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This study aims to determine whether there is significant effect of word wall media on students’
vocabulary mastery. The purpose of this study was get empirically evidence about effectiveness of
word wall strategy on students’ vocabulary mastery at the eight grade of SMP Swasta BinaSatria
and to find out the effect size of word wall strategy on students’ vocabulary mastery. This research
using experiment research with a quantitative method. By purposive sampling, the researcher took
samples. The sample of study is 60 students, which are 30 students as experimental class and 30
students as control class. The method use in this study was a quantitative method in collecting the
data, the researcher be held pre-test and post-test which suddenly stand of 30 multiple choice stuff
for each test. In analyzing the data, the researcher used t-test. The researcher used SPSS 16 for
calculation in this study. The result of the study was found that post-test mean score of control class
was 81,67while post-test mean score of experimental class was 84.26. It was also obtained that two
tailed 0,003 ≤ 0,050. It showed that the Ha was accepted and H0 was rejected. Based on the criteria
of the test, the result showed that there is a significant contrast between the students’ vocabulary
mastery through word wall strategy and without word wall strategy. It can be summarize that word
wall strategy is effective on the students’ vocabulary mastery in the eight grade of SMP Swasta Bina
Satria Medan. The Strategy has effect on the students’ vocabulary mastery in the eight grade of SMP
Swasta Bina Satria.
Keywords:Word Wall Media, Vocabulary Mastery
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan media word
wall terhadap penguasaan kosakata siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan bukti
secara empiris tentang keefektifan strategi word wall terhadap penguasaan kosakata siswa kelas
VIII SMP Swasta Bina Satria dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ukuran strategi word wall terhadap
penguasaan kosakata siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian eksperimen dengan metode
kuantitatif. Dengan purposive sampling, peneliti mengambil sampel. Sampel penelitian adalah 60
siswa, yaitu 30 siswa sebagai kelas eksperimen dan 30 siswa sebagai kelas kontrol. Metode yang
digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dalam pengumpulan data, peneliti
mengadakan pre-test dan post-test yang tiba-tiba terdiri dari 30 soal pilihan ganda untuk setiap tes.
Dalam menganalisis data, peneliti menggunakan uji-t. Peneliti menggunakan SPSS 16 untuk
perhitungan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata post-test
kelas kontrol adalah 81,67 sedangkan nilai rata-rata post-test kelas eksperimen adalah 84,26.
Diketahui juga bahwa dua ekor 0,003 ≤ 0,050. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa Ha diterima dan
H0 ditolak. Berdasarkan kriteria tes, diperoleh hasil bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan
antara penguasaan kosakata siswa melalui strategi word wall dan tanpa strategi word wall.
Kata Kunci: Word Wall Media, Penguasaan Kosakata
32. Jurnal FISK, Vol. 2 No. 1 – April 2021 ISSN : 2721-8163
Research of study
The formulation of the problems of this study can be formulated as follow:
Is there any significant effect of word wall media on students’ vocabulary mastery in grade eighth
SMP Bina Satria Swasta Medan?
Theoretical Framework
A theoretical reviews are encouraged to provide some of the more clear concepts applied in this
study are a media wall on student vocabulary mastery. To support the idea of this study, some
theories and some information will be included to help the author design the study
• Audio Medan
Audio media are the media that can be listened. They are used to listen and understand oral
text, for examples: radio, cassette recorder, and tape recorder.
• Audio Visual
Audio visual media are the media that can be watched and listened.
According to Kemp and Dayton in Navi Septiani (2017), teaching media have three main
functions if they are used by individual, group, and big group, they are:
• Motivation: the teaching media motivate and stimulate the students to do and be responsible.
The purpose is to influence the attitude, value, and emotion of the students.
• Information: the teaching media are used to show the information to the students. By using
the teaching media, the teacher hopes the students to be more interested about the
information that are given.
• Instruction: the teaching media are used to prepare the effective instruction. Beside
enjoyable, the teaching media must give a pleasant experience and what the student’s need.
Teaching media helps teachers easier to teach. They can select appropriate, simple or modern
media in the teaching and learning process. Teachers can also create their media because their
creativity is also needed in the teaching and learning process.
Research Design
The research approach used by researchers is the quantitative approach. When the quantitative
approach is numerical research data and is statistically analyzed to look for answers from the
formulation of the research problem. As for the method used by researchers is the method of
experimentation.. Experimental research is one of the best research methodologies that can be used.
The study chose pre-experiment design with one pre-test and post-test group. The study was
intended to investigate word-wall repair as media in teaching vocabulary for eight years of
developmental students. The research design used by researchers is a pre-experiment design in the
form of one group, a pre-test and post-test design.
Khairi Ramadhan,The Effect Of Word Wall Media …35
The population is generally viewed as a collection of living things or at least as having some of
the qualities and characteristics that the researcher chooses to examine. According to butler in Navi
Septiani (2017) in statistics, but population terms are used more generally to refer to collections of
objects, or anything else, that are an object of inquiry. In this study, researchers chose an eighth
grade field building in 2019/2020 academic year as a population. Located at this school in the 600
street estate, the Marelan field, consists of five classes of the viii 1 to the viii 5.
According Arikunto in Dian Rizki Nurcahyani (2016), sample is part or representative of
population that will be research. In this study, the researcher took the VIII-2 class of SMP Bina
Satria Swasta Medan. And another hand, the researcher is conducting tryout the instrument in VIII-3
class, and consist 70 students They are divided into two class of SMP Bina Satria Swasta Medan.
Before giving treatment, the researcher administered a pre-test to value the students’ vocabulary
test. To find out the vocabulary achievement of the students before treatment was given. After pre-
test, the researcher taught the students. In each meeting, the researcher used word wall media to
experimental class, students were given an explanation of the categories of person, animals, and
things which is was categories as noun, adjective, adverb. The steps to teach vocabulary by using
word wall media describe as follow:
1. The researcher explained about the media that use in the learning process
2. And the researcher pasting to the wall paper that already contains vocabulary on a particular
theme that has been made well and interesting
3. And the researcher give a definition to a vocabulary such as mentioning its characteristics
then students guess the vocabulary
Then the vocabulary must be useful in a way that is repeated or often used in listening,
speaking, writing and reading.
Research Instrument
Instrument has important function in this research. Using an instrument was one of the
significant steps in conducting this research. The researcher used one kind of instrument that was
vocabulary test. The aim to do test is to know Word Wall Media effective or not for the students to
learn vocabulary. The material of the test will be taken from English book and other resources to add
more vocabularies which related to their subject and based on Junior High School curriculum.
The researcher applied two kinds of test, there were pre-test and post-test. The tests form of close
test. Between pre-test and post-test the students are growing mentally and physically and they may
have learning experiences that could affect the dependent variable. The test items for pre-test consist
of 30 questions. The research used test in collecting the data to students before the teacher teaches
them by using word wall. While the post-test is given to the students after they are given the
treatment. The format tests are made in the following Multiple Choice Form that consist of 30 items.
The student must choose the answer.
According Creswell in Ita Purwasih (2014), post-test was a measure on some attribute or
characteristic that was assessed for participant in experiment. A test given to students after
completion of an instructional program or segment an often used in conjunction with a pre-test
to measure their achievement and the effectiveness of the program.
Md : mean of division (d) between post test and pre test
Xd : difference in deviation from mean deviation
∑Xd2 : Total deviation squared
N : The number of subjects
Df : or db is N-1
The formula was used to calculate the effect of the treatment given to research subjects. This
formula was used for research design a single subject, that was observations made when the subject
was not yet received treatment and after the subjects received treatment. The results of this data
which was then analyzed using the t-count formula then the results are obtained can indicate whether
the treatment given is effective or not.
The data were collected from students pre-test and post-test of both classes. The data which
is obtained is described into two tables. The table 4.1 show the students score for experimental class.
And the table 4.2 shows the students for control class. Each table has five columns, the first column
showed the number of students, the second showed the initial name of students’, the third column
showed the genre of students’ and the four and fifth column showed of pre test and post test.
12 G YN Male 81 85
13 IA Female 80 82
14 JVA Female 81 81
15 KP Male 82 83
16 K Female 83 82
17 MHM Male 81 85
18 MRS Male 83 83
19 M Y AP Male 81 83
20 M AA Male 79 85
21 MDF Male 80 82
22 MDA Male 89 90
23 NBS Female 84 88
24 RQ Female 86 88
25 R Male 81 83
26 RA Male 80 80
27 RAD Male 80 85
28 RA Female 85 89
29 RSB Male 81 85
30 SA Male 82 82
Total Score 2479 2528
Mean Score 82,63 84,26
Based on the table above, the researcher used students from 8th SMP BinaSatria Medan as
experimental class. This class consisted of 30 students. The pre-test that given to students of
experimental class. It was conducted to know their vocabulary matery. The pre-test mean score was
82.63. The lowest score for pre test was 79 and the higher score was 90.
After that, the researcher taught the treatment of word wall media. Then the post-test was
conducted after the treatment, mean score of students increased to 84.26. The lowest score for post
test was 80 and the higher score was 90.The finding showed that the students’ post-test score were
higher than students’ pre-test score.
20 MDC Male 80 85
21 MAAF Male 80 85
22 MIF Male 80 85
23 M AA Male 83 85
24 MIP Male 60 65
25 MP Male 60 65
26 MR Male 85 87
27 M KA Male 80 54
28 MR Female 85 87
29 NZ Female 87 88
30 RY Male 84 85
Total Score 2400 2450
Mean Score 80 81,67
Based on the table above, the researcher used students from 8th SMP Swasta Bina Satria
Medan as control class. This class consisted of 30 students. The pre-test that given to students of
control class. It was conducted to know their vocabulary ability. The pre-test mean score was 80.
The lowest score for pre test was 60 and the higher score was 88
After that, the researcher taught the treatment of word wall media. Then the post-test was conducted
after the treatment, mean score of students increased to 81.67. The lowest score for post test was 54
and the higher score was 89.The finding showed that the students’ post-test score were higher than
students’ pre-test score.
The test of normality was conducted in pre-test and post-test. The result of the calculation was
obtained that alpha 0,05 to be stated as normal distributed data. The calculation of test for normality
test from table 4.7 and 4.8 showed the significance value based on Shampiro-Wilk test also showed
the significance value ≥ alpha. The result of pre-test for control class was 0.071≥ 0.05
andexperimental class was 0,091 ≥ 0,05 and the result of post-test for control class was 0,126 ≥
0,05and experimental class was 0.221 ≥ 0.05. It can be concluded that the result of both classes are
normal distributed population from Shapiro-Wilk.
Based on table above, the result of homogeneity in pre-test of control and experimental class
was 0,102 ≥ 0,05 and in the post-test was 0,161 ≥ 0,05. It means that the data were homogeneity.
Hypothesis Testing
The test was calculation to know if there were significance differences in the result of post-test
after the treatment was given. This hypothesis test was analyzed using SPSS of version 16. The
calculation was from in post-test score experimental class. The significant value or alpha that used
for this test was0.050.The hypothesis testing is intended to determine the significance or not
significance of the Research. The researcher must submit an alternative hypothesis (Ha) and the Null
Hypothesis (Ho) as below:
Ho : There was no significance difference effect after word wall strategy is used on students’
vocabulary mastery in the 8th grade of SMP Swasta Bina Satria Medan.
Ha : Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) : There was a significance difference effect after word wall
strategy is used on students’ vocabulary mastery in the 8th grade of SMP Bina Satria
Swasta Medan
Sig (2-tailed) = ≤ 0,05
Tabel 7. The Result Independent Samples T-test
Levene Test ... t-test for Equality...
F Significance T df Sig(2-tailed)...
Score Equal variances ... ,056 ,813 3,355 58 ,003
Not Equal variances ... 3,355 47,906 ,003
Based on the table above, it can be seen (2-tailed) significance value 0,003. There was a
significance effect on students’ vocabulary mastery on post-test.H0is rejected and Ha was accepted.
It means that there was significance effect of word wall media on students’ vocabulary mastery.
Research Findings
Word Wall Media had a significance effect on the students’ vocabulary mastery. It can be
seen from the mean score of pre-test was 82.63 and post-test was 84,26 in experimental class. It
means that the value of sig. (2-tailed) 0,003. It shows that the sig. (2-tailed) was lower than 0,05.
Based on the result, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the null hypothesis was
rejected. It can be seen this method had helped the students’ The names of things, animals, persons
the word wall with the correct pronunciation, this method can make students’ increase they
vocabulary, and the students easier to know the function, characteristic, and other of things, animals,
Based on the findings of research, it was discovered that students who were taught to use
wall word media on student vocabulary mastery increased. Test results before wall media says;
Students' vocabulary mastery abilities are lower. After this method is used, students' abilities about
vocabulary mastery become better. After getting a post-test treatment done, it was found that there
was a significant value between the experimental class and the control class where the post-test test
score was higher. This can be seen from the average pre-exam and post-exam scores, the score
means it's from the pre-test in the control class is 80 and in the post-test is 81.67 while the average
pre-test score in the experimental class is 82.63 and in post-test is 82.26 it means that there are
significant scores in the experimental class. Based on data analysis and hypothetical testing,
calculations by the SPSS version 16 state that the null hypothesis h0was rejected and an alternative
40. Jurnal FISK, Vol. 2 No. 1 – April 2021 ISSN : 2721-8163
hypothesis ha was accepted. This suggests that the use of a media word to teach vocabulary mastery
can be effective in students.
Based on the analysis the result of this research. It showed that the result of T-test using
SPSS version 16 to test hypothesis of this research in the 2 tailed significance 0,05 ≤ 0,003. It mean
that null hypothesis was reject and alternative hypothesis was accepted. Therefore it can be conclude
that the answer of the research question was proven that there is effective of ward wall method on
students’ vocabulary mastery in the eight grade of SMP Swasta Bina Satria Medan Marelan Tanah
600 in Academic 2019/2020.
Based on the conclusions about the effectiveness of using word wall on students’
vocabulary at the eighth grade students SMP Swasta Bina Satria Medan Marelan Tanah 600 in
Academic 2019/2020 some suggestions are stated as follows:
1. For the Teachers: There are many media of teaching vocabulary that can be used by English
teacher. One of them is Word Wall media. The teacher can apply an appropriate media
especially in learning vocabulary effectively. Of course, the teacher should be creative to
choose an effective media in teaching in order to make students interest and easy to
understand the material.
2. For the Students: The students should have a big spirit and motivation in learning English,
especially in learning Vocabulary. Vocabulary is one of important skills in English foreign
language that should be mastered by English students. Hopefully, by applying Word Wall
media in learning vocabulary the students can be more active and improve their achievement
in learn.
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