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Hygiene Behaviour and Promotion of Hygiene Education ‘9 The term hygiene means “The practice of keeping oneself and one’s surrounding clean to prevent from illness or spread of diseases.” ‘© Hygiene education is the provision of information to.bring about behaviour change. ‘© Hygiene Promotion covers a range of facilitative and enabling approaches to prevent water and ‘sanitation related diseases and optimise the effects of water and sanitation interventions. . Disposal of human faeces Use and protection of water sources Water and personal hygiene Food Hygiene Domestic and Environmental Hygiene, Cleaning latrine Maintenance of latrines 2 Disposal of children’s faece: Defecation sites Hand washing Footwear Use and protection of water sources ‘ Choice of water source for different water activities Water collection Water use at source : Water treatment * Water source protection and maintenance Arsenic mitigation 7 | 3° Water and personal hygiene + Water handling + Water storage + Waste water + Water treatment Personal Hygiene Washing Hands + Body Washing + Cleaning a Child Bottom/ Washing + Washing clothes, towels ete. eooeccc000 [Food Hyalene + Feeding Soakin and children dishes Domestic and Environmental Hygleno © Household hygiene 0+ Wiping surface 0+ Sweeping cleaning floor/compound/TW platform © + Cleaning children’s play objects © * Insect control © Environmental hygiene + Street cleanliness © + — Waste-water disposal © + ‘Solid waste disposal © Animal hygiene 2+ Corralling animals © + Safe disposal or animal faeces 1. Before eating 2. Before proparing food 3. Before serving food 4, After defecation 5, Alter cleaning up children faeces/bottom. 6, After coming home from work / cleaning dirt ‘© Hand washing with soap can reduce diarrhoeal disease by 50%. Better sanitation can reduce the chance of diarrhoeal Infections by only 30% and water can reduce 25%, ‘© Hand washing reduces the chance of being Infected by Pneumonla/ Respiratory Infection by 53%. -Anyoléne promotion programme should be based on a thorough understanding of: + The most Impartant risky practices which should be targeted; ‘+ Who are primary/ secondary and tertiary audiences for key messages; + Who can most effectively motivate behaviour change; + What may prevent behaviour ‘+ How can audiences be most effectively reached; and ‘+ How can the effectiveness of the programme be measured. 17 [EIl_ target small number of risk practices © The priorities for hygiene behaviour change are likely to Include hand washing with soap (or a local Substitute) after contact with excreta, and the safe disposal of adults’ and children exereta, 3B ilo Target specific audiences © Audiences may include mothers, children, older siblings, fathers, opinion . leaders, or other groups. An important group is those people primarily involved with child care. Audiences need to be identified in each particular case. 19 {{21| Identity the motives for changed behavior © Participatory planning with target groups can be used to discover local views about disease, and Ideas about the benefits of safe hyglene practices, This can form the basis for a hygiene promotion strategy. 20 [Ei] Hroene messages need oe psive © Feople learn best when they laugh, and wil isten fora longer time if they are entertained 24 S71 the ternational Hycir 1. All faeces should be disposed of safely. Using a tollet of latrine Is the best way. 2. All family members including children, need to wash thelr hands thoroughly with soap and water or ash and water or ash and water after contact with faeces, before touching food and before feeding children: 3. Washing the face with soap and water everyday helps to prevent eve Infections. + Water should be drawn from a safe source If at all possible. Water need to be kept covered to keep the water + Raw or leftover food can be dangerous, Raw food should be washed or cooked .Cooked food should be eaten without delay or thoroughly reheated. Fo0d, utensils and preparation surfaces should be kept clean. Food should be stored in covered containers, 2. Safe disposal of household refuse helps to prevent Illness. Code a Hygiene messages approved by the LGD for dissemination 0 1S wrerresetce were 0 Teh Ere carare creer site eat OTST aiteamtre TACO 9 ePefOrar SeTTeT 0 Wet wreprre vars weer 0 WH Prarie ont arzerr 23!7il Personal Hygiene Gap-fill exercise 24.1 | Behaviour change continuum sits

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