Support and Utility Services Question 2011

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SUPPORT AND UTILITY SERVICES-I SEMESTER 4 A. ( Multiple Choice Type Questions ) 1.

. Sterilization of used infected articles in a hospital is conducted at a) Laundry department b) Pharmacy department c) Pathology Laboratory d) CSSD. The machine used for sterilization is called a) Incinerator b) Incubator c) Centrifuge d) Autoclave Infective illness contracted from others during the period of hospitalization is known as a) Diabetes b) HIV infection c) Hypertension d) Nosocomial infection Which of the following is NOT a function of pathology laboratory ? a) Hematology b) Microbiology c) Ultrasonology d) Histopathology PACS stands for a) Picture Analysis and Communication Systems b) Picture Application and Centralized Systems c) Picture Archival and Communication Systems d) Picture Administrator and Communication Systems The colour of the container used for the disposal of solid waste is a) Red b) Yellow c) White d) Black. A 'calender' machine is used to a) squeeze out water from the washed articles c) disinfect the articles NHPD stands for a) Number of hospitalization per day c) National Health Policy Determinant b) press or iron large articles d) fold article Paper code :402








b) Nursing hours per day d) none of these.


Rubber and plastic items should be sterilized by a) autoclave sterilizer b) microwave irradiation c) ethylene oxide sterilization d) dry oven sterilization. MRI stands for a) Medical Record Index c) Magnetic Resource Indicator. b) Magnetic Resonance Imaging



HAI stands for a) Hospital Acquired Infection c) Hospital Acquired Immunity

b) Hospital Affected Infection d) All of these.

Group - B ( Short Answer Type Questions )

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Biomedical waste collection and disposal PACS. Patient Safety Office Administration Blood bank Patient delight.

Group - C ( Long Answer Type Questions ) 1. What is the meaning and significance of support and utility services to Health care delivery system ? 2. Define HIS. Briefly describe its importance in health care organizations. What are the characteristics of a good HIS ? Name some of the advanced computer applications in the field of health care. 3. State your concept about transportation system and ambulance services in a hospital. 4. Define HAI. What are the causes and routes of spread for nosocomial infection ? Discuss briefly about hospital infection control program. 5. Describe the different functions performed by the hospital "kitchen & food & Diet". 6. Why are Laundry services important in hospitals ? Describe the storage conditions of a linen room. Describe the laundry process and its equipment used. 7. Discuss the organizational and operational planning of a hospital Pathology and Rradiology services

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