Diseases of Poultry, 12th Edition

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Diseases of Poultry, 12th Edition

Author: Spalding, Marilyn

Source: Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 45(1) : 251-256
Published By: Wildlife Disease Association
URL: https://doi.org/10.7589/0090-3558-45.1.251

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Edited by Charles van Riper III
AND Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 45(1), 2009, pp. 251–256
Tonie E. Rocke # Wildlife Disease Association 2009


The following reviews express the opinions of the individual author(s) regarding the value of the
book’s content for Journal of Wildlife Diseases readers. The reviews are subjective assessments and
do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, nor do they establish any official policy of the
Wildlife Disease Association.

Diseases of Poultry, 12th Edition. Edited Because the domestic chicken is second
by Y. Mohamed Saif, Aly M. Fadly, John R. only to the mouse among animals studied for
Glisson, Larry R. McDougald, Lisa K. Nolan, health research, this extensive compilation of
and David E. Swayne, Editors. Blackwell existing knowledge on diseases impacting
Publishing, Ames, Iowa, USA. 1324 pp. chickens around the world is especially
ISBN 978-0813807188. US $219.99 (hard- useful—it may be the best single source of
back). methodology and results available. In many
chapters, the host section provides a brief
list of wild bird species that share the dis-
Review by Marilyn G. Spalding eases; however, the coverage of wild birds
varies between chapters. Thus, this refer-
ence provides an excellent foundation for
The 12th edition of Diseases of Poultry is a the understanding of a disease, but readers
‘‘must have’’ reference for those involved in seeking extensive information about its appli-
avian diagnostics, and it continues to be a basic cation to wild birds will require supplemental
foundation for those engaged in avian disease references.
research. First published in 1943, Diseases of The kind of detailed information available
Poultry has been reissued every four to seven for each of the roughly 120-plus diseases is
years. I started with the 8th edition and have clearly illustrated by the list of sections and
never questioned my purchase of each subse- subheadings in the chapter on pox, as one
quent edition. Over 65 years of publication, example. The introduction gives a definition of
the editors, contributors, and chapters have the disease, synonyms, economic significance,
been refined, reshuffled, added to, and and public health significance. A history of the
evolved—some of them more than others. disease is followed by information on etiology,
The current impressive list of 96 contributing morphology, chemical composition, viral rep-
authors includes dozens of familiar names in lication, and susceptibility to chemical and
the wildlife disease arena. The bulk of its 1,323 physical agents. The strain classification in-
pages—weighing in at close to five pounds on cludes subheadings of polypeptides and geno-
my (very inaccurate) bathroom scale—will mic differences in avian pox viruses, as well as
keep one fit, if handled daily. nonessential and immunomodulatory genes. A
Although I have relied on this reference for section on laboratory host systems addressing
many years, in reviewing the new edition, I birds, avian embryos, cell culture, cytopathic
was surprised to find that the first two chapters effects, and plaque formation is followed by
contain a rather thorough compilation of pathology and epidemiology, incidence and
information about the principals of disease distribution, natural and experimental hosts,
diagnosis, prevention, epidemiology, and treat- transmission, incubation period and clinical
ment of poultry—information that would be signs, morbidity and mortality, and pathology
useful to individuals involved in the housing of (gross and microscopic and ultrastructural).
wild birds used in research and also to Following the natural history of pox, the
researchers unfamiliar with the poultry indus- chapter provides a section on diagnosis, with
try. The first chapter covers invaluable, up-to- subheadings of microscopy, isolation and
date information on such topics as biosecurity, identification of virus (bird inoculation, avian
coping with sources of infection, necropsy embryo inoculation, and cell culture), serology
techniques and sample collection, quarantine, and protection tests—including immunodiffu-
housing, feeding, and data interpretation. An sion, passive hemagglutination, neutralization,
introduction to avian immunology, expanded florescent antibody, immunoperoxidase, ELISA,
with this edition into a separate chapter, immunoblotting, molecular methods (restriction
covers host factors for disease resistance. endonuclease analysis of avian pox virus DNA,


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genomic fragments as diagnostic probes, and cernable change other than minor wording,
polymerase chain reaction), and differential such as the chapter on cestodes and trematodes.
diagnosis. This breadth on diagnosis is followed Important changes in the 12th edition of
by texts on intervention strategies, management Diseases of Poultry include the expansion of
procedures, immunization, fowl pox vaccine, the introduction to the avian immune system,
pigeon pox vaccine, canary pox vaccine, quail an expansion which reflects the recent rapid
pox vaccine, turkey pox vaccine, prophylactic changes in this important topic. This intro-
vaccination, and in vivo vaccination. A final duction now constitutes a full chapter, with the
section entitled ‘‘Recombinant Fowl Pox Virus addition of two authors. The influenza chapter
Vaccines’’ includes sections on the potential of is also longer, with 98 new references and
pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) as more extensive information on history, pre-
a polyvalent vaccine with discussion about the vention, and control. The final chapter,
nonessential region, regulatory sequences (pro- entitled ‘‘Emerging Diseases and Diseases of
moters), donor plasmid for generation of Complex or Unknown Etiology,’’ covers poul-
recombinant viruses, and procedure for selec- try diseases that have not yet been fully
tion of recombinant viruses. Three more subti- characterized. With the exception of a few
tles follow: recombinant fowl pox virus (FPV) chapters, photographs and drawings are gen-
vaccines, avian pox viruses as expression vectors erally identical in the new edition. The quality
for genes from mammalian pathogen, and of the color plates is not as good as in the 11th
treatment. After this exhaustive detail, an edition, whereas black and white prints and
unexpectedly short and to-the-point section on line drawings appear similar or better.
treatment contains this single sentence, ‘‘No In spite of its thoroughness and detail
specific treatment exists for birds infected with regarding diseases of domestic fowl, this
avian pox viruses.’’ One hundred and fifty one edition of Diseases of Poultry still does not
references are listed for this chapter. offer extensive coverage of the diseases of wild
Will the older versions suffice? I perused birds. The strong suit of the tome is commer-
several chapters for degree and quality of cial poultry, zoo, and exotic companion birds.
change and found notable enhancements in For this reason, I would recommend two shelf
the chapter on infectious bursal disease. In this companions, Infectious Diseases of Wild Birds
chapter, an author has been added and the and Parasitic Diseases of Wild Birds edited by
number of pages increased from 18 to 23. Since Nancy Thomas, Bruce Hunter, and Carter
the new edition also has a smaller font size, the Atkinson (also published by Blackwell). The
amount of new information should be greater three would make an excellent starter set for
than page numbers suggest. The editors revised avian disease researchers.
this chapter with changes and additions to the
text as well as by adding a new table, while the Marilyn Spalding, DVM, University of Florida, Depart-
literature citations increased from 205 to 305 ment of Infectious Diseases and Pathology, College of
(an average of about 20 new references per Veterinary Medicine, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA.
year). Some chapters, however, have no dis- (spaldingm@vetmed.ufl.edu).

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