Jicable07 151
Jicable07 151
Jicable07 151
Partial discharge activity is a prominent indicator to assess the
grade of degradation of high voltage equipment. The mapping
of the partial discharge activity versus the cable length allows Figure 1: Internal E field with low electron availability
identifying cable partial discharge as well as weak accesso-
Once this initial partial discharge impulse has occurred, the
ries. However, strong differences exist between polymeric
cavity's surface is polluted with electrons being kept with traps
cables and mass-impregnated cables.
of comparably low energy levels. Thus, these electrons
Historically, partial discharge measurements on cables were
become available statistically depending on the material's
increasingly applied since the change to polyethylene (PE)
properties. With fresh polyethylene (polypropylene, epoxy
and later cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) as insulation
resin, etc.), this de-trapping time constant is in the range of
material for the majority of power cables.
tens of ms and above.
Improved signal acquisition and processing made this tech-
Figure 1 shows how the electrical field in the cavity reacts on
nique also applicable to non-shielded field environments.
the statistical delay caused by the de-trapping. Figure 2 shows
However, care must be taken to adequately filter the high
a corresponding partial discharge pattern or so-called ϕ-q-n
voltage source and to reduce pickup of ambient noise.
ERes Figure 5: Partial discharge with a cable termination
Figure 5, for instance, shows the discharge activity of several
flat cavities. Here, the symmetrical pattern indicates that the
EMax cavities are symmetrically within the insulation and not at-
tached to any conductor.
Figure 10: Setup in a substation with a 90kVpeak VLF unit Figure 11: TCC45 - setup with a 60kVpeak VLF unit
Partial discharge measurement and location can be combined
with portable high voltage sources of different principles using
modern signal acquisition and processing techniques.
However, most of the different excitation methods produce as
a side effect high frequency noise that hampers the sensitivity
of the partial discharge detection and mapping and, hence,
requires adequate filtering and matching. Additionally, inte-
grating all required electronics into a combined filter, coupling
and acquisition unit simplifies the setup and improves operator
safety by using wireless Bluetooth® communication.
Variable frequency resonant test sets allow using excitation
frequencies close to the power frequency, but are typically
mounted in test vans. Further cost and weight considerations
lead to the application of VLF high voltage sources. However,
the partly strong deviation from the normal 50/60Hz service
Figure 12: TCC25 together with a 30kVpeak VLF unit conditions has an impact on the detectability of some defect
types and on the appearance of their partial discharge pattern.
Figure 12 shows such combined unit (TCC25) for a lower
voltage with another VLF source (30kVpeak). At this voltage
level the cage around the high voltage electrode of the filter
unit is not required to prevent discharge activity. REFERENCES
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