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Energy Procedia 4 (2011) 4785–4792 Procedia
Energy Procedia 00 (2010) 000–000 www.elsevier.com/locate/procedia
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The Weyburn reservoir is hosted within the Mississippian Midale Beds, one of many south-
southwest-dipping strata that are progressively truncated to the northeast by the sub-Mesozoic
unconformity. Well density has been increased from Phase I to better refine the zero edges of
these subcropping Mississippian units. The model has been improved to integrate geological
units not included in the Phase I model, including: 1) an “altered zone” of anhydrite and
dolostone at the updip edge of the Weyburn-Midale reservoir. This forms the caprock to the
reservoir subjacent to the regional seal formed by the Watrous Formation; 2) the Frobisher
Evaporite, a variably thick anhydrite unit present at the base of the reservoir beneath the
northern portion of the field; and 3) the Oungre Evaporite, an anhydrite/dolomite unit within the
Ratcliffe beds present above the majority of the reservoir. The altered zone, Frobisher Evaporite,
and Oungre Evaporite have been added to the model to improve characterization of long-term
fluid behaviour in the Mississippian aquifers. Adding these units into the model, with their
irregular termination edges, has been a challenge. Stacking structure maps of the Mississippian
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2 Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2010) 000–000
beds and then truncating them with the sub-Mesozoic unconformity created residual artifacts.
These artifacts could not be correctly resolved in the resulting 3D grid. It was necessary to
closely delineate the zero edges them using false wells with zero isopach values, then stack
these isopach thicknesses to proportionately fill the 3D grid while maintaining their complex
morphology. The result has been a more acceptable representation of the architecture of the
Weyburn reservoir and hydrogeological flow units above and below the Midale aquifer.
Porosity and permeability derived from core analyses have been added to the model for the
Midale and Frobisher aquifer units only. Very little core exists beyond these beds, therefore only
the Midale and Frobisher were included.
Modelling has been done primarily in Petrel, however it has become necessary to use
multiple mapping tools and data conversion utilities to best handle the vast quantities of
information present in the Weyburn project. Issues in the projection of data in latitude/longitude,
North American Datum (NAD) 27 and NAD 83 were rectified by using a standardized well data
source, and a consistent methodology for converting between these coordinate systems.
This presentation will give an overview of the new geocellular model for Weyburn Phase II
and the methodologies for representing the flow unit architecture while highlighting the key
obstacles and challenges in compiling large quantities of different types of data from multiple
c© 2011
2010 Published by Elsevier
Elsevier Ltd. All rightsLtd.
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Keywords: Weyburn; geological modelling; site characterization; geological mapping; data management
1. Introduction
Cenovus Corp. has been injecting anthropogenic CO2 into the Weyburn Midale Pool since 2000. Currently, they are
injecting 6500 tonnes of CO2 per day and recycling another 6500 tonnes/day back into the system. Thus far, they
have sequestered approximately 15 million tones of CO2 as of November, 2009. The source of the CO2 is a coal
gasification plant in Beulah, North Dakota (Figure 1) [1].
In 2000, the International Energy Agency, along with many other government and industry sponsors, began the IEA
GHG Weyburn CO2 Monitoring and Storage Project. This project studied many of the geological and technical
issues around the then very young field of carbon capture and storage [1]. Currently, this project is in its second
phase and this paper represents some of the work of the geological characterization theme.
Geological characterization in the Weyburn Project Phase II primarily consists of the creation of a geological model
in Petrel, into which spatially and depth-related data from multiple sources can be input as properties. These
properties include core analysis data, seismic data, and petrophysical logs. In addition, new wells and new strata
(Figure 2) have been added into the phase II model in order to better represent the subsurface.
The model for the Weyburn Phase II project differs from Phase I in that there are three newly modelled horizons,
and there are more wells used to map the horizon surfaces.
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Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2010) 000–000 3
1) The ‘Altered Zone’: A zone of diagenetic dolomitization and anhydritization subjacent to the Sub-Mesozoic
unconformity that separates the Mississippian beds from the overlying Triassic Lower Watrous Formation (Figure 2)
[2]. The unit is the up-dip seal from the reservoir and is present throughout the study area and is <1m to 9m thick.
2) The Frobisher Evaporite: A reddish anhydrite that exhibits nodular to ‘chicken wire’ texture with limestone and
dolostone intercalations. These features indicate a near-shore sabkha environment of deposition [3]. The Frobisher
Evaporite is present in the northern half of the Weyburn Field, and is the bottom seal to the Weyburn Midale
reservoir (Figure 2). Mapping indicates a complex southern termination line to the unit.
3) The Oungre Evaporite: Nodular to bedded dolomitic anhydrite [4] that may contain interbeds of dolostone that
become more pervasive to the eastern portion of the study area. The Oungre Evaporite sits above the upper seal
(Midale Evaporite) within the Ratcliffe beds (Figure 2).
In order to create a model of a succession of geological strata the wells must first be “picked”. This refers to the
process of determining the elevation of various formation tops using geophysical well logs. For the Weyburn Phase
II model, a combination of Phase I project tops and newly picked wells were used. The new wells were chosen
preferentially to have density logs in order to more accurately pick the three new horizons. In each well, 12 aquifers
and 8 aquitards including 13 Mississippian beds were picked and input into the model.
To begin the modelling process in Petrel, it is necessary to first grid the structure values of the surfaces. When the
values of the truncated Mississippian surfaces (Figure 2) were modelled in Petrel using the convergent interpolation
algorithm [5], it was evident that the truncation of the beds to the north was not being handled correctly. Artifact
surfaces that cross-cut other strata were being produced because of the lack of data for a truncated surface north of
its termination line (Figure 3).
In order to rectify this problem, a different approach was taken. The surface isopach values were calculated in excel
and gridded using a kriging algorithm [6] in the mapping software ‘Surfer’. The result was a map with good isopach
contours that honoured the data, but with a poor termination line that reflected the paucity of well information in
certain areas (Figure 4a). In order to correct this, “false wells” with isopach values of zero were introduced in order
to push the gridding algorithm to a preferential geological interpretation (Figure 4b).
The data used to make these maps, including the false wells with zero isopach values, were then brought into Petrel
as an “isochore” (a vertically-measured isopach) and re-gridded using the Petrel convergent interpolation algorithm
(Figure 4c). This process was repeated for each of the 8 truncated Mississippian beds and evaporites. These
isochore maps were then stacked vertically in the Petrel “make zones” process to proportionately fill the wedge of
truncated Mississippian beneath the sub-Mesozoic unconformity (Figure 4d). The improvement over the equivalent
image in Figure 3 can readily be seen. The result is a model with properly truncated three-dimensional surfaces that
honour the data and termination edges and are also properly represented in the 3D geocellular space (Figure 5).
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4 Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2010) 000–000
4. Property Data
Once the surfaces are entered in to Petrel, the insertion of property data becomes easier as the data is properly ‘cut’
by the surfaces. Core analysis data, for example, does not usually have embedded formation or bed information;
however the measurements are put into the proper bed based on the modelled surfaces. To date, over 37,000 core
analysis measurements and the logs from over 700 wells have been entered into the model, however the properties
have not yet been upscaled and averaged throughout the entire grid. In addition, some of the seismic sections from
the study area have been depth converted and added into the model as well. Other task groups within the Weyburn
Project will use this seismic data to infer porosity and permeability of some of the sealing units (Figure 5).
5. Discussion
The creation of the geocellular model at Weyburn has been challenging for a number of reasons. The use of the
original Phase I dataset was expected to save time, but in the long run, took more time to standardize the picks, fix
picking errors, and combine two distinct datasets into one map. In addition, the NAD 27 to NAD 83 conversion
protocol was not standardized at the time Phase I data was generated. Ensuring that the wells location coordinates
from two (or more) separate sources matched using the proper protocol was another challenge to overcome.
The mapping and modelling techniques used to truncate the Mississippian surface were a combination of a typical
mapping procedure to make isopach maps, and methods unique to Petrel to stack those isopach maps to create a 3D
6. References
1. Whittaker, S. (2004). In: Wilson, M and Monea, M. (Eds), IEA GHG Weyburn CO2 Monitoring & Storage
Project summary report 2000-2004, 273p., p15-72.
2. Nickel, E. and Qing, H (2004). Saskatchewan Industry and Resources Summary of Investigations 2004,
v.1, 10p.
3. Nickel, E. (2008). University of Regina, Master’s Thesis, 196p.
4. Fuzesy, L. (1961). Saskatchewan Energy and Mines Report No. 51, 66p.
5. Shlumberger. Seismic-to-Simulation Software: Petrel Introduction. Houston, TX: Shlumberger Information
Solutions; 2007
6. Golden Software. Surfer 8 User’s Guide. Golden, CO: Golden Software Inc; 2002
Figure 1: Location map showing the Weyburn Phase II study area, the wells examined to create the model,
the boundaries of the Weyburn Unit and the injection areas. The red arrow south indicates the direction of
the pipeline source of CO2 in Beulah, North Dakota.
Figure 2: Cross section of the Weyburn pool (located on the map in Figure 1) showing pertinent Mississippian and Triassic stratigraphy along with the
new horizons and features added into the new Phase II model.
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Figure 3: Screen-shot from petrel showing the improperly terminated edges of Mississippian units in the 3D
model, and a poorly resolved artifact surface (green) cross cutting other strata.
E. Nickel et al. / Energy Procedia 4 (2011) 4785–4792
Figure 4: Series of screen-shots to depict the methodology of mapping zero edges. a) Original isopach map of the Midale Evaporite with ‘rough’ zero
edge made using a kriging algorithm, b) the zero edge after insertion of false wells with zero isopach values, c) regeneration of the isopach (now isochore)
map in Petrel using the convergent interpolation algorithm, d) the model with the proper termination edges of the truncated Mississippian units.
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Figure 5: Petrel screenshot showing a portion of the final static geocellular 3D grid with the Mississippian
surfaces properly truncated at the unconformity. Property displayed is cell volume. Also, a depth-converted
seismic section has been included in the model to verify the modelled surfaces and to eventually infer porosity
and permeability of some of the aquitards.