1 Topic 1 Recruitment & Selection Week 1 Block 4
1 Topic 1 Recruitment & Selection Week 1 Block 4
1 Topic 1 Recruitment & Selection Week 1 Block 4
Recruitment and Selection
Eduvos (Pty) Ltd (formerly Pearson Institute of Higher Education) is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a private higher education institution under the
Higher Education Act, 101, of 1997. Registration Certificate number: 2001/HE07/008
Module Guide: Week 1
Knowledge Ability
Recruitment & Selection is about matching
people to jobs & to organisations.
= Selection Decisions
Discussion questions
• Micro Perspective
• Processes, procedures and techniques of recruitment & selection.
• Macro Perspective
• Wider factors and demands that influence how recruitment and
selection are applied in organisations.
• Strategic demands of the organisation that apply to a specific point
of time.
Effective approach to recruitment & selection
• Evidence Based
• Use of research & empirical evidence to inform the
process and procedures of recruitment & selection.
• Systematic
• Following a logical pathway with sequential decisions
based on sound analysis.
• Fair
• Processes are free of bias and unfair discrimination.
• Strategic
• Based on strategic context of the HR function and the
strategic needs of the organisation.
Characteristics of A Model of
Recruitment & Selection
Longitudinal process
• Follows a series of stages.
• Follows sequential steps.
• Systematic process
• methodological best practice
• Has different activities
• structured techniques
• Practical tasks & activities.
• Applies problem-solving logic.
1.2 The Process of Recruitment
and Selection pg. 142
• Analysis of the job requirements
• Competency analysis, KSAO’s (knowledge, skills, abilities and
other characteristics) to perform a job role.
• Recruit Applicant Pool
• Advertise job vacancies
• Realistic Job Previews
• Specify Selection Performance Criteria
• Knowledge, skills, abilities, & other characteristics
• Selection of Assessments
• reliability, validity, fairness
• Define Selection Criteria (what are the performance
• Select-out unsuitable applicants
• Application forms, cv, bio data, psychometric/situational Judgment testing
• Select in potential candidates
• psychometric/situational Judgment testing, selection interviews, work
samples, assessment Centre's
• Evaluate Selection Process
A Model of the Recruitment Process
Fit with Wider Organisational Systems
HR Function
Aim to identify employee potential.
The Contribution of work psychology to selection
Job Design
Team Climate
1.3 Describe the methods of job and
competency analysis.
Job Description
KSAO’s • Tasks &
• Defining Responsibilities
performance criteria
for the job Job
1.3 Methods of Job Analysis
• “range of techniques designed to help us understand what people do
at work & why some people do better at it than others”.
• How suitable is a candidate for a job.
• To make an effective decision about how suitable a candidate is for a job.
• List characteristics of the job.
• State the KSAO’s (knowledge, skills, abilities and other
characteristics) that should be demonstrated by the candidate.
• Performance criteria.
• Use of competency modeling or profiling.
• Competencies
• “observable workplace behaviours that form the bases of a differential
measurement of performance.”
• Behaviour patterns that are performance related.
• Integrated KSAO’s
Job Analysis: evidence-based specification of attributes to
establish the correspondence between attributes of the
candidate and those attributes identified as essential for the
Job Outcomes
Description • Specify KSAOs
& Behaviours
• Main tasks and
responsibilities • Competencies
Job Analysis of the job that must be
• Task lists
by the
1.3 Methods of Competency Analysis
KSAO’s (knowledge, skills, ability & other
• Practical Activity
• Choose a Job Advertisement for your chosen career.
• Using the Advertisement outline the following:
• Job functions
• Job requirements
• KSAO’s (competencies)
Discussion questions
FACULTY MEMBER, COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY (education) 090. 227-010. Conducts college or university
courses for undergraduate or graduate students: Teaches one or more subjects, such as economics, chemistry,
law, or medicine, within a prescribed curriculum. Prepares and delivers lectures to students. Compiles
bibliographies of specialized materials for outside reading assignments. Stimulates class discussions. Compiles,
administers, and grades examinations, or assigns this work to others. Directs research of other teachers or
graduate students working for advanced academic degrees. Conducts research in particular field of knowledge
and publishes findings in professional journals. Performs related duties, such as advising students on academic
and vocational curricula, and acting as adviser to student organizations. Serves on faculty committee providing
professional consulting services to government and industry. May be designated according to faculty rank in
traditional hierarchy as determined by institution’s estimate of scholarly maturity as ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR;
PROFESSOR: or according to rank distinguished by duties assigned or amount of time devoted to academic
work as RESEARCH ASSISTANT; VISITING PROFESSOR. May teach in two-year college and be designated
TEACHER, JUNIOR COLLEGE; or in technical institute and be designated FACULTY MEMBER, TECHNICAL
• 030. Manages employment activities of establishment: Plans and directs activities of
staff workers concerned with such functions as developing sources of qualified
applicants, conducting screening interviews, administering tests, checking references
and background, evaluating applicants’ qualifications, and arranging for preliminary
indoctrination and training for newly hired employees.
• Construct validity
• Whether the assessment measures the competencies or attributes that it claims to.
• Can do this with psychometric tests but with other selection assessments – use
triangulation of measurement to establish construct validity.
• Measure multiple attributes or competencies using different methods.
• Multi-trait, multi-method approach (MTMM).
• Measure each competency or attribute using different measures.
• Compare scores of each construct across converge across assessment methods or diverge
from other attribute scores where they are expected to. (correlation).
• Criterion validity NB
• Does the assessment correlate with the job performance or some other work criterion
measured at the same time (concurrent validity) or at a later time (predictive validity) –
predicts individual job performance.
1.4 Main types of validity in selection
(page 150)
• Face Validity
• Does assessment look appropriate or relevant to job candidates.
• They will feel that they are treated fairly in their job application
• Content Validity
• Does assessment look relevant to job experts in terms of job
requirements. (managers, job holders)
• Convergent Validity
• Does assessment correlate with other relevant measures.
• Divergent Validity
• Is the assessment uncorrelated with non-relevant measures.
• Construct Validity
• Can an overall case be made to support the validity of the measure.
• Criterion Validity NB to predict individual job performance
• Does the assessment correlate with job performance.
• Concurrent Validity – at the same time
• Predictive Validity – or at a later date/future job performance
Benefits of examining the reliability
& validity & fairness of selection
Utility Analyses
• Estimates the financial benefits of improvements
in selection processes based on
• validity of the process
• ratios of selected to rejected candidates
• estimates of the monetary value of different levels of
job performance
• Helps communicate benefit of assessments
1.5 Assessment techniques
• Application Forms
• Bio data
• Psychological Testing
• Aptitude Tests, Ability Tests, Tests of Maximum Performance & Typical
Performance, Personality Tests
• Situational Judgement Test
• Selection Interviewing
• Assessment Centre's
Select Selection
Select in
out Process
1.5 Assessment techniques: CV’s, Application Forms & Bio
Psychological Tests
• Ability & Aptitude
• General intelligence (verbal,
numerical, abstract, spatial &
mechanical abilities)
• Personality
Psychometric Testing
• Personality Assessment
• Self-report inventories describing their personality.
• Rate statements or descriptions of personality.
• Measure broad traits (Big Five) openness, conscientiousness,
agreeableness, extraversion, neuroticism.
• Profile matching exercise where traits are matched to job
• Profile of Candidate versus Ideal Profile
• Extraversion = high social confidence for a job
• Introversion = working alone
• Conscientiousness = jobs that are routine, well organized, structured,
• Assertiveness, emotional stability, openness
Personality Personality:
dimensions or Broad dimensions
traits or facets
Personality Prediction of
Selection Interviewing to determine
suitability for the job.
(validity, reliability, reduce subjective bias)
pg 158
Competency Situational
Interviews Interviews
Examples of interview questions
• Behavioural Interviews
• Open questions about work situations – describe, how did you…
• Describe an experience of performing tasks at work.
• Look for actual behaviour experience & specific examples.
• Focus on past behaviour.
• Competency Interviews
• What was your role and your contribution…
• Give specific examples of past experience to highlight relevant
performance of job-relevant behaviours.
• Questions tap into particular competencies – teamwork, conflict
management, stress management
• Focus on past behaviour
• May tend to be inflexible and resistant to change.
• May be too trusting and take others at face value.
• May feel uncomfortable in situations in which she has to
constantly meet new people.
• May be a little too inclined to express her personal views,
lacking a diplomatic, 'political' orientation to situations.
• May lack interest in conceptual issues and be inattentive to
the global aspects of a task.
• Her concern with systems and procedures may cause her to
overlook new ideas.
A Practical Guide to the Selection Process
Diversity & Fairness issues in
Ethical issues of reliability & validity
• Legal Concerns
• Employment law covers discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, age,
• Advertising laws.
• Assessments to be job relevant with evidence of validity