Project Report

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Submitted to:
The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
School of Engineering and Engineering Technology,
Federal University of Technology, Owerri

In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of

the Bachelor of Engineering degree (B. Eng.) in
Electrical and Electronic Engineering

November 2016


Microprocessor architecture is a course commonly taught to ECE students in

universities around the globe. The subject is best taught with practical tools or
trainers to aid students in understanding the internals of a microprocessor. The
cost of purchasing such tools can however be prohibitive to Third World
institutions. This paper details the design and subsequent construction of an
effective Intel 8085 trainer to serve as proof-of-concept that electronic
engineering departments in Nigerian universities can manufacture these devices
independently at relatively low costs.


LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………..……………………………………………….V
LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………………………………………………VII
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………1
1.1 – BACKGROUND OF STUDY……………………………………………………………….3
1.2 – PROBLEM STATEMENT…………………………………………………………………..5
1.3 – OBJECTIVES……………………………………………………………………………………6
1.4 – JUSTIFICATION OF STUDY………………………………………………………………6
1.5 – SCOPE OF STUDY……………………………………………………………………………8
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………………………………………….9
2.1 – REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE………………………………………………….9
2.3 – INTEL 8085 INTERFACE…………………………………………………………………24
2.4 – CHAPTER SUMMARY……………………………………………………………………30
CHAPTER 3: DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY…………………………………………………..31
3.1 – DESIGN OBJECTIVES……………………………………………………………………..31
3.2 – DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS……………………………………………………………31
3.3 – DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS………………………………………………………………32
3.4 – HARDWARE DESIGN…………………………………………………………………….33
3.4.1 – BILL OF MATERIALS…………………………………………………………34
3.4.2 – DESIGN CHOICES…………………………………………………………….35
3.5 – SOFTWARE DESIGN………………………………………………………………………43
3.5.1 – DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT………………………………………43
3.5.2 – HARDWARE DRIVERS………………………………………………………43
3.5.4 – SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE…………………………………………….45

3.6 – CHAPTER SUMMARY……………………………………………………………………54
CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION……………………………………………………….56
4.1 – UNIT TESTING………………………………………………………………………………56
4.2 – INTEGRATION TESTING………………………………………………………………..57
4.3 – SUMMARY OF THE PROJECT RESULTS….………………………………………63
4.4 – PROBLEMS AND DISCUSSION……………………….………………………………66
5.1 – CONSTRAINTS AND CONCLUSION..………………………………………………68
5.2 – RECOMMENDATIONS…………………………………………………………………..68
APPENDIX A: TECHNICAL DATA….……………………………………………...……………….60

APPENDIX B: SAMPLE 8085 PROGRAM………………………………………………………..71


Figure 1.1: A typical microprocessor-based system………………………………………..1

Figure 2.1: An assembled Intel 8085 trainer…………………………………………………..9

Figure 2.2: An 8085 single board computer………………………………………………….11

Figure 2.3: A MAG-85 trainer..……………………………………………………………………..12

Figure 2.4: A PS-85 trainer……………………………………………………………………………12

Figure 2.5: Intel 8085 pin-out diagram…………………………………………………………13

Figure 2.6: Intel 8085 registers…………………………………………………………………….14

Figure 2.7: Minimal 8085 system with EEPROM and RAM……………………………17

Figure 2.8: Interfacing an Intel 8085 with an 8x4 matrix keypad………………….19

Figure 2.9: A typical 8085 trainer keypad…………………………………………………….20

Figure 2.10: A 6-digit SSD for the TLA801 trainer…………………………………………...21

Figure 2.11: A 16x2 character LCD in the BT-85 trainer………………………………….22

Figure 2.12: Intel 8255 pin-out diagram…………………………………………………………23

Figure 2.13: Intel 8085 Power-on Reset circuit……………………………………………….24

Figure 2.14: Quartz crystal clock circuit………………………………………………………….26

Figure 2.15: LC tuned circuit clock driver………………………………………………………..26

Figure 2.16: RC circuit clock driver………………………………………………………………….26

Figure 2.17: 1 – 12 MHz external clock driver…………………………………………………27

Figure 2.18: Intel 8085 address and data bus interface…………………………………..28

Figure 3.1: Block diagram of Intel 8085 trainer……………………………………………..33

Figure 3.2: Intel P8085AH, HM6116ALP-3, 74HC373…………………………………….36

Figure 3.3: Intel 8255A…..................................................................................37

Figure 3.4: 4x5 membrane keypad, locally assembled 6x4 keypad…..............39

Figure 3.5: 1.8” 128x160 TFT display……………………………………………………………41

Figure 3.6: System memory map………………………………………………………………….50

Figure 3.7: Overall FSM of the microprocessor trainer monitor……………………55

Figure 4.1: Monitor FSM running on a Vero board….......................................59

Figure 4.2: The fabricated microprocessor trainer PCB………………………………..60

Figure 4.3: Completely assembled Intel 8085 trainer (top)…………………………..62

Figure 4.4: Completely assembled Intel 8085 trainer (side)………………………….62


Table 3.1: Bill of materials for the Intel 8085 trainer………………………………….34

Table 5.1: Cost of the materials used in this project…………………………………..63




According to Anil Maini [1], a microprocessor is “a programmable device that

accepts binary data from an input device, processes the data according to the
instructions stored in the memory and provides results as output”. It executes
programs stored in memory and interacts with the outside world through input
and output peripherals. Thus, the main components of any microprocessor-
based system, as illustrated in Fig. 1.1, are the microprocessor, the memory,
and the I/O peripherals. The buses convey addresses, data and control signals
between these components of the system.

Fig. 1.1 – A typical microprocessor-based system [1]

A microprocessor typically comprises a minimal set of three functional blocks:

an Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU), a Control Unit (CU) and registers. The ALU is
a combinational logic circuit which performs all the integer arithmetic and
logical operations in the system. The CU is typically a sequential logic circuit that
coordinates the activities of the processor and I/O devices. It fetches
instructions from memory by issuing the proper control signals, decodes the

instructions and controls their sequential execution. Examples of
microprocessors include the Intel 8085, Zilog Z80, and Motorola 6800.

Memory, in this context, refers to primary memory in the form of Random

Access Memory (RAM) which temporarily stores the program currently being
executed by the microprocessor. A program is no more than a sequence of
instructions, each from the instruction set of the microprocessor, intended to
achieve some purpose. Each location in RAM has a unique address and can holds
a word which is typically 8 bits (a byte) in size. So, a 2K x 8 SRAM is a static RAM
chip that can hold 2048 words each one-byte large, yielding a total storage space
of 2048 bytes. Some popular RAM chips include 6116, 6264 and 62256 SRAMs.

Input and output (I/O) peripherals provide an interface between the

microprocessor and the outside world. They serve as an interface to input
devices such as sensors and keyboards, as well as an interface to output devices
such as LCDs and printers. Within the systems they are used, I/O peripheral chips
are typically memory-mapped, where their ports may be accessed by the
microprocessor like any other memory location, or I/O mapped, where they are
accessed through special instructions and have their own address space. Some
common I/O peripheral ICs include the Intel 8255 PPI and Intel 8156.

The buses in a microprocessor-based system link the various components of the

system together. A bus, in this context, is no more than a group of signal lines
connecting different system components and carrying some unique class of
signals between these components. There are three main buses: the address
bus, data bus and control bus. The address bus is unidirectional and is used by
the CPU to address the memory and I/O peripherals. The data bus is bidirectional
and transports the actual data between the components after they have been
addressed. Both the address and data bus are parallel buses and their bus width

(the number of lines on the bus) is typically a multiple of 8. The control bus may
also be bidirectional and is used by the CPU to control the process of
communicating with the other system components. For instance, signals such as
/RD and /WR may be used by the CPU to read from or write to an SRAM chip,
depending on which signal is asserted.

All the components that have been described come together to form one
coherent system with the microprocessor at its heart. The most ubiquitous kind
of microprocessor-based systems are microcomputers or more specifically,
modern PCs and smartphones. Embedded systems, which are commonly found
in modern consumer electronics, could also be said to be microprocessor-based
systems since the microcontrollers and DSPs often used are little more than a
combination of the aforementioned components – CPU, memory, I/O ports and
buses – existing on a single chip.

A microprocessor development board is a printed circuit board which contains

a microprocessor together with the minimal support logic (memory and I/O)
required for a user (an engineer, student or hobbyist) to become acquainted
with the on-board microprocessor and learn how to program it [2]. It may also
come in form of a kit, which contains the bare PCB and the electronic
components intended to be soldered onto the board. The user is expected to
perform the assembling as part of the learning process. When used in the
context of learning devices, these boards may also be called training
development boards or simply, trainers. The design and construction of such a
trainer is the primary objective of this project.


Students studying electronic and computer engineering are expected to

understand digital electronic systems. Microprocessors, usually at the core of

microcontrollers and DSPs, are ubiquitous in today’s electronics which are often
embedded systems. Therefore, it is important that an ECE student achieves
significant understanding of the working of microprocessors and
microprocessor-based systems.

Microprocessor trainers are commonly found in ECE laboratories in institutions

around the world. They are also called microprocessor development boards.
These devices, in this capacity, serve to educate ECE students about the
workings of microprocessors. Usually, a trainer is built around a single
microprocessor, such as the Intel 8085 or the Motorola Z80, and allows students
to write programs in machine code that are executed by the trainer. The trainer
makes available to the user the contents of the microprocessor’s internal
registers and RAM for inspection. The trainer may also provide I/O devices such
as keypads and LCDs which may be accessed by a user through I/O-mapped
peripheral chips. In this manner, a student gains critical knowledge of machine
and assembly programming as well as an understanding of the intricacies of a
microprocessor’s operations.

Several microprocessor development kits have been released by various

manufacturers over the years. They were originally intended to get engineers
acquainted with the microprocessor for which each trainer is designed. One of
the most popular boards was the KIM-1 development board which was
developed by MOS Technology Inc. in the 1976 to introduce new users to the
MOS 6502 microprocessor [3]. Development boards for other microprocessors
include the SDK-85 and MAG-85 for the Intel 8085 microprocessor,

These development boards are invaluable in ECE laboratories but can be

expensive to purchase, especially for institutions in developing countries.
Federal tertiary institutions in Nigeria rely heavily on funding not only from the

Federal Government but also from donors and through grants (TETFUND, PTDF,
etc.) in order to develop infrastructure. Funding may be not only in monetary
form but also in form of much-needed equipment. When such funding is not
forthcoming, there is a tendency for university and departmental management
to leave things as they stand, apparently not seeing any alternatives. This project
seeks to address this issue by proving that it is possible to design and
manufacture a minimal cost-effective Intel 8085 trainer that will suffice to
instruct ECE students on microprocessors. This approach of manufacturing what
is needed may be extended to other areas within the department or the
university as a whole.


The prohibitive cost of purchasing microprocessor trainers from third-party

sellers, coupled with the general lack of interest of management in improving
the state of laboratories, has caused a severe dearth of these equipment in
laboratories. The existing trainers are few in number, ancient and function
sporadically. It is not uncommon for 20 students to be assigned to a single
trainer during a practical session in the lab; usually only a very few of those
students actually operate the trainer with the others straining over their
shoulders to understand. The result is that many students complete the course
with little, if any, real understanding of microprocessor architecture.

Electricity supply is a long-standing problem in Nigeria. Since the existing

trainers require mains AC supply to function, the effectiveness of the trainers is
much reduced since students are only able to use them when there is mains
supply from the national grid or when they can afford to buy gasoline to fuel the
standby generator. Alternatives must be exploited to suit the current

environment. These are problems which have prompted the initiation of this
project and will be addressed accordingly.


The main objective of this project is to design and construct a relatively cheap
and minimal Intel 8085 trainer which can be used by students of the EEE
department to understand microprocessor architecture and programming. The
trainer will be designed to be compatible, in terms of user interface, with the
present trainers in the electronics laboratory. The specific objectives are:

 The trainer should be able to perform the fundamental task of accepting

user programs in machine code, executing them and displaying the results
in a modern intuitive manner
 The trainer should have at least one on-board I/O peripheral
 The trainer should be manufactured relatively cheaply, compared to the
cost of purchasing existing trainers
 The trainer should consume little enough power that it can be powered
from common AA batteries, as well as mains-adapted DC.


A tour through a typical practical session in EEE labs will show students
clustering around lab equipment in large groups of up to 20 students. The only
students in any group that actually learn anything are usually those closest to
the equipment and the really motivated students who struggle to observe no
matter where they stand in the chaos. The majority simply wait for the practical
to be over and copy what others have done. Whatever interest may have been
kindled by actively participating in the practical session never comes to light and

the students are only interested in learning enough theory in class to pass their

This problem has a root in the severe lack of functional lab equipment and is
prevalent throughout the university. As stated earlier, this issue can be traced
to the cost of purchasing the equipment through the usual channels and the
general apathy of management. However, some of the needed equipment can
be manufactured in-house within the department at relatively low costs and
with features comparable to those of devices sold in the marketplace. An
example of such equipment is the Intel 8085 trainer used for EEE 401 practical
sessions. If the department took on the task of designing and manufacturing
these trainers, it would not only help replenish the stock of functional trainers
but would also help in further educating existing technologists and students on
the workings of such a device since they would be involved in the design process.

Though the Intel 8085 is an obsolete microprocessor, it was chosen for this
project as the focus primarily because the current EEE 401 syllabus uses the Intel
8085 as a case study into the architecture and programming of microprocessors.
Constructing a trainer based on a different microprocessor would render the
trainer useless in FUTO until such a time comes when the syllabus is revised.
Thus, the trainer manufactured in this project can be deployed immediately for
use in the electronic lab. Also, the Intel 8085 is also a microprocessor with a
relatively simple architecture, as well as a lot of documentation and tutorials all
over the Web, making it very easy for students to conduct their own research
beyond what they are taught during lectures.

The final issue addressed here is one of power supply. The existing trainers may
only be powered through 240 V mains supply. In a country like Nigeria with very
unreliable power supply, students very often have to resort to AC generators in

order to have practical sessions that require 240 V AC. The gasoline used to fuel
the generators for each practical session is usually purchased with money
contributed by the students. Batteries, rechargeable or non-rechargeable,
would be a cheaper alternative. They would also be more accessible since any
student could come to the lab at any time with their own battery packs and
operate the trainer, without having to worry about a generator and its
obligatory fuel. This maximizes the potential of the trainers and increases the
chances that students can learn from the devices.


This project entails the design and construction of a minimal Intel 8085 trainer
with the basic features of:

 Accepting Intel 8085 programs in machine language as input

 Running input programs
 Allowing access to the internal registers of the Intel 8085, as well as the
on-board RAM
 Providing I/O-mapped I/O with at least one input device and one output

The 8085 hardware interrupts have not been made user-accessible. Hardware
single-stepping is also not implemented, unlike in existing trainers. Programs can
only be loaded into the trainer by hand; there is no serial port available to
download code from a PC. The aforementioned features will not be
implemented primarily due to time constraints. However, a PCB will be designed
and fabricated for the trainer to give a finished look to the project.




Microprocessor development boards have been around for nearly as long as

there have been microprocessors. They were initially manufactured by
microprocessor manufacturers to enable users (primarily engineers) and
technicians learn to use their microprocessors. For instance, each time Intel
launched a new microprocessor, they simultaneously provided a System Design
Kit (SDK) which helped users familiarize themselves with the microprocessor.
The SDK single-board computers allowed the user to enter object code from a
keyboard or upload it through a communication port, and then test run the
code. The SDK boards provided a system monitor ROM to operate the keyboard
and other interfaces. Kits varied in their specific features but generally offered
optional memory and interface configurations, a serial terminal link, audio
cassette storage, EPROM program memory.

The Intel SDK-85 in Fig. 2.1 was released in 1978 and was the first
microprocessor development board for the Intel 8085.

Fig. 2.1 – An assembled SDK-85

It was a complete single board computer centred on the Intel 8085. Some of its
specifications [4] are as follows:

o Intel 8085 microprocessor running at 3 MHz
o 1.3-microsecond instruction cycle
 Memory
o 2K bytes of ROM containing a monitor program
o 256 bytes of RAM
 Interrupts: RST 7.5, RST 6.5, INTR
 38 parallel I/O lines and a 110-baud serial I/O port
 Input method: Keypad or serial I/O
 Display: 6 single-digit seven-segment displays

Other Intel SDKs include the SDK-51, SDK-86 and SDK-x86 series. Another
popular microprocessor development board was the KIM-1. It was a single-
board computer based on the MOS6502 and manufactured in 1976 by MOS
Technologies, Inc. The KIM-1 was very popular among hobbyists, especially due
to its relatively low price and easy expandability. However, microprocessor
development boards are not always produced by microprocessor
manufacturers. 8085 single-board computers such as the 8085AAT and
Explorer/85 were produced by third party companies Paccom and Netronics. It
should be noted that all microprocessor development boards may also be
considered single board computers.

Vintage computing enthusiasts also produce their own development boards. Fig.
2.2 shows an SBC printed circuit board designed and fabricated in 2010 by the
enthusiasts at The Glitch Works [5]

Fig. 2.2 – An 8085 single board computer

It features a 2K x 8 EEPROM for program storage and two 1K x 8 static RAMs for
stack and variable space.

Fig. 2.3 is a MAG-85 [6], an Intel 8085 trainer built in 2010 by Mark Graybill, who
is a retro-computing hobbyist. It features 8K of memory, a keypad for entering
hexadecimal digits and commands, an LCD display as well as switches and LEDs
for I/O.

Fig. 2.3 – The MAG-85 trainer

Intel 8085 trainers are still manufactured in bulk quantities mostly in India where
the curriculum still includes the study of the Intel 8085 architecture, despite its
obsolescence. Some of these trainers include the PS-85, shown in Fig. 2.4, by
Pantech Solutions and the M85 series by Kitek Technologies.

Fig. 2.4 – The PS-85 trainer


Microprocessor development boards differ a lot but those intended for student
use as trainers usually contain the following minimal components:

 A Central Processing Unit (CPU)

This is responsible for running user programs. It is usually the microprocessor

being studied by the students. The subject microprocessor of this project is the
Intel 8085, specifically the 8085AH-2. It is a complete 8-bit general-purpose
microprocessor. The 8085AH-2 runs on a single +5V power supply and a
maximum clock frequency of 5 MHz [7]. It has a multiplexed data bus; the
address is split between the 8-bit upper address bus and the 8-bit data bus. It is
supplied in a 40-pin DIL package with a pin-out as shown in Fig. 2.5.

Fig. 2.5 – Intel 8085 pin-out diagram

It should be noted that the 8085AH-2 differs from the 8085AH primarily in the
maximum achievable clock speed, which is 5 MHz for the former and 3 MHz for
the latter. The 8085 has seven general-purpose 8-bit registers, two 16-bit
registers. There are also 5 status flags – sign, zero, parity, carry, auxiliary carry –
occupying an 8-bit space. The 8-bit registers may be used independently or
paired to form 16-bit registers. The 16-bit registers are the Program Counter and
the Stack Pointer. The Program Counter holds the address of the next instruction
to be executed while the Stack Pointer holds the address of the top of the stack.
Fig. 2.6 illustrates the structure of the 8085 registers.

Fig. 2.6 – Intel 8085 registers

The 8085 has a 16-bit address bus, making it capable of addressing up to 64K
locations through the bus. The data bus is multiplexed with the lower 8 bits of
the address bus. Due to its dual function as the lower address byte and a data
bus, the 8085 data bus is designed to operate with an octal latch which is
controlled via the ALE pin of the microprocessor. The control bus refers to a set

of 10 signal lines which are used by the CPU to coordinate the operations of
external devices such as memory and I/O devices [8]. Some control signals are
inputs such as HOLD and READY while others are outputs such as /RD and /WR.
There are also two status lines S0 and S1 which, in conjunction with the IO/M
line, to determine the current machine cycle at any instant of its operation.

The 8085 has one general-purpose maskable interrupt line (INTR), three
maskable RST interrupts (RST5.5, RST6.5, RST7.5) and one non-maskable TRAP
interrupt [9]. ‘Maskable’ interrupts are those that can be disabled by the CPU
whereas an interrupt is non-maskable if it cannot be disabled, that is to say, it
cannot be ignored by the CPU. RST5.5, RST6.5, RST7.5 and TRAP are vectored
interrupts; when any of them is triggered, the CPU pushes the program
counter’s contents onto the stack and branches to the address associated with
the triggered interrupt.

The 8085 is a CISC processor [10] with an instruction set containing 74

instructions [11] which may be classified into data transfer operations (such as
MOV, MVI, LDA), arithmetic operations (such as ADD, SUB, SBB), logic operations
(such as ORA, CMP, XRA), branching instructions (such as JMP, CALL, RET) and
machine control instructions (such as HLT, NOP).

 A monitor
The monitor is typically not a separate hardware component; it is more a logical
component of a microprocessor development board. It is usually a program that
oversees the system’s operations. The monitor program is responsible for
accepting input from the student user, processing the user’s input or commands
accordingly and displaying the results. All the user interactions with the
development board occur through the monitor. The monitor is also crucial for
debugging of user programs, typically through single-stepping.

The monitor program usually exists in non-volatile memory and is executed by
the system CPU at power-up. This is not always the case though; it may also be
a program running on a separate device entirely, usually a microcontroller,
which observes and controls the main CPU. In such a system, the monitor could
be said to be a separate hardware component and is tapped into the address,
data and control buses of the main CPU in order to have control over the latter’s
 Memory

This is used for storing the monitor program persistently as well as user
programs before they are executed by the CPU. The Intel 8085 has 64K address
space, with portions of this space are assigned to the different memory chips in
the system as well as memory-mapped I/O devices. There are two main classes
of memory used in a development system:

o ROM:

ROM refers to non-volatile read-only memory. Typically, the monitor

program of an SDK is stored persistently in ROM by the board manufacturer.
EEPROMs are a type of ROM that can be altered electrically. EEPROM is
different from ROM and PROM in that it can be not only read from, but also
erased and written to, completely electrically [12]. User programs may be
stored persistently in EEPROM. Parallel EEPROM is typically used with
microprocessors due to the greater speeds and microprocessor-friendly
interface. A common EEPROM chip used with the 8085 is the 8755 which is a
2K x 8 EEPROM.

o RAM:

RAM refers to volatile read/write memory. It is a class of memory that retains

its contents only as long as it is powered. Static RAM consists of flip-flop
circuits which do not require refreshing like dynamic RAM. Static RAM is
faster than dynamic RAM but also more expensive. Because the complexity
of refreshing RAM is not present in SRAM, this makes it ideal for a
microprocessor development board, especially considering that SRAM is not
typically requires in large capacities for a development board. SRAM is also
faster than DRAM.

Typically, user programs are loaded into RAM and executed from there by
the CPU. A trainer normally allocates a portion of the available RAM to users
for their program storage and a general ‘scratchpad’. The monitor also
reserves a portion of RAM for its own purposes in coordinating the
development system. Typical RAM chips used with the 8085 include the Intel
8155/8156 which is also a timer and I/O peripheral, the 6264 8K x 8 SRAM,
6116 2K x 8 SRAM and 62256 32K x 8 SRAM. Each of these chips has an 8-bit
wide data bus. Of the five chips, only the 8155 and 8156 may be connected
directly to the 8085 with no intermediate latch because all the necessary glue
logic is within them.

Fig. 2.7 shows a minimal 8085 system containing an 8085AH CPU, 8156H
SRAM and 8755A EEPROM.

Fig. 2.7 – Minimal 8085 system with EEPROM and RAM

 An input section:

This section is responsible for getting input from a user. Input may be commands
or the contents of a program. A matrix keypad/keyboard is usually the main
component in this section. Input may also be through an asynchronous serial
connection with a computer; programs may be loaded into the trainer memory
through such a connection.

When a keypad is used with the 8085, an interfacing chip is usually dedicated to
the task of scanning the keypad regularly and reporting key presses to the 8085.
Often, an Intel 8279 keyboard/display controller is used in 8085 development
boards for this purpose as shown in Fig. 2.8.

Fig. 2.8 – Interfacing an Intel 8279 with an 8x4 matrix keypad

An Intel 8255 I/O chip may also be programmed to scan a keypad. The buttons
on a trainer keypad are typically labelled with commands that perform the
following tasks:

o Display the contents of memory cell-by-cell and allow writing of new data
to memory locations
o Display the contents of each CPU register and allow their alteration
o Allow a user to alter the contents of the program counter and initiate
program execution
o Reset the main CPU

o Allow a user to single-step through a program in memory
o Trigger a CPU hardware interrupt

Fig. 2.9 shows a typical trainer keypad with the some buttons labelled with
functions mentioned earlier.

Fig. 2.9 – A typical 8085 trainer keypad

As can be seen, a typical keypad does not have a decimal digits but rather
hexadecimal digits 0 – F, implying that addresses and data will be entered in hex
format. This is because the convention is to enter assembly code literals in
hexadecimal format rather than decimal format, due to the ease of conversion
to binary format.

When asynchronous serial input is employed, either through an RS-232

connection or some other external driver, an Intel 8251 UART chip is typically
used to interface the 8085 with the external driver, with additional level shifting
provided as needed. A menu may be provided to users in the serial port

monitoring program on the PC, allowing a user to perform all the actions that
can be done with a keypad.

 A display:

As the name implies, this provides a means for a user to view the results of their
interactions with the trainer. It displays the results of user commands or button
presses. The display is usually one or more multiple-digit seven-segment LED
displays; this usually suffices because the display for a trainer is not required to
be particularly expressive. Fig. 2.10 shows a typical display for a microprocessor

Fig. 2.10 – 6-digit seven-segment display for the TLA801 trainer

It comprises a 4-digit SSD and a 2-digit SSD. The 4-digit SSD usually shows the
address and the 2-digit SSD shows the data, whenever the user accesses
memory. This is convenient since the 8085 has an address space of 64K with
addresses ranging from 0000h to FFFFh – no more than 4 digits are needed to
display any address. The 8085 is also an 8-bit CPU, therefore the range of values
for data is from 00h to FFh – no more than 2 digits are needed to display the
contents of any memory location. Thus, the width of the display depends
entirely on the range of values to be displayed. SSDs are used in many 8085
trainers because they are easily driven by the 8085 through the support chips

that can act as display controllers such as the 8279. SSDs are limited though
since they are naturally intended to display decimal digits and

Some trainers employ LCDs which provide more freedom in terms of what can
be displayed but also require more complexity in driving them. Therefore, 8085-
driven LCDs are typically character LCDs, as shown in Fig. 2.11, because of their
relatively simple interface.

Fig. 2.11 - A 16x2 character LCD in the BT-85 trainer

 I/O Peripherals:

Peripheral devices such as LEDs and switches may be provided to the user as a
means of interaction between the input 8085 programs and the outside world.
These peripheral devices serve as general purpose input and output to provide
physical input or visualize the results of user programs. I/O devices cannot be
driven directly by microprocessors since they do not have latches to hold output
data nor do they have the current sourcing and sinking capability. Instead I/O
driver chips like the Intel 8255 serve as an interface between the microprocessor
buses and the I/O devices.

I/O devices may be memory-mapped or I/O-mapped. Memory-mapped I/O
devices share the same address space with RAM and ROM. They may be written
to or read from just like any memory location with the same instructions (such
as MOV, LDA, STA, etc.). I/O-mapped I/O devices have a separate address space
and may only be accessed through special IN and OUT instructions.

The Intel 8255 is a programmable peripheral interface designed for use with
Intel microprocessors [13]. It has three 8-bit programmable I/O ports – ports A,
B and C. It has no real address bus but its data bus is connected to that of the
8085. The 8255 has a Chip Select pin which is used to enable communication
between itself and the 8085. Address decode logic is required to decode the
assigned base address of the peripheral device to a single CS signal. Any port
may be selected based on the combination of signals on its A0 and A1 pins.

Fig. 2.12 – Intel 8255 pin-out diagram

Fig. 2.12 illustrates the pin-out configuration of the Intel 8255. LEDs may not be
driven directly from its ports since they have very limited drive capability.

Instead, an I/O pin may drive a typical BJT, which will in turn drive an LED or
some other output device.


This section describes the necessary interfacing needed for the Intel 8085 to
function properly. It describes a minimal system comprising an 8085 and a
generic compatible SRAM.


The recommended reset circuit of an Intel 8085 typically consists of a diode,

resistor and capacitor as shown in Fig. 2.13:

Fig. 2.13 – Intel 8085 Power-on Reset Circuit [7]

The capacitor acts to reduce the rise time of VCC on the RESET_IN pin when the
8085 is powered up while the resistor controls the rate of capacitor charging and
as a pull-up resistor as well. On power-on, the capacitor charges through the
resistor and will be at 63% of VCC (3.15 V) after one time constant, which depends
on the values of R1 and C1. The minimum input-high voltage for a reset signal is
2.4 V [7]. This means the device will have left the reset state before t = τ after

If the recommended values are used:

𝜏 = 𝑅𝐶 = 75 × 103 × 10−6 = 75 𝑚𝑠

The minimum time for the 8085 to exit reset state is given by:

2.4 𝑡
= 0.48 = 1 − 𝑒 −𝜏

0.52 = 𝑒 −𝑡/𝜏

−ln 0.52 = = 0.6539

𝑡 = 0.6539 ∗ 𝜏 = 0.6539 ∗ 75 𝑚𝑠 = 49.04 𝑚𝑠

Thus, after the 8085 is powered with a VCC of 5 V, it will take at least 49
milliseconds for the 8085 to begin program execution at the reset vector. The
microprocessor may be reset again at any time by applying a LOW signal directly
to the RESET_IN pin. This causes the capacitor to rapidly discharge through the
low impedance of the applied GND signal. Therefore, placing the CPU into the
reset state is a lot faster than releasing it from the reset state. The RESET_OUT
pin of the 8085 is typically connected to the reset inputs of the other system
components so that a reset of the 8085 causes a reset of the entire system.

A reset on the 8085 clears the Program Counter and tri-states the buses. The
8085 remains in reset state for as long as a LOW signal is applied to the RESET


A clock is necessary for any microprocessor to sequence its operations and

synchronize the operations of the other components of the system. The typical
clock sources are:

o Quartz crystal of at least 1 MHz as in Fig. 2.14

Fig. 2.14 – Quartz crystal clock circuit

Crystal frequency should be twice the desired internal clock frequency.

o An LC tuned circuit as in Fig. 2.15

Fig. 2.15 – LC tuned circuit clock driver

o An RC circuit as in Fig. 2.16

Fig. 2.16 – RC circuit clock driver

o An generic external clock signal as in Fig. 2.17

Fig. 2.17: 1 – 12 MHz external clock driver circuit

The 8085 has a CLK output pin which can be used to provide a clock signal to the
system components; this may be considered as the system frequency. The
frequency is the same as the internal clock frequency.


The address bus is 16 bits wide, with the lower 8 bits multiplexed with the data
bus. When interfacing with memory or I/O devices:

o The high-order byte of the address bus is connected directly to the high-
order byte of the address bus of the system components.
o The low-order byte of the address bus is typically connected to an octal
latch, whose output is then connected to the low-order byte of the
address bus. The latch is enabled through the ALE pin of the CPU. A falling
edge on the ALE pin latches the inputs of the octal latch of its outputs.
This occurs in the first clock cycle of a machine cycle. For the rest of the
machine cycle, the low-order byte of the address bus functions as the data
bus and is connected directly to the data bus of the system components.
Fig. 2.18 illustrates the interfacing circuit between the A/D bus of an 8085
and memory using the typical 74LS373 octal latch.

Fig. 2.18 – Intel 8085 address and data bus interface


The control bus comprises the signals used by the CPU to coordinate the
operations of the system components. These include the following:

 𝑅𝐷
̅̅̅̅, 𝑊𝑅
̅̅̅̅̅, 𝐼𝑂/𝑀

̅ signal is used by the CPU to select a memory or I/O device; a LOW

The 𝐼𝑂/𝑀
signal selects memory while a HIGH signal indicates an I/O operation is to be
performed. This signal may be connected directly to memory and I/O devices if
they have a provision for it, else the signal may pass through address-decode
̅̅̅̅ and 𝑊𝑅
logic before ultimately selecting the right device. The 𝑅𝐷 ̅̅̅̅̅ signals are

active-LOW signals. They are connected to memory and I/O devices and are used
by the CPU to indicate a read or write operation to the selected device.



The READY signal is an active-HIGH input signal used by slower system

components to introduce wait-states in the program execution flow of the 8085.
When unused, it should be connected to VCC. HOLD is an active-HIGH input signal

is used by other system components to request the control of the system buses
̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ is an active-LOW output signal which is asserted by the
from the CPU. 𝐻𝐿𝐷𝐴
8085 when it is ready to relinquish the bus to a requestor.


̅ , to
The S0 and S1 signals of the 8085 may be used, in combination with 𝐼𝑂/𝑀
determine the current machine cycle status of the 8085. Table 2.1 interprets the
possible status signals to indicate the current operation being performed by the

Table 2.1 – Interpretation of the status signals of the Intel 8085


The 8085 has 5 hardware interrupt sources:

o INTR – A general-purpose interrupt

o RST5.5, RST6.5, RST7.5 – These are maskable RESTART interrupts,
arranged in the order of increasing priority. They cause the CPU to branch
to some pre-set address.
o TRAP – This is a non-maskable RESTART interrupt and has the highest
interrupt priority

When unused, the interrupt pins should be tied to GND since they are all active-
HIGH inputs.


This chapter reviewed past work on microprocessor trainers, especially those

based on the Intel 8085. It also detailed the different components of a
microprocessor trainer, as well as the necessary interfacing for an Intel 8085 in
a microprocessor-based system.



This chapter details the rationale behind the design choices made in this project
as well as the methods employed to achieve the goal of the project.


To design and construct an Intel 8085 microprocessor trainer:

 With the minimal capabilities of accepting user programs in machine

code, executing them and displaying the results in a modern intuitive
 That can be manufactured relatively cheaply, compared to existing
 That can be powered by common AA batteries or AC mains
 With at least one I/O peripheral


The following factors were considered in the design of the microprocessor


 Cost

The cost of manufacturing the trainers was one of the primary factors
considered during the design process. Manufacturing a trainer, from PCB
fabrication to assembling, has to be inexpensive enough for the department to
seriously consider doing so in large quantities.

 Ease of use

A microprocessor trainer must be easy to use and intuitive considering that it is

intended for students who have most likely had no prior experience with

programming. The traditional trainer interface does not offer much in terms of
help to inexperienced students. This is an important factor that must be
considered especially in a country like Nigeria, with a high rate of ICT-illiteracy.

 Power dissipation

For the trainer to be battery-powered, it must have a low power dissipation. This
means the components of the system must draw little current, not only to
conserve battery power but also because excessive current draw reduces the
terminal voltage of the batteries and increases heat dissipation within the
regulators in the circuit.

 Compatibility

As much this project is intended to be an improvement on existing trainers in

terms of user interface, it must also offer some backward compatibility to
existing trainers so that students and technologists can easily adapt to using


The desired specifications for the resultant microprocessor trainer of this project
are as follows:

 An internal system frequency of 500 kHz for the Intel 8085

 2K x 8 static RAM, of which at least 1k will be user RAM
 One switch and one LED as I/O-mapped I/O devices
 A hexadecimal keypad that also contains all the relevant commands for
operating the trainer
 An intuitive LCD display
 An independent system monitor that will act as the system front-end and
also control all trainer operations

 A power supply circuit that can accept a maximum of 12 V DC from any
source, whether rectified AC or batteries, and output the voltages needed
for the trainer to function
 A maximum current draw of 100 mA at any instant


This section details the design choices and procedure in the hardware design
process of the microprocessor trainer. Fig. 3.1 illustrates a block diagram of the
microprocessor trainer.






Fig. 3.1 – Block diagram of the Intel 8085 trainer


Below, in Table 3.1, is the list of electronic components used in the construction
of the microprocessor trainer:

Table 3.1 – Bill of materials for the Intel 8085 trainer


Intel 8085AH-2 microprocessor 1 DIL-40
HM6116ALP-3 SRAM 1 DIL-24
Intel 8255A PPI 1 DIL-40
74HC373 octal latch 1 DIL-20
74LS138 3-to-8 line decoder 1 DIL-16
PIC18F4520 microcontroller 1 DIL-40
MCP23S17 GPIO expander 1 DIL-28
1.8” 128x160 TFT display with ST7735 1 SIL-16
4x5 membrane matrix keypad 1 SIL-9
LM2940 LDO regulator 1 TO-220
LM1117 LDO regulator 1 TO-220
BC547 NPN transistor 1 TO-92
IN4148 diode 1
0.1uF ceramic capacitor 10 2mm pitch
22pF ceramic capacitor 1
1nF ceramic capacitor 1
0.47uF electrolytic capacitor 1
1uF electrolytic capacitor 2
22uF electrolytic capacitor 1
1 MHz quartz crystal 1

68kΩ resistor 1
10kΩ resistor 5
1.8kΩ resistor 1
33kΩ resistor 1
1kΩ resistor 6
330Ω resistor 2
Red LED 2
SPST push-button 1
5.5x2.1mm barrel jack 1
TO-220 heat sink 2
DIL-40 socket 3
Wide DIL-24 socket 1
DIL-16 socket 1
DIL-28 socket 1
DIL-20 socket 1
SIL-16 header 1
SIL-9 header 1
SIL-4 header 1



The Intel 8085 is the CPU under study in this project. The trainer is built around
it. Its internal clock frequency was chosen to be 500 kHz so that the 8-MIPS
monitor can easily track the 8085’s operations on the buses. A quartz crystal was
chosen to provide the clock signal due to the simplicity of the clock circuit as
well as the inherent stability of quartz crystals. The 8085’s clock and reset

circuitry is very similar to what is recommended in its datasheet [7]. Since 8085
interrupts are outside the scope of this project, all the interrupt pins but RST7.5
are tied to GND to prevent any spurious interrupts if left floating. RST7.5 is
connected to the monitor and used to exit the HLT state. The HOLD and READY
pins are both tied to GND and VCC respectively since they are unused and are
best not left floating. The address, data and control buses are interfaced as
described in earlier chapters to memory, I/O and the system monitor. The status
signals are also connected to the monitor.

 Memory

The HM6116ALP-3 was chosen as a memory chip due to its compatibility with
the 8085 buses. Its capacity is 2 KB which is sufficient for a standard student
trainer. The allocated user RAM is 1 KB, which is an improvement on the 256
bytes offered by the existing lab trainers. The 6116 also has fast access time and
easily accommodates the 500 kHz operation of the 8085.

Fig. 3.2 shows the microprocessor, SRAM and octal latch purchased for this

Fig. 3.2 – Intel P8085AH (left), HM6116ALP-3 (top right), 74HC373 (bottom right)

 I/O peripheral

The Intel 8255A is the chosen I/O peripheral due to its availability and 8085-
compatible data and control interface. It offers 3 programmable 8-bit I/O ports.
A 74LS138 decoder was used to decode the bits AD7-AD3 of the 8085 address
̅ pin to yield a single Chip Select signal for the 8255. The use
bus and the 𝐼𝑂/𝑀
̅ pin ensures that the 8255 is an I/O-mapped I/O peripheral. Bits
of the 𝐼𝑂/𝑀
AD1-AD0 are connected to the A1 and A0 pins respectively of the 8255 and are
used to select one of its three I/O ports for read/write operations. Fully decoded,
the I/O base addresses of the 8255 are 30H and 34H. It has 2 addresses because
the address bits are only partially decoded; bit AD2 does not play a part in
selecting the 8255.

An LED and one push-button were connected to the bit 0 of ports A and B
respectively. The LED is not driven directly by the 8255 but rather through a BJT,
since the 8255 lacks the necessary drive current. The button is connected with
RC debounce circuitry. Both LED and pushbutton can be read or written to by IN
and OUT instructions. They were chosen so that students can see some visual
results or provide physical inputs to the programs they write. The reset pin of
the 8255 was connected to the reset pin of the 8085 RESET_OUT pin to ensure
simultaneous reset of both devices every time.

Fig. 3.3 shows the Intel 8255 purchased for this project.

Fig. 3.3 – Intel 8255A 37

 System monitor

This is perhaps the most significant difference between the microprocessor

trainer developed in this project and most existing trainers. The monitor used in
this project is not merely a program residing in EEPROM to be executed by the
8085. It is actually a separate piece of hardware entirely – a PIC18F4520
microcontroller. Employing a separate device as a monitor has a huge advantage
in terms of fast and relatively easy program development. It is a lot easier to
write C programs for an MCU like the PIC18F4520, which has an established and
supported tool-chain, than it is to write assembly programs for the 8085. This is
even more significant when one considers that a microprocessor trainer monitor
program is reasonably complex and would require significant experience in
assembly programming, not to mention considerable time, to design it in that

The PIC18F4520 was chosen for several reasons. The first of these is its 16K
program memory and 1536 bytes of data memory [14], which are sufficient for
this project. It also has an 8 MHz internal clock which may be multiplied by a 4x
internal PLL to yield a clock frequency of 32 MHz. Due to the nature of the PIC
microcontrollers, a 32 MHz clock actually translates to 8 MIPS. Therefore, the
PIC is expected to have no trouble keeping up with the bus activities of the
relatively slow (500 kHz ≈ 0.05 MIPS) 8085 in the former’s duties as system
monitor. The PIC also has 35 I/O pins as well as SPI and UART peripherals, which
are of significant importance in interfacing it with the other components in the
system such as memory and display. The PIC18F4520 is supported by Proteus
thus ensuring easy simulation. The MPLABX IDE, together with the XC8 compiler,
provide a conducive environment for developing the monitor software.

 Keypad

The trainer keypad is supposed to have a button for each hex digit as well as all
the common commands needed to operate the trainer. Based on this factor, at
least 24 buttons are needed for the keypad. However, the common keypads in
online stores are typically 3x4 and 4x4 matrix keypads. Attempts to locally build
a 6x4 button keypad were only partially successful; the assembled PCB was of
poor quality and had switch debouncing issues that were not easily rectified.
Therefore, the closest alternative found on Aliexpress was a 4x5 membrane
matrix keypad, as shown in Fig. 3.4.

Fig. 3.4 – 4x5 membrane keypad from Aliexpress (left),

locally assembled 6x4 keypad (right)

A membrane keypad was advantageous because switch bounce is close to

negligible in such keypads. To get around the problem of not enough buttons, a
few buttons were assigned dual functions in order to make up for the deficit. A
button was programmed to act as the SHIFT button in order to select the
alternative function of the dual-function buttons.

The keypad was interfaced with the PIC18F4520 monitor, through the
MCP23S17 GPIO expander chip. Since a 4x5 matrix keypad would demand 9
digital pins on the monitor, a GPIO expander helps relieve some of this burden.
Only 4 pins are required to control this particular expander chip as opposed to
the 9 pins that would have been used by the keypad if interfaced directly.

The MCP23S17 was chosen for several reasons. It offers two 8-bit configurable
ports which are more than sufficient for the keypad. It also has a straightforward
SPI control interface; indeed, “software SPI” was implemented with ease to
communicate with the I/O expander. This is in contrast with the counterpart
MCP23017 which has an I2C interface – a protocol that is not easily set up on
PIC MCUs when using the hardware peripheral and is not easily implemented in
software either. The MCP23S17 also offers built-in pull-up resistors for its port
pins, thus eliminating the need to wire up resistors externally for the keypad.

 Display

Traditionally, seven segment displays are used as the display device for
microprocessor trainers. They offer easy control for the monitor, especially
when combined with Intel 8279 as a display controller. One must also consider
that the monitor code is typically written in 8085 assembly and it is not trivial to
write a driver for more sophisticated displays in such a language. Trainers also
do not need much in the way of display.

However, since a separate MCU, whose code is written in C instead, takes the
burden of a monitor in this system, it is significantly easier to write code for more
complex devices such as is required for the driver of TFT displays. Therefore, a
1.8” TFT LCD with a resolution of 128x160 pixels was chosen for this project, as
illustrated in Fig. 3.5. It is an attempt to provide a more modern UI in contrast
with the vintage-looking SSDs. A TFT display also offers a more expressive display

– error messages can be more detailed, help messages may be provided, etc. 1.8
inches is large enough for the trainer’s purposes and yet small enough that it
will not consume too much power. The driver for this particular display is the
ST7735 which has an existing library that was easily ported to XC8 C.

Fig. 3.5 – 1.8” 128x160 TFT display

 Power

Power supply is an important consideration in any electronic system. In keeping

with the goals of the project to create a battery-powered trainer, the input to
the trainer is DC from any source up to 12 V through a common barrel jack
connector. There is no AC-DC conversion circuit within the trainer, thus placing
the burden on conversion, if needed, on the user. This allows a user to connect
their own power source, whether 12 VDC from a wall adapter or 6 V from 4xAA
batteries. A slide switch was used as the power switch for the trainer.

An LM2940 LDO regulator is used to step down the input DC voltage to 5 V for
the system components. Another LDO regulator – an LM1117T – further steps
down the 5V to 3.3 V for the TFT display. Linear regulators were chosen as
opposed to switching regulators due to the clean relatively noise-less output
yielded by the former. The output of switching regulators is inherently noisy and
full of high-frequency harmonics which are undesirable in a trainer which routes

high-frequency signals that are vulnerable to EMI. The low efficiency of linear
regulators is acceptable as well as the heat losses, considering the trainer is not
expected to draw any significant current.

The trainer is comprised mostly of ICs driving the high-impedance inputs of other
ICs. The biggest single power consumer is the TFT display which may draw as
much as 50 mA. Therefore, the current drawn by the entire trainer is not
expected to exceed 200 mA at any instant. 0.1uF decoupling capacitors are
connected as close as possible to the power pins of each IC to deal with dips in
VCC during high frequency operation. Decoupling capacitors are also connected
close to the input and output of the regulators to further stabilize their output
and guard against the effects of noise.


A schematic diagram of the entire trainer circuit was drawn up in Eagle CAD 7.3.0
using a combination of the default parts libraries and the Sparkfun libraries. Net
connections were used to make connections between devices in order to avoid
the clutter of wired connections.

A 2-layer PCB was designed in Eagle CAD for the trainer, based on the drawn
schematic. Through-hole packages were used for every component to allow
easy assembly and soldering. Two mounting holes were included for fastening
the PCB to a platform. The trace width was 24 mils for power traces and 10 mils
for other signals. A ground pour was used on the top and bottom layers to
minimize the path to GND for any particular connection and also to aid
decoupling. The dimensions of the final PCB were 7.60 inches x 4.85 inches.


The monitor oversees the operations of the system. Therefore, the monitor
program is the only program of note to be developed for the trainer. This section
details the design process of the monitor software.


The monitor for this trainer is a PIC18F4520 MCU. Its code was developed in C
partly within the Proteus environment and partly within the MPLABX IDE. The
XC8 compiler was used for this project. XC8 is intended for 8-bit Baseline and
Mid-range PIC MCUs. A PICkit 2 programmer was used to burn programs into
the monitor flash memory via ICSP.


Drivers were written for each of the devices which are linked with the monitor.
Existing libraries were ported as in the case of the TFT display and MCP23S17.
Code snippet 3.1 shows the functions that were implemented in order to drive
the TFT display.
void init_screen(void);
void set_window(uint8_t x0, uint8_t y0, uint8_t x1, uint8_t y1);
void fill_screen(uint16_t color);
void draw_pixel(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t color);
void draw_vline(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t h, uint16_t color);
void draw_hline(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, uint16_t color);
void draw_rect(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h, uint16_t color);
void fill_rect(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h, uint16_t color);
void draw_round_rect(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h, int16_t r, uint16_t
void fill_triangle(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, int16_t x2, int16_t y2,
uint16_t color);
void writech(uint8_t c);
void draw_char(int16_t x, int16_t y, unsigned char c, uint16_t color, uint8_t size);
void set_rotation(uint8_t r);
void set_cursor(int16_t x, int16_t y);
void set_text_color(uint16_t c);
uint16_t color_565(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);
void set_text_size(uint8_t s);

Snippet 3.1 – Functions in the TFT driver header file

New libraries were developed for I/O operations on the HM6116, as shown in
Snippet 3.2, and for interacting with the 8085 itself.

void init_mem_interface(void);
void mem_config(char state);
unsigned char read_mem(unsigned int addr);
void write_mem(unsigned int addr, unsigned char dat);
void write_mem_cont(unsigned int start, unsigned char data[], unsigned char len);
void read_mem_cont(unsigned int start, unsigned char buf[], unsigned char len);

Snippet 3.2 – Functions in the SRAM driver header file

A few utility functions were also written for UART debugging, millisecond and
microsecond delays, etc.


There are 4 commands supported by this microprocessor trainer. They are the
minimum required functions needed to achieve the project’s goals. They are as


This command is used to access RAM, view its contents and change them if
needed. The general sequence of events for this command is:

SUBST MEM  Enter an address  NEXT  Enter data (optional)  NEXT 

Enter data (optional)  NEXT  …  EXEC

NEXT and EXEC are buttons on the keypad. NEXT is used to move to the next
address or the next stage of a command whereas EXEC is used to complete a
command and return to the IDLE state of the system. The ellipsis (…) indicates
one can keep moving through memory, altering its contents as needed, till one
gets to the boundary and is returned to the beginning. This command is typically
used to enter programs in machine code into the RAM, byte-by-byte. The hex
keypad is used to enter all literals.

 GO

This command is used to set the contents of the program counter and instruct
the 8085 to begin execution from the specified address. The general sequence
for this command is:

GO  Enter address  EXEC

After EXEC is pressed, the 8085 begins executing the instructions in RAM
beginning from the specified address. It does not stop till it encounters a HLT


This command is used to instruct the trainer to display the contents of the 8085
registers. Each register’s contents are displayed on demand with the NEXT
button used to cycle through the registers. The general sequence of events is:

EXAM REG  (Register A contents are displayed)  NEXT  (Register B

contents are displayed)  NEXT  …  (Stack pointer contents are displayed)

Registers A, B, C, D, E, H, L, flags, Program Counter and Stack Pointer are all

displayed in sequence.


This command serves to reset the 8085 and return the microprocessor trainer
to the IDLE state.


The entire monitor program was designed as a Mealy finite state machine. The
trainer’s operation is very much dependent on user input. The keypad is scanned
constantly to determine the next task to be performed. The tasks themselves

are already known; the user’s inputs only determine which ones are performed
and when they are performed. Also, some commands share some processes in
common – for instance, SUBST MEM and GO commands both collect an address
from the user. A state machine was chosen because it is an effective and
efficient way to define the system, as opposed to lengthy IF-ELSE structures. A
state-machine approach also makes the system modular since the designer is
forced to break down the system into manageable states and their transition

There are 7 possible states as defined in the struct below:

typedef enum {
} State_Type;

Snippet 3.3 – The possible states of the monitor

There are also 7 functions, one for each state:

void (*state_table[])() = {entering_idle,


Snippet 3.4 – State machine functions

On start-up, the monitor performs the following tasks in the main() function:

o Set the PIC clock source and enable the 4xPLL

o Places the 8085 in reset state
o Initialize UART debugging

o Initialize the keypad interface
o Initialize the TFT display
o Initialize the memory interface and configure it for R/W operations
o Initialize interrupts needed for capturing ALE events

In the main() function, a while loop runs indefinitely, executing the transition
function for the current state. A variable is defined to keep track of the current
state of the monitor. The default state on system start-up is the ENTERING_IDLE
state which just clears the display and prints “READY” on the screen before
proceeding to the IDLE state. The ENTERING_IDLE state is executed only once at
any given time and serves merely as a precursor to prepare the system before
immediately proceeding to the IDLE state.

While in any state, each time the state transition function is called, the keypad
is scanned once and if there are any pressed buttons, a decision is made to
proceed to another state or perform some action if the pressed button is one of
the currently allowed inputs. If the pressed button is not one of the allowed
inputs, it is merely ignored or in a few cases, an error message is raised and the
system returns to ENTERING_IDLE state.

A summary of the states and their allowable inputs is presented below:

ENTERING_IDLE: There are no allowed inputs. Its function is executed only once
before it updates the current state to IDLE.

IDLE_STATE: In this state, the keypad is polled to obtain the user’s command.
The allowed inputs are the SHIFT, SUBST_MEM, EXAM_REG, GO, RESET buttons.

SUBST_MEM: In this state, the RAM address, whose contents are to be

examined or altered, is entered by the user. The next state is typically the
ENTER_DATA state. The allowed inputs are the HEX_KEY, NEXT, RESET buttons.

ENTER_DATA: In this state, the user enters the data to be filled into the current
memory location or simply advances to the next location without changing
anything. The allowed inputs are the SHIFT, HEX_KEY, NEXT, EXEC, RESET
buttons. NEXT advances to the next address while EXEC returns the monitor to
the ENTERING_IDLE state.

GOTO_ADDR: In this state, the address intended for the Program Counter is
entered and execution begins when the NEXT button is pressed. The monitor
preloads a JMP instruction to the specified address at the 8085 reset vector in
RAM and releases the 8085 from the reset state. The allowable inputs are the

WAITING_MPU: In this state, the monitor regularly polls the status pins S1 and
S0 of the 8085 to know when a HLT instruction has been encountered, signalling
the end of execution and the tri-stating of the 8085’s A/D and control pins. When
execution is done, this monitor proceeds to the IDLE_STATE from this state. The
only allowable input is the RESET button which is useful if the user wishes to
terminate the 8085’s execution process.

EXAM_REG: In this state, the current contents of the CPU registers are obtained
from the 8085 and stored in an array in the monitor memory.

 Managing user program execution

Executing a program is only half the task. A user must be able to inspect memory
and the CPU registers, to determine the results of their program. Inspecting
RAM is no problem at all since it is entirely separate from the CPU and easily
accessible by the monitor through the shared bus. It is imperative that the
monitor checks that the CPU bus pins are tri-stated, in the HALT or RESET state,
before attempting to access memory. However, examining the CPU registers is

not as straightforward. Extracting the contents of the 8-bit registers A – L is easy
enough using ‘MOV M, R’ instructions to export the register contents to RAM.
But there are no such direct instructions to obtain the contents of the flag
register or the 16-bit registers. The initial approach involved monitoring the
8085 ALE and status signals during user program execution. The falling edge of
the ALE signal served as an interrupt source to the PIC to determine when to
sample the address bus during the op-code fetch machine cycle and so
constantly capture the address in the Program Counter, right until the program

To get the contents of the other registers, an 8085 program was designed to
copy the 8085 register contents to RAM and also push some data onto the stack
in order to also capture the Stack Pointer contents. This program is executed
immediately after the PIC monitor detects that the user’s program had HLTed.
A PUSH PSW instruction followed by a POP PSW, while monitoring the address
lines, was used to obtain to Stack Pointer contents and, subsequently, the flag
register contents. The contents of the other registers are easily obtained with
‘MOV M, R’ instructions.

This method was not successful however. With an 8085 cycle period of 2
microseconds, according to the datasheet [7], the lower address byte (AD0 –
AD7) must be held on the bus for at least 0.95 microseconds after the trailing
edge of ALE. 0.95 microseconds is equivalent to 7.6 PIC instruction cycles at 8
MIPS. Assuming the 8085 adhered this minimum HOLD time, this means that the
monitor, upon detection of falling ALE, must proceed to its interrupt routine and
sample the bus all within this time window. The monitor must also check that
the current machine cycle is the op-code fetch cycle, if the PC contents are of
interest, or if the current cycle is the memory-write cycle after a PUSH, if the SP

contents are desired. Considering that interrupt latency is between 3 – 4 cycles
for the monitor and the monitor program was written in C, compiled by the free
XC8 compiler with few optimizations, in contrast with tightly optimized
assembly, the monitor was simply unable to keep up with the 8085. Too many
instructions are executed in the ISR causing ALE events to be missed. Well-
written inline assembly may be more effective but this approach was discarded
in favour of a less demanding and more elegant solution.

The final solution relied on three vectors to function: the RST 0 vector, the RST
1 vector and the RST 7.5 vector. The RST 0 vector is the starting point of the CPU
after it is released from RESET. The RST 7.5 vector is the address to which the
CPU branches after an RST 7.5 interrupt. The RST 1 vector is the restart address
for an RST 1 software interrupt. Fig. 3.6 shows the system memory map.

Fig. 3.6 – System memory map

As can be seen in Fig. 3.6, while entering data or programs into memory, users
are only permitted to access addresses from 0x0050 to the end of available RAM
at 0x07ff. The section of memory preceding 0x0050 (80 bytes) is used by the
monitor as a sort of scratchpad to manage the CPU, leaving 1968 bytes for user
RAM. However, these bounds are not strictly enforced because a user program
could still access these addresses through the usual data transfer instructions;
the intent here is to prevent accidental interference of the monitor’s operations
and not a determined user.

Users enter programs into memory with the SUBST MEM command and execute
the programs with the GO command by indicating the start address for their
program. When the EXEC button is pressed, the monitor loads two programs
into memory for the CPU. The first program is intended to initialize the 8085
Stack Pointer to its last known value; if the CPU is about to be released from
RESET, the Stack Pointer is set to 0x07ff which is the end of user RAM, else it is
set to the value from the previous execution. The program also includes an
unconditional JMP that makes the 8085 proceed to the start of the user’s
program and begin executing it.

LXI SP, [addr]

JMP [user_prog]

Snippet 3.5 – Initialization program

The memory address where this initialization program is loaded depends on the
CPU’s state. If the 8085 is still in RESET, the program is loaded at the reset vector
whereas if the 8085 is in the HALT state, the program is loaded at the RST 7.5
vector. As mentioned earlier, an RST 7.5 hardware interrupt, in the form of a
rising edge, is used to ‘wake’ the 8085 from the HALT state; it pushes the
Program Counter contents onto the stack and proceeds to the RST 7.5 restart

address. This is the reason why any initialization program must be placed at the
RST 7.5 vector, if the CPU is to be released from the HALT state.

The second program handles the post-execution process. It is responsible for

extracting the contents of the CPU registers, enabling the RST 7.5 interrupt in
preparation for the next user program execution, and eventually HALTing the

An effort is made to ensure that all register contents presented to the user are
exactly as expected, assuming the CPU executed the user program alone. When
the next program executes, the contents of the registers must also be the same
as they were immediately after the previous user program execution. The only
exception is the PC whose contents are irrelevant to the next user program since
the user will provide a new start address for the GO command anyways.

In the second program, the contents of the HL register pair are first saved to
RAM with the SHLD instruction and then a memory address in the monitor RAM
is loaded into the register pair. The contents of the general-purpose registers
are obtained with successive ‘MOV M, R’ instructions that transfer them to RAM;
the address in the HL pair is incremented after each transfer.

LXI H, 00H

Snippet 3.6 – Post-execution program

The process of obtaining the Stack Pointer’s contents provide access to the
contents of the remaining flag register and Program Counter. To obtain the SP’s
value, the HL register pair is loaded with 0x00 and a ‘DAD SP’ instruction is
executed, which adds the Stack Pointer contents to the HL pair contents and
stores the result in the HL pair. This has the effect of storing the SP’s contents in
the HL register pair, from where it can be easily exported to RAM with the SHLD
instruction. A PUSH PSW is used to extract the flag register contents and a POP
PSW is then executed to counter the PUSH. The LHLD instruction is used to
restore the contents of the HL register pair from their saved location. Finally,
interrupts are enabled with EI and the interrupt masks are set with SIM and the
8085 is HALTed to await the next user program or a RESET.

This post-execution program is loaded at the RST 1 address; this address is fixed
and independent of the CPU’s state. Therefore, in order for this program to be
executed immediately after the user program as desired, the user must
terminate their program with the RST 1 instruction i.e. 0xCF must be the last
byte in any user program so that the CPU branches to the RST 1 address without
any interference. Before branching to this vector, the CPU places the PC
contents on the stack. This means that when the SP contents are deduced in the
post-execution program, the PC contents can be easily gotten since they lie just
below the flag register contents in memory, after the latter have been obtained
with the post-execution PUSH/POP.

A C function in the monitor handles the aggregation of all the register contents
into two arrays – one for the 8-bit registers and another for the 16-bit registers.
When the user presses the EXAM_REG button, the monitor presents the
contents of each register from the array, advancing with each press of the NEXT
button. The allowable inputs here are the SHIFT, NEXT, EXEC, RESET buttons.

EXEC terminates the examination of the register contents and returns the
monitor to the ENTERING_IDLE state.

Note that HEX_KEY above refers to any of the hexadecimal digits 0 – F on the
keypad. Fig. 3.7 on the next page illustrates the entire state machine of the
monitor. The labels along the transition lines represent the state inputs,
whereas the label within each circle represent the name of that state. For
instance, while in the IDLE state, an input of exam_reg causes a transition from
the IDLE state to the EXAM_REG state. In almost all cases, the state inputs are
actually button presses from the user. The only exceptions are: the transition
from ENTERING_IDLE to IDLE_STATE which occurs automatically and the
transition from WAITING_MPU to ENTERING_IDLE which is dependent on when
the 8085 encounters a HLT instruction or is reset by the user. The double-circle
around ENTERING_IDLE indicate it is the reset state of the system; all button
presses of RESET from any other state lead back to ENTERING_IDLE.


This chapter detailed the factors considered in designing the hardware and
software of the Intel 8085 microprocessor trainer. It presented the hardware
design process all the way to the printed circuit board design and also explained
the thought process in producing the software and its overall architecture.

Fig. 3.7 – Overall FSM of the microprocessor trainer monitor




This section presents the unit and integration testing performed on the
constructed prototypes as well as the results obtained from the tests.

Most of the tests performed were centred on the PIC18F4520 monitor. The
hardware UART debug port of the PIC was invaluable in displaying the results of
tests. A PICkit 2 served not only as a programmer but also to supply power to
the test circuits and as a USB-UART converter through the ‘UART tool’ in the
PICkit 2 application. This enabled easy programming of the monitor and
subsequent testing.

The tests in this section were all performed on a large platform which held 4
breadboards arranged side by side.

o Keypad test:

The PIC18F4520 monitor was interfaced with the GPIO expander and 4x5 keypad
on a breadboard to test input capability. This was easily achieved especially since
the keypad is a membrane keypad and so did not require much in the way of

o Display test:

The monitor was also interfaced successfully with the TFT LCD via ‘bit-banged’
SPI. The ported Adafruit drivers made this task considerably easier. Therefore,
at this stage, input and display for the monitor were functional.

o SRAM test:

The monitor was then interfaced with the SRAM and a program was written to
test the memory. The test program basically wrote a unique byte to each of the
first 256 addresses and then read back the data from the memory. Both the
written and read bytes for each address were printed in two columns to the
debug port and displayed in the ‘UART Tool’ of the PICkit 2 application. The bytes
were then compared visually to ensure that they were the same. These tests
were successful; the same values that were written to the SRAM were also read
from it.

o 8085 free run test:

Next, a free run test was performed with the Intel 8085. This test is intended to
find out if the 8085 is functional; one is expected to observe the 8085 as it runs
through its address space. The interrupt pins are connected to GND. The HOLD
and READY pins are connected to GND and VCC respectively. The data bus was
tied to GND through 10k pull-up resistors so that the 8085 seems to fetch only
NOP instructions from memory. A 4 MHz crystal was used to generate the 8085
clock signal for this test. The A15 and A14 pins were connected to the PGD and
PGC pins of the PICkit 2 programmer, now serving as a logic analyzer. The signals
on both pins were viewed in the PICkit 2 application and a rectangular pulse train
was observed on each pin with the frequency of A14’s signal twice that of A15.
This is sufficient proof that the 8085 was functional.


o Integration on a breadboard:

Then the 8085 was connected to the existing A/D bus of the monitor and the
SRAM test was executed again. This time, the test was not successful. Wrong

values were either written to or read from the SRAM, resulting in different
values in the byte columns printed through the serial port.

Since an oscilloscope was unavailable, the cause of this issue could not be
determined with exactitude. However, it is most likely due to a combination of
different factors such as:

- Long DuPont cables and breadboard conductors which introduce parasitic

capacitance that distorts the parallel bus signals,
- Crosstalk between so many wires with fast-moving signals clustered
together. Other possibilities include weak connections or wiring mistakes.

Whatever the cause, at this point, it was decided that it would be best to design
a PCB which was expected to resolve these problems.

o Integration tests on a Vero board

The monitor portion of the circuit was assembled on a Vero board in order to
provide proof-of-concept for the software design. This test involved the
PIC18F4520, the keypad and I/O expander and the TFT LCD. The state machine
was implemented and uploaded to the monitor. The test was successful. The
state machine was implemented perfectly and the monitor stepped through
each state based on user input. A dummy 8085 program was entered into the
system and was ‘executed’. The CPU registers could be examined and RAM could
be modified. These are all emulated by the monitor test program.

Fig. 4.1 shows the test circuit running on 5 V supplied by a USB-connected

Fig. 4.1 – Monitor FSM running on a Vero board

The circuit was also tested with a battery pack of 3 AA batteries and worked

o Integration tests on a PCB

The fabricated but unassembled PCB of the entire microprocessor trainer is

shown in Fig. 4.2.

Fig. 4.2 – The fabricated microprocessor trainer PCB

The PCB was assembled and soldered without issues. Most of the iterative
process of firmware development involving the 8085 occurred at this stage.
Because an ICSP header was omitted in the PCB design, the PIC monitor had to
be unplugged from the PCB, programmed on a breadboard and plugged back
into the PCB.

The fabricated PCB was slightly flawed. When designing the schematic, two ICs
were inadvertently excluded from the data bus shared by the rest of the system.
The chips, SRAM and PPI, were accidentally omitted in a change of net names
for the data bus and this was reflected in the PCB design. This mistake was only
discovered after the PCB had been assembled and attempts to perform R/W
operations on the SRAM failed inexplicably. To fix the problem, jumpers were

soldered beneath the board, from the SRAM to the octal latch, to link the
omitted chips with the rest of the system data bus. The schematic in the
Appendices reflects this correction, though the PCB design is still the same one
that was fabricated.

This workaround presented significant problems however. The wires were long
and springy. Insecure solder joints had to be held in place with hot glue, marring
the surface of the board further. Crosstalk was the main obstacle though. Bit D5
on the data bus was particularly susceptible, going HIGH if enough bits around
it are also HIGH. Eventually, the D5 wire was soldered along a separate path,
from the PPI to the 8085, in order to fix the crosstalk issue. However, a twisted-
pair approach, coupled with short wiring over continuous ground pours, would
have prevented these issues, if there had been sufficient foresight or PCB design
experience beforehand.

The original TFT display for which the board was designed got damaged before
the PCB arrived. The only readily available TFT LCD had a different pin-out and
so did not fit into the existing SIL-16 header on the PCB. It had to be connected
to the header with jumpers. Also, this display required a 5 V supply, as there was
already a 3.3 V regulator built-in with the LCD. This means the LM1117T on the
designed PCB was no longer needed and so its output was shorted to its input
to supply the LCD with 5 V. Some of the resistor values on the PCB were changed
during assembly, as well.

Eventually, with the system working as expected, an enclosure was designed for
the trainer. Acrylic was chosen because it is easily workable and generally
aesthetically pleasing. Figs. 4.3 and 4.4 show the completely assembled trainer
in its enclosure, powered by 4 AA batteries in a battery pack.

Fig. 4.3 – Completely assembled Intel 8085 trainer (top)

Fig. 4.4 – Completely assembled Intel 8085 trainer (side)

Current measurements were taken from start-up through user program

execution till the trainer was turned off. The current drawn by the trainer
fluctuated between 190 mA and 220 mA. With the LED on, the current rises by
8 mA. The LDO regulator kept the voltage output reasonably stable at 5V.


Below is a summary of the results of the project in terms of its objectives:

o Cost Minimization

The foremost goal for this project was the minimization of the cost of obtaining
an Intel 8085 microprocessor trainer. On the one hand, the price for a common
Intel 8085 trainer manufactured in India is about 4400 INR [15] which is roughly
equivalent to 21000 NGN, using the current exchange rate. On the other hand,
the cost of the fabricated PCBs for this project was 22 USD; 5 boards were
fabricated, equivalent to a unit cost of 4.4 USD. Many of the components used
for this project could not be sourced locally within Nigeria. However, they may
be bought cheaply on Aliexpress for under 30 USD.

Table 5.1 – Cost of the electronic components used for this project

Item Unit cost in USD

P8085AH 0.78
HM6116 0.89
PIC18F4520 2.80
Intel 8255A 3.50
1.8” TFT LCD 4.65
4x5 matrix keypad 5
Misc. 10 USD

Table 5.1 gives the cost of the components used in this project, based on prices. Of course, some of these components cannot be bought
in single quantities but must be bought in bulk. Yet, the total cost of the

components and the PCB seem to be about 35 USD which is roughly equivalent
to 11200 NGN – almost half the price of the trainer from India.

One could argue that the trainer from India has a lot more features and is better
designed than the trainer designed in this project and one would be right. Yet,
the aim of the project is to develop a trainer with the minimal capabilities
needed for students to learn microprocessor architecture and programming.
Even with the existing trainers in the lab, only their basic features are employed
in practical sessions, so it is more sensible to manufacture trainers with only the
features that will definitely be used. In future, perhaps these additional
capabilities may be added to further educate students. But it is clear that this
project accomplished its primary goal of constructing a relatively cheap Intel
8085 trainer.

o Functionality

The trainer faithfully accepts user programs, executes them and allows
inspection of memory and the CPU registers. Test programs to add 2 numbers
and store the result in RAM and also to blink the on-board LED were written to
verify that the 8085 is functional and the trainer works as expected. Thus, the
fundamental features of a trainer were implemented. A switch and an LED were
also included to act as physical I/O peripherals for users.

o User interface and compatibility

The trainer constructed in this project further improved on the expressiveness

of existing trainers, provided a more modern-looking display and was
completely compatible, in terms of commands, with the existing trainers in the

o Power supply and consumption

An AA battery pack or the DC output of an AC adapter may be used to power the

constructed trainer. This liberates students from the yoke of being subject to the
whims of the national power distribution system and from having to buy
gasoline for every practical session. Anyone can come with their batteries, use
the trainer and, when they are done, depart with the batteries. A 4-pin header
was also provided so that power may be supplied to the circuit without plugging
into the jack.

At worst, the trainer consumes power of 0.23A × 5V = 1.15 W and energy in one
hour equivalent to 1.15Wh. The amount of power dissipated within the
regulator at any point depends on the voltage at that point and reduces with
input voltage. A typical combination of 4 fresh AA batteries each with a capacity
of 0.8Ah and voltage 1.7 V would have stored energy approximately equivalent
to 1.7 × 4 × 0.8 = 5.44Wh. However, these batteries would only remain useful so
long as their combined voltage is above the sum of 5 V and the dropout voltage
of the on-board 5V regulator. The LM2940-N has a drop-out of about 0.15 V [16]
when current output is 0.23A. Therefore, neglecting cell internal resistance, the
usable energy is ((1.7 × 4) – 5.15) × 0.8 = 1.32Wh. Considering regulator power
dissipation, if the worst input-output voltage difference and current are
assumed, the dissipated power is ((1.7 × 4) – 5) × 0.23 = 0.414 W and if this is
assumed constant for an hour, the wasted energy would be 0.414Wh.
Subtracting this from the usable battery energy, the result is 1.32 – 0.414 =
0.906Wh which may be used by the trainer. Therefore, the trainer may be used
continuously for at least 0.906Wh ÷ 1.15W ≈ 0.79 hours ≈ 47 minutes before the
batteries are drained. This is long enough for any single practical session,
especially if the trainer is turned off when not in use.


The 8085 CPU gradually heats up as soon as power is applied to the circuit. No
short-circuits were discovered and the trainer performs as expected most times,
though a certain program involving an endless loop returned not long after its
execution began. Due to time constraints, the cause of this problem could not
be narrowed down. Any further tests in future research will require new PCBs
wherein the current PCB issues have been fixed in order to eliminate them as
potential problem sources.

Since the current monitor RAM block encompasses the hardware and software
interrupt vectors, users are deprived of interrupt capabilities in the programs
they execute. Students should have practical knowledge of how CPUs handle
interrupts so a future improvement could involve the re-allocation of monitor
RAM to some block perhaps near the end of memory, rather than at the start.
Access to a hardware interrupt for users is another possible improvement, in
keeping with the features already offered by current trainers.

The major drawback of using a separate hardware monitor is the additional

connections that must be made between the monitor and the 8085 buses in
order for it to succeed as a monitor. If single-stepping is to be eventually
implemented, 8085 bus operations have to be intercepted every instruction
cycle in order for the PIC to follow the execution process. This requires delicate
timing to, for instance, track each falling edge of the ALE signal to obtain the
addresses placed by the 8085 on the bus. If external interrupts are used for the
PIC to register events, the interrupt latency must be low enough and the ISR
must be as brief as possible, else events will be missed.

Other issues include the extra power consumed by the separate monitor, as well
as the additional line capacitance and inductance introduced by connecting one

more device to the system buses. However, these demerits are surmountable
and well balanced by the ease of program development and maintenance for an
MCU monitor.




The major constraint in this project was the time wasted in waiting for electronic
components to arrive from China. Due to this unavoidable delay, a lot of time,
perhaps too much time, was spent on carefully selecting the components that
would be needed in order to prevent any mistakes. This is coupled with the time
taken to negotiate with sellers, place an order and then wait for the arrival of
the items. In all, at least a month, and usually more, is spent from concept to
arrival of the items. This greatly delayed firmware development. Despite all this,
the project was completed with moderate success and it achieved its objectives
with few issues. The trainer’s current draw is not as low as hoped but is still
within bounds and sustainable for a reasonable amount of time on cheap
batteries, as intended.


If the fabrication of these trainers is taken up by the department, it is

recommended that all PCB assembly and firmware development be done by
students under the supervision of lecturers and technologists. Thus, not only
would cheap trainers be manufactured for the use of students but also the
students will learn a great deal about electronics in general during development
process. Hopefully, this should improve the quality of ECE engineers produced
by this university and help strengthen the nation’s technological stance in the
long run.


[1] A. K. Maini, Digital Electronics, West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2007.

[2] Future Electronics, “Microcontroller and Microprocessor,” Future Electronics, [Online].

microprocessor/microcontroller-microprocessor.aspx. [Accessed 1 October 2016].

[3] “KIM-1 Computer,” 2002. [Online]. Available: [Accessed

1 October 2016].

[4] Intel Corporation, MCS-85 System Design Kit manual, California: Intel Corporation, 1978.

[5] The Glitch Works, “Building an 8085 Single Board Computer,” 2 September 2010. [Online].
Available: [Accessed 9 October 2016].

[6] M. Graybill, “MAG-85: An 8085 CPU Microprocessor Project,” 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 11 October 2016].

[7] Intel Corporation, Intel 8085AH Datasheet, 1993.

[8] M. Horvath, “Tutorial on Introduction to 8085 Architecture and Programming,” [Online].

[Accessed 15 October 2016].

[9] Grade Stack, “Classification of Interrupts,” [Online]. Available:
3912-38133-study-wtw. [Accessed 16 October 2016].

[10] EDITS WORLD, “RISC and CISC,” 2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 16 October 2016].

[11] “Instruction Set and Format,” [Online]. Available: [Accessed 16 October

[12] I. Poole, “EEPROM Technology,” Adrio Communications Ltd, [Online]. Available:
[Accessed 16 October 2016].

[13] Intel Corporation, Intel 8255A Programmable Peripheral Interface, 1993.

[14] Microchip Technology Inc., PIC18F2420/2520/4420/4520 Datasheet, Microchip Technology

Inc., 2004.

[15] RBA Engineering, “Price List,” [Online]. Available:

[Accessed 20 October 2016].

[16] Texas Instruments, “LM2940x 1-A Low Dropout Regulator (Rev. J),” 2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 11 November 2016].

The schematic (corrected), PCB design (flawed version), monitor code and
drivers and all relevant documentation are hosted online at

This sample program loads two numbers (0x6E and 0x64) into registers A and B,
adds them and stores the result in register A as well as at an address in RAM.

MVI A, 6Eh
MVI B, 64h
STA 0150h

In assembly


In machine code

The machine code can be entered directly into the trainer starting from any
address in user RAM and executed. Address 0x150 and the registers can then be
examined to see if they contain the expected values:

0150h: D2

A: D2
B: 64
C: unknown
D: unknown
E: unknown
H: unknown
L: unknown
Sign, Parity and Auxiliary Carry flags are set
PC: [Starting address + 8]
SP: 07ff


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