Xa00248621 Esab Aluminum Technical Guide en

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Aluminum Welding

Technical Guide


Aluminum Welding - Technical Guide

Table of Contents

Heat Treatable & Non-Heat Treatable Base & Fillers.............................................................................................................. 5

Filler Alloys: Chemical Composition Limits & Physical Properties .......................................................................................... 6
Conversion Factors ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Welded Joint Strength.......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Typical Tensile Properties - Groove Welds............................................................................................................................. 8
Weld Profiles......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Weld Control Characteristics.............................................................................................................................................. 10
Parameter Changes & Current Density............................................................................................................................... 10
Backing Bars...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Bend Testing Aluminum...................................................................................................................................................... 12
Atmospheric Conditions Affect Weld Quality....................................................................................................................... 13
Feedability.......................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Excessive Face Reinforcement........................................................................................................................................... 15
Dilution............................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Aluminum Alloys................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Heat-Treatable and Non Heat-Treatable Alloys & the Heat Affected Zone (HAZ).................................................................. 18
Considerations When Repairing Aluminum Structures........................................................................................................ 19
Shielding Gas for Arc Welding Aluminum............................................................................................................................ 20
Easy Weld Quality Tests.................................................................................................................................................21-22
Weld Cracking...............................................................................................................................................................23-24
Performance Improvement - Increasing Wire Diameter....................................................................................................... 25
Filler Alloy for Welding 6061-T6........................................................................................................................................... 26
The Affect of Texture on Anodizing...................................................................................................................................... 27
Aluminum Filler Alloy Chart............................................................................................................................................28-29
Recommended Welding Parameters.................................................................................................................................. 30

Get the most from your application
As a specialized process, there are many factors to consider when welding
aluminum that will determine the effectiveness of your application. This section
details some of the more critical technical specifications that will help you get
the most from your aluminum welding application.

Technical Guide

Heat Treatable & Non-Heat Treatable Base & Fillers

Aluminum Alloy Designation Tree

The Aluminum Association uses a four digit numbering system for designating wrought aluminum and wrought aluminum alloys.
The image above shows the wrought alloy groups as well as a few examples of common products from each group.
The significance of each number is described below.

� 1st Digit – Identifies the major alloying element

� 2nd Digit – Identifies the rendition of an alloy. For example, 5356 is the 3rd rendition of the original base alloy 5056
� 3rd and 4th Digits:
� In the 1XXX group, the last two digits indicate the minimum aluminum percentage. For example, alloy 1188
has a minimum purity of 99.88% aluminum. Alloy 1350 has a minimum purity of 99.50% aluminum
� In the 2XXX – 8XXX groups, the last two digits serve merely as counters. For example, 3004 was the next
manganese alloyed chemistry after 3003
Technical Guide

Filler Alloys: Chemical Composition Limits & Physical Properties

Silicon Iron Copper Manganese Magnesium Chromium Zinc Titanium Others (1) Aluminum Approximate Density Post (4)
Alloy Melting Range, Anodize
Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Z Ti Each Total Al (min) °F lbs/in3 Color Tint
1100 Si + Fe = 0.95 0.05-0.20 0.05 — — 0.10 — 0.05 0.15 99.00 1190-1215 .098 Golden
1188 0.06 0.06 0.005 0.01 0.01 — 0.03 0.01 0.01 — 99.88 1215-1220 .0975 Clear
1199 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.002 0.006 — 0.006 0.002 0.002 — 99.99 1220 .0975 Clear
1350 0.10 0.40 0.05 0.01 — 0.01 0.05 — 0.03 0.10 99.50 1195-1215 .0975 Clear
206.0 0.10 0.15 4.2-5.0 0.20-0.50 0.15-0.35 — 0.10 0.15-0.30 0.05 (2) 0.15 Rmnd 1060-1200 .101 Golden
2319 0.20 0.30 5.8-6.8 0.20-0.40 0.02 — 0.10 0.10-0.20 0.05 (3) 0.15 Rmnd 1010-1190 .100 Golden
357.0 6.5-7.5 0.15 0.05 0.03 0.45-0.6 — 0.05 0.20 0.05 0.15 Rmnd 1040-1140 .098 Gray
4008 6.5-7.5 0.09 0.05 0.05 0.30-0.45 — 0.05 0.04-0.15 0.05 0.15 Rmnd 1035-1135 .097 Gray
4009 4.5-5.5 0.20 1.0-1.5 0.10 0.45-0.6 — 0.10 0.20 0.05 0.15 Rmnd 1015-1150 .098 Gray
4010 6.5-7.5 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.30-0.45 — 0.10 0.20 0.05 0.15 Rmnd 1035-1135 .097 Gray
4043 4.5-6.0 0.8 0.30 0.05 0.05 — 0.10 0.20 0.05 0.15 Rmnd 1065-1170 .097 Gray
4047 11.0-13.0 0.8 0.30 0.15 0.10 — 0.20 — 0.05 0.15 Rmnd 1070-1080 .096 Gray-Black
4145 9.3-10.7 0.8 3.3-4.7 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.20 — 0.05 0.15 Rmnd 970-1085 .099 Gray-Black
4643 3.6-4.6 0.8 0.10 0.05 0.10-0.30 — 0.10 0.15 0.05 0.15 Rmnd 1065-1175 .097 Gray
5183 0.40 0.40 0.10 0.50-1.0 4.3-5.2 0.05-0.25 0.25 0.15 0.05 0.15 Rmnd 1075-1180 .096 White
5356 0.25 0.40 0.10 0.05-0.20 4.5-5.5 0.05-0.20 0.10 0.06-0.20 0.05 0.15 Rmnd 1060-1175 .096 White
5554 0.25 0.40 0.10 0.50-1.0 2.4-3.0 0.05-0.20 0.25 0.05-0.20 0.05 0.15 Rmnd 1115-1195 .097 White
5556 0.25 0.40 0.10 0.50-1.0 4.7-5.5 0.05-0.20 0.25 0.05-0.20 0.05 0.15 Rmnd 1065-1175 .096 White
5654 Si + Fe = 0.45 0.05 0.01 3.1-3.9 0.15-0.35 0.20 0.05-0.15 0.05 0.15 Rmnd 1100-1190 .096 White
5087 0.25 0.40 0.05 0.7-1.1 4.5-5.2 0.05-0.25 0.25 0.15 0.05 (5) 0.15 Rmnd 1054-1180 .096 White
5754 0.40 0.40 0.10 0.50 2.6-3.6 0.30 0.20 0.15 0.15 (6) 0.15 Rmnd 1095-1195 .097 White

(1) Berylium shall not exceed 0.0003% (4) Use filler alloy chart for color matching
(2) Nickel shall not exceed 0.05% (5) 0.10-0.20 Zr
(3) Vanadium shall be 0.05-0.15% and Zirconium shall be 0.10-0.25% (6) 0.10-0.6 Mn + Cr

Conversion Factors
Fraction Decimal mm ft/lb. m/kg Convert From Convert To Multiply By
Wire Gauge
— .030 0.8 1215 816 20.5 Inches Millimeters 25.4
— .035 0.9 900 605 19 Millimeters Inches .03937
— .040 1.0 704 473 18 Square inches Square millimeters 645.2
3/64 .047 1.2 520 349 17 Square millimeters Square inches .001552
1/16 .062 1.6 290 195 14 Fluid ounces Millimeters 29.57
— .071 1.8 220 150 13 Millimeters Fluid ounces .03381
— .079 2.0 172 115 12 Ounces Grams 28.35
3/32 .093 2.4 130 87 11 Grams Ounces .03527
1/8 .125 3.2 70 47 8 Pounds Kilograms .4536
5/32 .156 4.0 45 30 6.5 Kilograms Pounds 2.205
3/16 .187 4.7 31 21 4.5 Newtons/mm Pounds/inch 145.04
1/4 .250 6.3 20 13 2 Pounds/inch Newtons/mm .006895

Technical Guide

Welded Joint Strength

Typically, the as-welded tensile strength of a groove weld is determined by the condition of the heat-affected zone (HAZ)
of the base material.

Fillet welds are usually not diluted significantly by the base metal. Therefore, the shear strengths of fillet welds are largely
determined by the properties of the filler alloy and not necessarily by the condition of the HAZ of the base.

Typical Shear Strength - Fillet Welds

Transverse Shear Strength

Filler Alloy Longitudinal Shear Strength (KSI)

1100 7.5 7.5

2319 16.0 18.8

4043 11.5 15.0

4643 13.5 20.0

5183 18.5 28.0

5356 17.0 26.0

5554 15.0 23.0

5556 20.0 30.0

5654 12.0 18.0

Conservative values based on bare minimum fusion. Multiple factors influence shear strength. Contact AlcoTec to discuss your specific application.

Longitudinal Fillet Weld Transverse Fillet Weld

Fillet Size (mm) Fillet Size (mm)
3.2 6.4 9.5 12.7 15.9 19.0 3.2 6.4 9.5 12.7 15.9 19.0
25000 25000
1 1/2 in. (Ends of weld
machined) 4000 4000

 Load  Load
20000 20000
Shear strength, kg. per linear cm

Shear strength, kg. per linear cm

Shear strength, lb. per linear in.

Shear strength, lb. per linear in.

3000 3000

15000 15000 4643

4643 2000 2000

10000 10000
5654 5356


5556 4043

1000 1000

5000 5000



0 0
0 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 0 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4
Longitudinal fillet - size, in. Transverse fillet - size, in.

Technical Guide

Typical Tensile Properties - Groove Welds

Base Alloy Properties As Welded Properties Post-Weld Heat Treated & Aged
Base Approximate
Tensile Yield Filler Tensile Yield Tensile Yield
Alloy Melting Range
Strength Strength Elongation Alloy Strength Strength Elongation Strength Strength Elongation
& Temper °F of Base Alloy
psi x 103 psi x 103 % in 2 in. psi x 103 psi x 103 % in 2 in. psi x 103 psi x 103 % in 2 in.
(1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)

1060-H16 1195-1215 16 15 8 ER1188 10 5 29 — — —

1100-H16 1190-1215 21 20 6 ER1100 13 6 29 — — —

1350-H16 1195-1215 18 16 — ER1188 10 4 29 — — —

3003-H34 1190-1210 35 29 9 ER1100 16 7 24 — — —

5005-H16 1170-1210 26 25 5 ER5356 16 9 15 — — —

5050-H34 1155-1205 28 24 8 ER5356 23 12 18 — — —

5052-H32 1125-1200 33 28 12 ER5356 28 14 19 — — —

5083-H116 1075-1180 46 33 16 ER5183 43 22 16 — — —

5086-H34 1085-1185 47 37 10 ER5356 39 19 17 — — —

5154-H34 1100-1190 42 33 13 ER5654 33 18 17 — — —

5454-H32 1115-1195 39 30 15 ER5554 35 16 17 — — —

5456-H112 1055-1180 45 24 22 ER5556 46 23 14 — — —

2014-T6 945-1180 70 60 13 ER4043 34 28 4 50 — 2

2219-T81 1010-1190 66 50 10 ER2319 35 26 3 43 (3) 37 (3) (4) 2 (3) (4)

6061-T4 1080-1205 35 21 22 ER4043 27 18 8 35 (3) (4) — 8 (3) (4)

6061-T6 1080-1205 45 40 12 ER4043 27 18 8 44 (4) 40 6

6061-T6 1080-1205 45 40 12 ER5356 30 19 11 — — —

Typical properties of gas-shielded, arc welded groove joints in aluminum alloys.

(1) Reduced section tensile strength.
(2) 0.2% offset in 2 in. gauge length.
(3) Postweld aged only.
(4) Data assumes sufficient dilution of base.

Technical Guide

Weld Profiles

Acceptable Weld Profile Criteria per AWS D1.2

Base Thickness Max Reinforcement Width of Weld Face Max Convexity

T ≤ 3/8 3/32 ≤ 5/16 1/16
3/8 < T ≤ 3/4 1/8 >5/16 to <1 1/8
T > 3/4 3/16 ≥1 3/16

Weld Profile Troubleshooting Guide

Problem Example (Groove Weld) Example (Fillet Weld) Possible Solution

Excessive Convexity/ Increase arc length

Reinforcement Increase torch angle
Reduced fatigue strength Increase travel speed

Insufficient Leg Length

Change torch angle
Reduced mechanical N/A
Change torch position1

Reduce cooling rate

Insufficient Throat/Underfill
Increase electrode feed rate
Reduced mechanical
Decrease travel speed
Decrease arc length

Change torch position

Undercut to compensate for:
Reduced mechanical Dissimilar section sizes
properties Dissimilar thermal conductivity
Out-of-position welds

Overlap Increase voltage

Severe reduction Decrease wire speed
in fatigue strength Increase travel speed

Incomplete Penetration/
Increase amperage
Lack of Fusion
Decrease arc length
Reduced weld strength
Decrease torch forehand angle
and increased sensitivity
Increase travel speed
to crack propagation
(1) For example, the thermal conductivity of 5083 is 32% less than that of 6061 because of the higher magnesium content. This requires more heat input
into the 6061 alloy.

Technical Guide

Weld Control Characteristics


Root Pass Shorter Arc

Penetration (Amperage)

Finish Pass Longer Arc

Shorter Arc
5XXX Alloys Lower Arc Voltage

Higher Amperage

Short Long Longer Arc

Arc Length (Voltage) 4XXX Alloys Higher Arc Voltage
Lower Amperage

Parameter Changes & Current Density

Increasing arc voltage increases:

� Wire to work piece gap

� Energy distribution width

20V x 150A = 3 kW 23V x 131A = 3 kW

0.32” 0.43”

88 kJ/in2 sec 77 kJ/in2 sec

Increasing arc voltage reduces arc energy concentration

.047 in. wire diameter = (.0235 in.)2 x π = .0017 in.2 section

Technical Guide

Backing Bars
What is the best backing bar material for an aluminum groove weld?
There really isn’t a “best” material for a backing bar. To determine the most appropriate material, you must
consider a few things:

Is the backing bar going to be permanent or temporary?

For a permanent backing bar the answer is easy – use the same alloy as one of the groove weld components.

For temporary bars, consider these points:

� Hard-coat anodized aluminum, copper, stainless steel, and ceramic can all be used
� Don’t weld directly on the backing material. A temporary bar is there only to support the root reinforcement.
Elements from the backing material may contaminate the weld
� Hard-coat anodized aluminum works very well. The thermal properties are the same as the base material
and the groove is easily machined
� Copper has a tendency to cool the weld more quickly than the other materials (copper cools quickly)
� Stainless Steel has a tendency to heat up and cool the weld more slowly (stainless cools slowly)
� Ceramic is available with adhesive for attaching directly to the base material, but is also very fragile

Should the groove be square or rounded in a temporary backing bar?

Typically, a square cut groove is going to provide better results than a rounded (or bowl shaped) groove.
The images below show the result of a square cut in the temporary backing bar, the joint design, and the cross
section of the weld achieved.

 60˚ 0.06”


0.04” 0.25”

1 Pass - 1.6 mm 5356 - approximately 22 ipm travel speed

23.0 V; 342 ipm wire feed speed

Technical Guide

Bend Testing Aluminum

When conducting bend tests, care must be taken to ensure the proper bending criteria are used. The following steps
should be taken to help ensure accurate bend test results.
1. Ensure proper test jig is used:

Material Thickness

Bend Mandrel Diameter

Wrap-Around Guided Bend Jig Plunger-Style Test Jig

(Preferred for Aluminum) (Not Recommended for Aluminum)

2. Review applicable code/specification to ensure the proper bend radius is used. Also note that this is where the base
and filler alloy combination affects the bend radius and sample thickness.

Excerpt from AWS D1.2: 2014

Thickness of Specimen Bend Mandrel Diameter Materials

3/8t 1-1/24t M21 and M22

1/8t (<1/8) 2-1/16 16-1/2t M23* or F23 Welds

3/8t 2-1/2 6-2/3t M25 and Annealed M23*

*Note: Temper condition can also have an influence on the testing criteria.

3. Ensure samples are prepared properly, according to the applicable code/specification, prior to bending.


Improper Proper

Sanding lines should be perpendicular to the weld A radius should be applied to the edges of each bend
(in-line with the bending direction) specimen per applicable specification
Technical Guide

Atmospheric Conditions Affect Weld Quality

Many fabricators experience welding problems at different times of the year. Moisture (H2O) is a prime source of hydrogen.
At arc temperatures, water breaks down releasing hydrogen atoms that cause porosity in weldments. Shielding gas
supplies are controlled to very low moisture content (-70°F dewpoint or lower). Likewise, the atmospheric conditions
in a fabricating facility need to be controlled to prevent moisture condensation from forming on electrode or base metal.

Relative Humidity vs. Dew Point

Relative Humidity % ∆t °F Air-Metal ∆t °C Air-Metal

87 3.6 1.1

75 7.2 2.2

66 10.8 3.3

57 14.4 4.4

50 18.0 5.5

44 21.6 6.6

38 25.2 7.7

34 28.8 8.8

30 32.4 9.9

26 36.0 11.0

23 39.6 11.9

21 43.2 13.2

18 46.8 14.3

16 50.4 15.4

Example: If the relative humidity in the weld area is 75%, the base metal and electrode must be no colder than 7.2°F below the air temperature
to prevent moisture condensation.

Possible Solutions
1. Bring material into work space 24 hours prior to usage. This allows the temperatures to stabilize
2. Store filler material in an oven
3. Store base material vertically allowing air flow to help the material temperature to stabilize

Technical Guide





Aluminum welding equipment demands attention to detail as feedability affects performance and productivity. Below are
areas of concern that can improve feedability, reduce downtime, and minimize maintenance costs.

Correct Contact Tip Size (I.D. and length) Torch and Nozzles
� I.D. 10% larger for hard wire � Straight nozzles aspirate less air than tapered
� I.D. 20% larger for soft wire � Water-cooled torches are more efficient
� Longer is better � Curved torches require more drive force
� Remove burrs from tip entrance � Overheated torches can melt liners and ruin parts
� Polish, clean, and inspect contact tips 1
� Aluminum and argon lower the duty cycle of torches
� Do not bend or crimp tips (for torches rated with low voltage and CO2 gas)
� Push/pull for whip lengths over 9 ft. (3 m)
� Slave in the rear push/pull reduces liner wear
Gun Liners and Wire Guides and feeding issues
� Teflon is soft and can hold embedded particles
� Nylon is tough, holds its shape and reduces Drive Rolls
embedded particles
� U-groove type reduces shavings
� Right size liner
� Clean and polish rolls regularly2
� Cut to the proper length
� Inspect for sharp edges, embedded particles,
� Plastic guides such as Nylon work to reduce shavings and misalignment
� If V-groove are used on one side, use a flat
on the other
� V-grooves rollers with an angle > 60 degrees
� Plastic rolls can wear unevenly causing wire distortion
(1) ESAB offers a contact tip polishing kit (part no. TIP-TUBE)
(2) ESAB offers a drive roll polishing kit (part no. DRV-ROLLPOLISH)

Technical Guide

Excessive Face Reinforcement

Welders completing groove welds often end up with excessive face reinforcement on their welds. Whether they just want
to make sure the joint is filled in or they think it makes the weldment “stronger”, it typically causes more potential for harm
than good. Excessive face reinforcement on a groove weld will typically create a larger stress riser which may increase the
odds of the weldment cracking because of fatigue. Note the location of the crack in the weld image below.

Maximum Stress
Reinforcement Angle Angle “A” Degrees (3 Million Cycles)
ksi (MPa)
100 7.5 (52)

130 9.5 (66)

160 13.5 (93)

By increasing the reinforcement angle of the weld metal as

shown in these images, the maximum amount of stress the
assembly could withstand almost doubled.
Reinforcement Angle Additionally, removal of the reinforcement can restore fatigue
A performance to near un-welded condition in non heat-treatable
alloys or re-heat-treated surfaces.

Technical Guide


A weld essentially becomes a new alloy made up of the base and filler alloys. Dilution is the amount of base alloy that mixes
with the filler alloy to create the new weld alloy. There are multiple factors that affect the amount of base dilution into the
weld puddle. Although the welding parameters can change the dilution ratio, the easiest way to actually control it is by
modifying the joint design (see images below).

Dilution Ratios of Joints

80% Filler Metal 60% Filler Metal 20% Filler Metal

20% Base Metal 40% Base Metal 80% Base Metal

Depending on the alloys involved, simply changing the joint design may be enough to change the tensile strength of an
as-welded groove assembly. The image below shows the theoretical difference in dilution ratios by modifying the joint
design from a square butt to a single V-groove. The amount of base metal that is diluting the filler alloy is reduced in the
single V, making the overall magnesium content of the new weld alloy significantly higher.

Depending on the other variables involved, this may be all that is needed to go from just missing the minimum tensile
strength to achieving it regularly (and with room to spare). Another benefit of reducing the amount of base metal dilution
is that the probability of stress cracking is typically reduced.

Weld Composition: Dilution Effect

Base Plate Filler Metal

6061 5356

1.7% Mg

20% Filler Metal

80% Base Metal

3.2% Mg

60% Filler Metal

40% Base Metal

Technical Guide

Aluminum Alloys

Aluminum can be alloyed with several other elements such as copper, magnesium, manganese, zinc, and silicon.
Each of these can be added alone or in combinations for various considerations such as strength, fluidity, corrosion
resistance, and ductility.

Working with aluminum is much like working with wood. Most power tools using carbide blades are suitable for cutting and
prepping joints for welding. These will remove metal quickly and will not leave a residue behind like grinding pads and stone
cutting wheels. The chips left behind contain most of the heat from the cut, and therefore, coolants or other lubricants are
not needed.

Once the cut is made, the surface should be as clean as possible. Carbide router bits also work well for joint preparation
where rounded edges are preferred as they take heat better than sharp edges, which can result in oxides.

Do Do Not

Use carbide bits and blades Use lubricants (cut dry)

Use higher speeds for cutting and prepping Use oxy-fuel to cut aluminum

Use band saws with 3 to 4 teeth/in. Carbon arc gouge

Remove plasma and laser cuts (1/8 in.) Use power wire brushes with excessive pressure (smears aluminum)

Clean surfaces before wire brushing Direct air tool exhaust toward weld joint

Avoid Plasma/Laser Cut Micro Cracks in Welds

Micro-cracks are potential crack starters in aluminum welds.

For heat treatable aluminum alloys, 1/8 in. (3 mm) of material shall be removed by machining from plasma arc and laser
cut edges that will be welded. - AWS D1.2

Technical Guide

Heat-Treatable and Non Heat-Treatable Alloys & the Heat Affected Zone (HAZ)

Aluminum alloys can be separated into one of two groups, Non Heat-Treatable
heat-treatable and non heat-treatable. All aluminum This group includes all of the 1XXX, 3XXX, 5XXX, and the
alloys can be strengthened through cold working operations, remainder of the 4XXX series alloys. These alloys can only
but only the heat-treatable alloys can be strengthened be strengthened through strain hardening. Thermal treatments
through thermal processes. Because of this characteristic, cannot be used to strengthen these aluminum alloys.
the heat from arc welding processes affects each
group differently. The heating of the HAZ, which takes place during the arc
welding operation, is sufficient to anneal the base material
Most aluminum alloys are annealed to their softest within the HAZ area, and return it to the alloy’s softest condition.
condition when they reach approximately 650°F (350°C). Unlike the heat-treatable alloys, non heat-treatable alloys do
Considering that aluminum melts somewhere in the area not generally require extended amounts of time at elevated
of 1100-1200°F (600-650°C) it can be expected that temperatures to become annealed.
portions of the Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) will reach the
annealing temperature during an arc welding process. Annealing eliminates the strain hardening as well as the
This results in the weld assembly enduring a thermal cycle microstructure that is developed as a result of cold working.
that can greatly change the properties of the weldment. For this reason, the minimum tensile strength requirements
for as-welded non heat-treatable alloys, regardless of the
The completed weld assembly can be broken up into three original work hardened temper, is based on the annealed
distinct areas: strength of the base alloy.
1. Weld Metal
Non-Weldable Alloys
2. Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) adjacent to the weld There are also a few heat-treatable alloys, which are
3. Base material beyond the HAZ which has been considered to be “non-weldable”. It is not that they cannot
unaffected by the welding operation. be welded, but that they should not be welded if there is
ANY LIABILITY involved with the finished product. Due to
the chemistries of these alloys, arc welding temperatures
Heat Treatable
produce a microstructure that will lead to grain boundary
All of the 2XXX, 6XXX, 7XXX, and a few of the 4XXX series cracking and there is nothing that can be done to prevent it.
alloys are heat-treatable. This means that these alloys can The two most common alloys in this group are 2024 and
be strengthened, not only through cold working, but also 7075, but there are many others.
through thermal processes.
In the case of the heat-treatable alloys, the heat affected
zone presents some interesting dynamics. Although the When designed and welded properly, the tensile strength
HAZ will see the annealing temperature during the arc of a groove weld will be determined by the HAZ. While the
welding process, it is often not fully annealed. As a result heat from the arc welding process will affect both groups
of the rate at which the assembly cools, a partial heat of alloys, the reduction in strength in the HAZ will be fairly
treatment typically occurs, which generally results in predictable in the non heat-treatable alloys. Since the
tensile strengths slightly higher than the annealed heat-treatable alloys respond uniquely to the heat, the
strength of the alloy. resulting HAZ strength can be less predictable. In order
to obtain consistent results, the use of qualified weld
However, the strength of the HAZ can also be negatively procedures is highly recommended.
affected by the amount of time it spends at the elevated
temperatures encountered during arc welding. This is the
“time at temperature” relationship, which drives the resultant
strength of the weldment. The longer the weldment is at
elevated temperatures, the weaker the HAZ is typically
expected to be. This ”overheating” phenomenon can
actually result in a groove weld tensile strength below
the minimum required.

Technical Guide

Considerations When Repairing Aluminum Structures

Identification of the Base Alloy

Probably the most important, and usually the first step
in the repair operation, is identifying the aluminum base
alloy being repaired. If the base alloy type is unknown, one
could contact the original manufacturer of the component
to establish the aluminum base material type. If the base
material type is not available through a reliable source, it
is impossible to select a suitable welding procedure.

There are many different types of aluminum alloys, Cracked repair weld due to improperly preparing the repair area.
some have very good weldability and others have extremely
poor weldability. Unfortunately, if the base material type
is not known, or unavailable, chemical analysis is the only
one reliable way of establishing the exact type of aluminum The amount of reduction in strength and the size of the
alloy. A small sample of the base material must be sent area affected is dependent on the original condition of the
to a reliable aluminum-testing laboratory, and a chemical base material prior to welding and the temperature and
analysis must be performed. Generally, the chemistry can time at temperature of the base material during welding.
then be evaluated and a determination as to the most The as-welded strength, as opposed to the original base
suitable filler alloy and the welding procedure can be made. material strength, may need to be considered after welding.

Cleaning and Material Preparation Prior to Welding Repairing High Performance Aluminum Alloys
It is very important to clean the repair area completely Another consideration associated with the repair of a
prior to performing the weld repair. This is typically small group of aluminum structures is the temptation to
achieved using a degreasing solvent to remove repair high performance, typically high replacement priced
hydrocarbons followed by stainless steel brushing to components, made from specialty aluminum alloys.
remove the aluminum oxide. More aggressive filing, or
chemical cleaning, may be required for some applications. These materials are often found on aircraft, hand gliders,
sporting equipment, and other types of high performance,
In situations where it is necessary to remove existing weld safety-critical equipment, and are not usually welded on
or base material in order to conduct the repair, you need the original component. There are a small number of
to consider the methods available to perform this operation high-performance aluminum alloys that are generally
as well as their effect on the finished weld. If you need to recognized as being un-weldable.
remove a crack in the surface of a weld prior to re-welding,
you must use a method that will not contaminate the base Summary
material to be welded. Care should be taken when using
There are many considerations associated with the
grinding discs as some have been found to contaminate
successful repair of aluminum alloys. Most important is
the base material by depositing particles into the surface of
to understand the many different aluminum alloys and that
the aluminum. Routing and chipping with carbide tools is
they all require indvidual consideration. The majority of the
often found to be a successful method of material removal.
base materials used for general structural applications can
be readily repaired using the correct welding procedure.
Base Material Strength Reduction After Welding The majority of welded aluminum structures are designed
There may be considerations relating to the effect of to be used in the as-welded condition and, therefore, with
the heating of the base material during the repair welding the correct consideration, repair work of previously welded
process. Aluminum alloys are divided into two groups: components can be conducted satisfactorily.

1. Heat-treatable
2. Non heat-treatable
Typically, the non heat-treatable alloys are used in a
strain-hardened condition and the heat-treatable alloys
are usually used in one heat-treated form or another.
During the welding process, the heat introduced to the
aluminum base will generally reduce the strength of the
base material in the heat-affected zone (HAZ).

Technical Guide

Shielding Gas for Arc Welding Aluminum

Shielding Gas Functions

� Provides a plasma for commutation of current
� Protects the weld pool from reaction with air environment
� Provides cleaning action, which partially removes the aluminum oxide from the base material (DCEP)

Properties of Shielding Gases

Argon Helium

Good arc initiation and stability Higher arc voltage

More effective shielding Broad weld root width

Lower cost
Reduced porosity
Good cleaning

Poor cleaning

Poor arc initiation and stability

Narrow weld root width
Higher cost

Higher flow rates required

Argon Helium

Technical Guide

Easy Weld Quality Tests

Lack of fusion and porosity can be considered the two most common discontinuities in aluminum welds. If you’re
making changes to your process to reduce these items, you’ll want to be able to check your weld quality right away.
Below are a few methods you can use for quick weld quality checks.

Fillet Welds
You can easily check fillet welds for both lack of fusion and
porosity using the fillet fold over test. Weld one side only of
a tee joint and then fold the weldment over as shown here.
If the weld breaks, examine the internal structure of the
weld metal (examples are shown below).

Fold over test

Porosity will show up as very shiny, spherical inclusions.

Lack of fusion is evident when the sharp edge of the vertical component can still be seen under the weld metal.

When complete fusion is achieved, the edge of the vertical component will be melted away by the weld metal.

Technical Guide

Easy Weld Quality Tests

An easy way to examine the cross-sectional profile of a weld is to perform a “poor-man’s etch”. This can be done on fillet
and groove welds. It involves cutting the weldment to expose the cross section and polishing it as smoothly as possible.
Then warm up the sample (warm to the touch is sufficient) and spray the face to be etched with Easy Off® oven cleaner.
The chemical in this cleaner (sodium hydroxide) will etch the surface after about 20-30 seconds. Rinse the sample, dry it
(compressed air cans work nicely), and then dust it with a clear lacquer.

Complete Fusion Lack of Fusion

Groove Welds
Since groove welds cannot simply be folded over, a nick-break procedure can be done to examine the internal weld structure.

Use a saw to notch each side of a sample taken from a groove weld assembly, as shown.

Clamp one end in a vice and strike the other end with a hammer to break the sample.

Porosity Lack of fusion/void

Sound weld metal

Technical Guide

Weld Cracking

Common Causes and Cures

There are two types of cracks that can occur in aluminum welds: stress cracks and hot cracks.

Stress cracks occur when the weld is simply unable to withstand the forces applied to it. This can be due to a poor joint
design that is welded as designed, a weld that is just not strong enough for the application (not designed properly) or an
improper weld. Images 1A and 1B show fillet weld examples. Image 1A shows the profile of an acceptable weld. Image 1B
shows an excessively concave weld that failed through the effective throat (refer to Image 2). If the weld is inadequate for
any of the above mentioned reasons, it is very possible it will not withstand service conditions.

Image 1A Image 1B

Image 2

Hot cracks are a result of the chemistry. It can be the chemistry of the base alloy, the filler alloy or the combination
making the weld itself. The graph that follows shows the hot cracking sensitivity for some of the most common aluminum
alloy groups; Silicon (4XXX), Copper (2XXX), Magnesium (5XXX), and Magnesium-Silicide (6XXX).

Technical Guide

Weld Cracking

Different alloying elements affect the melting temperatures and ranges of aluminum. Alloys with a larger liquid to solid range
will have a greater tendency to hot crack. The graph shows where each chemistry’s peak of crack sensitivity will be based
on the percentage of the major alloying element.

Crater cracks may occur as a result of stress and/or chemistry. Crater cracks that are caused by stress typically occur
when the weld termination point (crater) has a smaller cross section than the rest of the weld and simply cannot withstand
the forces applied during the solidification process (see Images 3A and 3B).

Because of their chemistry, some base materials are more susceptible to hot cracking than others. Welds made on these
alloys need to be “flooded” with enough of the filler alloy to change the chemistry and move it away from the crack sensitive
range. Since the crater is typically smaller in cross-section, there is often not enough filler alloy added to change the weld
pool chemistry and it becomes prone to hot cracking, even though the remainder of the weld is not.

Image 3A Image 3B

Since weld cracks can be the result of stress, chemistry, or a combination, determining the root cause can be difficult.
For assistance in troubleshooting weld cracking concerns, please contact AlcoTec Technical Services at 1-800-228-0750.

Technical Guide

Performance Improvement - Increasing Wire Diameter

What affect does increasing wire diameter have on the welding process?
Some advantages of increasing wire diameter are: better fusion/penetration, increased travel speeds, higher deposition
rates, lower price per pound, and better feedability.

Due to the physical and mechanical properties of aluminum, it is very feasible to increase wire diameter and either:
1) go faster to increase production rates or, 2) make a larger weld without slowing down. The tables below show the results
from using larger wire for each goal. The table layout shows the percent increase between each wire increment as well as
the increase if you were to “skip” a level.

Common Bead Width

Diameter (in.) .047 .062 .071 .094

Amps 223 274 319 375

Volts 22.5 23 24 25

Wire Feed Speed (ipm) 523 366 295 180

Bead Width Target (in.) 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45

Travel Speed (ipm) 26 35.8 42 49

Percent Increase in Travel Speed — 37.7 17.3 16.7

— — 61.5 36.9

— — — 88.5

Common Travel Speed

Diameter (in.): .047 .062 .071 .094

Amps 225 258 264 375

Volts 23 23 23 26

Wire Feed Speed (ipm) 531 366 271 180

Travel Speed (ipm) 27 27 27 27

Bead Width (in.) 0.422 0.480 0.582 0.688

Percent Increase in Bead Width — 13.7 21.3 18.1

— — 37.9 43.2

— — — 62.9

This is just one step toward improving performance and productivity. Other tools and techniques can be found
throughout this guide.

Technical Guide

Filler Alloy for Welding 6061-T6

One of the most frequently asked aluminum welding questions is “What filler alloy do I use for welding 6061?”.
The AlcoTec filler alloy chart has several suggested options of filler alloys to use with 6061. From a chemistry stand point,
there are very few options that are not acceptable. However, there are a few elements to consider when choosing the most
appropriate filler alloy to use.

1. Ease of welding - this is the relative freedom from weld cracking. By use of hot cracking sensitivity curves
(see page 25) for the various aluminum alloys, and through the consideration of dilution between filler alloy and
base alloy, we can establish the filler alloy/base alloy crack sensitivity rating.

2. Strength of welded joint - consideration of the tensile strength of groove welds and shear strength of fillet welds,
when welded with different filler alloys, can prove to be extremely important during welding design. Different filler
alloys, which may exceed the as-welded tensile strength of the base material, can be significantly different in
shear strength performance.

3. Ductility - a consideration if forming operations are to be used during fabrication, and may also be a design
consideration of service if fatigue and/or shock loading are of importance.

4. Corrosion resistance - a consideration for some environmental conditions and are typically based on exposure
to fresh and salt water.

5. Sustained temperature services - the reaction of some filler alloys at sustained elevated temperature (above 150°F).
This may promote premature component failure due to stress corrosion cracking.

6. Color match - base alloy and filler alloy color match after anodizing can be of major concern in some cosmetic applications.

7. Post weld heat treatment - the ability of the filler alloy to respond to post weld heat treatment associated with filler
alloy chemistry and joint design.

These are all elements that must be considered when selecting a filler alloy for welding on 6061. It is the application of the
completed weldment that will drive which alloy should be used for welding.

Color Match After Clear Anodize

Base Metal: 6061

6061 6061

6061 6061

Welded with 5356 Welded with 4043

Technical Guide

The Affect of Texture on Anodizing

What if you have welded a base material with a filler alloy that has an “A” rating for color match, but can still see the weld?
When a part is anodized, the oxide layer that is added follows the contour of the part, it does not fill in the valleys to make
a level surface. It is not possible to see the actual surface texture without the aid of magnification, but when the light reflects
off of the base material, you will see the difference.

The image below shows how the light will pass through the anodized layer and then reflect back through it - this is
where the perceived color match comes from. Wrought products have very smooth surfaces where cast products do not.
When a rolled or extruded product (wrought) is welded, the weld is actually a cast structure. Since the textures are now
different, the light will reflect differently and the weld will still be “visible” even though it is the same color.

Therefore, to make the weld as close to “invisible” as possible, you can add a texture to the entire surface. This can be
done using a variety of methods (bead blasting, sand blasting, sanding, etc.).

Color Matching

Accomplished by selecting proper filler alloy and altering surface of the part.

Color matching is accomplished by hiding the differences.

Technical Guide

1060 1070 2014 5005

Base Alloys Filler Alloys 1100 2219 3003 3004 5052
1080 1350 2036 5050

Characteristics W S D C T M W S D C T M W S D C T M W S D C T M W S D C T M W S D C T M W S D C T M W S D C T M
2319* B A A A A B A A A A
4043/4047* A C B A A A C B A A C D C D A C D C D A A C B A A A C B A A A C B A A A C B A A
319.0 333.0 354.0
4009* B B A A A B B A A A B C B C A B C B C A B B A B A B B A B A B B A B A B B A B A
355.0 C355.0 380.0
4145* A A B A A A A B A A A B C B A A B C B A A A B B A A A B B A A A B B A
5554 A A A A A A A A A A
4043/4047* B B A A A B B A A A B B A A A B B A A A B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
413.0 443.0 444.0 4145* A A B B A A A B B A A A B A A A A B A A A A B B A
356.0 A356.0 A357.0
359.0 4008*
4043/4047* A C C A A A C C A A B B A A A B B A A A A C C A A A D C B A A D C B A B D C B A
4145* A A B A A A A B A A
7005 7021 5183 B A B A A B A B A A B A B A A B A B A A B A B A A A A B A A
7039 7046 5356 B B A A A B B A A A B B A A A B B A A A B B A A A A B A A A
710.0 711.0 5554 C C A A A A C C A A A A B C A A A A
5556 B A B A A B A B A A B A B A A B A B A A B A B A A A A B A A
5654 C C A A B C C A A A B C A A A
4043/4047* A E C A A A E C A A B B A A A B B A A A A E C A A A C A A A D C A A A D C A A
4145* A D D B A A D D B A A A B A A A A B A A A D D B A A D D B A
6061 5183 B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A
6070 5356 B B A A B B A A B B A A B B A A B B A A B B A A
5554 B C A B A B C A B A B C A B A B C A B A B C A B A B C A B A
5556 B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A
5654 C C A B A C C A B A
4043/4047* A E C A A A E C A A B B A A A B B A A A A E C A A A C A A A D C A A A D C A A
4145* A D D B A A D D B A A A B A A A A B A A A D D B A A D D B A
6005 6060 4643*
6063 6101 5183 B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A
6151 6351 5356 B B A A B B A A B B A A B B A A B B A A B B A A
6951 5554 B C A B A B C A B A B C A B A B C A B A B C A B A B C A B A
5556 B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A
5654 C C A B A C C A B A
5183 A A B B A A A B B A A A B B A A A B B A A A B B A A A B B A
5356 A B A B A A B A B A A B A B A A B A B A A B A B A A B A B A
5454 5554 B C A A A A B C A A A A B C A A A A B C A A A A B C A A A A C C A A A A
5556 A A B B A A A B B A A A B B A A A B B A A A B B A A A B B A
5654 B C A B A
5183 A A B B A A A B B A A A B B A A A B B A A A B B A A A B B B
511.0 512.0 513.0 5356 A B A B A A B A B A A B A B A A B A B A A B A B A A B A B A
514.0 5554 B C A A A B C A A A B C A A A B C A A A B C A A A C C A A B
5154 5254 5556 A A B B A A A B B A A A B B A A A B B A A A B B A A A B B B
5654 B C A A B B C A A B B C A A B B C A A B B C A A B B C A A A
5183 A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A
5356 A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A
5086 5056 5554 C C A A A
5556 A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A
5654 B C A A B
5183 A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A
5356 A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A
5083 5456 5554 C C A A A
5556 A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A
5654 B C A A B
4043/4047* A C C A A A C C A A A C C A A A C C A A A C C A A A D C B A
5183 B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A A A B C B
5356 B B A A B B A A B B A A B B A A B B A A A B A C A
5554 C C A A A B
5556 B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A A A B C B
5654 B C A B A
1100 C E A A A A C E A A A A C A A A A B A A A A 1100
4043/4047* A D D A A A D D A A A D D A A A C C A A A C D A A 4043/4047*
4145* B C E B A B C E B A B C E B A 4145*
5005 5050
5183 C A C B C A C B C A C C B B A B A B A C B 5183
5356 C B B B C B B B C B B C B B B A A B B B B 5356
5556 C A C B C A C B C A C C B B A B A B A C B 5556
1100 D E A A A A D E A A A A D A A A A 1100
4043/4047* A D D A A A D D A A A D D A A A D D A A 4043/4047*
4145* B C E B A B C E B A B C E B A 4145*
3004 5183 C A C B C A C B C A C B B A C C A 5183
5356 C B B B C B B B C B B B B B B C A 5356
5554 C C A B A A 5554
5556 C A C B C A C B C A C B B A C C A 5556
1100 C C A A A A C C A A A A C A A A A 1100
3003 4043/4047* B B B A A B B B A A B B A A A B B A A A B B B A A 4043/4047*
4145* A A C B A A A C B A A A B A A A A B A A A A C B A 4145*
2319* B A A A A A A A A A A A 2319*
2219 4043/4047* B B A A A B B A A A B C B C A C B C A 4043/4047*
4145* A A B A A A A B A A A B C B A B C B A 4145*
2319* C A A A A A 2319*
2014 2036 4043/4047* B B A A A B B A A A B C B C A 4043/4047*
4145* A A B A A A A B A A A B C B A 4145*
1100 B B A A A A B B A A A A 1100
4043/4047* A A B A A A A B A A 4043/4047*
1100 B B A A A B 1100
1060 1070
1188 C C A A A A 1188
1080 1350
4043/4047* A A B A A 4043/4047*
Technical Guide

6005 6060 413.0 443.0

511.0 512.0 7005 7021 319.0 333.0
5083 5086 6063 6101 6061 444.0 356.0
513.0 514.0 5454 7039 7046 354.0 355.0
5456 5056 6151 6351 6070 A356.0 A357.0
5154 5254 710.0 711.0 C355.0 380.0
6951 359.0
A C B A A A C B A A A C B A A A B A A A C B A A C 4043/4047*
B B A B A B B A B A B B A B A B B A B A B B A A A A B B A A A A 4009*
A A B B A A A B B A A A B A A B A A B B A B 4145*
A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A 5554
B B A A A B B A A A B B A A A A B A A A B 4043/4047*
A A B B A A A B B A A A B B A A A B B A B 4145*
A A A A A A 4008*
A D C B A B D C B A 4043/4047*
A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A 5183
A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A 5356
B C A A A B C A A A A B C A A A A B C A A A A B C A A A A 5554
A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A A A B A A 5556
B C A A A B C A A A B C A A A B C A A A B C A A A 5654
A D C A A A C C A A 4043/4047*
A D C A A A C C A A 4643*
A A B A A A A B A A A A B B B A A B B B B A B B A B A B B B 5183
A B A A A A B A A A A B A B A A B A B A B B A B A B B A B A 5356
B C A B A B C A B A B C A A B B C A A A B C C A B B A C B A B B B 5554
A A B A A A A B A A A A B B B A A B B B B A B B A B A B B B 5556
B C A B A B C A B A B C A A A B C A A A C C A B B C B A B B 5654
A D C A A 4043/4047*
A D C A A 4643*
A A B A A A A B A A B A B B A B A B B A B A B B A 5183
A B A A A A B A A A B B A B A B B A B A B B A B A 5356
B C A B A B C A B A C C A A A C C A A A A C C A B B A 5554
A A B A A A A B A A B A B B A B A B B A B A B B A 5556
B C A B A B C A B A C C A A B C C A B B C C A B B 5654
Aluminum Filler Alloy Chart
C C A A A C C A A A B C A A A B C A A A A 5554
A A B B A A A B B A A A B B A A A B B A 5556
B C A B A B C A B A B C A B A B C A B A 5654
A A B A A A A B A A A A B B B 5183 Ease of welding
A B A A A A B A A A A B A B A 5356
W Relative freedom from weld cracking.
B C A A A B C A A A B C A A B 5554
A A B A A A A B A A A A B B A 5556
B C A A B B C A A B B C A A A 5654 Strength of welded joint (as-welded condition)
A A B A A A A B A A 5183 Rating applies particularly to fillet welds.
S All rods & electrodes rated should develop presently
A B A A A A B A A A 5356
5554 specified minimum strengths for butt welds.
A A B A A A A B A A 5556
5654 Ductility
A (3) B A A 5183 D Rating is based upon the free bend elongation
A A A A 5356 How To Use This Chart of the weld.
A A B A A 5556 1. Select base alloys to be joined (one from the side
5654 blue column, the other from the top blue row). Corrosion resistance in continuous or alternate
4043/4047* C immersion in fresh or salt water.
5183 2. Find the block where the column and row intersect.
5554 3. This block contains horizontal rows of letters
Recommended for service at
5556 (A, B, C or D) representative of the alloy directly across T sustained temperatures above
5654 from them in the filler alloy box at the end of each row. 150°F (65.5°C).
The letters in each line give the A-to-D rating of the
characteristics listed at the top of each column – W,
S, D, C, T and M (see Legend at right for explanation M Color match after anodizing.
of each letter).
4. Analyze the weld characteristics afforded by each
A, B, C, & D are relative ratings in decreasing
filler alloy. You will find that you can “trade off” one order of merit. The ratings have relative
characteristic for another until you find the filler that meaning only within a given block.
best meets your needs.
Example *NOTES:
(1) Combinations having no rating are not usually recommended.
If joining base alloys 6061 and 5086; first find the box
(2) The following filler alloys are heat-treatable and can
where the 6061 row and the 5086 column intersect.
produce higher strength weldments after postweld solution
Then notice that there are no ratings for filler alloys heat treatment and aging: 206, 357, 2319, 4008, 4009,
4043/4047, 4145 or 4643 – this means they are not 4145, and 4643.
ALC-10016C 03/15

usually recommended for this base combination.

(3) An “A” rating for alloy 5083 to 5083 and 5083 to 5456.
Filler alloy 5356 has an “A” rating for ductility, but a No rating for alloy 5456 to 5456.
“B” rating for strength. However, alloy 5556 has an (4) 4047 can be used in lieu of 4043. Alloy 4047 provides
“A” rating for strength, but a “B” rating for ductility. increased fluidity for welding leak-tight joints, minimizes
Therefore, it must be decided which attribute has solidification cracking, and has a slightly higher fillet weld
the highest priority. shear strength.

Technical Guide

Recommended Welding
Welding Parameters
Square - Groove Weld
Nominal Plate Thickness Gap Filler Wire Diameter Wire Speed Travel Speed Wire Consumption
in. mm in. mm in. mm Amps Volts ipm m/min ipm cm/min lbs/100 ft. kg/m
5/64 (.078) 2 0 0 .030 0.8 80 18-21 460 11.7 40 102 0.67 .01
1/8 (.125) 3 0-1/32 0-0.5 .035 0.9 130 19-22 480 12.2 40 102 0.75 .01
5/32 (.156) 4 0-3/64 0-1 .040 1.0 160 20-23 450 11.4 40 102 1.25 .02

Single V-Groove (typical included groove angle = 60°)

Nominal Plate Thickness Gap Filler Wire Diameter Wire Speed Travel Speed Wire Consumption
in. mm in. mm in. mm Amps Volts ipm m/min ipm cm/min lbs/100 ft. kg/m
3/16 (.187) 5 0 0 .035 0.9 175 19-23 750 19.1 40 102 2.6 .04
1/4 (.250) 6 0 0 .047 1.2 195 20-24 430 10.9 40 102 4.6 .07
5/16 (.313) 8 0 0 .047 1.2 220 21-25 465 11.8 35 89 7.2 .11
3/8 (.375) 10 0-1/16 0-1 .062 1.6 240 22-26 320 8.1 35 89 10.3 .15
1/2 (.500) 12 0-1/16 0-1 .062 1.6 275 23-27 380 9.7 30 76 18.3 .27
3/4 (.750) 19 0-3/32 0-2 .071 1.8 290 24-28 335 8.5 24 61 41.3 .61
1 (1.00) 25 0-3/32 0-2 .094 2.4 330 26-32 180 4.6 18 46 73.4 1.09

Horizontal Fillet Weld

Nominal Plate Thickness Gap Filler Wire Diameter Wire Speed Travel Speed Wire Consumption
in. mm in. mm in. mm Amps Volts ipm m/min ipm cm/min lbs/100 ft. kg/m
5/64 (.078) 2 N/A .030 0.8 100 18-20 500 12.7 41 104 0.4 .01
1/8 (.125) 3 N/A .035 0.9 140 19-21 580 14.7 31 78 0.6 .01
5/32 (.156) 4 N/A .040 1.0 150 20-22 425 10.8 20 51 1.6 .02
5/32 (.156) 4 N/A .047 1.2 180 20-22 410 10.4 25 64 1.6 .02
3/16 (.187) 5 N/A .047 1.2 190 21-23 425 10.8 22 56 2.2 .03
3/16 (.187) 5 N/A .062 1.6 220 21-23 285 7.2 26 66 2.2 .03
1/4 (.250) 6 N/A .047 1.2 210 22-24 480 12.2 20 51 4.0 .06
1/4 (.250) 6 N/A .062 1.6 230 22-25 300 7.6 25 64 4.0 .06
5/16 (.313) 8 N/A .062 1.6 230 23-26 300 7.6 20 51 6.2 .09
3/8 (.375) 10 N/A .062 1.6 240 23-26 325 8.3 18 46 8.9 .13
1/2 (.500) 12 N/A .071 1.8 280 24-28 335 8.5 24 61 15.9 .24

Outside Corner Joint

Nominal Plate Thickness Gap Filler Wire Diameter Wire Speed Travel Speed Wire Consumption
in. mm in. mm in. mm Amps Volts ipm m/min ipm cm/min lbs/100 ft. kg/m
5/64 (.078) 2 N/A .030 0.8 80 18-20 460 11.7 40 101.6 0.4 .01
1/8 (.125) 3 N/A .035 0.9 110 19-21 480 12.2 30 76.2 0.6 .01
5/32 (.156) 4 N/A .040 1.0 130 20-22 433 11.0 26 66.4 1.6 .02
3/16 (.187) 5 N/A .047 1.2 155 21-23 365 9.3 22 55.9 2.2 .03
1/4 (.250) 6 N/A .047 1.2 185 22-24 420 10.7 20 50.8 4.0 .06
5/16 (.313) 8 N/A .062 1.6 195 23-26 260 6.6 12 30.5 6.2 .09
3/8 (.375) 10 N/A .062 1.6 230 23-26 300 7.6 8 20.3 8.9 .13
1/2 (.500) 12 N/A .071 1.8 255 24-28 315 8.0 8 20.3 15.9 .24

NOTE: Welding parameters were developed utilizing the GMAW process with 100% argon shielding gas under laboratory conditions and are provided as guidelines only.
For 5XXX series electrodes use a welding amperage on the high side of the range and an arc voltage on the lower end of the range. For 1XXX, 2XXX and 4XXX series electrodes
use the lower amperage and higher arc voltage.
ALC-10037 04/14

AlcoTec Wire Corporation / alcotec.com / 1.800.228.0750

2750 Aero Park Drive, Traverse City, MI 49686-9263

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XA00248621 / NA / English / 04-22 / Note: Specifications subject to change without notice. Products may vary from those pictured.

ESAB / esab.com

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