University Question Papers

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Reg. No. :

v 4L49

Eighth Semester

Electronics and Communication Engineering


(Regulation 2004)

fime : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

Answer ALL questions.
PARTA-(10 x2=20 marks)
1. List out the frequency bands used for satellite services.

2. State Kepler's secondlaw of planetary motion.


3. What is meant bv momentum wheel stabilisation?


4. What are geostationary satellites?


5. What is meant by input back off of a transponder?

6. Give the formulae to compute the uplink carrier to noise ratio.

7. What are the limitations of FDMA-satellite access?

8. Distinguish between pre-assigned and demand-assigned TDMA satellite


9. Give the applications of satellites.

10. What are the various compressionstandards used in satellite applications?


11. (a) What are orbital elements? Derive the six orbital elements of satellite
from Newton's law of motion. (16)


(b) How are the satellites positions estimated using the sub-satellite points?

12. (a) What are look angles and derive the expressions for azimuth and
elevation? (16)


(b) With a neat block diagram, explain the attitude and orbit control system
present in the spacesegment. (16)

13. (a) With a neat sketch, expiain the power budget for a satellite link

considering back off and rain fade margin. (16)

Or N.
(b) How does the system noise temperature affect the performance?Derive
the expression for overall system noise temperature at the receiving
earth station. ( 16)

L4. (a) With a neat block diagram, explain the functioning of a SPADE system.

(1 6 )


(b) Explain the TDMA burst and frame structure of satellite system. Draw
the necessary diagrams. (16)

15. (a) In detaii, give an account of various compression standards used in the
sateliite context. (16)


(b) What is meant by DTH? What are the design issues to be consideredfor
Iaunching DTH systems? (16)

v 4149


Reg. No. :

v 4L49

Eighth Semester

Electronics and Communication Engineering


(Regulation 2004)

fime : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

Answer ALL questions.
PARTA-(10 x2=20 marks)
1. List out the frequency bands used for satellite services.

2. State Kepler's secondlaw of planetary motion.


3. What is meant bv momentum wheel stabilisation?


4. What are geostationary satellites?


5. What is meant by input back off of a transponder?

6. Give the formulae to compute the uplink carrier to noise ratio.

7. What are the limitations of FDMA-satellite access?

8. Distinguish between pre-assigned and demand-assigned TDMA satellite


9. Give the applications of satellites.

10. What are the various compressionstandards used in satellite applications?


11. (a) What are orbital elements? Derive the six orbital elements of satellite
from Newton's law of motion. (16)


(b) How are the satellites positions estimated using the sub-satellite points?

12. (a) What are look angles and derive the expressions for azimuth and
elevation? (16)


(b) With a neat block diagram, explain the attitude and orbit control system
present in the spacesegment. (16)

13. (a) With a neat sketch, expiain the power budget for a satellite link

considering back off and rain fade margin. (16)

Or N.
(b) How does the system noise temperature affect the performance?Derive
the expression for overall system noise temperature at the receiving
earth station. ( 16)

L4. (a) With a neat block diagram, explain the functioning of a SPADE system.

(1 6 )


(b) Explain the TDMA burst and frame structure of satellite system. Draw
the necessary diagrams. (16)

15. (a) In detaii, give an account of various compression standards used in the
sateliite context. (16)


(b) What is meant by DTH? What are the design issues to be consideredfor
Iaunching DTH systems? (16)

v 4149
*X10347* Reg. No. :

Question Paper Code : X10347

B.E./B.Tech. Degree Examinations, november/december 2020
and April/may 2021
Fifth/Seventh/Eighth Semester
Geoinformatics Engineering
EC 8094 – Satellite communication
(Common to Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Electronics and
Communication Engineering)
(Regulations 2017)

Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks

Answer all questions

Part – A (10×2=20 Marks)

1. A satellite is in an elliptical orbit with eccentricity of 0.6 and perigee altitude

1000 Km. Determine :
a) The semi major axis
b) The period of revolution

2. Assume a circular orbit : Using Newton’s law of gravitation and Newton’s second
law, determine the acceleration of a satellite.

3. Define payload and transponder.

4. Draw the block diagram of antenna subsystem.

5. Explain what is meant by noise factor.

6. Calculate the effective area of a 10-ft parabolic reflector antenna at a frequency

of (a) 4 GHz (b) 12 GHz.

7. Explain the need for a reference burst in a TDMA system.

8. What is the use of control bits in the data frame ?

9. What is the difference between active and passive satellites ?

10. What does the acronym VSAT stand for ?

X10347 -2- *X10347*

Part – B (5×13=65 Marks)

11. a) Derive the complete expression for Look Angles, along with intermediate
angle in satellite communication. Show that intermediate angle is : (13)

 tan ls − le 
α = tan −1  
 sin( l e ) 
b) i) A satellite is in a circular orbit around the earth. The altitude of the
satellite’s orbit above the surface of the earth is 1400 Km.
i) What are the centripetal and centrifugal accelerations acting on the
satellite in its orbit ? Give your answer in m/s2.
ii) What is the velocity of the satellite in this orbit ? Give your answer in
iii) What is the orbital period of the satellite in this orbit ? Give your answer
in hours, minutes and seconds. (10)
ii) Differentiate between Geosynchronous and Geostationary orbits. (3)

12. a) i) Define and explain the terms roll, pitch and yaw. (3)
ii) Describe the tracking, telemetry and command facilities of a satellite
communications system. Are these facilities part of the space segment or
part of the ground segment of the system ? (10)
b) i) Explain Spin Stabilization and Three-axis Stabilization. (5)
ii) Explain what is meant by thermal control and why this is necessary in a
satellite. (4)
iii) Explain what is meant by satellite attitude and briefly describe two forms
of attitude control. (4)

13. a) i) A certain 6/4 GHz satellite uplink has earth station EIRP is 80 dBW; Earth
station satellite distance is 35780 Km; attenuation due to atmospheric factors
is 2 dB; satellite antennas aperture efficiency is 0.8; satellite antennas
aperture area is 0.5 m2; satellite receivers effective noise temperature is
190 K; satellite receivers bandwidth is 20 MHz. Determine the link margin
for satisfactory quality of service if the threshold value of received carrier
to noise ratio is 25 dB. (8)
*X10347* -3- X10347

ii) A geostationary satellite transmits 5 W of power with an antenna having a

gain of 28 dB. The downlink is operated at 4 GHz and the receive antenna
is a dish with diameter of 3.6 m. Compute the EIRP transmitted and the
power received by the receiving antenna. Assume the receiver antenna
efficiency to be 0.7 and all the other losses to be 2 dB. (5)
b) i) Explain what is meant by saturation flux density. The power received by
a 1.8 m parabolic antenna at 14 GHz is 250 pW. Calculate the power flux
density (a) in W/m2 and (b) in dBW/m2 at the antenna. (5)
ii) Explain what is meant by input backoff. An earth station is required
to operate at an [EIRP] of 44 dBW in order to produce saturation of the
satellite transponder. If the transponder has to be operated in a 10 dB
backoff mode, calculate the new value of [EIRP] required. (5)
iii) Two amplifiers are connected in cascade, each having a gain of 10 dB and
a noise temperature of 200 K. Calculate (a) the overall gain and (b) the
effective noise temperature referred to input. (3)

14. a) i) Distinguish between preassigned and demand-assigned traffic in relation

to a satellite communications network. (7)
ii) Given that the IF bandwidth for a 252-channel FM/FDM telephony carrier
is 7.52 MHz and that the required [C/N] ratio at the earth station receiver
is 13 dB, calculate (a) the [C/T] ratio and (b) the satellite [EIRP] required
if the total losses amount to 200 dB and the earth station [G/T] ratio is
37.5 dB/K. (6)
b) i) Briefly describe the ways in which demand assignment may be carried
out in an FDMA network. (5)
ii) What is the function of :
a) the burst-code word and
b) the carrier and bit-timing recovery channel in a TDMA burst ? (4)
iii) In a TDMA network the reference burst and the preamble each requires
560 bits, and the nominal guard interval between bursts is equivalent to
120 bits. Given that there are eight traffic bursts and one reference burst
per frame and the total frame length is equivalent to 40, 800 bits, calculate
the frame efficiency. (4)
X10347 -4- *X10347*

15. a) i) Explain the characteristics of a typical VSAT system and Key Components
for a VSAT network. (8)
ii) Compare LEO and MEO satellite. What are the advantage, disadvantage
and application of LEO and MEO satellite ? (5)
b) i) Explain the working of Global Positioning System. (8)
ii) Explain the working of Direct Broadcast Satellites in detail. (5)

Part – C (1×15=15 Marks)

16. a) Consider a (6, 3) linear block code defined by the generator matrix. (15)

1 0 0 1 1 0 
 
g = 0 1 0 0 1 1 
0 0 1 1 0 1 

1) Find the encoding table for the linear block code.
2) Draw the hardware encoder diagram.
 
3) Suppose is c = [111000] is sent and r = [111001] is received. Show how the
code can correct this error.
b) i) The state of Virginia may be represented roughly as a rectangle bounded
by 39.5° N latitude on the north, 36.5° N latitude on the south, 76.0° W
longitude on the east and 86.3° W longitude on the west. If a geostationary
satellite must be visible throughout virginia at an elevation angle no lower
than 20°, what is the range of longitudes within which the sub-satellite
point of the satellite must lie ? (10)
ii) A ground station lies at latitude = 39.2906 degrees N and
longitude = 280.2629 degrees E. A Geostationary satellite at radius
r = 42164 km has a longitude of 280.2629 degrees E. Calculate the range
and look angles (azimuth and elevation angles) to the satellite. (5)


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