students social media engagement)

The model indicated a degree of relationship; the 0.864 simple correlation indicated this. 86.4% of the
variance in the dissemination of information in public institutions was explained by the effectiveness
of social media (adjusted R2 of the study model: 0.801; R2 = 0.746; standard error: 0.0801). This
demonstrates that 86.4% of the variation in the data is explained by the linear regression. This
demonstrates that the data from the multiple linear regression did not exhibit first-order linear auto-
correlation. This indicates that 86.4% of the variation in information dissemination is explained by the
effectiveness of social media (students' engagement, satisfaction, and trustworthiness on social
media), with other factors unrelated to the study accounting for the remaining 13.6% of the variation
in information dissemination.

A multiple regression model's fit to the data is evaluated, along with whether the model accurately
depicts the relationships between the predictors and the response variable. The results were exhibited
in Table 4.

Table 4: ANOVA Model

a Predictors: (Constant), Students’ reliability on social media, Students’ satisfaction with social
media, students social media engagement)
b Dependent Variable: Information dissemination
The F-test output table comes next. The model explains no variance in the dissemination of
information, according to the null hypothesis of the linear regression's F-test (F=71.656, p=0.000a). It
is believed that the model sufficiently captured the diversity in information dissemination since the F-
test is extremely significant. This implies that the multiple regression model fit the data and that the
way information was distributed in public institutions was influenced by students' use of, satisfaction
with, and dependence on social media. Information diffusion in public institutions was strongly

predicted by the ANOVA model (p=0.000a). This demonstrated the regression model's statistical
significance and showed that, generally, it statistically substantially predicted the transmission of
information in public institutions (i.e., it suited the data well). Multiple linear regression extends
simple linear regression to include two or more independent variables. It allows for modeling more
complex relationships between the predictors and the response variable by estimating the coefficients
for each predictor.

Table 5: Effectiveness of social media and Information dissemination

a. Dependent Variable: Information dissemination in public institutions

The following multiple regression equation was produced for the investigation.

Y (Information dissemination) = 0.412 (Constant) + 0.192 (Students’ reliability on social media) +

0.271 (Students’ satisfaction with social media) + 0.228 (Students social media engagement)

Y=0.412 + 0.192X1+ 0.271X2 + 0.228X3

From the regression equation, students’ satisfaction with social media was the most important variable
to the information dissemination in public institutions contributing 27.1% to the information
dissemination in public institutions while students’ reliability on social media contributed 19.2%,
students’ social media engagement 22.8% and that consumer behavior contributed 21.5% to the
information dissemination in public institutions respectively. The constant value of 0.412 implies that
at zero students’ reliability on social media, students’ satisfaction with social media, and students’
social media engagement.

The study results show the regression coefficients results where students’ reliability on social media
had a positive and significant effect on information dissemination in public institutions (β=0.192;
p<0.05), students’ satisfaction with social media had a positive and significant effect on information
dissemination in public institutions (β=0.271, p<0.05), students social media engagement had a
positive and significant effect on information dissemination in public institutions (β=0.228, p<0.05).
According to Mergel (2016), organizations both in the public and private sector are finding use of
social media for communication actively engaging with intended audiences than use of passive means

of communication. According to Erickson (2011), using social media for knowledge sharing and
engaging with target audiences has produced a number of positive outcomes. According to Kelly
(2014), reactions to information disseminated through social media gives a glimpse of how satisfied
or dissatisfied the target audience is. Information posted can receive negative or positive feedback.
Mergel (2012) suggests that customer feedback on social media helps firms to gauge customer
satisfaction with their services.

According to the study's findings, social media provide a platform for communication that allows
users to engage with one another regardless of time or location. Through social media, people may
establish new kinds of personal relationships and learn more about other people. The most important
reason to utilize social media is to allow individuals to socialize, regardless of geography or time
constraints. Social media let students keep in touch with existing friends and create new ones thereby
acquiring efficient socialization skills. Social networking platforms enable youth to identify their
interests and make connections with like-minded others. They can broaden students' awareness of
already-held interests while exposing them to fresh ideas and concepts. They can also broaden users'
horizons by allowing them to discover how people from all around the world live and think.

Social media has a role in every student's life in some manner. A lot of the time, social media makes it
simpler and easier to interact, exchange information, and obtain information. These platforms enable
effective communication between tutors and students for the objectives of learning and teaching.
Social media is the preferred means of communication among people. Potential staff and students,
alumni, stakeholders, and existing staff and students may engage with people who share their interests
to learn more, make friends, and network.

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