Annex B Interim Policy On The Ancillary Tasks of Teachers

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

DepEd O R D E R
No. , s. 2023



To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads
All Others Concerned

1. The Department of Education (DepEd) believes that the core of quality basic
education is a vibrant and quality teaching workforce. Under the MATATAG
Agenda, the Department is committed to enhance the delivery of quality basic
education while promoting teacher quality and teacher welfare. In this regard, the
Department hereby issues the enclosed guidelines on the Immediate Reduction
of Ancillary Tasks and Moratorium on the Creation or Assignment of Non-
Teaching Tasks to Public School Teachers.

2. This Order mandates the immediate reduction of ancillary tasks and specifically
identifies the ancillary tasks that can only be assigned to teachers. Further, it
provides for a moratorium on the creation or assignment of non-teaching tasks to
teachers. The roles and responsibilities of DepEd offices during the period of
moratorium are also defined to guide offices in the Department.

3. To implement the objective of unloading public school teachers from non-teaching

tasks, the Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development
(BHROD) shall serve as the Clearing House of School Ancillary and Non-
Teaching Tasks.

4. All other DepEd Orders, Memoranda, and related issuances, rules and
regulations, and provisions which are inconsistent with this Order are hereby
repealed, rescinded, or modified accordingly.

5. This DepEd Order shall take effect immediately upon its issuance. Its certified
copies shall be registered with the Office of the National Administrative Register
(ONAR) at the University of the Philippines Law Center, UP Diliman, Quezon City.

6. Any clarification regarding this Order shall be coordinated with the Bureau of
Human Resource and Organizational Development-School Effectiveness
Division, 4th Floor, Mabini Building, Department of Education Central Office,
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City through email at or telephone number at (02) 8633-5397.
7. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.

Vice President of the Republic of the Philippines
Secretary of the Department of Education


The Department of Education (DepEd) fervently believes that the core of quality basic
education is a vibrant and quality teaching workforce. With this commitment, it is
imperative to build a work environment for teachers that upholds and protects their
welfare. Furthermore, the Department continues to adhere to the following issuances
on teacher workload and working hours:

Republic Act (RA) No. 4670 or the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
provides that “any teacher engaged in actual classroom instruction shall not
be required to render more than six hours of actual classroom teaching
a day, which shall be so scheduled as to give him time for the preparation
and correction of exercises and other work incidental to his normal teaching

Civil Service Commission (CSC) Resolution No. 080096 states that “public
school teachers are not exempt from the eight (8) hours of work provided for
in RA 1880 and what is limited to six (6) hours as provided for in RA 4670 is
only the work hours devoted to actual classroom teaching.” Further, “the
remaining two (2) hours work that complete the public-school teachers’
required 8-hour workday may be spent within or outside the school premises,
provided that the Secretary of the Department of Education shall provide for
pertinent guidelines therein.”

However, in view of the evolving needs of our schools and learners, teachers are
assigned with added tasks that shift their focus away from teaching. In the 2018
Teacher Workload Balance Study, it has been reported that there are around fifty (50)
most common ancillary services being assigned to teachers in addition to their regular
teaching load. Teachers are assigned to these various ancillary and administrative
tasks due to the insufficient personnel in the schools to provide support services.
Compounding this issue further is the lack of standards and clearing house for these
ancillary tasks. Other research findings from various institutions suggest that
increasing administrative tasks and other ancillary assignments impact teacher
workload, significantly affecting teacher quality and welfare.

Driven by the abovementioned issuances and the MATATAG Agenda, the Department
hereby rationalizes the ancillary and non-teaching tasks of public school teachers to
maximize their time in rendering actual classroom instruction.


This DepEd Order mandates the immediate reduction of ancillary tasks and
specifically identifies the allowed ancillary tasks that can be assigned to teachers.
Further, this Order provides for a moratorium on the creation and assignment of non-
teaching tasks to teachers. The roles and responsibilities of Central and field offices
during this period of moratorium are also specified to provide guidance to all offices.
This policy shall be implemented across all governance levels until the comprehensive
review and study of School processes, structure, and staffing standards is completed.


For this purpose, the following terms shall be defined as follows:

a. Ancillary tasks are tasks related to teaching and academic learning and
support learner development. These tasks are performed by teachers in
consideration of their professional expertise and experience.

b. Non-Teaching Personnel are those occupying non-teaching positions whose

primary duties and responsibilities contribute to the delivery of basic
education services and achievement of agency outcomes, but do not involve
nor directly support the actual conduct of teaching or delivery of instruction.

c. Non-Teaching Tasks are those that can either be administrative tasks in

nature or programs, projects, and services that support learners and school
operations. These shall be performed by School Heads, School
Administrators, including Head Teachers, and non-teaching personnel.

• Administrative tasks are related to the effective and efficient

operations of Schools. These tasks shall include the following:
o Personnel Administration
o Property/Physical Facilities Custodianship
o General Administrative Support
o Financial Management
o Records Management
o Consolidation and Preparation of Reports

d. School Administrators are those occupying school administration positions

that are directly engaged in supervisory, managerial and/or administrative
functions in all schools and Community Learning Centers (CLCs) as stated in
DepEd Order No. 007, s. 2023 or the Guidelines on the Recruitment, Selection,
and Appointment in the Department of Education.

e. School Head is a person responsible for the administrative and instructional

supervision of the school or cluster of schools. The teachers designated as
Teacher-in-Charge (TIC) are considered School Heads.

f. Teachers are those occupying teaching positions that are directly engaged in
teaching or in the delivery of instruction in the elementary and secondary
levels (junior high school and senior high school) in schools and Community
Learning Centers (CLCs).


In order for teachers to focus on their core mandate of teaching, the Department
hereby mandates the immediate reduction of ancillary tasks assigned to teachers and
issues this moratorium on the creation or assignment of non-teaching tasks to public
school teachers.


A. General Guidelines
1. To ensure that teachers will focus on their core mandate, only the
following teacher ancillary tasks may be assigned to teachers:
i. Reading/Literacy and Numeracy Coordinator
ii. School Paper Adviser
iii. Supreme Elementary Learner Government (SELG)/Supreme
Secondary Learner Government (SSLG) Adviser
iv. Special Education (SPED) Coordinator
v. Sports Coach/Trainer
vi. Guidance Advocate
vii. Research Coordinator
viii. Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O)
ix. Information, Communication, and Technology Coordinator
x. Grade Level Chairperson (For Large and Very Large Schools)

For select schools: Inclusive Education Coordinator (Arabic Language

and Islamic Values/Indigenous People Education/Alternative Delivery
Modalities Coordinator).

2. The School Heads, School Administrators, including Head Teachers,

and non-teaching personnel, shall have the sole responsibility to
perform the non-teaching tasks under Part III, item c of this Order; and

3. A moratorium on creation and assignment of non-teaching tasks to

teachers shall be observed at all governance levels.

B. Roles and Responsibilities

To ensure that teachers shall focus solely on teaching, all governance levels
shall review all programs, services, and functions implemented at the
school level and observe the following:

Central Office

a. Conduct policy orientation to Regional Offices and Schools Division

Offices; and
b. Monitor and evaluate compliance with this Order and provide
appropriate and timely technical assistance to Regions.

Regional Offices

a. Review, simplify, and streamline processes and reportorial

requirements of schools within their Region;
b. Provide appropriate and timely technical assistance to SDOs;
c. Monitor and evaluate compliance with this Order by conducting
workload audit through the checking of the consolidated report on
School Form 7 (School Personnel Assignment List and Basic Profile) of
the Schools Division Offices; and
d. Prepare and submit reports and provide recommendations regarding
this policy.

Schools Division Offices

a. Ensure strict compliance with the deployment and prescribed workload

for school-based personnel, including non-teaching staff, by conducting
personnel and workload audits;
b. Revisit SDO functions and processes requiring reports and creating
coordinator roles for teachers and identify measures to remove
coordinator roles assigned to teachers;
c. Orient, capacitate, and provide appropriate and timely technical
assistance to School Heads, School Administrators, including Head

Teachers, and non-teaching personnel, who shall perform the non-
teaching tasks;
d. Ensure accuracy of personnel data as reported in School Form 7 (School
Personnel Assignment List and Basic Profile) and Basic Education
Information System (BEIS);
e. Coordinate with the Local Government Unit (LGU) and ensure that
schools without non-teaching items will be provided with locally-hired
personnel pending the completion of the Guidelines on the School
Organizational Structure and Staffing Standards and deployment of
school-based non-teaching personnel;
f. Address school queries and concerns in relation to the implementation
of this policy; and
g. Monitor and evaluate the compliance with this Order.


a. The School Head shall exercise fair, reasonable, and equitable

assignment of ancillary tasks to teachers;
b. Ensure strict compliance with the prescribed workload of teachers
using School Form 7; and
c. Strengthen monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of this

C. Establishment of a Clearing House Committee

To implement the objective of this policy, the Bureau of Human Resource

and Organizational Development (BHROD) shall serve as the Clearing
House of School Ancillary and Non-Teaching Tasks. The BHROD-School
Effectiveness Division (BHROD-SED) shall serve as the technical

The Clearing House shall have the following functions:

a. Review policies and programs, identify their implications on teacher

workload, and recommend policy action/s to the Office of the Secretary
for approval;
b. Consult with concerned offices, review and propose recommendations
for possible streamlining and/or harmonization, if any, with regard to
the processes/procedures of program implementation, including
reportorial requirements;
c. Maintain an inventory of official school processes and tasks assigned to
teachers that affect their workload;
d. Provide periodic reports to the Management regarding compliance with
this policy and anticipate future and evolving school processes that may
affect teacher workload; and
e. Review and provide recommendations to congressional measures with
implications for teacher workload.

D. Grievance Mechanism

Concerns, complaints, and/or violations arising from the implementation of

this policy shall be addressed through the grievance machinery provided under
DO No. 35, s. 2004 (Revision of the Grievance Machineries of the Department of
Education) or pertinent rules on administrative cases in the civil service.


The Department of Education, through the BHROD, shall monitor, evaluate, and
review the implementation of this policy. Furthermore, BHROD-SED shall gather
feedback on the implementation of these guidelines from concerned personnel across
different governance levels. The outcome of the monitoring and evaluation shall be
the basis for the development of the long-term policy on ancillary tasks.


This DepEd Order shall take effect immediately. Its certified copies shall be registered
with the Office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR) at the University of the
Philippines Law Center, UP Diliman, Quezon City.


Republic Act No. 4670 or the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers dated June 18,

Republic Act No. 9155 or the Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001 dated August
11, 2001

Civil Service Commission (CSC) Resolution No. 080096 dated January 28, 2008

Department of Education. (2008). DepEd Memorandum No. 291, s. 2008 or the

Guidelines for the Implementation of CSC Resolution No. 080096 on Working Hours for
Public School Teachers

Department of Education. (2004). DepEd Order No. 35, s. 2004 or the Revision of
the Grievance Machineries of the Department of Education

Department of Education. (2023). DepEd Order No. 007, s. 2023 or the Guidelines
on the Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment in the Department of Education

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