Balakrishnan, Economic Growth in India
Balakrishnan, Economic Growth in India
Balakrishnan, Economic Growth in India
2 A Moribund Economy Quickened, 1950–6464*
The whole philosophy … is to take advantage of every possible way of growth and not to do
something which suits some doctrinaire theory or imagine we have grown because we have
satisfied some text-book maxim of a hundred years ago.
—Jawaharlal Nehru (1956)
There exists an account of the recent history of economic growth in India that
proceeds as follows. Following the end of colonialism, the Indian national
leadership, fascinated by the Soviet view of economic development, adopted the
path of a dirigiste inward-looking industrialization. The economy settled down
to an anaemic rate of growth till 1991 when the economic policy regime was
liberalized. Only then, finally, did the economy begin to show signs of an
inherent dynamism, vindicating the critique of the economic policy followed in
India for over four decades. We are about to embark on a study of economic
growth in India which will resolve the veracity of such a reading. However, even
a passing familiarity with history, as reflected by the time series of gross
domestic product (GDP) graphed in the ‘Introduction’, is enough for us to be
able to detect in it an inadequacy. For one, it underplays the dynamism of the
economy in the early 1950s which had brought about the first sustained growth
transition of the twentieth century in India. Second, it overlooks the fact of a
second wind, so to speak, for the economy, in the form of a growth transition in
the late 1970s. But not even recognition of these transitions can adequately
account for the choice of periodization in this study. In particular, it can be
asked: why have we chosen to treat the period 1950–64 as a distinct phase as far
as growth is concerned?
The years 1950 to 1964 mark the period from the constitution of the Planning
Commission to oversee planned economic development to the exit of Jawaharlal
Nehru from the political stage. The decisive role of India's first and longest-
serving prime minister suggests the label ‘Nehru era’ to this phase of Indian
economic history. Nehru's substantial influence on his party, on the issue of
economic policy at least, and the Congress Party's own domination of parliament
gave a particular edge to politics as it affected the making of economic policy of
this time. Economic policymaking of the era had certain integrity to it, the term
being used here strictly in the descriptive sense. It is meant to connote a process
of decision making that is relatively independent of economic vested interests
and free of the narrow party-political considerations that have increasingly come
to characterize India's Westminster-style system of governance. The
distinctiveness of the Nehru era draws from the feature that almost never since
has the political leadership of India enjoyed as much relative autonomy. This
ensured some integrity at least to the choices made, even when it may not always
have carried over as much to the implementation. That after Nehru, within the
same overall framework of state-directedness, much of the intervention was
aimed largely at maintaining the ruling dispensation's hold on power, provides a
rationale for viewing the mid-1960s as the end of an era in India's history.
The year 1950 marks the beginning of any concerted approach to economic
development by the state in independent India, no significant intervention
towards the goal having taken place prior to this date. The delay is hardly
surprising, as at least a couple of years from 1947 were spent by the political
leadership in consolidating the Union of India, made vulnerable by the Partition
and handicapped by the lack of experience of governance. In 1950 the Planning
Commission, the body entrusted with the task of steering the economy, was
formed. The First Five Year Plan was launched within a year. However, it may
be said that this had not amounted to a coherent strategy for growth and
development, having been no more than a collection of projects aimed mainly at
agriculture and infrastructure. For India's political leadership, notably
Jawarharlal Nehru, it was very likely only a dress rehearsal. Having convinced
itself that both the nation's Independence and the people's well-being lay in
industrialization, the leadership was ambitious. It did of course help that the
initial interventions were mostly successful, instilling confidence and buying
time for some serious thinking on a strategy for accelerated growth and the
instruments for achieving it. It is a mark of the determination and capacity of the
political leadership of the time that the latter had been more or less worked out
even before the First Plan was to end in 1956. The Second Five Year Plan was
the vehicle by which the strategy was launched. That strategy, which was to
dominate thinking about the economy for the rest of the Nehru era, and the
associated record of growth constitute the focus of this chapter.
giving national income in terms of the initial income Y0, the initial rate of
investment α0 and the allocation parameters λk and λc (which are at the planner's
choice), and the contingent coefficients βk and βc (which are determined by the
pattern of investment and conditions of production).3
In the application of the Model to Indian planning, the critical choice was that
of λk, the share of investment devoted to capital goods. How in the context this
was arrived at is best described in the author's own words:
We found from available data that βk is usually much smaller than βc (that is, the marginal increase of
income per unit of investment is much less in basic industries producing capital goods than in industries
producing consumer goods). This being so, the larger the value of λk, the smaller is the increase of income
in the short run; but, after a critical period of several years, income begins to rise steeply. Using the initial
rate of investment, α0 = 7 per cent, βk = 0.2 and different plausible values of βc we found that to attain a
fairly rapid increase of income over, say about 30 years, it would be desirable that λk should have a value
between 0.3 and 0.5. We adopted the value λk = 1/3, as we felt it would not be possible to go beyond this
value under present conditions. (Mahalanobis 1955a: 28–9)
While aware that his model implied income ‘steeply’ rising beyond some
critical stage, Mahalanobis had not dwelt on this aspect particularly. As seen
from the aforementioned quote, he had only treated it as information relevant to
the problem of the allocation of investment across sectors. However, it is of
interest in a study of growth in India, such as this, that he had imagined a
mechanism whereby growth accelerates in a planned economy. While conceding
that some improvement in the productivity of investment would be feasible via
an optimum utilization of resources at the given level of investment, he foresaw
further increases following directly from the investment in capital goods
production itself:
The value of β would also depend on the rate of investment and on the stock of capital already accumulated.
With a low rate of investment and a small stock of capital it would not be possible to utilize the resources in
a complementary way to the fullest extent owing to indivisibilities in the scale of production. The higher the
rate of investment and the greater the stock of available capital the greater is the possibility of making the
fullest use of the resources mobilized in the plan. As already pointed out in a country (like USA) with a
very high stock of capital it may become progressively easier to secure external economies and hence to
have higher values of β. In India an important object of planning must be to increase the rate of investment
and to build up quickly a large stock of capital which may, in its turn lead to an increase in the value of β.4
(Mahalanobis 1955a: 46)
Both Mahalanobis' radical idea that the purpose of public investment was to
raise the productivity of capital and the implication of his model that the growth
rate would accelerate over time were to be quickly forgotten by both India's
political managers and academic economists, respectively. We shall return to
both these issues.
We now turn to a discursive review of the Nehru-Mahalanobis Strategy for
growth as a means of entry to the criticism that it has received. At the heart of
the Strategy was a fast-growing heavy-goods sector. What are these ‘heavy’
goods and what was their perceived relevance? They have been described as
‘machine-building complexes with a large capacity for the manufacture of
machinery to produce steel, chemicals, fertilizer, electricity, transport equipment,
etc’ (Mahalanobis, quoted in Joshi 1982: 28). The means to bring about a fast-
growing heavy-goods sector was to invest disproportionately in these machine-
building complexes. The significance of the heavy-goods sector itself stemmed
from the premise that Indian industrialization was essentially constrained by the
availability of capital goods and that since foreign exchange was limited, it paid
to build them at home.5 As we have seen from Mahalanobis' account of how the
value of λk was chosen, it was believed that as the investment goods sector was
characterized by a higher incremental capital-output ratio, the rate of growth that
adheres to the Nehru-Mahalanobis Strategy would in the short-run be lower than
that resulting from titling investment towards consumer goods production.
However, the long-run rate of growth of the economy resulting from a shifting of
the investment allocation towards heavy goods would be higher.6 Whether this
feature of the Model only emerged out of the simulation of his Model or was
intuitively available to Mahalanobis is surely of interest; but either way, once
revealed, it must have provided a strong justification for adopting the Nehru-
Mahalanobis Strategy.
In a sense the underlying idea of the Model is no more than accounting. It
estimates growth prospects based on the pattern of investment and chooses the
allocation that yields the target rate of growth. It is not entirely value-free of
course, in that by preferring a higher income in the future it implicitly adopts a
lower social rate of discount than could have been the case. But its author was
not unaware of the trade-off, and in the choice of λk had been guided—as we
have seen—by a concern for not imposing ‘too great a sacrifice of immediate
benefits’ given the low levels of consumption in India.
The Nehru–Mahalanobis Strategy, with planning in particular, has been
particularly castigated for having been based on an ideological predilection.7
This criticism begins to make sense only when one is told that the Model had
been inspired by that of Feldman from the Soviet planning literature.
Mahalanobis had stated8 that he was not aware of this work at the time of
formulation of his own Model. Presumably then, the criticism justifies itself by
identifying any policy orientation influenced positively by the Soviet experience
as ideological. However, in light of the quite spectacular expansion
demonstrated by the former Soviet Union by the mid-1950s such a criticism can
in turn be termed ideological, even if today, armed with knowledge of the
collapse of the Soviet Union, we might aver that the model was not sustainable.
In the 1950s, however, newly independent countries with ambition could
hardly have been faulted for aspiring to what the Soviets had achieved, namely,
rapid industrialization and the consequent increase in income within a
remarkably quick time.9 It is not as if the entirely compromised politics of the
Stalin regime, with the gulags and the ethnic genocide, were overlooked. Only
that Nehru was clear that India would avoid them through democratic practice
even at the cost of achieving a lower rate of growth. It was clear that neither
forced collectivization as a route to raising the rate of growth of agriculture nor
the suspension of democracy as a way of quelling dissent on the chosen strategy
were conceivable to the Indian leadership. So a relevant criticism of the strategy
would only be of its economic logic and what it leaves out rather than of its
alleged provenance. Here the comment by Desai (2007) that Mahalanobis'
Model has in it no unemployment, inflation, or balance of payments is far more
to the point. But once again, it is important to separate out the Model from the
strategy, and each of these issues was explicitly addressed by Mahalanobis in the
drafting of the Second Five Year Plan.10
There was, however, a flaw in the logic of the Model that may have derived
from trying to replicate the Soviet experience of rapid industrialization without
the associated institutions. As more or less an accounting scheme, the
Mahalanobis Model was exclusively a supply-side model. There was inadequate
recognition of a likely demand constraint to capital accumulation subverting the
growth process. A model based on the purely physical relationship between
inputs and outputs may have made sense for the Soviet Union, the classical
‘command economy’ where investment can be decreed by planners and enforced
by commissars, but not so in India with a ubiquitous private sector that invests
only in response to growing profits or its anticipation. Here demand is a driving
force. In the command economy, the surplus could be constantly re-invested
irrespective of market signals, maintaining a more or less constant growth
dynamic at least for some time. Or, from within the discourse on growth
economics, the savings are invariably always invested, which since Keynes we
recognize as a fiction for a market economy, which India mostly was even by
then. The only constraint to a seemingly endless growth in a command economy
would be a declining investible surplus, which could also arise for entirely non-
economic reasons such as political disaffection. Something of this kind perhaps
describes the decline and fall of the Soviet economy after about five decades of
rapid growth. However, even as late as the 1960s, there was no inkling of any
impending collapse. As far as the Nehru-Mahalanobis Strategy is concerned,
however, we may reiterate that it is important to draw the distinction between the
Model and the plan, and the plan did explicitly recognize the role of demand, as
we will see shortly.
While the hubris that the state could direct investment indefinitely may
occasionally have carried away the planners in the 1950s, the criticism often
encountered that they failed to recognize the importance of agriculture is merely
ill-informed judgement. It is important to understand this not so much as to
rehabilitate the planners as to establish that they may not have succeeded to the
extent they would have liked to. In the process, we may succeed in throwing
some light on the situation in India today, when even into the twenty-first
century the agricultural base of the economy is emerging as an area of concern.
This indeed is the one of the main uses of history for the economist. But before I
turn to the role envisaged for agriculture within the Nehru–Mahalanobis
Strategy, I must consider what in the mind of some11 had constituted an
alternative vision for the development for India and, therefore, a challenge to the
Mahalanobis Plan. This was the plan presented by C.N. Vakil and P.R.
Brahmananda of the Bombay School. The centrepiece of the Vakil-
Brahmananda Plan was a ‘wage-goods sector’. We get an insight into what had
gone on in the minds of these two economists when we appreciate the reason for
their scepticism regarding the relevance of the Keynesian problematic12 for
India. As recaptured by Brahmananda more recently, Keynesian unemployment
assumes excess capacity including ‘stocks of wage goods and other circulating
capital’ while in India ‘unemployment of labour exists because supply of wage
goods to sustain labour as a cooperant factor with land and labour is inadequate’
(see interview in Balasubramanyan 2001: 29). Note the self-consciously
Classical terminology, for when Brahmananda is pressed to name the wage
goods, he chooses ‘corn and clothing’. He had gone on to list fourteen items, but
we may rest with ‘foodgrains and textiles’. Essentially for Vakil and
Brahmananda, the multiplier mechanism cannot work in the absence of wage
goods, and this led them to the proposition that employment cannot expand
without wage goods: ‘So you see, for these reasons, agricultural development
becomes fundamental. It has to be accorded priority independent of whatever
you posit for industry’ (Ibid.). And again, an observation quite relevant for India
fifty years later, ‘The service and industry sectors cannot absorb more than a
small proportion of the labour force. The service sector is important, but services
can be expanded only with growing wage goods surpluses’ (Ibid.).
So what is the proper appraisal of the Vakil-Brahmananda Plan? There can be
no doubt that in focusing on unemployment they had honed in on a key reality of
India in the 1950s.13 Also, the centrality accorded to agriculture could not have
been faulted. However, the authors of this plan appear to have underestimated
the importance of capital goods for raising agricultural production. There is
Brahmananda's suggestion (Balasubramanyan 2001) that these could have been
imported in return for the wage goods; but if wage goods were scarce enough to
limit the expansion of employment in the first place, it is not clear how easily a
sufficient export surplus could have been generated. This question precedes any
proclivity for ‘export pessimism’ among India's planners, the attitude that had
allegedly led them to underestimate the role of the world market as a potential
engine of Indian economic growth.
Next, for exports there is the question of competitiveness to be reckoned with.
A much vaunted sterling balance had, of course, been built up during the Second
World War when India had supplied the Allied effort in a virtual seller's world
market. However, these goods—being minor armaments, clothing, and
equipment—would no longer have been demanded to anything like the same
extent after the War. As for the agricultural sector, the primary source of wage
goods, it had been unable to supply even the domestic population adequately14
during the first fifty years of the twentieth century. Moreover, there is also the
question of the very availability of capital goods to be purchased from industrial
economies either recovering or booming following the War. The moment in
history is well captured by Chibber (2003: 147) when he states that:
In the years after the war, capital goods in the form of plant and machinery were extremely scarce; not only
did India not have any capital goods industry to speak of, but imports from the developed world were not on
the near horizon, as European powers embarked on the reconstruction of their own economies and because
the United States did not regard South Asia as a pivotal region. The problem with plant and machinery was
mirrored by the problems with raw materials and intermediate goods, especially since, after partition, much
of the Indian cotton and raw jute was now in Pakistan. In both these cases, businesses constantly called for
the assistance of the state in securing the requisite import of goods.
Notice that the links conceived of here between agriculture and industry in
India at that early stage of development were both rudimentary and fundamental
at the same time, and, for that very reason, recognition of it should have been
central to any serious growth strategy. It is not credible to argue that the Nehru-
Mahalanobis Strategy had ignored, by design or by default, these links. For
instance, note:
It was appreciated that, in India, surplus is the key to industrialization. It is not only essential to grow
enough food and fibres for our own requirements but it is also necessary to produce a surplus in the form of
either industrial or food crops. In India agriculture and manufacturing industries are completely interlocked.
Economic progress depends on the advance of both. Advance of one step in agriculture would supply food
and raw materials for advance of one step in manufacturing industries which again, in its turn, would speed
up irrigation and increase the supply of fertilizers and pesticides and help in the promotion of scientific
research, which would lead to further advances in agriculture. (Mahalanobis 1961: 95–6)
While raising the level of income is widely recognized as having been the
main objective of planning in the Nehru era, Mahalanobis himself was
additionally engaged with another one, a feature that is not widely known. This
was to release India ‘permanently’ (Mahalanobis 1961: 74) from the foreign-
exchange constraint. Indeed, in his view, this was the very objective of planning
for industrialization. This feature is seldom recognized, but it needs to be. And
when it is, we are given an internal criterion by which to judge the economic
policy of the Nehru era. After all, autonomy was at the core of the Nehruvian
vision of economic development, not to mention of post-colonial India, and
nothing would epitomize this more than a strong balance of payments position.
Indeed, if independent development was the objective, then this would never be
achieved if India were strapped permanently to a balance of payments deficit.
Having flagged this, I return to the more recognizable objective of the economic
policy of the time, namely, the accelerated growth of income.
So a rapid increase in the level of income was the main objective of planning
and this was to be brought about via greater investment in heavy industry. We
have also seen that this was central to the plan for the transformation of Indian
agriculture, a process that would require increased industrial inputs. But how
was this to be financed? The planners were fully aware that the step-up in
investment envisaged in the Second Five Year Plan was very substantial indeed.
Indeed, in retrospect, they appear to have had a better sense of the role of public
finance in a credible economic plan than is found in the public discourse on
growth in India of the early twenty-first century when the ‘policy regime’ per se
has been elevated to far too important a role.
The importance that was accorded to resource mobilization is apparent from
two elements of the plan to raise the level of income. First, no major foreign
assistance was envisaged. This was in keeping with the idea of an independent
development, a project incompatible with excessive reliance on foreign aid or,
even, foreign direct investment (FDI). Taking the Second Five Year Plan as a
case, foreign assistance was put down to less than 5 per cent of total public
expenditure in the proposed ‘government budget’ for 1956–7 to 1960–1, even as
the investment rate was to be raised by over 50 per cent from 7 to 11 per cent of
GDP. Of course, the actual achievement with respect to foreign savings had
differed, as we shall soon have occasion to see. Second, as part of the same plan,
the envisaged contribution of the public enterprises was significant, revealing the
political leadership's expectation of their role in the economy, for instance, the
item ‘Additional Taxes and Loans & Profits from State Enterprises’ along with
the ‘Contribution from the Railways’ equalled ‘Loans from the Public’ and were
over twice what was to be taken as foreign assistance.20 I shall return to this
central premise of public policy in the 1950s that the public sector was expected
to contribute resources to the larger project of national development.
Thus far I have been concerned with trying to establish what the leadership of
the Nehru era had in mind as the ends and means. We have a reasonably good
picture already, but this gets crystallized when we turn to the speeches of
Jawaharlal Nehru himself. Recall that Nehru was the Chairman of the Planning
Commission and was closely involved with the planning process. These
speeches are of interest to us today not only in revealing the arduous process of
deliberation by which policy was formed but also in pointing out the surprisingly
remarkable grasp that, despite being an active career politician, Nehru had on
matters related to the economy.
The first of these, made in 1952, gives us two insights into the economic
calculation of the political leadership. It reveals that the idea of industrialization
as a goal to raise incomes was adopted even before the Mahalanobis Model,
which had undergirded the Second Plan, was written down. Further, it conveys
the full recognition prevalent among the planners of the importance of
agricultural growth to the industrialization project. The extract follows:
There is much talk of industrialisation. In the initial chapters of the Plan, certain figures pertaining to the
amounts allotted to industry, agriculture, social services, transport, etc., are given. In this respect, industry
does not seem to occupy as important a place as agriculture. If I remember correctly, a very large sum is to
be spent on irrigation. We certainly attach importance to industry, but in the present context we attach far
greater importance to agriculture and food and matters pertaining to agriculture. If our agricultural
foundation is not strong then the industry we seek to build will not have a strong basis either. Apart from
that, the situation in the country today is such that if our food front cracks up, everything else will crack up,
too. Therefore we dare not weaken our food front. If our agriculture becomes strongly entrenched, as we
hope it will, then it will be relatively easy for us to progress more rapidly on the industrial front, whereas if
we concentrate only on industrial development and leave agriculture in a weak condition we shall ultimately
be weakening industry. That is why primary attention has been given to agriculture and food and that, I
think, is essential in a country like India at the present moment. (Nehru 1952)
This speech was made at a relatively early stage of the economic transformation
that was being attempted.
Next I quote from two sets of speeches made almost at the end of Nehru's
tenure as prime minister, indeed close to the end of his life. The first of these is
really a politician's justification of the policies pursued by his government and
reads as such, but it does convey a remarkably clear understanding of the inter-
temporal distribution of gains that was central to the economic strategy that was
being pursued. It also reflects a certain understanding of the uniqueness of India,
not in a civilizational sense but in the sense of the challenges it faces given its
economic backwardness and its democratic polity. The extracts follow:
Planning has of course been done in other countries; but not through democratic processes. Other countries
which are democratic have not accepted planning. But the combination of these two concepts is rather
unique. … The first thing we realised was that it was no good copying America or Russia or any other
country. The problems of India are her own. We can learn from America or Russia, as certainly we should.
But the economic problems of India are different. We learn from them, of course, as they have acquired
great experience. We always realised that the fundamental factor was growth in agricultural production.
Agriculture is basic to us because however much importance we attach to industry unless we have surplus
from agriculture, we cannot progress in our economy. We cannot live on doles from other countries. We
have always to choose between benefits accruing today, or tomorrow, or the day after. From the country's
point of view, if we spend the money we now have for some petty immediate benefits, there will not be any
permanent benefit. One has to find a healthy balance between the immediate benefits of today and the long-
range benefits of tomorrow. All the money we have put in heavy industries is for tomorrow's benefit,
though it brings in some benefit today also. It will take some years before this investment yields fruits. …
So, our strategy of economic development is essentially modernisation of agriculture and training of our
rural masses in the use of new tools and new methods. At the same time, it seeks to lay the foundations of
an industrial structure by building the basic or heavy industries, above all by producing electric power.
Middle and small scale industries will inevitably come in their train. (Nehru 1963a)
The final extract is from a speech delivered less than six months before
Nehru's death:
Though we all know that agriculture is essential and basic, it has been rather neglected. I say neglected in
the sense that people hoped that crops will grow by themselves and not by much effort on our part. Now,
greater attention is being paid to it and I hope this will bear results. There are all manner of things that go
into agriculture. We have large irrigation schemes, but it takes a long time for us to take advantage of them
fully. We first spent a lot of money and energy in building them. Between the two there has been a long
gap. We should plan for their full utilisation in advance. (Nehru 1964)
As is often the case, political leaders can be a little too close in time to
historical events to be able to evaluate them dispassionately. In retrospect, Nehru
was proved to be unduly pessimistic. A growth transition in agriculture was to
come within a year of the last of the speeches. An acceleration in agricultural
growth rate took place in the mid-1960s, plausibly22 even in 1964–5, the year of
his death. Though he did not live to see its beneficial effects spread cross the
Indian economy by stimulating other sectors, arguably, as set out in Chapter 3,
this transition has at least partly to do with the policies implemented by his
I now turn to the record of economic growth in the India of the Nehru era.
Second, not only is there an acceleration of growth across all sectors but also
the ranking of sectors by growth is reversed early with the commodity-producing
sectors now growing faster than services which had been the fastest growing
segment of the colonial economy. Following Kuznets's work on economic
growth, high services growth in a low-income economy would be treated as a
pathology. In a poor economy with a low level of consumption of even the most
basic goods, a faster growth of the commodity-producing sectors would be
considered desirable. The broad-based expansion of the economy during the
Nehru era amounts to a transformation of the economy that is, perhaps, more
likely to be readily recognized as such by economic historians.
To bring perspective to my argument, I refer24 to a debate among economic
historians on the significance of the Industrial Revolution, agreed to have taken
place in Europe in the middle of the eighteenth century. In this context, Joel
Mokyr (2005), a historian of technology, has observed that growth after the
Industrial Revolution was not just higher but qualitatively different in at least
three respects from what had gone before Mokyr. First, according to Mokyr,
growth ceased to be a ‘niche phenomenon’. Before 1750, it had been limited to
relatively small areas or specific sectors. Second, while pre-1750 growth had
seen ‘institutional change in the widest sense’, technological change, though not
absent, was far too slow and localized compared to the role it was to play
afterwards. Third, ‘pre-modern’ growth was vulnerable to setbacks and shocks
both man-made and natural that made doubtful its sustainability. While it may
not be entirely appropriate to transfer this description to the transformation of
India during the Nehru era, as a certain amount of modern industry was already
in place by 1947, the parallels are there to see. Though not all three of Mokyr's
observations are evident from the data I have presented in Table 2.1, it would be
agreed upon that the Nehru years witnessed growth spread across the economy, a
technological advance was fostered, and, as we can now see, the rise in income
has not only been sustained for over fifty years but the growth rate itself has
actually been accelerating since.25
However, two of Mokyr's comments on the significance of the Industrial
Revolution appear to have been tailor-made for the period that we are studying
here. First, in response to the observation that the growth achieved in the early
stage of the Revolution was not that much, he had responded that the change
must not be seen as one of mere degree: ‘There is a qualitative difference
between an economy in which GDP per capita grows at 1.5 percent and one in
which it grows at 0.2 percent’ (Mokyr 2005: 286). While the parallel between
the growth records for the period Mokyr speaks of and for the India of our
period is—as is evident from Table 2.1—close indeed, it is his comment on the
overall significance of the Industrial Revolution that is of greater import to us
here. His evaluation is that ‘It may have been slow, it may have been not all that
industrial and even less revolutionary, it may not even have been wholly British,
but it was the taproot of modern economic growth’ (Mokyr 2005: 286). To seek
parallels between the growth following the Industrial Revolution in Britain and
the growth of India during the Nehru era may well prove to be a promising line
of inquiry for a historian of the Indian economy.
However, I shall put to use Mokyr's characterization of the Industrial
Revolution not to draw such a parallel but to highlight a difference between the
two phases of the twentieth century in India under comparison here. While
growth in the Nehru era was distinctly Indian, in that it was not dependent on
either foreign trade or foreign aid, it certainly was ‘not all that industrial’. Indeed
the greatest expansion of the Indian economy of this period is not in industry at
all. While the categories for which growth is recorded in Table 2.1 are somewhat
broad, the data reveal that growth acceleration in the primary sector, largely
comprising agriculture, had exceeded that of the secondary sector, more or less
synonymous with industry. This has generally gone unrecognized, and I shall
return to consider at length both the approach to agriculture and the record of its
performance in these years. But for now, it is entirely worth recording
Sivasubramonian's apposite assessment of the economic achievement of this
period. He speaks of the economic recovery of the Nehru era as having been
‘swift, smooth and remarkable’ (Sivasubramonian 2000: 563).26
Before moving on, I might raise a point crucial to the comparison of growth
over time. As the comparison has to be made at constant prices to be of any use,
the choice of the base year for prices is crucial. I have used Sivasubramonian's
estimates of GDP as they provide data at constant, that is, 1948–9, prices for the
entire twentieth century. There are of course alternative estimates for the period
1900–47 and these give way to a very different insight into the period. For
instance, Angus Maddison's estimates27 of GDP growth, in 1938–9 prices, for
this period show the average annual growth rate of per capita output virtually
stagnating at 0.04 per cent per annum. This estimate would suggest a far more
significant turnaround following the end of the colonial era in India.
I now turn to the second of the two standard comparators of the growth
performance of an economy already alluded to, namely, the performance of
other economies. Two sets of economies have been chosen here for comparison
with India during the Nehru era. The first is a set of Asian economies. These
were more or less at par with India in terms of per capita income in 1950. The
second is a set of the world's best-performing economies of all time. In Table 2.2
are presented growth rates attained by these two groups of countries. Of the two
sets of economies for which data are presented, a comparison of India's
performance with that of the Asian economies is of greater interest for two
reasons. First, the data are for the same period; second, as stated, in terms of per
capita income, Korea and China had economies that were more or less at par
with India in 1950. A noteworthy finding emerges. From the work of DeLong
(2003) we know that while India has grown faster than most of Africa during the
last five decades, it has performed worse than East Asia. If Korea is taken as
synonymous with East Asia, then this feature holds also for the period 1950–64.
Korea's growth rate is 50 per cent higher than India's for this period. However,
we find that India's growth rate is 25 per cent higher than that of China. This
may be little known, but it is not entirely surprising. Actually, China was to pull
ahead of India only a decade and a half after the Nehru era, in the late 1970s,
following the reforms launched by Deng Xiao Ping. Possessed of this
information we would be inclined to believe that admiration for Mao Zedong's
China in certain circles in India during his lifetime must have been based more
on his revolutionary potential than on the early economic achievements of
China.28 This is clear, for the revelations of the disastrous consequences of the
Great Leap Forward—including an estimated 30 million deaths allegedly due to
famine in the late 1950s—were received uncritically here. While this may well
be expected of those ideologically committed to the Chinese path, one thing is
clear from our comparison. In a comparison with China it now appears that, at
least in terms of growth, Nehru had not left the Indian economy too far behind.
The subsequent tearing away of China, reflected in the falling behind of India in
the world's growth league tables, must therefore owe itself to causes other than
his leadership.
Table 2.2 Economic Growth in India Compared
1950–64 1820–1992
India 4.1 –
China 2.9 –
Korea 6.1 –
United States – 3.6
United Kingdom – 1.9
Japan – 2.8
Source: Maddison (1995).
Note: Data are average annual growth rates.
Source: National Accounts Statistics, New Delhi: Central Statistical Organisation (CSO).
Raj Krishna was an economist in a very different mould from V.K.R.V. Rao.
Chicago-trained and, given the political climate of the time, cast as somewhat of
a right winger, his writings show him to be a more acute observer of Indian
economy history than many of his peers. Overall, Raj Krishna suggests that there
may have been a mistake only in the proportions in which investment had
flowed into different channels rather than ‘in the choice of the plural strategy
which had always characterized Indian planning’. On the specific issue that we
are considering, he has stated:
Nehru, as indeed all planners, attached prime importance to agriculture. Nearly a fifth of the public sector
Plan outlay has been consistently allocated to agricultural development. In addition, heavy investments
were made in industries producing agricultural inputs and processing agricultural outputs. There was a
massive increase in the flow of credit to the agricultural sector from Rs. 70 crores in 1950–51 to Rs. 2, 000
crores in 1975–6. Almost all agricultural inputs are subsidized; agricultural income is lightly taxed, and
during the last thirteen years minimum prices, covering the full cost of production have been guaranteed for
all major crops. This set of policies can hardly be described as embodying the neglect of agriculture. But the
fact still remains that the allocations for agriculture (particularly irrigation, extension and fertilizer
production) and for rural infrastructure and social services could and should have been higher. (Krishna
1979: 60)
The facts of the case, at least with respect to the allocation of resources, as
presented by Rao and Krishna, must persuade all but the wilful disbeliever. Of
course, it would be the case that in per capita terms the direct allocation to
agriculture was certainly lower than that to industry as the rural population
dwarfed every other cohort in the economy. But to rest with this awareness
would be to adopt a myopic approach. To state somewhat differently a point
already made, planned industrialization is not a rival to agricultural expansion,
and Mahalanobis had realized the same, as we have observed. On the contrary,
faster agricultural growth, it was diagnosed, needed more industrial inputs,
whether fertilizer for nutrient replenishment, iron and steel for implements, or
cement for irrigation conduits. Moreover, agricultural production was relatively
free from controls in the Nehru era while private industry was subject to
stringent policy controls, above all in the form of licensing.
There is of course a different approach to assessing the belief that agriculture
was neglected. This is to account for intent by outcome rather than
pronouncement. Now, only the performance would count. We have already
looked at the growth of agriculture in the Nehru era, though the information had
been nested within the larger category of ‘primary sector’. The data presented in
Table 2.1 show unambiguously that the agricultural sector grew very
impressively in this period, recording the highest growth acceleration among all
sectors in making a dramatic recovery from the colonial era. This can hardly be
seen to result from neglect, either benign or malign.49 Indeed, the scale of this
achievement and the role of political agency in the form of a determined and
capable leadership are fully comprehended only when we study in some detail
the state of Indian agriculture in 1947.
Though it is the de-industrialization of India under colonial rule that has
received most attention from historians, it is the decimation of the countryside
that is perhaps the leitmotif of the British Raj in India. For a century and a half,
ending with the Bengal Famine of 1943, there had been some devastating
famines, with one particular famine in Bengal under the administration of the
East India Company in the eighteenth century believed to have wiped out a third
of the population. These famines were directly related to the policies of
extortionate taxation and forced commercialization of agriculture pursued by the
Company. As historians have provided outstanding accounts and analyses of
these events, I go directly to summarize the findings of George Blyn on the trend
in output in the first half of the twentieth century. Blyn had divided the period
1891–1947 into ten overlapping ten-year slices which he termed ‘reference
decades’. He then estimated both the average annual rate of growth and the
change in the rate of growth across these reference decades, for foodgrains and
non-foodgrains separately. To help focus a little better on his findings, I have
collected in Table 2.6 the estimates for foodgrains. This data presents us with an
unedifying picture of Indian agriculture under the Raj.
First, the rate of growth of foodgrains as a whole is far lower than the rate of
growth of population, implying declining availability per capita. The output of
rice, the grain consumed by the largest number in India then (and even now),
actually declined. His findings were summarized by Blyn as follows: ‘In the
most general measure of the change in rates over time, the trend in reference
decade rates, all eight foodgrains showed retardation’ (1966: 96). The record of
non-foodgrains is better, with a far greater average growth rate in the aggregate.
However, this reflects accurately the raison d’etre of the colonial project in
India, which was the exploitation of natural resources and commandeering of the
market of the colony for the benefit of metropolitan industry. Indeed, the glacial
progress of foodgrains production is directly related to this strategy,
implemented partly through price incentives and partly by brute50 force. It
cannot come as a surprise that food supply for the native population experienced
collateral damage.
Table 2.6 Agricultural Growth in British India
The performance of the economy in the Nehru era must also be evaluated in
light of the agricultural legacy of colonialism. To have contributed to two
accelerations in the rate of growth of agriculture51 within two decades of the end
of colonial rule comes close to being spectacular and places in perspective the
grievance that agriculture was ignored in comparison with the attention paid to
industry within the Nehru-Mahalanobis Strategy. Indeed we need to recognize
the reversal of the decay of agriculture in the first half of the twentieth century as
one of the great achievements of independent India, and this was largely
achieved in the Nehru era.52 I submit this radically revised reading of the period.
This is echoed in the Industrial Policy Resolution of 1956 which states that the
public sector was expected to ‘augment the revenues of the state and provide
resources for further development in fresh fields’ (cited in Krishna 1988: 9). We
find that the original idea of the public sector was not welfarist. In particular, the
objective of having a public sector at all was to raise resources for the public
purpose. Of course, this is not inconsistent with a strong welfare orientation. The
issue here, however, is the role envisaged for the public sector when planning for
economic development was launched in India.
The need for a very significant resource mobilization and the role of the public
sector in relation to that task was also recognized by the independent economists
of the day. Emphasizing that ‘the effort involved in this increase is considerable,
and will strain the economy a very great deal’, the economists empanelled by the
Planning Commission to scrutinize the proposals for the Second Plan had spoken
the great difficulty of increasing tax proceeds unless a fundamental revision in current concepts that
underlie the tax system is accepted. One of these concepts relates to the exemption of essentials from the
scope of an important part of commodity taxation. When so large a measure of effort is necessary to
increase the proportion of tax revenues to national income, which has remained so obstinately static, one
cannot escape the logic of the fact that the mass of consumption is by the mass of the people. Unless this
bears a somewhat higher burden of taxation, no perceptible change in the stubborn ratio of public revenues
to national income can be achieved. We wish to endorse in particular, the Recommendation of the Taxation
Enquiry Commission to the effect that Article 286(3) of the Constitution may be amended to remove the
present exemption of articles ‘essential to the life of the community’ from the scope of state sales taxation.
Simultaneously, measures to secure a practical ceiling on incomes through a steepening of taxes on income
and wealth, including estate duties, becomes an imperative necessity. A revision of the price policy of
important public enterprises with a view to obtaining a larger surplus as a contribution to the resources for
economic development is similarly required. Besides the general increase in rates of direct and indirect
taxation that will be involved in the considerable stepping up of tax effort will be part of the challenge to
administrative efficiency that the big development effort for putting through the next Plan entails. (Planning
Commission 1955: 115; emphasis mine)
Apart from the replication of the views of the government on the role of the
public sector, quoted earlier, two points may be noted. First, the independent
economists had recognized the serious resource mobilization effort entailed in
the project of industrialization. Second, note the complete absence of populism
in the recommendation that in the short-run even the convention of excluding
essentials from taxation may have to be put in abeyance. The unstated
expectation from the public sector is also reflected in the proposed government
budget for the Second Five Year Plan. There, as I have pointed out already, the
profits from state enterprises along with ‘additional taxes and loans’ exceed the
amount of foreign assistance allowed for, and when combined with the
contribution from the railways, amounts to close to one-eighth of the total
outlay.55 Finally, it is illuminating in the context to read Mahalanobis:
In the highly developed countries of the West, taxes on commodities are usually looked upon as
‘regressive’, as being a burden on the poor. Public enterprises are also expected to be run on a no-loss-no-
profit basis. Fortunately, our outlook is changing and it is being realised that in an underdeveloped country
like India excise and customs duties, purchase tax on commodities or a levy on services would be
convenient and adaptable methods to raise resources. It is also agreed in principle that public enterprises
should earn and contribute increasing returns for purposes of national development. (Mahalanobis 1961:
One thing is clear from these records of the time. Unlike today, fiscal populism
was not considered a credible option by the architects of economic policy in
early independent India.
While we may by now have an idea of the original conception of the role of
the public sector in India, we are yet to have a picture of its performance. First, it
may be repeated that a surge in public investment had been achieved in the
Nehru era, a fifteen-year record of expansion that has not been surpassed.
Second, the share of public savings in total savings had risen56 by the end of the
period. Though the extent of this increase is not much greater than that of the
private corporate sector, it is still noteworthy that the expansion of investment
was accompanied by an expansion of public saving, as was intended. We have in
this an index of the role of the public sector in resource mobilization. Of course,
this is not an argument regarding the sufficiency of that mobilization. While still
on the topic, I present evidence on the behaviour of public sector savings during
the period that we are looking at here. In Table 2.7 are presented data on savings
of the public and private sectors. The public sector has been classified further
into the ‘public authorities’ (comprising government administration and
departmental commercial enterprises) and the ‘non-departmental enterprises’
(comprising government companies and statutory corporations).
Table 2.7 Public and Corporate Sector Savings (in current Rs crore)
Source: Adapted from National Accounts Statistics 1950–51 to 1987–88, New Delhi: CSO.
Note from the table that while the expansion of savings in the public sector as
a whole is as it is faster than the expansion in savings of the private corporate
sector, within the former the non-departmental enterprises turn in a vastly
superior performance compared to all groups. Though the savings of the non-
departmental enterprises have continued to improve steadily for the next twenty
years or so, during no other phase is the quite spectacular growth in their savings
during 1950–64 matched.57
Three caveats to our assessment need be introduced, however. First, the rise in
aggregate profits of the public sector is not incompatible with instances of
chronic loss-making by individual units. Second, the data cannot serve as a
measure of profitability, for which purpose we would need to factor in the
volume of capital invested. And finally, this is not to be taken as a mark of the
efficiency of the public sector, as we are very likely dealing also with
monopolies here.
Emerging from this discussion is a view of the public sector held by the
leadership in the Nehru era that is entirely at odds with what is perceived by
latter day academic commentators. Equally, among the next generation of India's
political class it has not been sufficiently well recognized that the public sector
was originally conceived of as an active agent of resource mobilization for
development. This led to its reincarnation as a flaccid employment-granting
welfarist agency after the exit of Nehru from the political scene. For that very
reason while we might today view with shock and awe the extraordinary record
of public sector savings highlighted in Table 2.7, it was very likely seen as
comme il faut by Nehru himself! For instance, consider the following extract
from a speech made on the occasion of the inauguration of the second Hindustan
Machine Tools Factory at Bangalore in 1961:
There is a certain uniqueness about this function and the factory. The uniqueness lies in the fact that this
factory has been made out of the profits or the surplus of the older Hindustan Machine Tools factory and,
rightly, therefore, it is called a gift to the nation by those who have been working in the old factory. This
should be a matter of great satisfaction to all those who are concerned with the HMT factory. (Nehru
However, though the record of the public enterprises during the time may have
been seen as entirely appropriate, the data presented in Table 2.7 must challenge
the accounts of some economists of today. Thus, referring to ‘the losses made by
public enterprises’, Bhagwati (1998: 6–7) has stated: ‘Capital-intensive white
elephants in the public sector were supported on the basis of models that
deduced that this choice of techniques would yield a higher savings rate and
hence higher growth: a conclusion that would now sound laughable, had its
consequences not been so tragic.’ Presumably Professor Bhagwati had had in
mind the performance of the public sector well beyond the end of the Nehru era.
Nevertheless, in the face of so strident a commentary, it is worth repeating that
during the Nehru era at least the savings of the public enterprises actually grew
faster than that of the private corporate sector.
Neither the official approach to them nor the actual record of the public
enterprises during these years suggest that the public sector was one of the
wasteful legacies of the Nehru era. Their drift in that direction owes more to the
political culture of a subsequent era when the public sector was turned into a vast
machine for dispensing patronage and buying out the vested interests of the day.
The evidence presented here also allows us to evaluate the assertion that
dirigisme is recipe for a fiscal crisis of the state.59 The growth of the central
government's tax revenues, as share of GDP, in the fifteen years since 1950 had
not been exceeded60 since even by the year 2000. However, my aim here has
been to argue that in its original avatar the public sector was a strategic
intervention in the cause of growth, and that during the Nehru era it had
delivered to an extent far greater than usually acknowledged.
Though other accounts of the East Asian experience, including of the associated
role of government, abound,67 I have dwelt on this one in particular for its clarity
of expression.
But Scott's contribution to the debate on ‘economic freedom’ was yet to come,
by taking on the argument in the context of the historical experience of the first
industrial country, referred to in the context as Great Britain. Addressing the
view that it had gained economic supremacy in the nineteenth century when it
moved to a free-trade regime, he has argued:
But its rise took place mainly in the previous century, when in competition with France and the
Netherlands, it relied on a protectionist policy of trade promotion and on forced mobilisation of resources.
Great Britain dismantled its trade regime after it became the undisputed economic, financial, and industrial
leader of the world, not before. Under its new, freer policies it began its relative economic decline and was
slow to take advantage of the newer industries based on electrical and chemical engineering. For all its
freedoms, it had performed below average for industrial countries for more than a century—and especially
since World War II—as its incomes have fallen below those in most of the rest of Western Europe.
It is true that Great Britain began its initial rise to supremacy by freeing up its internal market, a step it
took while other sizeable countries were divided into regions with their own trade barriers. The Great
Britain of the 18th century had the largest domestic market in Europe even though its population was less
than half of France's, and that market encouraged a great deal of economic innovation and resourcefulness.
The United States followed the same pattern during its ascendance: it combined a free domestic market with
sizeable tariff barriers until after World War II. Indeed all the leading industrial powers developed as
protectionist regimes in the 19th century, whereas countries such as India and Portugal, following free trade
regimes, found themselves stripped of industry. (Scott 1997: 159)68
Finance Minister Vyshnegradskii's concern with the level of skill and education of the Russian industrial
labor force in the 1880s both expressed and stimulated a concern for education as an economic investment
of the society. His pronouncement was reflected in a large number of studies, both empirical and normative,
or policy oriented. An early and probably representative example of the latter is an interesting collection of
essays published in 1896 under the general title of Economic Evaluation of Popular Education. It contains
contributions of I.I. Yanzhul’, A.I. Chuprov and I.N. Yanzhul’. That by I.I. Yanzhul’ (which is still of
considerable historical interest) is based upon the assumption that various ‘external’ stimuli of economic
growth (tariffs, subsidies, government regulations) are less effective than education and training. He
invokes the authority of J.S. Mill, Thomas Brassey, and Alfred Marshall, and provides empirical data from
American experience to argue that the level of productivity of labour in various countries is positively
correlated with per capita expenditures on education and with rates of literacy. The general conclusion of
the essays is summarised by the authors as follows: ‘There are, of course, many factors impeding the
development of the Russian economy, but the foremost among them is the general illiteracy which
distinguishes our country from all other civilized countries … an increase of labor productivity is the only
means to erase poverty in Russia and the best policy to achieve it is through the spread of education and
1. See Mahalanobis (1955a). Mahalanobis's non-technical papers on planning and economic
development have been collected in Mahalanobis (1961). These taken together convey the evolution of his
thinking, particularly on the topic of a growth model for India.
2. For authoritative and contrasting accounts, as they approach the Nehru-Mahalanobis Strategy from
different angles, see Chakravarty (1988) and Srinivasan (1996).
3. See Mahalanobis (1955a).
4. It may be mentioned that while Mahalanobis may not have been entirely clear in his exposition
always, this must surely count as a forerunner of the models of endogenous growth that came to fascinate
the profession from the 1980s on. This is also pointed out by Srinivasan (1996).
5. The premise of a foreign exchange constraint has been severely criticized as amounting to no more
than ‘export pessimism’. We will have occasion to review this position shortly.
6. See ‘Technical Note’, Appendix to Section 4 of Mahalanobis (1955a).
7. For example, see Price (1967), and the interchange between Vasudevan (1968) and Price (1968) that
had followed.
8. See Chakravarty (1988: 13). Interestingly, Mahalanobis had also stated (1955a: 24) that while the
earliest version of his model of growth is similar to those by Harrod and Domar, he was not aware of them
when he had formulated his own. We find that the Anglo-American lineage of the Mahalanobis Model
tends to get overlooked in favour of the Soviet, presumably because recognizing it would take the sheen out
of the criticism of its foreign origins. More recently it has been suggested by Ray (1998: 55) that Soviet
planning was ‘deeply influenced’ by the Harrod-Domar model. With this we come full circle!
9. At that time, admiration for the Soviets was present in some unexpected circles globally. Thus, we
find the following reference to its achievements in The World Economic Survey, 1931–32 of the League of
Nations at Geneva, quoted approvingly by M. Visvesvaraya (1936: 71): ‘Russia is one of the chief prodigies
of the time. From extreme backwardness it has advanced at a stride to the forefront of mechanical
10. See Mahalanobis (1955b). It is significant that Mahalanobis had also addressed health and education,
though, arguably only in passing. We return to this issue at the end of this chapter.
11. See Desai (1998).
12. This had already been raised by Rao (1952). In any case, it is not clear that the Nehru-Mahalanobis
Strategy should be equated with the Keynesian problematic to the extent that the latter was addressed to the
short run in an economy with unemployed capital. On the other hand, the objective of the former was to
build up the capital goods base in a country that was seen to be lacking in it.
13. But then the Nehru-Mahalanobis Strategy was actually motivated by the objective of eradicating it.
14. Evidence of this follows.
15. See the response to Rao (1952) by Raj (1954), and a conceptualization of how macroeconomic
equilibrium is restored when aggregate demand expands in an India-type economy by the then remarkably
young Bhagwati (1956).
16. Whatever may have been the structure of the Model, when it came to the strategy, Mahalanobis
(1955a: 23) had recognized the ‘paucity’ of consumer goods as a ‘limiting factor’ on growth.
17. To be sure, there was also the Gandhian model of the self-sufficient village economy, but it had been
explicitly rejected by Nehru himself even before Independence. And, in any case, it stood little chance of
being adopted by the largely urban political leadership of post-colonial India.
18. See Shenoy (1955).
19. ‘[T]he price paid for rapid industrialisation has been terrific in some socialistic countries. I am
certain that no country with any kind of parliamentary democracy can possibly pay it’ (Nehru 1954).
20. See Mahalanobis (1955b: Table 8).
21. The speech is of interest also for the vehemence with which the problem is identified: ‘agriculture is
more important by itself than any chief minister’!
22. See Chapter 3 for an estimate of the date of the growth transition. While the Green Revolution is
conventionally treated as having originated in the second half of the 1960s, it may be noted here that the
rate of growth registered in 1964–5, the year of Nehru's death, was at nearly 12 per cent, the highest annual
production increase in crop agriculture in a decade and a half (see Ministry of Agriculture 2003). However,
this was to be followed by two years of drought.
23. Of course, as evident from the graph in the ‘Introduction’, finer partitions of the data points over the
period 1950–2000 would yield a higher rate of growth of the economy from the late 1970s on. However,
from the same graph we can see that the acceleration during the Nehru years outweighs by far the ones that
were to follow.
24. I thank M. Suresh Babu for having drawn my attention to this literature.
25. This can be seen in the figure in the ‘Introduction’. More formal evidence appears in Chapter 3.
26. This assessment is noticeably at odds with the customary assessment of the economic record of the
Nehru era by economists. Historians, it appears, bring a greater objectivity to the study of the economy than
economists, perhaps because they privilege economic theory less.
27. Reported by Sivasubramonian (2000: Table 6.3).
28. See Dhar (2003) and Guha (2007) for accounts of the reception of Mao in India during the Nehru
29. See Maddison (1995).
30. See Dyson (2008).
31. See Romer (1986).
32. An instance of this tendency may also be found in the reported comments on economic growth in
India by Alan Greenspan. Having first castigated Nehru's ‘Fabian socialism’, Greenspan acknowledges the
higher growth in recent years but plays down this acceleration as having been from ‘off a low base’. See
‘Give up Socialism: Greenspan’, The Times of India, New Delhi, 24 September, 2007. Apart from its
oracular nature, the observation displays an empirical oversight in that India had already grown at over 5
per cent per annum in the 1980s, which was the highest rate of growth outside of East Asia by then.
33. For a broader, historian's, account of the burden of the colonial legacy in India, see Chandra (1992).
34. See Scott (1997).
35. See, for instance, Lal (1999).
36. See also Bagchi (1972) for an economist's perspective on the period.
37. Indeed, this must be the obvious conclusion of those who claim that an excessively interventionist
state pursuing the Nehru-Mahalanobis Strategy best characterizes the economic environment of early
independent India.
38. In making my case I shall draw upon the exposition of this view of underdevelopment by Ray
39. For a suggestion along these lines, see Rao (2004).
40. See the figure in the ‘Introduction’.
41. See Reddy (2006).
42. ‘[I]nvestment in industry in the private sector [was] largely assisted by financing institutions in the
public sector, and by fiscal concessions and tax incentives provided by Government’ (Rao 1971: 72).
43. It is equally significant but inadequately recognized that the bureaucratic approach is likely also to
have lowered the productivity of public investment.
44. For a qualitative assessment of the gains to the private sector during the Nehru era, see Zachariah
45. See Habib (1973).
46. Somewhat uniquely in the form of trade credit for ‘complete plant installations for machine-building
industries’ (see Raj 1967: 24).
47. Figures on aid reported here are from Bhagwati and Desai (1970: 181 and Table 10.3).
48. Note also from this account the substantial difference in the planned allocation of investment to
industry for the Second Five Year Plan set out in Table 2.3 and the actual share of investment of this sector
over the Nehru era. The latter, as recorded by Rao, turns out to be barely above half of Mahalanobis'
preferred value of 0.3.
49. For a rejection as ‘simplistic’ of the claim of a neglect of agriculture under planning, see Srinivasan
50. ‘Not a chest of indigo reached England without being stained with human blood’ (British colonial
civil servant quoted by Winchester and Winchester 2004: 56).
51. As raised already, even if the second acceleration is established to have occurred immediately after
the death of Nehru, the Green Revolution ought not to be seen as episodic but the result of some years of
preparation of the seed bed, so to speak, in terms of the spread of irrigation, the diffusion of best practices
via an extension service, and preparatory measures such as field trials under the auspices of the public
agricultural research system, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), some of them commencing
as early as the First Five Year Plan itself. The comment by ‘AM’ (1964: 1195), popularly believed to be
Ashok Mitra, in a special issue of The Economic Weekly in July 1964 devoted to an assessment of the
Nehru era—‘[d]espite all the gains of the last seventeen years, in many respects we have to make up for the
lost time of these very years, during which all of us have grown a little less romantic and during which our
per capita availability of food has not gone up by a single grain’—is appropriately hortatory but wrong in its
claim regarding the progress made in agriculture. The per capita net availability of grain had grown slowly
but steadily over the Nehru era, despite the significant rise in the population growth rate. Of course, that the
performance could have been better is unexceptionable, but two caveats are in order here. First, subsequent
growth in availability of foodgrains in India has barely matched the record of this period. See Economic
Survey 2006–2007, Table 1.17. Second, in the Nehru era, the relative price of agriculture having first
declined remained depressed for most of the time—for which see Appendix Table 4.4 in Misra (2004)—
while agricultural growth quickened. Apart from the fact that this would be considered the pre-eminent
marker of a successful development strategy, it is the best imaginable evidence that the Nehru-Mahalanobis
Strategy had, in practice at least, encompassed the Vakil-Brahmananda Plan which had predicated a wage-
goods constraint binding Indian economic growth.
52. The agricultural turnaround achieved in the Nehru era, even when acknowledged in India, mostly
receives the back-handed compliment that it was merely ‘extensive growth’, achieved via extension of the
cultivable land frontier. This view is mistaken. Recent research on the Indian subcontinent originating in
Japan shows that the 1950s in India witnessed the reversal of a trend decline in land yields, the latter being
known to us since Blyn (1966). Further, among the decades of the twentieth century, the average annual
growth of yield achieved in the 1950s is exceeded only in the 1980s. ‘It is important to note that the reversal
of land productivity occurred before the breakthrough of the “Green Revolution”’ (see Kurosaki 2007: 18;
emphasis original). Clearly, the author had had in mind the ‘growth’ of ‘land productivity’.
53. Even when this is not acknowledged as such by professional economists, it is widely recognized
within civil society. See the report on a debate in Kerala today in the Malayalam daily Mathrubhoomi
54. A strong public sector revenue base is required also in high-income economies with substantial
welfare interventions, for instance, the economies of Western Europe.
55. See Mahalanobis (1955b: Table 8).
56. See Rao and Sen (1995).
57. See Table 3 in Rao and Sen (1995).
58. Interestingly, Nehru was not at all squeamish about acknowledging assistance from the West when
he felt it appropriate to do so. For, the speech had continued: ‘May I also refer to those who originally set
up the plant here, the well-known Swiss firm of Oerlikons who laid the foundations? They built the first
HMT plant and helped in training our people in the early stages, and their work has yielded this fine result.’
59. See ‘Introduction’ in Lal (1999).
60. See Ministry of Finance (2005).
61. See, for instance, the description ‘model for going backwards’ in Bhagwati (1998).
62. However, the author himself does not subscribe to this view.
63. See Shenoy (1955).
64. See Chibber (2003).
65. Of course the original legislation governing work and employment in the factories dates from the
colonial era.
66. The context was that, having advocated deficit financing—‘finance [is] only a camp follower’—to
move the economy, the authors of the Plan anticipated a temporary inflation.
67. See in particular Chang (2003).
68. In the context, the following conclusion of Crafts (1996: 200) may also be noted: ‘The British
Industrial Revolution was accompanied by growing protectionism in product markets but continuing
receptiveness to foreign ideas.’ It pretty much stands on its head the conventional wisdom on UK in the
eighteenth century that it was highly open to trade in goods and self-sufficient in technology when it was
not passing it on to the rest of the world.
69. See Byres and Nolan (1976: 86) for this and all following references to their work.
70. Such explanations have been provided by Chibber (2003) and Kohli (2004), respectively.
71. See the entry under ‘Krishnamurti’ in Balasubramanyan (2001). I am indebted to Ramachandra
Guha for bringing this little known critique to my attention. It is of some value to the economics profession
in India, not only due to its perspicacity but also as some kind of record, that not all our members had pulled
their punches during the great debates of their times!
72. All quotations are from ‘Krishnamurti’ in Balasubramanyan (2001).
73. See Crocker (2008). Nehru's defenders, however, are quick to point out that he had little to do with
the institutionalization of his birthday as Children's Day, not to mention ‘the phoney appellation’ Chacha!
(see Sharada Prasad 1979: 8).
74. A historian's account of how this came to be despite Nehru's own intentions is to be found in Spear
(1967). Spear proposes that it was the very body that was given the responsibility of implementing the plan,
namely, the functionaries in government, who sabotaged it, as they were hostile to the project of social
upliftment. Interestingly, a twenty-first century parallel has been suggested with regard to the
implementation of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme by Dreze (2009). For a perspective
on the state of educational provision in India beyond the Nehru era, we may turn to Romila Thapar (2009):
‘[M]any of us feel that the foundation of primary and secondary schools has still to be established and
nurtured. I suspect that nothing is done about the foundation because political parties fear an educated
electorate that can ask questions. It would then not be swayed by mass meetings and would make vote-
banks irrelevant. The moment people ask questions and relate the present to the past and have a project for
the future, it becomes a different electorate. I don't think it is just an oversight that governments and
politicians pay so little attention to education.’ Clearly, even Nehru's influence on matters that could not be
settled in Delhi was limited. This was the age of the satraps, who called the shots in the states.
75. For an econometric investigation that confirms the role of education in the long-run development of
Japan, see Self and Grabowski (2003).
76. See, in particular, Anderson and Bowman (1965).
77. An instance of this is Komiya's observation that the Mahalanobis solution was ‘inefficient’, cited in
support of their critique by Bhagwati and Desai (1970: 237). The East Asians, on the other hand, were very
likely blessed by the fact that they did not base their growth strategy on any explicitly advertised model, as
a result of which they spent less time quarrelling over it! It is of interest to note Mahalanobis' own view of
the purpose of his modelling efforts: ‘I do not think that the models have any permanent value of their own.
I have used them as scaffolding to be dismantled as soon as their purpose has been served’ (1955a: 6).
78. The references are in Rao (1964). I am indebted to Professor Rao for bringing this exchange to my
79. However, the author does not himself subscribe to this view.
80. Recall from the discussion in the section ‘Imagining Economic Growth: The Nehru-Mahalanobis
Strategy and Its Critics’ that Mahalanobis' model did predict income rising steeply in the long run.
81. Interestingly though, most assessments tend to underplay Nehru's pre-occupation with the economy,
privileging instead his role in fostering a parliamentary democracy within the country and shaping a just
order globally. This is so even of the sympathetic accounts to be found in Gopal (1975, 1979, 1984) and,
more recently, Malhotra (2007).
82. See Huang (2008).
83. See Rodrik (2006).
* Parts of this chapter were originally published as ‘The Recovery of India: Economic Growth in the
Nehru Era’, Economic and Political Weekly, 10–17 November, 2007. A revised version of the same
appeared as ‘Visible Hand: Public Policy and Economic Growth in the Nehru Era’, Indian Economic
Journal, April–June, 2008.