Eppp Candidate Handbook May

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ASPPB – Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards | ASPPB

Examination for Professional Practice
in Psychology

May 2023


Effective June 1, 2023, the test center sitting fee will increase to $91.88 from $87.50.

Masks may be required at Pearson VUE testing centers.

Please visit Pearson VUE COVID-19 Information for more information.

ASPPB – Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards | ASPPB


Introduction............................................................................................................................................................... 3
Content of the EPPP .................................................................................................................................................. 4
EPPP (Part 1–Knowledge)...................................................................................................................................... 4
EPPP (Part 2-Skills) ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Applying for approval to take the EPPP ..................................................................................................................... 5
Applying to sit for the EPPP ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Authorization to Test ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Special Accommodations ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Exam & Test Center Appointment Fees..................................................................................................................... 7
Schedule an EPPP Testing Appointment ............................................................................................................... 7
Cancel/Reschedule a Testing Appointment .......................................................................................................... 8
Rescheduling/Cancelation Fees ............................................................................................................................ 9
No-shows, Late Arrivals ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Refunds ................................................................................................................................................................. 9
French EPPP (FEPPP) ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Taking the EPPP ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
In Case of Technical Problems During the Exam Administration ........................................................................ 12
Appointment Time is not Necessarily Starting Time ........................................................................................... 12
Providing Feedback/Comments About the Exam ................................................................................................ 13
Receiving Examination Results /Feedback ............................................................................................................... 14
Scaled Scores and Passing Scores ............................................................................................................................ 14
Retaking the EPPP.................................................................................................................................................... 15
For Further Information .......................................................................................................................................... 15
EPPP Sample Exams ................................................................................................................................................. 16
Scheduling a Sample Exam .................................................................................................................................. 16
The SEPPP (Part 1-Knowledge) & SEPPP (Part 2-SKILLS): Test Center Sample Exams ......................................... 16
The SEPPPO (Part 1-Knowledge) & SEPPPO (Part 2-skills): Online Sample Exams .............................................. 16
Transfer Exam Scores: The ASPPB EPPP Score Transfer Service ............................................................................. 17
How do I request a transfer of my EPPP score? .................................................................................................. 17
EPPP Fee Summary - all Fees are non-refundable ........................................................................................... 18
Appendix A .............................................................................................................................................................. 20
Test Specifications / Summary of EPPP (Part 1-Knowledge) Content Areas ....................................................... 20

EPPP Candidate Handbook

Appendix B............................................................................................................................................................... 24
Sample EPPP (Part 1-Knowledge) Questions....................................................................................................... 24
Appendix C............................................................................................................................................................... 25
Test Specifications / Summary of EPPP (Part 2-Skills) Content Areas ................................................................. 25
Competencies and Behavioral Exemplars ........................................................................................................... 25
Appendix D .............................................................................................................................................................. 32
Sample EPPP (Part 2-Skills) Questions................................................................................................................. 32
Appendix E ............................................................................................................................................................... 33
Candidate Acknowledgement Statement ........................................................................................................... 33

ASPPB: Contact Us Form for general EPPP Info, Trouble Logging-in to Register; EPPP Application
Pearson VUE EPPP Candidate Helpline: 800-513-6910 for Scheduling or Rescheduling
ASPPB – Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards | ASPPB



The Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP) is developed and owned by the
Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB). The EPPP is provided to state boards
and provincial colleges of psychology to assist them in their evaluation of the qualifications of
applicants for licensure and certification. This standardized examination is constructed by ASPPB with
the assistance of its test vendor, Pearson VUE. Since 1963 the EPPP has assessed the core knowledge
required to competently practice psychology independently. The EPPP consists of two parts that will
assess both the core knowledge and the skills that are required to practice psychology independently.
The EPPP is continuously administered in a computerized delivery format through the Pearson VUE
network of computer testing centers. State psychology boards and provincial colleges acting
collectively through ASPPB provide support for the testing format. Pearson VUE maintains a network
of more than 275 Pearson Professional Centers (PPCs) in the United States and Canada in order to
provide access to computer-based testing (CBT) for Professionals (Candidates).

Individual psychologists who are subject matter experts in their field, work with ASPPB and its test
vendor in the ongoing development of and improvements to the EPPP. These combined resources are
greater than those available to any individual psychology licensing authority. The EPPP is only a part of
the evaluation procedures used by state boards and provincial colleges to determine Candidates’
readiness to practice the profession of psychology. Most boards/provincial colleges supplement the
EPPP with other requirements and/or assessment procedures.

In 2020, ASPPB introduced the EPPP (Part 2-Skills). The EPPP now includes two parts: the EPPP (Part 1-
Knowledge) and the EPPP (Part 2-Skills). However, only Candidates for licensure in jurisdictions that
have adopted the EPPP (Part 2-Skills) are required to take this portion of the exam. The EPPP is
intended to evaluate the knowledge and skills that the most recent Job Task Analysis has determined
as foundational to the competent practice of psychology. Most Candidates taking the EPPP have
obtained a doctoral degree in psychology, a year of doctoral supervised experience, and appropriate
postdoctoral experience. Candidates are expected to have acquired a broad basic knowledge of
psychology and a core range of applied skills, regardless of individual areas of concentration. The
knowledge is assessed by the EPPP (Part 1-Knowledge) through the Candidate’s responses to objective,
multiple-choice questions that are representative of the field at large. The skills required for
independent practice are assessed by the EPPP (Part 2-Skills) through the Candidate’s responses to
computer-based objectives, multiple-choice questions as well as scenarios, videos, and other item

EPPP Candidate Handbook



The Knowledge portion of the EPPP covers eight content areas:

1. Biological bases of behavior
2. Cognitive-affective bases of behavior
3. Social and cultural bases of behavior
4. Growth and lifespan development
5. Assessment and diagnosis
6. Treatment, intervention, prevention and supervision
7. Research methods and statistics
8. Ethical, legal, and professional issues

The percentage of exam questions for each of the eight content areas is determined through a Job
Task Analysis. Those percentages, and the specific sub-areas for each domain, make up the Test
Specifications, which are provided in Appendix A. Sample EPPP knowledge questions are provided in
Appendix B. Each form of the Knowledge portion of the EPPP contains 225 items, of which 175 are
scored and 50 are pretest items, which are not scored and do not count toward the final score. Each
item has four possible responses, only one of which is the correct answer.


Not all licensing authorities require Candidates to sit for the EPPP (Part 2-Skills) portion of the EPPP.
Please visit ASPPB, under EPPP (Part 2-Skills) section for a complete list.

The EPPP (Part 2-Skills) can only be taken AFTER the EPPP (Part 1-Knowledge) has been taken and
passed. EPPP (Part 2-Skills) also requires its own application to the Candidate’s licensing authority for
approval to sit for the exam.

This portion of the EPPP covers six domains:

1. Scientific orientation
2. Assessment and intervention
3. Relational competence
4. Professionalism
5. Ethical practice
6. Collaboration, consultation, and supervision

The percentage of exam questions for each of the six skills areas is determined through a Job Task
Analysis. Those percentages, and the specific behavioral exemplars for each domain making up the
ASPPB: Contact Us Form for general EPPP Info, Trouble Logging-in to Register; EPPP Application
Pearson VUE EPPP Candidate Helpline: 800-513-6910 for Scheduling or Rescheduling
ASPPB – Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards | ASPPB

Test Specifications are provided in Appendix C. Sample EPPP (Part 2-Skills) questions are provided in
Appendix D. Each form of the Skills portion of the EPPP contains 170 items, of which 130 are scored
and 40 are pretest items, which are not scored and do not count toward the final score. There is not
currently a French version of the EPPP (Part 2-Skills).


Regardless of the licensing authority, in order to sit for the EPPP, Candidates must first apply for
licensure to the licensing authority in the state, province, or territory in which they wish to be
licensed. The licensing authority reviews applicants’ credentials and determines if they meet the
requirements established in the laws of the state, province, or territory Board Contact Information.
Candidates who meet their licensing authority’s requirements will be approved to take the EPPP.


Once the licensing authority has approved a Candidate to sit for the EPPP, they will enter the
Candidate’s identifying information and authorization into the EPPP online registration system
(Certemy), creating an account for the Candidate with ASPPB. The Candidate will be sent two
automated, consecutive emails from Certemy to begin the process. The first email will state that the
licensing authority has uploaded the information into Certemy. The second email will contain the
instructions necessary to complete the registration process and links to Certemy.

Candidates should follow all steps within Certemy to complete the registration process. When entering
the information into the system, the first and last name must MATCH the name on the two forms of
identification that will be required to present when checking-in at the testing center. The middle name
will not be verified at the testing center. (Pearson VUE ID Policy).

NOTE: Candidates will not be permitted to test if proper IDs are not presented.

If a Candidate has a disability and will require special testing accommodations, the accommodations
must be requested and receive approval from the appropriate licensing authority before registering to
take the exam. NOTE: Accommodations cannot be added to an exam after it is scheduled.

During the registration process, Candidates are required to read and acknowledge their review of the
Candidate Acknowledgment Statement (Appendix E).

NOTE: Candidates must also acknowledge the responsibility to read the EPPP Candidate Handbook in
its entirety before scheduling to sit for the EPPP.

Candidates will then pay the EPPP exam fee and the Pearson VUE sit fee within Certemy and receive a
confirmation email and Authorization to test. From this email, Candidates should follow the link to
Pearson VUE to schedule the EPPP.
NOTE: All fees are non-refundable.

The procedures outlined here serve as a general guideline only. Please read the entire Candidate
Handbook for details.

EPPP Candidate Handbook


The Candidate Acknowledgment Statement contains important rules for taking the EPPP and should be
read in its entirety before acknowledging that it has been read. The Candidate Acknowledgment
Statement is presented in Appendix E.

Once the Candidate Acknowledgment Statement, Candidate Handbook, and the registration workflow
have been completed, Candidates will need to pay the exam fees in Certemy. The scheduling link to
access the Pearson VUE scheduling portal will then appear in Certemy. Once in the Pearson VUE
system, Candidates can schedule their EPPP.

NOTE: Once Candidates pay their exam fee, they must sit for the exam within the following 12
months, unless their validity end date set by their licensing authority is before that 12-month mark.

NOTE: Candidates cannot view their validity period within Certemy. It is the Candidate’s
responsibility to obtain the validity period from their Licensing Authority.

NOTE: Candidates should not pay or schedule their exam fees until they are ready to sit for the

The Authorization to Test is good for one exam appointment only and may be valid for up to one year.
Please note, however, that the Authorization to Test may also contain an earlier expiration date, if
required by the licensing authority.


Candidates with documented disabilities or impairments who wish to be tested under nonstandard
conditions must mark a “Special Accommodations” box during the EPPP registration process, as
accommodations cannot be added to an exam after it is scheduled. Candidates who check the
“Special Accommodations” box will see an acknowledgment of the accommodation request and
advising that their application is under review. Documentation supporting the need for the
accommodation(s) requested must be submitted to the Candidate’s state or provincial licensing
authority for review and approval. The Candidate’s licensing authority will review requests for
accommodations and will submit approvals/denials within Certemy. If approved by the licensing
authority, ASPPB will receive the approval for final review. Please note that once ASPPB receives
approval from the licensing authority, the final review by ASPPB and the creation of an
implementation plan by Pearson could take up to 10-15 business days. Candidates will receive an
automated email to view their updated accommodation status.

Note: Until the accommodations process is complete, Candidates shall not schedule either part of the

If there are questions regarding accommodations, please contact ASPPB prior to completing the EPPP
Registration process.

ASPPB: Contact Us Form for general EPPP Info, Trouble Logging-in to Register; EPPP Application
Pearson VUE EPPP Candidate Helpline: 800-513-6910 for Scheduling or Rescheduling
ASPPB – Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards | ASPPB



• English EPPP (Part 1-Knowledge) …….……………………… $600 USD per sitting (non-refundable)
o Test sitting fee until May 31, 2023…………………. $87.50 per sitting (non-refundable)
o Test sitting fee effective June 1, 2023………………. $91.88 per sitting (non-refundable)
• English EPPP (Part 2-Skills):
o Until August 15, 2023………………………………... $300 USD per sitting (non-refundable)
o After August 15, 2023…….……………………….…. $450 USD per sitting (non-refundable)
o Test sitting fee until May 31, 2023…………………. $87.50 per sitting (non-refundable)
o Test sitting fee effective June 1, 2023………………. $91.88 per sitting (non-refundable)
• French EPPP (Offered only for licensure in Canadian providences for the EPPP (Part 1-
o Fee structure is the same as above

NOTE: Once Candidates pay their exam fee, they must sit for the exam within the following 12
months, unless their validity end date (set by their licensing authority) is before that 12-month

NOTE: Cancelations will not result in a refund. All fees are non-refundable.

All fees are paid within Certemy. Acceptable forms of payment are American Express, Visa,
MasterCard, or Discover. A receipt for payment can be found in the Certemy Digital Wallet.


Candidates can schedule an EPPP (Part 1-Knowledge) or EPPP (Part 2-Skills) appointment after they
have completed the EPPP registration process and following the instructions contained in the
Authorization to Test email via Certemy.

Candidates must complete their exam within their eligibility period. You cannot view your eligibility
period within Certemy. The eligibility period is provided by the licensing authority from where
licensure is being sought. This eligibility/validity date should not be confused with “Due dates” within
Certemy or any other dates.

Candidates can also schedule for testing by calling the toll-free number for the Pearson VUE test
centers at 800-513-6910. Operators are available weekdays from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Eastern Time.
However, scheduling exam appointments online is a faster and more efficient process.

Candidates will need to provide the following information when scheduling their appointment:
• First and last name exactly as it is printed on identification documents,
and as entered in Certemy.
• Daytime phone number
• The name of the examination sponsor: The Association of State and Provincial

EPPP Candidate Handbook

Psychology Boards (ASPPB)

• The ASPPB ID Candidate Number (starts with ASPPB)
Candidates may take any part of the EPPP at any authorized Pearson Testing Center in the ASPPB
network, regardless of where they have applied to be licensed. However, all US Candidates must test
at a US testing center including US territories and all Canadian candidates must test at a Canadian
testing center. When Candidates schedule their appointment, they will receive an email that includes
confirmation of their appointment date, time, and location, an Order Number, a Registration ID, and
the Candidate’s ASPPB Candidate ID number.
• It is each Candidate’s responsibility to keep a record of the confirmation number and
appointment information (date, time and location).

Pearson Professional Centers are used for individuals taking exams for any profession that uses
Pearson VUE test centers. Therefore, Pearson VUE time slots for the EPPP (Parts 1 and 2) testing are
limited. The earlier Candidates schedule their exam, the more likely they will be able to schedule at the
time and location of their choice.

If Candidates fail the EPPP, the licensing authority where licensure is being sought may approve for a
retake. Licensing authorities vary in how often they allow Candidates to take the EPPP. If approved, a
new testing workflow will be created within Certemy, and Candidates will be required to register for a
new exam.


Candidates may cancel their exam date any time prior to 24 hours of the scheduled start time.
Canceling within 24 hours of exam start time will result in forfeiture of the exam fee and test center
fee. Canceling an exam does not result in a refund of exam or test center fees paid. If Candidates
cancel the scheduled exam appointment, it must be rescheduled prior to the end of their testing
eligibility/validity period that is set by their licensing authority. A cancelation fee of $87.50 may apply
and will be collected by Pearson VUE at the time of cancelation.

If a Candidate is unable to sit for the original exam appointment, the appointment will need to be
rescheduled. To reschedule an appointment more than 24 hours prior to the appointment start time,
Candidates must either contact Pearson VUE by telephone Monday through Friday (8 am-8 pm EST) at
800-513-6910, or they may reschedule online. For Candidates testing with special testing
accommodations the Pearson VUE telephone number is 800-466-0450. The new appointment date
must be within the eligibility period, and a rescheduling fee of $87.50 may apply and will be
collected by Pearson VUE at the time of rescheduling. If contacting Pearson VUE by phone, please
note that the call center is not open on weekends.

Once the exam is rescheduled, it is the Candidate’s responsibility to keep the confirmation email
received from Pearson VUE or to keep a record of the date, time, and the name of the representative
spoken with if the appointment was changed by phone.
ASPPB: Contact Us Form for general EPPP Info, Trouble Logging-in to Register; EPPP Application
Pearson VUE EPPP Candidate Helpline: 800-513-6910 for Scheduling or Rescheduling
ASPPB – Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards | ASPPB


Rescheduling up to and including 31 calendar days before the No Charge

scheduled START TIME of the appointment:

Rescheduling less than 31 days, but more than 24 hours, before the $87.50
scheduled START TIME of the appointment.

Canceling less than 31 days but more than 24 hours before the $87.50
scheduled START TIME of the appointment.
Cancellation of the exam appointment will not result in a refund.
The exam appointment must be rescheduled if the Candidate is
unable to sit on original date booked.

No-shows, Cancellations, or Rescheduling within 24 hours of the Forfeiture of all fees:

scheduled START TIME of the appointment. (exam and test center)


If a Candidate does not arrive for, or does not arrive on time for the exam appointment, and has not
rescheduled more than 24 hours prior to the start time of the exam appointment, the exam fee, the
test center fee, and the Authorization to Test will be forfeited. In this case, the Candidate will not be
permitted to schedule another examination date until re-registering with the licensing authority and
paying for another examination.


Refunds are not given for any reason. All exam fees and test center fees are non-refundable.


A French version of the EPPP (Part 1-Knowledge) (FEPPP) is available only to those Candidates whose
licensing authorities legally require the availability of a French form of the exam. The FEPPP should be
selected by the Candidate when registering online or by calling the toll-free number for the Pearson
VUE test centers at 800-513-6910. Operators are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to
8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. Canadian Candidates are not required to take the FEPPP and may
register to take the EPPP in the English version.

NOTE: Some licensing authorities do not accept EPPP scores from Candidates who take non-English
versions of the Exam.

ASPPB – Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards | ASPPB


Candidates may test at any authorized Pearson VUE center that administers the EPPP, regardless of the
licensing authority where they are applying for licensure. However, all US Candidates must test at a US
testing center including US territories and all Canadian candidates must test at a Canadian testing

Candidates must arrive 30 minutes prior to their scheduled appointment. Please Note: Candidates must
have a currently valid, government-issued photo ID (e.g., passport, driver’s license), as well as another
piece of identification imprinted with their name and containing a signature or recent photo (e.g., credit
card, CPR card). The first and last name on both forms of ID must match the name on the Authorization
to Test email. Pearson VUE ID Policy. Candidates will not be permitted to test and the registration fee
will be forfeited if proper IDs are not presented.

Prior to taking either part of the EPPP, Candidates will be asked to read and acknowledge their review of
the Candidate Acknowledgment Statement. Please note that the Candidate Acknowledgement
Statement contains important rules for taking the EPPP and should be read in its entirety before
acknowledging that it has been read.

The EPPP is administered under standardized conditions in accordance with procedures established by
Pearson VUE for all their testing centers.

Prices for publications and services listed in the booklet are subject to change.
EPPP Candidate Handbook ©April 2015 Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards – www.asppb.net

ASPPB EPPP Candidate Helpline: 844-659-4754 ◆ Pearson VUE EPPP Candidate Helpline: 800-513-6910
ASPPB – Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards | ASPPB

• Candidates taking the EPPP (Part 1-Knowledge) are allowed:

o 5 minutes to agree to the terms of the Candidate Acknowledgement Statement. If the
accept option is not selected within the 5-minute timeframe, the Exam will be
canceled and cannot be reset.
o 5 minutes for completion of the tutorial
o 4 hours and 15 minutes for completion of the exam items
o 5 minutes at the end of the exam allotted to complete a brief survey
• Candidates taking the EPPP (Part 2-Skills) are allowed:
o 5 minutes to agree to the terms of the Candidate Acknowledgement Statement. If the
accept option is not selected within the 5-minute timeframe, the Exam will be
canceled and cannot be reset.
o 9 minutes for completion of the tutorial
o 4 hours and 10 minutes for completion of the exam items
o 5 minutes at the end of the exam allotted to complete a brief survey

Candidates with documented disabilities or impairments, who wish to be tested under nonstandard
conditions, please see the section above regarding Special Accommodations.

There are no scheduled breaks during the EPPP. Candidates may take breaks whenever they wish;
however, the clock on the time allotted for the exam will continue to run. Once the exam begins,
Candidates are not allowed to leave the test center for any reason. A palm scan will be performed each
time a Candidate leaves and returns to the testing room.

Pearson Professional Centers are built to standard specifications and vary primarily on the basis of size.
Private modular workstations provide ample workspace, comfortable seating, and proper lighting.
Proctors monitor the testing process through an observation window and from within the testing room.
Parabolic mirrors mounted on the walls assist proctors in observing the testing process. All testing
sessions are videotaped and audio-monitored, and a digitized image of all Candidates taking the EPPP
will be retained.

Computer knowledge is not required to take a computerized examination. Before the examination
begins, a basic introductory lesson (tutorial) is presented that explains the process of selecting answers
and moving from question to question. Candidates have 5 minutes to complete the EPPP (Part 1-
Knowledge) and 9 minutes to complete the EPPP (Part 2-Skills) tutorial and are strongly encouraged to
review it carefully.

Candidates may select their answers using either the keyboard or the mouse.
• During the tutorial for the EPPP (Part 1-Knowledge), Candidates will learn how to highlight,
strikethrough, comment, flag, and skip forward or backward through the exam to review
• During the tutorial for the EPPP (Part 2-Skills), Candidates will learn how to skip forward or
backward through some sections of the exam and will learn about any other specific
instructions they will need to follow. Candidates should be sure they understand how to
review questions and proceed for any part of the exam.

EPPP Candidate Handbook

The testing software contains a feature that allows Candidates to flag questions to be reviewed later, if
time permits. Questions that are “flagged” for review do not need to be “unflagged” in order to count in
the scoring of the exam, as long as the questions have been answered. Candidates can take notes on
whiteboards during the tutorial.

Whiteboards can be supplied by the testing center upon request, but they are not automatically
supplied. Testing center staff will collect whiteboards at the completion of the exam. Candidates are not
allowed to bring their own scratch paper or writing instruments into the testing room.

Please Note: There might be some distractions in the testing situation because:
• Other Candidates may be taking exams that require narrative responses or that
have audible test questions, and there may be keyboard noise.
• Proctors will be entering the testing room on a regular basis to observe activity and
to seat other Candidates or answer inquiries.
• Other minor distractions might include ambient noise from outside the testing

If a Candidate is concerned that these kinds of distractions will affect exam performance, earplugs
and/or noise canceling headphones may be requested after arriving at the testing center. This does not
require pre-approval. Candidates are not allowed to bring their own earplugs into the testing room.

The total number of correct responses determines a Candidate’s score. Therefore, it is to the
Candidate’s advantage to answer every item, even when uncertain of the correct response. For the
EPPP (Part 1-Knowledge), the Candidate should choose the single best answer to each item. For the
EPPP (Part 2-Skills), the Candidate should follow the directions to choose the best answer(s) to each


A Candidate who experiences technical difficulties (e.g., a malfunctioning computer) while taking the
EPPP should alert Pearson VUE staff immediately. If Pearson VUE staff cannot remedy the situation
within 30 minutes, or if the problem persists despite attempts to remedy it, the Candidate will have the
choice to stay if the test center can accommodate the extra time until the problem is corrected or to
have the appointment rescheduled. The Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards cannot
help to resolve a problem that has not been reported to the test center staff at the time it occurs. Once
it is reported to the exam center staff, an incident will be created and submitted for review.


Candidates should remember that their appointment time is not necessarily their starting time.
Candidates must be checked-in before taking the EPPP (i.e., sign in, present the appropriate
identification, have a digital facial photo taken, and have a palm vein scan). The check-in process may
take time if many Candidates have the same appointment time. Candidates who are required to wait
more than 30 minutes after their scheduled appointment time to begin taking the EPPP will be asked by
Pearson VUE staff if, rather than continuing to wait, they would prefer to be rescheduled for another
ASPPB: Contact Us Form for general EPPP Info, Trouble Logging-in to Register; EPPP Application
Pearson VUE EPPP Candidate Helpline: 800-513-6910 for Scheduling or Rescheduling
ASPPB – Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards | ASPPB

day, provided it is within their eligibility period. If the Candidate cannot reschedule an exam date within
their eligibility period because there are only a few days left before the period expires, and/or there are
no available appointments, the Candidate will be instructed by Pearson VUE staff about next steps.


Candidates may provide feedback about the EPPP by completing a survey on the computer immediately
after completing each part of the exam. Should Candidates wish to provide feedback or comments at a
later date, they can use the ASPPB Contact Us Form to provide that feedback.

EPPP Candidate Handbook


Immediately upon completing the EPPP, Candidates will receive an unofficial score at the test center.
This is the only notification Candidates will receive from ASPPB. Candidates should maintain this report
for their records. This score will be reported to the Candidate’s licensing authority within 10 days. The
licensing authority will determine whether the score meets the established passing score according to
the rules of the licensing authority, and to determine the point at which individuals are formally
considered licensed. The score will not change except in rare cases such as an exam irregularity or
suspected violation of security protocols. This score report cannot be used for score transfers. If a
Candidate is applying for licensure in multiple states or provinces, the score will be sent only to the
licensing authority that was selected when registering for that part of the exam. Scores for applications
in other licensing authorities must have an Official Score Transfer sent directly from ASPPB. Score
transfers can ordered at www.asppb.net/page/ScoreTransfer. No information regarding a Candidate’s
score will be given from either the ASPPB or the Pearson VUE helpline.

Any Candidate who scores below 500 on either part of the EPPP (the ASPPB recommended passing
score for independent practice) will automatically receive performance feedback at the test center as
part of the score report. The feedback will be reported by domain in the form of a bar graph. There is no
fee for this report. Please retain this report, as it cannot be regenerated.


The scaled scores utilized by ASPPB are an arithmetic conversion of raw scores (the number of
questions a Candidate answers correctly) to a scale that ranges from 200 to 800. Converting raw scores
to scaled scores ensures that scores on different forms of the examination have the same meaning and
that pass points represent the same level of difficulty. Regardless of the exam form taken, the scaled
scores represent equal levels of achievement. For example, on the EPPP (Part 1-Knowledge), while the
ASPPB recommended passing scores of 500 for independent practice and 450 for supervised practice do
not change, the number of questions that have to be answered correctly to achieve a passing score can
change. If a form of the EPPP (Part 1-Knowledge) were easier than the form on which the passing score
was set, more questions would have to be answered correctly to obtain a scaled score of 450 or 500. If
the form of the EPPP were more difficult than the form on which the passing score was set, fewer
questions would have to be answered correctly to pass. Thus, Candidates are not rewarded because
their exam was easier nor penalized because it was more difficult.

Through equating, the ASPPB recommended passing score of 500 for each part of the EPPP is equivalent
to the criterion-referenced passing score standard established in ASPPB’s Standard Setting procedure.
The level of knowledge or skill represented by this score was adopted by ASPPB as a recommended
minimum standard for independent practice as a psychologist. As noted, the ASPPB recommended
passing scores on the EPPP are set at 500 for independent practice and 450 for supervised practice.
However, each board sets the standard for passing in its respective state, province or territory and
reports the result to the Candidates. At the present time, all licensing authorities accept the ASPPB
recommended passing score for independent practice on the EPPP (Part 1-Knowledge), but there is
some variation among licensing authorities regarding the passing score for supervised practice.

ASPPB: Contact Us Form for general EPPP Info, Trouble Logging-in to Register; EPPP Application
Pearson VUE EPPP Candidate Helpline: 800-513-6910 for Scheduling or Rescheduling
ASPPB – Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards | ASPPB

Scoring procedures for the EPPP (Part 2-Skills) are the same as for the EPPP (Part 1-Knowledge). If a
form of the EPPP (Part 2-Skills) is easier than the form on which the passing score was set, more
questions will have to be answered correctly to obtain the recommended scaled score for the exam. If a
form of the EPPP (Part 2-Skills) is more difficult than the form on which the passing score was set, fewer
questions will have to be answered correctly in order to pass.

All procedures and decisions with regard to licensure are the responsibility of each licensing authority.
Any questions about these procedures should be directed to the appropriate state or provincial board.


If Candidates’ scores do not meet their licensing authority’s requirement for licensure, it will be
necessary for them to retake that portion of the EPPP. Candidates may reapply to take the EPPP (Part 1-
Knowledge) or the EPPP (Part 2-Skills) by contacting their licensing authority for approval. Requirements
for retakes vary from licensing authority to licensing authority. Some licensing authorities have rules
related to retakes such as waiting periods, or additional requirements. Licensing authorities vary in how
often they allow Candidates to take the EPPP. Regardless of the licensing authority’s allowance,
Candidates may NOT take either part of the EPPP more than four times in any 12-month period. It is
recommended that Candidates wait for approximately 90 days from their last test date in order to allow
sufficient time to prepare to take the EPPP again.



• Licensure application > The licensing authority where licensure is being sought
• Specific licensure requirements Board contact information:
• Prerequisites for taking the EPPP

• General EPPP information

> https://www.asppb.net/page/EPPPSignup
• Questions, or issues registering for the EPPP
> https://www.asppb.net/page/ContactUs

• Scheduling or rescheduling a > Pearson VUE EPPP Candidate Helpline:

testing appointment Toll Free: 800-513-6910
Toll: 952-905-7369
Monday-Friday: 8:00 am – 8:00 pm EST
> Pearson VUE EPPP Candidate Helpline for special
Toll Free: 800-466-0450, prompt 3
Monday-Friday: 8:00 am – 8:00 pm EST

EPPP Candidate Handbook

The Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB) offers optional computer-delivered
sample exams for the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP). There are two
versions of the sample exam for the EPPP (Part 1-Knowledge), one sample exam for the EPPP (Part 2-
Skills). The new sample exams are scheduled to launch in the spring of 2023. Sample exams are offered
either online (SEPPPO (Part 1-Knowledge), and SEPPPO (Part 2-Skills)) or at a Pearson VUE test center
(SEPPP (Part 1-Knowledge), and SEPPP (Part 2-Skills)). The exams can be purchased and taken multiple
times. The Knowledge portion of the sample exam has two different exam forms available, so it will
repeat after a second attempt. The Skills portion of the sample exam initially has one form available, so
it will repeat after the first attempt. The items on both the SEPPP (Part 1-Knowledge) and the SEPPPO
(Part 1-Knowledge) are retired items from the EPPP (Part 1-Knowledge) item bank and have been
prepared following the same procedures as items selected for use on the current EPPP (Part 1-
Knowledge). Because the sample exams consist of retired, or unused EPPP knowledge items, and
because the items for the EPPP (Part 2-Skills) sample exam were developed specifically for this purpose,
they are not recommended for Candidates to use sample exams to assess areas where additional study
might be needed. Rather, they allow Candidates to take exams that are similar in test specifications to
either the Knowledge or Skills part of the EPPP. If taken at Pearson VUE testing centers, they also offer
conditions similar to those where Candidates will take the EPPP. The costs of the Sample exams are
located in the Fee Summary within this document.


Once the licensing authority uploads Candidate information into Certemy, each Candidate will receive
an automated email detailing the registration process. Candidates are eligible to schedule a sample
exam after completing the registration. The link to optional Sample exams can be found in the MY
TESTING section of each Candidate’s Certemy account. The link will take a Candidate to the Pearson
scheduling portal.


If Candidates choose to take a sample exam at a Pearson VUE Testing Center, they will have the
opportunity to practice answering questions of Knowledge (100 items) and/or Skills (65 items) under
real-world testing conditions. They will experience navigating the exam with the actual test
administration program and will receive a percent correct result upon completion of the sample exam.
The score report does not provide detailed information on missed items.


If Candidates choose to take a sample exam online, they will receive the same exams. The SEPPPO (Part
1-Knowledge) has 100 questions, and the SEPPPO (Part 2-Skills) has 65.

There are also sample items for the EPPP (Part 2-Skills) available by clicking here.

ASPPB – Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards | ASPPB

Candidates will experience taking a sample exam at the time and place of their choice with any
computer that can connect to the Internet. Candidates will receive a percent correct result upon
completion of the exam. The score report does not provide detailed information on missed items.

Note: If the “pause” feature is selected within the SEPPPO, the clock will continue to run, and
the exam will end after 120 minutes for the SEPPPO (Part 1-Knowledge) and 110 minutes for the
SEPPPO (Part 2-Skills). If there is a need to pause for an extended time, click exit in the web
browser. The sample exam must be re-entered and completed within 168 hours (one week) of
the time you began taking the SEPPPO. The total time allowed for taking the SEPPPO (Part 1-
Knowledge) (across all sittings) is limited to 2 hours. The total time allowed for taking the SEPPPO
(Part 2-Skills) (across all sittings) is limited to 1 hour and 50 minutes.

Note: The timing for the online SEPPPO cannot be reset or extended. If you fail to complete the
exam within 90 days or you pause the exam and the time runs out, you will forfeit the $30.00
SEPPPO exam fee.

Note: Once the exam is completed, click the “Finish Exam and View Scores” option. Once that is
selected, there is no way to go back to the sample exam.

NOTE: Both the SEPPP and the SEPPPO are offered for practice purposes only. No representation is made
that performance on the sample exams is a valid indicator of performance on any future licensing
examination or a guarantee of passage of such a licensing examination. An individual's score on a
sample exam will not be accepted in lieu of the passage of an actual form of the EPPP. By taking these
sample exams, each individual acknowledges that he or she understands these limitations on their use.


EPPP scores are automatically registered with the ASPPB EPPP Score Transfer Service. Candidates’
examination fees include a report of their score to the licensing authority where they are seeking initial

The ASPPB Score Transfer Service maintains a permanent record of EPPP scores and, at a Candidate's
request, the service will report the Candidate's EPPP scores to the licensing authority of another state or
province in which the Candidate seeks licensure or certification. The EPPP score report will also include
a review of ASPPB's Disciplinary Data System to determine if a disciplinary sanction imposed on the
Candidate’s license has been reported by any psychology licensing authority.


EPPP Score Transfers can now be requested online. For more information about the EPPP score
transfer, including fees and expedited service, visit https://www.asppb.net/page/ScoreTransfer. Score
transfers can also be processed on the phone by calling ASPPB at (678) 216-1175.

EPPP Candidate Handbook



Fee Notes (USD)

Licensure Not related to EPPP fees Determined by the licensing Check with
Application Fees authority the

EPPP Application $600.00

Payable to ASPPB within Base Examination Fee
Fee (Part 1- Certemy. non-refundable

EPPP Application $300.00*

Payable to ASPPB within Base Examination Fee
Fee (Part 2- *Until
Certemy. non-refundable 8/15/2023,
then $450

Test Site Payable to ASPPB within U.S. and Canadian EPPP Fee $87.50*
Appointment Certemy. non-refundable *Until
Fee (for both (This is the test site 6/1/2023,
Part 1 & Part 2) appointment fee) then $91.88

Test Site Implemented by and payable to Rescheduling 31 calendar days or $0

Rescheduling Pearson VUE because of more before scheduled
Fees frequent Candidate rescheduling appointment start time
that inconveniences other
Candidates Rescheduling less than 31 days but $87.50
more than 24 hours before the
scheduled appointment start time

Canceling less than 31 days but $87.50

more than 24 hours before the
scheduled appointment start

No-shows, or Rescheduling/ Forfeiture

Cancellation within 24 hours of of all fees,
the scheduled appointment (exam and
test center)

ASPPB: Contact Us Form for general EPPP Info, Trouble Logging-in to Register; EPPP Application
Pearson VUE EPPP Candidate Helpline: 800-513-6910 for Scheduling or Rescheduling
ASPPB – Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards | ASPPB

ASPPB EPPP Sample Exams (Part 1-Knowledge) and (Part 2-Skills):

Online Sample Examination for Professional Non-refundable $30.00

Practice in Psychology Online (Per attempt)

At Pearson Sample Examination for Professional Non-refundable $82.50

Professional Practice in Psychology (SEPPP) - (Per attempt)
Center Includes test site appointment fee

Sample Exam Because of frequent Candidate Rescheduling 31 calendar $0

Rescheduling rescheduling that inconveniences days or more before
Fees: Applicable other Candidates scheduled appointment
to the SEPPP at start time
Pearson VUE
testing centers
Rescheduling less than 31 $43.75
days but more than 24
hours before the
scheduled appointment
start time

Canceling less than 31 days $43.75

but more than 24 hours
before the scheduled
appointment start time

No-shows, or Rescheduling/ Forfeiture of the

Cancellation within 24 hours entire fee: $82.50
of the scheduled appointment
start time


ASPPB EPPP Candidate Helpline: 844-659-4754 | General EPPP Info, Trouble Logging-in to Register; EPPP Application
Pearson VUE EPPP Candidate Helpline: 800-513-6910 | Scheduling or Rescheduling
EPPP Candidate Handbook



Each English and French form of the EPPP (Part 1-Knowledge) contains 225 items, 175 of which are
scored and 50 of which are pretest items and do not count in a Candidate’s final score. Each item has
four possible responses, only one of which is the correct answer.

The content areas of the EPPP (Part 1-Knowledge) outlined below are based on the Job Task Analysis
that was completed by ASPPB in 2017. This reflects the knowledge base required for the various
responsibilities that psychologists are expected to assume in professional practice.

Domain 1. Biological Bases of Behavior (10%)

KN1. Functional correlates and determinants of the neurobiological and genetic bases of
behavior pertaining to perception, cognition, personality, and mood and affect in
normal, acute and chronic neurobehavioral disease processes and disease comorbidities
KN2. Drug classification, mechanisms of action, and desired/adverse effects of therapeutic
agents, drugs of abuse, and complementary or alternative agents
KN3. Results from major trials and general guidelines for pharmacological, psychotherapeutic,
and combined treatment of psychological disorders
KN4. Behavioral genetics, transmission and expression of genetic information and its
modification, and the role and limitations of this information in understanding disorders
KN5. Applications of structural and functional brain imaging methods, electrophysiological
methods, therapeutic drug monitoring methods, and genetic screening methodologies,
and the evidence for their effectiveness

Domain 2. Cognitive-Affective Bases of Behavior (13%)

KN6. Major research‐based theories and models of intelligence and their application
KN7. Major research-based theories, models, and principles of learning and their application
KN8. Major research‐based theories and models of memory and their application
KN9. Major research‐based theories and models of motivation and their application
KN10. Major research-based theories and models of emotion and their application
KN11. Elements of cognition, including sensation and perception, attention, language,
information processing, visual-spatial processing, executive functioning
KN12. Relations among cognitions/beliefs, behavior, affect, temperament, and mood
KN13. Influence of psychosocial factors on cognitions/beliefs and behaviors

ASPPB: Contact Us Form for general EPPP Info, Trouble Logging-in to Register; EPPP Application
Pearson VUE EPPP Candidate Helpline: 800-513-6910 for Scheduling or Rescheduling
ASPPB – Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards | ASPPB

Domain 3. Social and Cultural Bases of Behavior (11%)

KN15. Major research‐based theories and models of social cognition (e.g., person perception,
development of stereotypes, prejudice)
KN16. Social interaction and relationships (e.g., attraction, aggression, altruism, organizational
justice, verbal and non‐verbal communication, internet communication, mate selection,
KN17. Group and systems processes (e.g., school, work, and family systems, job satisfaction,
team functioning, conformity, persuasion) and social influences on functioning
KN18. Major research‐based personality theories and models
KN19. Cultural and sociopolitical psychology (e.g., privilege, cross‐cultural comparisons,
political differences, international and global awareness, religiosity and spirituality,
KN20. Identity diversity and intersectionality (e.g., psychological impact of diversity on
individuals, families, and systems)
KN21. Causes, manifestations, and effects of oppression

Domain 4. Growth and Lifespan Development (12%)

KN22. Normal growth and development across the lifespan

KN23. Influence of individual‐environment interaction on development over time (e.g., the
relationship between the individual and the social, academic, work, community
KN24. Major research‐based theories and models of development
KN25. Influence of diverse identities on development
KN26. Family development, configuration, and functioning and their impact on the individual
across the lifespan
KN27. Life events that can influence the course of development across the lifespan
KN28. Risk and protective factors that may impact a developmental course (e.g., nutrition,
prenatal care, health care, social support, socioeconomic status, abuse, victimization,
and resiliency)
KN29. Disorders and diseases that impact the expected course of development over the

Domain 5. Assessment and Diagnosis (16%)

KN30. Psychometric theories, item and test characteristics, test construction and
standardization procedures, reliability and validity, sensitivity and specificity, and test
fairness and bias
KN31. Assessment theories and models (e.g., developmental, behavioral, ecological,
KN32. Assessment methods and their strengths and limitations (e.g., self‐report, multi-
informant reports, psychophysiological measures, work samples, assessment centers,
direct observation, structured and semi‐structured interviews)
KN33. Commonly used instruments for the measurement of characteristics and behaviors of
individuals and their appropriate use with various populations

EPPP Candidate Handbook

KN34. Issues of differential diagnosis and integration of non‐psychological information into

psychological assessment
KN35. Instruments and methods appropriate for the assessment of groups and organizations
(e.g., program evaluation, needs assessment, organizational and personnel assessment)
KN36. Criteria for selection and adaptation of assessment methods (e.g., evidenced-based
knowledge of assessment limitations, cultural appropriateness, trans‐cultural
adaptation, and language accommodations)
KN37. Classification systems and their underlying rationales and limitations for evaluating
client functioning; dimensional vs. categorical approaches to diagnosis
KN38. Factors influencing evidence-based interpretation of data and decision‐making (e.g.,
base rates, group differences, cultural biases and differences, heuristics)
KN39. Constructs of epidemiology and base rates of psychological and behavioral disorders
KN40. Major research-based theories and models of psychopathology
KN41. Measurement of outcomes and changes due to prevention or intervention efforts with
individuals, couples, families, groups, and organizations
KN42. Use of technology in implementing tests, surveys, and other forms of assessment and
diagnostic evaluation (e.g., validity, cost-effectiveness, consumer acceptability)

Domain 6. Treatment, Intervention, and Prevention and Supervision (15%)

KN43. Factors related to treatment or intervention decision-making (e.g., relevant research,

matching treatment to assessment/diagnosis, matching client or patient with
psychologist characteristics, knowledge and use of allied services, cost and benefit,
readiness to change)
KN44. Contemporary research-based theories and models of treatment, intervention, and
KN45. Treatment techniques and interventions and the evidence for their comparative efficacy
and effectiveness
KN46. Methods and their evidence base for prevention, intervention, and rehabilitation with
diverse and special populations
KN47. Interventions to enhance growth and performance of individuals, couples, families,
groups, systems, and organizations
KN48. Research-based consultation models and processes
KN49. Research-based models of vocational and career development
KN50. Telepsychology and technology‐assisted psychological services
KN51. Healthcare systems, structures, and economics, and how these impact intervention
KN52. Approaches to health promotion, risk reduction, resilience, and wellness
KN53. Contemporary theories and models of supervision and their evidence base

Domain 7. Research Methods and Statistics (7%)

KN54. Sampling and data collection methods

KN55. Design of case, correlational, quasi‐experimental, and experimental studies
KN56. Analytic methods, including qualitative (e.g., thematic, phenomenological) and
quantitative (e.g., probability theory; descriptive, inferential, and parametric statistics;
meta-analysis; factor analysis; causal modeling)

ASPPB: Contact Us Form for general EPPP Info, Trouble Logging-in to Register; EPPP Application
Pearson VUE EPPP Candidate Helpline: 800-513-6910 for Scheduling or Rescheduling
ASPPB – Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards | ASPPB

KN57. Statistical interpretation (e.g., power, effect size, causation vs. association, clinical vs.
statistical significance)
KN58. Critical appraisal and application of research findings (e.g., adequacy of design and
statistics, limitations to generalizability, threats to internal and external validity, design
flaws, level of evidence)
KN59. Evaluation strategies and techniques (e.g., needs assessment, process and
implementation evaluation, formative and summative program evaluation, outcome
evaluation, cost‐benefit analysis)
KN60. Considerations regarding community involvement and participation in research
KN61. Dissemination and presentation of research findings

Domain 8. Ethical/Legal/Professional Issues (16%)

KN62. Current ethical principles and codes for psychologists (APA, CPA)
KN63. Professional standards and relevant guidelines for the practice of psychology (e.g.,
standards for educational and psychological testing)
KN64. Laws, statutes, and judicial decisions that affect psychological practice
KN65. Identification and management of potential ethical issues
KN66. Models of ethical decision‐making
KN67. Approaches for continuing professional development
KN68. Emerging social, legal, ethical, and policy issues and their impact on psychological
KN69. Client and patient rights
KN70. Ethical issues in the conduct of research
KN71. Ethical issues in supervision
KN72. Ethical issues in technology-assisted psychological services

EPPP Candidate Handbook


1. The central ingredient of the most effective behavioral treatment for agoraphobia is:
A. Deep muscle relaxation.
B. Prolonged exposure in vivo.
C. Shaping of the desired behavior with an implemented reward system.
D. Exposure in fantasy.

2. A test of adjustment is administered to 100 participants, and those scoring in the bottom 10% are selected
for intensive therapy. Following the conclusion of therapy, the test is re-administered and an improvement in
scores is noted. Such an improvement in test performance would probably be expected even without therapy

A. There has been a lapse of time between the first and second administrations.
B. Such tests are notably unreliable, particularly when based on small samples.
C. Regression of scores toward the mean is to be expected as a purely chance phenomenon.
D. The range for which the test was designed has been restricted by the method of sampling.

3. Which of the following descriptive features of a distribution of scores on a psychological test is not affected
by adding a constant 10 to each score?

A. The standard deviation.

B. The geometric mean.
C. The arithmetic mean.
D. The median.

4. A psychologist joins the staff of a community mental health center. A fellow psychologist, who is also a
member of APA, is listed in the center’s literature as having a doctoral degree. The newly hired psychologist
knows that this psychologist does not possess a doctoral degree. Acting consistent with the ethics codes of the
American and Canadian Psychological Associations, the newly hired psychologist should:

A. Discuss the situation with the other psychologist and indicate that claiming unearned credentials is
B. Tell the other psychologist to finish the degree.
C. Report the situation to the Ethics Committee of the local psychological association.
D. Inform the local newspaper of this falsification.
ANSWERS: 1-b; 2-c; 3-a; 4-a

ASPPB: Contact Us Form for general EPPP Info, Trouble Logging-in to Register; EPPP Application
Pearson VUE EPPP Candidate Helpline: 800-513-6910 for Scheduling or Rescheduling
ASPPB – Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards | ASPPB




The EPPP (Part 2-Skills) contains 170 items, 130 of which are scored, and 40 of which are pretest
items and do not count in a Candidate’s final score.

The domains of the EPPP (Part 2-Skills) outlined below are based on the Job Task Analysis that was
completed by ASPPB in 2017. This reflects the skills required for the various responsibilities that
psychologists are expected to assume in professional practice.


Domain Percentage
Scientific orientation to practice: This competency domain involves an
orientation to the knowledge developed through the science of
psychology, including evidence-based practice, as well as a scientific
method of looking at and responding to psychological problems. This
Domain 1: general competency also involves the knowledge of the core areas of 6%
psychology, which will not be assessed by the new competency
examination as they are currently well assessed by the Examination for
Professional Practice in Psychology (Part 1-Knowledge).

Select relevant research literature and critically review its assumptions,

conceptualization, methodology, interpretation, and generalizability
Critically evaluate and apply research findings to practice, with
attention to its applicability and generalizability
Interpret and communicate empirical research results in a manner that
is easily understood by non-scientific audiences
Acquire and disseminate knowledge in accord with scientific and ethical

1.2.1 Critically evaluate the literature relevant to professional practice

Share psychological knowledge with diverse groups (e.g., students,

1.2.2 colleagues, clients, other professionals, the public) within professional
settings in an unbiased manner

EPPP Candidate Handbook

Assessment and intervention: This competency domain involves the

Domain 2: provision of psychological assessment and intervention services to the 33%
Apply knowledge of individual and diversity characteristics in
assessment and diagnosis
Integrate knowledge of client characteristics in formulating assessment
questions and understanding the reason for assessment

Select assessment methods and instruments based on psychometric

2.1.2 properties, available normed data and/or criterion-referenced
standards, and address any limitations in that selection

Ensure that professional opinions, recommendations, and case

formulations adequately reflect consideration of client characteristics

2.2 Demonstrate effective interviewing skills

Adapt interview questions and behaviors in light of the characteristics of

the interviewer and interviewee
Demonstrate flexible, empathic, and appropriate use of a broad range
of interview techniques
Consider contextual information (e.g., reason for assessment, possible
legal or forensic considerations) in conducting an interview
Administer and score instruments following current guidelines and
Administer, score, and interpret a range of commonly used
standardized assessment instruments
Adapt relevant guidelines in situations requiring non-standard
2.3.2 administration, scoring, interpretation, or communication of
assessment results
Interpret and synthesize results from multiple sources (e.g., multiple
methods of assessment, written documentation, interviewees,
collateral sources of information) following current guidelines and
Interpret and integrate results from standardized tests and interviews
2.4.1 following established guidelines and, as appropriate, multiple applicable
norm sets
Identify the strengths and limitations of various types of assessment
Reconcile or explain discrepancies between various sources of data and
2.4.3 suggest alternative interpretations or explanations in light of any
limitations of assessment instruments

ASPPB: Contact Us Form for general EPPP Info, Trouble Logging-in to Register; EPPP Application
Pearson VUE EPPP Candidate Helpline: 800-513-6910 for Scheduling or Rescheduling
ASPPB – Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards | ASPPB

Synthesize client-specific and scientific data with contextual factors to

2.4.4 refine working hypotheses and develop conclusions and
recommendations across a range of problems
Formulate and communicate diagnoses, recommendations, and/or
2.5 professional opinions using relevant criteria and considering all
assessment data

2.5.1 Formulate diagnoses using current taxonomies

Provide recommendations that incorporate client and contextual

factors, including diagnoses
Communicate assessment results to clients, referral sources, and other
professionals in an integrative manner
Select interventions for clients based on ongoing assessment and
research evidence as well as contextual and diversity factors
Conceptualize intervention or treatment on the basis of evidence-based
Integrate client or stakeholder opinions, preferences, readiness for
change, and potential for improvement into intervention plan
Apply and modify interventions based on ongoing assessment, research,
2.7 contextual factors, client characteristics, and situational and
environmental variables
Articulate evidence-based rationale for decisions, recommendations,
and opinions to clients and others as indicated
Continually evaluate, modify, and assess the effectiveness of
2.7.2 interventions, considering all relevant variables including biases and
Consult with qualified peers when facing the need to modify
interventions in unfamiliar situations
Relational competence: This competency domain includes the ability to
engage in meaningful and helpful professional relationships, as well as
Domain 3: to understand and interact appropriately in a variety of diverse cultural 16%
and social contexts. It includes the two sub-categories of diversity and
Integrate and apply theory, research, professional guidelines, and
3.1 personal understanding about social contexts to work effectively with
diverse clients
Recognize, understand, and monitor the impact of one’s own identities
in professional situations
Engage in respectful interactions with an awareness of individual,
community, and organizational differences

EPPP Candidate Handbook

Modify one’s own behavior based on self-reflection and an

3.1.3 understanding of the impact of social, cultural, and organizational
Follow professional guidelines and the scientific literature, when
available, for providing professional services to diverse populations
Apply culturally appropriate skills, techniques, and behaviors with an
appreciation of individual differences
Work effectively with individuals, families, groups, communities, and/or
Use relational skills to engage, establish, and maintain working
relationships with a range of clients

3.2.2 Communicate respectfully, showing empathy for others

3.2.3 Collaborate effectively in professional interactions

3.3 Demonstrate respect for others in all areas of professional practice

3.3.1 Consider differing viewpoints held by clients and others

Respond to differing viewpoints by seeking clarification to increase

understanding before taking action

3.4 Identify and manage interpersonal conflict between self and others

Manage difficult and complex interpersonal relationships between self

and others
Consult with peers to examine and address one’s own reactions and
behavior when managing interpersonal conflict
Professionalism: This competency domain includes personal
competence, the ability to identify and observe the boundaries of
Domain 4: competence and reflective practice, the ability to be self-reflective and 11%
to receive feedback from others in relationship to one’s psychological
Identify and observe boundaries of competence in all areas of
professional practice

4.1.1 Identify limits of professional competence

4.1.2 Use knowledge of professional competence to guide scope of practice

Seek appropriate consultation when unsure about one’s competence

and additional needs for training and professional development

ASPPB: Contact Us Form for general EPPP Info, Trouble Logging-in to Register; EPPP Application
Pearson VUE EPPP Candidate Helpline: 800-513-6910 for Scheduling or Rescheduling
ASPPB – Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards | ASPPB

Seek additional knowledge, training, and supervision when expanding

scope of practice
Update knowledge and skills relevant to psychological practice on an
ongoing basis
Critically evaluate one’s own professional practice through self-
reflection and feedback from others
Engage in systematic and ongoing self-assessment and skill
Accept responsibility for one’s own professional work and take
appropriate corrective action if needed
Maintain awareness of personal factors that may impact professional
Ethical practice: This competency domain involves the ability to apply
Domain 5: both the ethical codes of the profession and the laws and regulations 17%
that govern the practice of psychology.
Demonstrate and promote values and behaviors commensurate with
standards of practice, including ethics codes, laws, and regulations
Demonstrate integration and application of ethics codes and laws in all
professional interactions
Communicate ethical and legal standards in professional interactions as

5.1.3 Seek professional consultation on ethical or legal issues when needed

Discuss with peers or collaborators any ethical concerns with their

Take appropriate steps to resolve conflicts between laws or rules and
codes of ethics in one’s professional practice
Accurately represent and document work performed in professional
practice and scholarship

5.2.1 Maintain complete and accurate records

5.2.2 Report research results accurately, avoiding personal biases

Ensure adequate and appropriate credit is given to trainees and

collaborators in scholarship

5.3 Implement ethical practice management

Practice in a manner commensurate with laws, ethical standards,

practice guidelines, and organizational constraints

5.3.2 Manage billing practices in an ethical manner

5.4 Establish and maintain a process that promotes ethical decision-making

EPPP Candidate Handbook

Systematically identify the ethical and legal issues and conflicts that
occur in professional practice

5.4.2 Consult with peers to aid in ethical decision-making when needed

5.4.3 Proactively address identified ethical issues

Collaboration, consultation and supervision: This competency domain

involves the ability to understand and work with individuals within
broader systems and includes the skills to operate effectively and
Domain 6:
ethically within organizational structures, to collaborate with others in a 17%
cooperative, multidisciplinary manner and to effectively and ethically
provide supervision to students, trainees and other professionals.

6.1 Work effectively within organizations and systems

Recognize the organizational and systemic factors that affect delivery of

psychological services
Utilize knowledge of organizations and systems to optimize delivery of
psychological services

6.2 Demonstrate interdisciplinary collaborations

6.2.1 Collaborate with various professionals to meet client goals

6.3 Consult and collaborate within and across professions

Tailor consultation requests and provision of information based on

knowledge of others’ professional needs and viewpoints
Use evidence-based psychological theories, decision-making strategies,
and interventions when consulting
Continually evaluate, modify, and assess the effectiveness of
consultation, considering all relevant variables

6.4 Evaluate service or program effectiveness across a variety of contexts

6.4.1 Develop plans for evaluating service or program effectiveness

6.4.2 Assess outcome effectiveness in an ongoing way

Ensure supervisee compliance with policies and procedures of the

setting, the profession, and the jurisdiction
Provide a supervision plan that details the supervisory relationship and
6.5.1 the policies and procedures of supervision, including procedures to
manage high-risk situations
Identify responsibilities of supervisees towards clients, including
informed consent and supervisory status

ASPPB: Contact Us Form for general EPPP Info, Trouble Logging-in to Register; EPPP Application
Pearson VUE EPPP Candidate Helpline: 800-513-6910 for Scheduling or Rescheduling
ASPPB – Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards | ASPPB

Monitor, evaluate, and accurately and sensitively communicate

6.6 supervisee performance to the supervisee, the organization, and the
jurisdiction as needed
Regularly provide behaviorally anchored feedback about supervisee
strengths and areas that need further development
Assure that supervisees who are trainees practice within the scope of
supervisor’s competence and license
Create and maintain a supportive environment in which effective
supervision occurs for trainees and other professionals being supervised
Attend to the interpersonal process between supervisor and
Monitor possible multiple roles or conflicts of interest, and work toward
resolution, if needed

EPPP Candidate Handbook



A psychologist is supervising an intern who comes to supervision unsure whether to use cognitive
behavior therapy (CBT) or behavioral activation (BA) to treat her client who has moderate depression.
The supervisor has a preference for BA. The intern asks the supervisor which approach she should use
with the client. How should the supervisor communicate the efficacy of CBT and BA to the intern?

A. Describe the personal bias of the supervisor for BA and ask the intern to
discuss her preference
B. Present BA and CBT as efficacious treatments, and discuss why the supervisor
has a personal preference for BA.
C. Present BA and CBT as efficacious treatments, and discuss the pros and cons
for both BA and CBT.

To view sample items for the EPPP (Part 2-Skills) please follow this link:
EPPP (Part 2-Skills) Sample Items


ASPPB: Contact Us Form for general EPPP Info, Trouble Logging-in to Register; EPPP Application
Pearson VUE EPPP Candidate Helpline: 800-513-6910 for Scheduling or Rescheduling
ASPPB – Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards | ASPPB



Candidates are reminded that they have an ethical and legal duty not to divulge the content of the
EPPP. The Candidate Acknowledgment Statement reproduced below, is presented on-screen as part
of the online application process. Candidates are required to acknowledge their understanding of the
statement in order to complete the application process. This text also appears on the computer
screen at the testing centers prior to the commencement of the Exam, and by proceeding with the
Exam, each Candidate acknowledges that he/she understands its meaning.

“By taking this examination, I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the following:

1. I have an ethical duty to protect the security and validity of the Examination for Professional
Practice in Psychology (EPPP).

2. The dissemination of the content of the EPPP to any person, organization, company, or other
entity in any manner shall constitute a breach of professional ethics and theft of the exam. The EPPP
score may be voided if any person is found guilty of such a violation. The Association of State and
Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB) may prohibit the Candidate from future access to the EPPP.

3. This examination and the items contained therein are the exclusive property of the ASPPB.

4. The theft or attempted theft of an examination or examination items is punishable as a felony and
may result in civil penalties or professional sanction. I recognize that the breach of my obligations
under this Candidate acknowledgment may expose me to liability for damages caused to the ASPPB
and to legal fees incurred by the ASPPB in preserving its rights.

5. This examination and the items contained therein are protected by copyright law and constitute
valuable trade secret information, the disclosure of which will cause injury to the ASPPB. No part of
this examination may be copied or reproduced in part or whole by any means whatsoever, including
memorizing and/or reporting items, item topics, or exam content unless previously authorized by the

6. My participation in any irregularity occurring prior to, during, or subsequent to this examination,
such as giving or obtaining unauthorized information or aid, as evidenced by observation or
subsequent statistical analysis, may result in termination of my participation, invalidation of the
results of my examination, or other appropriate action.

My demographic information and test scores will be used in aggregate with information from other
Candidates for research and reporting purposes. ASPPB, the association that owns and creates the
EPPP, and Pearson Professional, the organization that provides testing centers and scores the
EPPP, will not share any information that could identify me personally to any parties conducting

ASPPB: Contact Us Form | General EPPP Info, Trouble Logging-in to Register; EPPP Application
Pearson VUE EPPP Candidate Helpline: 800-513-6910 | Scheduling or Rescheduling

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