Print Culture
Print Culture
Print Culture
SECTION-A (1 markers)
1. ________ is a Metal frame in which types are laid and the text composed. 1
a) Compositor
b) Galley
c) Platen
d) None of the above
2. In 1517, the religious reformer Martin Luther wrote ‘Ninety Five Theses’, criticising many of 1
the practices and rituals of the _______.
a) Roman Catholic Church
b) Protestants
c) Orthodox Church
d) None of the above
3. _____ are the places where people gathered to drink alcohol, be served food, meet friends and 1
exchange news.
a) Ballad
b) Taverns
c) Galley
d) Compositor
4. _______ were the beliefs which do not follow the accepted teachings of the Church. 1
a) Inquisition
b) Satiety
c) Seditious
d) Heretical
5. Which of the following statements about Manuscripts are true? 1
a) It was easy to read from Manuscripts.
b) It was easy to carry around the Manuscripts.
c) Manuscripts were not fragile.
d) All of the above statements are false.
6. The book ‘Chotey aur bade ka sawal’ talked about which social reforms? 1
a) The link between caste and caste exploitation
b) The injustice of the caste system
c) Restrictions on the vernacular Press
d) Ill treatment of widows
7. Who spoke these words- ‘Printing is the ultimate gift of god and the greatest one’ 1
SECTION- B (2 markers)
12. Name any two women authors and what do they write about in their books? 2
SECTION-C (3 markers)
13. Mention any three innovations which improved the printing technology after the 17 th century. 3
14. Who was Louis-Sebastian Mercier? What was his opinion on printing press? 3
Who was Martin Luther? What was his contribution to the Protestant Reformation.
SECTION-D (5 markers)
16. The nineteenth century saw vast leaps in mass literacy in Europe bringing large number of new 5
readers among children, women and workers? Elucidate.
17. Why do historians think that print created basis for the the French Revolution 5