Class VIII PA-2 Q.B. 2023-24

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Techno India Group Public School, Kolaghat

Question Bank for PA-2 Examination (2023-24)

Class: VIII




The question paper will consist of two sections-


10 questions of 1 mark [10x1=10]


2 questions of 1 mark [2x1=2]

2 questions of 2 mark [2x2=4]

1 RTC of 4 mark [1+1+2=4]


A. Underline the phrases in the following sentences and state

whether they are adjective phrases, adverb phrases or noun phrases.
1. Napoleon was a boy with a lot of ambition.

2. We sat there admiring the sunset without uttering a word.

3. Mother told the toys to stop teasing the dog.

4. She was wearing a bangle made of platinum.

5. They fought with all their might.


1. Napoleon was a boy with a lot of ambition. (Adjective phrase)

2. 2. We sat there admiring the sunset without uttering a word. (Adverb phrase)
3. 3. Mother told the boys to stop teasing the dog. (Noun phrase)
4. 4. She was wearing a bangle. (Adjective phrase)
5. 5. They fought with all their might. (Adverb phrase)
Practice Questions

Identify the phrase and state the kind.

1. He smiled in a warm manner.

2. We looked for you at every possible place.
3. Manav, a boy with courage, fought the thief.
4. Our team took the defeat in a gracious manner.

B. Identify the subordinate clause and state the kind.

1. Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow.

2. You may sit wherever you like.

3. I often wonder how you are getting on.

4. I thought that it would be a fine day.


1. Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow. ( Adjective Clause)

2. You may sit wherever you like. ( Adverb Clause)

3. I often wonder how you are getting on. ( Noun Clause)

4. I thought that it would be a fine day. ( Noun Clause)

Practice Questions

Identify the subordinate clause and state the kind.

1. People who pay their debts are trusted.

2. We cannot go while it is snowing.
3. Raj thinks that I have made a mistake.
4. Tina bought some chocolates which she wanted to give her brother.
5. Remember that your handwriting should be neat.

C. Identify the following sentences as simple, complex or compound sentences:

1. The moon was bright.

2. I shall do it now or I shall not do it at all.

3. I went because I was invited.

1. Simple sentence 2. Compound Sentence 4. Complex Sentence

Practice Questions-

Identify the following sentences as simple, complex or compound sentences

1. There was a one philosopher who chose to live in a tub.

2. I agree to your proposals, for I think them reasonable.
3. My hometown is very large.
4. Listen carefully and take notes.

D. Read the following passage and correct the errors in it.

The Egyptian civilization were the first for make paper from Papyrus. The Papyrus
material were a thick paper witch was used to write on during ancient times. Previously,
this plants grew abundantly over the Nile Delta. The papyrus was also use to make hats,
reed mats, etc.


The Egyptian civilization was the first to make paper from Papyrus. The Papyrus
material was a thick paper which was used to write on during ancient times.
Previously, these plants grew abundantly across the Nile Delta. The papyrus was
also used to make hats, reed mats, etc.

Practice Work

Read the passage given below and identify the words that are incorrect and correct them.
Once upon a time, their lived a very poor girl who has very big dreams but didn’t work
hard enough too achieve it. One day she had enough milk to sells in the market so she
though if she could sell the milk she should earn enough money and move into the city
and start an new job there. So she pour the milk in a large can and carried it in her head to
a nearby market. While going to the market she started to dreaming about how she would
earn a lots of money and make all her dream come true and if someone ask her for
money, she would scold them and sent them back. Just while thinking so, she jerk her
head so fast that the milk can keep on her head fall down and all the milks got spilled on
the ground.

1mark question

2 Mark Questions

1.What did Watson discover about the window Barrymore had looked out? What
conclusion did he draw?
Watson discovered that Barrymore was using a signal, the conclusion that he drawed was that
Barrymore frequently awakes in the middle of the night and shines a light from an empty
room in the house because he was cheating on Mrs. Barrymore but later finds out that he was
contacting Selden.
2.What did Watson witness from the hill?

Watson witnessed Sir Henry and Miss Stapleton walking along moor path and then
Stapleton popped out of nowhere and went crazy.

3.What explanation did Stapleton give for his behaviour towards his sister and Sir
The explanation that Stapleton gave for his behaviour towards his sister and Sir Henry was
that his sister is everything in his life and he doesn't want her to leave him.

5. Why do the men of Light Brigade charge when they knew the order is a mistake?

Answer: The soldiers follow orders given by their commanders; they don’t analyse,
reason or question the given orders. They fight for the honour and glory of their country.
Questioning the superiors is considered indiscipline and refusing to fight is called
deserting. Both of which will affect the morale of the army.

6. Why does the poet use repetition in the poem?

Answer: The rhythm of the repeated lines creates a relentless beat. The beat is continued
throughout the poem, reflecting the riding of the Light Brigade into battle on horseback
and its return. Tennyson’s use of repetition in the poem is perhaps intended to stress
upon and communicate the courage of the soldiers and of the dangers faced by the
Brigade armed only with swords against the enemy with guns.

7.What was the occasion on which the author gained a reputation as a

humourist? How did it happen?

Answer: The employees in the store where the author used to work bought a silver
inkstand for the senior partner on his fiftieth birthday. They all along with the author
crowded into his private office to present it. The author was selected for spokesman and
he made a little speech which was full of puns and funny twists that brought down the
house. This was the occasion on which the author gained a reputation as a humourist and
his reputation dated from half-past nine o’clock on that morning.

8.“I was not the same man.” - What had happened to the author?

Answer: The author was not the same man because as a humorist, he used to furnish
people with entertainment. People used to smile when they saw him coming and after
him, the smile used to broaden into a laugh. However, after five or six months, the
spontaneity seemed to depart from the author’s humour and he became a vampire to his

(1) ‘We areed that I must resign by place at the store and devote myself to humour’
. Q(a) Who does ‘we’ refer to ?

Ans: ‘We’ referred to narrator and his wife Louisa .

Q(b) What led to the author’s decision to resign from his job at the store?

Ans: Author was becoming famous as a humorist. His jokes were published in
periodicals.One day he received a letter from the editor of a famous weekly
publication to joun the newspaper as a regular columnist .The money offered was
much higher than the amount paid to the narrator by the hardware firm.Therefore he
took the decision to ressign from his job.

Q(c) How did he devote himself to humour?

Ans: Author used to spend five hours in a little room of the kitchen .There was table
, chair ,writing pad,ink and pipe tray.He used to sit there for five hours before the
dinner and write down the articles.
Bengali 2nd Language

সাহিত্য হিভাগ -‘ক’

1. সংহিপ্ত প্রশ্নগুহির উত্তর দাও।
a. ‘দর্জি পাডার বাবু’ গল্পটি কার লেখা? তাাঁর লেখা চারটি উল্লেখল্ল াগয উপন্যাল্লের ন্াম
b. ইল্লের মােতু ল্লতা দাদা ন্তু ন্দা-র লপাশাল্লকর বর্িন্া দাও।
c. ‘লতার গাল্ল়ে ওটা কাল্লো পান্া কী লর?’
-লক কাল্লক এই কথা বল্লের্িে? কাল্লো পান্া র্জর্ন্েটা র্ক র্িে?
d. ‘আবার আসিব সিরর’ কসবতায় কসব ককান্ ককান্ রূরে েুনরায় জন্ম সনরয় সিরর
আিরত চান?
Ans:- কসব ক াররর কাক, শঙ্খসচল, শাসলক, হাাঁি, বক, সকরশার, লক্ষ্মীরোঁচা, িুদশশন
এর মরযে কে ককারনা একটি রূরে েুনরায় জন্ম সনরয় সিরর আিরত চান।
e.“হ়েল্লতা ল াল্লরর কাক হল্ল়ে এই কার্তি ল্লকর ন্বাল্লের লদল্লশ।” -‘ন্বাল্লের লদশ’ বেল্লত লকান্
লদশল্লক লবাঝাল্লন্া হল্ল়েল্লি? ‘ন্বাে’ েম্পল্লকি া জাল্লন্া, েংল্লেল্লপ লেল্লখা।
f. কর্বর জন্ম ূ র্ম বাংোর র্বষল্ল়ে া জাল্লন্া লেল্লখা।
Ans:-কর্বর জন্ম ূ র্ম বাংোল্লদশ প্রাকৃ র্তক লেৌন্দল্ল ি রপুর। বাংোর করুর্ েুন্দর েজে শান্ত রূপ
তাাঁহাল্লক মুগ্ধ কর্র়োল্লি। কার্তি ল্লকর ন্বাল্লের েুরর্ ত মাঠ অপরূপ ধান্র্ের্ড, জোর্গ, রূপোর জল্লে
েরমান্ র্ র্ি লন্ৌল্লকা ও তাহার পাল্লডর র্ন্র্বড েবুজ মল্লন্ামুগ্ধকর। োদা লিাঁ ডাপাল্লে প্রবার্হত র্ির্ি
লন্ৌকার োর্র ও গৃহ প্রতযাগত ধবে বল্লকর লের্ী বাংোর র্ন্তয েন্ধ্যার দৃশয। ন্দীর পাল্লরর জন্জীবন্,
পার্খ হাাঁে আর ন্রন্ার কেকাকর্ে বাংোর প্রাকৃ র্তক রূপল্লক র্বল্লশষ োবর্য র্দ়োল্লি।

g. তখন্কার কাল্লের োল্লথ এখন্কার কাল্লের অল্লন্ক তফাৎ ঘল্লটল্লি.... কার লেখা? লকাথা লথল্লক
লন্ও়ো হল্ল়েল্লি ? তফাৎগুল্লো আল্লোচন্া কল্লরা।
h. 'র্তর্ন্ োদা পাথল্লরর মূর্তি র মত িাল্লদ চু প কল্লর বল্লে আল্লিন্ ।' কার লেখা লকান্ প্রবল্লন্ধ্র
অন্তগিত? তাাঁর এরকম মূর্তি র মত চু প কল্লর বল্লে থাকার কারর্ কী?

2. হিম্নহিহিত্ প্রশ্নগুহির যথাযথ উত্তর দাও।

a. ‘ ল্ল়ে েবিাল্লে কাাঁটা র্দ়ো উঠিল্লো’- বক্তা লক? লকন্ তার গাল্ল়ে কাাঁটা র্দল্ল়ে উল্লঠর্িে
ঘটন্ার বর্িন্া দাও।
Ans: বক্তা হল্লেন্ লেখক শরৎচে চল্লটাপাধযা়ে স্ব়েং।
তার গাল্ল়ে কাাঁটা র্দল্ল়ে উল্লঠর্িে কারর্ খন্ ইে ন্তু ন্দাল্লক খুাঁল্লজ ন্া লপল্ল়ে তার কাল্লি বল্লের্িে ল
তাল্লক বাল্লঘ লখল্ল়ে লফল্লেল্লি র্কন্া আর এই ল্ল়েই লেখক উক্ত মন্তবযটি কল্লরর্িল্লেন্।
b. ‘দর্জি পাডার বাবুটির র্থল্ল়েটাল্লর আর গান্ গাও়ো হইে ন্া।’ - দর্জি পাডার বাবু বেল্লত
কাল্লক লবাঝাল্লন্া হল্ল়েল্লি? র্থল্ল়েটাল্লর আর গান্ গাও়ো হল্লো ন্া লকন্?
c. ‘আমাল্লদর র্ফরল্লত হল্লব’ - বক্তা লক? লে লকন্ র্ফল্লর আোর কথা বল্লের্িে?
Ans: বক্তা হে গল্লল্পর অন্যতম চর্রত্র ইে।
ল ল্লহতু ন্দীল্লত বাতাে র্িে ন্া তাই ন্দীপল্লথ তাল্লদর াও়ো প্রা়ে অেম্ভব হল্ল়ে উল্লঠর্িে। তখন্ই
ইে এই মন্তবয কল্লরর্িে।
d. ‘আবার আর্েব র্ফল্লর’ -কর্বতাটির ন্ামকরর্ কতদূর োথিক তার বর্িন্া দাও।
e. ‘আমাররই োরব তু সম ইহারদর স র়ে’ - কসব েুনরায় জন্মগ্রহণ করর কারদর স র়ে
সিরর আিরত চান, বণশনা কররা।
f. ‘আবার আর্েব র্ফল্লর’ কর্বতাটির োরাংশ েংল্লেল্লপ বযক্ত কল্লরা।
ans:- কসব জীবনানন্দ দাশ বাাংলার মাটি, নদী, প্রকৃ সত ও মানুষরক গ ীর ারব
ারলারবরিরেন। তাই জন্মান্তরবারদ সবশ্বািী কসব আবার এই বাাংলায় সিরর আিরত চান। সতসন
যান সিস়ে নদীর তীরর ককাথাও জন্ম সনরত চান! হয়রতা সতসন মনুষেরূরে জনু নাও সনরত
োররন, তরব শঙ্খসচল, শাসলক বা ক াররর কাক হরয়ও জন্ম সনরত োররন। কাসতশ ক মারি
িিল ঘরর কতালার ের বাাংলার ঘরর ঘরর শুরু হয় নবান্ন উৎিব। কমরত উঠা এই নবান্ন
উৎিরব কুয়াশায় কসব ক রি আিরবন একসদন কাঠাল োয়ায়। হয়রতা বা হাাঁি হরবন।
িারাসদন তার ককরে োরব কলসমর গন্ধ রা বাাংলার খাল-সবরলর জরলর উের ক রি ক রি।
সতসন বাাংলার নদী মাঠ কেতরক গ ীর ারব ারলাবারিন। তাই কসব হয়রতা বাাংলার
মারঠ, ঘারে, কেরত, জলাঙ্গীর ডাঙায় ককান প্রাণীর মরযে সমরশ থাকরত োররন । হয়রতা সতসন
হরত োররন সশমুল গারের ডারল বরি ডাকরত থাকা এক শ'কেশ্চাও। আবার তারক কদখা
কেরত োরর উরঠারনর ঘারি যান ে়োরত থাকা এক সশশুর মরযে সকাংবা বুেিা নদীর কঘালা
জরল িাদা কে়ো োল তু রল সডঙা বাইরত থাকা ককান এক সকরশাররর মরযে। সতসন সিরর
আিরত োররন রাঙা কমরঘর ক তর সদরয় িন্ধোর আকারশ নীর়ে সিরর আিা ককান িাদা
বরকর প্রসত সেসবর মরযে। েররন এরদর িবার স র়ে কসব সনরজরক সিরর কেরত চান। কসবর
এ সবশ্বাি দৃঢ় ারব কসবতায় িু রে উরঠরে।

সাহিত্য হিভাগ -‘ি’

3. পদ পহরিত্তি কররা।
র্ন্দ্রা, শীত, মূিিা, মান্ুষ, োে, ঘাে, মাঠ, র্কল্লশার
4. িাচ্য পহরিত্তি কররা।
a. াত লখল্ল়েল্লিন্ ? ( াববাচয)
b. প্রবীর একটি ির্ব আাঁকল্লি। (কমিবাচয)
c. আমার দ্বারা এই কাজটি হ়ের্ন্। (কতৃি বাচয)
d. আর্ম লখেব। ( াববাচয)
e. গবান্ লতামার মেে করুন্। (কমিবাচয)
f. পরীো লশষ হল্লব কল্লব? (কতৃি বাচয)
Question Pattern:-

[Section A consist of 5 questions of 2 marks each] [5×2=10]

[Section B consist of 2 questions of 1 marks each] [2×1=2]

[Section C consists of 1 question of 2 marks ] [1×2=2]

[Section D consists of 2 questions of 3 marks each] [2×3=6]

A. Very short answer type question(1 mark/ 2 marks)

1. The following numbers are not perfect squares. Give reason.
(i) 1547
(ii) 45743
(iii) 8948
(iv) 333333


A number ending with 2, 3, 7 or 8 cannot be a perfect square.

(i) Its last digit is 7. Hence, 1547 cannot be a perfect square.
(ii) Its last digit is 3. Hence, 45743 cannot be a perfect square.
(iii) Its last digit is 8. Hence, 8948 cannot be a perfect square.
(iv) Its last digit is 3. Hence, 333333 cannot be a perfect square.

2. Which of the following triplets are pythagorean?

(i) (8, 15, 17)
(ii) (18, 80, 82)
(iii) (14, 48, 51)
(iv) (10, 24, 26)
(v) (16, 63, 65)
(vi) (12, 35, 38)
3. Find the cube roots of each of the following integers:
(i) −125
(ii) −5832
4. Solve each of the following equation and also verify your solution:
(i)13(y − 4) − 3(y − 9) − 5(y + 4) = 0
or 13y−52−3y+27−5y−20=0
or 5y=45
or y=9
(ii) (x + 2)(x + 3) + (x − 3)(x − 2) − 2x(x + 1) = 0
5. Anil borrowed a sum of Rs 9600 to install a handpump in his dairy. If the rate of interest
is 5 % per annum compounded annually, determine the compound interest which Anil will
have to pay after 3 years.
6. Compute the amount and the compound interest in each of the following by using the
formulae when:
(i) Principal = Rs 3000, Rate = 5%, Time = 2 years
(ii) Principal = Rs 3000, Rate = 18%, Time = 2 years
(iii) Principal = Rs 5000, Rate = 10 paise per rupee per annum, Time = 2 years
B. Short answer type question (2 marks/ 6marks)
1. Find the square root of 12.0068 correct to four decimal places.

2. What is the fraction which when multiplied by itself gives 0.00053361?

3. Find the smallest number by which 1152 must be divided so that it becomes a perfect
square. Also, find the number whose square is the resulting number.
4. Find the length of a side of a square playground whose area is equal to the area of a
rectangular field of dimensions 72 m and 338 m.
5. The area of a square field is 80729square metres. Find the length of each side of the field.

6. The area of a square field is 60025 m . A man cycles along its boundary at 18 km/hr. In how

much time will he return at the starting point?

7. What is the length of the side of a cube whose volume is 275 cm 3. Make use of the table for
the cube root.
8. Find the cube root of each of the following rational numbers:
(i) 0.001728
(ii) 0.003375
9. Three numbers are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3. The sum of their cubes is 98784. Find the numbers.
10.Multiply 210125 by the smallest number so that the product is a perfect cube. Also, find out
the cube root of the product.
11.A lady went shopping and spent half of what she had on buying hankies and gave a rupee
to a beggar waiting outside the shop. She spent half of what was left on a lunch and
followed that up with a two-rupee tip. She spent half of the remaining amount on a book and
three rupees on bus fare. When she reached home, she found that she had exactly one
rupee left. How much money did she start with?
12.The ages of sonu and Monu are in the ratio 7 : 5. Ten years hence, the ratio of their ages
will be 9 : 7. Find their present ages.
13.A steamer goes downstream from one point to another in 9 hours. It covers the same
distance upstream in 10 hours. If the speed of the stream be 1 km/hr, find the speed of the
steamer in still water and the distance between the ports.

14.The distance between two stations is 340 km. Two trains start simultaneously from these
stations on parallel tracks to cross each other. The speed of one of them is greater than that
of the other by 5 km/hr. If the distance between the two trains after 2 hours of their start is
30 km, find the speed of each train.
15.The count of bacteria in a culture grows by 10% in the first hour, decreases by 8% in the
second hour and again increases by 12% in the third hour. If the count of bacteria in the
sample is 13125000, what will be the count of bacteria after 3 hours?
16.Aman started a factory with an initial investment of Rs 100000. In the first year, he incurred
a loss of 5%. However, during the second year, he earned a profit of 10% which in the third
year rose to 12%. Calculate his net profit for the entire period of three years.

17.Ms. Cherian purchased a boat for Rs 16000. If the total cost of the boat is depreciating at
the rate of 5% per annum, calculate its value after 2 years.
18.Find the compound interest on Rs 160000 for one year at the rate of 20% per annum, if the
interest is compounded quarterly.
19.In a factory the production of scooters rose to 46305 from 40000 in 3 years. Find the annual
rate of growth of the production of scooters.
20.The compound interest on Rs 1800 at 10% per annum for a certain period of time is Rs 378.
Find the time in years.
PA 2 Examination Marking Scheme

Section A (5 marks): ( 5 x 1) = 5

A. Choose the correct option

Section B (6 Marks) (3 x 2) = 6

B. Answer the following

Section C (9 marks) (3 x 3) = 9

C. Do as directed

1 Mark questions
A. Multiple choice questions.

1. In human beings, after fertilisation, the structure which gets embedded in the wall of
uterus is
(a) ovum
(b) embryo
(c) foetus
(d) zygote
Ans: Embryo
2. Reproduction by budding takes place in
(a) hydra
(b) amoeba
(c) paramecium
(d) bacteria

3. Which of the following sequences is in the correct order?

(a) Zygote -> Embryo -> Foetus -> Baby
(b) Zygote -> Embryo -> Baby -> Foetus
(c) Embryo -> Zygote -> Baby -> Foetus
(d) Foetus -> Zygote -> Embryo -> Baby
ANS- Zygote -> Embryo -> Baby -> Foetus
4. A sperm consists of
(a) Head and Tail
(b) Head ,middle, Tail
(c) Head
(d) None of these
ANS- Head ,middle, Tail
5 In humans, the development of fertilised egg takes place in the
(a) ovary
(b) testis
(c) uterus
(d) oviduct
6. Which substance gives heat and light after combustion?

a. Flame

b. Fuel

c. Combustion

d. None of these

7. Like fuel the sun also provides heat and light. The process taking place in the sun is called

a. Combustion

b. Nuclear process

c. Burning

d. All of these

8. Burning of charcoal in a closed room will produce

a. Carbon dioxide

b. Nitrogen dioxide

c. Carbon monoxide

d. All of these

ANS- Carbon dioxide

9. The products of combustion are

a. Carbon dioxide and water

b. Oxygen and water

c. Only carbon dioxide

d. Only oxygen

ans: Only carbon dioxide

10. There are following zones of a flame

a. Two

b. Three

c. Four

d. No any zone

Answer: Three
11. Beam of light striking the reflecting surface is called

(a) reflecting ray

(b) incident ray

(c) refracted ray

(d) normal ray

12. If you hold a pen in your right hand and stand in front of the mirror, the pen will be in the
left hand in the image. This phenomenon is called
(a) lateral inversion
(b) diffraction
(c) reflection
(d) inversion

13. Which one of the following statements is correct regarding rods and cones in the human

(a) Cones are sensitive to dim light

(b) Cones are sensitive to bright light

(c) Rods are sensitive to bright light

(d) Rods can sense colour

14 Visually impaired people can read and write using

(a) electronic writer

(b) digital pens

(c) braille system

(d) hearing aids

Ans: braille system

15.) The splitting of white light into its seven constituent colours is called

(a) refraction

(b) dispersion

(c) deviation

(d) reflection

16.Two mirrors A and B are placed at right angles to each other. A ray of light incident on mirror A at
an angle of 25° falls on mirror B after reflection. The angle of reflection for the ray reflected from
mirror B would be
(a) 25°
(b) 50°
(c) 65°
(d) 115°

17 In the retina of the eye, the area having no sensory cells is called

(a) iris

(b) Blind spot

(c) cornea

(d) Dark spot

19.) To make a kaleidoscope we require

(a) Three plane mirrors

(b) Four plane mirrors

(c) Three glass sheets

(d) Four glass sheets

20.) An owl can see clearly at night but not day time because it has

(a) More rods and few cones

(b) Less rod and more cones

(c) More rods and more cone

(d) Less rods and less cones

21. Why fingers appear blurred when we move our hand very fast in front of our eyes?
This is due to persistence of vision 1/16th of a second.

22. Which element is used at the back of plane mirror?


23. How is hypermetropia corrected?

It is corrected by using convex lens.

24. Name a device which works on the principle of multiple reflection.


25. Where is the image formed in a plane mirror?

Behind the mirror

26. What is blind spot?

27. What is yellow spot?

28. Classify the fuels on the basis of states.

29. What is the principle of fire extinguishing?

30. Which part of candle flame is hottest?

31. What is metamorphosis?

Ans: The series of change in an organism during its life cycle that transform it from the larva
to an adult.

32. How does placenta help the foetus?

Ans: The placenta is responsible for providing oxygen and nutrients and removing waste

33. Which two processes are responsible for the development of embryo in multicellular

Ans: In multicellular organisms, development of embryo occurs by cell division and cell

34. What is incubation?

35. Where does the embryo get implanted in human?

2 Marks questions
1. Given an example to show that reflected light can be reflected again.

Ans: Stand in front of a mirror and tell a friend to hold a mirror behind you so you can
see your haircut; your hair picture will appear in the mirror in front of you; this is the
best example of reflected light returning to the source.

2. List the characteristics of an image formed in a plane mirror.

The characteristics of an image formed in a plane mirror are:

• It is virtual.
• It is erect.
• It is of same size as the object.

3. What is the far point and near point of the human eye with normal vision?
In optics, the farthest and closest point at which an object can be brought into focus by the
eye are called far point and near point of the eye respectively. The far point of the human
eye with normal vision is infinity. The near point of the human eye with normal vision is 25

4. Explain the phenomenon of dispersion of light.

Dispersion is defined as the phenomenon of splitting of white light into different colours on
passing through a transparent medium such as prism. When white light is passed through a
prism, it splits into seven colours. It is observed that the colours are in the following order:
Violet (V), Indigo (I), Blue (B), Green (G), Yellow (Y), Orange (O) and Red (R). The order of
colours can be remembered by the acronym VIBGYOR. This coloured band is called
spectrum of white light.
5. What is power of accommodation?
The process by which the ciliary muscles change the focal length of an eye lens to focus
distant or near objects clearly on the retina is called power of accommodation.

6. Why does charcoal not produce flame?

7. What is deforestation? What is its effect?

8. Describe the process of fertilisation in human beings.

In the process of fertilisation, sperms come in contact with an ova (egg). One of the sperms
may fuse with the egg. The nuclei of the sperm and the egg fuse to form a single nucleus
resulting in the formation of a fertilised egg called zygote. In human being, the fertilisation
takes place inside the female body, known as internal fertilisation.

9. Give two differences between a zygote and a foetus.


Zygote Foetus

(i) It is a single celled, i.e., it contains only one

(i) It is multicelled, i.e., it contains many cells.

(ii) It is formed by the fusion of male gamete (ii) It is formed by the repeated division of the

or sperm and female gamete or ova (egg). zygote.

10 Differentiate between internal fertilisation and external fertilisation.11. How are

glandular epithelium formed?
An epithelial cell often acquires additional specialisation as gland cells, which can secrete
substances at the epithelial surface. Sometimes, a portion of the epithelial tissue folds
inward and a multicellular gland is formed. This is glandular epithelium.

3 Marks questions
1. What is the far point and near point of the human eye with normal vision? What is
aqueous humour?
In optics, the farthest and closest point at which an object can be brought into focus by the
eye are called far point and near point of the eye respectively. The far point of the human
eye with normal vision is infinity. The near point of the human eye with normal vision is 25

The space between the cornea and lens is filled with a liquid called the aqueous humour.

2. Write a short note on Braille system.

The most popular resource for visually challenged persons is Braille. Braille system was
developed by Louis Braille. He himself was a visually challenged person. There is Braille
code for common languages, mathematics and scientific notation. Many Indian languages
can be read using the Braille system.

Braille system has 63 dot patterns or characters. Each character represents a letter, a
combination of letters, a common word or a grammatical sign. Dots are arranged in cells of
two vertical rows of three dots each. Patterns of dots to represent some English letters and
some common words are shown in Fig. 16.26.

These patterns when embossed on Braille sheets help visually challenged persons to
recognise words by touching. To make them easier to touch, the dots are raised slightly.
Visually challenged people learn the Braille system by beginning with letters, then special
characters and letter combinations. Methods depend upon recognition by touching. Each
character has to be memorised. Braille texts can be produced by hand or by machine.
Typewriter-like devices and printing machines have now been developed.

3. Write a note on ‘The Human Eye’

Eye is a sense organ that enables us to see the world around us. It is roughly spherical in

• The first part that is bulged outward is called ‘cornea. It protects the eye.
• Behind the cornea, the coloured part of the eye, iris is present. It controls the
size of the pupil.
• Pupil is a small opening in the cornea which allows the light to enter the eye.
• Behind the iris, eye lens is present which is a convex lens. It focus the image on
retina, by bending the light rays.
• Retina is the inner back surface of the eye which acts as a screen to form image.
It is sensitive to light.
• The sensation of the image formed on the retina is carried to the brain by the
optic nerve.
• Optic nerve is connection between the eye and the

4. What are viviparous and oviparous animals? What is internal fertilisation?

The animals which give birth to young ones are called viviparous animals and those which
lay eggs are called oviparous animals. For example, Mammals including human beings are
viviparous animals and hen, lizards, all birds, etc., are oviparous animals.
Fertilisation which takes place inside the female body is called internal fertilisation. In this a
smaller number of ova or eggs are produced. Offsprings have high chance of survival. It
occurs mostly in mam¬mals; e.g., in human being, cow, buffalo, etc.
5. How does metamorphosis take place in frog? Explain with a diagram.
The transformation of the larva into an adult through drastic (sudden or abrupt) changes is
called metamorphosis. For example, a moth emerging out of the cocoon, an adult frog from a
tadpole, etc., undergo metamorphosis.

Frog undergoes through three stages during its life cycle in which eggs laid down by frogs
transform into tadpoles (larva) and finally into an adult following the process of
metamorphosis. The following diagram clearly shows this process.

6. Explain in brief the process of binary fission.

Amoeba reproduces through the process of binary fission. Binary fission is another method
of asexual reproduction. Amoeba is a single-celled organism. It begins the process of
reproduction by the division of its nucleus into two nuclei followed by division of its body
into two, each part receiving a nucleus. Finally two daughter cells are produced from one
parent Amoeba. This type of asexual reproduction in which an animal reproduces by
dividing into two individuals is known as binary fission.
7. In an experiment, 1 kg of fuel was completely burnt. The heat produced was measured to
be 9,000 kJ.

(a). What will be the head produced for 7 kg of fuel?

Ans: If the heat produced for 1 kg of fuel is 9000 kJ.

Then heat produced for 7 kg is = 7 X 9000

= 63,000 kJ

(b). Calculate the calorific value of the fuel.

Ans: Calorific value of the fuel = Amount of heat energy produced / weight of fuel burnt

= 63000/8 kJ/kg
= 9,000 kJ/kg
8. Explain how water gets boiled in paper cup without burning it.
When we heat the paper cup containing water, the heat given to it is rapidly transferred to
water from the paper cup. The temperature of water goes on increasing until it attains its
boiling point, and starts boiling. As, during this process, the heat is continuously being
transferred to water; the paper cup does not attain its ignition temperature. Hence, it does
not burn.

9. It is observed at petrol pumps and airports, that hydrocarbon fire extinguishers are used,
instead of soda-acid fire extinguisher. Give reasons why.
At petrol pumps and airports, there is more probability of fire break out due to oil. In such
situations, soda-acid fire extinguisher does not work as it contains water or uses water to
take off fire by cooling down the place. Water being heavier than oil sinks to bottom and
hence, fire does not get controlled. In such a case, hydrocarbon fire extinguisher is very
useful, as it contains turkey red oil, which causes the foaming of carbon dioxide gas under
pressure. The foam covers the surface of the burning substances and dispels the supply of
air to control fire.

10. Write in brief about the reasons of forest fires.

Reasons of forest fires are:

• lightning if strikes forest trees or areas may lead to forest fires.

• human-caused fires.
• during extreme heat of summer, at some places dry grass catches fire. From this grass,
very soon, it spreads to the whole forest.
• sparks from rock falls in a mountainous region can also be the reason of forest fires.
• volcanic eruption can also cause forest fires.


1. Answer the following questions from the options given below: -

i) The Satyashodhak Samaj association was founded by

a. Mumtaz Ali
b. Periyar
c. Jyotirao Phule
d. B.R. Ambedkar

ii) ______ was a book written by Jyotiba Phule.

(a) Abhyas

(b) Gulamgiri

(c) Stripurushtulana

(d) Harijans of India

Answer : B

iii) Who is the final interpreter of our Constitution?

a. Judiciary
b. Government
c. Executive
d. Legislative

iv) The President can be removed by:

(a)The Rajya Sabha

(b)The Lok Sabha
(c) The Electoral College
(d) Impeachment

v) Under which Governor General did Raja Ram Mohan Roy initiative to ban Sati?
(a)Lord Mountbatten
(b)William Bentinck
(c)Lord Dalhousie
(d) Lord Ripon

vi) In Parliament seats are reserved for:

(a) SCs

(b) STs

(c) None of them

(d) Both (a) and (b)

Answer: (d) Both (a) and (b)

vii) The highest law-making body of our country consisting of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha is known as

(a) High court

(b) Supreme court

(c) Parliament

(d) none of these

Answer: (c) Parliament

viii) The Mohammedan Anglo Oriental College was founded by

(a) Muhammad Ali

(b) Shaukat Ali

(c) Sayyid Ahmed Khan

(d) Deoband School

ix) Name the Viceroy who was responsible for partitioning Bengal in 1905?

(a) Lord Curzon

(b) Lord Ripon

(c) Lord Mountbatten

(d) William Bentinck

Ans:- (a) Lord Curzon

x) Name the Marathi newspaper edited by Balgangadhar Tilak criticizing the British rule.

(a) Kesari

(b) Lokmat

(c) Loksatta

(d) Dainik Aikya

Ans :- (a) Kesari

xi) From the following list of the names of the leaders, who did not belong to the trio- Lal-Bal-Pal?

(a) Bipin Chandra Pal

(b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

(c) Lala Lajpat Rai

(d) Gopal Krishna Gokhlae

Ans :- (d) Gopal Krishna Gokhlae

xii) Who was the great Indian Muslim philosopher who was also considered as the Father of Muslim


(a) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

(b) Syed Ahmad Khan

(c) Mohammed Ali Jinnah

(d) Aga Khan

xiii) B R Ambedkar belonged to ______ caste.

(a) Mahar

(b) Brahman

(c) Gond

(d) Dubla

xiv) Few important points with respect to Raja Ram Mohan Roy are given below. Select the one that is not true.

(a) Through Brahmo Samaj he attempted to reform Hindu society

(b) Rajaram Mohan Roy encouraged the study of local languages and wanted to abolish Western education.

(c) He tried to show through his writings that the practice of widow burning had no sanction in ancient texts.

(d) Rabindranath Tagore called him as the Father of Indian Renaissance

Answer : (B) Rajaram Mohan Roy encouraged the study of local languages and wanted to abolish

Western education.

xv) Name the important women personality who wrote and published a book Stripurushtulna, criticising

the social differences between men and women

(a) Sarojini Naidu

(b) Mumtaz Ali

(c) Tarabai Shinde

(d) Rama Bai Ranade

Answer : (C) Tarabai Shinde

2. Answer the following questions in brief: -

I) What was the Ilbert Bill?


II) What are the two main functions of the prime minister
Ans :- Functions (powers) of the Prime Minister are as below:
i. He recommends persons who can be appointed as ministers by the president.
ii. He presides over the meetings of the council of ministers and influences its decisions.

III) Which is one of the most important functions of the Lok Sabha? Who are the executives

Ans:- One of the most important functions of the Lok Sabha is to select the executive. The executive is
a group of persons who work together to implement the laws made by Parliament.

IV. What was the argument of E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker about the untouchables?
Ans :- E.V. Ramaswamy argued that untouchables were the upholders of an original Tamil and Dravidian
culture which had been subjugated by BrahmAnswer: He felt that all religious authorities saw social
divisions and inequality as God-given. Untouchables had to free themselves from all religions in order
to achieve social equality.

V) How did Jyotirao Phule criticise caste inequality in society



1. Choose the correct answer from the options given below.

i) Which one of the following is the warm weather grass?

a. Jowar
b. Ragi
c. Bajra
d. Millets
ii) Cycle is an example of which type of industry?

a. Large scale
b. Public sector
c. Small scale
d. Joint sector

iii) Which one of the following industries is known as the sunrise industry?
(a) Iron and steel industry
(b) Cotton textile
(c) Information Technology
(d) all of them

(iv) Which one of the following is a natural fibre?

(a) nylon
(b) jute
(c) acrylic
(d) polyester
(v) What class of economic activities does manufacturing come under?
(a) Primary
(b) Secondary
(c) Tertiary
(d) Primary as well as secondary
Answer - (b) Secondary
(vi) Which industry is the base of all other industries?
(a) Cotton textile industry
(b) Leather industry
(c) Iron and steel industry
(d) IT industry
(vii) Which of these factors affect the location of industries?
(a) Power
(b) Availability of raw material
(c) Transport
(d) All of these
(viii) What process does the iron ore undergo in a blast furnace?
(a) Smelting
(b) Refining
(c) Extraction
(d) None of these

2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:-

i) In the thickly populated areas of monsoon regions of Asia, the major class of farming done is __________
ii) TISCO collects the limestone mainly from _____________ mines .
iii) On basis of raw materials used, industries are classified as and ………………
iv) Basket-weaving, handicraft, and pottery are examples of …………… industries.
v) Factors affecting the location of industries are …………, ……………, …………, ……….. etc. (give any four)
vi) Regions like the Mumbai-Pune cluster and Chhotanagpur industrial belt are important ……….. regions of
vii) The process of smelting is done in a ………….
viii) …………. is the commercial rearing of silkworms.
Answer - Sericulture
ix) ………. and …………… are two fundamental types of farming.
x) In the thickly populated areas of monsoon regions of Asia, the major class of farming done is ……………..
xi) …………, ………….., ………….. and …………. are animals usually reared by nomadic herders.
xii) In ………., the land is used for growing food and fodder crops and rearing livestock.
xiii) ………….. and ……….. are fibre crops.
xiv) Tea is a major…………… crop in India.

3. Define the following terms:-

i) Mixed farming
ii) Slash and Burn agriculture
iii) Industry.
Answer: The industry refers to economic activity that is concerned with the production of goods,
extraction of minerals, or the provision of services.

4. Distinguish between the following:-

i) Public Sector and Joint Sector Industry.

ii) Agro based and mineral based industries.

iii) Primary activities and secondary activities.

iv) Subsistence farming and intensive farming

5. Answer the questions in brief.

i) Name the inputs and outputs of agriculture in general. Also mention the various operations involved.
Answer: The inputs in agriculture are seeds, fertilisers, machinery, labour, etc. The operations involved in
agriculture are ploughing, sowing, irrigation, weeding, and harvesting. As outputs of the farming activity, a
farmer gets crops, wool, dairy products, and poultry products.
ii) Explain shifting cultivation.
iii) What do you understand by agricultural development?
iv) Write a short note on the types of economic activities.
v) Which are the main factors which influence the location of an industry?
(vi) Which industry is often referred to as the backbone of the modern industry and why?
(vii) Why cotton textile industry rapidly expanded in Mumbai?







1.Primary key button is present on the _______ tab.

a) Home

b) Insert

c) Layout

d) Design

ANSWER: d) Design

2. Queries, reports and forms are __________ of MS Access.

a) Objects

b) Icons

c) Buttons
d) View

ANSWER: a) Objects

3. The ‘Show Table’ button is available on the _________ tab in the __________ group.

a) Design, Query

b) Design, Query Setup

c) Design, Result

d) Insert, Query

ANSWER: b) Design, Query Setup

4. This button is used to view the output query without saving the query-Run

5. Which of the following is not a component of MS Access?

a. Tables
b. Forms
c. Module
d. Worksheet
ANSWER: (d) Worksheet

6. ______ is another name for columns in Microsoft Access tables.

a. Records
b. Fields
c. Datafields
d. Cells

ANSWER: (b) Fields

7. What is the size of yes/no fields?

a. 1 KB
b. 1 Byte
c. 1 Bit
d. 1 MB

ANSWER: (c) 1 Bit

8. The tool using which predefined actions which can automate tasks on an Access report is
called _________
a. Form
b. Fields
c. Macros
d. Tables

ANSWER: (c) Macros



9.Differentiate between the following:

i)Form Layout View and Form Design View


Form Layout View Form Design View

It is used to change the appearance and size It is used to adjust the design of form. It gives
of various controls of a form. us a more detailed view of the structure of a

ii)Fields and Records


Fields Records

Columns in a table are called fields. Rows in a table are called records.

A field describes a specific attribute of all A record contains the value for all the fields that
the records in a table. belongs to an entity.
iii) File and database

File Database

File system is a unstructured format of collection of A database is generally used for

data. storing related , unstructured data,
with the well defined data format.

In fie system we need to update the file manually. In database we get the options like
insert, delete and update by which we
can modify the database.

iv) Text data type and Memo data type


10.Write Short Note on:Forms


Forms: Forms are the user friendly interfaces that facilitate the process of entering data in tables
and queries. A form has an attractive interface that accepts data form the user and forwards it to
the corresponding table or query.
11.Name some of the file extension for MS Access?

ANSWER:Some of the file extension for MS Access are

• Access database.accdb
• Access project.adp
• Access project.mdw
• Access blank project template.adn
• Access workgroup.mdw
• Protected access database.accde
12.Explain how you can build a relationship between the different databases in Access?

ANSWER:When you establish a relationship between two data, the first table for your data is
referred as the primary key while the new field in another data is called a foreign key.
13. Explain what do you mean by queries?

ANSWER:Queries are the medium of manipulating the data to display in the form or report.
Queries can join tables, update data, delete data, sort, calculate, filter, etc.
14.What is the size limitation for an Access database?
ANSWER:The Access 2.0 database has the size limitation of 1 gigabyte.
15. In MS Access 2013 what are the different ways you can enter data?

ANSWER:Different methods you can enter data in MS Access are

• Datasheet View
• Form
• SQL View
• Import from External Data (XML, Data Services, HTML etc.)

16.What are the uses of MS Access?

ANSWER: MS Access can be used to develop application software and is generally used by data
architects, software developers and power users. Following are the major uses of MS Access:
• Manage accounts and bills
• Store data in the form of tables and edit or customise them later as per the requirement of
the user
• It can be used to make our websites
• Comparing data or finding a relationship between the existing data can be done using

17. What are the major components of MS Access?

ANSWER: The major components of MS Access are as follows:

• Tables
• Queries
• Relationships
• Macros
• Forms
• Reports
• Module

18. How many types of databases are there in MS Access?

ANSWER: There are two types of database in MS Access:

• Flat File Database: When the data is stored in the form of a plain text file and cannot
incorporate multiple tables.
• Relational Database: When the data is stored in a form that the data items are related to
one another. It supports multiple tables which organise the text in rows and columns.

19.What are the Benefits and Limitations of using MS Access?

ANSWER:It was Microsoft’s first database software, and came along with a lot of advantages
and convenience for its users. At the same time, there were limitations to it. Discussed below are
the benefits and limitations which came along with MS Access usage.
• Easy to create database within lesser time duration
• Used a very comprehensive programming language which made it user friendly
• With each revised version, new options and features were made available to the users for
their convenience
• It is easy to install and then easy to understand its working
• Importing data was easy
• Graphical user interface made it easy to use

• Not too many people can use the same database at a single time. This may affect its speed
and efficiency
• The same database was tough to use with different Operating systems
• Better database systems can be used for confidential data
20.What do you mean by RDBMS?
ANSWER: An RDBMS is a type of database management system (DBMS) that stores data in a
row-based table structure which connects related data elements. An RDBMS includes functions
that maintain the security, accuracy, integrity and consistency of the data. This is different than
the file storage used in a DBMS.

21. What is the use of Parameter Query?

ANSWER: A Parameter query is a type of Select query that prompts us for input before it runs.
The query then uses our input as criteria that controls the results.

22. What is the use of Action query?

ANSWER: Action query creates a new table or alters data or database by adding, deleting,
updating and appending data from the table.
23. Write the importance of Primary Key.

24. What is Field Property in Ms access?



22.Ravi has created a database of his colleague and entered 50 records in it. Now he have
make a report of the staff , whose salary is less than 15000 .Suggest him to make the report.
ANSWER: Ravi must use query to sort the data of those staffs whose salary is less than 15000.
He has to use less than criteria in the criteria row of the Design grid.

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