AdmitCard PROV 2021 0008395 2 2022
AdmitCard PROV 2021 0008395 2 2022
AdmitCard PROV 2021 0008395 2 2022
Note : - This is a provisional Admit Card, issued conditionally. The declaration of Examination Result
will be subject to submission of Relevant Eligibility Documents in Admission Dept. Controller of Examination
ØCandidates must follow all instructions from the Supervisor (Controller of Examination / Invigilator). Any candidate who does not follow such instructions, their examination may be invalidated. Non-compliance with the
Supervisor’s directions may also result in suspension from the examinations.
ØToilet breaks are only permitted once after One hour of exam duration . Only one candidate may visit the toilet at any one time.
ØCandidates must not communicate with another candidate or anyone else other than supervisory staff during an examination . If there is a need to raise a point of immediate urgency, the candidate is required to raise a hand to
attract the Supervisor’s attention. The candidate may then explain the matter in a quiet and non-disruptive manner.
ØAbusive behavior in exam centers will not be tolerated. Any candidate in breach of this will be asked to leave the exam room immediately and will forfeit all exam fees paid.This may also result in suspension of sitting further
ØIf there is any perceived error or ambiguity in a question, the candidate may raise objection. An objection sheet may be requested for and provided by Supervisor.
ØAll examination material such as objection slips, rough work sheets etc. must be returned to the Supervisor on completion of the examination.
ØThe candidate must indicate examination completion to the Supervisor by raising a hand and remain seated until the Supervisor has collected all examination materials, other than the candidate ’s personal materials.
ØCandidates are required to produce this Admit Card for the purpose of appearing in examinations as a proof of identity .
ØCandidates are not allowed to bring any electronic gadget such as Cell phones, Electronic diaries or any other electronic device with memory or Listening devices and recording or photographic devices, Electronic Wrist
Watches, wrist watch phones, pagers, pen scanners or multimedia devices or any other communication devices even in switched OFF mode inside the examination room/hall. University will not make any provision to keep them
in safe custody and Candidates themselves are responsible for safety of their belongings.
ØCandidates, who try to misbehave or use unfair means in the examination venue, shall be expelled from the examination venue. They shall further be liable for disqualification in all the subjects and debarred temporarily or
permanently from appearing in examinations.