csc207 Reflection1

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What was your contribution to Phase 1?

- AccountManager, AccountController, a part of code for IGateway (One version of

reading and saving to .ser file), a part of account part of UI, helped out a little
on the DailyPlanner part.

In what ways did your team work well together?

- We splitted up to 3 groups, one for account, one for template, and one for
planner. We set internal deadlines and goals for each week. We organized meetings
every Friday to check everyone's progress.

In what ways can your team work better together for Phase 2?
- I think out team works well together. But sometimes people got too excited and
overworked (they did some of my parts), and some group member did not do their
part, they only copy and pasted code from me and another group member. There were
also times when people slept too late so did not make to the weekly meetings. In
phase 2, we would try to find better time slots for meeting, and split work more

What are some concrete ways to ensure your team works well together for Phase 2?
(examples: use a productivity app, set staggered deadlines so that two people who
need each other's code are not expected to finish on the same day, etc)
We are already using Trello as a productivity app. I think our group works well
together, and our current way is good enough. I think we would communicate better
if we use group chat more often, and give updates as soon as possible.

What can your teammates do to make your life easier for Phase 2?
Communicate better, and actually do their part of work instead of copying code.

What can you do to help out your teammates for Phase 2?

I should communicate more often with my teammates on their part, so that I
understand all parts of the program well. It would then be easier when we put
things together.

Describe one design decision that you participated in. What were the options? Which
did you chose? Why?
We had 3 types of accounts: regular, admin, and trial. I decided that when the user
creates an account, if they do not have email, they get trial account. if they have
an email containing "@admin", they get admin account. Else, they get regular. The
decision of which type of account to create is within one method. When user tries
to log in, they have option to continue as guest (trial) or enter their email,
which are 2 different options in the textUI. The same method can be called for both
options, which is more convenient than having multiple methods. if I separate each
option to different methods, each will be too small.

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