PART B 16 Marks Questions

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PH3151- Engineering Physics

PART B (16 marks) Important Questions


1. Derive an expression for the moment of inertia of a uniform rod i) about an axis through
its centre ii) about a axis passing through one end of the rod perpendicular to its length.

2. Derive an expression for the moment of inertia of thin ring i) about an axis through its
centre and perpendicular to its plane ii) about a diameter iii) about a tangent in the plane
of the ring.

3. Derive an expression for the moment of inertia of thin circular disc i) about an axis
through its centre and perpendicular to its plane ii) about a diameter.

4. i) Discuss the moment of inertia of a diatomic molecule.

ii) write a note on double pendulum.

5. Show that the moment of inertia with respect to its own axis of a solid disc and solid
cylinder is equal.

6. Discuss about the parallel and perpendicular axis theorem.

7.What is Torsional Pendulum? Derive the equation for rigidity modulus of the material of a
thin wire using torsion pendulum.

8. i) Briefly explain about gyroscope.

ii) Derive an expresion for the angular momentum of a rigid body.


1. Derive Maxwell’s equations in differential and integral form.

2. ) i) What are the characteristics of Maxwell’s equations.

ii) Give the properties of electromagnetic waves.

3. Describe the production of electromagnetic waves.

4.i)Explain the reception of Cell phone.

ii) Discuss propagation of electromagnetic wave from vacuum to a non conducting medium.

1.What is simple harmonic motion? Give examples. Obtain the differential equation for SHM
and discuss its properties.

2. ) Discuss Doppler’s effecting in sound and obtain an expression for the apparent frequency of
the note when the source and the listener are (i) moving towards each other (ii) moving away
from each other.

3.Explain the formation of interference fringes in an air-wedge shaped film. How is the
thickness of the wire determined by this method.

4. Describe the principle, construction and working of Michelson Interferometer and discuss the
different types of interference fringes formed in it.

5.Explain the principle construction and working of ND-YAG Laser.

6.Explain the three modes of vibrations of CO2 molecule. With a neat diagram explain the
principle construction and working of CO2 Laser.

7.Explain the principle , construction and working of homo junction and hetero junction
semiconductor laser. Discuss its characteristics, advantages, disadvantages and applications.

8. For atomic transitions, derive Einstein relations and hence deduce the expression for
the ratio of spontaneous emission rate stimulated emission rate.


1. What is Compton effect? Derive an expression for the wavelength of the scattered
2. Derive Schrodinger time independent and time dependent wave equation .

3. Derive an expression for energy levels of a particle enclosed in one dimensional potential
box of width ‘a’ and infinite height and also derive the normalisation of wave function.

4. State the properties of matter waves.

Mention the physical significance of wave function.

1. Define Harmonic oscillator. Obtain wave equation for oscillator by using Schrodinger

2. Explain the principle , construction and working of Scaning Tunneling Microscope.

Discuss its advantages and disadvantages

3. Explain the behavior of an electron moving in a field of periodic potentials using Kronig
and Penny model.

4. Explain the principle construction and working of Resonant diode. Write its applications.

5.Explain Bloch’s theorem for particles in a periodic potential.

6.Explain the origin of energy band. Discuss the classification of metals, semiconductors
and insulators based on width of forbidden gap with suitable energy band diagram.

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