Modern Law Review - September 1959 - Hughes
Modern Law Review - September 1959 - Hughes
Modern Law Review - September 1959 - Hughes
30 If on1 for the reason that the buyer is not in contractual relations with the
manuPacturer. 3 1 [1919] 1 K.B. 486.
52 It is not contended that mere opportiinity for examination ought to exclude the
implied condition. A buyer ought only to be defeated under the proviso where
it was reasonable to expect, him to take the opportunity of examining the goods.
This will obviously not be so in every case.
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SEPT.1959 SALE OF GOODS ACT, 1898, 8. 14 (1) A N D (2) 498
36 See note 29, supra. "Merchantable" may not be a n ideal term, but it is
difficult to find a better one.
37 Liability is, and would be excliided only as to defects which an examination
ought to have revealed.
$6 I would like to record my gratitude to Mr. J. W. Davies, B.ff.L.(OXOn.),
LL.B.(Birm.), Stallybrass Lecturer in Law at Brasenose College, Oxford, for
his acute criticisms of this note
* B.c.L., Y.A., Assistant Lecturer in Laws, King's College, London.