Unit+13+ +Level+of+Overall+Economic+Activity+ (1) 2
Unit+13+ +Level+of+Overall+Economic+Activity+ (1) 2
Unit+13+ +Level+of+Overall+Economic+Activity+ (1) 2
Clockwise analysis:
GNI = GDP + factor income from abroad - factor income sent abroad.
value is quantity
multiplied by the
Nominal vs Real
Nominal value is the value measured in terms of
prices that exist at the time of the measurement.
● Expansion: there is positive growth in the real GDP. Employment of resources increases
and the general price level of the economy begins to rise more rapidly.
● Peak: cycle’s maximum real GDP and marks the end of an expansion. Unemployment of
resources has fallen substantially and the general price level may be rising rapidly, the
economy is likely to have inflation.
● Contraction: falling real GDP. If the contraction lasts
six months or more is termed as recession. Growing
unemployment of resources.
• When actual GDP is greater than potential GDP, unemployment is lower than
the natural rate
• When actual GDP is less than potential GDP, unemployment is greater than
the natural rate.
Business Cycle
● When actual GDP lies above potential GDP or below potential GDP there
results a GDP gap, also known as an output gap.
Examination Questions
Calculations using: takes into account
how much prices
inflated by that year.
Calculations using: