Project Title: Perception of Customer Towards Patanjali Products

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S College Of Commerce and Economics

Project Title

Perception of Customer towards Patanjali products

Affiliated to
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur
University, Nagpur

In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of

Master of Business Administration

Submitted by

Dilsha Nair

Under the Guidance of

Dr . Archana Dadhe

Department of Management Sciences and Research,

G.S. College of Commerce & Economics, Nagpur
NAAC Re-Accredited “A” Grade Autonomous Institution

Academic Year 2020-21

Academic Year 2020-21 Dilsha Nair 1

G.S College Of Commerce and Economics

G.S. College Of Commerce & Economics, Nagpur


This is to certify that “Dilsha Nair“ has submitted the project report titled

“Perception of customers towards Patanjali products ’’, towards partial

fulfillment of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION degree examination.

This has not been submitted for any other examination and does not form part

of any other course undergone by the candidate.

It is further certified that she has ingeniously completed her project as


Reaccredited “A” Grade Autonomous Institution) affiliated to Rashtrasant

Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur.

Dr. Archana Dadhe Dr. Geeta Naidu

(Project Guide) (Co-ordinator)

Place: Nagpur
Date: 15/07/2021

Academic Year 2020-21 Dilsha Nair 2

G.S College Of Commerce and Economics

G. S. College Of Commerce & Economics, Nagpur


I here-by declare that the project with title “ Perception of Customer

towards Patanjali products ” has been completed by me in partial

fulfillment of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION degree examination as


Reaccredited “A” Grade Autonomous Institution) affiliated to Rashtrasant

Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur and this has not been submitted for

any other examination and does not form the part of any other course

undertaken by me.

Dilsha Nair
Place: Nagpur

Date: 15/07/2021

Academic Year 2020-21 Dilsha Nair 3

G.S College Of Commerce and Economics

G.S. College Of Commerce & Economics, Nagpur


With immense pride and sense of gratitude, I take this golden

opportunity to express my sincere regards to Dr. N.Y. Khandait, Principal,
G. S. College of Commerce & Economics, Nagpur.
I am extremely thankful to my Project Guide Dr. Archana Dadhe for her
guideline throughout the project. I tender my sincere regards to Co-
ordinator, Dr. Geeta Naidu for giving me guidance, suggestions and
invaluable encouragement which helped me in the completion of the
I will fail in my duty if I do not thank the Non-Teaching staff of the college
for their Co-operation.
I would like to thank all those who helped me in making this project
complete and successful.

Dilsha Nair



Academic Year 2020-21 Dilsha Nair 4

G.S College Of Commerce and Economics

Executive Summary

The main aim of this research is to find the consumer perception regarding the Patanjali

brand through a survey in the city of Nagpur . The study brought out the various

factors as being the most important in affecting the decision to purchase Patanjali

products such as: communication strategy, product quality, pricing and brand image of

Baba Ramdev and consumer awareness about the products. The choice of a particular

brand by the consumer over the time is mainly affected by the quality and benefits

offered by the brand especially when it comes to the brand of eatables and cosmetics

products. Consumer satisfaction is derived by comparing the actual performance with

the expected performance of the product after usage. Perceptions are highly subjective

and thus can easily distort. The confusion of buying and not buying continues into our

mind unless our decision is not supported by many. Thus, in order to survive in the

country like India, brands need to be positioned in the minds of people. This project

work report about Customer Perception towards Patanjali Ayurvedic Product has

shown vast growth in economic conditions and branches are adding day by day. Some

issues and problems were addressed through questionnaires and to some extent helped

to fulfil its objectives and research questions. This research was carried out by keeping

in mind the significance of the study. The variables were of products, quality of

products, location of products, variety of products .This research used research

approach (qualitative and quantitative ) .Causal comparative research design and

descriptive research design were used. 100 samples were taken randomly to find the

result. Primary source were used and these were collected via standard questionnaire

(descriptive, multiple choice and likert scale) were used.

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G.S College Of Commerce and Economics

Department of Management Sciences and Research,

G.S. College of Commerce & Economics, Nagpur
NAAC Re-Accredited “A” Grade Autonomous Institution

Academic Year 2020-21



1. • Subject - Marketing 7-19
• Topic of thesis- Customer perceptions and satisfaction

2. About the Organisation 20-29

Research methodology
• Relevance of study
• Need of study
• Objectives of study
3. 30-40
• Scope of study
• Hypotheses
• Research Design
• Limitations of study

4. Theoretical review 41-42

5. Literature Review 43-45

6. Data Analysis & Interpretation 46-66

7. Conclusions & Suggestions 67-69

8. References 70-71

9. Annexure ( questionnaire) 72-76

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Chapter 1 –


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India is known to be a hub of Herbal brands and Ayurveda as the herbal products

are deeply associated with the spiritual sentiments of the people. One of the study

of WHO (World Health Organization) shows that near about 82% of the world

population depends upon the natural products rather than the other medicines due

to their high cost and side effects. Given a much header array of product choices

offered in the current market and the marketing efforts, consumers often presume

a favourite brand to facilitate their product decision. A brand includes a name,

symbol, design, experience that help consumers identify products, services, or

differentiate offerings among competitors . According to Keller's (2001) more

recent conceptual framework compared positive feelings lead to favourable

responses towards a brand such as attitudinal attachment and behavioural loyalty

.Similarly, recent study in branding has argued that an emotional hand experience

is important to foster brand loyalty and purchase intentions has hated the

importance of building deep emotional connections with personal augment built

brand loyalty. In Indian scenario, perceptions about a particular brand are

important because Indian customers rely on the perception of their near and dear

ones before actually buying or using the product. The perceptions of the people

around us affect our decision to buy or not to buy the product. Perceptions are

highly subjective and easily distorted.

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Brand Image

Kotler (2001) defined image as ,the set of beliefs, ideas, and impression that

a person holds regarding an object. So when we talk about brand image, it is

about the mental representation of the brand based on

individual consumer's beliefs, ideas and impression.

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Brand image conveys emotional value and not just a mental image. Brand image is

nothing but an organization’s character. It is an accumulation of contact and

observation by people external to an organization. It should highlight an

organization’s mission and vision to all. The main elements of positive brand image

are- unique logo reflecting organization’s image, slogan describing organization’s

business in brief and brand identifier supporting the key values. Brand image develops

and conveys the product’s character in a unique manner different from its

competitor’s image. The brand image consists of various associations in consumers’

mind - attributes, benefits and attributes. Brand attributes are the functional and

mental connections with the brand that the customers have. They can be specific or

conceptual. Benefits are the rationale for the purchase decision. There are three types

of benefits: Functional benefits - what do you do better (than others ),emotional

benefits - how do you make me feel better (than others), and rational benefits/support

- why do I believe you(more than others). Brand attributes are consumers overall

assessment of a brand. The idea behind brand image is that the consumer is not

purchasing just the product/service but also the image associated with that

product/service. Brand images should be positive, unique and instant. Brand images

can be strengthened using brand communications like advertising, packaging, word of

mouth publicity, other promotional tools, etc.

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Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty can be defined as the extent of consumer faithfulness towards a

specific brand and this faithfulness is expressed through repeat purchases and other

positive behaviours such as word of mouth advocacy, irrespective of the marketing

pressures generated by the other competing brands (Kotler & Keller, 2006)

• Brand loyalty is demonstrated by repeat purchases of a product even when the

consumer has choices of competing alternatives.

• Marketing campaigns are designed to nurture brand loyalty.

• Brand loyalty can evaporate when consumer trends change, but the product


• Brand loyal customers commit to a brand without respect to price.

• Although the internet presents many choices, it also provides a new

opportunity for companies to enhance their image and build meaningful

relationships with customers.

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Brand perception

Customers, not companies, own brand perception. Brand perception is what

customers believe a product or service represents, not what the company owning the

brand says it does. Brand perception comes from customer use, experience,

functionality, reputation and word of mouth recommendation - on social media

channels as well as face to face . A brand is more than just the sum of its products. It

has its own, carefully-crafted personality that represents its parent company's vision,

mission or culture. So it's not surprising that the brand as a personality jibes with

customers on a personal level - a mental impression, or perception. A customer

mentally processes sensory messages from a brand to create their own perception, and

marketers take full advantage by exposing it to all our senses:

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Measuring brand perception :

• Setting up Google alerts to track online mentions.

• Reading online reviews.

• Social listening, which means monitoring social media comments,

hashtags, and other mentions.

• Measuring metrics for pay-per-click brand search and dwell time.

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Overall, companies need to work hard to measure brand perception. A brand owner

must measure the brand from the outside to truly understand how people view it.

To do so, companies can try a variety of methods to gauge brand perception:

• Track metrics in your target audience around your brand.

• Use custom research among primary and secondary target audiences.

• Conduct a brand audit on your company's brand perception against that of

your leading competitors.

Track customer sentiment through each stage of the purchase cycle, including

information search, product evaluation, comparison research, buying decision, and

post-buying feelings. Brand perception is a critical part of your company's marketing

effectiveness. Getting a handle on it and putting your resources into knowing how to

use it will help your company better plan its marketing campaigns.

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• Price - Customers have a high probability of favouring a product or

service that is economically priced.

• Quality - If the product completely satisfies a customer then it

enhances his/her perception towards it.

• Packaging and branding - These significantly affect customer

perceptions depending on how the product is presented during


• Reputation - Reputation of product develops over time and depends

on the experience with the product and intensive marketing

campaigns that raise the status and brand identity. This determines

customer's product perceptions.

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G.S College Of Commerce and Economics

Customer Perception

What is Customer Perception?

Customer perception is the customer's overall opinion, thought, awareness

and feelings about a company and its product and service offerings.

Customer perception is also referred to as Consumer perception. Customer

perception refers to the process by which a customer selects, organizes, and

interprets information/stimuli inputs to create a meaningful picture of the

brand or the product.

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Stages of Customer Perception

Customer Perception is a three stage process that translates raw stimuli into

meaningful information.

Each individual interprets the meaning of stimulus in a manner consistent

with his/her own unique biases, needs and expectations. Three stages of

perception are exposure, attention and interpretation.

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Importance of Customer Perception

Customer Perception is very important for companies or brands as it tells

them how their potential customers think about them. It is very important

because if the customer form a negative perception then no amount of work

on brand or product will improve sales. The companies need to know at all

times how customer perceive them so as to tweak the positioning or offers to

make sure that the brand image and identity are in sync. Also, it is very

important as many a times the customer perception stays for a long time in

the minds of the consumers and sometimes it can be permanent as well.

Initial Customer Perceptions needs to be positive as that will lead to the

future scope of the brand. The negative image of the brand affects the overall

customer perception affecting the bottom line. The customer perception can

be improved by following the customer perception cycle. Customer

Perception is equally valid in pre-sales as well as after-sales customer

journey. Sometimes poor customer service after the sales can affect the

perception and cause reduced repeat business. Ineffective sales and

marketing can cause negative perception even before sale is made. Managing

Customer Perception is one of the most critical tasks for a company looking

to launch and maintain a big brand.

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Creating & Improving Customer Perception

Creating customer perception is a careful process which is conducted with

customers to create the desired customer perception.

1. Customer Survey.

2. Response Analysis and Customer Journey Mapping.

3. Formulation of tactics to create perception.

4. Reach to Customers with redefined Messaging.

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Chapter 2-
Company profile

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Type Private

Founded 2006

Founder Balkrishna , Ramdev

Headquarters Haridwar ,India

Area served • Worldwide

• Indian Subcontinent
• Middle East

Revenue ₹30,000 crore (US$4.02 billion) (FY 2021 )

Net Income ₹590 crore (US$80 million) (FY 2021)

Total Assets ₹4,345 crore (US$590 million) (2019)

Owner Balkrishna (99.4%)

Number of 2,00,000 (2011–12)



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Patanjali Ayurved Kendra Ltd was founded by Swami Ramdev and Acharya

Balakrishna on September 27th, 2007. It started its operation in Katmandu,

Nepal to provide holistic, natural and effective ayurvedic treatment. Patanjali

Ayurved Limited (PAL) has three manufacturing units at Haridwar,

Uttarakhand with its registered office in New Delhi. The initial project of

Ramdev was his Patanjali Yogpeeth and since its inauguration in 2006, it has

been labelled as one of the largest centres for research on yoga and ayurveda

in the world. Balkrishna owns 94% of the company and the remaining is

dispersed among other individuals. As of May 2021. According to CLSA

and HSBC, Patanjali was the fastest growing FMCG company in India in

2016. It was valued at $3,000 crore (equivalent to 35 billion or US$490

million in 2019) .Patanjali declared its annual turnover of the year 2016-17 to

be estimated at ₹10,216 crore . According to a report by India Infoline (IIFL),

at least 13 listed companies would be affected by Patanjali's success

including Colgate, Dabur, ITC, and Godrej Consumer.

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Manufacturing Facility and Production

The central government and Patanjali had invested INR ~million and INR

million respectively, in the Food and Herbal Park at Haridwar. It has been

estimated that - individuals will get direct employment and two lakh people

will benefit indirectly from the park. The park will produce agricultural

products, products related to nature and products related to herbs and plants.

The food park has the current capacity to produce tons per month of food and

supplements, tons per month of juices and candies, - tons per month of

cosmetics and herbal products. It requires 1.72 lakh metric tons per year of

raw material as an input. As part of the company's future strategy to increase

supply and target a larger customer base, PAL plans to set up manufacturing

units in each state with an investment of INR 500 million to INR 1,000


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Competitive analysis

Patanjali is leading over its competitors due to following reasons :

• Innovation - Patanjali being a major competitor, FMCG companies are

expected to introduce innovative Herbal and Ayurvedic products over the

forecast period.

• Pricing - Patanjali sells its product at a lower price to meet consumer

demands. Patanjali is able to sell its best quality product at a price which is

10% to 30% less than its competitors who spend 12% to 18% on advertising

and promotion.

• Brand Marketing - Patanjali has given a tough competition to some of the

FMCG majors in the area of hair care, oral care and OTC products across its

brand portfolio through impressive brand marketing by Baba Ramdev.

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Market for Patanjali Products

PAL, which started as a small pharmacy, has expanded to sell the full range

of consumer categories, from edible oils, biscuits and noodles to toothpaste,

hair, skin care products and groceries. The revenue from the sale of PAL

products increased from INR million in FY'2010 to INR ~ million in

FY'2015, achieving a CAGR of 65.7% during the same period. Some of the

main products of Patanjali are Patanjali Moisturizer Cream, Patanjali Multani

Mitti Face Pack, Patanjali Aloe Vera Juice, Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Patanjali

Coconut Hair Wash, Patanjali Sheetal oil, Patanjali Sunscreen, Patanjali Aloe

Vera apricot Face Scrub, Patanjali Anti-wrinkle Cream, and Patanjali Drishti

Eye drop. New launches of Patanjali include Patanjali Noodles, Dant Kanti

Advance, and Sugar free Chyawanprash, Power Vita, Seabuckthorn dietary

supplement and powdered hair dye. Other than the products related to

lifestyle and health, the company has plans to touch every consumer


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Competitor's innovative products to survive in Competitive Market

Since Patanjali has come up with many of the new products so consumer

companies have also improvised in innovation in the ayurvedic as well as

herbal products.

• Companies like Colgate launched Vedshakti toothpaste and L'Oreal

introduced a new product with the natural ingredient in hair care range under

Garnier Ultra Blends.

• Godrej Consumer launched neem mosquito oil, a crème hair color that has

coconut oil and new variants in natural soaps.

• Hindustan Unilever (HUL) launched hair care products like Ayush

antidandruff neem shampoo, Ayush antidandruff neem conditioner, and skin

care products like Ayush saffron face cream and pain balms on e-commerce

platforms under Ayush Therapy.

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Recent advancements in Patanjali Ayurveda:

1. In April 2016, Private sector banks such as ICICI and HDFC started

providing loans to Patanjali Ayurvedic Limited to increase its production

facility in 2017. It is expected that its day to day production will reach up to

2,000 at the end of the financial year 2017.

2. Many industries are showing their interest to sign a marketing deal with

Patanjali Ayurvedic Limited. This deal will add to the total fiscal revenue of

the company.

3. Patanjali tied with Future group to increase their product penetration, in

addition to this, the company also started selling their products through an e-

commerce website.

4. Patanjali lists around 30 pipeline products, which will directly show the

positive impact on the company fiscal results and it is expected that these

products will come in the end of 2017.

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Sales and distribution

Patanjali Ayurved sells through nearly 4,700 retail outlets as of May 2016.

Patanjali also sells its products online and is planning to open outlets at

railway stations and airports. Patanjali Ayurveda has tied up with Pittie

Group and Kishore Biyani's Future Group on 9 October 2015.As per the tie-

up with Future Group, all the consumer products of Patanjali will be

available for direct sale in Future Group outlets. Patanjali Ayurveda products

are also available in modern trade stores including Reliance Retail, Hyper

City and Star Bazaar apart from online channels. Patanjali Ayurved, co-

founded by yoga guru Ramdev, is targeting $10,000 crore revenue in 2016-

17, after-sales grew 150% in the previous financial year to ₹5,000 crore.

Patanjali Ayurved has also started its FMCG expansion in form of dealership

and distributorship channels across the country and expects wider growth in

overseas distribution as well. In India's fast moving consumer goods (FMCG)

sector Patanjali Ayurvedic Limited is the most promising, valuable brand

witnessing an exponential growth rate. In the fiscal year 2016, when

competitors such as Hindustan Unilever, Dabur, ITC, Colgate-Palmolive, and

Procter & gamble were struggling to hold the double-digit growth rate,

Patanjali Ayurveda showed the annual growth of more than 100 percent in

product portfolios such as personal care, food and beverages, and Ayurvedic.

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Chapter -3

Research Methodology

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Most of the people are influenced by the Ayurvedic medication of Patanjali

product. There is light competition in Indian Cosmetic industry and there are

different players in Indian Cosmetic market. Now different trends are

available at differences and guidelines in the market. Hence a study is

conducted for examining the influence of Patanjali Cosmetic products among


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There is an individual who pays some amount of money for the thing

required to consume goods and services . Consumers play a vital role in the

market. The satisfied consumer are the one who creates value to the

company hence this research focuses on the factors influencing consumers to

purchase Patanjali products.

This study will reveal the different aspects of consumer's perception

regarding the product quality, range, availability, and advertisement of the

products. The need for the study is very essential as the competition in the

Ayurvedic and herbal products in ever increasing. Competitors are mainly

struggling to shut down the market by capturing its market share. Today

scenario is such that the competitors are coming up with sales promotion and

incentives to compete with Patanjali Brand.

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1) To study the brand perception of Patanjali in the minds of consumers.

2) To study the satisfaction level of consumers after using Patanjali products.

3) To study the attributes that a consumer keeps in mind while buying

Patanjali products.

4) To know various types of Patanjali products preferred by customers.

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This research focused on respondents of Nagpur. The research provided

fruitful information about Patanjali's product line users and brand perception

they have about Patanjali.

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Hypothesis Statement

H0-The Perception of Customer towards Patanjali products in not quite


H1-The Perception of Customs towards Patanjali product is quite positive.

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A research design is the set of methods and procedures used in collecting

and analysing measures of the variables specified in the research problem.

The design of a study defines the study type (descriptive, correlation, semi -

experimental, experimental) and sub type. Hypothesis independent and

dependent variables , design of experimental design and if applicable , data

collection methods, and a statistical analysis plan. Research design is the

framework that has been created to find answers to research questions.

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The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined

and research plan chalked out. While deciding about the method of data

collection to be used for the study, first of all the sources of data must be

very clear.

There are basically two sources of data.

Primary data source:

The primary data are those, which are collected fresh for the first time for

the problem solution, and thus happen to be original in character, it may be

obtained from individual, families and representative.

Secondary Data Source

The secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone

else and which have to decide which have already been passed through the

statistical process. Externally, these sources may include books or periodicals

reports, data services and computer data banks. In the context of the project

study, the source of data used by me for this project is primary type of

source. The primary data source is the respondents who have filled the


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Sampling plan

Sampling unit – The sampling unit is the entity to which we have to follow

during the whole research study. In the context of the project study, the

sampling unit primarily consist of individuals.

Sampling size – It plays an important role in the research. Samples are

representatives of the whole population. This refers to the number of items

to be selected from the universe to constitute a sample. In the context of the

project study, 100 respondents are chosen keeping in view the above

constraints. Attempts have been made to see that samples are chosen from

different strata.

Sampling method - There are various methods of sampling in the context

of my project study I have selected non probability sampling method. And

under that, I have taken convenience sampling. Under this I prepared a

simple questionnaire to collect the information.

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Data collection method:

Data collection method is done basically in three ways: Observation method,

survey method , and questionnaire. And in the context of my project study, I

have selected questionnaire method to collect the data.

Data analysis and Interpretation:

Data analysis is based on the data collected by the questionnaire. From the

collected data findings are extracted. The data is tabulated and frequency

distribution chart is prepared.

Data analysis by chart:

Charts make easy to understand. Therefore I have used pie chart to present

the data.

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• Limited number of respondents.

• Time limitation for compelling the project.

• The data obtained in some cases may be based.

• Difficulties in communicating within the city while conducting the


• The information obtained from the consumer based on questionnaire

was assumed to be factual.

• Since the survey is based on sampling method it does not disclose the

charter of entire customer.

• Products unavailability for the consumer in the market is one of the

biggest limitation for Patanjali products.

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Chapter 4 –

Theoretical review

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Assimilation theory of based on Festinger's (1957) dissonance theory

dissonance theory points that consumers make some kind of cognate

comparison between expectation about product and the perceived product


According to Anderson (1973) customers seek to avoid dissonance by

adjusting perceptions about a given period of bring it make in line with


The study on the relationship between customer satisfaction, services quality

and service loyalty in concluded that customer satisfaction plays a mediator

role in the effect of service.

Theoretical Framework:



ion Location
lity Quality


Dependent variable Independent Variable

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Chapter 5-

Literature Review

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S Anupriya (2017):

This paper focused on the fact that consumer satisfactions is derived when

the comparison is made between the actual performance of the product with

the performance expected out of the product.

Ajeet Kumar & Anshu Ahuja(2017):

They studied the factors affecting consumer behaviour towards Patanjali

products and the association between independent variables and satisfaction

level of consumers.

Ksubbulakshani1 P.Geethamani(2017) :

They analysed the factors influencing the customers to purchase Patanjali

cosmetic products. They identified the customer satisfaction level and

problems faced by the customers in Patanjali cosmetic products.

Dr. Ravindra & Sunita Yaday(2017) :

Their study attempted to know the perception of consumer and factors affects

the consumer while purchasing the Patanjali skin care product

Irrespective of their age gender, income, occupation educational

qualification and residence.

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G Cursanthosini & G Gemathi2016).

They studied the influence of various factor on the purchase of Patanjali

products like price, quality and brand awareness

D (CA) Seema Gosher (2017):

The study has revealed that the people between the age group of 15-45 are

the major consumers of Patanjali products. It was observed that between age

group of 15-25 years are preferring cosmetics while rest of the age groups

prefer food related products

G Sathish Raju R Rahul 2016):

This study was carried out to know why customers are preferring patanjali

products. Patanjali ayurveda home-grown firm in businesses such as food,

consumer packaged goods and healthcare.

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Chapter 6 –

Data analysis and


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Secondary data

According to Indian Express ( Nov 13,2020) : Patanjali reports 22% jump

in net profit in FY 2019-20 .While talking about the outlook, Ramdev said

this fiscal, the company would have "unparalleled growth" as consumers are

having more trust on Patanjali's product because of "purity and faith" along

with its "affordability". Haridwar-based Patanjali Ayurved Ltd has reported a

21.56 per cent increase in standalone net profit at Rs 424.72 crore for

financial year 2019-20, according to data provided by business intelligence

platform Tofler.The company had reported a net profit of Rs 349.37 crore for

the 2018-19 financial year, it said. While the company's revenue from

operations was at Rs 9,022.71 crore, up 5.86 per cent, for the financial year

ended on March 31, 2020, it was at Rs 8,522.68 crore in the year-ago period.

Its total revenue was at Rs 9,087.91 crore in FY 2019-20, as against Rs

8,541.57 crore in the financial year ended March 31, 2019. Total expenses of

Patanjali Ayurved were up 5.34 per cent to Rs 8,521.44 crore. Profit Before

Tax of the yoga guru Ramdev-promoted organisation was up 25.12 per cent

to Rs 566.47 crore for FY 2019-20. It was Rs 452.72 crore in the year-ago

period, as per the data.

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G.S College Of Commerce and Economics

According to financial express : Patanjali group eyes to be Rs 40,000 crore

company in 2020-21, aims to be largest FMCG firm. Patanjali is expected to

register a joint turnover of up to Rs 25,000 crore in the current financial year,

in which around Rs Patanjali group firms and Rs 13,000 crore may come

from Ruchi Soya. Haridwar-based Patanjali group, which has acquired debt

ridden Ruchi Soya, expects to have a turnover of Rs 35,000 Rs 40,000 crore

in the next financial year and to become the largest company in the FMCG

sector in the coming years replacing market leader HUL, said Yoga Guru

Ramdev here on Friday. The company is expected to register a joint turnover

of up to Rs 25,000 crore in the current financial year,

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Primary Data


Interpretation – The maximum respondents were between the

age 21 to 30.

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Interpretation -Among the respondents male respondents

were more than female respondents.

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Interpretation- Among the respondents, most of them were


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Interpretation- Among the 100 respondents 88.1%

respondents have purchased Patanjali brand . This shows that
Patanjali brand is quite popular amongst the customers.

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Interpretation- Among the 100 respondents, 30% of the respondents were

regular customers of Patanjali products.

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Interpretation- Among all the categories of Patanjali , 60% respondents

use personal care products . This means personal care products are
suppose to be more reliable and useful.

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Interpretation- Among the 100 respondents , 42% agrees that Patanjali

product has natural ingredients. This means customers believe in Patanjali
products and for the natural ingredients customers can rely on Patanjali

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Interpretation-85% customers said that Patanjali products are cheap.

Patanjali offers products at low price and use this as an advantage for their

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Interpretation- 60% of the respondents say that Patanjali products are

easily available. This means the brand has reached the customers in every
way possible.

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Interpretation- 55.4% among the 100 respondents say that

Patanjali offers quality product.

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Interpretation- 79% respondents say no that they have not faced

any problem while using the product. This means Patanjali
products are reliable.

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Interpretation- 47% respondents say that Patanjali maybe their

first choice amongst other brands.

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G.S College Of Commerce and Economics

Interpretation- According to the responses of the 100

respondents , the brand is the most important factor for buying
a product , then comes the price and then the quality of the

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Interpretation- Among the 100 respondents, 51% say that

maybe the Patanjali products are chemical free , only 19% say
yes that the products are chemical free.

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Interpretation- Among the 100 respondents, 53% agreed that

Patanjali products have made a good brand image. Patanjali
has adopted satisfying strategies for building the brand image.

Academic Year 2020-21 Dilsha Nair 63

G.S College Of Commerce and Economics

Interpretation- Among the 100 respondents, 40 % were

satisfied with Patanjali products and 10% are highly satisfied.
Only 22% are not so satisfied.

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G.S College Of Commerce and Economics

Interpretation- Among the 100 respondents, 42% said they maybe use
Patanjali Products further. This means they were not fully satisfied and not
sure about the product.

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Hypothesis Testing

H0 ( null hypothesis ) – The perception of customers towards Patanjali products is not

quite positive

H1 ( alternate hypothesis) – The perception of customers towards Patanjali products is

quite positive.

Among all the 100 respondents , 81% purchased Patanjali products

30% uses the product regularly , 42 % agree that Patanjali products are chemical free .

The respondents purchase the products because the price is reasonable, the products

are easily available, and Patanjali has a good brand image . And all around , 50% of

the respondents were satisfied with the Patanjali products.

Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternate hypothesis is accepted.

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Chapter 7 –

Conclusion and Suggestion

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The Findings in the paper show that there are many significant factors that

together make up the buying decision of the product. Customers' perception

towards a brand is built largely on the satisfactory value the user receives after

paying for the product and the benefits the user looks for. In the above study, a

large portion of the user is satisfied from Patanjali products. It may be because

of reasonable price of the product, the brand image and also the availability of

the products. The satisfaction brings in the retention of customer. Patanjali is

enjoying the advantageous position in market through natural elements present

in the products. However, it should not ignore the competitors who are trying to

get into natural products. Patanjali in order to retain more customers and satisfy

them must fulfil the claims made by the company before any other brand may

mushroom up and take away the benefits of marketing. Most of the customers

believe that products are chemical free and have natural ingredients.

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• To make a successful product, patanjali’s marketing strategy should

attract long term consumers.

• Most of the Patanjali consumer are facing problem like; products are
not available in the market regularly.

• They can increase their distribution channels.

• They have to focus back on product efficacy: Rising above the noise
of advertising.

• They can increase their outlet and stores.

• So Patanjali Ayurvada should increase their productivity and make

sure that there will be shortage of products in the market.

Academic Year 2020-21 Dilsha Nair 69

G.S College Of Commerce and Economics

Chapter 8 –


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• Herbal Medicine for market potential in India , An overview (2008) ,

Sharma,Tyagi , Singh and Rao

• Kotler .P (2008 ) Marketing Management (11th ed )

• Kotler .P Keller (2014) Marketing Management ( 14th ed )

Academic Year 2020-21 Dilsha Nair 71

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Chapter 9 –


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1 ) Name

2) Age

o Below 20
o 21-30
o 31-40
o Above 40

3) Gender

o Male
o Female
o Other

4) Occupation

o Professional
o Business
o Student
o Unemployed
o Home Maker
o Other

5) Have you ever purchased Patanjali products?

o Yes
o No

Academic Year 2020-21 Dilsha Nair 73

G.S College Of Commerce and Economics

6) How frequently do you use Patanjali products?

o Regular
o Trial
o Rarely
o Unplanned basis

7) What type of products do you use ?

o Health care
o Food products
o Personal care products
o Ayurvedic medicines

8)Do you agree ,the Patanjali products have natural ingredients?

o Strongly Agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly disagree

9) The price of Patanjali Products is ?

o Cheap
o Reasonable
o Costly

10) Patanjali products are easily available?

o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly disagree

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11) Are you satisfied with the quality of services provided by Patanjali

o Excellent
o Good
o Fair
o Poor

12) Have you faced any problem while using Patanjali products?

o Yes
o No

13) Patanjali products would be your first choice ?

o Yes
o No
o Maybe
o Never

14) The factors that influence your decision making of buying Patanjali

Strong agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly





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15) Do you agree Patanjali products are chemical free ?

o Yes
o No
o Maybe

16) Do you agree that Patanjali products have made a good brand image?

o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Neutral
o Disagree
o Strongly Disagree

17) Rate your satisfaction level after trying the products?

o 1 to 5 scale ( 1 for least satisfied and 5 for most satisfied)

18) Will you continue using Patanjali products?

o Yes
o No
o Maybe

Academic Year 2020-21 Dilsha Nair 76

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