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By Entry cared sr faut / Department of Posts yer Teenrect ore ar arate ahrerag oPoiee Ae 600002 Ofo the Chief Postmaster General, TN Circle, Chennai 600 002 From To Chief Postmaster General, The Postmaster General, Tamilnadu Circle, Central Region, Tiruchirappalli ~ 620 001 Chennai-600 002 Chennai City Region, Chennai ~ 600 002 Southern Region , Madurai- 625 002 Westem Region, Coimbatore: 641 002 No: REP/36-CCE/2022-I__dated_at__Chennai__600 002 the 01.03.2022 Sub: Compassionate Engagement to the dependents of deceased GDS- Reg. Approval of Competent Authority is hereby conveyed for engagement of 25 dependents of deceased GDSs listed in Annexure | as “Gramin Dak Sevaks” under compassionate grounds on the basis, of the recommendations of CCE met on 17.02.2022 subject to fulfilment of all other conditions prescribed in the GDS Conduct and Engagement Rules. Relaxation of upper age limit has been granted by ‘Competent Authority in respect of the applicants listed in sl. no. 5,10 and 11 in accordance with Para 6.B.(a) of Directorate letter no, 17-1/2017-GDS dated 30.05.2017. ‘This may please be brought to the notice of all concerned immediately with suitable instructions to issue necessary orders after observing all the usual pre-engagement formalities like verification of educational qualification certificates, community certificates and undertaking ete. Necessary Proof may be got from the candidates and kept on record, if there is any change in name/initial of the candidates with reference to the name mentioned in the mark sheeveducational qualification, if not obtained earlier. Itis requested to ensure that no other dependent of the family has been engaged on compassionate ‘grounds earlier. The list of cases rejected is furnished in Annexure Il for information, A consolidated compliance report with date of joining of each candidate in the enclosed proforma may be sent to this office early. DA: As above \\a\or a wagaRaa / C. Seyatun arava Rar (sdf Ot ITT) Assistant Director (Rect & Estt) Fa er eT TT, firey aftsiee, rE 600 002 for CPMG, T.N. Circle, Chennai -600 002 ® 044-28520310 -mail: arta 35 India Post PROFORMA SINo [€.0. Case | Name of the ] Division | Post in which] Date oF Mark approved engagement is _| engagement candidate made seit Sk ANNEXURE | LIST OF CASES RECOMMENDED BY THE COMMITTEE ON COMPASSIONATE ENGAGEMENT(CCE), ‘India Post MET ON 17.02.2022 AND APPROVED BY CHIEF PMG Wo] Region Division Jase Mark] —_Nameoftie applicant) Dateofbirth [Communi] Name ofthe deceased Educational ners.) (sSmuKum) ofapplicant | ty GDS otal Ovation oe TORT CHE Tea Sea EGET] SCS Sears x 2 [CR Kane Ce 30051996 | UR [G Lawrance Gnana ¥Diplonay |Aparnarn 3 [GR Serena T9022 | P. Balamarigan BoE | SC |K Pal X 7 [CRrTponjavar enoaa |S. Uahayakumar De061989 | OBC [a Sekar XOMBA) 3 [CRrtrichy foarne2 | Saravanan 19061976 | UR ]V. Vinatini ¥ © [COR Pondichersy 1312021 |W, Selvakunar 27.05.1990 | OR [A Mayavan (B.Com 7 [CERT Pondichersy Tsaa021 —|RMalaiyarason 24.05.1986 | OBC [K Rajendran ¥ ¥ [Se Dindigal fosra022 —|D. Alan TeG92003 | OBC [V. Duraipandh xm [SR Kannipakumart 1882021 [CR Nandhini 2era2007 | UR |S Kamar xi 10 [SRI Kovipath 20072021 [N. Ramalakshint 6041974 | OBC |V. Sankeralingam ¥ TY | SRiMtadural jsia022 |. Gnaneswary 19.05.1975 | OBC |N. Balasubramanian XM Se, MBM T2 [SRI Ramanathaparam — [2172022 — ]B- Kulascharaperamal DEOE 1990 | UR A Balasubramanian x 13 [SR/TReni faaa02 [Mi Sivaprakam OOH IIRE | SC [C Mutha Beh Ta [SRT Tuticorin fasraa2 |S: Paramneswarh DSORIGRD | UR |U. Ganewa Velayuthars x TS [SRI Tuticorin eee —|T Ganesi 0705.1990 | UR |S. Thanw BED 16 [SR Tuticorin enact — | Nivetha 2LOR 99 | UR [M. Lakshmanan XiBCony 17 |SR/ Virudhonegar faoraaza 87. Kanagaraian 5.102000 | OBC |S. Tamilarasan XBA) Te | WRIErode fowa022 —[K. Chithradevi 105.1999 | OBC |M. Kamaray x(ase) 19 | WRU Krishnagin T3202 (CH Rajesh Pilot Chavan | 12091991 | OBC [GH Hari Rao XO 20 | WRI Krisinagin fosraaaa —|&Ajinkamar T3619 | SC |S Chinaman (DME) 2 [WRI Namakal 13032 |S Rajendran BHOEIST | SC |S. Sengodan xr 2 |WRISalem Fast Trina [Tr Tawrance To112000 | OBC |P. Devasena xr 23 | WRI Salem Bast Tana23 [Mi Radhika 20051992 | SCS. Murugesan MED [WRI Salem West fao7a0a1 [Mt Kamalnaih DeOEISE | OBC [A Masilamani BEY 25 | WRI Tirpaur Tana (Re iswaria O10S.1989 | UR [PV Ravikumar X(MBAY Sow (IC. JEYAKUMARAVEL/ Asst. Director(Rectt. & Estt,) 0/0 the chief Postmaster General Tamilnadu Circle, Chennai - 600 002 ANNEXURE It seria SIS LST OF CASI IMENDED FOR REJECTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON COMPASSIONATE ENGAGEMENT "MET ON 17.02.2022 AND REJECTED BY CPMG To econ? [ewe are [aun] ae of tite | Ae [Rameofthe —[balwof denial] tek ver lownion srsmeyxum) lon othe seceased Gos "eos | sence ope = Inia Post TGR Karur ]iso02T [5 Baby Tan | O-0E-1986 | 35] Subramanian | TE-OSTONT | 6 yeas, |Son of deceased isan eaing member, sonths working ina private company. Elder |sevohers working as GDS ABPM. Family isnot in indigent condition, Hence the case isxjecte. 7 [Cw TOSaORT [MPa Mary [Tou | 20-06-1988 | 37 [I Marin ‘BEOERONT | Opes 1 |Fanily wna a idigert condition and there kumbakonan Jarockiyara ‘months fisno liabilities. Hence the case sects T [eWay [i770 |DKaticken (BE TF [A Davaiamy | OFUE-TIGE | 31 yous, [Bolated request The faly has been able t> 10 snonths| manage so fi. Hence the cse is jected 7 lew [pana [Dips | 20-09-1985 | 35 [IDevarwan | OOS20R [Oyeas,3 [Family isnot im ndigam condiion as ee Vridhachatam ‘months. [no huge iabilits, Hence dhe ease is reecied ¥ [CCR TOR aORT |S Gaya am | Ta-10-1983 | 27 [NS ‘BEGEDUTE | Byers 7 [Son of deceased is an eanng member hkanchipuram Sunderavaradhn months. |wsking ina private company. Applicant is not wholly dependent on the GDS atthe ime Joie death, Hence the casei ejected © [OCR IW Sea IMA | O=0ST98T] 34 JG. Vinayazam | ID-1O-ZONT [O yeas 6 [Fan snot Indigent condition and hee Pondicherry laea montis iso labile ll wards got mare. Hence the casei jected 7 ICCRT Vere IK Mankandan [MA TSOEIS77 | 44] Kappammal | SOO6302 | T years, &|Fanily isnot in indigent condition and here sonths [ino liabilities, Hence the case is eeced Sk Dindieal [17H NCB x TO7T9GR | 32 [Muay To yes Bead request Te Tally Fas becn abe TO ‘months |muanage so far. There no lsbiliies, Hence te casei rejected, JS Dinaigal [BOVODT [ot Teyary fam | aror-i97s | ae [aT GEAOROIT | Byes, 0 [Wie oT ODS i predeceased. Fanily note months [indigent condition and there i no abilities Hence the casei ejected TO [SR Rewipa [ROaT0 [M Marugan ch | TORETGRS | 38 [MC Mimamy | 21-06-2021 |O years, 10] Family s wot in indigent condition and Were months. [so ibilites. Hence the case i jected TT [SW0Rovipats [190021 IM. Rajaram IT 07-09-1975] aE [R Manian | OS0S2013 | Oyeas 7 [Belated request. The Family hes Been ableTo months, manage so fr. Thee isn liabilities. Hence ine casei rejected TE [SRI Rovian JOUSOID [L Ramarcamy BE | OSDST91 | 30 [RC Lakchmana | TO-TI-DOIE [6 yeas, 4 |Dnogher of decemed GDS i an cag, Bharath months, |member, working a Sal Nurse in GH, The unity is notin indigent condtion Hence the ease is ejected, TS [SRP MDa |OWD0ID_ |S: Khor IDE | OFDSTDST| 24 [G.Srecdharan | TOON [4 yeas 1] Wife of deceased san caring member, ‘months. | working in ES! Dispensary. The fami is no in indigent condtion, Hence the case is rected Ta [WRI Salem rom |S IMP | Tsto-ToRR | SE |KSengocan | 10-09-2000 | Opes, 8 Wife af GDS Te pedevescd. Family nak est fNavancethakishnan ‘months {in indigent condition and there i 0 isbilites. Hence the eve i rejected. ane" (/C. JEYAKUMARAVEL/ Asst. Director(Rectt. & Estt.) O/o the chief Postmaster General Tami ilnadu Circle, Chennat - 600 002

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