Understanding Stress and Anxiety in Students
Understanding Stress and Anxiety in Students
Understanding Stress and Anxiety in Students
Impacts on Students
3 Life Transitions
Adjusting to a new environment, such as starting college, can be overwhelming for
Impact of Stress and Anxiety on
Academic Mental Health Physical Well-being
Performance Students may develop Stress and anxiety have
Stress and anxiety negatively depression, insomnia, and physical manifestations such
affect concentration, other mental health issues due as headaches, stomachaches,
memory, and overall to chronic stress and anxiety. and weakened immune
academic achievement. systems.
Effective Coping Strategies for Students
1 Self-Care Routines
Encouraging students to prioritize self-
care activities like exercise,
Avoiding Negative Influences 2 meditation, and quality sleep. Taking
Avoiding negative influences such as care of their physical and mental well-
toxic relationships, excessive alcohol being can help students manage stress
consumption, and unhealthy romantic and anxiety more effectively.
partnerships. Surrounding themselves
with positive and supportive individuals
can contribute to a healthier mindset. 3 Time Management
Teaching students practical skills to
manage their time, prioritize tasks, and
avoid last-minute cramming. Effective
time management can reduce stress
Seeking Support 4 levels and provide a sense of control
Creating a safe and inclusive over their academic and personal
environment where students feel responsibilities.
comfortable seeking support through
counseling or talking to trusted
individuals. Encouraging open
communication and providing access
to resources can help students cope
with stress and anxiety more
Building Resilience in Students
Helping students develop resilience is key in managing stress and anxiety. By fostering a growth
mindset, encouraging problem-solving skills, and promoting positive self-talk, we empower students
to bounce back from challenges and thrive academically and emotionally.
Special help made just for you and the things you need
Extra resources and people to help you even after your visit
Feel worried a lot and it stops you from doing things you like
Use things like drugs or other ways that aren't good for you to
feel better