Sample Survey Questionnaire
Sample Survey Questionnaire
Sample Survey Questionnaire
Dear Sir/Maam:
Rest assured that whatever information you share will treated with
utmost confidentiality and be exclusively used for academic purposes only.
Direction: Kindly provide the needed information below. Check the box that
corresponds to your answer.
3 - Highly Effective
2 - Moderately Effective
1 - Fairly Effective
No. Indicators 4 3 2 1
4 Riding Speed
4.1 Avoidance of overtaking
4.2 The avoidance of head-tail collision among
4.3 It prevents drivers to have uncontrollable speed that
will lead to danger.
4.4 Reduced vehicular accident rates.
4.5 Reduced noise pollution.
5 Personal Safety
5.1 Speed limit decreases the number of self-accident.
5.2 It can prevent head-on collision.
5.3 Drivers can focus on the road.
5.4 It lessens aggressive driving behavior.
5.5 Reduced risk of fatalities/Injuries.
6 Convenience
6.1 Speed limit decreases the commuter’s travel time.
6.2 It helps motorists to travel with ease while in speed
limit zone.
6.3 It increases businesses transaction that relies on
efficient transportation such as delivery services or tracking
6.4 People may arrive on time when attending seminars
meeting and events.
6.5 Students may not be late for attending school.
3 - Highly Effective
2 - Moderately Effective
1 - Fairly Effective
No. Indicators 4 3 2 1
7 Flow of traffic
7.1 It commands uniform speed among the motorists.
7.2 It deters drivers from overtaking.
7.3 Speed limit creates consistent and predictable traffic
7.4 Speed limit improves travel time in super highways.
7.5 It alleviates traffic congestion.
8 Road Safety
8.1 Speed limit can reduce accidents involving pedestrian.
8.2 It can reduce stopping distance to avoid collisions with
other vehicles.
8.3 It can decrease the risk of cyclist fatalities/injuries.
8.4 It improves the ability of the drivers while on the
roadways to observe their surroundings.
8.5 Less damage to vehicles and reduced injury to
9 Prevention of Accident
9.1 Speed limit prevents accidents involving vehicles.
9.2 Speed limits Improves motorist’s reaction time.
9.3 It enhances pedestrian safety.
9.4 It enhances cyclist safety.
9.5 Speed limits Improves visibility during heavy rain.
3 - Highly Effective
2 - Moderately Effective
1 - Fairly Effective
No. Indicators 4 3 2 1
10 How effective is the implementation of speed limit.
10.1 By implementing the speed limit, it helps reduce
highway accidents.
10.2 The implementation of speed limit reduces the
number of casualties from traffic collisions.
10.3 Speed limit help reduce the environmental impact of
road traffic (vehicle noise, vibration, and emissions).
10.4 The implementation the speed limit decreases the
number of accidents involving pedestrians and motor
10.5 Speed limit enhances the safety of motorist,
pedestrians, cyclists, and other road users.