Math 1

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FORM INTERNSHIP 8.1 LESSON PLAN AND DELIVERY EVALUATION FORM. Name Sinh Song. subject Math & pate 20MM, 22 press Jacinth G Tine: (orton (ito Instructions: Read through the evaluation criteria and circle the most appropriate score for each criterion. Provide comments for each section as relevant/appropriate. CRITERIA MARKING KE\ Se Excellent Giteria for Grading ‘Comments: 1 ‘Lesson Plan ‘© The lesson plan was organized correctly, with ‘appropriate goats and objectives. 2. ‘Clear Behavioral Expectations ‘© The students were given very clear behavioral expectations. ‘© Classroom rules were reinforced Set fe rules ok the beaginming, of the clans. 3. __| Anticipatory Setinroduction to the Lesson +The teacher gained the chidren’s attention + The teacher used oids, T, pictures to stimulate student's curosity. + The teacher used an element of surprise (0 create cunosity and interest with his/her students ‘+The class was quiet, seated and wating in anticipation, 4 Procedural steps in the lesson ‘© The lesson had a logical flow. ‘+ Remember, however, that you teach children nat the ‘plan, Therefore, procedural steps can change or be ‘tered when appropriate Be flenble to capture a teachable moment. 5. | Sentent ‘+ The teacher has a good working knowiedge and understanding of the topic and objectives, «Content wos delivered accurately and confidently. 6 | Teaching manner Good eye contact Confident, encouraged students to participate REECE SPR “lS Vreare, meddcialy and achvifae aden Sole Te ‘Positive facial expressions ‘© Student-centered methodology Voice Projection ‘© Clear dition and enunciation ‘+ Voice pitched ot an auaible level + Voice projection wos appropriate and not above the noise ofthe loss. ace of the Lesson + Appropriate time fr each step inthe lesson (be fexble) ‘©The esson moved along at an appropriate pace. Rapport with students ‘= Teacher demonstrates professional distance. ‘+ Teacher was frm, assertive, fair, ad friendly ‘+ Teacher showed that good rapport is but on good teaching ‘+ Teacher encouraged positive communication 10. Questions ‘© Agood selection of HLQ ¢higher level questions) and LQ (lower level questions) were asked. ‘+ Wait time wos appropriate, ‘+ Teacher responded/accepted answers positively. ‘+ Additional questions extended the students thinking. Wt i © I1-PPT/overheads/DVD © Charts/books/pictures/Objects/artifacts © Droma © Games @ ‘Student Involvernent ‘+ Students were actively participating and engaged in learning + Collaborative eaming process. «Students remained on task White one of two Greet ware a the Voard, otters weer idle B. i Fr teaching ‘Students were given clear expectations Students were well organized and on task ‘+ Behavioral expectations were reinforced %4 ‘Guided Practice ‘= The teacher circulated amongst the students, answering questions, explaining tasks and assisting when needed. + THRE FE EERE % y ‘The teacher gave praise when students remained focused. ‘Positive praise was given for appropriate- Behavior, thoughiful answers; being on task, et 6. Closure ‘+ The teacher returned to the intial objectives to revise ‘and appropriately sum up the lesson atthe conclusion. heel --F 7. (OVERALL SCORE 470 one eth: ‘ CT. Sink shaw chile ont bye fie Reking MalfemnDrar , LT crnonk Wit La Anleiny Her emuerag do teach He borden Jerkrn moter % Aachen. + We preghred metiriats ayy pride. Ke tte ches (wrovbsteete), b. Areas of Improvements 7 with Shedeta must be improve. ; A rete tole omtbority ard mace SAF: confident we tein, + Prepare wore cuppa Ponpoiat th cde He ey bp yee Claw. nla Kove cad Nov. 202 Supervising Teacher Date FORM INTERNSHIP 82

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