University of Sulaimani
College of commerce
Department of Information Technology
Third Class
ITPM - 1 Semester
Public Transportation
Public Transportation------------------------------------------------------------(1)
System approach-------------------------------------------------------------------(2)
Three phase--------------------------------------------------------------------(3---5)
(Business , Technology , Organization)
Traditional & Agile Methodologies--------------------------------------------(6)
Types of Agile Methodology------------------------------------------------(7---8)
Best Methodology For Our Project (XP)-------------------------------------(9)
Stakeholder Register------------------------------------------------------------(10)
Mind Map-------------------------------------------------------------------------(11)
GANTT Chart--------------------------------------------------------------------(12)
IT Project Success & Failure------------------------------------------------- (13)
Success & Failure factors in IT projects------------------------------------(14)
SWOT Analysis------------------------------------------------------------(15---17)
Net Present Value (NPV)------------------------------------------------------(18)
WD Consulting NPV------------------------------------------------------------(19)
Weighted Scoring Model-------------------------------------------------------(20)
Project Management Plan -----------------------------------------------(21---22)
Screen Design---------------------------------------------------------------(23---25)
Project Charter-------------------------------------------------------------------(26)
WBS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------(27)
Kick-off Meeting ----------------------------------------------------------(28---31)
Conclusion ------------------------------------------------------------------------(32)
Public Transportation
In our modern world one of the biggest technological advances is finding a way to
ease transportation, and that’s exactly what our project is about, we want to create a
system for public transportation because one of the biggest problem in our city is for
the public to get around from point A to B, but because we only get around by taxies
and buses, it’s not very ideal, cause taxi fares are expensive and buses are only
available until dark, this creates a problem for the public if they want to find a cheap
and easy way to get around at night or at any time of the day. We want to create an
electric railroad system for our city that’s going to be available for the public 24/7,
and people can have monthly subscriptions by using an electric card and use the train
at any time without having to pay every single time, or they can buy a ticket and use
it only once.
System approach
System Philosophy : Our electric train system will roam around the city and the
downtown making transportation for the public easier, people can have their own
subscription cards and use them anytime they want to get on this train, they can have
monthly or two week subscriptions which can grant them the right to use the train
anytime they want without having to pay all the time, they need this card in the
stations to be able to get on the train. They can also buy a onetime ticket if they don’t
want a subscription or if they don’t use the train often.
System analyze: This project will mainly solve the transportation problem in our
city because it will be a less time and money consuming alternative, it will also
reduce congestion and traffic related accidents, more environmentally friendly cause
it’s powered by electricity, security wise it will be a much safer way for people to
get around.
System management: We have the station that act like a transit, people can board
at a station using their card or ticket by scanning them through the sensors at the
gates, and they get off at the next or other desired station. Tickets or cards are bought
through the website or the ticket machines. If a person chooses to buy a subscription
card, their information will be inserted into a database, this card will act like their
own personal ID which they can use to use the trains. Trains are controlled through
a control center, but also each of them has a devoted conductor. They all have
specific times for departure and arrival. A Project management team will handle
every aspect of the project with professionals in each field, making sure the project
goes smoothly without any issue.
Who will sponsor this project?
Who are the stakeholders?
How much will this project cost?
What other ways can we profit from this
How much will it cost the passenger to
use this project?
Who will sponsor this project?
Hamalaw companies group.
Who are the stakeholders?
The people sponsoring the project, the government, construction companies,
advertisement companies, users (the public), the project management team.
How much will this project cost?
It will cost roughly 1 million dollars for every kilometer of the railroad, there
are also the card subscription system that will be estimated around 200
What other ways can we profit from this project?
Not only will the railroad system will profit on its own but it will also profit
from advertising billboards on the train and stations.
How much will it cost the passenger to use this project?
There are three ways the passenger can use the system, first is the monthly
subscription, which passengers can pay 35 dollars and can use the train at any
time they want, there is also the 2 weeks subscription that costs 22 dollars,
and also there is the one time ticket which costs one dollar and can only be
used once.
Where can we get necessary technological support from?
From a professional IT technical support group.
How to cope with technological changes?
We need to update the system and maintain it regularly and be aware of any
technological advancements.
How can we make the used software secure?
We need a special group of professionals that will handle all the security
aspects of the system and we need them to find any holes in the system and
fix them.
Traditional & Agile Methodologies
Types of Agile Methodology
1. Kanban
Kanban methodology is an agile method developed in Japan. It aims at continuous
improvement, flexibility in task management, and enhanced workflow. With this
illustrative approach, the progress of the whole project can be easily understood in a
2. Scrum
Scrum is an agile development methodology used in the development of Software
based on an iterative and incremental processes. Scrum is adaptable, fast, flexible
and effective agile framework that is designed to deliver value to the customer
throughout the development of the project. The primary objective of Scrum is to
satisfy the customer’s need through an environment of transparency in
communication, collective responsibility and continuous progress.
4. Crystal
Crystal is a group of smaller agile development methodologies comprising of Crystal
Yellow, Crystal Clear, Crystal Red, Crystal Orange, and more. Each has its peculiar
and exclusive framework that is characterized by factors such as system criticality,
team size, and project priorities. Depending on the nature of the project or system
criticality such as Comfort (C), Essential Money (E), Discretionary Money (D), and
Life (L), the kind of crystal agile methodology is chosen.
Best Methodology For Our Project (XP)
We discussed that the best methodology for our project would be the
(Extreme Programing Methodology), and the reason being is our project needs
a software for the machines that produces the cards (the monthly
subscriptions) for the customers, for them to use the electric train station that
roams around our city stopping at the designated stations, these cards will
have information about the user that will be stored on a database.
Not to mention we need to create a website that people can use to renew their
monthly subscription or to acquire information about the train and the stations
and departure times and the locations and where the trains can go so they have
a better idea on how it all works, and also so they don’t have to always go to
the stations to renew their subscriptions, they can do it in the comfort of their
homes which makes it all easier, so when they want to go to the stations to get
on the electric trains and go to their desired destination, they don’t have to
wait for the machines to renew their cards. Those machines are set at each
station so people can use them to buy a one-time ticket or to buy the monthly
subscription cards or to renew their subscription.
Using this method it allows us make these software’s in a better way. Because
this methodology is built upon values, principles, and practices, and its goal
is to allow small to mid-sized teams to produce high-quality software and
adapt to evolving and changing requirements, which why we chose this
methodology because we might need to make changes and adapt to the
situations. XP methodology emphasizes on the technical aspects of software
development and on teamwork, communication, and feedback. It focuses on
constant development and customer satisfaction.
Stakeholder Register:
Mind Map
Phase one:
Create the softwares for the ticket/card
Softwares must provide card and
machines and make the databases
Create the softwares for the Phase Two:
machines and the website Create the website for our project
for users so they can recharge their
project cards or acquire information about
the transportation system
System might face hacking
and bugs and problems and
it might fail
Budget: Our team needs to have regular
These systems and softwares meetings to discuss the progress
and hardwares and machines and the issues of our project
are expensive and needs a
1/1/2022 1/21/2022 2/10/2022 3/2/2022 3/22/2022 4/11/2022 5/1/2022 5/21/2022 6/10/2022
IT Project Success
As the research paper shows, there are mainly three core factors to an Information
Technology Project’s success, those three are time, budget and quality.
These projects must be delivered on time it shouldn’t pass the deadline otherwise it
will cost us more, which is the second factor, it should be on budget meaning it
shouldn’t cost more than the original budget we set it up for the project. And the
third factor is quality, if a company or an organization took on a project to make a
product or service that has really terrible quality it will eventually lead to the failure
of the project.
There are also other factors as building the right team, and lesson learning from
mistakes and more, but those three are the main success factors.
IT Project Failure
As for the failure factors, there are many and the most important ones are poor
planning and unclear goals, false predictions and lack of executive management and
risk management, unrealistic due-dates and ineffective communications and many
But as we said in the success factors if a project is not due in time and budget and
doesn’t have a good quality, then this will lead to the projects failure.
Other things like changing the requirements or not completing those requirements
and the lack of user involvement and technology illiteracy but one of the biggest
reasons for the failure of Information Technology Project’s failure is the lack of
management support.
Success factors in IT projects
Co-worker influence
Goals and objectives
Good estimations
Handling of size and complexity
Internal communication
Less commercial pressure
Less customized solution
Lessons learned
No immature technology
No late changes
SWOT Analysis
Strengths: These are what our project is excelling in, the strong points of our team
and the advantages we possess, our projects strong points is that we will make a
website for a project that’s never been done in our city, it’s something new and
exciting and exactly what the people here need, so the strength is there is no
competitors cause there aren’t any major transportation project like ours.
Weaknesses: these are things we could improve in, the weakness in our project is
maybe the older generation of citizens may find it difficult to use our website and
our subscription system for our transportation project, so these is an area we should
try to improve in.
Opportunities: these are areas we can take advantage of, for example people want
a website that’s very easy to use and very user friendly, so we can create a simple
and beautifully designed website, and also the ticket and card producing machines
can also have an easy to use interface because people don’t want complicated
machine, so we need to make it very easy for everyone to use so they would want to
use our system.
Threats: these are anything that can negatively impact our project, the threats we
could be facing is security because we have people’s private information’s stored on
our databases and if that gets breached that will be badly affect our project and it
will make people not trust us and not use our project.
Conclusion :
We have a great and unique project here but we might face issues like security
problems and people not knowing how to use it, so we need create our website in a
way that will be really easy to use and also create an easy interface for the machines
that produce the train tickets and the subscription cards, and make it easy for people
to purchase them and pay easily, and also take advantage of all the opportunities and
strengths that we might have and be careful of the threats and try to work on our
Net Present Value (NPV)
Second Time year 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 year 6 Total
Benefits $ - $ 50.000 $ 60.000 $ 80.000 $ 80.000 $ 100.000 $ 370.000
Costs $ 130.000 $ 30.000 $ 28.000 $ 25.000 $ 25.000 $ 20.000 $ 258.000
Cash Flow $ (130.000) $ 20.000 $ 32.000 $ 55.000 $ 55.000 $ 80.000 $ 112.000
NPV $39.26
JWD Consulting NPV
First time
Discount rate 10%
1 2 3 4 5 Total
Costs 150.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 8.000
Discount factor 0.91 0.83 0.75 0.68 0.62
Discount costs 136.364 12.397 7.513 3.415 4.967 164.656
ROI 27%
Second time
Discount rate 10%
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total
Costs 130.000 30.000 28.000 25.000 25.000 20.000
Discount factor 0.91 0.83 0.75 0.68 0.62 0.56
Discount costs 118.182 24.793 21.037 17.075 15.523 11.289 207.900
Discount benefits-costs (118.182) 16.529 24.042 37.566 34.151 45.158 39.264 npv
Cumulative benefits-costs (118.182) (101.653) (77.611) (40.045) (5.894) 39.264
ROI 19%
Weighted Scoring Model
Weight Our Project Project 2 Project 3 Project 4
Importance of sponser 30% 90 75 95 50
Can be implemented in one year or less 10% 40 15 60 40
Provies positive NPV 20% 80 20 60 90
Low risk 30% 70 60 45 50
Uses realistic level of technology 10% 80 45 70 40
Weighted project Scores 100% 76.0 46.0 60.0 52.0
Project 4
Project 3
Project 2
Our Project
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Project Management Plan
Our electric railroad system will span around our entire city making transportation
much easier for the public, as an IT project management team we intend to plan out
all the IT related tasks and objective regarding this project.
Create a website and a mobile application for our railroad system.
Create a monthly subscription card for people to use any time desired.
Make recharging those cards easy for the users.
Project Scope:
The website we want to create for this project will have all the information about the
railroad system for example where all the stations are located around the city so
people know what locations they will be able to travel to easier, also it will let users
recharge their cards that lets them access the trains, these cards are rechargeable
monthly or every 2 weeks, so people don’t have to pay every time they get on these
Projected Time Frame:
Phase 1 . 15/3/2022
The design of the website is finished.
Phase 2 . 1/5/2022
The website was tested.
Phase 3 . 6/5/2022
The website is completed.
Project Budget:
Total project budget is 200,000,000$ .
The budget for the website and machines is 2000,000$.
the project will be carefully monitored and maintained for any problems and any
errors it could face, especially the website and the machines, they must work without
any issue, this will ne done by a professional team.
Screen Design
1. Login page
3.Station page
4.Pricing page
5.Content page
Project Charter
Budget Information: 2,000,000$ for hardware and software costs and 200,000,000$
for all project costs.
Project Manager: Kewan Awat , (964) 775 525-25-25,
Project Objectives: Create a good software for our project, this included having a
good website that’s up and running and doesn’t face problems like crashing
occasionally it must run well, and the machine must work as they are intended to do so
people wouldn’t have problems when they pay for the tickets, this is crucial because
peoples money is on the line.
Main Project Success Criteria: in order for our project to succeed our website must
be simple and easy to use and must be working properly, so we should maintain it and
fix any bugs or crashed it faces , and the ticket/card machines must work properly so
monthly maintenance is required.
Regular updates to insure the system runs well.
Develop a detailed coast for our project so we know how much we will ask from
our sponsors.
Public Transportation
Hardware Software
Login Form
Home page
Station page
Pricing page
Public Transportation Project
Kick-off Meeting
Date: 22/11/2021
Meeting Objective: We started the project written down our ideas, talked about the
details and the stakeholders and the goals and plans for our project.
Public Transportation Project
Kick-off Meeting
Date: 25/12/2021
Meeting Objective: discuss the methodologies and the stakeholder registration and
mind mapping and the charts and the successes and failures of our projects.
Pointing out the differences between traditional and agile
methodologies, and discussing five types of agile methodologies.
Choosing the best methodology for our project.
Creating the stakeholder registration.
Making a mind-map.
Creating a Gantt chart.
Finding an academic research paper about IT project success and
another about failure and summarizing them both.
List of action items from meeting.
Public Transportation Project
Kick-off Meeting
Meeting Objective: create a SWOT analysis and find the NPV twice, and finally
compare our project with other projects based on a weighted scoring model.
Public Transportation Project
Kick-off Meeting
Date: 30/1/2022
Meeting Objective: create a project management plan along with a project charter,
and break down the work to create a WBS, and talk about how the website will look
and creating a screen design.
● Create a project management plan.
● Make a project charter.
● Create a WBS.
● Make a screen design of the structure.