CISAS Guidance Notes For Customers Oct 21
CISAS Guidance Notes For Customers Oct 21
CISAS Guidance Notes For Customers Oct 21
Guidance Notes
for Customers
Approved by
What is CISAS?
CISAS is an Ofcom certified independent adjudication service which has been set up to
resolve disputes between customers and providers of communication services such as
broadband and mobile phone services. CISAS is designed to adjudicate disputes that have
not been resolved through the communication provider’s own complaints procedure.
What is adjudication?
Is CISAS independent?
A legally trained CISAS Adjudicator who will have no direct contact with you or your
communications provider to ensure full independence and impartiality.
The information you provide in your application along with any supporting evidence you
No, the appointed adjudicator will have no direct contact with you or the company to ensure
full independence and impartiality.
No, CISAS is an adjudication service; the process is therefore based entirely on the
documentary evidence provided by the parties.
CISAS will aim to send you a final decision within six weeks of receiving your completed
No, you are not obliged to make an application to CISAS in order to resolve your dispute.
Do I need a lawyer?
No, you do not need a lawyer but you can choose to use one if you wish. If you do wish to
be legally represented, you will have to pay all of the legal (and other professional) costs you
No, you must pay any costs you incur in preparing and submitting your case to CISAS, which
include any incidental or third party costs. If, for example, you decide to take legal advice
about making an application you must pay for that yourself.
Can I withhold payment to the company for its services pending the
No, referring a dispute to CISAS does not remove your duty to pay the company any bills
that are not part of your dispute.
• It has been 8 weeks since you first raised your complaint with the company, and / or
• You have received a letter from the company telling you that they are unable to assist
you further. This lettermay be referred to as a ‘deadlock’ or ‘final response’ letter.
No, a ‘deadlock’ or ‘final response’ letter means that you can go to CISAS if you wish, but you
remain free to seek other means of redress.
Yes, you have 12 months from the date that the company notified you that it is unable to
resolve your complaint in which to make an application to CISAS.
Yes, provided you give them authority to act on your behalf and sign the declaration form.
You should read these guidance notes carefully before making an application to ensure
your claim can be dealt with by CISAS. The CISAS Rules detail the types of claim CISAS can
deal with, how the case process works and what you can expect to happen if you make an
application. You are not expected to know the Rules in detail.
• Bills;
• Premium rate services, Pay TV services, On Demand services and disputes about mobile
handsets (please note that these matters can only be raised by individual (i.e. non-
business) customers).
CISAS will assess your application against the above criteria, and if your dispute does not fall
within the scope of the scheme, you will be told by CISAS and your application will not go
to an adjudicator.
The company concerned will also have the opportunity to object to the acceptance of
your application if it considers that the dispute is outside the scope of the scheme. In such
circumstances CISAS will rule on the validity of the application and the decision of CISAS
will be final.
You should only apply if your dispute falls within the criteria of acceptable cases detailed
above. If you are unsure, you can contact CISAS for further advice.
• If your complaint is about one of the following matters, CISAS cannot deal with it:
• Claims which are brought by someone who does not fall within the definition of a
‘customer’ (i.e. someone to whom the network or service is or has been provided in
the course of any business carried on as such by the company or someone who has
requested such network or service from the company or for whom the company has
attempted to provide such network or service).
• Claims which are made against a communications provider that does not subscribe to
• Cases where the customer has not complained to the company at all, or where it has
been less than eight weeks since the customer first complained to the company and the
company has not provided the customer with its final position in relation to the dispute.
• Cases where the customer’s application to CISAS has been submitted more than
twelve months from the date on which the company has given notice to the customer
that it is unable to resolve the complaint (CISAS can extend this period in exceptional
circumstances if both the customer and the company agree or if, in our opinion, the
company has unreasonably delayed handling the complaint).
• A dispute which, in the opinion of CISAS, is more appropriately dealt with by a court,
regulatory body, or other formal process.
• A dispute that is the subject of an existing or previous valid application made under the
• The maximum claim amount is £10,000 (including VAT). This sum includes any claims for
compensation, refunds, credits and/or waivers. The adjudicator may direct the company
to take action or provide you with a service but the total value of any claim including the
cost of any action or services cannot exceed the maximum limit.
No, your application must not be for a total claim of more than £10,000 (including VAT). This
claims for compensation, refunds, credits and/or waivers.
It is important that you clearly explain the issues you have experienced and the actions that
you are asking the adjudicator to direct the company to undertake.
• the steps already taken to attempt to reach a resolution with the company;
• the relevant dates for the service issues and prior steps to seek resolution;
• any relevant supporting documents - remember it will help your application if you can
provide evidence
• a copy of the deadlock letter from the company if you have one.
It is also important to provide evidence that supports your claim. If for, example, you are
asking for a refund because you have been over charged, provide copies of bills and a copy
of the contract that identifies the correct contract price.
The following table will assist in what to include in your application for inconvenience and stress.
The company made me an offer before I made my application to
CISAS, can I still accept it?
After you make an application to CISAS any previous offers are withdrawn as you did not
accept it. It would be up to the company to decide if they want to honour it or not.
You can accept any offer of settlement made by the company after you have made your
application but before the adjudicator has sent you their decision. If you do accept an offer
of settlement, the company will let CISAS knowand the case will be closed.
Can the adjudicator award less than what the company offered me?
Yes, the adjudicator may award you less than the company offered you. This is because the
adjudicator will make the award based upon weighing up the merits of the case and may
take into consideration any offers previously made, but will not be bound by this offer. As
you declined the original offer it is no longer available.
No, CISAS is an impartial, independent dispute resolution service; it will not act either for
you or for the company.
What if the company does not comply with the terms of the settlement?
If a company does not comply, you should contact CISAS and we will contact the
company. If the company continues to fail to comply with the settlement, CISAS can
reopen the case and appoint an adjudicator to decide its outcome.
Adjudication decisons
CISAS can tell the company to provide or do any or all of the following:
Remember that in all cases the adjudicator cannot order the company to pay you (or take
actions) where the total monetary value exceeds the maximum claim amount of £10,000.
Can CISAS fine the company and/or take any punitive action against it?
No, CISAS is not a regulator and cannot impose fines or other sanctions on companies.
The role of CISAS is to resolve individual disputes between customers and companies in an
impartial manner.
You have 30 working days to tell CISAS whether you accept the adjudicator’s decision. If
you accept the decision, it will become binding on the company and they will have to do
what the adjudicator has directed. If you do not tell CISAS that you accept the decision
within 30 working days; the company will not be obliged to take any action.
Can I accept the adjudicator’s decision after 30 working days has expired?
No, you cannot accept the adjudicator’s decision after 30 working days from the date on
which the decision was issued.
No, you can only accept or reject the adjudicator’s decision. If you choose to reject the
decision, it will have no effect and you can still make a claim in the courts if you wish. There
is no process for appealing or changing the outcome of an adjudicator’s decision, as it is
The company must act on the decision within 20 working days from the date on which we
advise them you have that you have accepted the adjudicators findings.
What if the company does not comply with the adjudicator’s decision?
If a company does not comply, you should contact CISAS and we will contact the company. If a
company fails to comply with a decision, we can suspend or terminate their membership of CISAS
and report them to Ofcom for a breach of General Condition 14 or the Communications Act 2003.
CISAS has a set Complaints Procedure that can be found on the CISAS website. Alternatively, we
can post you a copy by email or post upon request.
CISAS is owned by the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution which is registered under the Data
Protection Act 2018.
Application accepted
CISAS notifies company and requests response
10 Company responds
CISAS sends copy to customer
Adjudication appointed
The adjudicator assigned to the case reviews the evidence and prepares
written decision
Decision published
15 Adjudicator’s decision published to customer and the company
Customer decides
30 Customer has 30 working days to decide whether to accept the decision
20 If the customer accepts the Decision the company must comply within 20 working
Communications & Internet
Services Adjudication Scheme
CEDR Services Ltd.
100 St. Paul's Churchyard,
London EC4M 8EU
Contact the CEDR team on:
+44 (0)20 7520 3814
+44 (0)20 7520 3814