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The Big Dawg Trade

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The Big Dawg Trade 2

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The Big Dawg Trade 3

The Big Dawg Trade
The Simple Setup That Turned One Struggling Trader
Into a Multi-Million Dollar Market Master

SMB Capital: a PnL proprietary trading desk in


SMB Capital is a proprietary trading desk in Midtown Manhattan.

Our focus is on trading stocks, equities and futures on a
discretionary basis. We are a PnL trading shop, which means that
the firm fully funds firm traders, takes all of the downside risk on
losses, and trains, coaches, mentors, and builds traders from
scratch, turning them into consistently profitable and then
sometimes seven-figure traders. We subsist solely on sharing
trading profits with our traders. If our traders do not profit, then
we don’t.

The Big Dawg Trade 4

Exclusive FREE Training with SMB Capital

In this Free online workshop you will get:

 The simple high probability setup we teach all new

traders on our desk (this trade alone could make you
a profitable trader)
 One of our firm’s most profitable and consistent
proprietary trade setups (you won’t see this anywhere
 A chance to get funded with significant risk capital
and trade our money with zero risk to you (all from
your own home)

This is 2 hours of professional training straight from

our NYC trading desk.

The Big Dawg Trade 5

You can earn a Green Shirt with this trade

If a trader on our desk nets one million dollars in trading profits,

the trader will earn a Green Shirt. If the trader earns two million
in net trading profits, then a Black Shirt is awarded. Learning this
trade, The Big Dawg Trade, can help you become a Green Shirt
Trader or even a Black Shirt Trader.

The Benefits of the Big Dawg Trade

In this e-book, we will share the most effective intraday trade

setup we trade on our proprietary trading desk. This one simple
trade setup turned Big Dawg, an SMB Trader, into a seven-figure
trader. This. One. Trade.

The benefits of learning this trade are:

The Big Dawg Trade 6

1. You can build your career off this one trade
2. It’s a trading pattern that can be applied daily
3. Your Risk/Reward is exceptional (as much as 1x10)
4. This setup is scalable
5. Your drawdown is minimal
6. Leads to consistent trading
7. Simple to spot on charts
8. It’s one of the most underutilized trades in day trading
9. You can build filters to spot this setup
10. Traders can trade any type of stock, sector, or product with
this setup.
11. This is an “intraday swing trade”, so fast trading is not

There is a path to becoming a Consistently Profitable Trader

(CPT) and then to becoming a seven-figure trader. Exposure to
powerful and proven trade setups with an edge is essential to
achieving this level of success.

You need an edge to succeed as a trader. Most traders fail

because they lack an edge. They may think it’s due to their
psychology, but the reality is that 95% or more are taught
trading strategies without an edge, and by trading educators who
have never really been profitable. The setup you’re learning in
this eBook has a real-world, real-time edge that has been proven
over many years at our firm.

The Big Dawg Trade 7

Without the Big Dawg Trade

Without the Big Dawg Trade you will be:

 Trying to predict where stocks will trade

 Having big whipsaws in your PnL
 Unsure exactly what to look for
 Missing out on one of the best R/R trades for day trading
 Experiencing inconsistent results

In my second book, The PlayBook, I outlined how to develop your

trading business. You build a PlayBook. This PlayBook contains
trades with an edge that you trade best. The key for elite trading
is knowing exactly the trades to look for, for you, and sticking
with them. Even our top traders perform poorly when they
wander off into lesser trades for them.

With this trade you will know what to look for, be armed with a
trade with edge, and know how to trade it. Without it you will be
floundering along, confused what to be trading and whether you
do in fact have an edge in a trade.

Let’s take away all of that doubt for you.

The Profits Can Come Fast

I was preparing for a Keynote in Singapore and sat down and

created a presentation of The Big Dawg Trade for my lecture. Big
Dawg, one of our senior traders, had made near $60,000 directly
before drafting my lecture. In one stock. In one trade. Using this

The Big Dawg Trade 8

trade. So I created a presentation around this trade and relaxed,
and felt prepared for my lecture.

What could be more powerful to teach than a real trade made by

a real professional trader at a real Tier 1 prop firm with really
impressive profits?

And then two days later, with the same trade, he made.... nearly
$150,000. In one stock. In one trade. Using this trading pattern.
I proudly and happily tossed away my previous presentation and
crafted a new presentation for Singapore. This is one powerful
trade. And it is one trade that is scalable so you can keep pushing
for a larger PnL in the right setup.

Want to learn 3 of our firm’s top day trading

setups (step-by-step detail)?

Click Here to Attend our free trading workshop

The Big Dawg Trade 9

The Genesis of the Big Dawg Trade

Big Dawg was not from an elite college. He didn't have trading
experience before he was hired by SMB. We taught him this
trade, which we now call The Big Dawg trade. During weekends,
he used Excel to study this trade to give him confidence in this
trade. It was measuring well based on his study. He was exposed
to this trade, he experimented with it, he studied it, and then he
mastered it.

I remember vividly when Big Dawg started to break out as a

trader with this setup. At 11AM most mornings, I saunter over to
our training room in our Midtown trading offices and teach Trader
Development: a daily mentoring session. We focus on what
worked best during the morning session, which we commonly
refer to as “The Open”. What trades worked the best? What
prices offered the best risk/reward opportunity combined with
which trading setup? What were the most significant catalysts
that encapsulated the best trading opportunities? Big Dawg used
to sit in these sessions when he was a developing trader.

Imagine how amazing that is. A future star trader, sitting in our
training room, absorbing a setup, that he will one day master and
forever change his trading career. Heck forever change his life.

These sessions can become intense when I put traders on the

spot. Did you make this trade? Why? Why not? Where could you
have been bigger? Why did this trade work so well? What can you
do so you trade it bigger next time? These are all questions you

The Big Dawg Trade 10

might hear me fire at new and developing traders. This helps
them learn and improve. If you can’t handle the pressure of a
question from me in our training room, then how can you handle
the stress of an open trading position?

When Big Dawg was starting to break out, I would take a look his
PnL before a mentoring session, see that he was modestly
profitable, teach, then sit back into my trading station on the
trading floor and BOOM! Big Dawg’s PnL would explode. He had
massive size, was in the money, and was in a trade that was
working beautifully. He had this knack for huge profits, while not
taking much heat on the trade. This trade setup allows for this.
What I mean by that is that you don’t have to risk large losses to
make large gains. You don’t have to draw down greatly to make
large profits, that is, if you time the trade correctly.

This trade offers an unusually positive asymmetric risk/reward.

To put this in another way, you can make a ton of money and not
have to risk a ton of your money.

The Big Dawg Trade 11

The Big Dawg Trade

Okay, so how do we find this Big Dawg Trade? What are the
variables that make up this Big Dawg Trade?

From my seat, I tend to notice that underperforming traders lack

sufficient variables for their trades. This Big Dawg trade is so
powerful because it combines several variables that create or
constitute a complete trade. If you’re underperforming in your
trading, consider whether you’re putting together enough
variables to develop trading edge. Several variables does not
mean undue complexity. It simply means having the building
blocks for a true, reliable edge. The overall setup can remain
relatively simple to trade.

If you’re just using technical analysis, and underperforming,

adding more of the right (relevant) variables to your trading will
help. If you are just using fundamental analysis, and
underperforming, adding more of the right variables to your
trading will help. If you’re using both technicals and fundamentals
but still underperforming, adding more of the right variables to
your trading will help.

Let me offer an example from a seven-figure trader I mentor.

He’s an international trader. His favorite setup in these markets
are Breakout Trades. I noticed he was not using RVOL (explained
in detail later in this eBook) to determine whether to pass on a
Breakout Trade and to determine sizing. When this star trader
started adding RVOL to his decision-making it allowed him to pass
on lesser Breakout Trades that were not as likely to work and to

The Big Dawg Trade 12

size up in Breakout Trades with high RVOL and make more in his
best setups. Adding this relevant variable significantly improved
his trading results.

The Big Dawg Trade 13

The Big Dawg Trade Variables

 Stock In Play
 Holding above or below VWAP
 Elevated RVOL
 Technical Breakout on longer time frame
 Tight consolidation intraday
 Area where you can spot you are wrong
 New Catalyst: new product and growth stock
 Capture the meat of the move
 Get Big!

Let’s explain each of these variables to you.

Stock In Play

A Stock In Play is one that has a fresh news catalyst. The news is
unusual and unexpected to the market. Generally you can spot a
Stock In Play by searching for stocks that are up or down 3% or
more in the premarket, with elevated premarket volume.

Holding above or below VWAP

VWAP stands for volume weighted average price. VWAP is how

execution traders at large institutions and hedge funds are
measured. For our purposes, if, for example, a stock is holding
below VWAP consistently and the slope of VWAP is down, then
the stock may be independently weaker than the market. VWAP
is an indicator here telling us to lean short.

The Big Dawg Trade 14

Here is an example of this in TWTR:

Trade Management the Opening 15 Minutes

If a stock is holding consistently above VWAP and the slope of

VWAP is trending upwards, then we may conclude that the stock
is independently stronger than the market. VWAP is telling us
here to lean long.

Here is an example of that in SONO:

The Big Dawg Trade 15

We teach more on how to use VWAP for effective trading in our
free workshop (2 hours of intensive free education straight from
our trading desk).

Elevated RVOL

This compares current volume to normal volume for the same

time of day, and it’s displayed as a ratio. So, for example, a stock
trading 5 1/2 times its normal volume would have a Relative

The Big Dawg Trade 16

Volume display of 5.5, and that would be considered elevated

Now, how do we use relative volume? We use relative volume to

gauge how In Play a stock is. When I’m considering trading a
stock I glance at relative volume, RV, on my Level 2, as the
screen grab below demonstrates.

The Big Dawg Trade 17

If RVOL is less than 1, it is not In Play on this trading day and I’ll
likely decide not to trade it. If RVOL is above 2, it is In Play and
this is more evidence I ought to be in the name. When stocks are
very In Play you can see an RVOL of 5 and above. The higher the
RVOL the more In Play the stock is.

I also use RVOL for position sizing. If RVOL is <1 I may decide
not to take a large position in the name. If RVOL is >3 this may
give me more confidence to take a larger position, as more
reward and more liquidity should be present.

So for this Big Dawg Trade we want to see elevated RVOL to

place the trade.

Technical Breakout on a Longer Time Frame

We want to visit our longer term charts and look for stocks that
are breaking out on these longer time frames. This will bring
more buyers into the trade and buyers who are looking to hold.
Here’s an example of a longer term chart showing a Breakout:

The Big Dawg Trade 18

SFIX- Daily Chart

Tight Consolidation Intraday Pattern

Buys and sellers come tightly together and create what we call a
“wedge pattern”. Then someone wins. The buyers or sellers win.
This coming together of the sellers and buyers creates a rubber
band effect to spring the stock higher or lower in the direction of
its break. More on this in the trade example to come.

Area Where You Can Spot You Are Wrong

In this trade setup, we should easily be able to spot where we are

wrong if the stock fails. If the stock trades to this area, we are
wrong and we exit. Trading is a game of managing our risk, and
placing risk when we have an edge. It is not about being right. If

The Big Dawg Trade 19

you need to be right, get over that quickly or this will not be the
game for you.

News Catalyst

A new product, new client, a new area for growth in the company
materializing. These elements can drive a stock higher. What we
know today about the company is much more promising than
what we knew yesterday. This new news causes investors to
think differently about the prospects for the company and thus its

Here’s an example of a news catalyst in WMT with increasing

online sales up 50 percent.

Intraday Fundamentals/News Catalyst

 Average Volume 8.5m

 Average True Range: 1.32
 Float short: 3.2%
 WMT Reported Earnings this day:
o 1.00 v .97e EPS123.2B v 121,1B Revenue
o Guides next quarter up EPS and Revenue up
o Raises FY18 EPS 4.40 v 4.37
o Online sales up 50 percent at a time when this is
a key theme for investors

Often new and retail traders don't trade stocks with a true
catalyst. By a true catalyst, I mean an event that will cause
significant new buying or selling.

The Big Dawg Trade 20

The new trader and retail trader wonders: Why the heck is my
stock not moving like I thought it would? The answer may be
because the trader doesn’t have a true catalyst behind their
trade. This may also explain why a trader will often get stopped
out of positions. The Flash Boys (high frequency traders) prey on
trades in stocks without a true catalyst.

And then there are the bs technical trades that too many new and
retail traders make.

The 8ma crosses over the 21ma, which corresponds

with the Bollinger Bands under the shirt of the
MACD (is this a rapper?).

Have you ever backtested some of these technical trades? I will

save you some time. They will not test profitable. If your
technical trade is not a wow!, then it is a pass!

You can correct this.

When our new traders first go live they trade stocks with what we
call “changing fundamentals”. For example, news is announced
that will change the fundamentals for a company—and its stock.
This could be either unusually good news or bad news. The point
here is to remain aware of any news event that could change a
company’s fundamentals.

So the question for the new and retail trader is: Are you in stocks
with a true catalyst behind it?

The Big Dawg Trade 21

Is there new news that has changed the fundamentals about the

This will make your trading much easier and profitable.

Capture the Meat of the Move

You don’t have to capture every penny in a trade. In fact, Big

Dawg focused on capturing the meat of the move. The trade was
working and he found an area to get long and capture a piece of
the move with size. Seeing the trade working at a higher price
allows for more confidence to trade bigger, yet responsibly.

A commonality among the seven-figure traders that I mentor is

they wait to see it. They don’t try and catch tops and bottoms in
trades. They wait for the tape, the Level II, to confirm their trade
idea. If they wish to buy long they see strength on the tape. They
are observing other participants buying and propping up the stock
that is sympatico with their trade idea.

If all of this is sounding a bit too confusing to you, it’ll definitely

be more than worth your time to check out our free 2-hour online
trading workshop to learn how we trade more in a more in-depth

Get Big!

The best traders trade big when they have edge. And they know
when a trade has edge. Simply put, when Big Dawg sees his

The Big Dawg Trade 22

trade is working, he sizes the heck up. Go big or go home if
you’re not currently sizing up in your best trades.

Recently, one of my favorite traders on our desk was feeling

down about a trading slump. And this trader had taken losses
bigger than he ever had in the past, as he was trading larger. He
wanted to stop feeling so bad about these new losses. He wanted
to go back to trading smaller.

I listened.

When he was done, I looked him directly in the eyes and with
intensity challenged, “How come you don’t come into my office
and express such disappointment about not being bigger in a
setup that you have a measured edge in? How come you don’t
feel this bad leaving all that money on the table in your best
trades where you were not big enough? Because that’s what
you’re doing with your trading. You're leaving massive profits on
the table by not trading bigger in your best positions.”

I pressed him to keep trading with this increased size, and to be

more selective, and to get big when he sees it in his favorite

He got the point.

The Big Dawg Trade 23

Want to earn the chance to get funded with
large risk capital and trade our firm’s money
with no risk to you (all from your own home)?

Click Here to Attend our free trading workshop

The Big Dawg Trade 24

The Big Dawg Trade in Detail

Let’s dive deeper into an example of The Big Dawg Trade with a
trade he was in.

There was a perceived News Catalyst for this trade.

News Catalyst

 Company that is trying to find new and innovative ways to

use the ocean as a source of power
 On July 15th they deployed their PB3 PowerBuoy four miles
off the New Jersey coast. The Buoy is used to generate
electrical energy from the ocean wave power.
 The day prior to this, the stock had gone up almost four
points to the 2 o’clock hour, before it pulled back into the
close to about 2 points higher than where it opened.

As we can see, there is new technology so the company can

make more revenue than expected yesterday.

Bottom line: News Catalyst present

One thing we like to do on the desk is ask new traders to discuss

with others how they would attack the same trade. Here, one new
trader shares how he applied the Big Dawg Trade:

The Big Dawg Trade 25

New trader applying The Big Dawg Trade

 So considering all the checks are in my favor going into this

- Strong price movement off the open
- Consolidation pattern
- Consolidating above yesterday’s high
- The rest of the market supports the up move
- High RVOL
- Way above average volume on the day
- Uptrend in the premarket

 My strategy going into this trade would have been to buy

the long-consolidated wedge breakouts. There were many
long wedge patterns that formed over an extended period of
time that offered some very good and fairly obvious chances
to get in, which eventually led to a breakout.

 If this Stock had moved against me, I would look to make

sure that it is breaking and holding under the 10-dollar area.
At that point I would be sure to get out of my position and
look for a sign of which way it will move and when to get in
again, either short or long.

We talked before about wanting to find a stock that had broken

out of longer-term technical areas. In this case, 10 was that
longer-term technical resistance- a Double Top. If we cleared this
area, then we had a breakout technically of our longer-term
charts. You can see that 10 longer-term technical level in the
chart below.

The Big Dawg Trade 26

OPPT Double Top Breakout

The Big Dawg Trade 27

The Wedge Pattern

The wedge pattern is one of the most powerful intraday technical

patterns we teach. Here is what an intraday wedge pattern looks
like below:

Notice how the buyers and sellers come together and create this
wedge pattern. Buyers are long and sellers are short, and
someone is going to win or lose. And when someone starts to win
they will want to press their position and the losers will exit,
creating more momentum into the direction of the break.

The Big Dawg Trade 28

What is particularly powerful about the wedge that gets formed in
this trade is that it is holding right above the longer-term
breakout price of 10. In this example, we get a longer-term
technical pattern offering a buy signal and the intraday chart
pattern offering a buy signal. And then this is confirmed with the
breakout from the wedge patterns near 10 and then higher near

This is one of the most important technical patterns to study for

new and developing traders.

The Big Dawg Trade 29

Trade Management of The Big Dawg Trade

Below we share Trade Management for The Big Dawg Trade in a

recent setup.

We buy Tier 1 (a tier is a position size, depending on how big you

trade. If you trade 4000 shares max of a stock, each tier may be
500 shares, for example) as the stock is holding above our
longer-term level of 10, holding above VWAP, had a strong
opening drive right on the open with heavy volume, has elevated
RVOL, and has a news catalyst.

The Big Dawg Trade 30

We buy Tier 2 for the same reasons plus Time. It is holding above
VWAP for more time. Thus, we add more risk as the trade is
giving us more evidence that it could work.

We buy Tier 3 for the same reasons, plus Time and Price. The
stock is holding above VWAP for a longer period of time; thus we
add risk and because it is holding higher we add risk.

We buy Tier 4 and Tier 5 because the stock is breaking out of the
consolidation Wedge Pattern that it was in. This breakout of the
Wedge Pattern gives us more evidence that the trade will work.
So we add more risk. When the stock breaks out of consolidation,
we look carefully at whether more volume comes into the
breakout and to see if the stock spikes higher. This is what we
want to see. We want increasing volume to come into the market
and for the stock to spike higher away from the consolidation
pattern. As you can see, around 10:30AM, we do get increased
volume coming into this stock. This is another check in our favor
that we are right on the trade. And we get a really strong push
away from the wedge pattern. This is yet another check in our
favor that we are again right on the trade.

Next, we sell Tier 4 and Tier 5 into the strength. One thing that
pro traders do better than the average retail trader is sell into
strength and buy back into weakness. They make cash flow, while
also profiting from a core position. In this case, our trader makes
money selling into strength and then buying back at lower prices.
Taking profits into strength is a best practice I observe from
consistently profitable traders (CPTs). In fact, making this one

The Big Dawg Trade 31

adjustment, taking profits regularly, to your trading can turn
some losing traders into CPTs.

We buy back Tier 4 into the pull in as the stock continues to hold
above VWAP and stops going down into the pullback. When
buying a pullback (this is another trade taught by SMB) we
encourage traders to wait for the stock to stop going down, turn
back up, and then enter with more risk.

We buy back Tier 5 as the stock holds above VWAP and TIME and
PRICE. We discussed this above with our original entries. More
time has elapsed with the stock holding above VWAP and it is
holding higher. The stock is acting well and better than when we
added Tier 4. Thus, we want to put on more risk.

We buy Tier 6 and Tier 7 and Tier 8 when the stock busts out of
its Wedge Pattern again near 11:45 AM. We want to add more
risk because of price. The stock is breaking above an important
price intraday that signals the trade is more likely to work. When
more variables are in our favor, we add risk to our position. It
doesn't make sense to have the same risk on when the market is
giving us information that our trade is more likely to work. Thus,
we add risk and size.

Again, if we observe increased volume entering the market, it

confirms a breakout of the wedge pattern. If we look at the
charts above, increased volume does come into the stock at
around 11:45 AM—and then the stock moves away from the
wedge pattern. As we say on the desk, “it moves away from

The Big Dawg Trade 32

Tier 6 and Tier 7 and Tier 8 are momentum lots (short-term lots
to hold only while the stock is quickly climbing) as you notice
from the marked up chart above. We sell them into strength. We
sell them when the stock stops going up on a very short time
frame (one-minute chart).

So the next thing we do is sell our momentum tiers into strengths

and lock in profits. Next, we sell Tier 4 and Tier 5 into strength
seeing a parabolic move. These prices are now not supportable
based on price and time. Fifteen is an area that is 50 percent now
above the start of the move and a natural place for sellers to take
profits. Fifty percent above a breakout is a Reason2Sell in and of

We sell Tier 3 and Tier 2 and Tier 1 when the last consolidation
area can’t hold at 14.50. We want to get flat as the momentum to
the upside is now not holding. The stock held its consolidation
pattern at 10 and then at 11.50, but now couldn’t at 14.50. The
pattern has changed. So we want to take our risk off and

We are now flat our position. What a great trade!

Want to learn the simple high probability setup

we teach all of our new traders on the desk?
(this alone could make you a profitable trader)

Click Here to Attend our free trading workshop

The Big Dawg Trade 33

The power of critical feedback

We’ve been running SMB since 2005, and trained numerous

consistently profitable traders and seven-figure traders. Big Dawg
is one of the best. But he needed critical feedback. He needed
numerous sessions to help him see his trading edge. When you
trade as big as him, and if you’re trading setups without edge,
then they will likely lead to large losses. We say that you will take
large rips. You can learn from these rips by seeing what you
missed or what you did wrong. It’s important to understand what
you trade well, to know what your A+ trades are, and to
understand what is required for you as an elite trader to trade at
your best.

The Big Dawg Trade 34

I work with several seven-figure traders inside and outside of
SMB. They come from all over the world. A commonality in my
work with all of them is getting them to focus not just on what
they trade best (their setups), but also to know when they are
trading at their best and to develop a daily routine for them to
trade at their best. This is the study of both edge in setups and
edge in what makes them trade at their best.

If you’re a retail trader who trades completely alone and has no

critical feedback from a pro, sign-up for this free workshop to see
how you can get your trades analyzed by traders on our desk, to
give you feedback and help you improve.

The Big Dawg Trade 35

Lessons from Big Dawg

We love to study the best traders at SMB, so we can help teach

traders better. In studying Big Dawg and his Big Dawg trade, we

 You must know your A+ trades

 The Big Dawg trade is one of the most effective day trades
 You must be aggressive when you see it
 You must trade it big (relative to your account size), like Big
 Even the best need training, coaching, and mentoring

The Big Dawg Trade 36

Recap: The Big Dawg Trade

Let’s recap the variables of this powerful and effective trading

setup mastered by a seven-figure trader.

 Stock In Play
 Holding above VWAP
 Elevated RVOL
 Technical breakout on longer time frame
 Tight consolidation (wedge) intraday
 Area where you can spot you are wrong
 News Catalyst: new product and growth stock
 Capture the meat of the move
 Get Big!

How can you take what you learned in this eBook and make the
most from your learning? First, please attend our free 2 hour
workshop with four of the most powerful trade setups, and as a
bonus my step-by-step description of The Big Dawg Trade via a
trading video.

Here is your trading plan to master The Big Dawg Trade:

 Trade the Big Dawg Trade on demo for the next week
 Trade with size on the demo for the Big Dawg Trade so you
practice being a big trader
 Archive each day the best Big Dawg Trade from the trading
session (your PlayBook)
 Track your results
 When comfortable with the trade then...

The Big Dawg Trade 37

 Trade live with small size
 Bump size for Big Dawg Trade after every 10 sessions when
you are profitable

Keep working on your trading game. You just might become the
next Big Dawg!

There’s no better way to work on your trading

game than to attend our free online trading

Click Here to Attend our free trading workshop

The Big Dawg Trade 38

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