Engel macPET 320-150 Technical Specifications - EN
Engel macPET 320-150 Technical Specifications - EN
Engel macPET 320-150 Technical Specifications - EN
brand: ENGEL
type: mac PET 320/150
year: 2007
data sheet No. 1063-2242
Injection unit for processing of pet preforms
clamping unit with incline mounted 5 point double toggle system, microprocessor
controlled lubrication system. Supported moving platen in box construction.
on request by our service technician will be charged separately.
The machine can be inspected after previous appointment.
Comercial Conditions:
The machine will be sold as inspected, without any guarantee.
The product is our absolute proberty up to the complete payment.
Competend court for both parties is exclusively Lüneburg.