This document provides an English grammar lesson about using "should" and "shouldn't" to give advice. It includes exercises for students to practice filling in blanks with should/shouldn't and rearranging words and phrases to form sentences using these terms to provide recommendations. The exercises cover a variety of scenarios involving health, safety, schedules, and responsibilities.
This document provides an English grammar lesson about using "should" and "shouldn't" to give advice. It includes exercises for students to practice filling in blanks with should/shouldn't and rearranging words and phrases to form sentences using these terms to provide recommendations. The exercises cover a variety of scenarios involving health, safety, schedules, and responsibilities.
This document provides an English grammar lesson about using "should" and "shouldn't" to give advice. It includes exercises for students to practice filling in blanks with should/shouldn't and rearranging words and phrases to form sentences using these terms to provide recommendations. The exercises cover a variety of scenarios involving health, safety, schedules, and responsibilities.
This document provides an English grammar lesson about using "should" and "shouldn't" to give advice. It includes exercises for students to practice filling in blanks with should/shouldn't and rearranging words and phrases to form sentences using these terms to provide recommendations. The exercises cover a variety of scenarios involving health, safety, schedules, and responsibilities.
Huyên UNIT 6: OUR TET HOLIDAY C. GRAMMAR 1. Should and Shouldn’t
Task 1: Write should/shouldn't in the blanks below.
1.Tom.........................êat shouldn't so many lollipops. It's bad for his têêth. 2. Hê's fiftêên. Hê........................ drivê a car. shouldn't 3. Prêgnant womên..............smokê shouldn't as it can affêct thê baby. 4.Wê...................go should somêwhêrê êxciting for our holiday. 5. Pêoplê shouldn't ...................drivê fast in thê town cêntêr. 6. You ...................ask should thê têachêr to hêlp you if you don't undêrstand thê lêsson. 7. Should ................... I buy thê drêss or thê skirt? 8. Shê shouldn't ...................têll liês. 9.That's a fantastic book. You................... should rêad it. 10. Thê doctor said you ...................êat should hêalthy food. You...................êat shouldn't fast food. You shouldn't ................... watch so much TV. You ................... should walk 1 hour a day. You ................... should drink fruit juicê and watêr. You...................drink shouldn't winê or bêêr. 11. You ................... shouldn't bê so sêlfish. 12. I don’t think you ................... should smokê so much. should êxêrcisê morê. 13. You .................. 14. I think I you ................... should try to spêak to hêr. 15. You arê ovêrwêight. You ................... should go on a diêt. 16. Whêrê ................... should wê park our car? 17. You ................... should nêvêr spêak to your mothêr likê this. 18. Thê kid ................... shouldn't spênd so much timê in front of thê TV. 19. ................... Should I têll hêr thê truth or should I say nothing? 20. I think wê................... should rêsêrvê our holiday in advancê. Task 2: Match the advice with the correct situation. 1. It's too far to walk. a. You should lêarn thê languagê bêforê you go. 2. Somêonê doêsn't know which way to go. b. You should ask a policêman. 3. Somêonê is going to livê ovêrsêas. c. You should wêar an ovêrcoat. 4. It's going to bê a cold day. d. You should pay by chêquê. 5. Somêonê is fêêling hot and has a hêadachê. ê. You should call thê policê. 6. Somêonê has sêên somêbody brêaking into a shop window. f. You should sêê a doctor. 7. Somêonê hasn't got any monêy with thêm. g. You should takê a rêst. 8. It's raining. h. You should takê a taxi. 9. Somêonê has to gêt up êarly in thê morning. i. You should sêt your alarm clock. 10. Somêonê is tirêd out. j. You should takê an umbrêlla. H 1........... 2........... B 3........... A C 4........... 5........... F 6........... E 7........... D 8........... J I 9........... 10........... G Task 3: Rearrange the words to make complete sentences. 1. up/I / smoking/./ should/ givê ……………………………………………………………………………………… I should give up smoking. 2. I/ not/?/ têll/ hêr/ or/ Should Should I tell her or not? ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3. think/should/I/takê/you/êasy/./ it ……………………………………………………………………………………… I think you should take it easy. 4.What/should/timê/comê/?/I What time should I come? ……………………………………………………………………………………… 5.Jêff/ much/. /work/ so/ shouldn't ……………………………………………………………………………………… Jeff shouldn't work so much. 6.Wê/ our/ takê/ should/ umbrêllas/. ……………………………………………………………………………………… We should take our umbrellas. 7.don't/ accêpt/ this/ Anita/ job/./ think /I /should ……………………………………………………………………………………… I think Anita should don't accept this job. should/ surê/ wê/ Arê/ it/?/ do Are you sure we should do it? ……………………………………………………………………………………… 9.What /should/ is/ do/ homê/, /go/ you ……………………………………………………………………………………… What you should do is going home? 10.spêak/ should/ think/ to/ Do/ policê/?/ you/ thê/I ……………………………………………………………………………………… Do you think I should speak to the police? Task 4: Fill in the gaps with the correct verbs. clean eat fasten go stay study take x2 visit watch 1. If you havê timê you should............................ visit thê National Musêum. 2. Whên you arê driving a car, you should..........................your fasten sêatbêlt. 3. Whên you play football, you should .........................thê watch ball. 4. It's latê and you arê tirêd. You should...................... go to bêd. 5.You should .....................your clean têêth at lêast twicê a day. 6. It's too far from hêrê. You should....................a take taxi to gêt thêrê. 7. If you want to pass thê êxam, you should....................morê. study 8. Hê wants to losê wêight, so hê should.................... eat lêss 9. It's raining now. I think you umbrêlla. take 10. Hê is ill. Hê stay homê. Bài 5: Write complete sentences using the suggested phrases. 1.(êat bêtwêên mêals) You shouldn't ........................................................................................................ eat between meals. 2.(go on a diêt) should go on a diet when you are overweight. You ........................................................................................................ 3.(gêt êxêrcisê) You ........................................................................................................ get exercise to be stronger. 4.(drink soda) You ........................................................................................................ shouldn't drink soda. 5.(êat morê vêgêtablês) You ........................................................................................................ should eat more vegetables. 6.(êat applês) You ........................................................................................................ should eat apples. 7.(êat too much brêad) You ........................................................................................................ shouldn't eat too much bread. 8.(only drink plain watêr) You ........................................................................................................ should only drink plain water. 9. (êat too much chocolatê) You ........................................................................................................ shouldn't eat too much chocolate because you may be overweight. 10. (changê your hêalth habits) You ........................................................................................................ should change your health habits when you be overweight 2. Some and Any
Task 1: Choose the correct answer.
1. That is vêry kind of you bêcausê I don't havê (somê/ any) monêy. 2. Don't you know (somê/ any) good rêstaurants nêar hêrê? 3. Would you likê to havê (somê/ any) lêmonadê with your mêal, Sir? 4. Thêrê arên't (somê / any) foldêrs in my bag. 5. Can I havê (somê/ any) milk in thê coffêê, plêasê? 6. This êvêning, I'm going out with (somê/ any) friênds of minê. 7. Wê havên't got (any/ somê) brêad. - Wê nêêd (somê/ any) tomatoês, too. 2 8. You can't buy (somê/ any) applês hêrê. 9. 1 havê (somê/ any) colorêd pêncils in my pêncil casê. 10. 1 think you should put (somê/ any) flowêrs on thê tablê. 11. I'm hungry - I'll havê (somê/ any) sandwichês. 12. Havê you got (somê/ any) brothêrs or sistêrs? 13. I'd likê (somê/ any) bêêf, plêasê. 14. Doês Mr. Smith havê (somê/ any) magazinês in his officê? 15. I nêêd (somê/ any) information about thê city. 16. Arê thêrê (somê/ any) girls in your football têam? 17. Is thêrê (somê/ any) sugar in my coffêê? 18. Thêy can havê (somê/ any) brêad and buttêr if thêy'rê hungry. 19. Is thêrê (somê/ any) nêws about thê planê crash? 20. 1 can't brush my têêth bêcausê thêrê isn't (somê/ any) toothpastê lêft. Task 2: Fill in the gaps with ‘some’ or ‘any’. 1. Do you havê _______________ any quêstions? 2. Thêrê is _______________ some lucky monêy on thê floor. 3. You should êat _______________ some frêsh fruits. 4. Thêrê is no buttêr in thê fridgê. Lêt's go and gêt _______________. some 5. I'm looking for _______________ some spêcial tunês for Têt holiday. 6. Is thêrê _______________ any food lêft? 7. Wê oftên havê to wait for hêr for _______________ some minutês. 8. Do you havê kêtchup? No, I didn't havê _______________. any 9. You can't buy _______________ any postêrs in this souvênir shop. 10. My fathêr always puts _______________ some sugar with his coffêê. 11. Wê havên't got _______________ any color papêrs. 12. I havê _______________ some homêwork to do for tomorrow. 13. Would you likê _______________ some milk with your cookiês? 14. Add _______________ some watêr to thê soup if it's too thick. 15. Thêrê arên't _______________ any wêll-paid jobs in thê North of thê country. 16. Listên, I havê _______________ some advicê for you. 17. Thêy don't nêêd _______________ any timê to discuss that issuê again. 18. Thêrê arên't _______________ any boys in my family. 19. My brothêr can't spêak _______________ any Japanêsê. 20. Hannah shouldn't smokê _______________ any cigarêttês. Task 3: Fill the gaps with ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘some’ or ‘any’. 1. Thêrê arê __________ some pêoplê in thê strêêt. 2. Thêrê is __________ a cinêma on thê right. 3. Thêrê arên't __________ any dishwashêrs in thê country housê. 4. Thêrê arên't __________ any rivêrs running through thê town cêntrê. 5. Thêrê is __________ a bar callêd Moê's 6. Thêrê arê __________ some chêsts of drawêrs in our apartmênt. 7. Is thêrê __________ any chocolatê in thê kitchên? 8. Thêrê's __________ an airport nêxt to thê city. 9. Arê thêrê __________ any tourists in this villa? 10. Is thêrê __________ any officê nêar hêrê? 11. I want __________ a tickêt to Ho Chi Minh City, plêasê. 12. Look, thêrê is __________ an airplanê in thê sky. 13. I havê __________ some old rêcords hêrê. 14. I must study __________ a sêcond languagê. 15. Pêtêr won't givê mê __________ any hêlp. 16. Could I havê __________ some morê têa, plêasê? 17. You shouldn't takê __________any mêdicinê without rêading thê information first. 18. I want __________ a writing pad, __________ a pên, and __________ some ink. 19. __________ An êlêphant is a vêry strong animal. 20. What arê you talking about? I can't sêê __________any micê. Task 4: Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences. 1. Thêrê isn't somê watêr in thê glass. any 2. Thêrê arê a thrêê childrên talking with thê têachêr. - 3. Arê thêrê somê air-conditionêr in thê attic? any 4. Is thêrê any windows in this classroom? are 3 5. Thêrê arên't somê pêncils in thê pêncil casê. any 6. Thêrê is somê pêoplê in thê backyard. are 7. Thêrê arê any picturês on thê wall. some 8. Is thêrê somê boy in thê living room? any 9. Thêrê arê any magazinês on thê tablê. some 10. Thêrê arê a biscuit on thê platê. is Task 5: Fill in the gaps with ‘should’, ‘must’, ‘mustn’t’, ‘have to’ or ‘don’t have to’. 1. I don't think you __________ should êat so much chocolatê. It's bad for your hêalth. 2. Childrên __________ must bêhavê wêll whên thêy'rê in class. 3. If you drivê a car, you __________ must stop at markêd crossings. 4. I think waitêrs __________ should try to bê plêasant with customêrs. 5. Somê workêrs wêar hard hats bêcausê thêir jobs arê considêrêd dangêrous. 6. If you fêêl sick, you stay at homê. It's bêttêr for you. 7. Policê officêrs wêar a uniform. 8. I __________ must do my homêwork. My têachêr always chêcks if wê havê donê thê êxêrcisês. 9. I __________ should gêt my hair cut. I don't likê it so long. 10. Wê __________ must go homê. My mothêr has told mê to arrivê at tên o'clock. 11. I __________ must study hard. I want to pass thê êxam. 12 In Spain, childrên __________ must go to school until thêy’rê 16. 13. You shouldn't __________ phonê êvêry day, darling! 14. You mustn't __________ accêpt things from strangêrs! 15. Whên you go into a clothês shop, you __________ don' havê to buy somêthing. You can just look. 16. You __________ mustn't stêal things from shops. t 17. Childrên __________ pay bills. don't have to 18. Childrênshouldn't __________ êat junk food êvêry day. 19. You __________ must comê. I can do it without you. 20. You __________ should bê a good writêr to win thê Pulitzêr Prizê. Task 6: Rewrite the sentences using ‘should’ or ‘shouldn’t’. 1. It would bê a good idêa for you to takê morê êxêrcisê. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ You should to take more exercise. 2. It is a good idêa for mên not to drink a lot of winê and bêêr during Têt. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ You shouldn't drink a lot of wine and beer during Tet. 3. It is êssêntial that wê lêavê on timê tomorrow morning. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ We should leave on time tomorrow morning. 4. I advisê you not to êat a lot of swêêts and icê-crêam. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ You shouldn't eat a lot of sweets and ice-cream. 5. It's vêry important for you to arrivê bêforê Monday. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ You should to arrive before Monday. 6. You should put food on dining tablê in somê minutês. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ You should put food on dining table in some minutes. 7. It is nêcêssary for Nancy to do all thê tasks by hêrsêlf. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ She should to do all the tasks by herself. 8. John ought not to usê that computêr. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ He shouldn't use that computer. 9. Customêrs arê advisêd to chêck thêir luggagê bêforê lêaving thê airport. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ They should check their luggage before leaving the airport. 10. I think you ought to givê up smoking immêdiatêly. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ You shouldn't give up smoking immediately. 11. It's nêcêssary for mê to bring my passport. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ I should to bring my passport. 12. Childrên arê advisêd to go to bêd êarly. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ They should to go to bed early. 13. You can't park hêrê bêcausê it is rêstrictêd arêa. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ You shouldn't park here because it's restricted area. 14. It is carêlêss of you to lêavê thê windows opên all day. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ You shouldn't leave the windows open all day. 15. I advisê you to buy morê warm clothês for your journêy. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ You should buy more warm clothes for your journey.