Sympathomimetic Agents A4

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NC Hwang 2011

Catecholamines and Sympathomimetic agents

Sympathomimetic agents •dopamine adrenoceptor agonists
•drugs that mimic the actions of adrenaline or •distinct from α and β receptor agonists
noradrenaline •of particular importance in the brain, and in the
•can be grouped by splanchnic and renal vasculature
•mode of action •subtypes
•the spectrum of receptors that they effect •D1-5
•chemical structure •effects of dopamine adrenoceptor activation
•D1, D5: increase cAMP
•Classification by modes of action
•D2: decrease cAMP, opening of K+ channel and
•direct action
decrease calcium influx
•agents directly interact with and activate
•D3, D4: decrease cAMP
•Classification by chemical structure
•indirect action
•actions depend upon
•naturally occurring: adrenaline, noradrenaline,
•displacement of stored catecholamines
from the adrenergic nerve endings
•synthetic: isoprenaline, dobutamine, dopexamine
(amphetamine, tyramine)
•non-catecholamines: ephedrine, methoxamine,
•inhibition of reuptake of released
catecholamines (cocaine, tricyclic
β 
•Chemistry and pharmacokinetics -CH2-CH2-NH2
•Classification by receptor types •phenylethylamine
•alpha •benzene ring with ethylamine side chain
•beta •2 carbon atoms separate the aromatic ring & the
•dopamine amino group
•alpha adrenoceptor agonists •considered the parent compound from which
•potency series sympathomimetic drugs are derived
•adrenaline  noradrenaline >> isoprenaline •modification of phenylethylamine
(Ahlquist, 1948) •changes the affinity of the agent for α
•2 major groups and β receptors
•alpha1 (prazosin), alpha2 (yohimbine), both •influences the intrinsic activity to
receptor types (dihydroergocryptine) activate the receptors
•subtypes •structural activity – C3, C4 of benzene ring
•1A, 1B, 1D, 1L, 2A, 2B, 2C •C3, C4 substitution by OH groups yields catecholamines
•subtypes distinguished based on their •inactivated by catechol-O-methyltransferase
affinities for a variety of a variety of •catecholamines have maximal  and β activity
drugs and experimental compounds

•noncatecholamines sympathomimetic agents are agents

without -OH groups at C3 and C4
•e.g. ephedrine and amphetamine, both have
absence of OH groups at C3 and C4 position

•with absence of one or both -OH groups

•bioavailability after oral administration is
•duration of action is prolonged
•distribution of the molecule to the central
•beta adrenoceptor agonists nervous system is increased
•potency series •OH at C3 but absence of OH at C4 promotes α1
•isoprenaline > adrenaline  noradrenaline selectivity.
•subtypes •e.g. phenylephrine.  activity decreased by 100-
fold and β activity almost negligible at very high
•β1 (affinity: adrenaline = noradrenaline) concentrations, therefore phenylephine
•β2 (affinity: adrenaline > noradrenaline) considered a pure α agonist
•β3 (affinity: noradrenaline > adrenaline),
selective agonist BRL37344, antagonist
•effect of β adrenoceptor activation
•increase cAMP, common to all subtypes
•lipolysis with β3
•structural activity - amino group •Mechanism of action
•bulky amine substitution •G proteins
•reduces α-receptor activity •G (guanine nucleotide regulatory) proteins couple
•increases β-receptor activity adrenoceptors to various effector proteins whose activities
•too bulky for amine reuptake are regulated by the receptors
•MAO unable to oxidise agent •each G protein is a heterotrimer consisting of , β and 
•β2 selective agonists generally require a large amino subunits
substituent group •classified on the basis of the α subunit
•methyl (adrenaline) and isopropyl substitution •Gs: activates adenylyl cyclase
(isoprenaline) •Gi: inhibits adenylyl cyclase
•Gq: activates phospholipase C

•activation of G protein coupled receptors

•e.g. salbutamol (tertiary butyl group) •upon activation by an extracellular ligand, the receptor
triggers the activation of a G protein located on the
cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane
•GDP dissociates from the α subunit, followed by binding
of GTP to G protein
•N-methylation increases the potency of the primary
amines •GTP-bound α subunit then dissociates from the β- unit
•α activity of adrenaline > isoprenaline and regulate the activity of its effector (adenylyl cyclase,
cGMP phosphodiesterase, phospholipase C, and ion
•structural activity - alpha carbon
channels), which then changes the concentration of the
•catecholamines do not have methyl compounds at -
intracellular second messenger (cyclic adenosine-3’,5’-
monophosphate (cAMP), Ca++, or phosphoinositides)
• methyl compounds aka phenylisopropylamines
•by resisting oxidation by monoamine oxidase, •α subunit is inactivated by hydrolysis of the bound GTP
the action of these agents (ephedrine and to GDP and Pi, and the subsequent reassociation of the α
amphetamine) is prolonged, enhancing the ability subunit with the β subunit
of these indirectly acting sympathomimetics to
•β subunit may act directly on ion channels and other
displace catecholamines from storage sites in
noradrenergic nerves
•a portion of their action depends upon
the presence of normal noradrenaline
stores in the body

•structural activity - beta carbon

•direct-acting agonists typically have a β-hydroxyl group
(except dopamine)
•hydroxyl group may be important for storage of
sympathomimetic amines in the neural vesicles

•conferred by substitution on either of the ethyl C atoms
•levorotatory substitution at the β-C atom
produces naturally occurring noradrenaline and
•both are > 10 times as potent as their d-isomers
•dextrorotatory substitution at the α-C atom
generally confers greater potency in stimulation
of the central nervous system
•e.g. d-amphetamine
•activation of alpha1 receptor •in smooth muscle
•phosphorylation of myosin light chain kinase to
an inactive form promotes relaxation of smooth
•promotes entry of K+ into cells via Na+/K+
ATPase pump
•modifies gene expression
•by phosphorylating cAMP response element
binding protein

•Receptor regulation - desensitization

•aka tachyphylaxis, refractoriness, tolerance
•occurs after long-term usage of β-adrenergic agonist and
is reversible with removal of agonist
•3 mechanisms
•α1 receptors also activate mitogen-activated kinase (MAP •receptor sequestration, a rapid and transient
kinases) and polyphosphoinositol-3-kinase (PI-3-kinase) event wherein the receptors are made temporarily
unavailable for activation by agonists
•these pathways may have importance for the α1-
•down-regulation, disappearance of the receptors
receptor mediated stimulation of cell growth
from the cell, may take place by the action of
•activation of alpha2 receptor enzymes on the receptor or decreased synthesis
•phosphorylation of the receptor on the
cytoplasmic side by protein kinase A or β-
adrenergic receptor kinase βARK may impair
coupling of β-adrenoceptors with Gs

•activation of beta receptor

•in the liver

•activation of glycogen phosphorylase, with
increased glycogenolysis
•release of K+ from liver
•in the heart
•increase in cAMP results in increase Ca++ influx
across the cell membrane and its sequestration
inside the cell
•β adrenoceptor may activate voltage-sensitive
calcium channels independent of changes in
cAMP concentration via Gs-mediated
•Synthesis of noradrenaline and adrenaline

Noncatecholamine sympathomimetics
•with few exceptions the actions of the noncatecholamines
fit within the framework of α and β receptors
•mechanisms of action
•direct agonist activity (phenylephrine (),
ephedrine (β2)
•uptake into the adrenergic nerve terminal, with
subsequent stoichiometric displacement of
noradrenaline from storage sites (uptake &
displacement hypothesis of Burn & Rand, 1958)
•agents that release noradrenaline have
predominantly α actions
•elimination of non-catecholamines
•pathways for metabolism include
•conjugation in the liver
•Termination of action
•substantial fractions of these drugs are eliminated
•actions of adrenaline and noradrenaline are terminated by
unchanged in the urine
three processes
•renal excretion of amphetamine (pKa = 9.9), and many
•presynaptic re-uptake into the nerve terminal
other non-catecholamine's is profoundly influenced by
•dilution by diffusion from the junctional cleft
urinary pH
and uptake at non-neuronal sites, and
•large number of noncatecholamines have pKa
•metabolic transformation
between 9.0 to 10.3
•COMT for methylation
•therefore excretion is enhanced by acidification
•MAO for oxidative deamination
of the urine
•Metabolism •although these agents are resistant to the actions of the
•COMT & MAO distributed widely throughout the body, MAO inhibitors, they provoke the release of noradrenaline
including the brain and may cause hypertensive crises if administered
•highest concentrations in liver and kidney concurrently
•different cytosolic locations, •Beta adrenergic agonists
•MAO located on the outer surface of
mitochondria, especially in adrenergic neurones
•COMT located in cytoplasm, and some in
•no selective association with adrenergic
Pharmacodynamics •effects on the eye
•effect on blood vessels •mydriasis
•α receptor agonists increase arterial resistance •radial pupillary dilator muscles of the iris
•β2 receptor agonists promote smooth muscle relaxation contains α receptors, activation (by
•overall effects of a sympathomimetic agent phenylephrine) causes mydriasis
depend on the relative activities of that drug at α •aqueous humour
and β receptors and the anatomic sites of the •outflow increased by α agonists
vessels affected •production decreased by β agonists, (treatment
•e.g. skin vessels have predominant α receptors, of glaucoma)
constrict with adrenaline and noradrenaline •decrease in accommodation
•D1 receptor agonists promote vasodilatation of renal, •β receptor activation relaxes the ciliary muscle to
a minor degree causing insignificant decrease in
splanchnic, coronary, and cerebral arteries
•effects on the respiratory tract
•effects on the heart •bronchodilation
•direct effects are determined largely by β1 receptors, •mediated by β2 receptors on smooth muscle cells
though β2 and to a less extent α receptors are also involved •decongestion of upper respiratory tract mucosa
•β receptor activation results in increased calcium influx in •blood vessels of the upper respiratory tract
cardiac cells mucosa contains α1 receptors, activation results in
•chronotropy - pacemaker activity (sinoatrial decongestion
node and Purkinje fibres) is increased •effects on the gastrointestinal tract
•dromotropy - conduction velocity in •relaxation of the gastrointestinal smooth muscle
atrioventricular node is increased •β receptors located on smooth muscle cells and
•inotropy - intrinsic contractility is increased mediate relaxation via hyperpolarisation and
•lusitropy - accelerated relaxation decreased spike activity in these cells
•effects on blood pressure •α agonists, especially α2 selective agonists
•explained on the basis of the action on the heart, decrease muscle activity indirectly by
peripheral vascular resistance and venous return presynaptically reducing the release of
•pure α agonist, (phenylephrine) increases peripheral acetylcholine and possibly other stimulants within
vascular resistance and decreases venous capacitance, the enteric nervous system
leading to a marked rise in blood pressure •α response probably of greater pharmacologic
•with intact baroreceptor-mediated response, significance than β response
vagal tone increases resulting in bradycardia •α2 receptors may also decrease salt and water flux into the
•cardiac output may not decrease with increased lumen of the intestine
venous return, and modest positive inotropic •effects on the genitourinary tract
effect •relaxation of uterus
•pure β agonist, (isoprenaline) decreases peripheral •uterus contains both α and β2 receptors, β
vascular resistance receptors mediate relaxation
•net effect is increased cardiac output with •urinary incontinence
maintained or slightly increased systolic pressure, •bladder base, urethral sphincter, and prostate
and a decrease in diastolic pressure contain α receptors that mediate contraction
•relaxation of bladder wall
•mediated by β2 receptors of bladder wall
effects on the exocrine glands
•dry mouth
•central α2 activity
•increased sweat production by apocrine sweat glands
(palm of hands)
•these are nonthermoregulatory apocrine glands
usually associated with psychologic stress
•in contrast with diffusely distributed
thermoregulatory eccrine sweat glands which are
regulated by sympathetic cholinergic
postganglionic nerves that activate muscarinic
•metabolic effects •endocrine actions
•lipolysis •modulation of renin, insulin & pituitary
•increased by β3 receptor activation hormones
•inhibited by α2 receptor activation, via decreased •CNS actions
intracellular cAMP •stimulation of respiration
•glycogenolysis in the liver •some agents increase psychomotor activity &
•enhanced by sympathomimetic drugs (β>α1), wakefulness, and decreased appetite
leading to increased glucose release into the
circulation and hyperglycaemia Specific sympathomimetic agents
•hypokalaemia •Adrenaline
•by promoting uptake of potassium into skeletal •rise in blood pressure due to
muscle cells via Na+/K+ ATPase pump •positive inotropic and chronotropic actions on
•metabolic acidosis the heart (b1)
•effects on endocrine and other functions •vasoconstriction induced in many vascular beds
•insulin secretion ()
•stimulated by β2 receptor activation •vasodilatation in
•decreased by 2 receptor activation •skeletal muscle blood vessels (b2)
•renin secretion •total peripheral resistance may actually fall due to fall in
•stimulated by β1 receptors diastolic blood pressure
•inhibited by 2 receptors •vascular effects of adrenaline
•modulate secretion of parathyroid hormone, calcitonin,
thyroxine, and gastrin
•but physiologic significance unclear
•leukocytosis, with high concentrations of adrenaline
•in part, by promoting demargination of white
blood cells sequestrated away from the general
•effects on the central nervous system
•depend on the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier
•phenylisopropylamines, the most commonly
used noncatecholamines are widely distributed in
tissues and readily cross the blood brain barrier,
therefore have pronounced effects on the central
nervous system •smooth muscle effects of adrenaline
•feeling of impending disaster
•alerting, with improved attention to boring tasks
•elevation of mood, insomnia, euphoria, and
•psychotic behaviour
•probably represent enhancement of dopamine-
mediated processes in the central nervous system
•summary of effects
•peripheral excitatory action on certain types of smooth
•blood vessels supplying the skin and mucous
•gland cells, including the salivary & sweat
•peripheral inhibitory action on certain types of smooth •Noradrenaline
muscle •similar effects with adrenaline on β1 and  receptors
•the wall of the gut and bronchial tree •positive inotropic and chronotropic actions on
•the blood vessels supplying skeletal muscle the heart (β1)
•a cardiac excitatory effect, increase in rate and force of •vasoconstriction induced in many vascular beds
contraction ()
•metabolic actions, including, •relatively little effect on β2 receptors
•increased rate of glycolysis in muscle & liver, •actions lead to increase in total peripheral resistance,
and diastolic and systolic blood pressure
•the liberation of free fatty acids from adipose •compensatory vagal reflexes
tissue •tend to overcome direct positive chronotropic
effects, but positive inotropic effect is maintained
•Isoprenaline •Phenylephrine
•extremely potent β receptor agonist, little effect on  •relatively pure  agonist
receptor •acts directly on receptors
•positive chronotropic and inotropic action •noncatecholamine, therefore not metabolised by COMT
•potent vasodilator •longer duration of action than catecholamines
•actions lead to marked increase in cardiac output •applications
associated with •mydriasis
•a fall in diastolic and mean arterial pressure •nasal decongestant
•a lesser decrease or slight increase in systolic •pressor agent
pressure •side effects
•Dopamine •rebound hyperaemia
0.1-2 μg/kg/min •mucosal ischaemia
•D1 activation, increasing renal and splanchnic blood flow,
urine output and sodium excretion
•noncatecholamine phenylisopropylamine
•D2 activation, inhibiting noradrenaline release and
•mixed-action mechanism of action
resulting in vasodilatation
•stimulates both alpha and beta receptors and its
1-5 μg/kg/min
peripheral actions are due partly to release of
•activation of β1 receptors, increasing myocardial
stored noradrenaline and partly to direct effect on
•tachycardia, arrhythmias and increased cardiac work with
•has 1, 2, β1, β2 adrenergic receptor-agonist properties.
higher dose ranges
•40% of the thermogenic activity of ephedrine is
>6 μg/kg/min
reported to be due to the activation of the β3
•activation of  receptors, causing peripheral
adrenoreceptors in the adipose tissues
vasoconstriction, reducing splanchnic and renal blood
•also stimulates thyroid function
•active by oral route, with high bioavailability
•relatively β1-selective synthetic catecholamine
•rapidly and completely absorbed following
•2 isomers, administered as racemic mixtures
parenteral injection
•(+) isomer is potent β1 agonist and an 1 receptor
•access into brain, is a mild stimulant
•(-) isomer is a potent α1 agonist, capable of
•central effects of ephedrine are overshadowed to
causing vasoconstriction when administered alone
a large extent by its peripheral actions
•increases oxygen consumption and metabolic
•increase in stroke volume and left ventricular
rate as a probable result of central stimulation
•long duration of action
•reduction in LVEDP, PAWP, and SVR
•pressor and cardiac responses to ephedrine
•dose range: 2-15 μg/kg/min, but tolerance develops after
persist for one hour following intramuscular or
6-8 hours of infusion, probably due to downregulation
subcutaneous administration of 25 to 50 mg
•may deplete norepinephrine stores in
•Vd 0.2 L/kg
sympathetic nerve endings, so that tachyphylaxis
•clearance 60 ml/min/kg
to cardiac and pressor effects of the drug may
•t½β 2.5 minutes
•synthetic catecholamine, structurally related to dopamine
•small amounts of ephedrine are slowly
and dobutamine
metabolized in the liver
•produces a combination of D1 and β2and β1 receptor
•p-OHephedrine, p-OHnorephedrine,
agonist activity
norephedrine, and conjugates of these
•compared with dopamine, one-third potency at
D1 receptors but 60x more at β2 adrenoceptors
•relative selectivity for β2:β1-receptors about 9.8:1
•the drug and its metabolites are excreted in the
•inhibitory action in neuronal catecholamine uptake
urine, mostly as unchanged ephedrine
•more potent than dopamine
•rate of urinary excretion is dependent on urinary
•this likely accounts for the positive inotropic
action of the agent
•as a weak base, excretion is accelerated
•dose range 0.5-4 μg/kg/min: preferential systemic,
by acidification of urine
mesenteric and renal vasodilatation; t ½ about 7 minutes
•elimination half-life of the drug has
•dose range >4 μg/kg/min: tachycardia and hypotension
been reported to be about 3 hours when
•in patients with severe congestive cardiac failure
the urine is acidified to pH 5 and about 6
•profound reduction in afterload with increased
hours when urinary pH is 6.3
cardiac output (mainly rate)
•mild positive inotropy (5-10%)
•nasal decongestant
•increased renal blood flow
•pressor agent
•tachyphylaxis may occur
•Pseudoephedrine •Clinical applications of sympathomimetic agents
•one of the 4 enantiomers of ephedrine •correction of hypotension
•use as nasal decongestant •correction of hypertension (clonidine, methyldopa)
•treatment of stress incontinence in women •aid haemostasis
•side effects •mucous membrane decongestion
•hypertension •emergency management of complete heart block
•dysrhythmias (isoprenaline), cardiac arrest (adrenaline) acute right heart
•angina failure (isoprenaline)
•hyperglycaemia •management of congestive heart failure (adrenaline,
•contraindications dobutamine, prenalterol)
•people prone to hypertension, heart disease, •treatment of bronchial asthma
hyperglycemia, hyper-thyroidism, prostate •management of anaphylaxis, anaphylactic shock and
disease related immediate (type I) IgE-mediated reactions
•syndrome of bronchospasm, mucous membrane
congestion, angioedema, cardiovascular collapse
•noncatecholamine phenylisopropylamine
responds rapidly to subcutaneous administration
•enters central nervous system even more readily than
of adrenaline 0.3-0.5 mg (stimulation of α, β1,
and β2 receptors)
•has a more marked stimulant effect on mood and alertness
•ophthalmic applications
and a depressant effect on appetite
•mydriasis to facilitate examination of retina
•peripheral actions mediated through release of
•conjunctival decongestant
•treatment of glaucoma (alpha effects increase
•Cocaine outflow and beta effects decrease production of
•local anaesthetic with peripheral sympathomimetic action aqueous humour)
•inhibition of dopamine and noradrenaline •genitourinary applications
reuptake at the noradrenergic synapses, enhances •relaxation of uterus to suppress premature labour
the effects of the catecholamines •treatment of stress incontinence
•readily enters the central nervous system produces •central nervous system applications
amphetamine-like effect but •treatment of narcolepsy
•shorter lasting and more intense •appetite suppressant
•heavily abused drug as it can be inhaled as well as •treatment of attention-deficit hyperkinetic
injected syndrome
•by inhibiting neuronal uptake of amine, also inhibits the
•Toxicity of sympathomimetics
effects of the noncatecholamines
•severe hypertension
•myocardial infarction
•arrhythmias (sinus tachycardia, ventricular arrhythmias)
•tissue ischaemia if extravasation has occurred (treat with
alpha antagonist)
•restlessness, tremor, anxiety, insomnia, convulsions,
cerebra haemorrhage with agents that access the brain

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