TVA BOK 0012540 Tamil and Sanskrit
TVA BOK 0012540 Tamil and Sanskrit
TVA BOK 0012540 Tamil and Sanskrit
Nobody has described the events that took place after the
Aryans came in. How did the two communities react to each
othet’s presence? Originally it was claimed that there was war
between the two communities and the Aryans won and drove the
Dravidians southwards But later this theory was recognised to be
wrong (*) and it was accepted that both communities lived in
The Aryans when they entered India had brought with them
their speech, their Gods, their forms of worship and their social
culture. All these had underwent extensive changes in the Indian
soil, taking into them all that was good and noble in the Dravidian
aryan view. This view is now gradually being abandoned. It is
now generally admitted that ihe Dravidians contributed a great
many elements of paramounts importance in the evolution of Hindu
culture. In certain matters the Dravidian and Austric contributions
are far deeper and extensive than that of the Aryans. The praryans
of Harappa and Mohanje Daro were certainly in possesion ofa
higher material culture than what the seminomadic Aryans could
race and passing on to the Dravidian race all that was good and
noble in them. How can we identify the Aryan contribution and
the Dravidian contribution from the fused homogenous result.
Dr. M. Varaderajan has mentioned an infalliable test in his book
“History of Tamil - Tamil Varalaru‘‘. Since the same Aryan
people had gone out into the various countries in the west and to
Jran taking with them all that the Aryans had bought into India,
it should be easy enough to search all these countries for common
factors in all branches of human activity. If, as we had found
common root words in the languages of these countries,
we can find other common factors in these countries, all such
common factors should be held as of Aryan orgin. This seems to
be an ideal test.
current among them (Dravidians) In mediaeval and modern
Hinduism certain divinities stand paramount like Siva and Uma,
Vishnu and Sri. The popular Gods of the Vedic Aryans gradually
recede into the background anda group of more puissant and
more personal Gods, more profound and cosmic more philosophi-
cal in their conception become established. As it has been said
before Siva and Uma are in all likelihood fundamentally of
Dravidian origin.
I Comparision of Alphabets
Sanskrit: Sanskrit also contains all these vowels except the two
shorts 6r and @. They have three additional letters ru, roo, lru
making a total of 18. The order of writing the common 10 is
exactly identical with the Tamil way of writing which itself was
very arbitrary and not of any natural sequence. Also as in Tamil
each letter represents only one sound.
represented by Ga, Ja, Da, Dha, Ba and Tda and the second group
as Ha, Sa, Dda, Dhdha, Bha and Ra. These extra sounds are not
provided with extra letters as in Tamil language these sounds are
pronounced only in definite locations well defined by suitable laws.
So use of the same letter to denote 3 sounds each does not cause
confusion once the rules are understood. The other soft group
and middle group letters have only one sound each.
The letters are arranged in a definite pattern following the
natural location of the parts of mouth and tongue producing these
Sanskrit : The consonats are divided almost in a similar way as
Hard, Soft, Nasels and semivowels. They are arranged in the
same pattern and order asin Tamil, linking one each hard, soft
and nassal. The soft sounds also have separate letters to represent
them. Instead of one hard and two soft for each of the hard
consonants they have 2 hard and 2 soft. A comparative chart is
given below. No letter has more than one sound.
1 2 3 4
Ka Ga Ha Gna 45/7
Cha Ja Sa Ngna ©
Tda Da [க்க Nna எசா
Tha Dha Dhdha Na 15
Pa Ba Bha Ma ww
Ta Tda Ra Na சா
1 la 2 28 3 ர 4
Ka Kka Ga (23 Gna Ha
Cha Chha Ja Jja Ngna Sha
Tda Ttda Da Dda Nna = Sha
Tha Ththa Dha Dhdha Na Sa
Pa Ppa Ba Bba Ma
Middle Group :
Ya Ra La Va er Ya Ra La Va @
Tamil: The same adjective in the same state is used to govern
all genders & numbers and all states of the nouns.
1. Simple sentences :
Tamil: The subject is placed first, the object in the middle and
the verb last. Adjectives are placed before the nouns they qualify.
Adverbs are placed before the verbs governing them.
சாவணனையும் கொன்றான்.
Ravana and killed.
சிரித்த முகத்தவனை
four armed Smile faced
will take care not to destroyit The common folk will always get
the benefit of the literature by listerning to dicourses by the learned
men. (Such practice of Jearning the stories of the epics by the
common people from discourses held by pandits in street corners
during all important days are even now widely prevalent) They
had cre..ted a new language only two or three hundred years ago
and they felt confident that they could create a second language
also. This was the starting point for the ceation of Sanskrit the
new language in which they could enshrine all that they considered
as holy and important