Lesson Observation Policy and Template

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Lesson Observation Policy and Template (Higher Education)

Policy no: 4.2

Version no. V 0.1
Next review due: August 2023
Responsible: SMT
Approved by & date: Academic Board October 2020
Linked policies and 2.5 Course Delivery Plan
documents: 2.7 Enhancing Academic Standards
3,1 Quality Assurance Policy
3.2 Quality Enhancement Framework
4.1 Teaching Learning and Assessment Strategy
7.4 Academic Staff Recruitment Policy
7.11 Staff Handbook
External reference points UK Quality Code UKSCQA/02
Expectations for Standards, Core Practice 2(p3);
…students who are awarded qualifications have the opportunity to
achieve standards beyond the threshold...

Expectations for Quality, Core Practice 3 (p3);

The provider has sufficient appropriately qualified and skilled staff
to deliver a high-quality academic experience.

Guiding principles on Teaching and Learning 12.1 – 12.9

Audience: OBC Academic Department, Website (General Public)

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 3
3. Aims and Objectives ..................................................................................................................... 3
4. OBC Teaching Observation Practice .............................................................................................. 3
5. Module Booklet ............................................................................................................................ 4
6. Scheme of Work ........................................................................................................................... 4
7. Planning ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Photocopying ...................................................................................................................................... 4
8. Pre-observation meeting .............................................................................................................. 4
9. Observation .................................................................................................................................. 5
10. Observation Feedback .................................................................................................................. 5
11. Types of evidence the observer looks for ...................................................................................... 5
11.1. What evidence is there of effective planning? ........................................................................ 5
11.2. What evidence is there of independent learning? .................................................................. 5
11.3. Is there effective engagement and participation by students? ............................................... 5
11.4. How effective is the teaching of subject knowledge? ............................................................. 6
11.5. How effective is the teaching of higher-level thinking skills identified in the programme
specification and subject benchmarks? ................................................................................................ 6
11.6. Lecturer Feedback .................................................................................................................. 6
12. Appeals......................................................................................................................................... 6
13. Appendix ...................................................................................................................................... 7

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1. Introduction

Within the Learning Teaching and Assessment Strategy, OBC operates an Observation of Teaching and a
Peer Observation. These two types of observations are carried out at OBC. The first is Formal
Observation. This is when the Head of Programme and/ or Head of Academics or an Inspector from an
external organisation observes a lesson and gives formal written feedback. The second type is Peer
Observation, which is informal, but lecturers are still asked to produce some written feedback for OBC
record. These two types of observations are complementary to each other and differentiated as
summerised below in the table.

Characteristic Peer Review (Observation) Observation of Teaching

Purpose Critical self reflection Improvement of learning and teaching
practice enhancement.
Outcome Discussion, analysis and Self Teaching-related actions for
improvements improvement
Observer Academic colleagues from a common Experienced staff trained to
subject discipline. (Internal Observer) provide constructive feedback
on teaching (Sometimes
external observer)

2. Purpose

The main purpose of the Lesson Observation Policy is to enable academic staff of OBC to gain fair,
transparent, and impartial feedback from a trained and experienced observer to improve learning and
teaching practice.

3. Aims and Objectives

The policy aims to provide an opportunity for academic staff to improve performance through guidance,
training and support with the following objectives

• To provide an opportunity for academic staff to reflect on their teaching practice.

• To identify and disseminate good teaching practice.
• To identify academic staff development needs and link to strategic improvements in teaching and
• To provide evidence of OBC’s commitment to improving the quality of learning opportunities.
• To successfully implement the improvement strategy of OBC

4. OBC Teaching Observation Practice

The aim of these notes is to explain the HE Lesson Observation process at OBC. All lecturers will be
observed at least two times per annum and possibly more. New lecturers should expect to be observed as
soon as possible after they start working at the College.

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5. Module Booklet
In some programmed the Module booklets and/or assignment briefs are provided to observer. If not
observer may be required to create one. These will need to be written in the same format and style as
the OBC standard module booklet and contain the following:
• A cover sheet with basic details of the unit
• An introduction and the aim(s) of the unit
• Learning outcomes and assessment criteria given in the programme specifications
• The assignment brief divided into tasks with integrated learning outcomes
• A scenario with the brief where feasible given the content of the assessment
• In Pearson programmes Level 4 and 5 learners need to integrate the requirements for a Pass
Merit and Distinction holistically into the overall instructions of the brief.

6. Scheme of Work
• Lecturers need to write a Scheme of work and add it to the assignment brief with lesson
schedule that indicates when learners must complete the tasks for formative and summative

7. Planning
Lecturers should create lesson plans in addition to the scheme of work for their lectures when they are
being observed using the template provided, which should include the following in separate columns:

• Times
• Objectives
• Resources used
• Activities of the lecturer
• Activities of learners including interaction
• Functional and higher-level thinking skills being developed

8. Photocopying
We are bound by copyright laws and if lecturers copy any published material, they must make sure that
they write the book name and author on the photocopies. They can take a master copy, write the
reference details at the top and copy off the numbers needed. The copyright rules we must comply with
are provided on the wall by the photocopier.

9. Pre-observation meeting

Before a formal or informal observation, there is a pre-observation meeting arranged by the observer.
Typically, this may be an email sent by the observer to arrange a time and date to carry out the
observation, and to get some information about the lecturer and students.
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Lecturers can expect to be observed for about 45 minutes, but it may not actually be that long. Some
observers enter and leave at their will and the lecturer is supposed to more or less ignore their presence,
but make sure there is a spare table and chair for them on the day of the observation if conducted in
situation, with a copy of the lesson plan and materials being used. When being observed, it is essential
to provide a lesson plan. The plan should include clear aims linked to the learning outcome(s) and the
stages and activities of the lesson should reflect these. If the lesson is being conducted online, lecturer
(observe) should email the lesson plan and scheme of work with module booklet to the observer at least
one day beforehand. Arrangements for this should be made during the pre-observation meeting.

11.Observation Feedback
After the observation the lecturer will be given verbal and written feedback on the following:

• Evidence of effective planning

• Evidence of independent learning
• Engagement and participation by learners
• Effective teaching of subject knowledge
• Effective teaching of higher-level thinking skills

12.Types of evidence the observer looks for

12.1. What evidence is there of effective planning?

• Staged and detailed plan
• Class profile, pen portrait
• Skills audit, initial assessments
• Scheme of work aligned with programme specifications
• Learning objectives integrated and aligned to learning outcomes and assessment

12.2. What evidence is there of independent learning?

• Learners challenged
• Learner centered approach used
• Learners able to work unassisted
• Learners developing and demonstrating higher level thinking skills
• Learners asking good questions to assist learning

12.3. Is there effective engagement and participation by students?

• Learners are engaged

• Learners are given equal opportunities
• The lecturer has made the subject interesting
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• Teaching methods help to facilitate engagement
• Participation supports achievement of intended learning outcomes

12.4. How effective is the teaching of subject knowledge?

• The lecturer is confident about the subject

• The lecturer can answer questions on the topic
• The lecturer provides reliable, up to date information
• Relevant examples are used to explain different aspects of the topic
• There has been prior learning beyond the scope of learning objectives

12.5. How effective is the teaching of higher-level thinking skills identified in the programme
specification and subject benchmarks?

• Learners developing the ability to critically evaluate

• Learners developing the ability to apply theory in practice
• Learners developing the ability to make effective judgements
• Learners developing the ability to analyse and synthesise information
• Learners developing employability skills and self-reflection on performance

12.6. Lecturer Feedback

During feedback lecturers will be given the chance to discuss any comments. In addition, they must
complete a form expressing their views about the process and outcomes of the observation.

If lecturers feel that comments in the observation feedback are unfair or inaccurate in any way, they
have the right to appeal. Firstly, they should make their concerns known to the observer. If they are not
satisfied with the response, they can put their appeal in writing to OBC’s Academic Board. The
Academic Board will respond within two weeks. If you are not satisfied with the response from the
Academic Board, you can take your concerns to the SMT. The SMT’s decision will be final.

Please note that the procedures and policies outlined in this policy, and in any related policy may be
reviewed or changed at any time before the actual review date.

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Lesson Observation Feedback Template:

Teacher’s Name Observer’s Name

Date Time
Programme Unit/Module
Lesson Summary

Effective planning
Strengths Areas for Development

Effective independent learning

Strengths Areas for Development

Effective Engagement and participation by learners

Strengths Areas for Development

Effective teaching of subject knowledge

Strengths Areas for Development

Effective teaching of higher-level thinking skills

Strengths Areas for Development

Effective use of Time

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Strengths Areas for Development

Effective use of Resources (ICT)

Strengths Areas for Development



Observer ....................................................................................Date...............................................

Observee ...................................................................................Date................................................

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