ENLearning Progress Report

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Japanese training center, Passed TIT trainee, Teaching Record

【Leraning record】

Company name: Passed day: Teacher:

Address: Day of entering school: Class:

Work: Day of departure: 100 score 90-99 score

Kumiai: Birth date: n 80-89 score 70-79 score
d F
Sutudent name: Under
p s 70 Kscore a P
i u
e e i W r b
n n n
【Records of Japanese language study】 H d s 【Record
d o of
n behavior】
B e e e n r e i
a k s c
s a n e s
i1 l2
c3 o4 s5 &6
e f s
7 a8
c h a n
Letter Grammar Listeni Kanji Convers Life of Total a r & C n d
Monthday Subject findings of learning L o d behavioral findings
ng ation Japan (600点) i & n e n c
d s C
f F p o t i i
e i s o o r m v
s i p i
t t e n p b a c
You are still young and y n l s e u r I am kind to my
8 Mathmatics 99 97 85 80 95 合計 learn quickly. After e f i r classmates. I
l s - b a t t v
listening to the lectures,e s r i t i i i participate
I can make correct and e l i o a r enthusiastically
n l t
15 Unit1&2 100 97 96 100 85 95 573 interesting example l i o i u not only in my own
sentences. If I made a i t n tB eB affairs, but also
9 A B aA yA A B
mistake from time to time, n y in those of my
22 Unit3&4 100 97 93 100 88 95 573 I was able to correct c class.
myself immediately. I was e
instructed to make a list
29 Unit5&6 98 95 93 100 85 95 566 of conversations with my
classmates every day and to
I am studying hard. I I am a responsible
6 Unit7&8 100 100 96 90 84 95 Total understand the content of person. He always
the lessons well and am does what he is
able to operate most of the instructed to do.
13 Unit9&10 100 97 95 90 85 95 562 time. Sometimes I cannot He is an intern
10 speak rhythmically at one A B A A A B B B with a good
time, but I can quickly attitude.
20 Unit11&12 100 98 100 90 84 95 567 correct it again. I have no
27 Unit13&14 100 81 97 97 86 95 556
GRA training center, Passed TIT trainee, Teaching Record
【Leraning record】

Company name: Passed day: Teacher:

Address: Day of entering school: Class:

Work: Day of departure: 100 score 90-99 score

Kumiai: Birth date: n 80-89 score 70-79 score
d F
Sutudent name: Under
p s 70 Kscore a P
i u
e e i W r b
n n n
【Records of Japanese language study】 H d s 【Record
d o of
n behavior】
B e e e n r e i
a k s c
s a n e s
i1 l2
c3 o4 s5 &6
e f s
7 a8
c h a n
Letter Grammar Listeni Kanji Convers Life of Total a r & C n d
Monthday Subject findings of learning L o d behavioral findings
ng ation Japan (600点) i & n e n c
d s C
f F p o t i i
e i s o o r m v
s i p i
t t e n p b a c
y n l s e u r
Mathmatics 合計 e f i r
l s - b a t t v
e s r i t i i i
e l i o a r
n l t
Unit1&2 0 l i o i u
i t n t e
a y
n y
Unit3&4 0 c

Unit5&6 0

Unit7&8 Total

Unit9&10 0

Unit11&12 0

Unit13&14 0

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