Oil and Water Separation
Oil and Water Separation
Oil and Water Separation
*Reviewed for the 1998 edition by Mary E. Thro of Paragon Engineering Services, Inc.
136 Design of OIL-HANDLING Systems and Facilities
Oil and Water Separation 137
fluid enters the separator and hits an inlet diverter. This sudden change in
momentum does the initial gross separation of liquid and vapor as dis-
cussed in Chapter 4. In most designs, the inlet diverter contains a down-
comer that directs the liquid flow below the oil/water interface.
This forces the inlet mixture of oil and water to mix with the water
continuous phase in the bottom of the vessel and rise through the
oil/water interface. This process is called "water-washing," and it pro-
motes the coalescence of water droplets which are entrained in the oil
continuous phase. The inlet diverter assures that little gas is carried with
the liquid, and the water wash assures that the liquid does not fall on top
of the gas/oil or oil/water interface, mixing the liquid retained in the ves-
sel and making control of the oil/water interface difficult.
The liquid collecting section of the vessel provides sufficient time so
that the oil and emulsion form a layer or "oil pad" at the top. The free
water settles to the bottom. Figure 5-2 illustrates a typical horizontal sep-
arator with an interface controller and weir. The weir maintains the oil
level and the level controller maintains the water level. The oil is
skimmed over the weir. The level of the oil downstream of the weir is
controlled by a level controller that operates the oil dump valve.
The produced water flows from a nozzle in the vessel located
upstream of the oil weir. An interface level controller senses the height of
the oil/water interface. The controller sends a signal to the water dump
138 Design of OIL-HANDLING Systems and Facilities
valve thus allowing the correct amount of water to leave the vessel so
that the oil/water interface is maintained at the design height.
The gas flows horizontally and out through a mist extractor to a pres-
sure control valve that maintains constant vessel pressure. The level of
the gas/oil interface can vary from half the diameter to 75% of the diam-
eter depending on the relative importance of liquid/gas separation. The
most common configuration is half full, and this is used for the design
equations in this section. Similar equations can be developed for other
interface levels.
Figure 5-3 shows an alternate configuration known as a "bucket and
weir" design. This design eliminates the need for a liquid interface con-
troller. Both the oil and water flow over weirs where level control is
accomplished by a simple displacer float. The oil overflows the oil weir
into an oil bucket where its level is controlled by a level controller that
operates the oil dump valve. The water flows under the oil bucket and
then over a water weir. The level downstream of this weir is controlled
by a level controller that operates the water dump valve.
The height of the oil weir controls the liquid level in the vessel. The
difference in height of the oil and water weirs controls the thickness of the
oil pad due to specific gravity differences. It is critical to the operation of
the vessel that the water weir height be sufficiently below the oil weir
height so that the oil pad thickness provides sufficient oil retention time. If
the water weir is too low and the difference in specific gravity is not as
great as anticipated, then the oil pad could grow in thickness to a point
where oil will be swept under the oil box and out the water outlet. Nor-
mally, either the oil or the water weir is made adjustable so that changes
in oil/water specific gravities or flow rates can be accommodated.
To obtain a desired oil pad height, the water weir should be set a dis-
tance below the oil weir, which is calculated by:
Figure 5-7 shows the three different methods of control that are often
used on vertical separators.
The first is strictly level control. A regular displacer float is used to
control the gas-oil interface and regulate a control valve dumping oil
from the oil section. An interface float is used to control the oil-water
interface and regulate a water outlet control valve. Because no internal
baffling or weirs are used, this system is the easiest to fabricate and han-
dles sand and solids production best.
The second method shown uses a weir to control the gas-oil interface
level at a constant position. This results in a better separation of water
from the oil as all the oil must rise to the height of the oil weir before
exiting the vessel. Its disadvantages are that the oil box takes up vessel
volume and costs money to fabricate. In addition, sediment and solids
could collect in the oil box and be difficult to drain, and a separate low
level shut-down may be required to guard against the oil dump valve fail-
ing to open.
The third method uses two weirs, which eliminates the need for an
interface float. Interface level is controlled by the height of the external
water weir relative to the oil weir or outlet height. This is similar to the
bucket and weir design of horizontal separators. The advantage of this
system is that it eliminates the interface level control. The disadvantage
is that it requires additional external piping and space.
Horizontal vs. Vertical Selection
Gas Separation
It can be shown that flow around settling oil drops in water or water
drops in oil is laminar and thus Stokes' Law governs. The terminal drop
velocity is:
It is difficult to predict the water droplet size that must be settled out
of the oil phase to coincide with the rather loose definition of "free oil."
Unless laboratory or nearby field data are available, good results have
Oil and Water Separation 145
been obtained by sizing the oil pad such that water droplets 500 microns
and larger settle out. If this criteria is met, the emulsion to be treated by
downstream equipment should contain less than 5% to 10% water with-
out an excessive chemical treatment program.
Oil Droplet Size in Water
From Equation 5-2 it can be seen that the separation of oil droplets from
the water is easier than the separation of water droplets from the oil. The
oil's viscosity is on the order of 50 to 20 times that of water. The primary
purpose of three-phase separation is to prepare the oil for further treating.
Field experience indicates that oil content in the produced water from a
three-phase separator, sized for water removal from oil, can be expected to
be between a few hundred and 2,000 mg/1. This water will require further
treating and is discussed later. Sizing for oil droplet removal from the
water phase does not appear to be a meaningful criterion.
Retention Time
A certain amount of oil storage is required to assure that the oil reach-
es equilibrium and flashed gas is liberated. An additional amount of stor-
age is required to assure that the free water has time to coalesce into
droplet sizes sufficient to fall in accordance with Equation 5-2. It is com-
mon to use retention times ranging from three minutes to thirty minutes
depending upon laboratory or field data. If this information is not avail-
able, an oil retention time of ten minutes is suggested for design.
Similarly, a certain amount of water storage is required to assure that
most of the large droplets of oil entrained in the water have sufficient time
to coalesce and rise to the oil-water interface. It is common to use retention
times for the water phase ranging from three minutes to thirty minutes
depending upon laboratory or field data. If this information is not avail-
able, a water retention time of ten minutes is recommended for design.
The retention time for both the maximum oil rate and the maximum
water rate should be calculated, unless laboratory data indicate that it is
unnecessary to take this conservative design approach.
The guidelines presented here can be used for initial sizing determina-
tions. They are meant to complement and not replace operating experi-
146 Design of OIL-HANDLING Systems and Facilities
Gas Capacity
The gas capacity constraints provide the following formula, discussed
in Chapter 4:
Retention Time
Settling Equation
This is the maximum thickness the oil pad can be and still allow the
water droplets to settle out in time (tj.)0.
For a given oil retention time and a given water retention time the
maximum oil pad thickness constraint establishes a maximum diameter
in accordance with the following procedure:
1. Compute (h0)max.
2. Calculate the fraction of the vessel cross-sectional area occupied by
the water phase. This is given by:
Oil and Water Separation 149
Any combination of d and Leff that satisfies all three of Equations 5-3,
5-4, and 5-5 will meet the necessary criteria.
3. Calculate AW/A:
7. Calculate combinations of d, Leff for d less than dmax that satisfy the
oil and water retention time constraints.
Gas Capacity
The gas capacity constraints provide the following formula discussed
in Chapter 4:
152 Design of OIL-HANDLING Systems and Facilities
The requirement for settling water droplets from the oil requires that
the following equation must be satisfied:
Retention Time
Example 5-1: Sizing a Vertical Three-Phase Separator
Oil and Water Separation 155
1. Calculate difference in specific gravities.
Table 5-1
Vertical Three-Phase Separator Capacity
Diameter vs. Length for Retention Time Constraint
(»r)o = (tr)w= 10 minutes
d h0 + hw Us
in. in. ft |12)l,$/d
84 94.5 18.2 2.6
90 82.3 17.7 2.4
96 72.3 17.4 2.2
102 64.1 17.2 2.0
1. Calculate difference in specific gravities.
Oil and Water Separation 157
Table 5-2
Horizontal Three-Phase Separator
Diameter vs. Length for Gas Capacity Restraint
d U
in. ft
60 1.7
72 1.4
84 1.2
96 1.1
Table 5-3
Horizontal Three-Phase Separator Capacity
Diameter vs. Length for Liquid Retention Time Constraint
(»r)o = (tr)w= 10 minutes
d U Lss
in. ft ft (12)l«/d
60 31.6 42.1 8.4
72 21.9 29.2 4.9
84 16.1 21.5 3.1
96 12.3 16.4 2.1
108 9.7 13.0 1.4