Klasa XII Wishes

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a. Revisions 8 20%
b. Tests 7 18%
c. Projects 8 20%
d. Writing Practises (w/p) 12 30%
e. Grammar and Function Practices (gr/fp) 5 13%

TOTAL 136 100%



FUNCTIONS 14 hours
NEW INFO 10 70%
Module 1- Sports & Entertainment
Hours: 30 (New topics 13, New gr.structures 7, Gr.f/pract 1, Wr. Pract 2, Revision 3, Writ/test 2, Project 2)
Objectives per Chapter

By the end of chapter 1 students will be able to:

▪ describe pictures,objects and places
▪ contrast ideas and speculate
▪ give personal information
▪ practise present and past tenses
▪practise relative clauses
▪ practise comperatives
▪ make a film review
▪practise phrasal verbs:take/make/set/put/see
▪ write an e-mail about travel experiences
▪ write a story
▪ write a short article of how to save energy
▪ write a presentation on forms of transport
Weeks Topic Hrs Types Comments

Students work on ELP 1 Revision

1 PROJECT 1: Division of the ss into groups 2 Project
topics' brainstorming
Unit 1.1 A Journey Under the Sea, Reading & Listening 3
Speaking & Writing( an email) 4
2 Unit1.2 Vocabulary (means of transport) 5
Degrees of adjectives/relative clauses/Use of Engl. 6
Unit 1.3 The London Marathon, Reading 7
Listening, Speaking(description of Michael) 8
3 Unit 1.4 Vocabulary (synonyms) 9
Present tenses of the verbs 10
Expressing interest/Use of English 11
Unit 1.5 Great Entertainers, Reading 12
4 Listening, Speaking (present a person to the class) 13
Unit 1.6 Vocabulary (movies) 14
Past Tenses, Use of English. 15 grammar/function practice
Prepositions / Writing( a film review) 16
5 Reinforcement1: grammar and voc exs, ELP:self assessment 17 Revision
Written test : 1 18 Test
Unit 1.7 Listening Skills (opinion/attitudes) 19
Unit 1.8 Speaking Skills (likes/dislikes) 20
6 Unit 1.9 Writing: Stories (outline) 21
Unit 1.10 Writing Stories (descriptive techniques) 22
Unit 1.11 Writing: Stories (describing people) 23
Unit 1.12 Writing (describing places) 24 writing/practice
7 Writing (describing objects) 25 writing/practice
Unit 1.13 Culture Clip 1. Use of English, speaking ( transport) 26
Unit 1.14 Our Energy Resources vocab and speaking:
Benefits of water and solar energy 27
PROJECT 2 : decision on the topic, arguments 28 Project
8 Reinforcement 2: Progress Check 1 Voc and gram exs 29 Revision
Written test : 2 writing( an essay) 30 Test
Module 2- Food , Health and Safety
Hours: 27 (New topics 13, New gr.structures 7, Gr/f practice 1, Wr. Practice 3, Project 1, Revis 1, Writ-test:1)
Objectives per Chapter

By the end of chapter 2 students will be able to:

▪ ask for and give advice

▪ offer/refuse foood/drink
▪ make assumptions and deductions
▪ make suggestions/agree or disagree
▪ practise infinitive/ing forms
▪ practise future tenses
▪ practise reported speech
▪ use phrasal verbs:come,get,bring,look
▪ use compound nouns
▪ write a short summary of atext
▪ write a weekly school menu
▪ write letters/e-mails (informal or formal)
Weeks Topic Hrs Types Comments
Unit 2.1 Mirror, Mirror on the Wall,Reading and Speaking 31
Writing ( a summary on notes) 32
9 Unit 2.2 Vocabulary (word power/phr.verbs) 33
Gram: Reported Speech, Use of English 34
Unit 2.3 Live Long and Prosper,Reading and Speaking 35
Listening, Writing( a paragraph) 36
10 Unit 2.4 Vocabulary (food & drinks) 37
Grammar: Compound Nouns, Future Tenses 38
Evrd Engl(ask for/give advice), Use of Engl Mod 2 w/b 39
Unit 2.5 Come Quickly,It's ... ,Reading and Speaking 40
11 Listening, Writing ( a paragraph) 41
Unit 2.6 Vocabulary (Jobs) 42
Grammar: Infinitive and -ing forms, Modals. 43 grammar/function practice
Use of English 44
12 Unit 2.7 Listening Skills (specific info) 45
Unit 2.8 Speaking Skills (agree/disagree) 46
Unit 2.9 Writing :letters and e-mails (styles) 47
Unit 2.10 Writing: e-mails of Complaints 48
13 Unit 2.11 Writing: letters/ e-mails (application) 49
Writing: letters/emails (recommendations) 50 writing/practice
Unit 2.12 Writing: Letters/emails based on notes 51 writing/practice
Unit 2.13 Writing: narrative/descriptive letters/emails 52 writing/practice
14 Unit 2.14 Culture Clip 2 , School.. Writing (design a menu) 53
Unit 2.15 Curricular Cut 1 , Food ... Voc exs 54
Project 3: An intoduction on the project outline 55 Project
Reinforcement 3: Progress Check 2 Voc and gram exs 56 Revision
15 Written test 3 (an essay) 57 Test
Module 3- Travel Time
Hours:27(New topics 12, New gr.structures 7, Gr/f.pract 1, Wr. Practice 2, Writ.-tests 2, Proj 1,Revisions 2)
Objectives per Chapter

By the end of chapter 3 students will be able to:

▪ talk about festivals,holidays,travel,celebrations
▪ describe and talk about past events
▪ ask about/recommend a place
▪ practise phrasal verbs; turn, take,put, keep, go
▪ practise gradable adverbs
▪ use correctly used/would to
▪ state opinions and give reasons
▪ write a short letter to afriend
▪ write an argumentative essay
▪ write an itinerary for a trip

Weeks Topic Hrs Types Comments

Unit 3.1 A fair…..:Reading and Speaking 58
Writing( a letter) 59
Unit 3.2 Vocabulary (Word Power) 60
16 Grammar: Phrasal verbs,gradable adverbs 61
Use of English: Renaissance Faire 62
Unit 3.3 Nature: Reading and Listening 63
Speaking and Writing (a paragraph on answers) 64
17 Unit 3.4 Vocabulary (expanding sentences) 65
Grammar: Used to/would, Use of English (exs) 66
Unit 3.5 Been there, Done that: Reading and Speaking 67
Listening, Writing(a description) 68
18 Unit 3.6 Vocabulary (travel) 69
Use of English, Prepositions 70
Reinforcement 4: Vocabul and gramm exs, w/book 71 Revision
Written test 4 72 Test
19 Unit 3.7 Listening Skills (stating opinions) 73
Unit 3.8 Speaking Skills (giving reasons) 74
Unit 3.9 Writing: Argumentative: Types and style 75

Unit 3.10 Writing :Argumentative (for and against) 76

20 Unit 3.11 Writing: Agumentative(expressing opinions) 77 writing/practice
Unit 3.12 Writing: Argumentative (providing solutions) 78 writing/practice
Unit 3.13 Culture Clip 3,New Zealand Tour, ELP:Voc exs 79
Unit 3.14 Green Issues, Eco-Tourism ( a leaflet) 80
21 Progress Check 3 voc and gram exs 81 grammar/function practice
Reinforcement 5 : ELP e-book 82 Revision
Written test 5: writing : (an essay) 83 Test
Project 4 : First draft 84 Project

Module 4- Environmental Issues

Hours:26 (New topics 11, New gr.structures 9, Gr/f.practice 1, Wr. Practice 2, Writ-tests 1, Project 1,Revis 1)
Objectives per Chapter

By the end of chapter 4 students will be able to:

▪ talk about the endangered animals
▪ talk about the environmental issues

▪ express concern, repeat and confirm

▪ practise the passive voice
▪ use conditional sentences to express wishes
▪ manage with the phrasal verbs; let,give,stand

▪ make a presentation on endangered animals

▪ write a summary of a text
▪ write a weather report
▪ write reports and proposals

Weeks Topic Hrs Types Comments

22 Unit 4.1 Into the Eye of the Storm, Reading & Speak 85
Writing( a short summary) 86
Unit 4.2 Vocabulary (Word Power) 87
Grammar: Inversion 88
23 Everyday English / Idioms 89
Unit 4.3 Save the Whales, Reading and Speaking 90
Listening, Writing( a few things from the text) 91

Unit 4.4 Vocabulary (animals in danger) 92

24 Grammar: The Passive, exs 93
Use of English ,sentence transformations 94
Unit 4.5 Global Ecologists, Reading and Speaking 95
Writing (How to protect the eniviroment) 96
25 Unit 4.6 Vocabulary (pollution) 97
Grammar: Conditionals, Wishes 98
Phrasal verbs, Use of English 99
Reinforcement 6: Module 4:Vocab & gramm exs, w/b 100 Revision
26 Written test 6 101 Test
Unit 4.7 Listening Skills (volcanoes) 102
Unit 4.8 Speaking Skills (pairwork) 103
Unit 4.9 Writing :Reports/proposals (plan) 104
27 Unit 4.10 Writing: Reports/Proposals (style, models) 105 writing/practice
Checklists for reports/proposals 106 writing/practice
Unit 4.11 Culture Clip 4 , Farms in the City, voc.exs 107
Unit 4.12 Curric.Cut 2:Global Warming, ELP: reading exs 108
28 Progress Check 4 , voc and gramm exs,self- assess 109 grammar/function practice
Project 5: Groups' presentation 110 Project

Module 5- Modern Living

Hours: 26 (New topics 10, New gr.structures 7, Gr/f.prac 1, Wr. Practice 3, Revis 1,Projects 3, Written-test 1)
Objectives per Chapter

By the end of chapter 5 students will be able to:

▪ talk about fashion and clothes
▪ talk about technology and computers
▪ talk about housing
▪ describe their favorite shop
▪ make complaints and apologies
▪ express their opinions on computer games
▪ practise emphatic structures with 'there' and 'it'
▪ use causative forms
▪ write a review
▪ write a descriptive article
Weeks Topic Hrs Types Comments
Project 6: Groups' presentation 111 Project
Unit 5.1 It's all in the Mind, Reading and Speaking 112
29 Writing(Childhood mem paragraph) 113
Unit 5.2 Vocabulary (Word Power)/Everyday Engl 114
Grammar:Phrasal Verbs & Use of English 115
Unit 5.3 Nanotechnology, Reading & Speaking 116
30 Listening and Writing(nanotechnology changes) 117
Unit 5.4 Vocabulary (Pc for dummies) 118
Grammar: Causative form and clauses 119
Sentence transformations /prepositions 120
31 Unit 5.5 Fashion , Reading and Listening 121
Speaking, Writing( a paragraph on fashion) 122
Unit 5.6 Vocabulary Teen fashion tips on clothes 123
Grammar: Quantifiers and words often confused 124
32 Reinforcement 7 Module5: Read.and vocab excs ()w/b) 125 Revision
Written test 7 126 Test
Unit 5.7 Listening Skills historic (building) 127
Unit 5.8 Speaking Skills (pros and cons) 128
33 Unit 5.9 Writing : Reviews 129
Unit 5.10 Writing : Articles 130 writing/practice
Unit 5.11 Writing : Articles (modals & analysis) 131 writing/practice
Writing: articles (purpose) 132 writing/practice
34 Unit 5.12Culture Clip 5: accidental inventions: ElP vocab exs 133
Unit 5.13 Use of English,Green Issues/progress check 5
134 grammar/function practice
Project 7: Groups'presentation 135 Project
Project 8: Students'overall evaluation on the project 136 Project

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