30 Examples of Personal Analysis

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Example of personal analysis, rules:

Group of 3 persons (9 groups ~ 27 persons)

20 minutes of presentation for each group of 3
2-3 short analysis or one more complete for each group
Maximum 3 slides for the introduction, 10 slides for analysis

1. Internal combustion vehicle

 Influence of the driving cycle (eco, sport, urban, highway, grading)
 Influence of ICE efficiency, bsfc
 Influence of parameters (tires, drag, mass, gear ratios…)
 Comparison of different vehicles (car, motorcycle, truck…)
 Influence of the modelling (application of formulas)

2. Electric vehicle
 Influence of the driving cycle (eco, sport, urban, highway, grading)
 Influence of parameters (tires, drag, mass, introducing gear ratios…)
 Comparison of different vehicles (car, motorcycle, truck…)
 Influence of the battery energy content
 Influence of the battery cooling (change modelling)
 Influence of the modelling (application of formulas)

3. Hybrid & Plug-in hybrid vehicles

 Create calculation files for NEDC
 Influence of the driving cycle (eco, sport, urban, highway, grading)
 Influence of parameters (tires, drag, mass, introducing gear ratios…)
 Influence of powertrain size: electric machine power & battery size
 Improvement of full hybrid simulation, recharge the battery during the driving cycle
 Improvement of plug-in simulation: separation of engine energy & grid energy

4. Comparison of vehicle technologies

 Comparison of technologies for the same driving cycle
o Urban
o Rural eco driving, Rural sport driving
o Highway

5. Vehicle dynamics
 Influence of tire rigidity on cornering speed
 Influence of aerodynamics on cornering speed (car spoiler)
 Design of steering mechanism respecting the Jeantaud condition for eco-shell
 Characterisation of vehicle properties (understeer gradient, static margin)

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