Yaesu FT-227-R CTCSS Tone Board Modification
Yaesu FT-227-R CTCSS Tone Board Modification
Yaesu FT-227-R CTCSS Tone Board Modification
The heart of this tone board is the 567 Tone encoder/decoder. The common designation is
NE567 made by Signetics, I had a number of XR567's laying around but don't look for one
of those, Exar went out of business long ago. The one drawback to using this IC is that
frequency adjustment is tedious and difficult to do on the fly, especially if the board is
mounted inside. The three repeaters I want to reach all use the same tone so I'll set it
there and forget about accessing any others for the time being.
Here are the original designations for the tone squelch board used by Yaesu:
In order to use the Tone SQ switch on the front panel to activate the CTCSS tone I
rewired the switch so that the front panel squelch control stays activated even when the
switch is depressed. To accomplish this perform the following:
1. remove top cover
2. remove the red wire from the post to the left of VR103 (immediately to the rear of
the tone board mounting area) and insulate the end of the wire with heatshrink.
3. remove 3 screws securing PLL/BOC board and lift to expose switches
4. locate Tone SQ switch (3rd from left) there are 6 terminals
5. solder one end of a short wire to the rear right terminal
6. solder the other end of the wire to the front right terminal
7. replace BOC board
For constructing the tone board I used half of a Radio Shack (276-148A) Dual General-
Purpose PC board. In order to make it fit in the space intended for the original tone
squelch board, perform the following:
Pin (C) then fits through the hole in the upper left corner of the project board and now
becomes the "Tone Out" connection. (Note: the photo above does not show the 47k
resistor and .01 cap at the output.)
This circuit converts the square wave output from the 567 to an acceptible sine wave.
The level adjusts from 0 to 2 volts peak to peak. I adjusted the 100k pot to just under a
quarter turn and it was enough to break the squelch of the repeater. Use a frequency
counter to set the tone.